Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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I - . '
The Bee's Household
Arts Department
Walnut Spice fakes.
t tableapoona lard. '
1 cop -
' I KK.
I cup hot, water. ,
I teaapoon eoda. , v
1 cups flour.
Vt teaspoon cinnamon. V '
U teaapoon nutmeg. ,'
H teaspoon ginger. , -
A tea.poon aalt.
fip ralalna.
1 cup walnut meats. ' . '
Melt lard, add molasses and- egg
well beaten. Add hot water mixed
with soda. Then add flour mixed
and sifted with spices arid salt.
Dredge walnuts and raisins .in two
tablespoons flour and stir into bat
ter. Bake in gem pans in moderate
oven. J
Quick Fruit Cake, i
K cup raialns. , 1 ' " ,
cup walnuts. Y ;
Put raisins and walnuts through
food chopper. Mix wellseason wijh
salt, shape in small cakes iwd wrap
in paraffin- paper. These are excel
lentpn a picnic or to keep on hand
in, the automobile'whcn refreshment
y wanted 'on short notice.
' j .
Walnut Macaroons.
' . ' . ,
1 eup karo syrup.
2 4 cupa toasted corn flakes.
1 'i cupa walnut mi-am. ,
1 cup ahreddfd cocoanut."
, 1 teaspoon vanilla.
Beat eggs,, add syrup and other
ingredients., Roll in , smaR balls.
1 flatten out and bake on a greased
sheet in moderate aven until deli
cate' brow ned. : ; '
Graham BiscuitsTen Biscuits.
1 cup graham flour. 1 leel tablespoons
1 cup white flour. fat. (Lard and but-
S level teaspoons ter.) -t
baking powder. 2 level .tablespoon
', level teaspoon salt, sugar.
t"r ',. u 7-8 cup milk.
Mix and sift twice the flour, sugar,
baking powder and salt. Add the
graham flour and cut in the fat with
a knife until the mixture becomes
the consistency of cornnieal. Grad
" ually tir in the milk, still 'mixing
withthe knife. When a soft dough
is formed, pat into shape one-half
inch, thick. Bake 15 minutes in a
, moderate oven.
""Cocoa Drop-Cookies.
T. buttet- substitute T. mllk k
. 1 c. sugar. 1 T vanilla eMrait.
.1 eggs, f 3 c. flour.
& TV ppivUereI cocoa. Cr Imkintr powder. ,
. Cream the butter substitute beat
in the sugar, then the cocoa, and add
the eggs,weU whipped. Beat thor-
' Hathly"and then stir ih the flour and
baking powder mixed, .alternating' it
wjth the milk.1 Drop by. teaspoonfuls
: on an oiie( baking shee, keeping
. the cookies 'an inch apart, or other
wise they will , run together .when
4 baked. Dust,"rN desired,' with a
little cocoanut, or pfess an EViglisli
walnut, Or blanched almond; or rai
sin, in the center of each. Balge in
a quick oven, 375 degrees Fahren
heit, taking care that they do not
burn. .
Veal Pot-Pie,
.2 pounds veal neck. '
Cook in boiling salted water until
tender. Trim all 'meat possible .from
the bones. Add to white sauce. .
i Hot Pot of Mutton and Barley. '
'l pound mutton. '
' b cup pearl barley; :. ' .,
1 Jtablespoon salt.
potatoes.. : . ;
!t onions. y ' A
Celery tops or other seasoning herbs.
Cut the mutton in small pieces,
and brown with the onion in fat cut
from meat." This'wfll help make the
meat tender aijd improve the flavor.
Pour this into a covered saucepan.
Add two quarts water and the bar
ley. ' Simmer for one and out-half
' hours. Then add the potatoes cut
in quarters, seasoning hcrbsv and
seasoning, and cook Acme-half hour
Jonger. ,
, Sandpaper Label.
'A device ,fr protecting people
frojn taking doses from poison bot
tles by mistake is a sandpaper la-bel.
