THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16. 1920. V M 'J f 1 i s 1 I 1 FARM LANDS; New Mexico. BCY NORTHEASTERN NEW MEXICO LANDS NOW In the bt farming, .torlc raising and datrylnir action: 115 to $' par arre on splendid tarmi; prndurlrf n.tntnt rropa or corn, broom corn, wht, otts. beans, potato!, millets, etc.; ideal climate: ample rainfall: alti tude 5,200 feet; food water; not tn the not wind bait: mora food farmers need. ed; large ranchea now being aold In farm units: splendid business opportu nities open; special low fare excursions being conducted for prospective aettlera In July and August, write ror run in formation and free Illustrated booklet of facta. We hava no lands for sale, hut ire Interested only In production and development of this promising ter ritory. Address Earls O. Reed, Agrl oultural Agent, Colorado A Southern Ry.. Boom 313, Railway Exchange Bldg., Denver, Colo. Miscelherious. FOR 8XLE BT "OWNER ISO acre in Burnst county, Wisconsin; 16 acres clear, II acres meadow land; all fenced. Price $3,600. Snap. Answer quick. W. F. Oustafson. 63b Asbury 6t., St. Paul. Minn. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. C1TT AND FARM LOANS. PER CENT. DUMONT 4 CO., 4H-4U Keellne Bids;. Omaha homes east. neb. farms, o'keefe real estate co.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. BldK- Doug. J715. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. , west rates. Private loan. booths. Harry Malashock. 1614 Pudge. P. 6619. Es.SH UPlViTm MflNUT 1100 to 110.000 made -promptly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blag.. 110 B. 18tn 8t, PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY, Doug. 4S2S. ROMPT service, reasonable ratea, private money, tiarvin Bros., a.o umiiDi i-tni. BUCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat. Oil Leases. SOUTH TEXAS LEASES. nvest now for future Independence, small Investment In well located oil leases In South Texas today, may mean 11,000,000 for you tomorrow. Twelve shallow fields already pro ducing and over 600 other wella drill ing ahow wh.t geologists and others think the future possibilities of this territory. We own leases tn every part of this territory, which are located close to drilling testa ii" l which represent the best oil lnvestmc- '. Let us explain the value of our hold, to you, either as an investor or a bn .-r. HITCHCOCK, COOPER A FELTNER, Main Office: Suite IS1 Moore Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. Brunch Offices: In Ft. Worth, Tex., ami Los AnsHfs, Cal. P.EAL ESTATE WANTED. WE HAVE cash buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bids. D. 1138. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE? Want quick action T Juat try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bids;. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD, IliO City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 14!. HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON J4 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3556. E. G. SOLOMON 212 Karbach Blk. Real Estate Investments. Doug. (2(2. RFALESTATE UNIMPROVED, Vacant Property. TWO LOT SNAPS. Price. 1650; east fronts, high and sightly, near 33d and Laurel; $50 cash, tirt mnnriiiv Own nsrt of the earth. OSBORNE REALTY CO. Tyler 496. apvacv Two acres on Belt Line at Seward St. Alfred Thomas, Realtor, 604 First National Bank. FINE lot, level, 3Sth and Bedford; bargain. Phone Douglas 3550 or Walnut 1474. alestateInv estme its. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors. Real Estate, Investments, Insurance. Ren t a 1 s. Tyler 153 6. 333 Securities Bldg. PRESSED brick duplex flat, 7 rooma on a side: oak finish; Park Ave.; Income $1,500. Snap at $13,600. Dg. 1734. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. TRADING OPPORTUNITY J20 acres of fine land In Cheyenne countv. Nebraska, which owner will sell or trade for an Omaha residence or In--estment property. Will bear closest in vestigation; 90 a. In wheat and prospects are for bumper crop this year. Land will double In value In S or 3 years. Here a an opportunity. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. DoufhlaaJI2281 KeellneBldg. BEAUTIFUL large hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade. Carl Chanfcstrom. 2020 Far nam street. