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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JUNE IS, 1920. t NEBRASKA CLUB WOMEN ACTIVE AT CONVENTION Choice Seats Assigned Dele gates in Des Moines Coli seum Large Crowd Attends Meeting. By MYRTLE MASON. Stuff Correspondent of The Bee. Des Moines, la., June 17. (Spe cial Telegram.) A glance into the Des Moines Coliseum where the Gen eral Federation of Women's Clubs is holding its 15th biennial conven tion would show a building filled al most to its capacity of 7,000. The 135 Nebraska women in attendance arc here with a purpose and may be seen at all the meetings. Nebraska has been assigned choice seating space in the very front of the Colise um and at the right of the platform. Mrs. E. M. Sybert of Omaha, mem ber of the platform committee, i gracliously discharging her duties. Mrs. M. D. Cameron, also of Oma ha, is seated on the platform. Arranging Dinner. Miss Katherine Woorley, Omaha; Mrs. T. J. Gist, Falls City, and Mrs. James T. Lees, Lincoln, constitute a committee, which is arranging a dinner for the large Nebraska dele gation to be held next Monday at the "Vonkcrs tea room. Miss Woor ley's remarks at an Americanization conference Wednesday are to be used as the basis for a recommenda tion to be submitted to the conven tionists for action. The point of Miss Woorley's remarks was in fa vor of unification work. Mrs. T. J. Gist of Falls City, sistei of Congressman C. F. Reavis, Ne braska, and a past president of the Nebraska federation, is here with Mrs. P. T. McGeer, also of Falls 'City, who is a candidate for the state legislature. Speaking of politics, Mary Gar rett Hay, who was chairman of the national executive committee for re publican women, is in evidence. She says the' women made the best speeches at the Chicago convention, but that the women delegates weree given little recognition, citing, for example, that there were no women on the resolutions committee. Nebraskans Taking Notes. Nebraska women are taking notes in Des Moines. They are asking questions about the Iowa capitol and the State Historical building with Nebraska in mind. They have expressed great interest in the mu nicipal market in this city of 120,000. They are visiting the woman's ex change here fostered by the local woman's club. The business wom an's home and clubhouse owned by the Des Moines Woman's club have drawn much interest from Nebras ka, particularly from Omaha and Lincoln women. Mis. Dudley and daughter, Henri etta, of Fullerton joined the Mrs. Barnes Nebraska delegation today. Mrs. E. B. Penny of Fullerton, who was in Oinsvi early this week," has returned to ncr, home on account of illness in the family. Bainbridge Colby and Mitchell Palmer have cancelled their biennial engagement. Mrs. John' Slaker of Hastings, president of the Nebraska Federa tion of Women's Clubs, has handed to Mrs. Josiah . Evans Cowles, president qf the General Federation, the following names as suggestions for Nebraska women to serve at the present biennial election: Tellers, Mrs. H. H. Wheeler of Lincoln and Mrs. C. W. Ayers of David City; inspectors, Mrs. J. E. White of Chadron and Mrs. John T. Prince of Grand Island. ' ' Two Nebraska women, Mrs. A. E, Sheldon of Lincoln and Mrs. Slaker, spoke in support of a proposed .re vision of the federation constitution relating to representation in the General Federation. Under hte present organization, individual clubs may send official delegates to a bi ennial convention. Under the pro posal, the individual clubs would be represented by delegates elected from the state at large. The meas ure was sharply debated and finally lost. Nebraska's delegation was divided, despite the fact that the leading of ficers stood together in favor of the proposal. Child Welfare Work. The recommendation of Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles, president of the federation, that Americanization, thrift and community welfare work be continued was referred to the in coming officers to be elected at this convention. Mrs. Cowles' recommendation that child welfare work be strengthened and emphasized was adopted. Partisan politics must be kept out of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles, president of the federation, said in her address. There should be no line of de marcation between the men's and women's votes, Mr. Cowles said, as all are under the same laws, flag, country and conditions. Slow progress was made in rcvi-' sion of bylaws because of the length of the discussion on the proposed membership reorganization. The subject will be taken up again to morrow. It was voted to amend the bylaws regarding applications for affiliation so . the applications will go to the ; general federation director. The of fice of general fedetatioii secretary , was abolished, and the state director delegated to take over her work. Americanism was the general sub ject at the meeting tonight. Charles S. Medbury of Des Moines, 'one of the speakers, said the coun i try was not threatened from with