Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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h OTDCAMnri run
o ur lchu
Blood Drops Show Detective
founded at Least One of
Prowlers Who Sought
To Kill Him.
Holding a Husband
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
Revelations of a Wife
No trace has been found of the
hiding place of the" two robbers who
are believed to have been shot Thurs
day night by Lloyd W. Longnecker,
private detective, 4428 South Twelfth
street v
Longnecker says he is confident
he wounded the men when he saw
them attempting to enter his home.
1 He was sleeping on the front
porch of his home when he heard
the robbers in his home. Seizing: a
.45 caliber revolver, he crawled on
his hands and knees to the .front
door. He saw two faces silhouetted
against the screen. He shot six
times at the men. Longnecker said
he heard one man fall, get up and
stagger toward a rear door.
Steps of both robbers were traced
to an alley by blood drops. ,
Detective Longnecker informed
police that he knows both men. He
said they are attempting to take his
life because of, his connection in a
recent lawsuit when he obtained evi
dence against them.
Mrs. Arthur Haning, mother of
Mrs. Longnecker, 4438 South
Twelfth street, was awakened by the
first .shot fired by Mr. Longnecker,
she said. Hastening to the Long-
Vker home, she- saw a young man
fall with a thud and moan, she
Another man dashed from the side
of th? house and carried the wounded
victim to a waiting automobile, Mrs.
Haning said.
Mrs. Hanirig told of threats she
heard that two men would kidnap
the two Lonecker children, Geof
frey, 3 years old, and Jeanne, 5 years
old. ;
City Council Approves Report
On Appraisal of Gas Plant
The city council yesterday ap
proved the findings of the court of
condemnation on the appraisement
of thegas plant at $4,500,000, on ex
tras, accruing since the appraisal
made June 1, 1918.
The extras include extensions ana
improvements since June 1, 1918,
amounting to $158,263.40
The city still owes the gas com
pany $1,803.12 for gas furnished the
street lamps. '
Mayor Smith, the city clerk an
the city comptroller have completed
their task of signing 5,000 bonds of
$1,999 each. VV. G. Ure, head of the"
department of finance and accounts,
and W. C Lambert, corporation
counsel, will leave for New York on
June 27 with the bonds to "urn them
over to the purchasing company.
Wedding Performed to Meet
open it now?" I
Happened When the Little
Trunk Wat Opened.
, For a long moment I stqod mo
tionless watching my father's tense
figure clasping the little trunk in
his arms, his face bent toward it.
Then I went up to him aeainid
put my own hands over his asth
new it.
"Shall we
He started and trembled, almost
as would a child who had been
struck. ' Then, as if bringing himself
back by a mighty effort from some
distant place where his soul had
wandered, he put the little 'trunk
down upon the table and turned to
me. with a resumption.; of the poise
which had completely deserted him
at his first sight , of the fhemory.
hauntcd thing.
"I must crave your, pardon, 'dear,"
he said with the dignity which al
ways invests him. "I completely f
lost control of myself for a moment
or two. I had the feeling almost as
it as if"
His voice trailed off into, silence.
Over his face crept again the rapt
look I had seen when he first took
the trunk into his arms. I . spoke
again, as much to. still my own
nerves, quivering with the percep
tion of the elusive uncanny emotion
which was swaying him, as to recaU
him to consciousness. '
The Top Layer.
"I I know, father," 1 said softly.
He brought his eyes back to my
face, let them rest there.,.
- "Do you feel it too?" His
voice was a whisper.
I brought myself back to sanity
with a jerk. I didn't know to what
lengths this obsession of my father's
might carry him, and felt the neces
sity of injecting a touch of com
monplace into the situation,
"No," I prevaricated, with almost
a curt air. "Where ,is the key. for
this?" I asked the question of my
self, then answered it as quickly.
"Oh, yes, I remember now.'1'
I went to my desk, and from a
drawer took a small keyring) hold
ing only the kays of the trangs which
I don t need to open often, rjom
it I selected an old brass key and
put it into my father's oustretched
hand. His fingers trembled, per
ceptibly as he took it, and ijt was
with a reverent air that he inserted
it in the lock, turned it and threw
the top of the little trunk back.
