THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16. 1920. 11 it'll Live Stock Omaha, June IS. Receipts were Cattle Hot. ShT Monday official t.4 17 10.74 10.6is Tue.dar estimate .. 4.100 .50 7,10.) Same daya last week S.945 21.&53 11, 431 Earn daya I w'a ao 7.734 21.305 it. 097 Cam daya I w'a ao I.Stl IJ.MS ,CJ Cam daya year ago 12,054 JO.tTii 1 7,4 S 0 Receipts and disposition of live atock t tha Union Stock Yard. Omaba, Neb., for 24 houra ending at 1 p. m., Juna 15, 120. RECEIPTS CARS. Wabash 4 1 ... Missouri Pacific 8 Union Paoiflc It 15 24 C. A N. W,, fast 4 ... C. A N. W., west SI 43 2 C, St. P., M. 0 20 12 ... C, B. & Q., east 24 1 2 C , B. Q , west 45 22 1 C R. I. & p., east 17 2 C, R. I. A P., west 3 Illinois Central 4 Total Receipts 217 127 31 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattla Hogs Sheep Iforrll A Co TT4 1.R07 1,232 6wlft A Co 814 1.723 1.670 Cudhy Pack. Co... 1,138 1.8:3 1.2S3 Armour A Co 714 1.S75 802 Pchwarta A Co 416 J v. Murphy 2,369 Wilson 85 Lincoln Packing Co. 67 S,. rvm. ack. Co... 6 Hiffglns Pack. Co.... 70 Ogrlm 171 Ji'hn Roth A Sons... 14 Mayerowicb A Vail SS ft!a.bcrg 24 , , P. cVDea 39 K. P. Lewis Hunt;inger & Oliver 14 J. B. Root A Co... 10 J. H. Bulla m Midwest 7 Rosenstock Bros..., 42 F. (, Kellong 15 Verthelmer A Degan 41 Hursacker 12 .... E. O. Christie 13 John Harvey 612 Om. Packing Co.... 21 Olher Buyers 11 3,490 Total 6,673 9,396 8,377 Cattle Tuesday's estimate of rm r. eelpts called for 4,200 head or 1,200 et than yesterday's official figure. The total for the two daya la 9,600 as compared with 8,900 for tha earn days last week cr 12.000 for tha corresponding period a year ago. It was another slow market for all classea of cattle, although a great many good quality steers and yearlings old at about steady prlcea. Tha market as a whole, however, was called steadv to a quarter lower aa Inferior grades did not sell so well. She, stock sold In about the same manner, being all the way from teady to c lower, with nothing prime on hand. Light veal showed some trength with a top of 114 ,50. Stockers and feeders were again lower, sales be ing all the way from 25c to 50c below yc-terday. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice, beeves, $15. 50 16.25 : fair to good beeves. 14.7515.80; common to fair beeves, 313.75014. 75; good to choice yearlings, 815.50(16.0(1; fair to good yearlings. 114.25 6' 16.25; common to fair yearlings, 312. 'i0 iff 14 00; choice to prime heifers. 313.60 14.25: good to choice heifers. 81 2.75 13.25 : fair to good heifers. $U.5ogii2.60; choice to prime cows. 312 2 5 1 2.7 5 : good to choice cows. 311.O0JJ12.0n; fair to good cows, 39.00jH0.76; common to fair cows. 35 0097.60; choice to prime feeders, 310.00 11.00; good to choice feeders. 39.25i 10.00; medium to good feeders. 88. 50O9.2S: common to fair feeders, 87.508.60; good to choice stockers, 310.l010.75; fair to good stockers. 39 00(910.00; common to fair etockers, 17.2508.75; stock heifers, 37.25 9.00; stock cows, I7.00(8'8.76; stock calves, 37.505110. 00; veal calves, 311.00 14.00; bulls, stags, etc., I7.00IJ12.59. BEEF STEERS. No. Ar. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1? 1101 14 75 20 1035 14 8S S3 1173 1 5 00 20 1454 15 60 42 1125 15 80 12. .....1272 15 65 34 1335 15 90 FEKDKR STEERS. 12 (12 9 25 BEFF COWS. 2 109S 11 00 10 1125 It fifl 3 1400 13 60 ' 3 1280 13 00 BUX.L9. 1 1S70 8 50 1 1250 8 16 1 1588 00 YEARLINGS. 14 (2113 60 12 730 14 50 CALVES. 1 10 IS 00 6 215 14 00 1 170 14 60 Hogs Hog- receipts today were esti mated at 150 loads or 9,500 head. There a not s very large percentage of light ogs of good quality and the shipper de mand did not show the activity of yes terday, making the upper end of the mar ket look the weakest. They bought a few loads steady, however, but gradually worked down to 10o lower. The packer market was largely 1015c lower than yesterday. Bulk of sales was $14.0014.60 with a top at 314 k 6. HOQS. No. Av, 40. .598 60. .298 19. .322 Sh. 70 Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 13 76 14 00 14 15 14 2S J4 40 14 60 14 7S 13. 