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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1920)
6 THfc BJt UA1AHA, MtlUAX, JUINU 18, lyZt). 10 Classified Advertising Rates: He per line (count 6 words to line) 1 day lie per line . . .per day; t consecutive d-.y 15c per line. . .per day, 7 consecutive days 1 le per line. . .per day, SO consecutive days No ads taken lor less than a total of fOc These rates apply either to the Daily or Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear in both morning and evening daily papers for the one charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION Want ads accepted, at the following of fices : MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam St. South Side 2318 N St. Council Bluffs IS Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000 THE BEE will not be responsible for more thnn one incorrect insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition 12:00 M. Morning Edition 9:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. BUTl.KR Joseph, at Llm nin, Neb.. June 16. He Is survived by one brother. Daniel ; three, sisters. Miss Nellie of Omaha, Miss Margaret of New York City. Sister Bernndltta of Davenport, la. Funeral Saturday morning from John A. Gentleman h mortuary at 8:30 a. m. to St. Peters hrch at 9 a. m Inter ment Holy Sepulchcr cemetery. J'KRKINS Henry Herbert, aired tin years, died Wednesday morning at his home, '.'!t:i Deer Park Blvd. Funeral from Brewers fc'hapel Saturday, 2 p. m., lie.-. Edin Hroun officiating. Burial ' at Laurel Hill. O.U.VIN Ed'w.. aged 3 years. Funeral s held Thursday morning 8:30 a. in. from lleafey lleafey s chapel. South Side, to St. Agnes church. 9. a. m. ln- ferment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. IfUNRADIRCTORS! STACK & FALCONER "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" PIERCE-ARROVV AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third andFarnam. Harney 64. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND KMBALMER8. Telephone Douglas 714. 221B Cuming St. . HEAFEY & HEAFEY, I'ndertakers. and Embalmers. Phone H. 2i5. Office 211 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Directors. 701 South 16th St. Douglas 1066. NEW LOCATION CROSBTS NEW FUNERAL HOME. 2018 WIRT ST. Away from noise, of busy streets, PHONE WEBSTER "4. OTffy & johnston, l'NDERTAKF.RS717 S. 16th.Tyler 1676. """ Florists. LEE L. LARM0N fZ 1 814 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. L. Henderson, 1518 Farnam. Douglas 1 248. JOHN BATH. 1.1th and Farnam. D. 3000. MQ1"NTS&ffERiES". THE largest display of monuments In the ITnited States. FRANK SVOBODA. 1216 S. 13th. Phone Douglas 1872-6216. BIRTHS JaND" DEATHS." Births Grov and Hanna Hylphers, 1803 Corby street, girl; Fred and Catherine Uioke. 1702 South Twenty-fifth avenue, girl; Fredrick ami Mary Sheets. 2011 Ar- bor street, bov; James and Mary Peterson, hospital, girl: William and Margaret Roos. 641 South Twenty-fourth street, girl: Isaac and Clara Flegle, 6718 South Thirty-first street, boy; David and Bertha Cunningham. 2613 Corby street, girl; Avis and Sampugnaro Ciclnlla, 1713 South Sev enth street, bov; Salvatore and Teresa Orasso, 2730 South Tenth street, gtrl: John and Clara Pollack. 2436 South Seventeenth street, girl; James and May Watheney, 6617 South Fifteenth street, girl: I'etrr and Clara Bungert. 2509 Washington street, girl:' Charles and Cecilia Kt-.venson, 6920 South Twenty-fifth street, boy: Luther and Marcella. Moore, 22"5 North Twenty-seventh avenue, girl: Roy and Anna Kellogg. 2411 Burdette street, boy; Pete and Willie Quails. 2022 Charles afreet, bov; Amtone and Carrie .Taspersijti, 2516 North Nlnetoenth street, girl: Ben and Anne Chalt. hospital, girl: Frank and Belle Cooke, hostile!, boy; Malcolm and Margaret Flnlayson, hospital, boy; Arthur and Grace Roger hospl! Ml, boy; Harry knd Nellie Stiener. Irvlngton, Neb., girl. Deaths Philip Mattcrn. 49 years. Freo port. III.: Ruth Hnnley, 12 years, hospltil; Mvrtle Whalen, 38 years, hospital; Ralrh Donaldson. 33 wart. 3204 North Sixty first street: Beatrice Thar;er. infant, 1101 . Hlekorv street: Jennie hi doml, 3 years, 381$ North Sixteenth stiect: Ja-ob A. Harper. 36 years, hospital; Joseph Schncll, 69 years, hospital. a MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persons were Issued licen ses to wedt Sara Minardi. 21, Omaha, and Frances Hobbs, 19, Omaha. Oeorg J. Shehllsky. 59, Omaha, and Carolina Wlaler, 24, Omaha. George W. A. Johnson. 39, Omaha, and Nellie D. Marble, 31, Omaha. James A. Ds Laney. 23, Omaha, and Elisabeth Vanous, 20, Omajia. Miller Christensen. 26. Weeping 'Water. Net)., and Linda Schwlnd. 21, Dover, N. J. A!rla V. Harrls 2. Marne, la., and Anita M. Boken. 2$. Marne, la. Henry S. Webster, 24, Omaha; and Ruby Thompson, 23, Omaha. Herman H. Godbersen, !2. Odebolt. Is., and Myrtle R. Gamber, 23, Edgerton. Minn. Harry H. Singer. 27, Omaha, and Mollys Stitfler., 21. Omaha. William H. Campen, 23. Omaha, and Lillian V. Henderssn, 25, Omaha. George A. Benjamin, 28,- Omaha, and Gladys Hunt, z6. Omaha. Fred Dohse. 27, Omaha, and Edna M. Anderson, 23, Omaha. John Psnuska. 21, Omaha, and Elizabeth Sodomek. 19, Omaha. Emll E. Sandberg, S3, Long Island, N. T.. and Marie D. Akeson,99, Omaha. Glenn E. Feller. 20, 'Tecumseh, Neb., and; Ruth H. Cutting. 18, Omaha. Martin L. Paulsen. 24. Omaha, and H;iUle Lemkull, 21. Denlson, la. Nlckolas Hautsma, 13, Omaha, and s Angelina Rlddering, 31, Omaha., Olin B. Maupin, 33. Hamburg. Ia., and Grace M. Zuck, 25, Hamburg, la. Virilism J. Morrjssey, 19, Omaha, anfl Viola O'Connor, 19, Omaha: Fred S. Mueller, over SI, Omaha, and - Clair Kathleen Matthews, over 18, Omaha.. James W. Graham, 23, Central City, Neb , and Jessie L. Haley, 26, Wellington, Kan. - WIlIaYd W. Chu, 27. Omaha, and Millie Eugene Chambler, 26, Omaha. Harold Nelson, 23, Omaha, and Mary Rl irvik. 