I knew, of course, what would
meet our eyes nackagej and pack
ages of letters, closely tied together
so as to occupy the -least possible
space. There were other things in
the bottom of the trunk, mementoes
of my mother more precious than let
ters, the inlaid lock box whrch had
been my grandmother's, and whicn,
with its contents, I meant to show
my father when we shoHld come to
it, but the packages of letters com
posed the entire, top layer. , .
They were the letters my father and
mother had written each other in the
days before their marriage and in
their marital life.
turning of fate's wheel had brought
them back to the husband who. had
caused that tragedy, when the wife
who had been its innocent victim
had long beet dust.
I had never read them. I had
never even untied the knots which
my little mother's frail hands had
fashioned in the strings which held
them together. In the old days be
fore my father came back into my
life I had hated him so savagely
that I could not bear to look at them.
And since I had 'learned to' for
give him and to love him I had felt
sOmeway that they were not for my
eyes" until after my father had had
an opportunity to read' thenvpver
and select the ones he wished to give
My father put out his hands and
picked one of the bundlej up rever;
cntly. .
' "These cannot be " he . began
then sharply, "May I untie them?"
Everything in here is yours,
father, dear, to do with as you like,"
I. returned.
He took off the strings, separated
the letter and stared at the
chirography of the address Then
he spoke wonderlngly: T
"And she kept them through it
alll" K. '
(Continued Monday.)
Salesman Discredits Charge
That Officer'Assaulted Him
Police Commissionekiflgrt stated
yesterday that he received from J. R.
Lemme. salestnan for the, Co-opera-live
Workers of America, a letter in
which the writer discredits a com
plaint that he was addressed in abu
sive terms by Harry Buford, negro
policeman attached to the South Side
police station. .
According to a letter received
by Mr. Ringer from Jti. J. Pinkett,
attorney, Buford was charged with
questioning Lemme at Tvfenty-
fourth street and Patrick avenue in
a manner unbecoming an officer.
In his letter to the police com
missioner Lemme expressed, friend-
amp iur uuioru.
Girl Writers Better Than
, Boys, Teacher Declares
Girls outrank boys in penman
ship, according to J. A. Savage, su
pervisor of penmanship in the Oma
ha public schools. The following
25 pupils are ranked as leaders in
the penmanship classes of the city:
Franc Bll, Clifton Hill: Augintln
Lombard, Lincoln; Opal Stansbury. Clifton
Hill; Emll Zech. Lincoln; Kdward Kolar.
Lincoln; Dorrla Pink. Hawthorne; Ireno
Curry, Miller park; Phyllia Lehmer, Vin
ton; Elizabeth, lturko, Monmouth park;
Hertha Winter, CSarfleld; Mildred Paly,
Garfield; Frank Groacheck, Hawthorne,
Charlotte Buttler. Farnam: Waltnrttt
Peals, Lake; Lola Uoerne, Clifton Hill;
Helen Wllke. Lonit; Mildred Johnson,
Long; lone Brown. Lake; Olive Willlama,
Walnut Hill; lien Klutiky. Franklin; Alice
Pycha, Lincoln; Jeanette Brown, Colum
bian; Laura Perkins, Miller park; Mar
(merits Bauamlck, Mason; Bessie Smith,
Brief City News
age Troup's court yes-
oletit Trial Boffins Trial of
Charles I'roletkt for aiding the de
linquency of 15-year-old Mary Mals,
3S25 South Thirty-third street, began
m District Jud
Burgltir Is SouunioeU A term of
from one to sevin years In the peni
tentiary was the sentence given Na
poleon Franklin yesterday in district
court for breaking Into the D. & M.
clothing store, 1312 Farnam street.
Slimmer Student Class Durjrig,
the summer va'cntion of teachers and
30,000 pupils of the Omaha public
schools, an accelerated class of p.u
pils wilt be held for six weeks In
Yates school, beginning next Mon
ti ay. ,
Plans for Vow Bridge Speclflca-.
tfons and plans for the new proposed
Missouri riven bridge will tie dis
cussed between officials of the Har
rington, Howard & Nnsh Bridge com
pany of Kansas City and Maybr
Smith- upon tho arrival of the com
pany representatives tn Omaha.