60 98. .290 40 70 14 00 32. .302 38. .297 48. .250 68. .202 80. .211 46. .205 80 14 10 14 20 69. .274 67. .267 140 14 30 66. .177 190 14 65 (3. .204 14 70 Sheep and Lambs Arrivals of sheep and lambs were estimated at 7,300 head. About two-thirds of this estimate con alsted of grass lambs from Oregon and Idaho. A three-car shipment of fed horn lambs were Included In the receipts. Fat sheep continue scares. Trade was slow in starting, the same as yesterday, and lack of competition produced a lower trend to values. Prices for fat range lambs were mostly a quarter lower, best grades selling around 317.00 17.25. A few pretty fair grassers brought 816.75. Feeders were quotably steady up to 13c. No material change occurred in fat sheep, soma heavy fed ewes landing at 18.00. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Fat wocled lambs. I16.00i917.25: fat shorn lambs, 314.50ffl6.0O; cull lambs, 39.00 10.50; yearlings. 111.00011.80; shorn ewes. 87.75$S.60; ewe culls and canners, 33.000 1.00. Chicago Uve Stock. Chicago. June 15. Cattle Receipts, 11, 00 head: cboica and prime beef steers, steady to ahade higher; others mostly steady: some In between, weak to lower; one load prime heavy steers, 317.25: prime yearlings. 117.00; bulk, all weight, 314.0043) 15 85: best grade cows and heifers, steady; ethers unevenly lower; canners and cut ters, extremely dull; bulk calves, stockers and feeders, steady. Hogs Receipts, 40,000 head: mostly 25c lower, closing 10c higher than early; top, 315.30; bulk, light and llffht butchers. 315.00g15.2o; bulk, 250 pounds and over, f 14.20 Jf 15.00; pigs, steady to 25c lower; ulk. 311.7612.76. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, June 16. Cattle Receipts, 14,300 head; beet steers, steady to 25 cents lower: top, heavy. 317.00: best recrllngs, 316.75; grasaers, 311.5013.0O; She atock, mostly 25 cents lower; quality plain; bulls and feeders, steady; calves, 15 1$ 50 cents lower; bulk vealers, 312.50 13. mi; tew saiea. in. v tug1 14 .6". tMogt Receipts. 16,000 head; market tin- sven. 10 to 15 cents lower: too. 115.00: Sulk heavy and medium, 314.75015.00; )ulk light. 314.60 14 76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head: market uneven: best native spring lambs, Steady; top, 317.10; bulk, 315.5016.60; iheep, steady; 10 decks 75-pound Texas ADVERTISEMENT Sick Baby Chicks? Germoxon operates Just as these people ay. It is preventive as well as curative, and satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed. Twenty years on the market, bold by drug and Seed tores at most towns. W'm. E. Shepherd, Scranton, Pa., wrote "Two weeks alter we started last spring we were a mighty discouraged pair. Every day from three to six chicks dead. A neighbor put us next to Germozone and we are now sure if we had had it at the start we would not have lost a single chick." Ralvh W'urst, Erie, Pa. "Not s case of white diarrhoea in three years." O. O. Petrain. Molina, 111. "I never had a sick chick all last season." Mrs. Win. Christiana, Olive Ridge, N. Y. "Have 800 chicks now b weeks old and not a single case of bowel trouble." Capt. Robt A. Tyson, Calistogt, Calif., aid "Germozone saved toy flock of 800 chick snd turks." A. C. Penniman. Fort Scott, Kas. "Prevent all the Ills that chicks are heir to." Mrs. Maggie Perkins, Callao, Mo. "My bans haven't quit lavins all summer and my chicks did better than ever before, thanks to Germoxone." Ray A. Irvin, Chase, Mich. "I loat but 7 chicks out of 115." Mrs. J. A. Fleming. Cassville. W. Vs. "I know Germoxone is a preventive. Have not lost a chick from bowel trouble." A. F. Lemke, Fargo. N. D. "I never would have believed it. A healthier bunch, now, you never saw." J. R. Bakula. N. Buenna Vista, la. "I have never before seen such healthy chicks. I would not try to raise chicks without Gtnnozone." JFR MOZONF wonder worksr for ICnnsUsWilC chicks, chicken., nl. sons, eats, dog, rabbits or other pet or do mestic stock for roup, bowel trouble, snuffles, gleet, canker, swelled bead, sore head, sores, wounds, loss of fur or feathers. If no dealer, order by card. Postman will collect. No extra ehsrse. Handy as phoning. T5e and 31.50 pkgs. Baby Chick Book FREE. EO. a LEE CO mi HARNEY. Omaha. N.b, Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Financial ( liioago Tribiinp-Onulm r.ce Leased Wire. New York, June 15. A great deal of irregularity developed in today's stock market transactions, showing the effect Of conflicting forces which were, however, of small importance a . . ... , as artecting the immediate feature. In cotton there was a smart re - i 1 t c . covery on the heels of an early de- cline, and a similar procedure oc curred in the market for grain. In all three cases it appeared as though speculative operations with the cur- pose of acquiring profits through agile changes of position were the chief factors directing quotations. More attention seemed to he paid in financial circles to the action of the money market than to stocks or commodities, wiht government transactions of magnitude under way. The fact that call money lent at 7 per cent in contrast with 8 per cent the day before indicated that the interchange of bookkeeping items at federal reserve banks re placed the shifting of cash in a fashion as smooth in its workings as at any previous settlement day. The treasury paid out approximately 3124,000,0(10 Interest on the first Liberty and the Victory bonds liquidated about 3723.000,000 certificates of Indebtedness, largely through the receipt of the quarterly income and excess profits tax payments. estimated at 3725.000.000, and received $400,000,000 as pa'j-ient on the two latest offerings of cent' ' .: :es. Many Rue to Mature. Between now and July 15 there will be something like $272,000,000 treasury certi ficates to mature, which will be met with the proceeds of the new note Issues. As some of the operations were not com pleted today It was estimated In banking quarters that roughly $100,000,000 cash would cover the amount which flowed into treasury by way of the reserve banks, and as the payments were distributed over the entire country, there was no evidence of strain at New York. A group of chemical company shares advanced 3 4 to 8 points. Influenced by fresh discussion of a merger of Interests already closely allied, and there was at times active bidding for steel is sues. Railroad equipment stocks displayed a fair amount of strength and It w-as no ticeable that a steadier tone appeared among the railway shares early in the day. helped by the declaration of usual dividends, due at this time on preferred stocks of the Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific. Tha market also took heart over the dividend outlook by confident ex pressions in semi-official quarters that one or two prominent carrier dividends to be acted upon soon would bring no reduc tions. Signs of "Pool" Buying. Among the specialties there were signs of "pool' buying, which contained less force and zest than marked aimilar ac cumulation of the same issues last week. The republican nominations were dis cussed hardly at all as market factors, nor could It be said that speculation about democratic possibilities in the way yearlings, $10.25; very few native sheep on sale. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.. June 15. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,800 head; market steady, 25c lower; beef steers, medium, $12,50(5)14.00; choice fed. $14.00(916.00; short fed, $10.50 12.50; fed yearlings. $11.00(3)16.25; fair to good beef cows. $6.508.30; fat cows and heifers, $8.5013.00; canners, $4.00(i(l 6.50; veal calves, $7.0016.O0; common calves, $6.509.50; feeders. $8.00jD 11.00; stockers. $7.0010.50; feeding cows, $6.0008.50; stock heifers, $6.00u 9.00. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market 15c to 25o lower; light, $14.2514.S0; mixed, $13.85(914.50; heavy, $12.2514.00; bulk, J12.75ig14.60. No sheep or lambs. St. Joseph IJve Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., June 15. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,500 head; market 25o lower; stetrs. $10,004( 16.25; cows and heifors, t8.no15.75; calves. $7.00g14.00. Hogs Receipts. 6,000 head: market lower; top, $14.90; bulk, $14.40 14.80. Sheep arid Lambs Receipts, 3,500 head; market 2oo. lower; ewes, $ 00 Q 8. 7 5 ; lambs, $16.00 17.00. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, June 15. Cattle. 