Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JukE 19. ' 192t,
F loell, but It It tht handl. which fit
A thought U ftea riglnal though you hv ulttrW
" "
' Society -
University Co-Eds Here j I1"!1
iq miena xiouse
Party. -
C House parties are once more in
vogue with the coming of the sum
mer months. Miss Mildred WejattSn,
who has just been graduated from
Northwestern university has return
ed home and fdui1 of hTr sorority
sisters, members of Kappa Kappa
Gamma, will arrive Monday to spend
week with fter. They are Misses
uet given at the Hotel Loyal
e alumnae association.
The graduates are Misses Marie
Mover. Ellen Kalth. Gertrude Jos.
Gladys Wra Irene Hines, Elsie
iiampie, n.smer incisoii, nenrieii.i
McClintock and Nella McCoy.
Harriett Mogg of Indianapolis, Ind.,
Gladys Thompson of Rockford, 111.;
Frances Emerson of Evantston, III.,
and Mary Bruner of Kokomo, Ind.
' 'They will 'Be honor guests at' a
picnic Monday evening given by
their hostess. An infortnaf tea. will
be given Tuesday afternoon in their
lion,r and they will be entertained
at a dancing party at the Athletic
club roof garden, Tuesday evening,
by Miss Weston. Oa Wednesday
evening they will attend the dinner
dance at the Country club and
Thursday Miss Weston will be host
' ess at a luncheon at her home for
" The crouD leaves Friday for Sioux
City to be the week-end guests of
m r ' 1 V 1 If . - " i
mm Howard wan n. a sisicr ui
Miss Weston. A picnic supper Fri
day evening, ,a luncheon Saturday,
and a dinner dance at the Boat club
Saturday evening are the affairs
planned for them while there. They
return to Omaha Sunday.
Monday evening Miss Weston and
her guests will leave for "Mackinaw.
Mich., to attend the convention pf
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority
there. .They will go by -boat from
Detroit to Mackinaw.
The marria'ge of Miss Marie Ake
son and Emil E. Sandberg took place
Wednesday evening at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. P. Akeson,
Rev. Jacobsen officiating.
The attendants were Miss Mildred
Wallen and Paul Akeson, brother of
the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandberg will be at
home at 128 Kingsland avenue, Elm
hurst, Long Island, after June 20.
: r
Mrs. Anna O'Connor announces
the marriage of her daughter, Viola
Peggy, and 'William Morrison,
which took place Wednesday atxSt.
Mary Magdalenes church. Rev. B.
Sinne performed the ceremony. '
tyiss Lillian O'Connpr and Dallas
Mendenhal were the only attend
ants. - Mr. and- Mrs. Morrison have
gone to Kansas City "and will be at
home'after July 1 at '4030 Nicholas
street. 1 "
. v ' , Wilson-Hughes.
The marriage of Miss Angeline
Hughes to Vance Seymour Wilson
jr., son ofMc. and 'Mrs. Vance Sey
mour Wilsouf sr., took place Thurs-
, ' .T . .1 C il '
uay evening ai mic uumc ui iuc
bride's mother, Mrs. Albert Klotz.
Justice George S. Collins performed
the ceremony.
Miss Hfelen Cunningham-attended
the bride. George Poth, cousin of
the groom, was best man.
TJhe young couple will spend their
honeymoon with the groom's grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wilson,
at Phillipsburg, Kan. After July 1
they will be at home at 3333 Lari
more street. .
' ' Smith-Singles. '
Mrs. Elizabeth Singles announces
Katherine Elizabeth, to Russell
Beard Smith,-which took place in
Fremont May 29. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith will reside in Oma.ha.
. " Informal Affairs.
' Miss Margaretha Grimmel enter
tained informally at bridge Friday in
honor of "Mrs. Donald Baxter of
Dayton, O.
Mrs. George Engler entertained at
luncheon Thursday, in honor of
Mrs. Baxter and Miss Carita
O'Brien. Those present were; Mes
dames Richard Payne, Donald Bax
ter; .R. H. Sturtevant of Kansas
City and Misses Eleanor Slabaugh
and CaTita O'Brien.