out so-much as from within at the present time. He received the united actions of the American peo ple in the war and declared they must stand united again, and con tinue to sacrifice and face the prob lems before the country if proper solution is to be found. , Divorce Court. Margaret MeKenile against Charles R. JIoKenste. cruelty. Floretta Molander against Harry Molander. nonsupport. Vlncenzo Constanio against Raphael Constanso, desertion. Ida Brady agalnat George E. Brady, cruelty. William Ray sgslnst Maud Ray. cruelty. Resale McRoberts agalnat Joseph Mc Roberts, cruelty. Divorce Deer. Mary Peterson Irom Arthur Peterson, cruelty. . Solomon Phelpa from Mar Phelps, ciueltj. A ...... Vivian Rich in "A World of Folly" is Helene, the beautiful wife of Kaoul Blair. She is neglected by her husband, who becomes ab sorbed in his business to the exclusion of all other interests. Duke Tremaine, young, handsome and unscrupulous, who presents a rather romantic figure to women because he con Vivian Rich. sistently wins the polo championship every year, sees Mrs. Blair and de termines to win her love. Complications follow in which Helene, though innocent, is divorced by her husband. Tremaine fails to take into consideration a discarded sweetheart, whose desire for re venge eventually clears up the situa tion. Mary Pickford and Douglas Fair banks may sail for Europe tomor row. The far has de ferred the issuance of passports be cause of the litigation still on in Nevada courts over Mary's divorce form Owen Moore. An attorney has been in Washing ton every since the Fairbanks landed in New York two wjks ago, trying to fix matters up so the honeymooners can get away. Advices from England indicate that great preparations are being made there to receive the two stars. Public officials plan to meet them at the dock. They will return in September .and -will make one pic ture in the east before .returning to Californta. Signed advertising of the United Artists' corporation to the effect that the Fairbanks would not go to Eur6pe for several months indicate that the stellar pair either changed their minds or were trying to throw the public off the scent. Dorothy Gish offers an exquisite ! AT THE r THEATERS ONLY today and tomorrow remain of the week's engagement of Sineer'a Mid gets at the Orpheum. The company i made up of 30 of the smallest men and women ever to appear on the stage. The production Is lavishly staged .In 10 scenes. In one of these scenes a very tiny man exhibits his monster skill as an elphant trainer. There are 20 ponies In the attrac tion. One of these goes through elaborate tricks. The exhibition of whirlwind tum bling is a prominent feature. There is a strong man exhibition done by one of the smalt men. Another demonstrates his !,UII1 as an Illusionist. The great dream spectacle offers a rich display of costumes. No act ever seen at the Orpheum has proven more popular. More seats ore available at the 6:40 show than at cither of the other two performances. Topp'.ng the variety Mil at the Emprest, is Vera Mersereau & Co.. presenting a dance fantasy. These terpsichorean artist, are graceful, and their dances arc new ana irrlglnal and the kind that please. Their beautiful aettlngs and costumes, too, add to the appearance of the ant. Peters and LeBouf will offer a trampoline bar novelty. These two Qung men perform some dif ficult feats and their stunts are. thrllllns and entertaining. Wells and Teeta, two clever young chaps, will present a bit of Yankee wit in -thela comedy singing end talking skit. Billy Walsh,. th "Little Black Pepper." presents a most mirth provoking offering consisting of comedy tongs. Jazz and soft shoe dancing. Kisses and $300 in Money Given Teacher , After 38 Years on Job An ovation, teeming with congrat ulations and gratitude, was tendered Miss Harriet Eddy, principal of Windsor schools,' by scores of her former pupils and friends last night in the school building in recognition of her 38 years' service in the Omaha public schools. Kisses were bestowed on Miss Eddy by many youngsters. A purse of $300, donated by the teachers and pupils of Windsor school, was presented to Miss Eddy by Mrs. George Street, one of the mothers, of the neighborhood. , Miss Eddy was: proud to display to the audience last night a -beautiful platinum ring set with diamonds, presented to her recently by her as sociate teachers. Miss Eddy has held a record ca reer in Omaha schools, having began her teaching here in 1882, at the old Long schooj. She taught also at Izard, Pacific, Mommouth park and Windsor schools, the latter for 22 years. Enrollment Is Opened ' For Summer Naval School Enrollment for participation in annual summer school cf the U. S. navy at Great Lakes, III., is open at the navy recruiting station. Four teenth and Douglas streets. Omaha may send 37 bovs be tween the ages of 16 and 20 years. Formal consent must be filled out by parents or guardians of all bovs enrolling, and selection will be made by regular examinations pre scribed for the naval reserve