, , The ordinary label is pasted on a
piece of sandpaper large enough to
"i go all around the bottle stytlfat when
any one takes up the bottle in the
night, no matter' how dazed from
sleep he may be, the - rough, unfa
miliar feel of the sandpaper rouses
hVm and he recognizes at. once that
the bottle contains pqyson of ,some
description. The printed labels tells
the kind of poison 4h the bottle. - '
. Good Pies. - IhJ
v ' To keep the under pie crust fromji
becoming soggy, insert a little fun- L
. , - C . - . . 1. T
nei oi writing papes 111 me upper pie
" crust t before baking. The steam
, escapes through trfe funnel and , the
pie will not lose its juice' . 'V
' Appetizing Dish.
, , To 'make blaijquette of veal and
i asparagus take a, pound of veal cut
Jet, one stalk celery,, a bay-leaf,
. three-fourths of a clip asparagus,
liquid, three-fourtjjs cup of milk.
; salt and pepper to taste some boiled
rice, a sprig oi parsley, a teaspoon
i salt, half pound raw asparagus, three
tablespoons batter, 'one-eighth ta
blesoon. butteione-eighth teaspoon
' nutmeg.'' 1 . ,
- Trim- the veal cutlet and cut Into
pieces about two inches square; in a
piece ,qf cheese-cloth tie stalk celery
cut. small, bay-leaf and sprig pars
... ley.', - .
, Put this with the meat 'into boil
ing water, and cook, adding, when
the meat is fairly tender, .the salt
and raw asparagus ""cut in inch
lengths. ' ' . '
When cooked, drain and make a
sauce i from the liquid and milk,
thickening with butter; add-Vated
nutmeg and salt and pepper to
t e. . v " s
itirn into this the veal and "as-
paragus", reheat, ai)d place iy the
center' of a wanned platter, sur-
rounding with hot boiled rice over"
. which finely chopped parsley should
br sprinkled.
Asparagus custards are' another
, rew way of utittzing this vegetable.
They require two eggs, one and a
half cups of milk, a cup of cooked
asparagus, two tablespoons melted
. bufter, 'one-eighth teaspoon 'pepper
' and a hjt-of grated lemon rind, also
grated nutmeg.
Beat eggs; add milk and cooked
asparagus cut, into half-inch pieces,
, melted butter, pepper, grated lemon
v rind uj grated nutmeg, and salt ta
taste. ! ' '. , i .,
. Pour into ftidividtial baking-cups,
: greased,. stand in a pan of hot water
. - and cook in a moderate oven "until
.. set. -y . ,'
Serve hot in the tups.
Asparagus custards." Although i
dainty morsel, contajp considerable
- fnBte"imeht and may answer as a
v ;-- Grape Paffait .
1 . : . . : H -
Make this for Sunday's dinner.
Mash two cup'fuls of pickeM Concord
grapes with a cup of sugar, and then
rub, it through a ffne sieve. Heat
two cups" of ' bottled unfermentcd
gtape juice, .dissolve in it two table
spoonfuls of gelatine and strain it
into the fruit puree. Whip stiffly
two cups v of cream hj which has
been mixed one-quarter cttp of
I'ut the fruit puree into the freeze
and freezel it to the'consistencv o
a thick batter, then add the whipped
New Meat Dishes
Palatable and
. Inexpensive
A palatable new meat dish which
can be served at a very low cost is
just what every home manager is
looking for.
At a recent meat cutting demon
stration before the hotel managers
and chefs there were several ap
petizing "dishes prepared, which
were surprisingly simple. TheseJ
are new to many housewives.
When the' yearling lamb -was cut,
six attractive little steaks were,
taken from the neck? These were
rolled in flour, a piece of bacon was
fastened around theedge of each,
and they were browned in a frying
pan. A small amount of water was
added and they were coveid and
allowed to coo, slowly for thirty
minutes. Tjhe result was a nice lit
tle steak with as delicate a flavor as
-the fanciest frenched chaps.
Anothc6.cut of lamb was a small
three-rib shoulder roast of lamb.