Mrs. W. F. Baxter will entertain at
dinner for 10 guests at the Country
club, Saturday.
- Attend Convention
Mrs. E. Rv Zabriskie and Miss
Henrietta Rees leave Sunday for
Oberlin, O., to attend the national
convention of the American Gild of
Organists as delegates of the Ne
braska chapter. Miss Rees will stop
on Chicago on her return.
. . .
Mrs. J. W. Arnold entertained in
formally at luncheon Thursday at
her home. Covers were laid for Mes
dames J. P. Curtis, J. P. Seymour,
W. W. Long, Wayne Halbrbok and
N. Weisman.
Happy Hoilow.
Among those entertaining at din"
ner at tjie Happy Hollow ciub Sat-J
urcay win ne: cnariotir jenny,
who will have 36 guests; C. L. Matt
son, 4; W. M. Benton,' 8; A. Ray
mond, 10; George Johnson, 4; C.
H. Barrett, 10; T. J. Hansen, 8, and
Dr. W. H. Wherry, 15
Licensed to Wed.
MissClare E. Baldwin of Ontaha
and Leroy F. Denning ol Milwau
kee, have been licensed to wed in
Chicago, according to word received
'Lakoma Club.
Among those who will entertain
at the dinner-dance at the Lakoma
club Saturday 'are: Carl Swanson,
who will have ,30 guests; Henry Ny-
gaard, 16, and I. Cramer, 8.-
There will be a house warming
at the cottage of E. H. Dalbey Sat
urady night for all the cottagers who
are at the Lakoma club.
Among the cottagers wVo are at
the club are: E. H. Dalbe". H. B.
Sobotker, Julius Lyon, James Allan,
II. H. Roberts and A. Radzuweit.
League Chairman
High 'School Girls . Give
Style Show and Boys
Act as Judges.
v .
Before their high 'school brothers
as judges, high school girls in Chi
cago recently gave a style show in
which they acted as thertown mod
els. The dresses and suits worn
were extremely sensible and modest
and if representative of the trend of
high school thought,' show the
school girls of today aj more
sensible than they have been given
credit for. The style show was
given by the members of the Chi
cago Friendship clubs, the Y. W. C.
A- high school girls' organizations.
elected chairman of the newly or
ganized Nebraska League of Women
Voters at the closing session of the
convention at the Blackston hotel
Tuesday evening, i MrsrE. S. Rood
of Omaha was 'elected vice chair
man; Miss May Guild of Lincoln,
secretary and Mrs. E. B. Penny
of rullerton, treasurer.
The above picture of. Mrs. Dietrich
was taken by our staff photographer
after her election.
Miss Charlotte Van Duzor, of the
Red Cross National headquarters in
Washington, has trained her Tfish
terries to carry messages between
the departments about the building.
Mrs. Myrtle Moran .of Allen, S.
D., has returned home after a-visit
with Mrs. A. Moran. She was ac
companied by Miss Dolores Moran,
who will retrain in Allen for the
Mfs. George Stoltenberg of Hia
watha, Kan., has been visiting
friends in Omaha.
Mrs. Ed.. JohnsfT returned Thurs
day from 'O'Neill, 'Neb., where she
has been visiting her sisters, Misses
Agnes and Frances Tierney, who are
attending school there.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mayher an
nounce the birth of a son, John
Richard, at the Swedish Mission hos
pital, June 16. Mrs. Mayher was
formerly Mis Helen Peck of Coun
cil Bluffs. i I
Mrs. riiekin Shirley .and four
sons have returned from Berkeley,
Cal., where they have been for the
last year. 1 hey are now with Mrs.
Alex Gunther.