force, in which the boys must enroll for not less than three months, South Side Brevities We hav In transit Pennsylvania Scran ton hard coal for base burner and furnace use. Phone us your order before it is ail cone. Harding Coal company. Phone South 33. Floyd Splcer. S:I13 Railroad avenue, was discharged yesterday in police coirt, when I. Merta, proprietor of th Mali'" Avenue drug store. Twenty-first and Washington streets, testified that he did not believe Splcer guilty of robbing tho store last Saturday night. According to an announcement of Ad jutant J. W. Cress. Thll Kearney Post No. 2, O. A. R., will meet Saturday afternoon at 3:30. at 4427 Bouth Twenty-third street, and Phil Kearney Woman's Relief corps will' meet Saturday afternoon at 8:30, at the home of Mrs. J. O. Eastman, Twenty third and C streets. - Information was received Thursday of tht, death, June 11, of Comrade John C. Munt. 7 years old, at the home of his grandson. Harry R. Oude, at Wheatland, Wyo. The body wag sent to Stuart. Neb., for interment. Mr. Munt was a resident of South Omaha for the past 15 years, living with his son. John C. Munt, Jr., 4024 South Twenty-seventh street, pro prietor of Hunt's pharmacy. Twenty fourth and P streets, and was a member of Phil Kearney Post 'No. J, O. A. R. of South Omaha, Girl Hit by Auto. Angelas Fulton, 12 years old, 322 North Eighteenth street, was slight ly injured yesterday when struck by an automobile driven by Luther Drexel .of Florence near Sixteenth and Douglas streets. Her ankle was bruised. Drexel was arrested, charged, with reckless driving 1 L-.J -V.," comedy in "Remodeling Her Hus band," which opened at the Strand theater yesterday for the remainder of the week. Attention to detail, particularly feminine detail. is noticeable and can probably be laid to the door of Lillian Gish, who di rected the picture. The story was written by a woman, too, and is designed pri marily to win the approval of women. Without any attempt to point a moral and seemingly made for laughing purposes only, yet the picture does present many real hu man problems. In spite of Dorothy's absolute gift for humorous pantomime, she should get a good deal of serious sympathy from women in the audience who have experienced similar episodes in their lives. One thing more is worth mention ing, the huge, carved desk in her father's private office was purchased by D. W. Griffith at an auction sale. It issaid to have belonged to the president of one of Wall street's famous corporations. Standard Oil conferences have even been men tioned in connection with the desk, but this story cannot be vouched for. However, after having seen the desk, it sounds plausible. Downtown Program. Moon "Girl of the Sea. Strand Dorothy Gish in "Re modeling Her Husband." Sun Wanda Hawley in "Miss Hobbs." Rialto H. B. Warner in "The White Dove." Muse Earle Williams in "Captain Swift." Emoress Vivian Rich in "A World of Folly." Orpheum Owen Moore in "Sooner or Later." Neighborhood Houses. Grand Hobart Bosworth in "Be hind the Door." Hamilton Olive Tell in "The Trap." DRASTIC ORDER IN EFFORT TO GET WOMAN'S SLAYER Word to Arrest All Soldiers Sent to Three States by Camp Grant Officials. Rockford, 111., June 17. An order for the arrest of all soldiers found fn cities in Illinois, Iowa and Wiscon sin was issued today by authorities at Camp Grant in an effort to effect the capture of the slayer of Mrs. Maude Lucile Moss, wife of Capt. Leroy H. Moss, camp utilities of fier, who was killed Tuesday nighi while riding in an automobile with her husband and a party of friends at the camp. The drastic order, it is believed, ;vjll . throw a net around four es caped prisoners from the camp who are suspected of connection with the killing and will eventually lead to the apprehension of the guilty party. Arrests are expected momentarily and tonight armed men under the di rection of Sheriff BaMwin of Rock ford and Captain Howie, Camp Grant intelligence officer, were being held in readiness to go after any sol diers taken into custody. The names and organization of e,ach man arrested will be forwarded to camp officials and if investigation shows that without doubt they are on leave of absence they will be or dered released, officers said. Other wise soldiers found away from camp will be subjected to a thorough ex amination. Mrs. Moss was a daughter of Col. Bion J. Arnold of Chicago. 