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT TO BUY Five or six-room house from owner only: $500 down. Address Box X 100. Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. CLASSY, WELL THIS IS HIGH CLASS Just the cutest bungalow, lovely liv ing room with built-in effects, all oak, dining room has window seat and three south windows. Both bedrooms well arranged, nice and llRht, and adjoining bath. Full basement; stairway to big attic. Has a garage. Price Is only $5,250. Terms about $1,350 cash. Possession ouick. SHOPEN & CO. REALTORS. Douglas 422S. KeeltnBldg. Dundee. ELEGANT DUNDEE HOME Brand new. Elastlca stucco, six large rooms, aun room and enclosed sleeping porch. Attic and plaatered basement. Finely finished in oak enamel and birch mahogany. Up-to-the-minute in every detail. Double garage and cement drive Excellent location, close to school and car. A real classy place and real value at $17,000. BENSON & CARMICHAEL S43 Paxton Block. Evenings Walnut 1580. Tyler 3641). CAN YOU find something to suit in a Dundee home? Would you consider a beautiful 6-room home in one of Dundee's sightliest lo cations, one that would combine a home and investment as well, that would show you a splendid in crease in the future? Will require $6,000 to $7,000 cash to handle. Call us today and let us give you the details. Schroeder Investment -o. Douglas S261. 838 Railway Exchange ATTRACTIVE HOME. 'Tear 60th and Webster. Six rooms. o-storv. nearly new and all completely redecorated. The owner la very anxious to sell and has made ns an exceptionally low price. Can give Immediate posses sion ard low terms. For price, terms, etc . call BENJAMIN A FRANKFNBERH. 124 Bee Bldg, Doug. 722. THE GUMPS- K.Fy r-i ry-v-Tr1 Lr REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. 2 New Bungalows Tmrr liata possession. Just com pleted and ready to occupy; strictly modern; finished In oak and quarter awed pine; Murphy-in-a-door bed; con venient to car Une. near 30th and Craig streets in Florence. Price $5,000 and $6,000. Easy terms. Must be seen to be appreciated. FOWLER & M'DONALD REALTORS. Doug. 1426. 1120 City Nat'l Bk. BUlg. NETHAWAT, Suburban prop ty. Col. 1408. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 7 ROOMS, $7,250 A dandy 7-room strictly modern home, only one black from Blackstone Hotel and Farnam car line. Large lot, very desirable location. Call and make arrangements to see this unusual bar gain. Can be shown at any time. Terms very reasonable. H. W. VOLLAND Douglas 95S5. 610 Pee Bldg. Evenings, Douglas 9585. FIELD 'LUB DISTRICT 5 rooms, modern, $4,750. A bargain. Owner leaving city must sell a dandy 5-room strictly modern home, oak fin ish, full cement basement, with laundry conveniences, garage, large lot, only 2 blocks to public school. H. W. VOLLAND Doug. 95S5. RIO Bee Bldg. AN IDEAL HOME IX HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Residence of 8 rooms, modern through out; convenient in arrangement; oak floors, large closets, fine plumbing, handsome lighting fixtures; large lot 0x150; all special tax.-s paid; fine shade trees ; convenient to churches and schools and near Park Ave. and Cross town car lines; now occupied by owner, who Is leaving city. Price $7,250; Vi cash. Building and Loan association terms on balance. .T. H. Kl'HNS. OWNER. Phone Harney 6248. 1 39 28th St STRICTLY MODERN Five-room frame bungalow, dining room and living room finished lu oak. Bedrooms finished In hard pine. One block to car. Price. $4,550; J1.000 cash; balance. $45 per month. Walnut 2812. CHOICE Leavenworth Heights bungalow"; five largo rooms and bath; oalt finish; frame and stucco; choice lotj price only $6,000; part cash. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 498. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN 621 Paxton BIk. Phone Tyler 4S30. J. B. ROBINSON" Real" Estate and Invest menta. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas S097. BENSON Sc. MEYE R3 CO.. 424 Om. Nat' U North. 