6,000 head; steers steady to 25c lower; top steers, 016.00; bulk, $12.50 ig) 15.00; yearling steers and heifers. 25c lower; canner cows. 25c lower at $4.605.50; bulla and calves, steady; good and choice vealers, 25c higher. Hogs Receipts, 11.000 head; market 25 35o lower; top. $15.40; bulk, light and medium, 315.10 1 5.35; bulk, heavy, $14.55 15.30. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady. Top spring lambs. $17.00; bulk. $15,504(17.00; top ewes, $s.00; bulk, $7.00 & 3.00. New York Produce. New York, June 15. Butter Firm; creamery higher than extras, 6758c; creamery extras, 67c; creamery firsts, 62g)55c; packing stock, current make No. 2, 41c. Eggs Irregular; unchanged. Cheese Irregular; state, whole milk, flats, current make, white and colored specials. 252fic: do, average run, 24c; state whole milk, twins, current make, specials, 2526c. Live and Dressed Poultry Steady; un changed. Chicago Prodnce. Chicago, June 15. Butter Market higher; creamery, 4254c. Kggs Market unsettled; receipts, 40,- 700 cases; firsts, 3940c; ordinary firsts. 3435c; at mark, cases included, 36 38c; storage packed extras. 4243c; storage packed firsts. 4142c. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 21a. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., June 15. Butter Unchanged. Eggs First, 1 cent higher. 39c; others unchanged. Foultry Broilers, unchanged to 3 cents higher, 43 52c; others unchanged. r UPDIICE SERVICE We Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders for Grain and Provisions FOR FUTURE DELIVERY IN All Important Markets WE ARE Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Omaha Grain . WE OPERATE OFFICES AT OMAHA, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. GENEVA. NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. SIOUX CITY, IA. DES MOINES, IA. HASTINGS, NEB. HOLDREGE, NEB. MILWAUKEE. WIS ATLANTIC, IA. HAMBURG, I A. All of these offices ars connected with each other y private wire. We are operating large up-to-date terminal elevatora in the Omaha and Milwaukee markets and are in position to handle your shipments in the best possible manner i. e.. Cleaning, Transfering, Storing, etc. It will pay you to get in touch with on of our office when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind of grain. WE SOLICIT YOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE and SIOUX CITY Every Car Receive! Careful Pergonal Attention The Updike Grain Company THE RLUABLfi CONSIGNMENT HOUSE Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burns, Blinker Si Co. STOCKS, Bid. Asked. Beatrice Creamery pfd 9S ltl Hureess-Nash 7a pfd 1923-42.. 97 100 Klrtredge-Reynolds Co. 7s pfd. 97 100 Fairmont Cream Co. pfd 93 4 '7 First Nat l Bank of Omaha Sa.190 200 j dooch Food Products 7s pfd... S74 90 I Lincoln Traction Co. 6s pfd so , rchard )vi!ti6lm - 7 fd- ' L 100 Dierland Tire & Rubber 64 a I raxton & Gallagher Co. 7s pfd.ioo 102 ! sherwin-wininma Co. 7. pm.. 7 100 I nlon Stock Yards, Omaha.. 97 99 Waterloo Creamery Part, pfd 87V4 BONDS. Cont. O A E 6s. 1927 91H Cuba Cane Sugar 7s, 1930.... 95 ! French Cities 6s, 1934 89 90'4 B F. Goodrich Co.A 7s, 1925.. 954 96 Hill Hotel Bldg, f,s, 1921-30 6.40 Om. A: C. B. St. Ry. 5s. 1928. 72 SO Om. Ath. Club 6s, 1932 95 99 R. M. F. 5s. 1931, with bonus 85 Sinclair C. O. Corp. 7ls. 1925. 96 ti Wichita Vn. S. Yards 6s, 1934. 97 99 Per cent. of a presidential candidate snd platform had much to do with business in se curities. The bond market was dull throughout the day. excepting Liberty bonds, which were inclined to sag under fairly large offerings. Sterling exchange In the morning ad vanced more than a cent above the final quotation of Monday, but the rise was sufficient to attract olterlngs on an In creased scale and later an easing tendency developed, which left the check rate at $.193V This represented a fractional gain for the day and continental rates for firm. Italian exchange rose with con siderable vigor, maintaining ths Improve ment which began toward the end last week. In the market for German ex chsnge dealers reported a heavy turnover, although in net results It had slight ef fect upon the rate. Presumably, apscula tion Is finding freer play in marks than the other exchanges. Sliver again de clined, the day's fall of 3c per ounce brlrglng the price close to last week's minimum. New York Quotations Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan A Bryan. Peters Trust building: RAILS. M'day Mign. low. Close. Close. A.. T. A S. F 79 78 78'4 794 Bait. & Ohio 30H S0H 30 80i Canadian Pacific. .112 112"4 112 112H N. Y. & H. R 68 67H 63 67 Ktie R. R 11 si lit iik us. Gu. IS?rt?rn PW- Vs 67 66 v.. ii. vjl raiern.., s Illinois Central ... 