14 Omaha Postal Employes To Be Retired on Pension Thirteen men and one woman, employes of the Omaha postoffice, were notified yesterday by Post master Daniel that they will be re tired August 20, in accordance with a federal act passed May 22. All are past (55 years old and have been in the service 15 years or mofe. They will be retired on pensions of 30 to 60 per cent of their present salaries, according to length of ser vice. Thirty-six men in the railway mail service will be retired from this office on August 20, under the same act. Open Campaign for Funds To Entertain Omaha Poor Volunteers of America have opened their campaign for funds for the an nual free outing to the needy, moth ers and children of Omaha on Moth ers' and Children's day, proclaimed for July 8 by Mayor Smith. At this time free luncheon, ice cream, lemonade and games are held for the entertainment of the poor families of the city. Hundreds at tend the event each vear. Maj. F. A. McCormick, 114 North Fifteenth street, is in charge. Men Held in Missouri May Be Council Bluffs Burglars Omaha police believe that two men, arrested in Kansas City Satur day, are Ralph Murray and Jasper Brown, wanted here for the robbery of the Prudential Life Insurance of fice, Council Bluffs, the night of January 27, when they secured $1, 300. Acting Chief of Detectives A. C. Anderson and Detective W. To land are working on the identifica tion. lowan Sentenced to Death For Killing of Policeman Kansas City, Mo., June 17. -John Moore, 24 years old, was sentenced to death by a jury in the criminal division of the circuit court here to day for the murder of U. A. Mc Mahon, a patrolman, April 20. Moore said his home was in Boone, la. . Reduce Price of Lead. New York, June 17. The Ameri can Smelting and Refining company today reduced the price of lead from 8 J to 8 cents a pound. Special Luncheon. ?5c raxton hotel. Malrj Cafe. Adv NAME TEACHERS OF SCHOOLS FOR OMAHA IN 1921 Three Principals Retire and Three Others Will Take Advantage of Maxi mum Service. The Board of Education last night approved a list of teachers who will serve during the next school year, beginning in September. Superin tendent J. H. Beveridgc stated that 60 new elementary teachers ap peared in the roster and he also ex plained that the complete list of principals will not be prepared until about August 1. Harriett Eddy, Effie Reed and Kate L. Brown, principals of Wind sor, Kcl'om and Cas schools, re spectively, will retire this week. Their places have not been filled. The superintendent also stated that three other principals will retire on account of having served the maxi mum of 40 years. He is not ready to announce their names. This will make six varan t principalships, which will be filled before the new school year opens. The following were elected prin cipals for the school year 1920-21 subject to assignment by the super intendent: Anderson, Cora S. Marrs, P.. M. Anderson. May. Masters. J. Austin, Mary. .Mathews. I.ula B. Bedell. Bess. N;ish, Carrie. Blackmore, Ida. Netvlcan. Jeannette. Bratton, Anna. Orr, Alice P. Campbell. Martha. n'Toole, Margaret. Carney, Julia. Peterson, Alire. Christiancy, Martha. Plckard, Anna. Cooper, Clara. Pittman, Sadie. Doyle, Jsabelle. Porter, Dwlght E. Doyle, Mima. Powell. Martha L. Eaton, Franc. Reap, Edna. Fitch. Mary. Reid, Mary. Forsyth. Fannie. Robeson. Jessie. Oepson, E. IV Rooney. Elizabeth, Josephine. Roys, Cassle. tltifflth, Grace. Slooum. June, Orlost, Mary. Smith, Maud. Gross. Frances. Stltt, Jessie. Hamilton, Margaret. Thoelccke, Bertha. Harrison. Agnes. White. Virginia. McCumber, Pearl. Winter, Pauline. McNamara, Mary. Woodward. J. I,. The following were elected to the fol lowing position: Mary McNamara, principal Benson High school. J. G. Masters, principal Central High school. Dwight E. Porter, principal High School of Commerce. R. M. Marrs. principal South High school. Central High School. .T. F. Woolery, vice principal. E. E. McMillan, vice principal dean of boys. P. A. Senter, dean of faculty. Jessie Towne, dean of girls. High School of Commerce. f'rester Linn, dean of hoys. Jeannette McDonald, dean of girls. Permanent list. Adams. Anna. Llllle, Grace. Adams. Beulah. Llndstam, Elvera. Alexander. Ann G. Linn, Cheater. Allan, Elzabeth P. Longergan, Emma. Allen, Elizabeth. Long, Elizabeth. Anderson, Cora. S. Longsdorf, H. Anderson, Jeanne. Loughnane, T. Anderson, Johanna. Lovgren, Gertrude. Anderson, Mabel. Lowry, Kathryn. Anderson. May. Lyon, Ceclle. Anderson, Moselle. Lynn, Ethel. Antisdel, Mina. McAllister, Ethelyn. Ash. Sadie L. McAllister, Florence. Atkinson. Ada I. McArdle. Teresa. Austin, Mary. McCague, Anna. Ayer, Sarah. McCague, Lydia. Bailey, Gertrude. McConnaughey, G. M. Bake, Cora. McCrann, Francei. Bake, Lillian. McCumber. Pearl. Banker, Mildred. .McCune Juliet, Barbee, Bessie. McDonald, J. Barrett. Mary A, MeKlhany, M. M. Beal, Mamie G. McBlroy. Agnes. Beebe, Lorena. McGulre. Olive. Beedle, Mary. MoMahon, Mary. Begley, Katherine. McMillan, E. E. Bemls. Mary E. McMillan, Isa belle. Bernstein, Rose. Mack, Lucy. Blackmore. Ida. Mackenzie, Carrie. Blessing, Hermlne. Magnussen, A. Bloomer, Katherine. Mahoney, Ellen. Bonnell. Daisy F. Mangan. Inej. Book, Irma Mann, A. P. Bookmeyer, Mary B. Mann. Nettie C. Sorglum, Anna. Manning, A. Boswell, T. E. Mansfield, B. V. Boutelle, Carrie. Mansfelde, J. V. Bowie, Katharine. Martin, M. R. Bredbeck, M .B. Masek, M. Brandt, Salome J. Mason, Claire. Bratton, Anna M. Mason, DeEttc. Brennan. Helen. Mathews, L. B. Bridge, Nona. Matthews. Marie. Broadfield. Anna. in.tthews, M. W. Brooker. Florence. JVrf Sadie. Brown, Fannie W. u,,.her, Ida. Browne. Carrie. ver. Anna Burke, Margaret. ?!.,... Mary. Burke, M. L. A. ifu