Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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    II" i k imii.mW
, i
Believes Senator Will Follow
Along Progressive Lines Be
cause He Says Old Guard
Is Changed.
R. B. Howell, republican national
committf eman for Nebraska, re
turned yesterday from Chicago and
asserted that it is his belief that the
elimination of Johnson, Lowden and
Wood by the convention was due to
the senatorial investigation of cam
paign expenditures. He believed
that Johnson became an impossible
candidate when it was charged that
his friends were responsible for the
campaign fund investigation:
His statement follows:
"The nomination of Senator Hard
ing was the result of a remarkable
convention. It proceeded with de
liberation to 10 ballots. The nomi
nee had but few choice delegates and
but a few additional delegates who
even hoped that he would be the
second choice of the convention.
Hence the nomination was a com
promise result, largely brought
'California Syrup of Figs'5
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your child is having the best and
most harmless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its fruity taste. Full directions
on each bottle. You must say "California."
about by a senatorial bloc acting at
the psychological moment. There
va one underlying conviction that
governed the convention, and that
was that the welfare of the nation
demanded that the republican party
should be at the helm during the
coming four years, the personality
of the nominee being of secondary
"The three leaders in the initial
balloting were undoubtedly elimi
nated as the result of the investiga
tion of primary campaign expendi
turesSenator Johnson, in a meas
ure, because his friends were re
sponsible for, the investigation;
Governor Lolen, because of his
huge personal contribution, and of
developments in connection with
Missouri delegates, and General
Wood, because of the determination
of the Lowden supporters that if
their candidate was to be eliminated
upon such grounds, that the general
should share a similar fate.
"Naturally, I am disappointed at
the result as 1 had hoped 'hat if a
dark horse were chosen, he would
tin i man nf reeocnized nrocressive
i tendencies. It is understood that
Senator Harding behngs to the old
school of politics, and nis nomina
tion was supported by a senatorial
bloc representing the old guard.
However, I believe that a marked
change has taken place in the views
of conservative republicans respect
ing the progressive ideas and needs
of this great country.
"Therefore, I will not believe but
that our nominee, who is a man of
high qualifications, will be in con
sonance with what I feel : ssured is
unquestionably the sentiment of the
republican party progressivism;
and am prepared to support the
nominee to the utmost in the light
of what I now know, though my
first allegiance is to the principles
for which Roosevelt stooe. , and
would be standing for todav as the
nominee of the party were he alive.
"That the convention was affect
ed by suggestion largely in the
nomination of Senator Harding and
was not in any sense in h?nd was
evidenced in connection with the
selection of Governor Coohdge for
the vice presidential nomination.
The delegates did this themselves,
notwithstanding suggestion, and
they did it decisively.
"As to the record of the Nebraska
delegation, it was splerdid. They
voted according to their instructions
and consciences. Johnson was sup
ported even alter all hope of his
nomination had passed. The dele
gation was potentially for Gen.
Wood, yet it was not till the ninth
ballot, and then at the critical mo
ment, that the sixteen votes went to
the general.
"Three were some states that at
tempted to trade at the last mo
ment with results that must have
been, to them, the cause of much
chagrin. Not so with Nebraska. It
stood like a rock, and threw its re
serves into the line whn most
On Sale Thursday
375 Taffeta Hats
In navy and navy
and white combinations
Formerly Selling
for $7.50
vj Net
Most Wanted
Styles and Sizes
Trimmed with Flowers, Ornaments.
Ostrich, Ribbon and Tassels, with tucked
and plain crowns.
Reduced for Clearance
245 Trimmed Hats
Values up to $15
Off-the-Face Hats
Chin Chins
Every One a
Marvelous Value.
m 1
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
Revelations of a Wife
What Madge Tried to Express to
Her Father.
(v father snnke tin word save tfce
" J . ..-. - I T
conventional adieux to Lillian until
cur taxi was half-way to the station.
1 guessed from the tenseness of his
attitude as with arms folded across
his chest he leaned forward, gazing
at the boulevard outside, that he was
putting an iron hand upon himself,
repressing the emotion that my de
cision to return home and give him
the promised evening with my moth
er's mementoes had caused him.
I.iUi" mnst men. he abhors the nro-
cess slangily described by Dicky as
spilling over. 1 surmised that he
was perilously near it, so tremedous
was the feeling aroused by the pros
pect of facing the reminders of a
rast long buried, bitterly regretted,
passionately atoned for.-
Finally, with a deep indrawing of
breath he turned to me, and clasped
my hands warmly, impulsively, in
his own. I knew that if it hadn't
been for the lights and the crowded
streets he would have taken me into
a fatherly embrace. So I nestled
closer to him that he might know
how deeply I shared his feeling.
"My darling," he said, and his
okc was husky, uneven, "I shall
not soon forget what you have done
for me tonight."
"Can't you guess, father, dear?" I
queried softly, knowing what would
please him best, "that I have done it
for myself, too, that 1 would rathei
have this evening with you and
and my mother than anything else
in the world?"
An Hour to Spare.