82 Mo., Kan. & Tex. . b Kan. City South'n Missouri Pacific. 24 N. Y., N. H. A H. 28 X 8 82 H" 32 24 28 81 16 24 28 68 69 38 83 35 91 22 28 North. Pacific Ry. 69 68 -68 Chi. & N. W. 70 i V 7 0 1'enn. R. R Reading Co C, R. I. & p Si,uth. Pacific Co 38 83 35 irt 38 S2 35 91 22 38 82 35 91 22 t-outnern Kallw'y. Chi.. Mil. & St. P. 31 u. 31 ill 31 I nion Pacific ....112 111 112 112V """ash 7 7 7 7 STEELS. Am. Car & Fdry.,138 137 13S 140 Allls-Chal. Mfg... 37 36 36 37 A"V, L?co- Co 97 96 97 96 Bald. Loco. Corp. 117 116 117 116 Belh. Steel Corp 93 89 91 91 Crucible Steel.... 1G1 143 145 161 Am. Steel Fdrys 40 Lackawa. Stl. Co. 71 71 71 70 .avaie Ml. 4 Ord. 43 43 43 43 99 91 87 4 2 Jiep. 1. ac u. to. 83 91 Railway Stl. Sprg Hloss Sher. S"U. & I U. S. Steel 93 S3 COPPERS. 92 '93. 66 60 Anaconda Copper.. 66 A. Sit. & Rfg. Co. 61 66 66 60 23 60 . & S. Min. Co... 21 21 21 15 15 30 31 C. Copper Co. 15 31 Chlno Cop. Co. 30 69 62 27 20 12 16 63 & Arizona Insp. Cons. Cop... 62 Ken. Copper 27 Miami Cop. Co. .. 20 Nev. Cons. Cop. Co Ray Cons. Cop. Co. 16 U. Copper Co, .. 68 62 26 20 16 67 62 26 20 16 67 INDUSTRIALS. Am. B. Sugar Co A., G. & W. I. 6. S Am. Intern. Corp.. 85 84 Am. Sum. Tob. Co. 88 '88 Am. Cot. Oil Co... 45 45 Am. Tel. & Tel.. 94 94 Am. Z., Ld. & Sm. 31 16 84 37 94 14 -13 23 39 36 88 45 94 Brooklyn R. T... 12 Bethlehem .Motors. 22 Amer. Can Co 39 Chandler Mot. Car. 100 Central Lth. Co 12 12 21 39 21 39 8 93 100 .... 66 61 61 .... 29 93 32 67 83 33 141 141 12 12 Cuba Cane Su. Co. 61 61 Cal. Petrol. Corp Corn Pds. Rfg. Co. 93 92 Nat. En. & Stamp. 67 67 Fisk Rub. Co. ... 33 32 Gen. Eleo. Co 141 140 G. W. & Wig. .. 12 12 lien. .Motors (jo. .. 24 Goodrich Co 64 H. & Brkr. Car. ..70 U. S. I. Alcohol Co. 89 Internat. Nickel .. 17 Inter. Paper Co.. 76 AJax Rub. Co. ... 62 K. -Springfield T Key. T. & Rub. .. 27 Internat. M. Mar.. 32 Mex. Pet 178 Mid. States Oil ..29 Ohio Cities Gas... 39 24 24 63 69 88 24 65 70 88 17 74 63 69 87 17 17 74 76 62 62 106 27 27 23 31 31 32 176 177 176 2S 29 29 39 39 39 Willys-Overl'd Co. 19 18 19 19 fierce oil Corp .. 10 16 16 16 Pan.-Am. P. & T. 102 101 102 101 Pierce-Arrow M... 50 49 60 49 Royal Dutch Co. ..117 116 117 116 U. S. Rubber Co. . 95 94 95 94 Sin. Oil & Rfg. .. 31 30 31 31 Sears-Roebuck Co. 208 205 205 310 Stromberg Carb Co. 75 75 76 76 Mudenaker Corp. 69 68 68 69 Tob. Products Co 65 14 47 64 68 14 47 64 68 68 Trans-Con'l Oil.... Texas Co V. S. Food Pr. C U. S. S. R. & Min. 16 14 47 47 64 61 68 63 .... 61 .... .... 106 .... 84 49 49 49 98 39 99 White Motor Co Wilson Co., Inc West'gh'e Airbrake .... Western Union Wcst'se El. & Mfg. 49 Am. Woolen Co.. 99 Total sales. 869.600. Money 7 and 8 per cent, Marks .0240 . 0262c. Sterling 33.94 3.92. MEMBERS OF- St. Louis Merchants Exchange Kanaaa City Board of Trad Sioux City Board of Trad Exchange Omaha Grain Omaha, June IS. Practically all trading today was in corn, which ranged 2c to 4c or 5c up, white bringing the greatest ad vance. This cereal had a ready sale at the higher figures. Wheat sold slowly. The market was off 4c to 6c, with the inquiry light. No ex port bids were in evidence. Oats advanced lJic. Rye was 5c higher. Ccrn receipts today constituted the bulk of arrivals. Later, there was persistent buying on the part of leading commission houses and shippers. It was cur rent gossip that receipts would dwindle after this week. The mar ket closed strong, 3 l-8c to 3 7-8c net higher, with Julv $1,77 3-8 to $1,77 5-8 and September $1,67 5-8 to $1.68. Cashe sales were: WHEAT. N'o. 1 hard: 1 car. J2.S1. No. i hard: 1 car. 12.81 ; 4 cars, J2.8P. No. 4 hard: 1 car, 12.72. CORN. No. 2 white: 11 cars. II. SI. No. I white: 5 cars, $1.82; 1 car. 11.8: (shluoers' weights). No. 4 white: 1 car, 11.11; 1 car, 11.79, 1 ear, I1.7S. No. 6 white: 1 ear, $1.76. No. 6 white: 1 car. $1.7n (musty.) No. 2 yellow. 