New York City, Philadelphia and
Washington D. C, returning to
Omaha in September
Mrs. W. P. Haney and .young
son, William, Jr., returned Wednes
day from a. three weeks' eastern
trip. ,
Dr. P. T. Barber left Thursday
evening for Portland, Ore., where
he 'will attend the Shriners' conven-
Ttion. v
Miss Lois Robbins returned
Thursday 4norning from the east,
where she hifs been for several
weeks. While in the cast she at
tended the alumnae meeting of
Smith college. -She left Thursday
Mrs. Charles Dietrich of HastingsVJ atternoon tor camp crete, wner
former nrrsirlent nf the Vehraska tehe Will remain a week as swim .SiiffmFe-a!snriatinn. wa thing instructor. MISS Robbms Will
leave for Camp Holhday June 29.
She will be accompanied by Misses
Gertrude Pollard, Ann Young,
Eleanor Brown, Eleanor Baxter,
Alice Stern. Polly and Dean Rob-
Kin a
Miss Virginia Pixley leaves
ciay tor tIncago, wnere sne will at
tend the honse party of Miss Eliza
beth Ehvood.
Mrs. Edward Wolverton left
Thursday to visit her mother, Mrs.
Emma Geisler in JJixon, 111. Mr.
Wolverton- and daughter, Emma,
will join" her thefle in several weeks
and thew Will make an extended tour
of the eaV, including Niagara Falls,
Captain and Mrs. C. F. Jobsotf
leave Saturday to spend & week in
Chicago where they will attend the
marriage of Captain Jobson's sister,
Dotothy, ' and Lieutenant Harry
Ccnover, on June 23. Miss Mar
jorie, Jobson, another sister, who has
been visiting here, went to Chicago
with them. Captain and Mrs. Job
son return to Omaha next Saturday.
Mrs. W. E. Hills is at the
Nicholas Senn hospital convalescing
from a recent operation.
Mrs. Robert Forgan leaves Fri
day to return to her home :n New
York. She has been visi::ng her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cong-don.
Stephen A. Douglas of New. York,
formerly of Omaha, will arrive Mon
day to visit his parents, Mr. ana
Mrs. Iaac Douglas.
Misses Ruth and Gertrude . Kins
ler. and Margery Barrett returned
Thursday from a motor trip to Chi
cago and South Bend, where they
attended 'the commencement exer
cises at St. Marys, Notre Dame.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Fee announce
the birth of a daughter, born Tues
day at the Stewart Maternity hos
pital. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. -Francis an
nounce the birth of (a son on Wed
nesday at the Stewart Maternity
hospital. v
In the very latest way of appear
ing as much like &n . old-fashioned
portrait as possible, a charming
corsage of prim buttercups adorns
the waistline.
To Have Cury, Wavy
Hair "Like Natures Own
In three hours you can have iut the
Fri- I .prettiest curls and waves! And they re-
mavn a long rime, wnen unuia iiuncnnc
iJ used before doine ud the hair. When
the hair is combed out it will be nice and
fluffy. Silmerine- is perfectly harmless
of course, and is easily apsiied with i
clean tooth brush. It can be obtained at
drug stores and at toilet counters generally,
directions accompanying each bottle. It
serves also as a splendid dressing, keeping
the hair soft and glossy.
Silmerine is fine for the outdoor girl, as
It prevents the hair from, stringing about
the face and neck, even when the day is
quite warm or windy.
I M ill
Y; 14
I - IK
The Joy Of A W
Perfect Skin
Know -the joy and
happiness that comes
to one thru possessing
a skin of purity and
beauty. The soft, dis
tinguished appearance it
Tenders brings out your
natural beauty to its full'
est. In use over 70Aers.
Class Affair.
The graduating class of Castelar
school went to the Union depot
Wednesday evening to say goodby
to their former teacher, Miss Rah
mey, who left that evening for Cali-
ornia. Grouped around her they
sang the class song and presented
Miss Rahmey with a beautiful bou
quet of roses. The pupils then went
. to the home of Creston Mullins, a
member of the graduating class,
where they spent the evening.
i Dancing Party. N
'??. Franklin Shotwell will enterv
tain at an informal dancing party at
(the Field club Friday everting in
honor f her daughter, Margaret.
( , Field Club, y '
1 Artjong those entertaining at din
ner at the Field club Saturday will
be:" C. J. Baird, who will have 40
v-jruests;' Harvey Milltken, 10; A. H.