The clasp of my father's hands
tightened swiftly, unconsciously,
until they hurt me, then relaxed as
"Do do you feel that, too?" he
asked unsteadily, then, his natural
reserve laying a restraining hand
upon him, he quickly changed his
"Here we are," he said in a matter-of-fact
way as the taxi drew up
to the Long island entrance of the
Pennsylvania station. "Now for that
'hasty bite' of which you spoke so
convincingly to Mrs. Underwood."
He flashed a startled glance at me,
but the necessity of paying the
driver kept him from speech. And
as soon as we had dodged across the
taxi concourse and had directed our
Lift Off Corns!
Doesn't hurtl Lift touchy corns and
calluses right off with fingers
steps toward the dining room I ex
plained: "If Lillian had dreamed of this
time margain her hospitable soul
would have taken no refusal of her
invitation to dinner. And once en
sconced at her table with Lillian
launched upon a conversational sea,
the prospects of getting away in any
sort of time for the train would have
faded utterly. I might have managed
adroitly to hurry without appearing
to do so through Betty's courses.
But I know from experience that
when Lillian is in even ordinary
fettle she forgets to stop talking,
and her guests "
A Strange Conviction.
"Would pass up everything else to
listen to her," my father interrupted,
smiling faintly. "I, too, have been
one of Mrs. Underwood's favored
guests. You were very wise, my
dear, but I think that sometime you
should explain to her why we hur
ried away."
" I meant to ask your permission
to do just that," I replied.
"Ask my persissionl" he repeated.
stressing the pronoun. "My dear
child, this is your evening absolute
ly. I am only the favored guest."
Again that curious, uncanny con
viction of another knowledge, an
other presence, swept me, and with
my hand pressing my father's arm
closely 1 murmured softly:
"No, father, not mine. Yours and
and mother's."
Hot water
Sure Relief
Apply a few drops of "Freezone" upon that old,
bothersome corn. Instantly that corn stops
hurting. Then shortly you lift it right off,
root and all, without pain or soreness.
Hard corns, soft corns, corns
between the toes, and the
hard skin calluses on
bottom of feet lift
right off no
humbug I
J :V
I M "V
1 C
I Tiny bottles if" Freeztne" ess t kx
vlJJx but a few cents at drug stores gj '
Do you really want to save
or just talk about it?
A lady told us last week that she bought
goods in an Omaha store and made four
pairs of rompers for her 2-year-old boy
and three bungalow aprons for herself
at a few cents less than the price of three
pairs of rompers for her boy at the same
store. Take it from us, that woman
Teaches her dollars to have
more cents
She made them at home on a Famous
Bali-Bearing White. What are you doing
about it?
The House of
15th and Harney
Phone Doug. 1973
The June SaleIntroducing Sum
mer Fashions in Women's
and Misses9
While Frocks
Their own beauty and charm tell of a long
summertime vogue, the variedness of these as
sortments tell equally well of that fine
art in selection which takes into account
every possible personal preference and
meets it in many and different wavs.
$13,50 and up
Tub Skirts
Assortments are complete, and each skirt
marked by some little effective touch difficult
to design, but which makes skirts like these so
much desired.
$2.95 and tip
Second Floor.
GirlsAn Excellent Opportu
nity to Keep Cool
Silk and Fibre Half Hose
$2.35 Pair
Women's pure thread silk and fiber half Hose, come in
plain and lace effects, with double roll tops, all colors for
bathing, also shoe shades.
' Mala Floor.
An Unusual Value in This
Offering of
Women's Union Suits
97 c each
Low neck and sleeveless, knee length made of the finest
cotton, beaded tops and ribbon shoulder straps, bodice
tops. Specially priced, 97c
Main Floor.
it 1 n 1 I i im mm
' to
i!JJ j'J'tlL-LiX n... jW.uujJ,
New Dresses
With Distinctive Style Touches
Style touches in line and trimming that achieve the
extreme of smartness and becomingness are the fea
tures that make these new dresses in cool Organdie.
Voile, Foulard and Crepe de Chine so desirable and
50 sg95 $05O
A Kumsi-Kumsa
Young women, in particu
lar, admire the many captivat
ing creations we are showing
in Kumsi-Kumsa material.
There are also new Sport
styles in Fan-ta-si, Ravnette,
Dew Kist, Dra Polo and other
fashionable fabrics, at
$g95 $950 Up
Our Entire Stock
30 Off
There are many becoming
types introducing a wide vari
ety of the season's fabrics that
you can wear on practically
any occasion the whole sum
mer through.
All Millinery
30 Off
Every hat is new and dainty
and tasteful authentic in
idea and detail, and there are
styles for everyone.
Outfit Your Boy
At a Reduction of
Mothers! You will find the
values all you have hoped for
and the suits are the newest
models in "Strongbilt" and
"Right Posture" brands.
You will find sturdy fabrics
and many of the suits have
TWO pair of pants.
We are out to beat, last
year's record, and so our
entire stocks of Men's and
Young Men's Blue Serge
Suits regularly $60.00 are