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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1920)
THE BEEr OMAHA. FRIDAY, JUNE IS, 1920. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. I'PR. SALE HO Kcr tnPwn County N.brk, ( mllra.wrat of Pawne. Tht. la real bargain. Wll Improved; grtofl hrtu.e and barna; all fenced; aoil aand' loam. I muat hava the money and will aall for $100 eaah. Don't anawer unleaa you have the money; montage of K.000 on pla-a now; farm cornering on aouthweat recently aold for $16S caah. Write or wlra Mra. II. K. Munneke, 210 W. ;8th St.. Lincoln. Neb. FARM LOANS The Conn. Mutual I.lfe loana on ferma In Washington. Douglas. Sarpy and Cane countlea. Nl. ; lowest ratea, beat terms. I have for eale eonie choice flrat mortgagee on eaetcrn Neb. farma draw Ing a' per cent or 4 pr rent net. a free. Paul Peterson. 364 Brandele The ater. Omaha. Tel. Doug. 1S05. Walnut 310. tV'E are putting mora of the Robert Tay lor l'erklna county, Nehraaka land on the market. Ternia l-f cash, balance 6 and 10 yeara, t per cent. Price depends on selection you make. For particulars addresa Miner & Bradley, (jrand Island, Neb; V.nnn ACRES Box Butte county farm land; 125 to :I6 an acre In half aectlon lota. S. 8. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City Nat'I Bank Bldg. For Neb. Farma and Ranches aea Orabam-Peteri Realty Co.. lit Omaha Nat'I BK. Bldg.. Omaha. rA. PATZMAN. Far-n. 801 Karbach Blk. Iowa Lands. ONE OF IOWA'S BIGGEST AND BEST STOCK AND GRAIN FARMS ro BK SOLD AT AUCTION AT 1:30 P. M. JULY 1,1920. We will sell at Public Auction n farm of 640 acres, known as the Hilliker Simpson farm; it is lo cated in Pottawattamie county, 38 miles from Council Bluff.-, on the new White Pole road, 13 miles east oi uaKiann; t nines uorm oi -r. .ti j e- - aI. .i unsworn, anu mc units s.juin anu eight miles west of Atlantic. There are 440 acres in nne body on which is bcated all of the im provements; 2UJ acres in one body across the section line to the north. These two f icts will be sold separately; then ;he entire 640 acres will be sold in one body and whichever brings the most money it will be sold. The improvements have all l.cen built within the last two or three years and consist of the fol lowing: Five-room house with full basement; large barn: corn crip; granary; chicken house; large barn; corn crib; granary; chicken house; machine shed; stock corrals: scales: thiee good" wells and the land is al! fenced hog-tight in several different fields. The land is slightly roll- FOR SALE ISO acrei of good land near Waukon, Ia., no fowl, seed, or trade, for large farm, or an 80 or will take a house and lot; will sell on ten yeara' time; good buildlfigs and alio; will sell all atock and tools with place. Addreaa Route 1. Box No. 37. Harper'i Ferry, la. ing; 27 acres is in timber pasture; 80 acres in corn and the balance is seeded down to timothy and clover. This farm is one of the best im proved, best located stock and grain farms within the boundaries of the state of Iowa. Terms of sale will be announced by the auctioneer before the sale starts; the terms willJie very rea sonable and liberal to resoonsible parties, so do not stay awav think ing you cannot buy this farm, as the terms will be made so that any responsible party can buy. Sale will start at 1:3ft p. Free lunch at noon. m. For further information call on fir write HILLIKER SIMPSON, Room 3, Horse and Mi'le Barn, South Side Str-ck Yards, or S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 213 City National Bank Building, Omaha. 10 u.itk tnwl fc'ATlMSt for KAle a t,A .v.rtlv whut vou want: refer r,ce any bank In Henry county. Gordon Reese. New London, Henry county, Iowa. SKINNER STOCK WANTED 168 acrea choice. Iowa land to ex change for Skinner stock. Douglas 4413. WM. N. HILL, .610 World-Herald Bldg. North Dakota Lands. FOR SALE Quarter aectlon land in Kid der Co.. N. D.. all in wheat now. Early buyer geta 19:0 crop. No waste land. 140 per acre. C. W. Llvergood. Mason City. Ia. Miscelhenous. FOR SALE BY OWNER 160 acrea in Burnet county, Wisconsin; 25 acrea clear. It acrea meadow land: all fenced. Price $2,500. Snap. Answer quick. W. P. Gustation, (36 Aabury St., St. Paul, Minn. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors. Real Estate, Investments. Insurance, Ren- tala Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. PRESSED brick duplex flat, 7 rooms on a side; oak finish; Tark Ave.; Income HI, 600. Snap a t tl3.500. Pg. 173 4; THREE 10-r. brick apt. Income $2,700. ;0,000. Fine Investment. D. 4641. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. CITT AND FARM LOANS. 6 PER CENT. DUMONT & CO., 416-41$ Keeline Bids. . OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL, ESTATE CO.. -an) t HT.a. n 1. f) I J 1"lA.irr 471 t IU1S VIII. 11 til. u rv. niUK. a, . uu, DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. L.( west rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. P. 6619. Eb. 184 PRIVATE MONET. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WPAD, Wead Blag.. 810 8. IStn 8t PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN ft COMPANY. Doug. 425$. TROMPT aervice, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Broa.. S4S Omaha Nat. T E. BUCK. Leans. 443 Omaha Nat Oil Leases. SOUTH TEXAS LEASES. Invent now for future Independence. A small Investment in well located oil leases in South Texas today, may mean $1,000,000 for you tomorrow. Twelve shallow fields already pro. duclng and over 600 other wells drill ing show what geologists and others , think the future possibilities ot this territory. We own leasee In every part of thla territory, which are located cloae to drilling tests and which represent the best oil Investment. Let us ezolaln the value of our .holdings to you, either aa an investor or a Broker. HITCHCOCK. COOPER ft FELTNER, Main Office: Suite 231 Moore Bids., Ban Antonio. Tex. Branch Offices: n. Ft. worth. Tex., and Los Angeles, Cal. THE GUMPS I V . i T i 1 , . . A I I ...... II .11-' .T.irww.v.wFiiws.w I Aur, -f-rtN f TUP V "" C? i revi 3 y . Lirtt ihi - YYH-.T THESE THEY ARE AND I SUPDO?,F ;omp nAV L',',rv"N ' "v A r r" J LA k'LrLE-LT AVVFUnc lA WJUU UN OPPUrllT A J) I -lea. -e- 1 aaj ' "V. S I 1 . .. a m L l REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Vacant Property. TRACKAGE Two acrea on Belt Line at Seward St. Alfred Ttomaa, Realtor, 604 First National Bank. NlfH lot, Minna i.usa, will sell cheap and on payments. Leaving Omaha. ruuglars;3S32. FINK lot, level, 38th and Bedford; bargain, 1-hone Douglaa 3&50 or Walnut 1474. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANOES fa OTR MIDDLE NAME. LIVE-WIRE EXCHANGE MAN We have five (tarasea, eix bakeries, ten grocery stocka, restaurants, meat markets, confectionery stored, general mdse., hnrdware, elevators, ranches, farms, acreage near Oinaha and Coun cil Bluffs for what Vave you? WM. N. HILL, 610 World-Herald Bldg. WANTED to exchange MO-acre improved, unincumbered rnnch In Cherry county, Nebraska, for Omaha city property. Will assume 12.000 or 13,000. Write or call Douglas 6 IS:'. K. Sceley, 201 Crouse Bldg., Omaha. Neb. BEAUTIFUL large hill tract lota In beat part of Council Bluffa. What have you to trade. Carl Changitrom, 2020 Far nam atreet. REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE $3,000 cash to pay on 6-room bun galow or house in Hanscom t'ark or Field Club District. Must be strictly modern, with long living room, and near car. Not over 18,000. Box G-87, Omaha Be9. I AM In the market for a nome of 6 or 7 rooms. Am willing to pay up to Jl?, ono if on west or southwest side of city. If you have such a place, let me hear from you. Address, BoxVX-'. Omaha Bw. WE HAVE cash" buyer's for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Bhrlver, 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D, 163t. YOU WANT TO SELL f HAT HOUSET Want quick action? Juat try ua. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. i'o buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD, 1120 City Naft Bank Bldg. Doug. 14Z. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3566. E. G. SOLOMON Real Estate Investments Doug. 6262. 