er Metba. Burnett, Lida. Vj !. C S. Butler, Florence. ', ,' Anna, Butler, Maud Hanks. JSi, ""izabeth. Campbell, Marie. Mlna. Campbell. Martha. oore. M'na Campbell. Otley D. ?j""yT. Rr"e!niUlla- MorlaVty." Nellie. Carr, Rose. vorrlson De la. Carrick, Catherine. M!,Vry. Cayley. reda. M , Elizabeth. Chambers Alice j j wa Chapin Marguerite! Kva.. Chapnell. Tone. Murtagn, Lida. Charlton4 E. Myers, Anna L. Chase, ella M. Mi-era, Fannie. Chase, Ruth. Nash, Carrie. Chatelaln. A. Nason, Helen. Chittenden, Or etta. Nau(!h,on. Patricia. Christensen, Nellie. Xjtll jilnnle. Christiancy. M. W., Lizzie K. Clarey, Margaret. N.,est, Louise. Clark, F.dna. Nulson, Anna C. Clark, Oenevlve. Nelson. Carrie. Clarke, Helen. Nelson, Grace. Clausen. Henry. Nelty, Restora. Cllne, Georgia. Ncvin. Eleanor. Coburn. Dora. Newcomb. Emily. Cole, Edna. Ncweombe, Julia. Coleman. Rose F. Xewlcan, Jeannette. Comstock, Gall. Niedermeyer, Carrie. Cnmstock, Lee. Niedermeyer, Sarah. Condon. Jessie. Nleman, Frances. Conoway, Bernlce. Norton, Eva. Cooper. Clara F. Nystrom, Grace H. Copeland, Josle G. O'Brien, Mary. Copeland, May. (, ary. Delia. , Corr, Helen L. A. O'Sulllvan, Eva. Coulter, Alice. O'Toole, Margaret. Cowden. Minta. Olver, Minna. Cowglll, Ruth. Orchard, E. H. Craig, Martha. Orr. Alice. Craig. Nellie. Packer. Georgia. Crelghead, Mabel. Paitridge. Edith. LYKOIatold In orlslnal piok. IM only, lis picture above. Refuse all substitutes. Hot, Sultry Nights rob Nature of the chance to rebuild, by refreshing and restful sleep, the wasted tissues of the body. That limp and pros trated feeling caused by wakeful, restless nights is quickly relieved by The Great General Tonic SoU By All Riliabl Drutmnt Sole Manufacturers: LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York Kansti City. Mo. For sale by Beaton Drug Company. 16th nd Farnam Stf., and all rafyjj druggists. A Crandall, L;ura. I atterson, Ruth. Crawford. Frances E. I'atton, James M. Crichton, W. s. I'auius. W. F. Crowell, Ida. Cultra, Ruth. Davenport, Ethel. Davles. Autumn. 1'uxtun. Susan. I'cake, Cilenna. Pearson, Amelia. Pearson. Vera, l'edcrsnn, Viola )eGraff. Myrtle. la Vega. Emmar Peterson. Alice C. Palpsch, Laura 1.. i'-itr.;on, cani-y Dolpsch, Margaret, DeMoss. Eva. nennett, Edith. Pennlson, Alice. Petrlng, L. A. Podder, Lucile. Honoho, Pearl. Iiooley. Nellie. Poylo, lsabelle. Uoyle, Mima. Irummond. Helen. Urummond. James. DuBols, Vera M. Dudley Evelyn. Puke. Harriet. PMrfer, Gertrude. Phelps. Ella. Plckard, Anna. Plckard. Hattle. Pittman, Sadie. Pitts. Carol M. Plxton, Bertha. Pollan, Marie. Pollock, Kuth. Possner, Ida. Powell. Martha. Powers, Katherine. Price. Katherine. Randall, Nelle. Ranee, Alice. Pumont. Bess T. Keed. Ella. Punnlgr.n. Katherine. 5""V lvV- Punn. Bessie. Reld. Mary A. Puras, Josephine. Purland. Edna E. Pye. Minnie. Katon. Franc. I-Mling, Emma. Kldredge. Ethel. Eller. Leone. Reynold, Catherine. Rhamey, Wvlda. Rlchey, Ollt'e. Rlddlesbarger, Ada. Roberts, Avis. Roberts, Margaret. Robeson, Je.-wle A. Elltt, Mrginla ockfelow. Pearl. Ellsworth. Alice M. PKen. Jeannette F. Cllsworth, Emma. J'0"1'- Mary. r. Ellsworth, Mary, Rooney, Elizabeth. Klsnsser, Bertha. Elsasser, Sophie. Kmpey, Lillian E. I'splin, Minnie, l-'vans, Matilda. Ewers. Edith. Fia'a. Rose. Kisher, Elsie. Pitch, lary. Fletcher. M. A. Piynt, Jessie. Flynt, Mary P. Forsyth, Fannie. Fowler. Sadie L. Franl.ish. Ellen. Fritz. Ada. Fry, Bessie, Fulton. Jane T. Gaehler, G. A. C.alt. Robert. C.enau. Elizabeth. Oepson, E. D. Glhbs. Eliza. Glamore. A. H. lioor.ey, Ellen. Root, Alice. Hoot, Mable, Rosi.n, Ellen K. Roys, Cassle. Ruur.f, Mary. Rudersdorf, Laura. I Rush, Florence Ryan. Elizabeth. . Sallander. Ora R. Sallenbach, Stella Salmon, Louise Sandberg, Ella. Savage, J. a. Sehaller, Cassandra. S'haller, Cehella. Schick. Bertha. Schlldknecht. Lucy. Schmidt, M. Ellen Schmidt. Marie. ' Schneider, Myrta Searle. Harle'tte.' gfnter, H. A. Sharrar An Sheahan, Alice M. Ti,n, jjaura. ci, . ..---r, Jn Goodman, Mary B. SM.rM?Cdi.,,label- Gordon. Marie. d,3' EUfn- Cormier. Mabel. oi1 ' . rH. uoetz, Laura Gormley, Mabel, i.ranam, Anna. Graham, lsabelle. Graham. Mabel. Gramllch, Joanna. Grant, Josephine. Gray, Eatella M. Green, Pauline. Grlest. Mary R. Griffin, Juliette. Griffith, Grace. Grimes. May. Orodlnsky. Rose. Gross. Frances. Gurske. Anna joipnerd, Neva. horrock, Grace Slo.-um, jun9 M ' Smith. Elsie. Smith, Em na. "mun, Aland. Smith, Penelope. Somors, May Sn vder. N. O Sorenson. Hedvlg Spears, jr. E. ,Si.,i'e, J' G Sprngue, Bell. Stebhlns, 3-ii lce Steg.ior, Louise. Hamann, Anna. Hamilton, Margaret. Stevens. Anne Hamlin. Marion. Stoltnow, Martha. Hampton. Helen R. s'rlngnr, Caroline. Harmon. B. E. Stiff, Jessie A. Harrington. Rose. Sullivan, Gertrude. Harris, Rosa. Svaoin.1, Anna. Harrison. Agnes M. Taylor, Sara Vore. Hattetihauer, R. Templet n, Mary L Haven. Julia E Th.ielwcko, Bertha. Haverly, Cnrdula. Havlland. Emma. Hayes, Alice. Heald, Josephine, llealey, Anna. Healey, Rose. Heme, Edith. Hendryit, E. H Htbbard. Helen i nomas, same 11. ThornpsD.i, Frances. Thompson, Helen. Thorngaf!, Ella. Thorp3, ramilla. Timms, Lillian. 