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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1920. . -P'. ' ' i . .' . r k 1 a ADVERTISEMENT ?DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents btiys "Danderine." After an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any nnilruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. In Little Pimples, Hands Poisoned. Cuticura Heals. "Our little girl was three months old when eczema started oh her face In little pimples. She robbed until her . face was almost like raw meat. Her' hands be came poisoned so that I had to tie one of them up, and she cried. "We read about Cuti. cure Soap and Ointment so we bought a cake of Soap and a box of Ointmeat , and in four weeka she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. J. D. Dupfcr, Tborn ilk, Ohio, June 18, 1919. Qive Cation Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your skin, Imssi Tiw VHB. Addwss: "Bsslsis Us nt ,. a.SM4M, aw SsUmrr k,SwaL OtUTt S uid Mte. Tilrmn 2U. Ljr,Cti ' Saap sfcwas witkmrt saa(. FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Re- more lhem With Othine 'Double Strengths , This' preparation for the re- moval of freckles is usually so suc- . cessful in removing freckles and giv ing a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold under guarantee to re- fund the money if it fails, Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of Othine and re- ' move them. Even the first few ap plications should show a wonderful ; improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double .strength Othine; it is this that is sold on the money-back guarantee. . A l V KBTISEMFXT Combing Won't Rid .Hair of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid rvon; apply it at night when, retir ing; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. " Do this tonight and by morning " most, . if. not all, of your dandruff will be gone and three or fosr more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itch ing and -digging of the scalp wiir stop at onte, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and "soft and look and feel' a hundred . times betteT. ' - . You can get liquid arvon at' any drug store. It is ' inexpensive ind never fails to do the work. . ADVERTISEMENT - N)W Positive Treatment i to Remove Hair or Fuzz EH ON CUD'S FACE eS i (Beauty Notes) Women are fast learning the value of the use of .delatone , moving hair or fuzz from face, neck or arms. A haste is made with . . some "powdered delatone and water v and spread on the hairy surface. In 2 or 3 minutes it is rubbed off, the skin washed and every bit of hair has disappeared. No failure will re- suit if you are careful to buy genur ine delatone. ADVERTISEMENT MENT 1 Homely and Aged Faces Now Easily Beautified Tht pIsAnsst fae made beautiful and tht eomcUxlons of good-looklne women improved oldiah face -made young and Ptattr, blamished and weatber-aoiled. faces mad aptfUeaa." whit and satiny in leaa than two weeks, b a very simple and harmless process that acts almost like a Miracle! This is all there Is to it: Uad.1 . nary mercoliied wax, procurable at any dru store (one ounee will do), is applied nsVhtlv like cold cream, and washed off taarnings. This gradually peels off the lifeless particles or surface skin, permit tinaf the ainderlvlnff skin ti show itself. .jhe newer, f resner skin, when whollj in evidence. Jormi complexion Vhich for ' beaity and youthfulness is incomparable wit! one produced by other means. - A romplexion ad natural, so free from arti fidelity, no on guesses the secret of its - acquirement. You'll not regret trying this really marvelous treatment. Society Goes to England. Miss Virginia Crofoot is another Omaha girl who is planning to spend the summer across the sea. She leaves Omaha within a few days for New York City and will sail from there on June 22 for England. With Mr. and Mrs. J. E. "Deming of Kalamazoo, Mich., she wi'l tour Scotland and England until Sep tember. J ' Omaha Truth Center.v Omaha Truth Center will meet Friday evening, ,8 o'clock, in room 302 Patterson block, Seventeenth an3 Farnam streets. Francis J. Gable of Lincoln, leader. ' Carter Lake. Mrs. George Begerow will enter tain at luncheon at Carter Lake club Frirlav for Mrs. leotha Crouch and Miss Susie Blades of Lafayette, Ind. guests of Mrs. J. 1. ForcupUe. cov ers will be placed for Mrs. Crouch, Miss Blades, Mrs. Porcupile, Mrs. Walter Riner, Mr. Elizabeth Theil and Mrs. Begerow. ; Mrs. Dan D. 