29TH AND FOWLER 5 ROOMS, $5,250 This is without a doubt the best built home in the north part of the city. - Has just been listed by one of our non-resident clients who has put price on it that will make it sell in hurry, lias fine stone exterior with red-tiled roof. 4 large rooms, including one bed room on first floor, 2 fine., bed rooms and bath on second floor. This is certainly an ideal place. , Located so conveniently to car and school. $1,500 to $2,000 cash will handle this. Call us for ap pointment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. MINNE LUSA, $7,800 Strictly modern 6-room. bunga low; large living room with fire place and bookcases; dining room with built-in buffet; handy kitch en. Three sunny bedrooms and tile bath second floor; oak floors and finish; large floored attic. House three years old, of stucco construction and one of the most attractive bungalows in Minne Ltisa. For further information . call GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS, 918-20 City National. Doug. 2850. FINE BUNGALOW ON CREIGHTON BLVD. NEAR EVANS This bungalow has jtM been listed by non-re?ident own - who is anxious to sell imn::-' ..:ly. Has priced place according!. Has 5 fine, large rooms; is modern in every respect and will make ideal home. Priced at $3,250 for quick sale. Submit vour terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. PRAIRIE PARK DISTRICT $2,500 DOWN, BALANCE MONTHLY 6-room full 2-atory strictly modern nouae; 3 nice large rooms on the first floor, 3 bedrooms and bath on the ec ond; full basement, furnace heat; nice lot on paved street, paving paid; plenty of shade: new garape. Price J7.S00. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. Sunday call Colfax 322". NEW two-story House at 1821 Wirt street, rooma, bath and sleeping porch; oak finish. If you want a comfortable home at a reasonable price let ua ahow you this. FRANK H. BINDER, 823 CITY NAT'L. BANK BLDG. PHONE DOUG. 1264. NEAR MILLER PARK. Choice two-story, six-room, strictly modern home, garage, nice lot, 65x130. Snan at $!M5" Part cash. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Petera Trust Co, Tyler 491. j REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4943 NORTH 36TH. 4 rooms, with electric lights and water; very good buy for a small family; priced for quick sale at $6,650: $750 cash will handle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. CLASSY MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW. Large five-room strictly modern bun galow, fireplace, built-in features. Just like new, owner leaving city. Bargain for quick sale. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Peters Trust Bldg. Tyler 496. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A fine looking 2-tory home of 7 rooms, 1n aa good repair as a new house; new ly decorated and painted; oak finish; coat closet In reception hall; rooms large; house about 7 years old; screens, water meter, hot water heater, furnace heat; south front .lot: .paving paid; double garage; block to car; 15 mln utea rldo down town. Price $6,750; terms. RASP BROS., 212 Kcellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 16TH AND SPENCER STS. Fine 2-story frame home, 7 nice rooms, fully mod., oak finish, double garage, ready to move rlsrht In. A real bar gain at $6,760; real easy terms. RASP PROS., 218 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. A FEW homes and lota ror sale In Park wood addition; a safe place for lnvest ment. Norris & Norrls. Doug. 4270; 2827 SEWARD, 4-room, new, modern bungalow, $500 cash, balance monthly. Orelgh, 608 Bee. Douglas 200. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. CUMING, near 29th St.. 44 feet, must be sold to close estate. C A. GRIM MEL, S49 Nat'l. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE An equity In home. For In formation call Colfax 3055. Miscellaenousj COLONIAL BUNGALOW $750 cash balance easy terms, east front, corner lot, 3 blocks to car line, school, grocery stores; 5 nicely arranged, rooms, oak ard enamel finish; oak floors through out; stairway to large attic; in terior will be decorated to suit buyer, also selection of light fix tures. Call Tyler 5167, evenings; Douglas 2428, days. Ask for Mr. Spence. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, VACANT, FOR ONLY $1,850 Having four rooms on first floor, two sleeping rooms on second floor, gas and gas fixtures, well water with good pump, south front lot. .44x1 2S, at 45C8 Burdette street, in good neighborhood, near two car lines; cement walks, city water and lewer on the street. W. H. GATES 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 1294. WANT A HOME? Possibly we have It for you. It costs nothing to phone Douglas 1345 or come to 1606 Dodge St. LOTS for SALE Easy Payments NOW is the time to buy lots Right. SALE OPENS TODAY Lots will be sold A T ONCE Good Omaha lots, near car line and near permanent improvements. $1.00 DOWN Perfect title. Free copy of Abstract. Warranty Deed. Liberty Bonds Accepted at Par Hampton Place and Lake James Park Located Between 48th and 50th Streets, Between Maple Street and Bedford Avenue Owners Will Help Purchasers to Finance Small Homes LANDLORDS ARE RAIJSING RENTS Stop Paying Rent Own Your Own Home BUY YOUR LOT TODAY These lots are selling at pre-war prices and are sure to go up like everything else. DON'T WAIT! COME AT ONCE! Salesmen and automobiles on the ground. Telephone Douglas 1014 or Douglas 7412 Take Benson car line to 48th and 50th street, or Deaf and Dumb line to Maple or Bedford avenue. HOMESTEAD COMPANY, 318 South 18th St. comb IN, THE WATER'S FINE REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. READ THIS DO YOU WANT A HOME? I have a number of fine lots near car and school. If you have a lit tle cash and are willing to start on a modest scale I will furnish the balance of the money and build you a house. CALL MR. COLLINS, WAL. 127. STUCCO HOME On boulevard, close to car and school; large lot. House has oak finish, oak floors throughout; two white enamel bedrooms, built-in bookcases, kitchen cabinet. You can buy this on a small cash pay ment, balance like rent. Call Mr. Rilbv, H. 22S3. $500 DOWN Will still buy a new five-room all modern bungalow, excellent neigh borhood and location; finished in oak and enamel. Call Wal. 5432 evenings or Douglas 7412 days. Mr. Cole. $750 CASH and $35 per month will buy this all modern, 5-room house, newly painted outside, and will paper inside to suit pur chaser. E. E. AUSTIN Tyler 785. 1305 1st Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. $1,275, SMALL PAYMENT. Four rooms, gas, city water, elec. light: gond condition: paved street. AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS Doug. S3S0. 334-6-8 Brandels Theater. $450 CASH Brand new bungalow, five rooms and bath; modern in every respect; good lot; good location. Price $5,450; immediate possession. Walnut 5373. GOOD 6-r. mod., ex. heat, home, screened porch combination gas and coal range and linoleum goes with house: double garage; pavlns; all paid: Immediate pos session. Price only $3,500; about $750 RASP BROS.. 212eJreBl(lgJJ"y2PrIri- 'nciT VVTLTV. aicn 1NVFSTMRVTR. N. W. COR. 1STH AND DODGE. D. B01J. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. BIRKETT & CO..' estate, rents anS Insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 63$. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. ARARE CHANCE On 11th St. Blvd.. south of Pierce, S-room square house, modern to date, praotlcally new, built for a home, In first class condition In and out; four bedrooms and bath second floor and one bedroom on the first floor. Full ce mented basement with extra toilet and outside entrance: for a quick sale, $6,000; cash, $2,600. Harney 4602. $1,000 CASH. BAI,. "MO. .Tust completed, a lovely 5-r. bunga low, Hanscom Tark neighborhood. Call Har. 4396 or Dg. 3932. S ROOMS, part modern, Jamin & Frankenberg, $500 cash. Ben 624 Bee Bldg. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. BEAUTIFUL, SIGHTLY, BUILDING LOTS No interest, no taxes until 1922 270 Future Officers Receive Diplomas At Military Academy West Point, N. Y., June 5. The largest graduating class in the his tory of the military academy 270 cadets Tuesday received diplomas from Secretary of War Baker, auto matically commissioning them sec ond lieutenants. It is probably the last of the war emergency classes, which covered a two-year course of study and training. The honor man of the class was James B. Cullum of Pennsylvania. Gen. Pershing addressed the grad uates and Secretary Baker also spoke briefly. All of the graduating class left at noon on a furlough, which termi nates in October, when they will join their regiments. The summer furlough class also left, and the third class will go to Camp Dix, N. J., Tuesday for two months' in tensive training. The new "imnlebe" class will re port for entrance to the academy July 1. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. SPECIAL NOTICE TO TENANTS EVERYWHERE Good morning! Has your rent been raised again? It probably has and the rent you are now fret ting about is not your last. More are still to come, that's why youi landlord will not enter into a long-time lease. There is just one way you can beat the game, and that is OWN YOUR HOME. I have just completed a row of very desirable homes on South Thirty-second street, between Frederick and Spring streets, where the air is good, a nice lawn and yard around each house, each house built along indivdual lines, planned for convenience, comfort and beauty; where each occupant is a home owner and takes a de light , in making it a delightful home community. Just a block from Hanscom Park car line, near good stores, close to park and boulevard. If you are interested in applying YOUR RENT ON A HOME that will be yours, phone for appoint ment. C. G. CARLBERG, REALTORS. 313 Brandels Theater Bldg. $1.00 A WEEK Drawn so W conscience Will te Guide for Women Bathers of Chicago Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee, Leased Wire. Chicago, June 15. ''Let your conscience be your guide," said Deputy Commissioner of Pubic Works William Burkhardt, in a fi nal admonition to girl bathers, as the four great municipal bathing beaches opened. "Darn these one-piece bathing suits and other bath suits," he con tinued. "I'm a married man with a family and I hardly think it is my duty to define and set up the line of demarcation in women's bathing garments in other words to point out where the suit shall begin and where it shall leave off. I'm fair minded enough to believe that the Chicago girl will take care of the matter herself without cause for out side criticism." "But suppose the conscience of some bathers do not agree with that of the police women on duty at the beaches?" "Oh, well, we'll cross all our bridges when we get to them," re plied Mr. Burkhardt. Friend Man Accidentally Killed When Rifle Falls Friend, Neb., June IS. (Special.) V. A. Coe, proprietor of a moving picture show here, was accidentally killed in his home while reaching for a 22-caliber rifle with which he intended to shoot a cat. The rifle struck a sewing machine and was discharged. Mr. Coe was about 65 years old and had been in business here for several years. He is sur vived by his wife. South Side Revenue Agents Find Still Sizzling With Raisin Mash Joseph Hazuka, grocer, 5446 South Twentieth street, was caught red handed manufacturing intoxicating liquor in the rear of his store Tues day afternoon by South Side police detectives and government revenue men, according to allegations filed at South Side police station. A raid was made on Hazuka's place of business with a search war rant and the officers say they found a still sizzling with raisin mash. The still, a jug containing five gal lons of alleged liquor and two two quart jars of alleged raisin mash were seized by the officers and taken to police headquarters. The hearing of the case will come up in South Side police court this morning. South Side Brevities Ted Bojecwakl, 9 yeara old. of 4416 South Thirty-third street, and Samuel Smola. 11 years old, of 4107 Y street, are charged by Juvenile authorities with hnv- nsr taken lb cents irom ranK jacKware on the O street viaduct, South Side. The Juvenile miscreants explained that they wanted money tor the movies. "The River's End," now showing at the Orpheum. We wish to call your attention to the fact that the "River s End" will be shown on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and please remember that the atory Is from one of James Oliver Cur wood's most popular novels. We pro nounce it the best picture we have been privileged to present for months. See It today, Wednesday and Thursday. Real Estate Transfers John S. Harpster and wife to Roy J. Harpster, Jackson St., 100 ft. e. of 66th St., 50x121 ft $ 1 Margaret L. Roach and husband to William Whisker, 19th ave., 1134 ft. s. of Locust St., 60xSl ft 6,750 John B. Watklns and wife to Emma V. Henderson et al, V at., n. 100 ft a. of 42d at., 50x121 ft 1,600 S;iona Grebe and husband to Sieg fred Christensen et al, 30th at., 66 ft. s. of Qrebe St.. 60x133 ft.. 2,450 Jolin F. Flack and wife to Jamea P. Miller, Spaulding St., 137 ft. w. of 44th St., 40x130 ft 365 William 0. Bullard et al to Patrick jr. Cogan, 40th St., 155 ft. a. of Burt, 205x111 ft 11,000 Maria L. Johnson to Mary Shel hamer. Capitol ave., 198 ft n. of 26th St., 60x115 ft 6,000 William C. orris to Leopold Bartl et al. Fort St., 249 ft. w. of 13th St., S2xl32 ft 445 William C. Norris to Leopold Bartl et al, Forfst.. ?20 ft. s. of Sher man ave., 40x132 ft 226 John F. Flack to A. I.. Tiildinger, Ruggles St., 224 ft. w. of 44th St., txl3ft ft Alda H. Oborn, guardian, et al to Sven Bjork, Taylor St., 3S ft. e. of C6tn st John Oleniczak and wife to Stanis laus l.abeilz and wif, 2Mh' and J sts., s. e. cor., ft 2,300 Rudolph Yeckout and wife to Mary M. Soukup. 