23, Omaha. - LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. J'OR ARTICLES LOST on atreet care tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. s OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. S9, LOST Wednesday evening, half of pair of nose glasses, double lense. Call Doug las 1900 end receive reward. LOST Pocketbook containing lum of money. June 15. Finder please call Tyler .251 or evenings Harney 4024. LOST Boston bulldog. 4 months old.' Call Douglaa 3969 for reward. ' TersonalT SHE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old doming. lurntture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phona Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-11 12-1114 Dodge street, y, WANTED Mabel Lewis Burns to eorre snond with aunt In Ottumwa. la., re- -i rards settlement of grandfather estate. . SYSTEM ot Swedish masssge, facial mas i sage and steam baths. Douglaa 9549. 1 MASSAGE Manicuring, 210 N. 17th St., "P'n until 9 p. m. MASSAGE and electrio treatments. 318 Neville Blh. i KI.ECTRIG bath and massage, Webster 2fll. DR. BURKE moved to 62 Douglas block. announcements. Accordeon Pleating. ACOORDION. fide, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all sties and styles; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eve let cut work, button boles, pennants, - Ideal Button and Pleating. Co., SOS Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. Top Notch" Shop Hemstitching, braiding, ' beading. allJUnda pleating. Doug. 6011. Room 33. DoBglaa Blk.. 16th and Dodge. CARPENTER'lNO.. repairing, remodeling done. L. J. Erickson, Calf Walnut 163. BE WISE Coal Is scarce and hard to get. Order yours" to,day. . , BROAD WELL ; ROBERTS dO. . 4T14 So. 24th. Tel. So, 660. Chiropdiats. . Carrlt J. BurfeS c: Paxton BIdA120l. ' ' "' " t 1 - ' ' BRINGING UP I S 1 'II r-r II W ' III ) CM COLt -I'M 0 1 WELL-VHT ORRTf MR l DONT rss . WELL-1 SHOULD ,s fTHSI" HUNCRX-ICCOLD h . rfTR- OOOWMAT EAT HERE I OlSLV DO VOU SERVE SAY WE Oo- - WHN WL EVEN EAT WHAT k A A "M WOULD VOU L n WORK' CHICKENS HERE 9 1 J EPECT THEM? T ' -.. iwe. I i i i isj mi i i ' i ii ' mi is announcements. Contractors. U. J. Rl'BEES. carpenter; all kinds of n'W and repair work. Webster J233. Dancing Academies. SUM M Mil l'ANl'INO KATES. WJ 'DTTTi, School for Dancing, lVllilj-rliM!j 424 p-srnam. 1. 780 Class at 8; dancing at 9 . m. Monday, Tliur., Sat.; private lessons an ytmie. fCRPINE'S SCHOOIi OF DANCING, fancy stage and soclsl. 302 Crounse Bldg., opposite postoffice. Phone Har ney 6439. Douglas 3659. Also dancing every Saturday and Sunday ovenlnga. Dentists. oDr. Bradbury. No pin. il W. O. W. Bid. Dress Suits. FULL dress aulles and tuxedo for rent. 109 N. ltith St. John Feldman. D. 3128. Detectives. PIPKIN S NATIONAL D E T EJ1T I V K AtiKNCT. Incorporated. Doiglaa 1107. Arlington Blk., Omaha. Neb. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evl-, denoe s -cured In all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Douglas 2U5S; Night, Col. 466. Electrical Utilities. VACUUM CLEANERS delivered, called for, 60c day. Webster 1657. 10 a. m. to 4p.m! ' IIOOVKR and other sweepers for rent; delivered. Webster 41I8H. ELECTRIC vacuush Douglas 5718. cleaners for rent. Films Developing. WE DEVELOP YOl'R FILMS FREE When Prints Are Ordered. SCHMITZ PHOTO SUPPLY. Merritt Drug Stores Omaha. Gas Stoves Connected. GAS stoves connected $2. Rebuilt. Harney 277 days or Harney 16U evenings. STOVES connected, house piping. Walnut 2008. j Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned and blocked while you wait, at Paxton Hat Works, HU7V4 Farnam St.: work guaranteed. D. 6939. HATS cleaned, reblocked. ladles' straw hats specialty. Mastos Bret.. 1520Har'y. Hauling. YOUR haullr.g contracted by day or year; 2-ton truck; prompt efficient service. H a rney 6459. V.' I U, do all kinds of hauling. Ton truck. Ash es. refuse. Harne y 7.'116. Jewelry. DIAMONDS l pay the best price with privilege to buy back at small profit. OJtOSS JEWELRY Co.. 403 N. 16th St. Doug. 604 3 Kodak Developing and Finishing. ENLARGING, ""copying and coloring. Amateur finishing. Write for prices. Omaha Photo Shop, 201 Barker Blk. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Mattresses Repaired. C1TT MATTRESS CO., mattresses made over; springs repaired. 2814 Cuming. Harney 7163j ' Printing. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. PhonoeraDhs. QUALITY PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. LOWEST PRICES. CASH OR TERMS. THE MUSIC SHOP, INC. 1616 Harney St. Douglss 683t. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglai 117 1. Tailors. M. KEISER. 306 South 18th. Doug. 1187. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINTING. papernanging. guaranteed work. . Prices right. Phone for estl mates. I can save you money. Ty. S765. LET me figure your paperhanglng and Interior decorating. Otto Larsen, Web ster 4674. PAINTINO and Walnut 6462. paperhanglng. Phona FIRST-CLASS paper Ranging, Douglas 4909. painting. PAPERHANGING, painting, prltea right Walnut 4674. PAINTING. paperhanglng. plastering. walnut 40t7. PAINTING, paperhanglng, cleaning, Doug las 6322. PAPERHANGING; prices right. Walnut Razor Blades Sharpened SAFETT razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Raror Sharpenlng'Co.. 1622 Dodge. 101 N. 1 6. Patent Attorneys. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. Patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell pat ents. 1710 Dodge St., Omahaj Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lleben & Son. Omaha, Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th, D. 628. Tree Trimming. TREES trimmed: cav:ty work; bracing; treatment of Injury and disease; remov ing: planting and transplanting; twelve skilled tree surgeons; over 400 satisfied customers in Omaha and nearby towns. PAGE TREE .SERVICE (INC.) 210 Davidge Block. Tyler 4800. Rug Weaving. DEEN Rug Factory Extra high grade ruga maae. uougias isz, WEAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler 143. Safes. QATT'PC! BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. OAJ - J j. j. Derlght Safe Co. Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 15th and Jackson. D. 4397. Miscellaneous. PAX TON -MITCHELL CO. 2th and Martha Sts., Omaha. Neb. brass, brome. aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be furchased at Rlalto Drug Store, 15th and Douglaa Sts., Omaha. Neb. DUMP ashes S. W. corner 35th and Fran cis. Douglaa 420. FOR SALE . Furniture and Household Goods. SELECT TOUR SPRING HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom suite at 1213; an Adam Period dining suite, at 1163; large collection of fine furniture; room size rugs at a great reduction; case mahogany living room aultessrt 1185 each. STATE FURNITURE COMPANT. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. Opposite U. P. Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. WE sell new and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices: cash or psyments. Amer. Furn. Co.. 606 N. 16. "Pianos and Musical Instruments. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, repslring. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. - SAXOPHONE HOSPITAL, repairing, re " padding. Johp Taff. 1824 Webster Tyler 4857J MAHOGANY living room set. upholstered in blue valour. S771, 3571 Dodge, Aal. 1. FATHER- FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Gqods. "AUC'ffoN AUCTION 7 Complete Homes of Extra Good Furni ture, Rugs. Talking Machines, Pianos and Furnishings. In My Auction House. Southeast Corner ISth and Webster Sts. , Saturday, June 19, Starts at 1 p. m. sharp This is one of the best furniture sales held in my house for a long time; con sisting of 1 Standard Kdlson Talking machine and about 60 records, 1 Victrtfta and about ' 80 - records. 3 extra good pianos, 1 extra good mahogany parlor suite, 18 extra good rugs, all sizes; Wi tons and Axnilnster and Hartfords, book CHS1 and books, linens and drap.a. mahogany and oak library tables', sev eral extra good dining room sets, in cluding 1 Wlllam and Mary American walnut dining rooms set. Several extra pieces dining room furniture. Several extra good bed raom suites including 1 white ivorxsuite, like new, and 1 ma hogany. Several massive brass beds, complete, and Simon and Vernls Martin beds, dressers, dressing tables and chlf flonier:, kinds. Several extra good ice boxi's, some like new. kitchen cabi nets, km renges, 1 writing desk and chair. 1 office desk and 1 typewriter, screen and glass doors, dishes, cooking utensils and hundreds of articles too nu merous to mention. This is a big sale. JAMES L. DOWD CO.. AUCTIONEERS, If you have any thing to sell Call PouglaB 3286. Tyler 9f.6 or Douglaa 88V8. WniPF" PO Everything In . nUOT- VjVJ. art and musto Pianos for rent. 1 4.00 per mont h. BARGAIN in walnut kranich & Bach up- right, like, new. Douglas 4703. FINE Kimball upright, like new; big bar- gain. 1419 Dodge St. . WALNUT GRAPHONOLA. ALMOST NEW. 365. HARNEY 6475. WILL sell piano cheap. Never been used. Tyler21iJ. COAL range, perfect condition. Web. 2294. Typewriters and Supplies. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of tvpewgtters. Write for list. Midland Offlca Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING AMACHINES ALI MAKES, bought, aold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our 'prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug. 4120. 1912 Farnam. CHECKWRITERS, Todds. Peerless, F & K, all makes; bargains; some new; save f.alf. THE SAFEGUARD DIAGONAL, 330 Neville Bldg. Doug. W30. REMINGTON typewriter. No. 11, B car riage, with Wahl Vadded attachment; used for banks or wholesale houses. Phone Tyler 80 ALL MAKES'Typewrlter Co., "all makei." 205 S. 18th St. Tyler 2414. Miscellaneous. ONE 40-horse power Fairbanks-Morse type N. B. oil engine: used less than 2 weeks, at a very reasonable price. Karl A. Rasmussen. Cairo. Neb. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from vour own feathers, summer and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. 26-FT OAK office partition and door, al most new, V-Il. nign, excellent vwimiuuii, Call Foster-Barker Co. Doug. - 1350. HOOVER Sweeper and 1900 Electric Wash er. Bargains. can Joe jiiyers. xyiur 1011. . DmrpT T71C! at Nathan Steinberg's, )U I 1 JUlOioi9 Harney St. D. 6166. ;jg SBiahoff" i'otf--Sum" -""J uo poos 'uonsooj issq 'ssnoij QNIWOOU WHITE messallne dress for sale, aize 36. Never worn. i;an i ouax si. GOOD erophead sewing machine, reason - aDie. lyier isii KINDLING & LUMBER. Web. 459 WANTED TO BUY. WE BUT baled waste paper, old maga zines ana nowspapeis. omiw you have on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 16th and Marcy. Douglas io. WANTED TO BUT. 25 MILCH GOATS AND 2 BILLIES. ALL-AMERICAN CHEMICAL CO., 1210 S. lttTH. WUIUfta DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold ana traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. P. 6146. LIBERTT BONDS BOUGHT. 1 4 2 1 First Nat l. Bank Bldg. -i-' WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. z&ns. " WANTED TO BUT CEILING FAN, DRESHERBKO1!22l (r Annum. WANTED TO BUT Cats or dogs to catch rats. Union omitting i-jo.. . WANTED Medium sized safe. Douglas 5048. SITUATION S WANTED. Male. STEADT position by young man (married), in mens furnishings or department store Experienced. Refetences fur bished. Address L. R. Myers. Bovina, Colorado WANTED Lawns to mow and light haul ing. Walnut 3515. . Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. PPRACTICAL NURSING! TYLER 3649. Laundry and Day Work. LAUNPRT. cleaning wanted by experi enced colored f omari. Call Mrs. Davis, Tyler 3179. EXPERIENCED colored laundress. "Cut tains and biftidle washings. Webster 1976. LAUNDRT WORK for Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Webster 3086. DAYWORK. chamber maid. Reliable. Colored. VcbJS14.1. EXPERIENCED laundress, 4 per Iiour. Webster 6681. PHUNDLB WASHING, sweeping, Ironing. Webster 1727. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants day work. Webster 1409. CLEANING, daywork; experienced. Web ster 3254. , BUNDLE washing, colored woman. South 468. LAUNDRY work wanted. Call Webster J?2 - - LAUNDRT. day work. 46c hr. .Col. 2511. SMALL bundle washing. Webster 4877. DAY WORK, by the ftour, Web. 6028. DAT WORK, reliable. Webater 1951. BUNDLE WASHING Webster 1379. DAT work wanted. Webster 6182. DAT work wanted. Webster 1508. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. TRAVELING salesman, food products. $t50; traveling salesman, established firm, $150; stenographer, $125; young mam, bookkeeping knowledge, $100; bill clerk, long hand, $100; young man, bank, Burrougha listing machine, $80; office boy. $6S. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Bldg. BANK CLERK, must be fast on add ing machine. $100.00 OFFICE CLERK, wholesale grocery experience, $100.00. TYPIST, good place. RIGHT REFERENCE COMPANT, 536 First National Bank Bldg. THLI.IIR for Omaha bank: give ex perience, etc jBox-G-SC,' Omaha Bee, See Jiggs and Maggie in Full Page of Colors in The Sunday Bee. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. PIERRE, S. D., seeks the services of a capable man, under 40 years of age, for the position of Commercial Club Secre tary under the budget system. Give ex perience and references In writing, iilso state salary expected. Address Pierre Commercial Club. Pierre, 8. D. ACOOUNTANTANDREDITMAN.' $175, $200: OFFICE CLERK, $110. Adding machine operator, $80, $85; stenograph er. $lun. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Building. ASST7 bookkeeper, $il0; bookkeeper, Sioux City. $126; tire adjuster, siau; snipping ! clerk, tire Co.. $27.60 week. ! BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., j 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. ! CASHIER familiar with mortgages and bonds. $175. Office manager and helper, Council Bluffs. $173. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. DRAFT and collection" clerk, Omaha bank. Box G-92. Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. MEN WANTED to work in our bakeshop. No experi ence necessary. Apply to superintend ent. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. 12th and Davenport. WANTED. MHJN AND BOYS FOR FACTORT WORK. GOOD PAY, STEADT WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO., STH AND DODGE. WE can use several young men for tele phone switchboard Installation work. - Liberal starting salary and good oppor tunity for advancement In an interest ing job. - Apply T. J. Estabrook R. 216 New Telephone Bldg., 19th and Doug las Sts., Between 8:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. . WANTED Private teacher to teach English to Japanese; three nights in a week, his or her home; Interview fee. Seji'-Nakamtchl, 4906 S. 36th Avenue. 3. Sid e. Omaha, Ne b. YOUNG MEN, ATTENTION! Wanted, 100 single young men for shale products bualness; salaries $100- 150. CaU Douglaa 5563. WANTED at. once, repair man and press er. Permanent employment. Good wages. The Qlesen's, Seward. Neb. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 1 ' 0 SO. 14TH ST. CATALOGUE FREE. PAINTERS and paperhangers. Colfai 4124." ' .. Salesmen and Canvassers. STOCK SALESMAN Gotog concern, manufacturing a ne cessity. Have state permit. Party must av9 clean reoord and references. Will make Special proposition for quick re- suits. Write abeonce to Omaha Bee, Box No. 21. . STOCK SALESMAN Experienced slock salesman to sell the Guaranteed Dividend Preferred stock of an . old established Omaha company rated at $500,000. High credit which has paid regular dividends for ten years. Good leads furnished. Call Room t, Wead Bldg. ' , SAI ESMEN Represent factory direct high-grade line sanitary brushes. Sell dealers and jobbers, either alone or side line, small and large towns. Exclusive territory for right man. Commission basis. State experience. Her-Gen Mfg. Co.. 67 E. 43rd, Chicago. WANTED Salesman and district manager mis territory, csn on dealers with tires and accessories priced so low they sell on sight. Master Production Corp., South Bend, Ind. FOR fastest selling automobile accessory on tne . market. jur men average 15 and 36 dollars per day. Also district manager. Must act promptly. Box G-88.. Bee.. SALESMEN For bouaehold specialties; men with car Can make good money. Call and see us and let ua explain. C F. Adams Co.. 623 6. 