'Moore entertained at a bridge luncheon at her cottage Thursday for the following; Mes- . i - Tt it t tr.. i . names ome uranicy, v. r. i uiu, William Springmeyer, C. At Pear son, Charles McCann and Andrew Keiwit. . -The Carter Lake Kensington club gave a luncheon and card party at Carter Lake club Wednesday, frizes were won by Mesdames A. M. Wind, C A. Pearson, H. A. Jacobberger, S. S. Goldstrom and F. P. Higgins. ' Happy Hollow. . Mrs. E. A. Beardsley entertained at luncheon Thursday at Happy Hollow club in honor of Mrs. A. L. Green who leaves soon to reside in Minneapolis. Those present were: Mesdames John Bruce, Lynn i Campbell, George Rasmus sen. A. L. Green. E.' St?rricker. Palmer. Findley, G. WVStryker and G. W. Nicholson, all of Omaha, and Mesdames M.''S. Rhrcr, Carl Hoist, E). E. Stetman. (Will Hiser and Mrs. Theinhart, all of Council Bluffs. Mrs. I. W. Caroenter entertained 18 board members of the Old! People's home at luncheon at the Hapoy Hollow club Thursday in honor of the president. Mrs. Erhuma. . Mrs. Harry Lowrie entertained at luncheon in honor i of Mrs. John Hill, who, .will leave for California soon, and Mrs. Alex Cathdert of Edinburgh. Scotland. Mrs. T. 'J. Hansen entertained the following ati luncheon I hursday: Mesdames L. R. Binningei. Fred Guggenmos and-Miss Anne Sow!. Amone those who entertained Thursday were: Mesdames A. G. Ellick, 7; E. G. McGiltoji, 14; Jack Beaton, 20; G. JL. Nichols. K. Mrs. G. A. Seabury will entertain eight guests a luncheon. Friday. i tt t Vacation Frocks X-HAT dainty frock, of delightful Ging ham that smart Creation of charm ing Dotted Swiss that appropriate - Gown of refreshing ? Organdie that Chic frock of Lin en and Lace. A W --' 11 are here for your Vacation days at prices that have taken a vacation from higher costs. See Them BRANDEIS STORES ADVERTISEMENT GREAT FOR ECZEMA AND OLD SORES I Guarantee My Ointment, Says Peterson Every. Box of It. "If you are responsible for the health of your family," says Peterson, of Buffalo, "I want you to get a large 60 cent box of Peterson's Ointment today. "Remember, I stand back of every box.' Every druggist guarantees to refund the purchase price if Peterson's Ointment doesn't do all I claim. ' "I guarantee it for ecsema, old sores, running ' sores,, salt rheum, ulcers, sore nipples, broken breasts, itching akin, skin diseases, blind, beeding and itching piles as well at for chafing, burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and sunburn." "I had 10 tunning sores on my leg for 11 years, was in three different hospitals, Amputation was advised. Skin grafting was tried. I was cured by uslna- Peter son's Ointment." Mrs. F. E. Root, 287 Michigan Street, Buffalo. N. Y. Mail or ders tilled by Peterson Ointment Co., Inc., Buffalo. X. Y. "Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. will supply you." ' - A Visitor 9 , Mrs. Donald Baxter. A popular visitor is Mrs. Donald Baxter of Payton, O., formerly Grace Slabaugh of this city. She is the guest of her parents, Judge and Mrs. W. W. Slabaugh. Manyaf fairs' have been given in' her honor. Miss Eleanor McGilton entertained at luncheon at. the Happy Hollow club, Thursday, in honor of Mrs. Baxter. Sharing honors With her was Miss Winifred Rouse of Wor cester, Mass., formerly of -Omaha, who is visiting Miss McGilton. Miss RacheL-Metcalfe will entertain at thev Athletic club, Thursday evening, for Mrs. Baxter. Mrs. George Engler, sister of Mrs. kP-axter, will entertain at luncheon at the Athletic club, Friday, m her honor and Miss Margaretha Grim- mcll will be ..hostess at an, informal afternoon affair at her home Friday for this visitor, i A morning bridge will be given next Wednesday by Miss Margaret William's. Among the past events for Mrs. Baxter was a luncheon given by Mrs. Edwin Bannister at the Uni versity club Wednesday Personal Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Yeager leave Thursday for Portland, Ore., where Mr. Yeager will attend the Shrines' convention. They will visit bther cities on the western coast. Mr. Yeager will also attend the dem ocratic convention in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Jesson sail for London, June 12, on the Lapland. Mrs. Frank J. Murphy and daugh ters, Kathryn and Helen, and son, James, leave Friday for aniextended visit with relatives. 