27th St., It. a. of Capitol ave., 60x67 ft 2,500 Sadie E. Grover and husband to John T. Marcell, Jefferson St.. 120 ft. w of 26th st., 30x10.9 ft. 150 Jessie S. Colby and husband to Alonso C. Fleetwood, et al, Davenport St., 192 ft. w. of 25th St., 38x132 ft 3,600 Mabel B. Fawcett and husband to Alonzo n. Fleetwood, Davenport St., 132 ft. w. of 126th st., 33x132 ft 3.600 Frlta Miller and wife to Rudolph Talacko, 14th st. and Tasadena ave., 46x112 ft 800 Franz R. Kalner and wife to Frank H. Slander and wife. s. w. cor ner Davenport and 40th at., 100x125 ft 15.500 Edith Ellegaard and husband to RilnH K Atforrt ralffnrntM t.. ! 178 ft., n. of 32nd St.. 43x86 ft. .500 Mary Nelson and husband to Alfred H. WIHetts, 36th ave. and Fowler ave., n. w. corner, 120x130 ft. .. 2,750 Thomas H. Williamson and wife to Adellna Hancock, 44th ave. and Plnkey at., a. ee. corner, 100x138 ft 4,000 Rasp Bros, to Charles E. McCann, Pouglaa St., 340 ft. n. of 42nd St., 60x128 ft 7,500 Charles E. McCann and wife to Rasp Broa., Plnkey at., 118 ft. e. of 2Sth at., 3914x118 ft 6,600 Otto Baysdorfer and wife to Jamea A. Waller, 2tst s. and Hoctor blvd.. a. e. corner, 92x167 ft S.500 Adam H. Kerst to William Szvin Mwlrz, nth st., 45 ft. n. of M cr trji "V ? ',J, . i for The Bee by Sidney Smith ' ? 9 I 1 u. I ' 'a rl my.?''' afl i , H sf TWO-THIRDS RULE MAY BE CHANGED AT DEMO SESSION Old Fight to Be Revived at Frisco Practice Now Has Plenty of Supporters. By ELLIS H. MARTIN. Staff Correspondent International News .Service. San Francisco, June 15. Only one slight rift in the unclouded pro gram for the first day of the demo cratic national convention here June 28 was in sight today. The first day convention program as announced calls for the keynote speech by National- Chairman Homer S. Cummings, the announce ment of committee appointments and adjournment until the next day. However, it was learned that the old fight to abrogate the rule re quiring a two-thirds vote to nomi nate will be reopened. The move ment, delegates said today, has been gaining strength ever since Champ Clark lost the nomination after nine consecutive ballots even though he had a majority of votes. Whether the rule will be changed is problem atical. The two-thirds rule is tra ditional in the party and has plenty of supporters. Presidential row took on new life today with the arrival of a new tenant. Committeeman E. H. Moore of Youngstown, O., manager of the campaign of Governor James Cox of Ohio, arrived today and pro ceeded to get busy in behalf of the Ohio executive. Additional Palmer workers ar rived, including Maj. Oliver New man, secretary of the Palmer com mittee, who announced that 510 delegates were pledged to vote for the attorney general. A flood of Palmer literature was released. Probably a score of Palmer men are on the ground now. It was said at his headquarters that Palmer will not come to the convention. Prominent among the arrivals to day was Vice President Marshall and party. They were to be wel comed informally tonight at the St. Francis by convention officials. City Marshal Arrested For Killing Fugitive Muskogee, Okla., June 15. Cole Shoemake, whose record had made him known to officers throughout the southwest, was shot and instant ly killed Sunday near Vinta, Okla., after he had surrendered to a posje which had besieged him and a com panion for an hour and a half in a log cabin. Norris Cooper, city marshal at Vinta, who assisted in the capture is in jail at Stigler, Okla., clnarcred with murder in connection rwith the killing of Shoemake. Mortality Rates Decrease Washington, June 15. Infant mortality rates for 1919 decreased materially as compared with the four previous years, according to statis tics compiled by the census bureau and made public today. Of the 12 largest cities in the birth registra tion area, seven showed decreases of from 8.5 to 23.4 per cent, while the highest increase was 3.6 per cent. Pre-Inventory SPECIAL For Wednesday MEN'S HIGH GRADE PALM BEACH SUITS AT (6? 