16th St. SALESMEN 'wanted at once. City or traveling experience unnecessary. For openings and particulars, write C-50, Omaha Bee. LIVE, aggressive man to sell Oklahoma oil production, leases, not stocks, good proposition to hustlers. Phone Doug las 7280. Boys. BOYS WANTED to pull weeds on truck farm, 17 4c per hour. Meet at 16th and Browne Str. at 6:45 a. m. Phone Col fax 3497. Hotels and Restaurants. PANTRT and kitchen help. BlacksTbne hotel. DISHWASHER WANTED Psxton" Hotel. Miscellaenous. , . WANTED. FREIGHT HANDLERS. EIGHT HOURS PER DAT. $100 A MONTH. AMERICAN RAILWAT EXPRESS. UNION STATION. TRAIN and yard men, railroad experi ence, for service Chicago and Kansaa City. Apply W. F. Tteihoff. Burlington Route, 1004 Farnam. ; EXPERIENCED driver for Ford furniture truck; must be familiar with city and handling of furniture. Box X-95, Oma ha Bee. WANTED. WAGON HELPERS. . S HOURS PER DAY. APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAT EXP. STABLE, 15TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED Building laborera at Peters Trust Bldg., corner 17th and Farnam. Apply superintendent, 17th St. entrance. LABORERS WANTED Black or" white; permanent work;- good chance for ad vancement. Apply storekeeper, U. P. COMMON laborer wanted, concrete work, at 11th and Grace Sts. Call Tyler 2661. Store Dept., 8th and Cass. WANTED Laborers for concrete work at the Concrete Engineering Co., 4th and Nicholas Sts. HELP WANTED FEMAIE. Stores and Offices. CASHIER, $26 or $30 week; mall clerk, 27 or 28 years old, Js5: office clerks, $70-$75; file clerks, $60-$70. THE MARTI CO.. j ii2lLY.0-3v-idg. r WORK WANT TO BETTER JRSKLF. THAT'S Vj'R BUSINESS 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANT vol- to h-lh von COMMERCIAL. , City fal I HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. TYPIST, excellent place, $85. BOOKKEEPER, must be able to do typing and take entire charge of books; good salary. STENOGRAPHER, bank. $100. FILE CLERK, experienced. $70. OFFICE CLERK, experienced, $65-$70. DICTAPHONE OPERATOR, $90. BURROUGHS POSTING MACHINE OPERATOR. BILLING CLERK. $100 or better. RIGHT REFERENCE COMPANY, 630 First National Bank Bldg.. S TEN OG RAPHERi high school education, $110; stenographer, part copy work, $95; dlctajihone operator, $100: P. B. X. operator and typist, $80; girl to learn to operate Burroughs posting machine, $76: office clerk, $70. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 7116 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS. $120, $115, $110, $100; stenographer or good typist, $85; office clerk, must be experienced, good at fig ures and good penman. $80. $86. Office cierk, assistant to cachier, $80; bill clerk, $75. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT, 1138 First National Bank Building. LADT for cashier, experienced, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. 16th and Harney 3tS. EX PERIENCED P. B. X. operator want ed. Dresher Bros.. 2217 Farnam. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position? No profession today offers better op portunities for good tslarles ana) steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. t The work Is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employee. No experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement. Parents Invited to Investigate working conditions. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room $1(. New Telephone Bulldlns. Nineteenth and. Douglaa itresta. An opportuity for youne women of ability who want permanent po sitions. Our business Is growing rapidly and we need several girls who have a de sire to become really Important factors in the business world, as long lines tele phone operators. The work is extreme ly interesting and Is carried on in a large, airy office In a desirable loca tion. A homelike rest room, a good dance floor with a victrola that may be used at any time, a cafeteria 'where good wholesome meals are served at less than cost, frequent salary Increases and rapid advancement are some of the at tractions of our offer. Apply between a. m. and 6 p. m. today. Room 318, New Telephone Build ing. Ask for Miss Belt 1 The American Telephone And Telegraph Co., WOMEN AND GIRLS. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. GOOD PAY, STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO., 8TH AND DODGE. WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD POSITION FOR A WOMAN WHO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE IN LAUNDRY WORK. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT PARTY TO EARN BIG WAGES. .STEADY EMPLOYMENT. IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS. DRESHER BROS.. 2217 FARNAM. WANTED Experienced sewing grl to operate on Singer double stlch feller. Address A. Leo Stevens, Balloon School, Fort Omaha. EXPERIENCED hand Ironers and mangle girls wanted. White or colored. Good wagea. Blackstone Hotel, Laundry Dept. WANTED Wanted two lady pressers, ex perienced preferred. Max I. Walter, the dry cleaner of North Omaha. WANTED Experienced alteration help, shirt or dress finisher. Apply Julius Orkln Store. 1610 Douglas. WANTED Experienced corset fitter. Ap ply Mr. Negels. Thompson Belden & Co.' WANTED Girls in ruling department. Carpenter Paper Co.. 9th and Jiarney. C'HAS. L. FI6H. Piano Trner. Violin,, Pi- ano teacher. Colfax 490". PRESS ER and spotter wanted. Dresher Bros., 21117 Farnam. Saleswomen and Solicitors. LADY canvassers for electrio Irons and lamps: good proposition. C F. Adams Co.. 623 S. Mth St. Household and Domestic. WANTED White girl for general house work. Small family. Otiod wages. No cooking. Laundress kept. Call Walnut 4668, W A NT E D- I 'oni 1M iral housework. ent house girl for gen- wages. 1320 South 34tn St. i none nar- ney 4042. 1 WHITE girl for general housework: ro laundry; good home: best of wages. Har. 7349. 1303 JI.JThlrtyjfifth Ave WANTED Housekeeper: preferably one with a' small child. Call 6117 N. 18th, between hours 3:30 and 8 pi m. WANTED Competent second maid; downstalra work only. Mra. Ward Bur- geaa, 122 North 22d. ' FOR LAUNDRESSES. DAT WOMEN, ETC.. LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL- UMN OF THE BKE; COMPETENT . secjnd maid: downstairs work only. Mrs. Ward Burgess, 123 N. Twenty-second. WANTED Experienced cook: references required. Apply 202 St. Regis Apts. Harney 352. WANTED Experienced cook (white). Mrs. Barton Millard, 123 . No. 39th St. Harney 47. ' EXPERIENCED woman for cooking, small . family, no laundry. 