THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 19,- 1920. ft 'i CATHOLICS OF OMAHA PREPARE ' FOR ARCHBISHOP Australian - Prelate Will Be Giyen Enthusiastic Recep-, ': tion . by Thousands .; : Here Next Week. Tentative plans for the reception of Most Rev. Daniel J. Mannix, archbishop of the see of Melbourne, Australia, next Tuesday, have been arranged by Omaha Catholics to in clude a public reception at Creigh ton university. Francis P. Matthews went to Denver yesterday to confer, with, tjij archbishop and his party and to con clude the final details of the program which will be observed in Omaha. Rev. James Ahernc and Rev. jt. v., McCarthy will meet the archbiop? train between Omaha and )cyyer and while here the distinguished vis itor will be the guest of Father -Ahei;ne at the rectory of St. Agnes church, South Side. Father Aherne was a classmate of the archbishop in the seminary of Maynooth college ft, Dublin, of which institution Dr. vMannix later became president and which office he held when he was made archbishop. ' Omaha Catholics state, that the' re cent incident which brought the archbishop's name before the United States immigration authorities in an undesirable manner, has since been explained. They assert that on the alleged occasion when- the archbisn op failed to stand,' the band was playing ''America," and not "The Star Spangled . Banner." When a messag? of welcome was flashed to the archbishop by wireless from San Francisco as he was crossing the Pacific his jenlv by radiogram win. "Thanks for hospitality. 1 eagerly wait my first opportunity of saluting the American flag. on American soil." Archbishop Mannix has a world wide reputation as a statesman. He lias been prominently identified in many political struggles in Australia. He is a champion of the-working-man and a fearless and uncomprom ising advocate of the right of free speech. sIIe is noted as a lecturer and for th startling swift manner in which he transcribes his thoughts into spoken words and for the fairness and fearlessness with which he dis cusses any question. The local committee arranging for the archbishop's visit states that he will be greeted at the station by thousands of the city's best Irish American citizens and that the visi tor will receive as- enthusiastic re ception as was accorded DeValera. Caroline Leffang Files Cross '- Petition in Suit for Divorce . . ' - Caroline J.- Leflang yesterday "fifed a cross-petition in district court in answer to a petitiou for di vorce filed by her husband, Arthur C. Leflang, March 12, in which she asks separate maintenance, ." March ' ' 2. . Mrs. Leflang was f ranted $750 for suit money and 750 fpr attorney's fees. In her cross petition, she alleges extreme cruelty during the last year and a half, and professes willingness to give specific -instances if the court so dasift She alleges her husband has to tally disregarded their 15-year-old son, Chester, who is a student in high' school. , The Leflangs were married in Lexington, Mo., in 1900. They have lived in Omaha about six months. Arthur Leflang is the son of E. M. S. Lfcflang, Omaha capitalist. Mrs. Leflang now lives at Hotel Fon-tenelle. COLBY PROBABLY PERMANENT HEAD OF CONVENTION Secretary of State Regarded By Democratic Leaders as Most Likely Choice For Chairman. Washington, June 18. (By The Associated Press.) Bainbridge Col by, secretary of state, is regarded by most democratic leaders in Wash ington as the most likely Choice for permanent chairman of the demo cratic national committee at ,Sany Francisco. Mr. Colby was elected a delegate to the convention from the District of Columbia, last week, heading an administration ticket in opposition to that put in the field by the Bryan Democratic club. Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas, and Chairman Cummings of the democratic national commit tee, who is to be temporary chair man of the convention, also have been mentioned in connection with the permanent chairmanship. Mr. Cummings' friends say; however, that he does not desire the place. Senator Carter Glass, of Virginia,, who drew the platform adopted by the Virginia democratic convention, and since endorsed by President Wilson, has been definitely decided upon as thechairman of the commit-i tee on resolutions. The league of.; nations plank, of the platform to be adopted at ' San - Francisco is ex pected to follow v closely that in the Virginia platform. . , , 'i Coolidge Tells Dry Boosters -He Is Against Alcohol Boston, June 18. Governor Cool idge's stand on the alcohol content of beverages was sent today to Vir gil C. Hinshaw, chairman c f the pro hibition national committee. The governor's ; secretary, Henry F, Long, acknowledged receipt of the telegram and enclosed a copy of Governor Coolidge's veto of the bill which would legalize the sale of 2.75 per cent beer in Massachusetts had rthe United States supreme court handed down a favorable decision Tierodudcf Experience THE comfort of its roominess and upholstery ; the convenience of its equipment and open-car features; the perfection of its lines and finish these are only external signs of the thorough mechanical perfection that has been bujlt into the Chevrolet "FB 30" Coupe. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. OF NEBRASKA RETAIL STORE 221S FARNAM ST. OMAHA CktVroUt "FB JO Coupe, llMS.'.o.J. Flint, MieK Here's the whole story- GAMEILS'iiever let up in the genuine pleasure they supply smokers! That's because their quality is extra ordinary and because they are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos Camels never tire' your taste no matter how liberally you smoke, and never leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleasant cigar eity. odor. 7 N : " Every puff of Camels1 is a thrill of. pleasure because their flavor is so refresh ing so unusual! Every puff convinces . you more and more how greatly yon pre fer Camels blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight. It's a -fact you'll prove out for yourself that never have you smoked a cigarette so satisfying, so enjoy able, so always appetizing as Camels! i 1 : ' v .' - 1 Camels popularity in every, corner, bush and burg in the nation is the most convincing proof that they are made to meet your 'taste! For your own real satisfaction, compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Camelt are old averywherg in cintiAclly tealed packages of 20 cigarattea for 20 eenfa; yr Jan packages (200 eigarattaa) la glteaine' paper-covared carton. We atrongly recommend thia cartoh for the home or offlc aupply or when yon traret '. R.J.RijtToUccoCo. WiMttm-SJoiN.C. All S. E. COn. 16th & JACKSON 3TS. Waists, ill jrrttTTTT' 1 1 ii i 1H HmTTTTI 11111 1-3 off I If you have been plan ning' on one or two pretty waists for your summer wardrobe, come in Satur day and make your selec tions. - A, Reduction of One-lhird from the original price tickets will be made on all waists for ONE day. New Frocks Cool, Crisp and Appealing . for Every Summer Occasion So dainty, so appealingly piquant in their refreshing simplicity and true refinement, these late arrivals in smart summer dresses will ap peal to the' most critical. -They are colored or gandies, voiles, ginghams, crepes, etc., at $745 . $895 $1Q5q Lovely Skirts in Styles the Summer Cirl Wants Words cannot do justice to their chic style and. individuality you must see them. The collection includes Georgette, Dew Kist, Baro net, Satin, Kumsi-Ku'msa and other materials $O95$1050$12 50 up Save on Hosiery Fiber Silk Hosiery 1(1 grey, white, blue, champagne and black, regular $1.00 AG. quality, per pair. . Silk' Hosiery In , gray and white, the $1.25 qual- Q ity, a pair ...... 30 Off Any Silk or.: Wool Dress, Suit "or Coat i If you are planning a va cation trip this liberal reduc tion brings a very substantial reduction. Charge accounts invited. 1 r The waists are mid season styles, many only recently received, and are perfect examples of fine needlework. Georgette and Crepe de Chine are the materials in all the fashionable shades at ONE-THIRD OFF. Geraniums. 1 These are large, fine, bushy plants in assorted color blooms, suitable for your flower beds, porch boxes and hanging baskets. -ft Special Purchase Sale - Porch Swings pSElT MM A special purchase makes it possible to secure a GOOD Porch Swing Saturday for jess than you would ordinarily pay at the end of the season. Swings are bolted throughout and stained to withstand outdoor weather. , ' First Public .Exhibition af Actuelle mi 25 UP After years of experimenting in the Pathe Fhonograph Lab oratories, the dream of all music lovers the luxury of sitting at home and hearing the living, breathing voice of a sing er or the life-like notes of some noted artist's- musical instru mentis at last possible of realization. PalKeW. eek Gift Coupon If you clip out this coupon' and hxing to the Phonograph Department Saturday, you will receive a useful souvenir FREE of charge. No purchase is necessary. A Beautiful Path Phonograph Given Away Nest Friday Evening. It i . i - V ?..'.. J. f. -wAj: 4. . .1. - Hi III I 1