'Violl, Hulda B. Tompsett, Ruth. Torrey, May. Towne. Jessie. Hlckey, Lulu M Jf'Jl'ard. Katherine. Tracy." Theresa Hlllis. Elnlse Underwood. Tr.n. Henrlkson. Mahle. Hewitt, Elizabeth. Hitte. Helen. Hogan, Delia. Holbrook, Alice. Holmes, Gertrude. Vre, Emma. VanHorn, Katherine. Vaughan, Bertha. Wagner, Edith. Walker, Gladys, walker, Harriet. noimes, Stella. vvauace, M. I. Homellus, Caroline. Wallace! Ruth Homelius. Martha. Wallace Winifred Horne. Mav Wallweber, B. A. Walsh, Agnes. Walsh, Nellie F. Wass, Norma. Waterman. Bessie HotoMtlss. A. P Houska, Marie. House, Winifred. Howard. Bess Hughes, Maude S. Waterman, p:dna H. HunfnrdGTJ,..E- W""!V Ci Huston. Ella J r tmiBun. i,ertrune. Watson, Janet D. Weeth, Anna. Wells, D. A. Weppner, Nina. Westeott, Eliza. Hutchinson. M. TJ. Isaacson, Huldah. Isakson, Edith. James. Anna. Janklns, Hazel. "etzell, Marie. Jaskalek, Erllne. naie J?sson: Jnn. 52 "e. E"a B. .Tohn.ion.. Bertha E. wm - 5?- T' Johnson. Cordelia. whi- ?,th!n,ne Johnson. Oolrtle.!;..Vlrs'nla' Vlekstrom. Lydia. Johnson, R. H. Jones, Annie H. .' ' Jones, Dora bee. Jorgenson, Flora. . . Kavanaugh. Zlta. . 'Kelley. May. Kellogg. Leta G. Kennelly. E. Kent, Emma. Kerrigan. John J. Kiewlt, E. Kiewlt, Ethel. Kinsman. Edith. Knipprath, G. F. Knotts. J. A. Knight, Ella. 'Koehler, Gussla. ' Kopletz, Teresa. Kraker, Anna, Krebs, Mary. Kunkle. Daisy, Lane. Hester. Langley, Ann. Larsen, Elizabeth. LaVelle, Nellie. Leger, Leah. sK.'is, nora. Wilbur, Lillian. $Uke, Edna. ""Ike, .Hilda. w!U!amv Cnrlotte. W llJams, Gllberta, W 'jams, Isabella, Williams, M. c. Williams, "erda. Wtlliams. Verle. Wilson, Bess. Wilson, Elizabeth. Winegard, L. W. Winslade, Emma. , Winslade, Kate, Winter, P. a. Wlaner, Minnie, Wood, L. H. Woods, Blanche. Woodward. J. L, Woolery, J. F. Wyman, Maty. Teats, Susan. Yost, Ethel. Young, Etta. Zahn, Lydia. Leighton, Florence. To lie Placed on Permanent List. Adams, Theo. Anderson, Amanda. Anderson, Gladys. Barnes, Edna. Beach, Bessie. Bedell, Bess C. Beebe, Zetla. Bracken, Angeline. Bracken, Ora. Brawner, Beulah. Brooker. Ethel. Burns. Loretto. Carey, Jessie. Case, Katharine. Case. Marllla. Johnson, Amy. Johnson, Ruby. Jones. Eva. Jones, Maud. Kenefick, Josephine. Lampmsn. .T. W. Love, Margaret. McConney, Laura. McKee, Helen. McNamara, Mary. Masters, J. G. Meyers, Viola. Morton, Grace F. Nelson, Alice. Oakes, Mary. Cathroe, Belle. Owen, Alice. Chapman, Johannah. Pasco, Lula. Christensen, A. E. rowers. Florence. Connell, Ella T. Reap, Edna. Cox, Grace. Cox, Viola M. David, Emma, Dineon, Macy, Rlnehart. Ruth. Robertson. Alice M. Ruhnka, Gertrude. Scherinerhorn, G. Most Unusual Values In Drapery Department at Bow en's on Saturday You will -have the oppor tunity of purchasing Cretonne Overdraperies Also Very Choice Voile and Marquisette Curtains and Fancy Colored. Marquisettes at $1.95 to $4.95 pair Made In Our Workroom and Ready to Hang, Extraordinary Values In Bath Towels, 45c to 95c each Also Featuring Excellent Quality Sheets, 0 63x90 In. at.. Quality Bed Spreads $2.95 $3.65 Rag Rugs, i 24x36 Inches 98c Curtains Now on Display In Our Large Window. Searenn. Maud. Shlpherd. Mabel. Sldner, Martha. Smith, LeRoy. Snell, Edna. Snyder, Anna. Sommer. Helen. Stilt. Agnes. Tinkler, Ruth. Tornhlom, O. Wallace. Mamie. Wlllard, Helen S, Wyckoff. E. S. Elected Ust. Anderson, Bertha. McLaln, Grace. Anderson. Lillian. Ardell, Genevieve, Auchmuty, Eller. Austin, Martha. Bailey, Maria. Baker, Anna. Barret. Catherine. Baumgardner, E. McShane. Alice. Mackin, Clare. MacLeod, Bernlce. Mahoney, May, Malone, Nellie. Maun. Edna D. Marmet, Anna. Manquardt, Clara. Marquardt, Selma. Marrs, R. M. Matthews, Donna. Maxwell. Josie. Mercer. Irene. Metz, Madeline. Mlchelson. Helga. Mlelenz. Eva, Miller. Ivy. Mitchell, Cell. Mitchell, Lulu D. Molseed. Edna. Moore, Eugenia. Moore. Llnnle. Morgan, Ada. Morris. Mildred. Morrison, Estelle. Mullaly. Theresa. Mulligan, H. R. Mulick. Katherine. Munley, Mary. Nelson, Emnia C. Nelson, Andrew. Nelson, Erma M. Norelgs, Sarah, L. O'Connor. Ida M. Ollverius, E., L. A Opp. Stella. Osman, Capltola. Pamp. Blanche. Parker, Mary. Pasco. Olive. Beard. Fay. Heckley. Ceclle. Heckley, Ethel. Benson, Nellie; Bexton, Louis. Bloom, Elsie. Bookmeyer, Claire. Boyle, Margaret. Bracken. Helen. Bradway, Margaret. Brawner, Ada. Brennan, Agnes. Brennan. Gene M. Brldenhaugh, Nell. Brlttaln, Faye. Brocker, Maude. Brown. Azalla. Bullard, Esther. Mums, Maybel. Campbell, Henry A Canfleld, Sarah. Castberg. lne. Cattln. Ruth. Cleland. Effie. Codington, Kate. Codington, Kate. Colvln, Margaret. Cogan, Elizabeth. Coie, Alts. Collard. Mary. Compton, Chloe. Coinpton, Maude. Cone, Vashtl. Conlngham, K. Conner, Christine. Cook, Curtis. Crapenhoft, F. Creedon, Mary. Cunningham, L. B. Pavles, Fannie B. Peeler. Ethel. peVore, Beulah. Plckey, Orvllle. Ponery. M . L. A. Ponohoe, Margaret. Ponovan, Helen. Poyle, Marguerite. Purand, F. P. Pusatho. Ida. Eads, Blanche. Egan, Ella. Ekwall, Dora. Ellv. Clam