212 Karbach Blk. WANT TO BUY Five or six-room house from owner; ?500 down. Address Box X-1O0, Omaha Bee, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE OWNER LEAVING CITY $25,000 A beautiful homo, situated on a cor ner lot, 150x135 ft., nouih front. Ex clusive and refined surroundings. Has 10 rooms, consisting of reception rrom, large living room with log fireplace, very large sun parlor, paneloj dining room, butler'8 pantry, kitchen and Ice box room. Upstairs there are four good bedrooms, very largo sleeping porch and tiled bath with Roman tub. Beautiful grounds with garage for three cars. Will sMi on very easy terms. $5,000 cash. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Ntflsoin, HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1C14 Harney St. Phone Tyler 5. Florence. NETHAWAT, Suburban prop ty. CoL 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. MONT CLAIR BARGAIN Beautiful S-room stucco bunga low in Mont Clair; oak and white enamel finish; large rooms; spe cials all paid; ready for immediate possession. Price $8,500. Easy terms. DUNDEE BARGAIN Large 2-story, 7-room Kellastone residence; double garage; half block to car; on paved street; fire place; built-in bath tub; pedestal lavatory; everything right up to the minute. Price $17,000. Easy Terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, Tyler 3540. Evenings Call Walnut 2812. AN IDEAL HOME IN HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Residence of 8 rooms, modern through out; convenient in arrangement; oak floors, large closets, fine plumbtn?. handsome lighting fixtures; large lot 50x160; all Bpeclal taxes paid; fine shade trees; convenient to churches .and schools and near Park Ave. and Cross town car lines; now occupied by owner, who is leaving city. Price $7,250; 4 cash. Building and Loan association terms on balance. .1. H. KUHNS, OWNER. Phone Harney 624S. 1329 S.28th St. CLAIRMONT BARGAIN East front 5-room bungalow; one block to car; on paved street; only $6,800; oak finish dov. "stairs, natural finish up. Walnut 2812. T ROOMS Located at 35th and "'I: l-s sts., all modern, lot 30x1 27; hennnful lawn: I4.3tin cash or terms, o. .nmer clal Inv. Co., 1516 City National Bank. Douglas3932. Omaha Real Eslate nnd Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN til Paxton Rlk. Phone Tyler 4S0. FOR SALE by owner S-room strictly mod ern house with B"rge. i.oi'ated In tilenn Park addition. Walnut 4423. J. B. ROBIN80N, Real Estate and Invest nients. 443 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. BENSON & MEYERS CO.. 424 6m. Nat'L North, An Ideal Home Near 29th and Ames We have juat listed an elegant li room stucco home, very conveniently situated close to car and school. Has full lot, with private alley on one side for driveway. Yard Js well taken care of, has fine shrubbery and lawn. Housn consists of 3 large rooms on first floor finished throughout in oak, and 2 large bedrooms and full tiled bath room on second floor. Furnace is in good con dition; basement has floor drain and all latest laundry conveniences. Very reason. . ably priced at $5,800. Thla place must be seen to be appreciated. Call us for appointment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1S14 Harney St. Phone Tyler PO. A FEW homea and lots ror sale in Park wood addition: a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls Norrls. Doug. 4 270. 282 SEWARD. 4-room. new, modern bungalow, Sjiio cash, balance monthly. CroLfiO, tot Boa. Oouglaa FIGHT 7 LOOK OUT : NOBODY IGNORANT YOUV'S DON it; UPSET THE, SALT , THVT'5 A SUfSS SICM SUPERSTJT'OUS PEIrT50N WOULD MAKE A REMARK LIKE THAT - WHAT WAS. A LITTLE SALT TO DO WITH IT ? - v I Vt 'At"' AND 5TAPT r -V-lH T Z' REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. North. NEAR PRAIRIE PARK SIX ROOMS, $5,500 A very neat home, six large rooms and bath, on the first floor; large attic, not finished; hot wa ter heat; dandy south front lot on paved street; large shade trees; handy to ca line; nouse just painted and looks very attractive; arrange for inspection. The price is absolutely right. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. Douglas 2850. 918-20 Citv National. $500 CASH New fiveoom bungalow, oak finish, oak floors throughout, bookcases, kitchen cabinet, etc.; price only $6,000, only $500 cash, and balance like rent. Call Mr. Bilby, Harney 2283 evenings, Douglas 2428 days. 6-ROOM HOUSE $2,500 Near Krug park, lot, 69.7x170 ft. This ia a nearly new 1V4 -story house with 4 rooms first floor; 2 bedrooms and bath second: chicken house, garape. good well and windmill. Terms $760 cash, balance monthly like rent. A good home for a working man. FOWLER & M'DONALD REALTORS. 1120 City Nat'I Bk. Bldg. PougUs 142.1 California St. Home Six rooms with living room running across entire front of house. Dining room has panelled wa'ls with beamed ceilings and French doors; built-in buf fet betwee.t living room and dining room. Kitchen with maple floors, with pantry, refrigerator room,. 2 bedrooms, with screened-ln sleeping porch, clothes chute. All modern conveniences. Lot 40x150. Downstairs finished in oak. Price $8,000. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. 829 Omaha Nafl. Bk. Douglas h'S. Evenings. Walnut 1103. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 2-storv home of 7 A fine looking rooms, In as good repair as a new house; newly decorated and painted; oak fin ish; coat closet in reception hall: rooms large; house about 7 years old; screen, water meter, hot water heater, furnace heat; south front lot; paving paid; dou ble garage; one-half block to car; 15 minutes' ride down town. Price $6,750; terms, RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. SIX-ROOM STUCCO A snappy practically new two-story home in Montclalr Addition. Practically all oak finish and well built throughout and 3 years old. Double stucco garage, cement drive, large corner lot, paving paid. Save $1,000 on a home. Price, $8. 400.00. Call us for terms. Schroeder Investment Co. 538 RailwayExehange Bldg. Doug. 321. EIGHT-ROOM" HOUSE, VACANT FOR $2,750 Located at 2C12 Nor'th 19th St., near Florence Boulveard. modern except heat, east front lot, 62 feet front; paving paid W. H. GATES 847 Omaha Nat'I Bank B!dg. D. 1294. 25TH AND CUMIN'G Six rooms and bath, all modern and cottage of 4 rooms, city water, toilet, sewer and gas; paved street; large lot, for $4,760, to close estate. Can arrange teR J. TEBBINS CO. 805 Omaha Nafl Bk. Phone D. 2182.. NEW 2-story house at 1821 Wirt St.: 8 rooms, bath and sleeping porch; oak finish. If you want a comfortable homo at a reasonable price let us show you this. FRANK H. BINDER, 823 CITY NAT'L BANK BLDG. PHONE DOUG. 1264. M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Inveat your money. Fhon a Tyler 187. CUMING, near 29th St.. 44 feet must be Bold to close estate. C A. GRIMMEL, 849 Nat'I. Bank Bldg. S-room modern $4,000 7-room mod. except heat. .$:!, 000 Both Bargains. Douglas 4641. FOR SALE An equity In home. For In formation call Colfax 3065. FOR SALE Finest 5 acres near Omaha, Including crop possession. Colfax 1488. South. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT A good, 6-room, all modern Iioubc; r.ftwly painted and rterorated through out: pxrellpnt condition; price only $rt,0no; about 2,300 cash. Auk Us for appointment. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS, 915 City Nat'I Bank Bldg. Doug. 46. A REAL BARGAIN ONLY $1,000 CASH Situated on South 24th where property Is fast, enhancing in value. Kntrance hall, living room, dining room (oak fin ish), bedroom and kitchen, first flnnr: 2 lovely bedrooms and bath, second floor. Full cement basement, lurnace heat; pjirage with driveway on alley. Some buy for $4,250. fall us quick. BROWN REALTY COMPANY Douglas 1505. Keollne Bldg. 24TH AND VINTON $700 DOWN. BALANCE $20 A MONTH. Strictly modern, except heat cottage, all on one floor, located 2313 Vinton. This Is a real bargain. Sco It and let us hear from you. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 637 Omaha National Bank Bklg. D-1781 Ask for Mr. Olbson. Sunday Call Colfax 1781. 