416 So. 38th St. H. 2650; - WANTED Competent cosk. good wagea; small family. Mrs. O. Storx, 3703 Far nam. v ' COMPETENT white maid for general housework. 3224 Dodge. Har. 1 1876. V.'ANTED Woman to take charge of rooming Jiouse. 114 N. INth St. j WANTED High-cUiss girl for general . housework. Call Walnut 35V HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. COMPETENT Walnut 1003 COMPETENT Harney 3457. girl, general housework. girl, general housework. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAIDS. APPLY CON A NT HOTEL. HOURS 7 A. M. TO 4 P. M. WAGES TO START $12 A WEEK. TWO diet kitchen maids, either women or Japs. Apply Wise Memorial Hospi tal, 25th and Harney Sts. Tyler 1571. SIfORT hour waitress wanted; good pay; good working conditions. Harney 1399. GIRL at soda fountain and candy counter. Rlalto Candy Kitchen, 1418 Douglas. MAID wanted, also scrub maids. El Beudor Apia.. 18th and lndge. WANTED Experienced second cook at the Vlse Memorial hospital. WANTED Kitchen Blackstone hotel. and pantry help. FLOORM AID Hospital. wanted, white. Clarkson DISHWASHER. Howard. Flaliron Cafe. 1720 MAIDS wanted. Harney Hotel Keen, IStli and DISHWASHER WANTED Paxton Hotel. Miscellaenou? WANTED Janitor woman and scrub woman; colored help considered. In quire 1601 City National Bank Bldg. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 6693. t HELP. WANTED. Male and Female, i WANTED Men. ladies snd boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wagea while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St Tri-City Barber College. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED First-class man or woman pharmacist; best salary for one who can furnish references as to ability and ex perience. Apply Mr. Sherman. General Office. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Second Floor, 19th and Farnam Sts. BUSINESS CHANCES. I HAVE a confectionary and dance hall combination; dance one night a week; doing a good business. Reason for sell ing my business in west will take me back there, and on account of health. Store will Invoice between J3.500 and 54,000; fixtures and stock. It is the only one of kind in town of population of 2,000. Y-1162. Bee. POOL HALL, barber shop, confectionery, and ice cream business in live Neb. town of 1,000, practically no competition,-has elways been a big money maker; rent only J 30 a month. This place would in voice $3,000; owner has other business, will sell for $1,400, half cash. See Lewis & Co., 411 McCague Bldg. AT SACRIFICE Selling out our entire stock and fix tures in furniture repair shop, doing good business; well Jocated; good rea son for selling. Address Box X-97, Omaha Bee. or call Harney 1061. FOR SALE A restaurant, confectionery. Ice cream perlof, all combined. In first class shape; clean and up-to-date; a good business. Reasons for selling. Write me for particulars Mrs. Sadie Wllley, prop., Grafton, Neb., Palace Cafe. WB have an excellent business proposi tion to offer to someone who has about $25,00 to Invest. This is no wild cat scheme, but a straight legitimate husl . ness. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 2549-51 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. AM forced to leave city and will sell my doughnut outfit for $230. This is a real bargain. Will include $57 oxo-gas burn er In sale. No experience necessary. See Walker. 1314 Farnam. CAFE Ice ere, am and confectionery for. sale; ' new and up-to-date and a good business, at good figures. J. W. Thomp- son, Loup City, Neb. TO get tn or out of business. Sea LEWIS & CO 411 McCague Bldg. Rooming Houses. FOR SALE Rooming house furniture, 18 rooms. 1710 Cass St. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. , NIGHT 8CHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometery, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and sll English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illustrated catalogue Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. LEARN tire repairing aniV retreading; also tube repairing and all rubber vul canising IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIRING SCHOOL IN OMA HA. Tbree weeks learning. 116. Write or call NATIONAL TIRE SHOP, 17th and Capitol Ave. -Van Sant School or Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. MOVE TO THE HAMILTON. 24th and Farnam Single rooms with private bath. Two room suites with connecting bath, fur nished including usual hotel service. Right downtown and only $10.50 to $15 week per room, only a few left Come at once. ERNEST SWEET. Owner. J. B. MILLER. Manager. Douglas 1472. PHONE THE' WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEItK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. 1923 LOCUST Two furnished rooms, sll modern: close to three car lines. Web- - ster5892L ELMS HOTEL, 19th and Harney. Rooms, $3.50per week and up. Doug. 6006. NEATLY furnished room in desirahlo neighborhood. 1041 So. 29th St. H-J360. 214 So. 25th nicely furnished front room. very reasonable. Hatnroom rioor. 821 SO. 29TH Room for one. or two in private home. Harney 6205. NEWLY furnished room, close In. 924 S. :i:'.rd. Harney 4537. BEAUTIFUL cool room; gentlemen pre- ferred. Webster 2986. PLEASANT room, Hanscom Tark district. Harney 6198. F URNISHED rooms. 626 So. 26th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. PARLOR FLOOR. 2 or 3 large cool mod ern rooms. Shade, walking distance, no children. 604 South 28th St. Harney 1836. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms. hot water day and night. 114 N. 18th St. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms. $8 per week. 1921 Chicago St. TWO housekeeping rooms, everything fur- nlshed. 