Belle. Emmett. F. Engelke. Erma. Essex. Louise. Evans. Arahelle Fay Oaynello R. Field. Edith. Fisher, Edith. Fodge, Martha. Foley. Marie. Freeman. L. n. Fry, Annie. Fullaway, Emma. Gaanebln, E. B. Phillips, Martha Pepper. Ethel A, Perkins, Llllle. Peterson. Margery. Phllllppi, Mary . Phllpott. Mavme. Pleper, Mathllde. Plummer. Mable H. Porter. Pwlght E. Pratt, Pearl. Prnsson, Vellsta. Pnreell, Anna. Raabe. Louise. Rae, Jean. Ralnny, Elizabeth. Randall, Margaret Rathsack. Alice. Regan, Helen. Reld. Vina. Reynolds. Ann. Reynolds, Laura. Rob nson, Elizabeth. Robinson, Helen. Robinson, Nona. Roessier, Alice Sandherg, Edith. S'hleuter, Norlne. Schmidt, Jo Schmidt. Gladys. Scrlven. P. M Sevlck. Nina. SJiackell. Bessie. Shea. Ina. Sheehv. Alice Shulthies. Hat'tie. Smith. Bess. danno". """,,. fmith, Bessie B Ollkerson. Jeannette. Sm(h 0ertru; i:ntl Edna Smith, Miriam. Gray. Dorothy. Gross. Irma. Grove, June. Gulgard. F. H. Gunderman, Anna. Gurney, Caroline. Hanson. Zell R. Harmon. Grace. Hecht, C. H. Hiatt. Carrie. Hicks, Myrtle. Hoffman, Inah. Holmes. Grace M. Holqulst, Ruth. Holmgren. Mabel. Hoye, Marie. Hrdllcka, Marjr. Hubbell, Mlna. Ingersoll, Eleanor. Jacobson, Ebba. Jacobson, Olga. Jamieson, Riene. Jones. Sadye. Joy, Jennie L. Kenefick, Enid. Kenefick. Madonna Kldd, Louise B. King. H. Velma. Kinsey, Frances. Kisor. Grace M. Koch, Grace. Koop, Lottie. Klyer. Lela. LaBell, Ethel. Lane, Helen. Larson, Esther. Leonard, Bernlce. Llndburg. Poris. Under. Ruth. Line. Gladya. netzer. It. L. Snider. Mildred. Spanton, Mabel. Sublette, Pauline, Sullivan, Claire. Tallmadge. Gladys. Tartsrh, Pella. Taylor, Parle M. Thomas Esther. Thompson, Mary A Thompson, Mildred. n',ort V ... Tompkins, Charlitte 'i o .viisciu, cveiyn. Tranmer. Bertha Turk, Mildred. ' Turpln. Oren B. Van Brunt, Mabel. Vlasak. H. P. Walker, Marguerite. Walker. Mildred M. Wallace. E. N. Walworth, Mabel. WaahbAirn, Stella. Welsbecfcer, Alan. Wehrs, A. P. Weisham. Mons. Wendland, H. W. Werner, Linda. West, Alice. Weyerman, M. Whited, Mildred. Whltehouse. Pattle. Wllburn, Elsie. Wisner, Lucille. Woods, Flora. Yoder, Ruth. Yoder, W. A. York. E. J. Zentz, Mabel. Lyle, Dorothy. To Be Pf ced on Elected l ist. Abbott, Elna. Kraus, Carrie. Pooley. Eleanor. Elliott. Mary. Foster, Mildred. Gunderson. Lulu. Hall, Mildred. Hamilton, Jean. Hanlsch, Ed a. Harrier. Eva. Harte. Helen. Harte. Lucy. Houska, Emily. Hutchlneon, E. Jessen, Ruble. Friday Saturday Only if A Great Two-Day Sale Women's White Hosiery Eldredge-Reynolds Hosiery Sales Hosiery Values and Hosiery Standards are too well known and appreciated to need further comment. (White Only) Supply Your Wants Now Hosiery Shop- Ladenhurg E. 'Lambert, Peloma. Leach, May. Linger, Bertha. Lorance, Cells. Lyon. Mary. McCabe. Mary. McCague. Helen L. MeCarvllle, M. S. .McCrann. Kathleen. McCrann, Margie. McCray, Pearl, McElroy, Ramon. Mann, Helen E. Marr. Madeline. Marshall. Bertha F. Meyers. Emma. Morgan, Kathleen. Morrlssey, Marian. Morrow. Mabel. Mortenson. Mabel. Mullen, Anna. Castle. Drew w Murphy, Alary. Clark. Lula Wilson. Myers, Pelhert W. Cleland, Mary, Myers, Luella R. Cllne, Myrtle. Cole. Marguerite. Cotik, M. Kate. Cosgrove, Anna. Craven, Elizabeth. Crockett. Lucy. Crowley, Lorena. Plmock. Vera K. Poyle, Kathleen, punn. Bernlce. Pustln, Nelle. Eddy, Horace. Nason, Pauline. Neal, Emma, Noble, Nellie. O'Connor. Julia. Prme. Nellie, Partington, Ada. Partington, Anne. Pardee. Laura. Perrson,' Sarah. Peterson, Bertha. Peterson, Cecilia. Peterson. Emma. Ellis, Lois. Piper, Florence J. Emmett, Kate Field. Planck, Euphrosyne. Fetterman, Amy. i-oiioc.h. jane. Vlnlran. Agnes. Preston. Anna M. Puis, Helen. Ray. Jean. Reynlsh, Ethel. Rlecker, -1, Inula Fitzgerald, Marion. Fleming, Lucille. Frohner, Emma. Otbsnn. Marie. Gilbert, Fern Irene. Roberts. G. niltner. E. A Rogers, Ethyl a. Onllehon, Goldle. Gooklns. Helen. Gottschalk. C. O. Graham. Myrtle. Gunderson, Clara. Hansen, Mary. Harbert. Viola. Karte. Fan. Harvey, Vera P. Hastle, Ruth. Haves, Fannie B. Hlber. Marie. Illgglns. Carrie. Hill, Fred. Hoag. Bertie. Holtz. Helen. Hompes, Adeline. House, Hazelle. Howe, Ann. Hudson, Vlnda. Hull, Margaret. Inks. Gertrude. Jackson. Olive. James, Mary. Johnson, Martha. Jones, Florence. Jones, Iowa. Jones, Ira A. Jones, Ira P. Jones. Margaret. Karchmer, Lena. Keeler. Mary E. Kennedy. Florence. Roodman. Bessie. Itoyce.- Mildred. Ruxton. Bernlce. Ryan, Ada. t Sage. Verna. Sanden, Pora. Sanden. Edith. Scovllle, Barbara, Shelley. E. H. Shoup, Bessie. Sires. Frances. Smith. Margaret B. Solllnger, Anna, Sorenson, Ebba. Splllman. Albert R. Sprague, Irene. Stooker. Margaret. Swanholm, Effie. Swanson, Mary. Sweeney, Eileen. Thomas, Mabel N. Thone, Margaret. Trego. Elizabeth. Vlleland. Elsie. Waldron, Marlon. Walker, Florence. Walsh. Catherine. Watklns, Louise. Weller, Dorothv. Wrtllman, Elizabeth. Whlteley. Ethel. Wilson, Erma F. Wlrth, Flora. Klepetko. Stephanla.