5 ROOMS, part modern, $500 cash. Ben jamin & Frankenberg, 624 Bee Bldg. Miscellaenous. Colonial Bungalow, $750 Cash, Balance Easy Terms East front corner lot, 3 blocks of school, car line, grocery stores, large living room across front, oak finish, enameled finished bed rooms, bath, stairway to large at tic, oak floors throughout. Buyer lias selection of interior decorai tions, also light fixtures. Call Mr. Spence, Tyler 5167 evenings, Douglas 2423 days. $750 CASH and $35 per month will buy this all modern, 5-rooin house, newly painted outside, and will paper inside to suit pur chaser. E. E. AUSTIN Tvler 785. 1305.1st Nat'I. Bk. Bldg. THERE'S NO SUPERSTITION IN ANDY ' IGNORANCE. BUT AN WHEN I LOOK AT THAT NAT?OW 8R?0rV OP youes IP THE!?C ARE. ANY BRAINS AND THESE THEY ARE AWRULLY CROWDED REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, VACANT, FOR ONLY $1,850 Having four rooms on first floor, two sleeping rooms on econd floor, gas and gas fixtures, well water with good pump, south front lot, 44x128, at 4628 Burdatte street, in good neighborhood, near two car lines; cement walks, city water and aewr on the street. W. H. GATES 647 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldgr. Douglas 1284. MR. HOME BUYER, READ THIS Neat five-room rottajre. strictly mod ern, with floored attic east front, paved street, living: room, dining room and reception room, finished in oak, 2 nice bedrooms and bath with maple floors, birch doors, good basement, guaranteed furnace, floor drain, elegant neighbor hood, near Windsor school. Price $5,000. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. Tel. C88. Evenings Har. 3885 or Wal, 1108. $1,275, SMALL PAYMENT. Four rooms, gas. city water.. elec. light; good condition; vaved street. AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS Doug. 8380. 33416-8Brandels Theater. BUILD NOW I will help you build a home on one of our lots. If you have a little cash call Walnut 127. WANT A HOME? Possibly wo have It for you. It costa nothing to phone Douglas 1345 or come to loOH Podge St. CLOSE IN HOUSE i Four blocks from court house, 70S So. 19th St.. I6.00O-. Buy this for invest ment and live in It while value Increases. Wal. 64a; evenings, or Douglas 7412 days. Mr. Cole. 7-ROOM, MOD., EAST FRONT, NEW DECORATIONS AND PAINT, HOT WATER HEAT. A GOOD PRICE AND GOOD TERMS. CALL TYLER -316, MR. BROWNE. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. N. W. COR. 1STH AND DODGE. D- 6011, AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. BIRKETT & CO. T and lnsures. 260 Bee Bldg. Douglaa. 63S. DOWNTOWN modern apartment. Living- room, Kitcnenet and bath. Some fur niture for sale. Thone Douglas 877. Real Estate Transfers Joseph W. Billings and wlf to ueorge ti. Bates, Ohio st., 137 ft. e. of 36th St., s. s. 50x120 $ Minnie B. Cobb and husband to Charles A. Sobczyk, Valley st., 130 ft. e. of 32d ave.i.s. s. 50x123.4... Adolph Harm and wife to Calagero Ippollto, 2th st., 90 ft. b. of K St., e. s. 30x150. C. L. Farnsworth- and wife to Chas. T. Kountze, 39th St., 100 ft. s. of Dewey ave., w. s. 68x155, und. one-third Katherlne B. James and husband to Kelso A. Morgan, Cass st., 60 ft. e. of 44th St., s. 8. 60x128 Grace R. Montgomery arid husband to Elsie O. Thomas, Dewey ave., 194 ft. w. of 35th St., n. s. 60x109.. Gustave Glnst and wife to Michael Gaughan, 26th St., 120 ft. t. of D St., w. s. 40x150 The Reserve Realty Co., to H. M. Sherman, ev w. cor. 36th and Miami, 100x120 325 30ft 850 1 4,500. 2,000 3,700 75 2,500 2,500 10,000 4,600 19,000 1,000 480 e 4,800 . 