Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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5 A
Fontenelle Park Association
Soliciting Memberships and
Contributions for Annual-
. ' City-Wide Celebration.
Officers of the Fontenelle Park
Celebration association, which will
hold a city-wide celebration on Mon
day, July 5, announce that the only
contribution made by the city gov
ernment toward the project is the
music and they explain that it is
necessary for their organization to
raise money through memberships
and contributions. '
,' They asserted that the celebration
will cost $4,000, nearly half of which
will be spent for fireworks.
Association Incorporates.
; The association has been incorpo
rated and the officers are: S. L.
Laird, president; W. J. Norman,
first vice president; Wade Gorman,
financial secretary; C. U. Mendel,
recording secretary; H. C Timme,
treasurer; R. P. Flesner, sergeant-at-arms.
' The finance committee has mailed
1.000 letters to business men ex
plaining the scope and objects of the
association and asking for contribu
tions. The forthcoming celebration
will be the seventh annual Fourth
of July event held under the auspices
of the organization, which started
from a neighborhood affair and
grew to a vcity-wide proposition.
Many thousands witnessed the even
ing fireworks in Fontenelle park last
July Fourth.
McCullough Principal Speaker.
John N. Baldwin will deliver the
address at t flag raising ceremony,
' which will be held at noon in Fon
tenelle park on July 5, and Col. T.
W. McCullough will be the principal
speaker. Several others have been
invited to give addresses.
An interesting program qf corn
competitive sports is being arranged
for boys, girlsmen and women.
Ten Commandments of
Good Health Observed
By Jap Medic Students
. Paris,, June 19. Health and hap
piness may . be had by following 10
', simple rules, according to the Japa
nese students at the French Faculty
'of Medicine They are:
1. Be out in the open air as much
as possible. ' .
2. Eat meat once a day. s
A 3. Take ' i hot-water bath each
-'day. . '
K 4. Wear clothes of" eoarse weave.'
1 5. Stay in bed at least six but
pft inore than seven .hours. ,The
bedroom should be darkened, and
s w indows' wide open.
'6.' Rest one day 'a week. - .
7.' Avoid "cxtrcines-whether in
; - lesion or intellec'tijal work. ;'"
6 ; 8. Marry.: v ! . .- ' ;
9. Refrain from overwork. '
10. ' i" Don't talk too much. .
Franklin Young People Seek
To Retain Parish Priest
' Franklin, Neb., June 19. (Spe
cial.) the younger members of the
Riverton, Bloomington and Napbnee
parishes of the Catholic church gave
a I complimentary banquet to Rev.
Father Hennesy, (their1 resident
priest, at the Franklin Lincoln hotel.
There were 71 plates laid and a
splendid four-cource meal served by
the management. Phillipp Cahlll
was toastmaster "and several re
sponded with interesting talks, to
whih Rev. Hennessy fittingly and
interestingly replied. It had been
reported that their priest was to be
removed to another parish and this
banquet was held as evidence of
high, esteem for the work done and
au effort is also being made to perr
suade the bishop to return Rev.
, Hennessy to this parish. ;
v West Point Race Meeting
To Be Held Third Week In July
West Point, k'eb., June ,19. Spe
cial.) The West Point Speed asso
ciation have decided to hold the
West Point race meet the third week
in July. Officers were elected as
follows: W. T. S. Neligh, presi
dent; Dr. G. J. Collins, vice presi
dent; Dr. D. J. Tighe, secretary, and
Herman Koch, treasurer. A great
many horsemen from this and other
states expect to bring a large string
of horses to the Nebraska circuit.
As usual there wijl be three harness
races and a running race each day
of the meet. The program will be
v well balanced, with p&s and trots
alternating. The purses for the har
ness races-will be $250 and added
money, while the purse for the run
ning race will be $100 and added
Merrick County Wins Suit to
Have Highway Straightened
;'. Central City, Neb., June 19.
