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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1920)
n r THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1920. :5i V, 1 : K . ; f" Brief City News Newsies Ar Kntertalned-rTha Salvation Army entertained JOO Omaha newsboys at the army headquarters, 1711 Davenport street. last evening. niflcti Mall Sack. Charjp- Fred Roralto, a trucker at Union station, aa arrested yesterday charged with riflinsr a mail Back of, some clothing at Union station. Chicken Near Cons Stolen Four teen chicken were stolon from the hPrhoilso of 'Al Lugrantv. 1308 Catiitnl avenue, two blocks from tha police station, Wednesday nipht. Movii of Navy Motion pictures of "What the Navy Is Doiun" will be shown by officials of the Omalw -navy recruiting station tonicht at 8:30 at the bandstand at Hanscom park. . Shriller Go To Convention Sev eral npeclal trains of Shriners to the national council in I'orUand, Ore., passed through Omaha yesterday. Two special trains carried Chicago Shrincr. Got Your Milk llottlert Enforce' ment of the ordinance requiring B.rv'nff milk in publio places from original containers was announced yesterday by Health Commissioner Kdwaida. Says Wife "Forked" Him Alleg ing that his wife. Rose Clarke, stabbed him with' a fork, tried to shoot him and made attempts to poison him, Thomas I. Clarke yes terday filed suit for divorce. School lliilletln Issued "The Bui letin," new monthly publication of the Omaha School Forum, made Its first appearance yesterday. Local public school teachers write the contents of the "Bulletin." Weaver Improves Slowly J. D. Weaver, secretary of Ak Sar Hen, is reported but littlo improved follow ing the stroke of apoplexy which ho uttered last Tuesday. He 's at his home, 411 South Thirty third street. Dunn's Hearing: Next Week- Charges against Chief of Detectives Putin will be "aired" before the city council next Tuesday. He is charged with falling to turn over to the po lice relief fund half of a reward of $160. , Kutler Funeral Saturday The body of Joseph P. Butlea, brother of City Commissioner Butler, will be burled Baturflay morning in) Holy Sepulchre cemetery following serv ices at 9 In St. Peters Cathollo church. Hod Carriers WekeUnjr Striking hod carriers and building laborers continued yesterday picketing con struction jobs and work was at a standstill. Contractors say they will not pay the Increases demanded by tha men. - How to Treat Your Dog "Tie the dog up far two weeks ajd observe him If you suspect he Is mad." Is the advice given yesterday by Health Commissioner Edwards. He says mere "strange acting" is no sign a dog Is mad. Bifr Catholic Event Ten thousand visitors are expected in Omaha to witness athletic contests which will mark the national convention o Union Outfitting Co. Puts Large Purchase of Porch Swings On Sale Saturday Sale Prices Are Les Than You Would Pay at the End of Season. Swings Weatherproofed, Bolted and Braced With Rustproof Chains. What a pleasure it il to sit out on the porch in a big comfortable Porch Swing in the cool of the evenings getting the slightest breeze and how easy it will be to own a swing because of a sale at the Union Outfitting Company next Saturday. The sale is the result of a spe cial purchase made months ago before prices advanced and in cludes a large number of models. The various models, are made of selected hard wood, stained to withstand outdoor weather for years and have rustproof chain attached. The money-saving' possibilities in this sale are further evidence of the ever increasing Buying Power of the Union Outfitting Company, located Out of the High Rent District, and their ability to make lower prices on furniture for every room in the home. Echemian Catholic aokols her Sep tember t to 8. Teams will be en tered from manyvities throughout the nation. Several teams of girls will be here. Says Cop Discourteous A written oomplaint from H. J., Plunkett, ne gro attorney, that Harry Butord, ne gro policeman, was discourteous to J. It. Lemme, negro salesman. Is be ing investigated by Police Commis sioner Kinger. Siirtucrs Go To Portland Nobles of Tangier temple, Order of the Mystic Shrine, to the number of 225, accompanied by the wives of 60 of them, left last night by special truin for Portland. Ore., to attend the an nual council, June 2? to 24. The party Is due to arrive in Portland next Sunday morning. $188,000 Mora For Plant To au thorize a supplementary appiaisal of MS8.000 ton improvements, exten sions, supplies, materials and ac counts receivable, in addition to the $4,500,000 purchase price of the gas plant, the board of