2,800 4,000 1,000 1,100 2,500 1,700 1 1 1,000 John E. Haarmann, et al, to Flor ence B. young, Maple St., 45 ft. e. of 61st. st., s. s. 22.5x128 John K. Haarmann, et al, to Helen A. Haarmann, Maple st., 67.5 ft. e. of 61t st.. s. s. 22.5x128 Elizabeth Sophia Meber, ct al, to Clara Williams, Capitol ave., 66 ft. e. of 10th St., s. s. 66x60 Edith M. Jones to C. George Carl berg, n. e. cor. Hanscom blvd. and Frederick, 96.8x128.3 Alexander Beck and wife to Mar shall Mfg.. Co., n. w. cor. 16th and Win. 100.4x124 Lillian Williamson to Fred C. Bur llnglm, Hamilton St., 100 ft. w. of 50th St.. s. s. 60x106 Elna M. Jaeobsen to Frank F. Mayne, 4Sth st.. 160 ft. n. of Cali fornia, e. s. 50x130 Archibald L. Mulrhead and wife to Mary A. Doran. n. e. cor. 43d and Burdette, 60x120 Paul W. Kuhns and wife to Leroy M. Hoyt, Wirt St.. 165 ft. w. of 42d ave., s. s. 40x125 Leroy M. Hoyt and wife to Otis H. Warren, Wirt St., 165 ft. w. of 42d ave.. s. s. 40x12-5 C. E. Brown and wife to Kmma Pease, inth St.. 96 ft. s. of Pacific e. s. 51x66, und. H Barkrr Co. to Waldo H. Rothert, Fonlenelle blvd., 225 ft. n. of Military ave., e. s. 100x125 Charles F. Schrompp and wife to Herman C. Peters, Poppleton ave., 259 ft., e. of 61st St., n. a. 68.05x128 Vi Angellne Crisswell to Joseph F. Sohczyk, n. e. cor. 30th and Arbor, 50x125 Omaha and Florence Land and Trust Co. to Addie 8. K lever, n. w. cor. 30th and Fillmore, 132x264 f Security Inv. Co. to Addle S. Klever, 30th st., 88 ft. n. of Fill' more. 44x132 C. K. Brown and wifo to John N. Anderson, 10th St., 96 ft. 8. ot Pai tfic, e. a. 61x66. und. ,b Ohio Endorses Nebraskan to Head Sons of Veterans Lincoln, Neb., June 17. (Special.) Lieut. Gov. P. A. Barrows, who lias been prominently mentioned in connection with the election of rom-mander-in-chief of the national or ganization of the Sons of Veterans of which he has been a member for 33 years, received a telegram this aft ernoon from the Ohio state encamp ment saying: "You were unani mously indorsed by Ohio division encampment today for commander-in-chief." New Charges Filed Against Two Howe Bank Bandits Lincoln, Neb., June 17. United states .District Attorney Alien to day filed a complaint with Commis sioner Whitmore, charging Harry Kelly and Walter Ingham, the Howe, Neb., bank robbers, with as saulting and robbing two employes of a Wichita, Kan., postoffice sub station. The complaint is in con formity with the request of federal authorities of Kansas. Kelly and Ingham are in the Nebraska peni tentiary hospital convalescing from wounds received at the time oi tlicir capturt AM V PdaiMC r VIIM r UKfsT ACT Vt B?AJN I such INTELLIGENCE - I SUPPOSE IF THAT - barrel op salt fell over in the cellar You'd come, up with a gatling gun-snoot me. and poison Little Chester- set THE1 HOUSE ON PlftJE. -AND I SUPPOSE. Sorvie DAY A CAR. OF SALT WILL l?UN OCF Te TRACK ANOTHER 1 WORLD WAR V. Beatrice Base Ball Players Injured in Auto Wreck at Filley Beatrice, Neb., June 17. (Spe cial.) -A touring car occupied by members of the Dempster Ball club of this city on the way to Filley went into the ditch a short distance from that place and several of the players were injured. Elroy Chipman was severely cut about the head and face, and was unconnscious for some time. William Oswald suffered an ugly EASTERN H arms s June 25, 26 -:- TWO DAYS -:- June 25, 26 18 High-Grade Improved Farms WLL positively be sold to the highest bidder with out reserve, ranging in size from 80 to 480 acres. LOCATED IN EASTERN NEBRASKA'S CHOICEST AGRICUL TURAL DISTRICT. Surrounded by Good Towns only 35 miles from Omaha and just 20 miles from Lincoln, Nebraska. On or adjacent to New Omaha-'Lincoln-Dehver Highway connecting Omaha and Lincoln, which shortly will be paved. South Omaha, Nebraska, the greatest Live Stock Market of the Middle West, lies only 27 miles from any farm and in Trucking distance. From four to twenty miles of LINCOLN The Capital of Nebraska Farms Located in Cass and Lancaster Counties Each Farm to be Sold on the 9 Premises Sale starts on Farm Number One at 10:00 o'clock, June 25, and 'continues on each farm in order numbered. Farm Number One is two and one-half miles east of Greenwood on O. L. D. Highway. Look for signs. Sale starts at 10 o'clock morning of June 26 on farm No, 11, four miles north of Lincoln on First street. Never Before in the History of Nebraska was there such an opportunity to purchase, at your own price, such farms as are being offered in this sale, Friday and Saturday, June 25-26. High State of Cultivation -:- Well Improved -:- Ideally Located Terms of Sale Each farm will he sold to the highest bidder on the following terms: 107e cash of purchase price and bankable note for 10 without interest to March 1, 1921, when possession will be given, 30 March 1, 1921, balance, five years at 6. Remember the DatesJune 25, 26 Automobiles will meet all parties at Lincoln or Greenwood, Neb. FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS EITHER Auctioneers: Col. F. M. Woods and Mason Brothers Drawn 7 HUH !