6 cars, 11.77; car, 11.78. No. 3 yellow. 9 cars, $1.75. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.72. No. 2 mixed. 3 cars, $1.76; 1 car, $1.75. No. 9 mixed: 6 cars, $1.74: 3 cars. $1.73. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.72. No. mixed: 1 car. $1.63 (musty.) Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.40. OATS. No. I white: 3 cars, $1.10; 1 car, $1.09Vt (shlppera weights.) No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.09; 1 car, $1.09 (shippers' weights.) RYE. No. I: 1 car. $2.23. BARLEY. Sample: ?4 car, $1.35. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Week Year Today Wheat 43 Corn 70 Oats 13 Ry 1 Barley 2 Ago AC3 1 2 75 10 6 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS OF WHEAT THIS i EAH AKE: Week Year Today Ago Ago 43 6 71 64 13 11 8 o 1 6 Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley . .17 . .46 ..11 .. 7 .. 0 U. S. VISSIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. Today. Year ago. Changes. Wheat ....31,592,000 13,430,000 3,3"7,i00 Corn 2,628,000 3,678.000 61,000 Oats 8,105,000 14.973,000 1,360,000 CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Today. W eek Ago. Year Ago. 9 10 22 210 13 190 82 41 253 KANSAS RECEIPTS. ToJey. Week Ago. Year Ago. 73 95 13 36 26 46 4 6 26 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Today. Week Ago. Year Ago. 67 56 17 73 90 170 24 40 61 Wheat Corn . , Oats . Wheat Corn . Oats . Wheat Corn . Oats . NORTHWESTERN RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Today. Week Ago. Year Ago. Minneapolis 195 154 97 Dulutn 42 3" 1 Winnipeg . 150 217 70 Stock Fluctuations. Ths following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members of all prin cipal exchanges. Room 100 Peters Trust building: (formerly Bee building). Seven teenth and Farnam streets, Omaha, Neb.: CHICAGO STOCKS. Armour & Co., pfd ,. Armour Leather Co., com Armour Leather Co., pfd ;94 15 9" 10 Continental Motors Llbby, McNeil & Llbby 13', Montgomery Ward Co 33 - National Leather lls Reo Motor Car Co 2 m Swift & Co 107 Union Carbide & Carbon Co 644 V We Offer For INVESTMENT Paid up Stock in Amounts From $100 to $5,000 First Security Mortgage on Homes. 6 Dividends Payable Quarterly Be Thrifty and Start a Saring Account Today. Occidental Buildin? & Loan Association 322 S. 18th St. Organized 1889 J 4 Regular Dividends The investment of a comparatively small amount in an Oldsmobile Economy Truck is sure to pay a dividend each month in the year. So many loads which other trucks will not haul economically can be hauled by the Olds with the assurance that the hauling is done at a profit. Cord tires all around high speed motor deep channel steel frame electric starter and lighting insure Speed, Safety and Economy. Thus the Oldsmobile Economy Truck is made to pay a dividend each month. The more you use it the greater the dividend. Nebraska J.?OA?o 6 off. for. i jL Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chlcujro Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, June 15. The cash situ ation with an improved demand from shippers and at the southwestern markets with disappointing arrivals and a belief that there will be no burdensome run of corn at any time in the near future, were the leading bull factors today. They offset the effect of the hot forcing weather and rains which caused the early weak ness and decline, and advanced prices for July to within 2c of the top made last month for May and set a new high mark on September. It was noticeable that the big houses who led the selling last week when the trade was bearish and saw nothing but a big movement and lower prices, were the buyers today. There were a lot of them, some being prominently connected with the cash trade. New Yorkers were active on the buying side of corn and oats, soma eoverln their shorts in July and go ing long in September. A few are buying December at 2 to 4c under the Septem ber and selling the latter. They regard September oats as a weather proposition, as to corn, they regard