BrliikniAit 1 Credit Head Mem
bers of the Omaha Association of
Credit elected C. 1 Brtnkman,
United States National .bank official,
prestdent of the association at a
meeting held Thursday night. J. F.
Cunningham, Kugene Atkins and
John T. Besten also were elected Of
ficers of the association.
Omaha Leads Kansas City ,
1 Building by Big Margin
Omaha building permits exceeded
those of Kansas City by $1,100,000
during the last five months, accordr
ing to data compiled by Arthur M
Thomas, publicity director' of the
Chamber of Commerce.
The ciy building department is
sues permits for buildings to the
amount of $8,685,645 during the hst
five months, as against $7,179,105
issued in Kansas City.
Lee G. Lowry, President
Of Electric Comjiany, Dead
Following an illness of short du
ration, Lee G. Lowry, 43 years old,
2216 South , Thirty-second street,
died at a hospital early yesterday
morning. k He had been operated
upon for appendicitis, v He was the
president of the American Electric
company and a golf .enthusiast. v
Besides his widow. tv children
Robert and Florence, and his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J
Lowry, " 116 South Thirty-fiftr
street, survive.
the early years of
nu,.. u. J .1 .ft..
, ... i vv iiy my minuet iiau aci mem anci
Grandmother S Dying WSn the tragedy that ended happiness for
-r ner i never couia iamom. i iear
tnai i snouia nave ,ournea every
scrap of writing, everything whioh
brought back to, memory jhe thing
that had happened. t ., ':
But kept them she had, and the
the idol n
of Granai
d con-
a morro- Thursday nieht
Miss Angeline Hughes Snyder, ,18
years old, 3333 Larimore avenge,
to Vance C Wilson, 20 years old,
3024 Ames avenue, at the bedside
"o-i the bride's grandmother, Mrs.
John Seifert, 65 years eld. was the
fulfillment of the cherished" wish of
the aged woman.
Today. Mrs. Seifert is lying be
tween life and death.
The - wedding, planned fof next
October, was performed at the ur
gent request of Mrs. Seifert Justice
of the Peace Collins read the cere
The. bride was
stant companion
, Presbyterian Minister Is Fined
In Police Court tor speeding
Motorcycle officers who arrested
1 R E. jVnkenson, a Presbyterian
minister,, for speeding early Friday
morning, testified in. police court
yesterday that two girls were riding
in the iront seat of the automobile
with him. , I.. .
The minister was fined $25 and
costs. A small black poodle at the
end of a chain accompanied the
minister into court.
One hundred and yventy-three
other violators of the frafiic ordi
. nances of the city were finsd. Fines
agairtst them ranged from to
$25 eacji. - '- ' V .
High Prices of Materials
Delay Crejghton Law School
Construction of the proposed
Kreishton law schol on the uni
versity campus. Twrntv-fifth and
California streets, has bexn delayed,
owing to exorbitant prices of la
bor and material, contractors an
nounced. The new building will
not be ready ior occuum.r
fall, though excavation already has'
TV,. KnArl ner will he tnree siurics.
ample space to 'be provided for an
immense law library.
Pupils and Teachers Enter
Upon Their Summer Vacation.
Public schools have oeen closed
for the summer and 30,000 childrt
and 1,000 teachers will have, a rest
.from school rooms until the first
week in September. ' .,
A school for accelerated pupils
will be maintained for six weeks in
the Yates pchool, beginning next
; Monday, and summer schools will
be held in Druid Hill, Webster and
Vinton schools for pupils who wish
lo make up studies in which they
wer backward.
Comfort Baby's Skin
With Cuticura Soap
And Fragrant Talcum
!Mn fcutraMriM.Mipi ,mi
- i v lrx.r "x
i . ,
LyrJla E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Surely Re
moves Suffering and Pain.
. .' Here is Proof. , '.
L- J
St Paul, Neb. "I suffered with
tieriodical pain for about four years so
- .t -AT t ,
u i was unaoie
to do my work at
times. A friend
Hold me about
LydiaE. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound and I
took it. It soon
stopped all my
sunernig bo that
I am now (feeling
fine in every way.