1 cCl You don't have to swelter in the heat when you can buy a cool summer suit of Palm Beach Cloth at this price. They come in various styles and regularly sell at $20 to $25. Don't miss this bargain as you will not get a suit at the price in many a day. SPECIAL No. 2 Best grade Granite Ware Dishpan, 10 quart tlze, at Von will find this Hem In oar number of others bargains. DHILIF The Fastest Growing Store in Omaha 24th and O Stt. "Watch WOOD BRANDS BUTLER CHARGES AS FALSEHOODS General Denounces Statement That "Motley Group of Stock Gamblers" Backed Cam paign for Nomination. Chicago, June IS. Maj. Gen Leonard Wood, in a signed state ment tonight, characterized as "a vicious and malicious falsehood," a declaration by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler of New York that "motlev group of stock gamblers, oil and mining promotors, munition makers and other like persons," backed the general's campaign for the republi can presidential nomination. General Wood said that he re gretted to make the statement, but that it was necessary to "brand a fakir and to denounce a lie. " De claring that the men who managed his campaign were of "extraordinary high character," the general said that the attack upon them "is infamous" and that Mr. Butler's action was an "attempt to ingratiate himself with certain elements which exercised a determining influence at the con vention." Says Statement Falsehood. The statement follows: "I have just read the statement is sued in New York by Nicholas Mur ray Butler to the effect that a mot ley group of stock gamblers and ethers tried to buy the presidential nomination for me and that the forces who were defeated in their in solent attempt to buy the nomination represent all that is worst in Amer ican business and political life. "The statement is a vicious and malicious falsehood. I would ignore it if it were directed at me alone, but I cannot remain silent when my loyal friends and supporters are vilified. "Col. William Cooper Proctor, who was chairman of my campaign committee, is a man of extraordinary high character, known throughout the length and breadth of the land for his absolute integrity and hon esty. His associates were men of like character, most of whom re spended to their country's call dur ing the war. They typify a group of progressive Americans. The at tack upon them is infamous. Backed by Common People. "The forces which brought me before the convention with pre ponderant forces were hundreds of thousands of patriotic men and women in every walk of life, who have endorsed me at nation-wide state conventions, nation-wide state primaries and in a nation-wide poll of unprecedented size. "This action of Nicholas Murray Butler is an attempt to ingratiate himself with certain elements which exercised a determining influence at the convention and possibly to ex plain his own political weakness. It is a self-seeking, cowardly attack, made under the cloak of an alleged public service, which was never in tended or rendered. "I regret to make a statement of this kind, but it is necessary in this instance to brand a fakir and to de nounce a lie." May Increase Stock of Big Harvester Company Chicago, June IS. Stockholders of the International Harvester com pany will meet July 22 to consider a proposal to increase the common stock of the concern, to pay a 12 1-2 per cent stock dividend and to take action on a profit-sharing plan for employes. The meeting was called by the directors, who Tuesday in creased the rate of cash dividend on the common stock from 6 to 7 per cent. The increase in the common stock to be considered by the stock holders would be $30,000,000 of which one-third would be used to pay 121-2 per cent stock dividend on the present $80,000,000 of com mon stock, the remainder to be available for the payment of 2 per cent semi-annual stock dividends. Lighting Fixtures Burgess-Gran- den Co. Adv. EACH 99c bargain banerarnt lonr with Us Grow." South Side. 5) llli i t., 4jxl30 Xt. 4,000 I