the crop as late and believe that only the best of weather and crop conditions can make & big crop. Gains at Close. Closing trades were st net gains of 3,c on corn and Tso on oats, while rye was 7B&3''n higher and barley lower. Trade In September oats broadened, and while there was considerable selling on the rains in northurn Illinois and in Nebraska and Iowa, offerings were quickly absorbed v-'lth strong local professionals lending the buying. July was erratic and fluctuations of tc between trades were common. Central and southern Illinois have had little or no rain recently. Sample val'ics Hffi2o higher with premiums firm. Re ceipts. 74 cars. Shipping sales, 18,000 bushels. Houses with seaboard connections bought July and sold September rye. the spread widening to 27V4c at one time. Ex port demand slow and premiums at Min neapolis 6c lower. No. 2 on track sold at $2.34, or 16o over July. Receipts, 4 cars. Export Demand 81ow. Export demand for cash wheat at the gulf was slow with bids of $2.9S and offers at $3 at New Orleans for first half July, while $2.99 was asked f. o. b. Galveston. There was 10.000 bushels sold at $2.91 ana 10.000 bushels at $2.92 c. I. f. Georgian Bay and a small lot at $3.03 track New York. The seaboard reported an offeT to resell. Cash wheat prices at Chicago were un changed to 5c higher with No. 4 hard at $2.65, No. 3 northern at $2.85 and No. 3 northern at $2 93. Receipts. 13 cars. Min neapolis generally unchanged, although some poorer grades sold at Ec decline. Pit Motes. Illinois Central crop report: "Weather last week in Illinois and Indiana favor able. Corn planting nearly completed and some cultivating done. Wheat condition good. Oats doing fine. Prospects for largo yield of hay." The committee on securities of the Nw York stock exchange rules that the com mon stock of the r'an-Amerlcan Petroleum and Transport company be not quoted ex the 10 per cent stock dividend June 18 and not until July 12. John Inglls wires from Oklahoma City: "Cutting a bumper crop of wheat; will run 15 to ?0 bushels; quality good. Cutting oats will run 60 to 70; acreage of late oats small, too hot for them; thin, short and weedy. Corn fine; knee high, tassel Ing. Securing hay In good condition. Cot ton poor." C. A. King of Toledo, O., says: "World's stocks of wheat and flour In second hands decreased only 20,000,000 bushels during May, against 44,000.000 bushels a year afo. Total June 1 was 238,000,000 bushels, smallest In five years for June. North America has 97.000,000 bushels, decreasing 14,000,000 bushels last month. Foreign stocks are 141,000,000 bushels, Increase 12,000,000 bushels. American Telephone Telegraph Co. A dividend of $2 per share will be paid on Thursday, July 15, 1920, to stockholders of record at the close of business on Satur day; June 10, 1920. G. D. MILNE. Treasurer. 100 Men in the HANSEN-CADILLAC SERVICE DEPT. are recognized and re warded by Honor and Cash Bonus System. Have your Cadillac at tended by efficient Cadil lac men trained to ren der the best service. We do it right. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Service Dept. Guy A. Wheaton Harry Raid S. J. Alexander Company 25S9 Farnam St. Omat$. The east has canceled previous pur chases of 3.000 bushels cora and $6,000 bushels oats here. Owing to the Increasing export freight in Baltimore, the Baltimore A Ohio has placed ati embargo on grain sod general merchandise for export. Foreign crop summary reports generally favorable crop conditions. Buenos Aires opened 344o lower for corn futures today, with July and August each quoted at $1.11. July oats were 1c lower at 670 snd July Unseed to lower at (2.86. J. Rosenbaum had s wire saying French government canceled 350,000 bushels oats this morning. Muncle. lnd , wired E. F. Lsland & Co.. "A man here finished today an l,ft00mlle automobile trip through Indiana. He re ports that there has been wonderful Im provement In corn and oata everywhere, snd that generally speaking, the outlook for crops In Indiana la the best he ever saw." Minneapolis wheat stocks decreased 310.000 bushels against a decrease of 135, ooo bushels last year, and 10.000 bushels Increase two years ago. Oats decreased 160.000 bushels; rye decreased 220.000 bushels: barley decreased 20,000 bushels for three das. Flour shipments were 60.674 barrels; wheat shipments. 