I recommend your
medicine - to my
friends who have similar troubles.
You may publish this letter for tho
benefit of other wmen" Mrs. Will
Thomas, St Paul, Neb.
lydia EPinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful
drugs,, and today holds tbe record
of being the most successful remedy
for female ills we know of, and thou
sands of voluntary testimonials on file
in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., seem to prove this fact
For forty years ft has been the
standard resiedy for female ills, and
has restored the health of thousands
of women who now sro free from
suffering by its use. '
25 par cent to 40 per cent more
mileage; greatly increased power
elimination of carbon.
Lovejoy-Hayward 'Co.,
Farnam Si at 28th
Money tack without autaOe
if HUNT'S SaWe fall? la th
iraimaii 01 1 ivh. ECZEMA.
otbtrltchlnt tkfti dlwma, Try
TS am aos at riah.
Sherman A McConaall Drag Co.
. Store Hour 8:
9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
For Youry Convenience '
we have made arrangements
with the United States Aerial
. Service to give the public the
benefit of the
Aerial Mail
Delivery I
Those who wish t6 send
letters to Chicago and New
York or intermediate sta
tions, can take advantage of
the service by bringing let
fers' to Substation No. 1 in
.our store to be stamped
without additional charges
. other than the regular post
age rate. Our postal sta-
'tion' employes will mark and
forward your mail to the '
aerial station in time for the,
daily departure, providing it
is received by us prior to
t 11 :00 a, m. -
: Store Hours:
9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Three &jecial Values in
Underwear for
Saturday's Selling ' ,
Womens Vests, 50c
Women's vests, fine cotton and
lisle, low neck and sleeveless
pink or white, Kayser and Riche
lieu make, beadipg or bodice tops;
. special S0. ' g
. Vomen8 Union Suits
: - r$r.oo . ' ,,.
Women's fine quality- cotton,
union suits, low neck and sleeve
less, band .headings and bodice
tops, with shell or cuff knee, also
envelope or closed crotch.
Children's Union Suits
. V :
Children's union suits, low neck
and sleeveless, cuff knee, band
tops, in drop sealf made tip in a
fine, quality of white cotton; 2 to
16, years.
Women's Lisle Hose
Women's fine cotton and mer
cerized lisle hose,' full seamless,
neat fitting; come in black, white,
brown and most all colors; very
suitable for bathing hose.
Main Floor.
Extraordinary Offering of Women's aridMissesl Spring Apparel
Am n r f ft r i v . T '
rrices naaicaiiy Keauced
' Women's
and Misses'
' 2
In styles decidedly out of the common the
,most distinguished in the new fashions ar6 pre
sented in this sale. .
Afternoon Frocks Street Dresses
Fashioned of taffeta, satin, flowered 'Georgette j
ana tncotines.
A specially assembled group
irocks, all have been selected irom our resrulai
lines. vThat individuality which is sought before! women 01 fashion is discernible in all of the
models. . v.'. V ' .
::m.- faT iaaV : '.TaTvm.B V .aTal. J I ' A igi.
. r J-irsA. '.,'.!
Sheer Summer Frocks
$10. 95 arid up
These are the kind of frocks you need every day in summertime in youf home,
on the veranda and for the little social affairs of . summer afternoon's. The styles
are varied and charming. All are of a quality and style for which you would ex
pect to pay a higher price. "
' Second Fcor.
Emphasizing the Fashionable Desirability of All
Our Women's and Misses'
Saturday Our Entire
Stock of
White Shoes
Are Placed in Two Groups,
Our entire stock of Fhite Jcid
skin and canvas shoes-at just
prices, $7.85 and $4.85. They",
include white kid, button shoes ';
With welt soles and covered.
heel,1 also lace in turn and welt
soles with miliary or French,
heels, white Eva cloth, Reign
skin ana S.ea Island canvas in
all styles, light turn or welt
soles, Cuban covered or French
heels. - - ' .
White Liquid Dressing y 9c
Special Prices For "
Saturday on
Summer Candies
'Chocolate nut fudge, very spe
cial, 42c lb. '
Iced caramels, very delicious,
very special, 47c lb.