- OH VE5 IMTCLLt GENCE. SUCH I SUPP05E. THE. mi re AC :ul.oos DAY THEY Wf? REASONING iVN GIVING IT OUT you weiee Tweed WITH A DIPAY Active AND TOO K THE CNTfiee OUTFIT gash on the head; Wafier Skladany, a badly wrenched back, and Orville Davidson, mascot, a wrenched shoulder. The accident occurred when the dri ver of the car attempted to pass another machine. The rear wheels skidded into the ditch and the car turned over. Nebraska Dean Given Degree. Chicago, III., June 17. (Special.) Telegram.) Northwestern univer sity conferred the degree of Mas ter of Music upon Dean Rosebor ough of the music department' of the university at Lincoln, Neb. I 5UCH (AN Woods Bros. Companies 132 South 13th Street, LINCOLN, NEB., Phone B6744. Christian & Herman 201 Fir.t Net. Bldg., LINCOLN. NEB., Phone B1728. for The Bee by Sidney Smith fnu - no use ARGUING WITH YOU- YOU KEEP IT op PoreevEiH USE NO THOUGHT. YOU JUST DO bain" ALL. YOUR. ARGUING pf?0M YOUR NOSE TO Your? CHIN Kearney Aviator Injured Cranking Plane Engine Kearney, Neb., June 17. (Spe cial Telegram.) Charles Cone, pilot of the Kearney Areo company, waJ severely injured while cranking an other machine for Thor Bronderslev, when the propeller caught him in the side, breaking three ribs and badly bruising him about the arm and body. He was taken to the hospital to have his injuries treated and is re ported resting easy. It was feared for a time that his lung might have been punctured by a splintered rib. This is the first accident in Kearney from cranking an airplane engine. NEBRASKA And From twenty to thirty-five miles of OMAHA The Grain and Live Stock Market of the West Every Farm from 1 to 7 miles of Good Market Towns Directions for Getting to Farms You can make connection for Greenwood on the main line of the Burlington Railroad, where an office will be maintained a week before sale. Automobiles will be provided to show prospective purchasers property. Automobiles will meet any train at Lincoln and take prospective buyers direct to property. Write or wire us when you will arrive and how many in party. Automobiles will meet all trains days of sale with signs and will take you direct to the property. Luncheon'wilVbe provided on farms on June 25 and 26. Hotel Accommodations Wc will be glad to arrange hotel accommodations at Lincoln for those desiring to stay over night, if you will write or wire number of rooms you want reserved. OR STATE ASKED TO AID HOMELESS AT HOMER, NEB. About $10,000 Will Be Re quired to Relieve Condi tions in Flood-Stricken Town. Lincoln, June 17. (Special.) Mayor W. E. Allen of Homer, Neb., visited the statehouse today for thff purpose of taking up with the gov ernor a plan of assistance whicn may be needed to put the town back into condition and give the poor people again the homes which have been swept away by the floods. The mayor s;tys that about $10, 000 will be needed to relieve the sit uation. Thirty-five houses were damaged badly. Ten of these have been moved back onto their founda tions, while 11 more are in shape to be moved, but must be placed on higher ground so as to be safe from any future danger. Seven acres of ground has been obtained for these houses, 21 of which were entirely washed from their foundations. There are no funds of the state which can be used in this case and it may be necessary to make a drive to secure the needed financial aid. If this is done it is possible that each county will be assigned its quota. Three churches were washed away and the congregations have not yet decided what they will dr. Two of the churches probably will be moved to higher ground. ion Two Days Wire when you arrive. Lunch Will Be Served on the Grounds