Clark, 4; W. H. Sinclair, 4: T. W.
Allen.5. and EI C. Hartley, 4 V
. : .
T 1
'.- v i-uncncBn ior wiss. . i
Mrs. A. P. Condon-entertained a
luncheon at her home Wednesday'.
' inlionor of the graduating class, -c-f
( the Nicholas SenrT hospital. Wed
nesday evening they attended a
a m .
IB '
Get this
Free Book
that guides v you
to the' cabinets
whleh make your
house a
Cultured home
"Edison and Music' givts
the chief characteristics ot the
most important period furniture
styles. It tells how Mr. Edison
came to make' every New
Edison a Period cabinet. It illus
trates the 17 beautiful designs,
Just stop in for your copy, and
ask about -the Budget Plan of
"7U Pkmtnth .7A( W
Among the 17 Edison Period phono
Tiphs, you'll find cibineti with the
bome-loving ideab of England's tra
dhional culture;
cabinets with the elegance ar
France's most hixurious days;
-cabinets with the esthetic refine
ment of Italy's inspired furniture art
all adapted direct from the original
historic masterpieces br Mr. Ediaon'l
ill fuH of the culture and ffleasmg
jiu want your home to ciftcav
, Rouse'r
Phonpgraph -
1916 Fa'rnam Street
Omaha, Nebraska.
"FOlow THE
It is now the season when it is natural to expect a number of little inconveniences
from the-effects of the sun, "wind, insects or poisonous vines,, and it is an absolute
necessity to be prepared to either prevent or cure these little ailments. You'll find
everything you want at Beaton's in summer remedies and toilet goods.
Phqne your wants we deliver FREE to all parts of Omaha.
Phone Douglas 81, 82, 83 and 84. .
40c Castoria 27tt
60c Lavoris 46
60c Danderine .44
50c Benzoin and Almond
Lotion 39
60c Cocoanut Oil Emulsion
Shampoo 39
60c Beaton's Brilliantine.39
65c Beaton's Freckle Cream
at ...T 50
25c Mennen's Tar Shampooing
Cream : 17
25c Old Gibraltar Opal Sham
poo at 1 . . .17
Palmet's Violet Talcum. .16
35c Nicholas Bed Bug Powder
at .-...25
35c Glass Jar Trailing Arbutus
Talcum Powder ..... 19
35c Glass Jar Corylopsis Tal-
- cum Powder 19
$1.25 Lyko ....$1.15
I 50c Chlorax Tooth Paste. 29
35c R. C. White Kid Cleanser
at 25
35c Mosquito Talcum . . . .25
35c Allen's Foot Ease . .,.24
Quality the highest priced
-lowest by comparison.
Virginia Dare
A drink of
quality for all
hospitable oc
casions. It's a
real wine.
I Millions
Quart bottles. . .$1.00
Soulr Stomach
Mi-O-Na Putt the Stomach in
Fine Shape in Five Minute
If your stomach ia continually
kicking up a disturbance; if you
feel . bloated and distressed; if you
belch gas and sour food Into the
mouth, then you need Mi-O-Na
Stomach Tablets.
Mi-O-Na stomach tablets Rive
instant relief, of course, but they
de more; they stop the poisonous
erases. They top excess fermenta
tion of food and thoroughly clean,
renovate and strengthen the stom
ach so that it can readily digest
food without artificial aid.
Mi-O-Na stomach tablets are
guaranteed to end indigestion,
acute or chronic, or money back.