This jwas just scared, 'then given a
long,'sIa,w baking at a moderate
temperature. This is considerably
cheaper than leg of lamb and equal
ly as nutritious and delicious.
Another' interesting dish. . cheap
but attractive, was a stuffed baked
brisket. A pocket i was cut separat
ing the ribs fr6m the meaty part of
the piece and a well seasoned bread
dressing was, pressed into the
pocket. It was sew'ed up, topped
with strips of1 bacon and dry sau
sage ,and after browning, was cov
ered and given a lojig slovV . cook
ing, the same as the othe'rs.'
JJrom the cheaper cuts 6f beef a
delicious five-pound boned chuck
roast was made. A mixture of
spices. such as bay. leayi pepper4
corns, sair, pepper, aflspice and
cloves were sprinkled I through the
inside and over the edges p( the
meat. It was then rolled and tied
into shpe, browned in a hot pail
and given the long baking..
it is-very often prefewed t6 -a
more expensive roast because of its
cost and flavor.. , . , ' "
ey vying these recipes, h&use-
wivcs willfind that it is not neces
sary to buy , the fanciest, cuts- of
meat in order tq have a tasty roast
or steak. ' " .
7Blck' and White.
. Black and white' are much fav.ored
iii' combination "Vor the summer
suit. A, black velveteen jacket with
a skirt of shimmtring'white baronet
satin is a good sport suit. Skirts
of white, or cream flannel aj:e also
worn with the velveteen coat.
"4 peclcLarge, New Pota
toes (713 lbs. full
weight) ..S5
Hoirie.-Grown Peas, qt. 10d
MarKet basket . .SH
Hbme-Grown Beets, 6
punches for ... . . . .25?
Fancy Tooiatoes, lb. .25?
California Cantaloupes, pes
dozen ......... .81. 37
Swansdown Cake Flour,
per package . .... .45d
New York Stat,e White
Grape Juice, doz.
bottles ........ .$3.25
New York 3tate Apple
Juice, doz. bot. .$2.25
Swedish , Wafers, can . 28d
JarKubbers, 3 boxe4.23c
Meadow Gold or Wedg--wood
Butter, lb. . . .59e
28th and Farnam Streets
llaniey 188
cream. Serve in chilled parfuit
glasses and garnish with whipped
cream. Little princess cakes are de
lightfuiserved with this ice..
To Make: Beat to a cream one
half cu of butter, half cup o( sugar,
add two. well beaten eggs, half cytp
of milk, three cups of flour with
two teaspoonfuls of baking powder
r.nd half a cup of currants, flavor
hvith one teaspoon of vanilla; mix
the ingredients till Thoroughly blenti-
, then put into buttered princess
and bakein a moderate oven.
: ,
Chilled Coffee
Chilled coffee" is always delicious.
It must be made a little stronger
than when served hot and should be
blendedwith a little cream, sugar
syrup added to taste, or with con
densed' milk instead of sugar and
cream, and may be served with or
without additional whipped cream.
T6 ive it a unique, Turkish taste,
pour the hot coffee on a teaspoonful
of-whole cloves afid a little stick
cinnamon over the-weatene'd whip
ped cream. Or sweeten strong cof
fee and flavor withVa drop or two
of rose extract.' Chilled coffee may
bo--delightfully sweetened with ma
ple syrup, or sugar, syrup with a
hint v Of maple flavoring in . the
cream. . If the whipped cream is
beaten with "two tablespoonfuls of
niarshmallow cream vto the cup it
will hold its shape even, on a hot
day.. A very easyjas'well as prac
tical way to make iced coffee, is by
means of the jowdcred soluble cof
fee, which in reality dissolves as
leadily in cold witter as in hot.
Coffee figg Nog.T
(Individual Servkig.)
1 egg evaporated milk
tsP- suuar M c. strong coffee.
i r. milk or diluted
Separate white and yolk of egs.
Boat yolk, add sugar and beat until
creamy. ,Add the ipilk and coffee.
Beat the white of egg until 'foamy
ami fold in lightly. Serve at once.
. V The Original .'