condemnation met yesterday in the court house. The plant is to be taken over by the city July 1. ' Mbther Love Defended City com missioners, in informal discussion yesterday, took issue with T. H. Wei rich, superintendent of the welfare beard, who asserted that a fatner has greater love for his children than the- mother. Commissioners Ure, Zimman and Ringer vociferous ly upheld the mother side of the de bate. Other commissioners were not present. Grade Damage Awards Apprais ers' awards of damages to property In the proposed grading of St. Marys avenue were approved by the city council yesterday in the aggregate sum of 1ST, 969. Bids for the grad ing will be called for within a few week. Ihe Breakjfast Cereal ibrlalks who appreciate fine Flavor with ease of digestion- GrapeNuts Ready to serve Economical Sold by Grocers Ewy where MADE to ORDER Two pair of trousers will share the wear and make your suit last just about twice as long. Try it! If You Knew the Many Differences between inferior and superior tailor ing, you'd know why -well-dressed men are uncommon. Our specialty is in making clothes for men who know the value of being well groomed men who appreciate the quiet correctness and individual style we put into clothes." If you have never known the real value that the Nicoll system of tailoring means to you how about starting in now today? Nicoll's Special Petween-Season Offer ' Full Suit, and an Extra Pair of Trousers $55-$60$65 and Upward , NICOLL MAKE GARMENTS INSPIRE SELF,CONFIDENCE NICOlL TheTkilor W5 Jenrems'Sons Karbach Block 209-11 So. 15th St. Apricot for Canning Big Shipment On the Way A big shipment of select Apricots is on the jvay and will be on sale at your grocer's within a few days. Look for announcement tell y ing when they arrive These Apricots are a splendid variety lucious and brimful of delectable flavor and nourish ment. Start your plans at once so that you will be ready for canning after you have placed - your order with your grocer and have obtained the quantity , you desire. . Affiliated Fruit Jobbers Conference How To Can Without Sugar The United States Fees AdmUbtntiae sayc "The neftera air-tight eentaiiMr and the development oi scientific canning methods fa the hem have dene away with the absolute necessity el using (agar as ajpreservsuve. Canning without sagar wfll give rcsatts arevided that the Use et cooking with sugar is doobled." Fall instructions on'cinnlng arftneat sagar an4 mi nSulmom Canning with Bflntmaa Sagar" arc atma la Famwri' BnUettna tone if Iha CmruaenL Writ a the C ultra States kfutnot h Airlealtart.WitniaflM, tor Fanners' SiBWai N. US, SS3, Mi. Mi. MS an W and ftey will bo art yae. Sxta. 1 (An Organization devoted to tne Best Interests of fee Buying Pnbllc) STORE HOURS: r 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. URGESS- 3 STORE HOURS: Kf 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. everybody store' Friday in the Downstairs Store Mothers You Will . Want Several Pairs of These Hose 25c Pair Odds and ends of women's and children's cotton hose, seamless foot. Special, 25c pair Infants' Hose Infants' black and white, full seamless cotton hose. Special, 6c pair Venetice Lace Collars 98c Very Special Venetice lace collars, tuxedo shape, to be worn on summer frocks and sport suits. Specially priced, 98c. Very dainty patterns. Safin Collars, Each 25c Brocaded and plain satin col lars just a limited quantity colors, white, flesh and maize. Very specially priced. y , Downstairs Store An Exceptional Sale of Silks $1.49 a yard Yards and yards of silk in plain and fancy effects. Suitable for dresses, skirts, waists, underwear,' lining and kimonas in lengths. from 2 to 10 yards in a piece. 36 -in. Chiffon Taffeta 36-int Fancy Stripe Taffeta 36-in, Kimona Silk 40-in: Crepe de Chine 40 -in. Plain Georgette 40-in. Figured Georgette 32-in. All Silk Pongee, natural color 32 -in. Tussah Silk in Plain Patterns 32-in. Tussah in Brocade Patterns 32-in. Poplin Silk Special Values in House furnish ings Friday in the Downstairs Store Colanders, 69c Gray enameled colanders, 'medium size 69c. Tea Kettles, 59c Tea kettles made of heavy tin, has heavy copper bottom, Nos. 7 and 8 sizes -59c. Lipped Preserving Kettles, 69c Gray enameled, lipped pre serving kettles, 6, 8 and 10-qt. sizes. Special 69c Milk Pans, 19c Gray enameled pudding or milk pans, assorted sizes 19c. Cream or Egg Whip, 69c Dunlap silver blade cream ei egg whip 69c. Cedar Oil Polish, 19c Cedar Oil polish for furni ture, floors, mops, etc. Pint can 19. Electric Iron, $8J0 American Beauty .electric irons complete with detachable cord $8.50. Fry Pans, 69c Gray