1034V4 S. 30th, Tyler 47. 2025 HOWARD, light housekeeping rooms, references. Douglas 1553. LARGE front room. furnished complete. Douglas 9444. J01 80.- 16TH ST. Light housekeeping rooms. LIGHT housekeeping rooms.818 So. 21st. Board and Room. COOL room with two meals: 2 gentle men; references. 2601 St. Marys Ave. NICELY furnished room: will board if desired: also garage: Colfax 262, si"S. Slst St., room snd board or meals. .lust ojiened. Dg. 7226. ROOMS with or without board, lis- k Drawn for the Bee by McManui. Copyrliht. lt2C International News Srvlr FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE. In the West Farnam district; 6 rooms, well furnished, to rent until September 1. 8. P. BOSTW1CK SON. 300Bce Bldg. Tyler 1606. WILL RENT my modern 6-room furnished home in Kountze place, with large ga rage, June 23 to September 1; -efjr-encesrequlred. Box -5, Omaha Bee. WELL furnished house, choice location. In Dundee. For rent during July and August. $150 per month. Address Box G 89. Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale 1th FIRST TRUST COMPANT, Realtors. Tyler 711. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT MODERN WAREHOUSE Will lease for torm of vfars, modern warehouse, 132x13. ft., three Mories and basement. In wholesale dltrlit. New sprinkler system. Entrance from two streets on separate floors. Trackage on two siiles. Call for Mr. Robertson. American Security Co. Douglaa 5013. N. W. Cor. Isth and Dodge Sts. OFF1C FOR RENT. Furnished private office or desk space. Ground floor, very dusirahle. L'07 South ISth St. WELL located store room, suitable for offices; reasonable rent; now vacant. Phone Dg. 683'. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnishred. HOME WITH CONVENIENCE OF HOTEL. . Suites of two and three rooms In beautifully sppolnted building. Linen bedding, china, cooking utensils, heat, gas, light, water, phona and other necessities furnished. We assume your servant problem. Every courtesy ex tended In showing apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS. Portgo. at Eighteenth. Tyler 4 2 00. IN THE HAMILTON, 24TH AND FARNAM. Living room with Murphy bed, kitch enette and bath. completely fur nished Including dishes and silverware. A snap at SIS per week. Juat vacated. Act quickly. ERNEST SWEET. Owner. J. B. MILLER. Manager. Douglas 1472. FURNSHED modern apartment: living room, kitchen and bath. Some furniture for sale. Phono Douglas 877. 3 rooms tance. and private bath, walking dls Browne Apts., 608 No. 21st st. FURNISHED apartment, 2 rooms and a kitchenette. 410 Swcetwood Ave. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY and Van CO. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOL DGOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglaa 281. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooma for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 416$. GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For xeal service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Aute or wagon service. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co Tyler 3400. TRY US FIRST. AMERICAN MESSENGER AND EXPRES8. Douglas 5900-5901. Moving, hauling all kinds. Quick servls); UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. 20 HEAD fine farm horses, mares, mules. Some mares 1n foal. AH stock guaran teed sound, good condition. Apply M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th end B Sts., or after 6 p. m. phone South 475. 1,150'POUND bay horse for sale cheap, Tyler 5169. ' HORSE, harness and wagon. Douglaa 2535: POULTRY AND PET STOCK. TWO fullbred female alrdales, 6 monthl old; also some used lumber. 4114 N, 23d St. Phone Col. 2553. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. - 100 USED CARS . MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. We are remodeling our building and must have space. Will sacrifice. Priced from $75 to $750. Cars all kinds from Fcrds to Hudson Super 6s. Don't fail to see them at Marsh Oakland Co., 2309 Farnam St.. Douglas 5251. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. INC, HIGH GRADE USED CARS. THOSE l. MIU, 20.12 FARNAM ST. TODAY'S LIST OF CSKD CARS. 1919 COLE AERO S 4 -PASSENGER. 1918 STUDEBAKER 4 TOURINO, NEW. 1918 CHANDLER TOURINO, WIRE WHEELS. 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY, CORD TIRES. LATE 1917 BUICK ROADSTER. 1917 IIAYNES .TOURING, CORD TIRES. 1917 OAKLAND SIX TOURING. 1917 GRANT SIX TOURING. 1917 CHALMERS SIX TOURING. 1917 CHEVROLET TOURING. 1914 CADILLAC. TOURING. 1913 CADILLAC TOURING. 1917 FORD TOURING. 1918 FORD ROADSTER. 1918 FORD TRUCK. 1917 FORD TOU RING. 1918 STUDEBAKER 4 TOURING. 1918 STUDEBAKER 6 TOURINO. 1917 STEARNS KNIGHT SEDAN AND OTHERS. We sell retail csrs at wholesale prices, drop In snd look them over. Open sll day Sunday. BUICK COUPE 1920 model and brand new. complete equipment. Will guarantee this car to Id in exc. llen: condition throughout. .A real harraln Cull Douglas 1910 or stop at Uuy L. Smith's show root-- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Used Car Bargains 191$ Oaland Sedan; five new rora) tires; motor like new; a guaranteed car; 1,360. HIT Chalmers light six touring ear: just overhauled; new top and curtains; good running order; $676. 1920 Essex touring; like nsw; five tires; $1,260. Oakland alx roadster; reflnlsheo); looks like new; mechanically right; good tires; $700. WESTERN ELGIN MOTOR CO., Tel. Douglss 713. 2416 Farnam. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AOTO MOB1L1NG; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW, Al CONDITION. SELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAT AND NIGHT THE 366 DAYS. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUO. J62I. "FORDS. BUICKS. DODGES NEW AND USED Cash or time. Drive them snd psy by the month. All cars In good mechanics! shape. Fords, bodies, cabs, truck bodies. Send for catalogue. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St. Tyler 714. CENTRAL GARAGE. Open lav snd n I ght. WILL TAKE LOW PRICED CITY LOTS OR CHEAP PROPERTY IN TRADE FOR USED CARS. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 FARNAM STREET. REBUILT HUDSON SUPER-SIXES. We have several rebuilt and retlnished Hudsons In closed snd touring models; exceptions! values; terms If desired. GUY L. SMITH, Southeast Corner of 26th an Farnam. ONE motor transmission, differential. $126. 1919 Oakland touring. $550. 1918 Reo 7-passenger. $560. Chummy roadster, body and top. $90. 191s Premier Chassis, $500. Call Colfax 3618 evenings. FORD COUPE 1917 model with 1919 motor. $350. See cir at Vinton Garage. 1S30 Vinton St., or phone Tyler 3587. GOOD LIGHT" CARS CHEAP. 1 Mitchell light six. $550 19 Cheverolet touring, $460 17 Overland roadster, $-00 TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. NEW STANDARD TOURING CAR AT SACRIFICE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. ' ' A ! harv-k y iF v. L W' ? &TORAGE batteries, written guarantee exchange price 3 cell, $15; Dodge and Maxwells, $20. Midland Battery Co.. 2616 Leavenworth St. DO YOU want a good automobile at a bargain price? All makes and sizes. Terms or cash. Call Mr. Jones, Doug. 6188. SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 16th and Jackson. Doug, las 3600. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2620 Farnam St. AUTOJCLEARINO HOUSE, T033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2309 Farnam St. WANTED For apot cash. 100 used cars, quick action; no delay. Auto hixebange Co., 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 60JS; WB HAVE 60 good used cars to select rrom. ah prices. X1EEKS AUTO CO.. 2026 Farnam. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS- VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seal on windshield. I 1920 Chandler Dispatch: guarantee goes with car. Call Vyeb. 3565 between 6 and t .ju p. m. JEFFREY Six, 7-passenger. Almost new". A-l condition. $1,600 cash. Call Harney 4089. FORD terms. Sedan, just overhauled; Douglas 3932. 191R Dodge touring for quick sale; very reasonable. Webster 3665 after 6 p. m. 1 1918 DODGE, overhauled: bargain.' See at Morton's garage or call Harney $760. FORD Sedan tot-Tale. J919mooi; nearly new. Reasonable. Douglas t9S9. 1918 Dodge touring, In good condition. cash or time. Webater 521 9. 1914 FORD UiuringT mechanically right". Webster 3566. after 6. BIG Buick Six for sale or trade for Ford and cash. Colfax 5227. 1918 AUBURN touring; best of condition. Webster 5130. 2 Ford trucks for sale. Webster 1918 Ford sedan. "c!oltax 6S6. BICYCLE. 3172. P. H., for sale. Harney BICYCLE, in good order, $20. Har. 6440, Tires and Supplies, U8ED TIRES. tOxt. $5.00; 30x3H. tl.00. All sizes In proportion. Look ever our rebuiits. Open Sundays. Tyler 2981. 8AVIOE TIRES. 908 N. 161h St. Keyst inn Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES, CHEAP. 0x3U FISK ..$14.93 I 14x4 $10.96 30x3 $10.95 33x4 $20.96 Sx4 $29 95 I 32x4 $19 95 f SEE US FIRST. IT PAYS. ' KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1723 CUMINO NEW GUARANTEED TIRE8. 30x3. $9.76; 33x3,, $15.90; 30x34, $12.10; 34x4, $21.75. STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 N. 16th St. Doug. 3830. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19th. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serr Ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., 1819 Cuming St Tler 117. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. Buy It During June. Rush Comes Next Month If you can so arrange your affaire to come to the Burlington District now It will be to your advantage. From July on we expect hundreds of land buyers. We can glvo-you more time and atten- tlon now than during the rush. See the growing crops, convince yourself that the country Is all we claim It to be. We offer for your approval 20,000 acres of the choicest land laying outdoors, in raw and Improved lands at prices from $25 per acre up. A small amount of cash down, balance in ternts to suit your needs will secure for you choice pieces. We will sow a piece bought now In wheat this fall without any per sonal supervision on your part. A post card brings full Information. Addreis the POWELL LAND CO., Developers of Burlington District Lands. Burlington, Colo. Kansas Lands. 20 CHOICE quarters of land In Wichita county, Kansas, offered for s short time only, for $15 to $17.50 sn acre. All un improved grass lsnd snd practically every foot can be farmed with tractor. Will sell direct to purchasers, one-half cash, balance time at 7 per cent. No ' trade. If Interested wrlfe at once to James H. Little. LaCrosse, Kansaa. WRITE us for prices snd terms on lands In Thomas county. Kansas. Feltoa West. 307 Crounse Block. Missouri Lands. Missouri Corn Farm Near Big City, $9,500 100 acres creek bottom tillage, 60 acres spring-watered pasture; splendid crops corn, wheat, oats, timothy, clover, alfalfa: house stands In blue grass lawn; big barn: buyer gets 3 cons. 2 heifers, yearlings; 3 calves. 6 hogs; only $3,000 cash, balance easy terms. Details page $5 fttrout'a Catalogue Farm Bar gains. Missouri, Arkansas. Oklahoma, Indiana, Kansas and 28 other. States. Copy free. Strout Farm Agency, $31. B. V.. New York Life Bldg., Kansas Clty, Mo. Nebraska Lands. v ifo Tt NAN U ALF A LF AF A RM9 IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRA8KA. at the right price. Write for list . J.ARBON CARRAHER, Central City, NeDraska. f