(Special.) Dr. H. E. Clatfelter re
teived word from his attorney that
the supreme court has instructed the
district court to issue an injunction
against the Union Pacific and the
I farmers who have fenced in and are
( using the portion of Merrick county
i road running parallel to the Hall
county line. Litigation over the
road has been pending in the courts
for.'a period of eight years. The
throwing open of this road will pro
vide a straight thoroughfare .across
the county parallel to the railroad. ,
1 1 i-
Holt County Farmers Are
Opposed to Big Tax Increase
' O'Neill, Neb.. June 19. (Spe
cial.) Farmers from practically
every township in Holt county were
- before the county board of sttper
- visors this week to protest against
the increasing of land values for
assessment purposes 160 per .cent.
Th kn.rH aftrr hnrinar nrnfpsts will
reduce the increase to below a 100
per cent base and pass the puck on
to the state board of equalization.
Special Luncheon, IJo-Paxton
fiAtel. Main Cnf. Mtir.
fc P i m: Li
ijcupy vaiuiuy mgiu
Will Be Celebrated by
- Ak-Sar-Ben.Monday
Tomorrow will be "Sarpy county
night" at the "Ak-Sar-Ben den.
Ernest Ruff and Hehry Sccord of
Gretna, Thomas Dooley of Papil
lion and Roy Harberg of Spring
field will be in command of big dele
gations which will come from the
Sarpy county towns and surrounding
country to be initiated into the mvs
tories of Ak-Sar-Ben and to see the
for next
THe Finishing Touches to a Home
Beautiful Floor Lamp With Shad
$29.75 Very similar to the lamp
Illustrated; the silk shade la 24
inch size and in old rose.
Mahogany Spinet Desk and Chair
$87.50 A most beautiful set, and
of excellent quality. .
Brown .Mahogany Davenport
Tables, $295 and better.
Windsor Rockers In 'Mahogany
$16.75, $18.50. $19.75. -
::: i Gunn Sectional Bookcases
We have in stock a complete , line of these famous
bookcases in mahogany and oak finishes. Buy a com
plete case or a single section to add to your present case.
'Here you will find the style you wish. ' -
Splendid 7-Piece Suite for tf
There is a quiet dignity about the old Queen Anne masterpieces that
EE i gives an unmlst&eable stamp of refinement to the dining room. This
EE ia especially true of the set illustrated; patterned from ancient Queen
EE Anne originals, 'finished in Walnut, and made for years of satisfactory
EE service. ' " '
-The Table Through and through
solid walnut; 48-inch top and six
fet extension,
Arm Chair, at...
See Our Six-Piece Fumed Oak Suite
EE Suite consists of massive buffet,
extension table and four chairs; a
as most wonderful
EE value, at t
B0WCM3 ?
grtat show, "Sky-Low."
The show is betting better with
every) performance even than it was
a first.
Gus Renze, the great artificer, is
on a flying trip to Chicago and is
expected back today.
The membership last night was
reported to have reached the unpreT
ccoented figure of 3,910, vith .more
clamoring to get in.
. Raise Teachers Pay
Central City, Neb., June 19 (Spe
cial.) The Central City school
board has granted an approximate
raise of 40 per cent to their teachers
Here a ; littler-there &
little. v
A beautiful JFloor Lamp
a Spinet Desk and Chair
these add the finishing
touch that makes a perfect
Distinctive homes are
not necessarily the most
expensive, but the adding,
piece by piece, of really
good furniture creates at
last the home you are
proud to own.
We specialize in furni
ture that is good, in prices
designed by master crafts
man, for just such aioine
as yours. v
Martha Washington Sewing
Cabinets, $11.50.
Mahogany Telephone Sets, $6.50,
875, $10 and better. .
Mahogany 8moking Stands and
Humidors, $12.50 to $35.
Fumed Oak Library Tables,1
$12.75, $15, $17.50 and better.
Solid Oak Keekers, $6.50, $8.75,
$11, $13.50 and better.
. Fume and Golden Oak Writing
Desks, $14.75 to $32.60.
The Chairs Similar to the illustra
tion and very handsome in design.
Genuine, Bine Leather seats
2tf?.;..' $11:75
Colonial Oak Buffet Rich golden
finish, and solid la 10 f CA
construction, at.... P3Hr.0U
Massive Oak Buffet Large size
and ample drawer
space, ,
Child's Bed in White
Enamel, $U.85
These Simmons beds are in every
way up to the standard of quality.
They are regular six and fitted
with springs and sliding sides.