enameled fry pans, good size-r-69c. Grey Enameled Tea, Kettles Small size 69c A Very Special Sale of Ke'ds $1, 98 Men's and women's fine quality tennis footwear in many styles and patterns; worth considerable, more; In sizes for women, 4, AM and 5; for men, 6'4, 7, 7 and 8; choice, 'per pair, $1.98. Children's Pumps $1.98 Children's brown kid Mary Jane ankle strap pump, flexible turn soles; very fine quality; worth twice this selling price; sizes 6 to 8. & to 11, lltt to 2 $1.91 ( .vi si m White Tennis Oxfords $1.25 Men's, women's and boys' white tennis oxfords, extra grade, all sizes. Very special $125. fine . Take Advantage of This Special Sale of Hot Water Mtles 69c A special purchase enables us to sell these hot wafer bottles made of new live rubber and moulded seams for' 69c; guar anteed one year. . A i i i Wool Rugs $6.95 ach Smyrna wool rugs in neat all over and Bome floral patterns. Are extra heavy rugs. Sise, 30x60 inches. y Grass Rugs 89c Each Japanese grass rugs in neat stenciled patterns, good weight, size 27x54 inches. Special 89e each. ' Hour Specials Friday Every Hour A cleanup of all broken lines at about M price. Not enough of any one item to last longer il i a j 1 . m 1 man one nour at tne price oi fered. From 9 to 10 o'clock ' Boys' Play Suits, $1.25 Boys' play suits made of fine quality stif el stripe, with blue and red trimmings, for boys ages 2 to 6, at, $1.25 the suit.' From 10 to 11 o'clock Boys' Overalls, 50c Pair Boys' overalls, khaki and blue, stripe; limited quantity; for chil dren ages 2 to 8, at, 50c pair. Boys' Caps, 98c Each Boys' caps made of good, sub stantial worsted fabrics, variety of neat patterns 98c each.' From 11 to 12 o'clock Boys' Khaki Suits, 4 $4.50 Boys' khaki suits; a wonderful suit for summer wear; Norfolk styles for boys ages 8 to 16, very special at $4.50 a suit From 12 to 1 o'clock Boys' Blouses, 79c Each . Ideal blouses for boys ages A to 12; beautiful range of pat terns; limited quantity, at, 79c each. Boys' Leather Belts, 25c Each Boys' leather belts, detachable buckles, variety of colors, at. 25c each. From 1 to 2 o'clock Boys' Raincoats, $3.98 Each Boys' raincoats; broken line; for. quick clearance, at, $3.98 each. ' Boys' Rompers, 79c Boys rompers made of cham bray, variety of colors, Sges 2 to 6, at 79c. From 2:00 to 3:00 Men's Balhriggan Shirts, 50c Men's balbriggan shirts; an ex ceptionally gpod quality; spe cially priced 50c. Men's Lightweight Pants, $1.59 Men's lightweight cotton crash pants, neat styles and plain, broken sizes, at ,$1,59. From 3 to 4 o'clock Men's and Young Men's SuiU, $10 Up i Men's and young men's suits, broken sizes, all colors, up-to-date styles; don't miss this $10 and up to $25. Men's Raincoats . English tweeds in dark colors at, less than cost of manufacture. Broken lots $10. ' ' . ' V From 4 to 5 o'clock Shirts, $2.00 Each Shirts samples and seconds of the highest quality; shirts made ready for quick clearance.'at $2 each. Sizes 14 to 17. Blouses Sheer organdy, voile and . , batiste blouses. Priced veryi special at $2.00 Many pretty styles are here to select from, and the values give all unusual opportunity to supply the hot weather needs. Sizes 34 to 46. 1 DewaaUirs Store -- Unusual Values in Linens and Domestics Table Damask Heavyweight bleached table damask, $1.50 yard. An excellent quality that will give good serviee. Table Cloths Kitchen table cloths, $1.00 each; these are made of heavy butcher linen and wfll give good wear. Turkish Towel Bleached Turkish towels, SOe eaehj larga siae; made of fine yarn; very absorbing. ' t Huck Towels ( f Hemmed huck towels, 35e each; an excellent quality of hueV, ' with neatly hemmed ends. ' S White Suiting . , Plain and striped white suiting of excellent quality that will give splendid service; 27 and 34 inches wide 35 yard. Bed Spreads Full size bed spreads; these are of good quality in Marseilles designs, scalloped edge and ct corners $3.95 each. Lace Curtains Lace curtains, $1.19 a pair; Nottingham lace, plain or fancy. Curtain Scrims Curtain 'scrims, 39c a yard; white or ecru witlr colored bor ders; 36 inches wide. Bleached Sheeting, 82Y2c yard .A fine round thread quality that will give splendid serviee; 72 inches wide. Plaid Ginghams " Beautiful plejd ginghams in light or dark colors', 32 Inches' wide 75c yard. 7 A Wonderful Purchase and Sale of Wash Skirts $2.95 Friday in the Down stairs Store . " A limited number of white gabar dine wash skirts in all the newest models, made of aplendid quality ma terial, some slightly imperfect, but every one is an exceptional value. Special for Friday, only, sites 25 to 36 waist, at $2.95 .