-Woods, Lillian. Knight, Stella Hall. Zack. Elsa. Assigned List. Albert. Margaret. House, Kathryn. Alexander. J. H. LaFrance, Gladys. Anderson, Althea. Lamb, Lorena. Anderson, Olga K. Llggltt. Mary. Anneuser, .iune. McEachron, susan. Arlander, Helen. Bauer, Mary M. Benson, Helen. Bertsch, Elizabeth, Bragg, Emma. Brooks, Zelma L. Burns. Ruth. Burton, Geneva. Byram, Marion. Caldwell. Mary. Carrier. Helen. Cejnar, Marie. Chafee. Marlorle. Chapman. Mabel. Clark. Helen. Connor. May. Cook. Elizabeth. Crabb. Vena. Paugherty, Stella. Poran. Isabel. Emrlck, Mildred. Fleming, Llla. Gillespie, Anne W. Gray, Dorothy. Guanella. C. Gunderson. Kthel. Haykln, Irene. Herman. Ethel. McKenney. Ada. McMillan, Clare. Magneson, Dagmar. Matlson. Pearl. MRtthews. .Helen. Nielson, Anna. Nystrom, Emily. Olson, Llllle. Owen, Mabel. Patterson. Llssle B. Phalen. Hazel. Pierce, Viola. Randoll. Lucile. Rasmossen. M. L. Reed, Mabel L. Reynolds, Gertrude. Rhoades. Mildred. Roebllng. Margaret. Scrlven. Pearl. Sinn, Eva May. Sires, Jewell. Sprecher, Jessie. Steward. Edyth. Stllwell, Grace. Stoeltlng. Ruby. Townsend, Marlon. Vail. Bernlce. Walker. Marguerite. Hnyefl. Helen. Henderson, Hill. Ella. Walling, Vlda. Helen. Walton, Beatrice. Whalen. Ethel. Hltohman, Olive. Hocnens, Evalene. Hnlstrnm, Hazel. Williams. Yvette. Wixon. Marie. Young,. Marion. Hosman, Lena Supervisors. Chittenden. Orietta S., supervisor of kindergartens. DeGraff, Myrtle., assistant supervisor of drawing. Jones. Ira A . physical education super visor. McCune, Juliet, supervisor music ele mentary department. Myers. Fannie, assistant supervisor of music. Reed, Marion, supervisor of drawings Sallandor, Oro Kussell, aseislaat- s visor writing. - . Anderson, Florence. Anderson. Helen. Andrews. Kathryn, Antln, Clara. Antln, Rosemary. Baker. Mildred. Harnett. Alma. Barr. Victoria. Beachler. Jane. Bennett, Harry E. Berger, Jean. Berry, Porls C Biggs. Bertha. Blngel, Dora 17. Bracken. Ruth. Brannlan. Clara. Breneman. K. Brewer, William. Brown, Mary, Buel, Mary. Cammack. L. M. Carroll, Myrtle 8. Fibre or Lisle Hos Regularly $1.00 65c Regulars and Ouisizes Splendid quality high spliced heels double soles and toes. , (White Only) Pure Silk Hose Regularly $2 and $225 $1.25 Pure silk to the knee lisle garter tops full fash ioned and seamless. (While Only) Fine Silk Gauze Hose Pure Dye Special at $2.65 Full fashioned with lisle soles and toes high spliced heels lisle garter tops. While Lines Qdreke-5idd5 Q Formerly BeiTlioniB" ykStorccfSpcchU AGED WOMAN MAY DIE AS RESULT OF AUTOJRASH Sustains Probably Fatal In juries in Accident in Council Bluffs Driver Arrested. Mrs. Maggie Lavenburg, 75 yc;u old. Twenty-ninth avenue and Thir teenth street. Council Bluffs, may dio as the result of injuries sustained when a speeding car crashed intc the machine in which she was riding on South avenue near Woodbury avenue yesterday afternoon. Myron irarriman, R. F. D. No. -'. the driver of the other car, was ar rested by Bluffs police upon a charge of reckless driving. He will be ar raigned in police court this morn ing. Airs. I.avcnburg was riding !n an auto driven by William Thomas who lives on South avenue. They were going south. Harriman va going north at a high rate of speed according to witnesses, and turnei into the wrong side of the road tr pass a machine driven by Harrv Wallin, Glenwood. Walling stopped to pick up a p:is senger and Harriman was obliged to turn out into the path of the Thomas machine. Both cars wert4' badly wrecked and the aged woman was thrown to the pavement with great force. She was picked tip un conscious and taken to the Mercy hospital. A margarine works in Holland has adopted a retetitly discovered process for obtaining edible fats from tar. Savage, J. A., aupervlsor writing. Shlpherd, Mabel, assistant supervisor of music. Smith, Gertrude, assistant supervisor of physical education. Thompson, Helen L., supervisor manual training. Townsend, Charlotte, supervisor nurses. HEAPS OF DEPARTMENTS. Central High School. Atkinson, Ada, head dept. history. Pavles, Autumn, head dept. civics. Dumont, Besa I, head dept. physical training. McMillan, E. E., vice principal; dean ol boys. Paxson, Susan, head dept. ancient lan- a-unee" Stringer, Caroline, head dept. natural science. Taylor. Sara Vore, head dept. construc tive English. Towne. Jessie M., head dept. English literature. Williams, Verda, head dept. household arts. Woolery, J. F., vice principal; head of dept. mathematics. Sooth High School. Cook, Curtis, head dept. English. Fowler, Sadie, dean of girls. Johnson. R. H. head dept. commerce. High School of Commerce. Bullard, Esther, head dept. household arts. Knipprath, P. F. head of dept. book keeping and accounting. Linn, Cheater, dean of boys; head dept. stenography and typewriting. McDonald, Jeannette, dean of girls, head dept. English. Present Positions. Atkisson, Pattl. Fox, Agnes. Bourke, Mary. Hamilton, Jean. Butterfield, Nora. Hennl. Lydia, Carlson, Katherine. Kiewlt, Adelia. Carver, John. Mulligan, H. R. Cox. Henry. McAuley, Paul 8. PJureen, Ruth. Simmons, Catherine. Foster. Mary E. Ingles, Mae. Fullaway, Ethel. Kiewlt, Kate. Sizes Are Complete -Main Floor