This means that nervousness, dii
ziness and biliousness should dis
appear. We sell Mi-O-Na foe 60
cents a large box. j
Beauty Secret
Lifts out lines
Draws out blackheads
Reduces enlarged pores
Bleaches the skin
Corrects sallow skin
6bc Canthrox . , . . . . . .45
S1.00 Phelactine 83
50c Non Spi 39 J
1.1U O. C. O . .QOC
60c Walnutta .49
15c Sternq peat .. . . .10
50c Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets
at , ; 39
' 30c Norwich Milk of Magnesia
at 21
60c Milk Emulsion 49
80c Pompeian Cream at. .59
25c Lysol 19
'50c Orazin Tooth Taste. .34
25c Bandoline, light . or dark,
at ...19
25c lb. Peroxide Hydrogen
at "... 10
1 lb. Epsom Salts ..10
1 lb. Powdered Borax. . . .15
60c Danderine. .45
-30c Mentholatum 17
$3-75 Horlick's Malted Milk y
. at S2.98
1 $1.25 Pyros Antiseptic ..98
60c Sal Hepatica ...... .48
50c Eatonic 34
$1.25 Hay's Hair Health 79
35c Freezohe ....27
25c Phenalax Wafer . . .19
50c Stationery, in fancy boxes,
per box 29
$1.00 Listerine 79
60c Resinol Ointment . . . .46
Ladina, each ' 8
Box of 50 S3.50
Knowledge Cigars, each . . . 5
Box of 50 ...82.50
20c Pear's Unscented ...12
30c Shah of Persia Soap. .21
25c Palmer's Lotion Soap 16
15c Velvetone Soap . . . .10
30c Resinol Soap 20
25c' Woodbury Facial Soap
at ..18
15c Palm Olive Soap 8
40c Palm Olive Shaving Cream"
at v; 26
50c Shavaid ..' 42
Film Developed Free When
Print Are Ordered
We do our own developing.
Give us a trial and you will
fie convinced of the superior
ity of our work.
Let us make you an en
largement from your favor
ite negative.
' Guaranteed for a Year
$2.25 2-qt. Velvet Combination
Water Bottle and Fountain
Syringe ,....81.38
$1.50 2-qt. Radiant Fountain
Syringes, red rubber. .89
The rv&QnjimBmmamBtZr
l -y Boat
v tea ntjEinn
Leonard's Ear Oil
"Rubbed in Back of Ears"
and inserted in the nostrils,
it will give relief to catarrh
al deafness and stop head
noises hundreds have been
benefited, by using this pen
etrating, soothing oil.
Price $1.00
Have You Realised That, You
Can Relieve
Poison Ivy or any Poisoned Skin, no
matter how long you have suffered.
RuBon will cure your skin. If your
skin is rough RuBon will make it
healthy and smooth. RuBon is a skin
naturalizer. It will antisept, cleanse
and heal by removing all poisonous
substances". It will make your skin
natural. You have enjoyed the use of
that veryflne rouge, powder, paint or
soap that poisoned your skin. Now
you -want to look and feel natural.
A few drops of RuBon will do it. If
is worth 60 times the price to you.
You never found a cure for psoriasis.
RuBon will clean your skin of every
spot and make as pretty and pink as
when born. You may be skeptical,
but you can -at and drink what you ,
please if you use RuBon; it will cure
your skin.
Itching Piles No. 3 RuBon and a
BO-cent jar of RuBon Ointment will
do wonders.
' Tell your friends about RuBon.
Beaton Drug Company
" v 15th and Farnam 'Streets
Mail Orders Receive Our Jdmt Careful Attention k
Washing Silks
Repeated trials have proved that
most silks, even those of the most
delicate coloring, can be better reno
vated by careful washing than by
the dry-cleaning method. More
over, this method of procedure is far
mere economical, and the garments
do not need to be cleaned nearly so
The cleansing water should be
softened by the use of a good soap
(5owder and the garment left to soak
in the warm suds. If very delicate
in color and thin, jo as to require a
little stiffness, it may be washed in
potato water as follows:
For every quart of water pare and
grate on the nutmeg grater one
large potato; put this into cold
water and let it stand for two days
without disturbing, then carefully
pour off the clear liquid and wash
the silk gently. Do not crease by
wringing, but hang out in the shade
when quite wet. When nearly ry
lay flat on the table and wipe first
one side, then the other, with a clean
dry cloth. If ironing is absolutely
necessary, fold it between blankets
and press with a'moderate.iron.
it- ' '
The French v government will
grant medals to all mothers with
large families. v Five children will
entitle a mother to a bronze medal;
eight to a silver medal and 10 a gold
medal, which will be called the
mcchil of the French family.