1 They will visit in Kansas City, Louisville, Ky.. and Jellied. Tenn. Mr, Murphy will go -with them to Kansas City; wherehe will spend the week-end. Mrs. C. F. McCcinell and daugh ters, Jane and Ann, leave Sunday for Walker, Mnn., where they will spend the summer. s v Mrs. F. W. Hadley returned Sat urday from California. Mrs. R. H. Sturtevant of Kansas City, formerly Miss Alice Duval of this city, arrived Wednesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Duval, for several weeks. Mrs. Harry S. Hall and son, Ed ward Matthew, left Sunday morn ing for Los Angeles, ' Cat., where they expect to make thiir future home. Mr. Hall will spend the win ter with his family on the coast. Mrs. M. R. Murphy and Mrs. Nor bert C. Leary arrived home .Thurs day morning from Albany, ,N. Y., where they accompaniea"Miss Helen Murphy, reigning queen of Ak-Sar- Clubdom j i Omaha Chapter, D. A. R. At the.aieal Flag day luncheon of the Omaha chapter, D. A. vR., Monday at the Prettiest Mile club the. following officers were elected: Mrs. Palmer Findley, regent; Mrs. George E. Mickel, rst vice regent; Mrs. R. C. Hoyt,second vice regent; Mrs. W. B. Howand, recording sec retary; Mrs. E; Holovtcfiiner, cor responding secretary; Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, treasurer; Mrs. F. P. Lar mon, registrar; Mrs. J. B. Adams, chaplain. Board of directors include. Mrs. Edgar Allen, retiring regent; Mrs. C. H. Aull and Mrs. Homer Stuntz. j . Missionary Society. The Women's Missionary society of, Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church will meet Friday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, with Mrs. J. Klirfkert, at the home of her daughter, MraH. C. Gengnagel, 5206 Jones street. Mrs. Charles Damon will have charge of the program. . Kensington Club. Henry .I.awton Kensington , club will meet Friday for an all day ses sion with Mrs.' Bert Polley.y 4620 N6rth Thirty-sixth street. 1 Chautauqua Circles. , Officers of all Omaha Chautauqua circles will- meet , for luncheon Wednesday noon at. the Prettiest Mile club. Doctors Recommend Bon-Opto for the Eyes Physicians and eye specialists pre scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight. Sold under money refund guarantee by all druggists. Cuticura Soap x The Healthy Shaving Soap OanearaBeapshavaswKlwtaiBf, ETsrywaerilsc. -A Ron M s Murohv entered tne novitiate of the Order of the. Sacred Heart Nuns at Kenwood in Albany. George Murphy, who attends Holy Cross school at Worcester, Mass., arrived home with them. 1 Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon an nounce the birth of a son at Nich olas Senn hospital Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis and daughter, Alice Lorene, -have re turned from a three weeks' automo bile trip to Denver, Colorado Springs and Steamboat Springs. v Dr. W. .J. Busch of Humphrey, Neb., formerly of Omaha, visited with hiparentSrMr. and Mrs. J. E. Busch, for seveia flays enroue to the east. ' ' Miss Ruth Colin of Chicago is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Morris Stern. Miss Sarah Miller of Little -J?ock, Ark., is the house guest of 'Miss Ann Blotcky. ' 4 1508-1510 Douglas Street V Omaha's Sale of AM Apparel Our Great All Inclusive THE one sale, because of the magnitude of stocks , involved and the genuineness of rice sacrifices, causes all -ordinary merchandising events to pale into insignificance. It's the sale that has caused the Omaha dollar to do more than double duty. Choose at Decidedly Less Than Half Price Any tailored Suit, Coat, Dress, Skirt, Blouse, Petticoaf A trip of several hun dred miles would be more than repaid by ihe sav ings on a single purchase in many instances. Friday ''''''' ' , . ' ' ' f j . . , Erection of Our New , Home Coinmences August 1st On the site of the present Panor Shoe store location, the first door west of our present location, we shall erect a beautiful four-story,new homea store that will have no superior in Amer ica for beauty' of appearance and comfort to' shoppers, i Problems That Perplex Answered By BEATRICE FAIRFAX M. S. C The addresses for which you ask are: - Bryant Washburn, "003 Hawthorne avenue, Hollywood, Cal.; Blanch Sweet, Blanch Sweet KUm Corporation, 4500 Sunset boul evard, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mildred Harris Chaplin, Lois Weber Produc tion, Hollywood, Cal., and Jane Novak, 6f29J4, Hollywood, Cal. Junnlo The addresses you ask for are: Alice Joyce, Vitagraph, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Elaine Hammer stein, Jewel Prod., 1600 Broadway, New York; Anita King, care W. W. HodkViison, 527 Firtn .avenue. New York. 