A complete display of( Simmons
beds always found upon our
sales floors.. '
Aluminum, Sauce Pans ... . .35c
6-Quart Aluminum Kettles $1.45
Cedar Mops With Bottle of Oil,
at .... 65c
O'Neill Catholic Academy
Graduates 41 Students
O'Neill. Neb.. June 19. (Spe
cial.) Forty-one students were
graduated yat the twentieth com
mencement exercises of St. Marys
academy here, one of the largest
Catholic boarding' schools in the
state. Joe Stecher and his brother,
Antone, were among, tho visitors
from abroad to witness the cere
monies, their sister,- Miss Anna
Stecher of Dodge, being among the
graduates. Seventeen of the grad
uates were of the senior class and
received diplomas admitting them to
any college or University, in, the
United States. Twenty-four were
graduates of the eighth grade. Rev.
W. J. Cor'noy of Creighton univer
sity, Omaha, delivered the com
mencement address. The graduates
represented 18 .towns and four
Johnson and Jilden Are
Winners of Doubles Title
London, June 19. Johnston ana
Tilden won the doubles champion-
iship in the London law" tennis
tournament today
Norris Williams of
C. S. Garland of
straight sets in the
was 6-3, 6-4.
of Emdkor
POSITIVELY meaning that you can buy furniture,
liave it sent out and set up in your home, look at it
and take y;our time to decide if it is exactly what you
want. IF, for any reason, it proves in the least unsatis-'
factory, you can return it and get'other goods or your ,
money back. ' " '
TAKING into consideration the "Guaranteed Qual
ity" of our merchandise and our " Value-Giving'
Prices," you will find trading at Bowen's to endure a
satisfaction that is deep and lasting.
These Thrift, Values Enable You
To Buy Well and Save Wisely
In Our Drapery Department
, Stupendous Values In Lace, Curtains
F6r Monday's selling we offer 2,000 pairs of Irish xPokit Curtains in
cream, and white colors. The entire assortment has been divided into three
lots, and 'priced as follows '
Lot I. Bowen's Value-Giv. do apj Lot II. Bowen's Value-Giv- fcC C
ing Price, pair., PJ0 ing Price, pair, J0iD
Lot III. Bowen's Value-Giving An ah
Price, pair, pOet7D
Curtain Nets and Scrims
New patterns (jf Curtain Nets and Scrims in cream an4 white colors.
Most wonderful ' fifi l 6C M Cft
values, yard at vJCj IOC) L9tO) $l.ijU
Grass Rugs of Excellent Quality
A large assortment of patterns and colors in all sizes, and suitable for
any room in the home. , v
912 Ft. Bowen's Value- dQ QC 1:7 Ft. Bowen's Value- rr qc
giving Price, J)0t0 giving Price Pod
8x10 Ft. Bowen's Value- n 3x 6 Ft. Bowen's Value- (f)
giving Price, P3e O giving Price PlO
-x 9 Ft. Bowen's Value- ig 27x54 Ft. Bowen's Value- o
giving Price, PetO Giving Price, jOU
18x36 In. Bowen's Value-Giv- a p
ing' Price HOC
Floor Covering Remnants
Kemnants and discontinued patterns of Felt Base floor coverings and
printed Linoleums; enough for small rooms.
Felt Bate Goods, Remnant CQ
price, yard dC
These porch
shades give per
fect satisfaction;
easy to . hang,
protected with
wind guards.
Give plenty
air andMighi ; in
brown and green
"i ill
Wind Saf
Trad Mark
Mode Under Patentllcenee
West Point American Legion
Gets Rifles for Ceremonies
West Point, Neb., June 19. (Spe
cial. )-The American Legion, Ar
thur Maclc post. No. 70, has received
10 army rifles with blank ammunition
for ceremonial purposes from state
headquarters. The recent drive for
new members has been very suc
cessful. Ferdinand Remm received
the $10 prize for obtaining the most
members. The legion intended to
take charge of the usual Fourth of
July celebration at West Point, but
owing to the disordered condition of
the streets, due to paving work, the
by defeating v.
Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh in
finals. The score
Printed Linoleums, Remnant
price, yard,
5 ftx7 ft. in.
6 ft.x7 ft. 6 in.