Malted milk
i , for KnfantK and -invedidm ,
void imitations and Substttnte?
u ki am a m
Shop in Comfort Early Sat. Morning Avoid Crowds
1608-10 ,
Harney St,
' From 8 to 10 a. in.
' will sell
. Then comes 6 Hems specially priced to attract the thrifty,
for these specials. Until 12 m. oaly.
Fancy Bulk Creamery
Butter, lb. ......
Wite Beauty Shorty
ening, 1-lb. pail . . . .
Picnic and outing time is
Pickles. Peanut Butter, Olive
I Pig Pork Loin Roast, O O 1
per lb . ZOIC
Fancy Steer Beef Boil,
per lb ;
Karo Syrup, 10-lb.,1
pails . . .T.
Ex. Sifted Sweet June
Peas, 3 for .'.
Mayflower Corn, per
lidoz., $1.75; per can. . .
("No. 3 can Del Monte
Peaches, can ........
Dundee or Elkhorn
Milk, 2 cans .........
Crisap, any size,
per lb. ..... c . ,
25 c
Otir CentraJMarket Blend Mohca and Java Coffee, equal to 60c
McComb's Famous Home-Made Chocolates, per lb.. 70c, Saturday
Fresh Countfy Checked OCf
Eggs, in cartons, doz. . OOC
Gem-Nu.t Margarine, Q
per lb. . . O 1 C
Extra. Fancy Valencia ' X
Oranges, eacli C?C
We have searched the world's markets to gather
find here. C
W. ..licit mail ardet. at la. ab.T. ark... Placa ,ur. war. it will rcv. praoiptj car.fnl
alt.atioa. Larfa.t and mo.l .aniWj inark.t 1. th. wa.l. . '
Meat Selection
In Diet
The big problem in many women's
marketing is selecting meat. When
the home-manager spends so much
of her food apportionment for meat,
! a study proves of great value. It is
j true, not everyone has a large meat
fharf, but everyone can study the
; cuts in a market if they are really
! desirous of learning how ' to buy
wisely. . i
When oing to market to select
meat see that it is:
1 the touch", and elastic.
2 Streaked er marbled with fat,
so that it will be juicy. V - (
3 Bright in color.
4 Meat should smell fresh.
5 Government inspected" (look
for the stamp). -
6 Meat should be cut across the
grain. . ' '
Beef is bright red in color; veal is
ftink, and somewhat less, firm thati
Ixef; pork is dark pink, and the fat
is less firm than that of either beef
or mutton. Pork should cut easily
Phone Douglas 3940
Rolled Rib Roast,
Pork Loinsj-per lb .
Spare 'Ribs, per lb.
Pork Shouider, per
Red New Potatoes, '
5 lbs. for. 55
Lemons, 40c size,
, per dozen . . , .".29
Butter, per lb . . .56y;i
Yellow American
s Cream Cheese,
, per lb. t...... 29
All this wanted Salads
"and - Delicatessen
are featured here at de
cidedly attractive prices.
Sugar, 3 lbs. for. . . .... . . .74
Advo Jell,-2 for.......'...25'
Bumford Baking Powder, 25
Special Ice Tea Blend, lb. .57
Good Santos Coffee.
gnider!s Catsup, bottle. . .'.25
Quaker Oats,
Fancy Fresh Ducks,
10 bars Diamond C or
Beat Em All Soap. , . .
here. We have everything to make yours x a
Batter, Jams, Jellies, Sandwich Fillers, ate, t '
Fancy Young Veal f C
Roast, lb. ..MOO.
Fancy Steer Pot ' Ol
Roast, 1.
Best Granulated Cane XA
'Sugar, lb ..'eSftC
'3 cans extra good 70S
Salmon, 3 for. . ... ... CC
Dr. Frjee's Baking Pow- OP
der, 12-oz. can. eSOC
t Fancy Dry Peaches or
PruneB, lb. .'. . .-r . . . .
Hebe or Carotene Milk
.Pumpkin, fine grade,
2 for YV. .
.Best Grade Creamery
Package Buttefr . . .