'I think Mary's first success was "Warrens of Virginia." If you send me a self -addressed envelope I will tell you of a good movie school. ,Wants to Know You misht try this: Place the dress or waist on an ironing board, place a piece of old- In This Immense High Class Stock Positivelv no reserves, all present stocks and all special purchases consummated "by our eastern buyers will go into this avalanche of value-giving. This is indeed a real bargain feast for the women of Omaha, , A Gigantic Sale of Beautiful fashioned butcher's paper over It, then put alhot Iron on paper, you will be abli to see the grease rn the paper. Do not have the Iron hot enough to burn the dress. , A Near Lover. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I have been going with a young man for nearly five years, engaged for the past two years. He is 26 and I am 20. vHe has about $8,000 In the bank. Earns $12 a day. - When he speaks of marriage he says, "I haven't enough money to get married on." He- never wants his parents to see, him with me. Theydon't want a poor girl. When we go out of town I have to meet htm several towns away. He never takes me to any affair in our small home town for fear his people might see us. 1 love this man smd I do not know what to do. UNHAPPY. The man is treating you most un fairly if all the facts or the story are Just as you relate them. He has enough money to marry on, even in this day of high prices. For him to v f Out Sale BE s 1 " s - The Result of the Most Fortunate Purchase Ever Consummated by Our New York Representative Several hundred of the latest Frock' s Creations were ..secured at a price ridiculously low; in fact, so low that the values we offer seem almost impossible. Dresses That. Were Made to Sell From .,. $39.50 to $65 at One Price, Friday Wonderful Georgette and Crepe de Chine Creations Taffetas Crepe Meteor Drop Stitch and Plain Tricoldtte Smart Foulards ' Sheer Organdies- Fine Dotted Swiss Many are sample dreses, so, you'll have to be here early to 6hare in the best selections. . be engaged to you and yet ashamed to be seen with you allows a snob bery or a difference In social posi tion which doesn't promise well for happiness In marriage. You ought to insist either on being treated as a fiancee of whom he is proud on being honored as a man honors the woman he Wishes to make hts wife or on being given back the free dom of which this arrangement de prives you. Blue Eyes Moles are not danger ous. They can he removed. Consult a reliable beauty expert. .' M. F. R. The letter you ask for has been destroyed. I know of noth ing to rid the face of perspiration. There are many things to ua in the armpits. I wwuld advise that you tnke great caTe to keep the face clean, A little powder will not hurt the face.-One of your type can wear any color. Brown is very good. Martha W. Christancy, principal of Mason school, will entertain a few teachers and friend at the Pret tiest Mile club Saturday. - UNDER no condition will we move a single .garment from our present stock into our new location. An absolute, complete clearance must, be effected, and wo have inaugurated prices that will make this stock rid dance a reality. ESSES' WW n Our Present Gigantic Stock Must Be Sold to the Last Garment , Our every effort, every merchandising aim is to effect the most sweeping, most positive clearance of apparel ever accom plished by any store anywhere, and to gain this end we have totally disregarded all thoughts of costs and profits. Eat 'em for Breakfast then eat 'em for lunch" says Post Tqasties SupeiiorQyrnndkes I. Si Bee Want Ads Bring Results. Store Houn 9 A. M. to 5 P.M. Sales Th crowds in our store today Igive evidence of the wisdom ot doing your shopping- in the. forenoon whenever possible.