Delicious rut mollies, very spe
cial, 40c lb.' V,
. Strawberry sticks," very crisp,
very special, 59c lb. (,
Jumbo Salted Peanuts, very spe-
cial, 39c lb. '
Nougat filled caramels, vary spe
cial, 59c lb. . f -
25 6f on all box. candy,
Sweets, Grueghagen's, Woodard's,
Johnson's and QUifornia glazed
. fruit. ; ' ;
," , Main Poor. ' '
. -v- .
Extreme Values
Pure Silk Hose
We have taken out of our regu
lar hosiery stock all the odd and
discontinued numbers of women's
'pure silk hose, some in all silk and
lisle tops, full fashioned, full reg
ular made foot; in the- lot are
black, white, browns, beaver, navy
taupe, etc.
Children's Half Sox, 45c
Quick Clearance We Place on Sale
for One Day Only Saturday
100 Outdoor
at $1,98
PedCars Army Trucks
v - Rival Cars and Speedo Cars
Some slightly shopworn, but in good condition
for a (juick cleanup, less than factory 'cost-
Saturday; $1.98.
. n
af "Toy D'apl , iffmMf X
AliGLCil Fourth F.cor WfflGS '
. ' '' i
No Exchanges
No C. 0. D.'s
No Credits
F Mirth Floor
s ,ana ouus
'At Greatly Reduced Prices
.Women will admire the freshness ofHhe styles and the nov
elty oi the materials of the coats. "
Suits are ultra smart arid fashioned of ' '
"-"' '
Tricot ine Tricolette Satin
Taffeta Faille Checks '
and -Wool Jersey-
All are admirably adapted for dress, travel, outincr. countrv
club and all purpose wear. , M
Stout suits, 40h to 50 bust. ' . ' . ' '!
VBcond Floor "
Store Your Furs Our
, ? Cold Storage Vaults
Full protection against loss by moth, fire and thMt .
- , Call Douglali 2100 and our auto will call forarticJes you wish stored.
Second Floor.
Drugs, Toilet Articles and Soap
Specially Priced for Saturday .
Hughes No.
Hair Brushes.
Tooth Brushes, hand
drawn bristles. Special, 9c
Waltz Dream Talcum,
special, 14c.
Jergen's Benzoin and Almon
Lotion for? tan and sunburn, 24c.
Toilet Articles
Ideal ;
Mavis Face Powder,
shades.. Very special, 42c. '
' Steven's Depilatory removes
superfluous hair. Very special,
If II I 1 U .--- f
Roses Rouge, im
handmade. Very
Ashes of
ported and
, special, 47c. . .
Piver's Floramaze
Toilet Water. Very
i La May Face Powder,
shades. Very special, 49c
Djer Kiss
Compact Face
Powder, a 1 1
shades. . Very
spec Lai,' 42c. ,
. Odorono for
excessive . per
spiration. Very
special,' 23c.
"Wa Rarve
Pebeco Tooth Paste.
Very special, 35c.
Wool Powder
Special, 17c.
Silk face sponges. Very
special, 9c.
Drugs .
Listerine,- medium
size. Very special 35c
Milk of Magnesia.
Very special, 27e.
Hinkle-Pills. Very
special, 15e.
Lapactic Pills. Very
special, 39c.
Pierce's. Pellets.
Vert special, 22c ; '
Lj-sol, . large size.
Very special, 83c. '
Sal Hepatica, large size. Very
special, vae.
Right to Limit Quantttiaa Main Floor
, Spanish Castile soap, M price.
10e bar.
Hind's 'Honey and Almond
loap, price, 5c bar.
Rose Glycerine and Lilac Rose
soap, v Special, 7c bar.
7c bar.
soap. Very special,
Amami Henna Shampoo pow-
der.A Special, 11c.
We Reserve the Right to Limit
Photo Department
Photo mounts at special
prices, black, grey or white,
at hi price while they last.
Brownie Cameras, $3.33 to
Art Corners, all colors and
styjes, loo for 10c.
Expert printing and devel
oping. - V
24-haur service.
' 'a J!
,rt .
1 1
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.