Iten's Crisp1 Graham
Crackers, lb; .....
Ex. Fancy Cal. Apri
cots,, basket
the fancy
and have a good layer o? pure white
fat- '-v "; ' -
When .meat lias beentaken from
the cooler in the wholesale market,
the merchant who has purchased
it keeps it in the icebox of his re
tail market:, then when it reaches
1 '.V, L -
me nome 11 snouia De unwrappear
put on a plate and placed in a very
cold part of the icebox, We often
find,, however, careless, persons put
ting it away with the wrapping pa
per on it. The paper n'ot only soaks
out the juice, but it sticks to the
meat. ' : .-' .. X
When meat k Ordered over the
phoVe,' the home-manager depends
entirely upon the butcher to do her
sclcctjtg. Sometipics an uninterest
ed clerk takes her order, is indiffer
ent and sends .her inferior meat. Oc
casionally she sends vit bsck, bu
more often she cooks ity as she
hasn't time ta wait for a return de
livery. ; If this is the case with vou,
don't . blame ' the butcher blame
yourself for not marketing in per
son. r
There are many grades of Teef,
depending on the breed of the catth,
their feeding and care before
slaughtering. Prices often vary as
to grade as well as cut of meat,x so
it should be clear -to you that you
do not always- get 'flic same quality
lb . : . . 32
. . i . . 27!od
. . . . Jt5
lb.. ..18
Just Inside the Door Cigar Department
Hot Weather, Specials, High-Grade Smokes.
Saturday only. , s Limited Quantity.
ta. Truda, Jr., 8c values 5; box of 50 $2.50
Valintine, Jr., 8c values .-5; box of 50 $2.50
Pfata, 8c values.. x i..5; box of 50 $2.25
"Imported Manila Cigar v
Entona, 10c values. . . . .: 6; box of 50 $3.00
La Flor do Intal, 21 foe $1.00; box of 50 $4.50
Mi Consuelo '.5$; box of 50 $2.50
La Bonita .i ". .4; box of 50 $2.00
. Hieh-Grade
Kopper Kettle Klub, 12fc
Box of 50. .
dishes f Benduro, Our Leader. ...y.
uarcia diplomats
Mozart Classic
Three for, ...,.$1.15
Prunes, 5 lbs. for. . . .97
Peaches, per can.
.... . .36- L Per dozen
Libby Milk,
Store Closes at 6 P. M. Sat.
"i i ; .
We deliver $5
orders to all
,'pjarts of 'the
city free.t ,
From 8 16 10 a. m. we
will ell
Com down or phone before noon
Fancy larb size , QfA-
Xemonsj per doz..',. M"C
Douglas Salad Oil, 12 C
f ulj quarts ...... . . TOO C
auccess Oli'
Fancy Young Veal 1 rr 1
:xBreast; lb. ........ 1 "2Ct
Faney Fresh Dressed QC
Hens, lb. ..... OOC
. Guaranteed Flour, CA
48-lb. cloth sacks.. wO.OU
4 cans Mustard Sar
dines for .-...
10 bars Electric Spark
Sop . .......... ... . . .
. Snider's or Jleinz Pork
and-Beans, 2 for. . . . .
Armour's Salad Dress
ing, large bottle. ......
5 lbs. Navy Beans, ,
"white and clean.......
grade........... 45f
,- 59
Fancy Old Brick
Cheese, special, lb.. .
Ideal Honey Cookies,
er lb. . . . , : 1
arge New Carrots,
per bunch
Fruits and Vegetables you will
si al
of meat, even though you ask for
the same cut. ,
In an entire carcass of beef, al
though the loin and prime ribs art
the only very tender cuts, the re
mainder is equally as nutritious and
capable of being made iuto just as
iJk I...LI. -J'l . T " . L '
paiiauic tnsncs. rvtiowir.K inis,
yon can reduce your meat bill and
at the same time, please your
family. s I
Butter substitutes do not brown
like butter, but a pinch tif sugar add
ed to it will give a good brown color
to the gravy. ' '
Hot Weather Meals
Stewed Fruit
Minced Ham Omelet
Buttered Toast
Coffee (for adults) Mil!;
Pressed Chicken ,
, Creamed Potatoes
rcas Bread Butter
Tomato Lettuce Salad
Raspberry Ice , Cake
Supper ''
DrySausage Sandwiches
ruit Cookies' . Coffee tgg Nog
Courtney Building
Hindquarter Laftib, lb. . . .25
Forequarter Lamb, lb . . . . 15
Lamb Stew, per lb. . . . . . .10
Fairbanks Compound, lb.. 23"
; -I
,1 '
Domestic Cigars
values, 3 for ...25?