V - Women's Shop
1621 Farnam Street s
of all
High Grade Suits
Suits worth up to $150.00
One Group of Fifteen Coats
Worth to $29.50 10 Ofl
To close at once at - - - P "ivv
Other High-Grade Tailored Coats
One-Half Off
Summer Dresses f
A recent shipment o Summer Dresses Voiles, Ginghams and Organ
dies, floral designs and pastel tints in youthful models j
at $16.50, $18.50, $25 and up
Camisoles V K
Special at.. . . V
Everwear Hosiery
Special at $2, $2.50, $3
Yes, They Are Here--
All the Latest Records
for Your Phonograph
If you cannot come
in mail us your orders.
They shall receive
prompt attention.
Baby Mine and Mammy's Song (Lucy Gates) ... .$1.00
Boston Commandary March and Colonel Bogey's
March Columbia Band) 1-00
A-290S WhenMy Baby Smiles at Me and Rose of Wash
ington Square (Tedd Lewis Jazz Band) $1.00
A-2905 Swanee (Columbia Dance Orchestra) and Mystery
(Sung by Jack Kaufman) $1-00
A-2910 Who Wants a Baby and The Crocodile (Columbia
Saxophone Sextette) $-W
A-2899 Hold me and Dance Vith Me Again (Hickman's
l Orchestra) .$1.00
A-2906 Oriental 'Stars and Bound -in Morocco (Prince's
V , Orchestra) .$1.00
A-6148 Left All Alon Again Blues and Alexandra (Yerkes
Jazzarimba Orchestra) . $1.25
AC6147 Delilah (Columbia Orch.) and inf Shadow Land
1 (Prince's Orchestra) 11-25
A-2898 That Wonderful Kid from Madrid (AI Jolson) and .
I'll See You in C-U-B-A (Jack Kaufman) $1.00
A-2914 -Hiawatha's Melody of Love (Lewis) and Under
neath the Southern Skies (James) $1.00
Have You
Heard the
Latest Hitr
in OKey
4092-r-Rose of Washington Square and Songs of Omar $1-00
4091 You're a Million Miles from Nowhere and When the
. Harvest Moon Is Shining
4090 Venetian Moon and Oh, By Jingo $1-00
4089 Alexandria and MSke That Trombone Laugh. ... ..$1.00
4083 Old-Fashioned Garden and Venetian Moon $1.00
4082 All I Want Is You and When My Baby Smiles $1.00
4087 Afghanistan and Buddha. . v. $1-00
v ,
Schmo Iter & Mueller
Piano Co.
So. 15th St.
Says Tennessee Lady, and Wilt
Just Go Suffering, She Says,
When Cajxtoi Is Right -
v at Hand.
.. .
Caryville, Tenn. Hoping her ex
perience hiay benefit otherp who
suffer from disorders common,
among women, Mrs. Charles Rams, ;
of this (Campbell) eounty, says: "I
had womanly trouble till I couldn't
rest, couldn't sleep, and was ner
vous a'nd suffered a great deal of
pain in my head, limbs and back.
I would get tt the place where I
couldn't move without a great effort,
"Fp years I had known of tar
dui, and it is strange how a wornan
will just go on suffering when the
best remedy in thewor!d is right at"
hand but we doj
"But finally the pairf was worsei
my suffering so great I knew I must
do something. A friend mentioned
Cardui and we sent for it. One bot
tle helped me. 1
"I took a course of .Cardui, re
gained my strength, built myself "
up and felt like a new woman.
"Can I recommend Cardui? Yes,
and gladly, for" it is a God-send to
suffering women. I hope when they
suffer wifh troubles common to
women they don't wait, but get this
sure remedy at once."
Any druggist can supply Cardui
promptly. Call on yours today.
for the acid-distressed
stomach try two or three
after meals, dissolved
on the tongue keep
your stomach sweet
try KI-moM the new
aid to digestion. '
v 1-T
Bee Want Ads Qring Reanlti.
-... ..-'-.. -l. .v..-..v
K.- A;