7 .x7 ft. in.
8 ft.x7 ft. 6 in.
10 ft. 7 ft. 6 in.
12 ft.x7 ft. 6 In.
. r
attempt was postponed for another
West Point Paving May '
Be Laid Ahead of Schedule
West Point, Neb.. June 19. (Spe
cial.) Paving operations at West
Point are progressing very favor
ably. The prevailing scarcity of
labor which jias impeded progress
for some time, has been remedied by
the importation of extra men, and
it is hoped to complete the work in
much less time than was anticipated
in the beginning. District No. 1 is
now being constructed and will cover
nearly a mile of the principal busi
ness streets.
A Splendid Period
Exclusiveness in design, ex
cellence in workmanship, and
extreme care in the matching of
grains such is a brief descrip
tion of this bedroom suite in
richly finished Brown Ma
hogany. The Dresser This is a very at
tractive dresser in rich mahog
any finish and William and
Mary Period. Large mirror and
ample drawer space. Value-
SB. $64.75
Dressing N Table Fitted with
triplicate mirrors of French
' Plate and crystal clearness.
Ghiffonier--A piece of good
quality and conveniently ar
ranged. Value- tl!S CO
Giving Price. JOHre55U
The Bed A pleasing design,
full size arid well made. Value-
Price ....
The Eocker A neat, simple de
sign; wood seat. Value-Giving
. Price,
flt a aj.
Ivory Enamel Dressing, Table
Ivory Enamel Chest of Drawers
Ivory Enamel Chiffonier with Mirror
William and Mary Dresser in Ivory Enamel
Walnut Finish Wood Bed
Napoleon Bed in Solid Oak
Napoleon Bed in, Walnut Finish
Mahogany Bed in William and Mary
Solid Oak Chest of Drawers
Massive Colonial Dresser in Oak i .
Mahogany Dressing Table, Triplicate Mirrors
William and Mary Dresser in Mahogany
Mahogany Chest of Drawers .'
Large Mahogany DresBer
The above described pieces are all discontinued patterns, and we have
only one of each kind. 5
They are priced remarkably low, giving you an opportunity to match
them in suites at real savings. E5
Cane and Mahogany Li ving Room Suite H
By choosing from Boweu a stocks you will be assured that the 2
design and quality are to your liking, and the " value "the greatest. j
Three-Pieee Suits In Mulberry Ve
lour Suite consisting of 'divan,
cbair and rocker, Jy 50
Tapestry Overstuffed Davenports
Large size' and luxuriously up
. holster ed; removable and spring
filled cushions, spring arms and
and back,
Comfortable Swings for the Kiddies i
These swings are exceptionally
well made, bolted construction and
neatly painted. Like the picture,
there are two single seats. Buy one
while our stocks are complete. Bow
en's Value-Giving J0
Price ipO. f O
Lawn Swing
Same construction as the chud't
stee, except that the seats an
larger. Buy now, gQ
Guaranteed Carpet Sweepers
at ,...$1.95
Guaranteed Electric Irons, $2.95
Substantial Tabourettes 65c
Start West Point Canvass
For Funds for Midland College
West Point, Neb., June 19. (Spe
cie!.) Dr. S. H. Yenan, assisted by
Rev. W. F. Rangeler. D. D., the
local pastor of the English Lutheran
church, resumed his canvass for
funds to aid Midland xollege at Fre
mont. Last summer the local can
vass was begun by Prof. .Tilberg of
that college, who obtained the sum
of nearly $9,00Q from the citizens.
Pulntorn Take Notice A special
meetimr will be held at 10 a m. at
"the Labor Temple: very Important
business on; yflu are urged to come.
S C. Jackson, Recording Secre
tary. action I
Bedroom Suite g
.$51.50 '
Cane Back Divan in Blue Veldur
A neat design and well made, beau
tifully finished in CM 7 CA
brown mahogany. . PT aOU
Brown Mahogany Chairs And Reck
ers Cane backs and spring seats,
estry, each . . ....... $29.50
Tbree-Piece Mahogany Parlor Suite
Seats and backs to all three
pieces upholstered in fine dJC
tapestry V f O
Birr Tf
aowirt V
2y mmrwtA.