v $4.00 "
...10; box of 50 $4.50
y7; box oi z'o .Zo
box of 50 $4.00
Welch's, jar. . .40
6 cans for,. . .73?
-''"" 4 r - i- - . -- r 1, -r . a
-- i f ' -., ,
SenaSiEaiieiiaiSaikiiiaiSa , SmamsmmoamaLmmmmmmmmamummMm
'; ffom the Ham to
FREE Puritan Recipe Eook
(A. hv prapvvd a wty unouI reeip. fcook
which fives imny nnwidcu in the erapvtv
Mn of Mun nd lUcoA. wd auny oM wyt
m.dt new nd beoer by betrer meihodl. lit
free. Send for it. Addresi ,
The CwUhv P.ckini Co.
Puriten Dept. . Ill W.Monroe Sc. Chicf
' Oiled Paper
Save all the oile paper which
comes wrapped arcmnd bread and
groceries, for it is an excellent ac
1 -pound
61c J3flSKo
'Saturday and while our supply lasts we will supply
our regular customers with Standard Cane sugar in
quantities up to and including 25 pounds at 25c
per pound, and suggest that you buy a supply for
canning purposes.
AUo taking advantage of our everyday low grocery
prices. ' v
Meat Department Bargains
Fancy Pot Roasts
pound 20c
Rib foiling Beef
Choice Tender Steak
Wilton's Nut Mar.
.garine pound . . y
32 c
Fairco Shortening (
2-pound pail.
Japan Teas are higher. No
advance on Basko Tt
1 pound carton .... O C
Before installing
home be sure to
information free
Vacuum Furnace Sales Go,,
' Do not try to improvt? upon a thing that has
taken experts many ye,ars to perfect.
Puritan Ham need not and should net bs
par'boiled before frying or broilinc.
Puritan is of mild cure and free of excess
salt. Retain the delicate flavor that has taken
months to impart; from. ham to pan gives
beet results.
If your dealer doent't
handle Puriun, leleplions
rurltnn Ham and Bacon
i "S iiiDui ins ireBii, nnxilfc snMjntru rnrai.8 a. ali airacB.
cessory on ironing day. Keep a
piece on the ironing board and run
the irons over it occasionally. It
gives them a smooth surface and
cleans them off beautifully.
, 1 -pound
Stores ka
Freih Pork Butts
pound 25c
Fresh Pork Shoulder Tine
for roasts Whole )in
or half pound. .'OC-
Link Sausage fancy Ol
Home Made pound'
Codfish 1 pound, OQ -wooden
Nrw Red Potatoes
2 pounds 25f
Fresh Apricots
Basket.. 90
Strictly freslj. Every Egg t(
Guaranteed. Dozen
Basko Coffee
in bulk,
a modern heating plant in your
get the prtce and see the
This is the famous and original Patented Pipeless
Heating Plant, the heaviest and best built furnace
on the market today Saves one-third-in fuel built
to last a lifetime absolutery guaranteed." WE CAN
SAVE YOU FROM ?50 to $100' on first cost and
give you very liberal terms if you wish. Over 750
installed in Omaha; 25,0"00 in the Middle West. Full
if you write, call or phone D. 993.
1112 Douglas St.
Phone Douglas 993
Jhe Pan
1321 Jvnes Si. Phorfe Douglas 240i
arr smolterl daily in our; Omaha
. i;t meat substitute, ,
V 1.
1'.' v.- 1