100 cars. Warehouse receipts for 1.798 bushels No. 2 corn white were canceled for ship ment hence, along with 3.202 bushels No. 2 yellow. 6,000 bushels No. 2 white oats and 1,011 bushels No. 2 rye. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By t'pdlke Grain Co., Douglas 16J7. Art'ea Open Corn ',?'J?,J l-17! 1'7S l'T7H 1-T4V, 1.64Vif 1.6SH 1.63 1.67 l.H 2.154 2.204 2.154 S.19V 1.904 1.934 1-904 1.93 1.92' 1.03 1.04 1.02 1.04 1.024 .844 .85 .834 .864 .84 34.45 34.55 34.37 34.65 34.66 35.95 35.96 35.60 36.90 35.96 120.70 20.76 20.67 20.70 120.85 21.70 31.70 21.61 21.62 21.76 18 20 18.25 18.15 18.32 18.23 19.17 19.17 19.00 19.12 19.22 July Sept. Rye July Sept. Oats July Sept. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Ribs July Sept. St. Louia Grain. St. Louis, June 15. Corn July. $1.78 $-1.78 4: September, $1.69. Oats July, $1.03Vi; September, S4c North Louisiana Oil Leases On a few dollars great fortunes have already been mad here. With 300 wildcat wells now drill ing, there are wonderful oppor tunities for a small investment to give you large and quick returns. Write for free map and informa tion. United Brokerage Co. 517 Market Street, Shreveport, La. For Big Profit BUY OPTIONS Issued for C and 9 Months on GERMAN MARK French Franc. Italian Lire. The currency of these countries is now at the lowest price in history. This is a wonderful opportunity for bis; profits. Buy these long-time options, ss we expect a big advance should soon take place in the value of ths coin. $50 Buys Option on 10,000 $400 Buy Option on 100,000 Marks, Francs and Lire Every advance of lc, holders of op tions on 100,000 Marks. Francs or Lire makes a profit of $1,000. Larger or smaller options proportionately. An ad vance of lOo is possible during the next few months, which would mean $10,000 profit on 100,000 Marks. Francs or Lire Options. Mail remittance for ths currency and size of Option you desire. Market is going higher daily, therefore act quick. Writ for circular CROSSMAN, SHERMAN CO. , . . S,ock Brokers. 7 Puis Street. New York BRANCHES: Wissbaden (Germany) Paris (France) Checks on Germany and France Issued Nebraska Bankers While in Omaha spend a moment of your time inspecting the New Cadillac-Type 59. When you buy a Cadillac you are buying permanent value. If you recommend the purchase of a Cadillac you may rest assured that seventeen years of success in manufac turing high grade motor cars will bring every satisfaction to the owner. Cadillac is a safe investment, a car of unques tionable character. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Farnam at 26th Street, Omaha Minneapolis drain. Minneapolis, Minn., June 18 Wheat Cash: No. 1 northern, 92.90 0 3.00. Corn $1.731.7l. Oats $1.06 U 01 074,. Barley $1 19 91 63. Rye No. 2, $3 30 Vi 9 J1H. riax No. 1. $3.!7H03.93tt. liar Silver. New Tork. June 16 Bar Bilver Ue. Mexican Dollars 61 He The Buyers9 The conservative investor has opportunities today that come once in a lifetime. Not for many years has it been possible to purchase such high grade securities with such high interest yields as are offered in the present market. When this abnormal situation stabi lizes, it will probably be years before such a favorable buyers' market will again be known. The man who is looking ahead should invest his funds in safe bonds with long maturities, for he can procure high interest yields that will not be obtainable when we return to "normal." Hence he will be protected against the inevitable decrease in interest yields for the length of time his investments run and will have opportunities of disposing of his holdings at substantial profits. WRITE OR PHONE US FOR OFFERINGS. Investment Bankers U Company C Peters Trust Building CA..,f.fir Real Estate is the basis of all material OeCliniy wealth. No man can offer better se curity than well located business property. The American Bank building site is located in the heart of Omaha's business activities; therefore the safety of the investment is unsurpassed. r pA,111.The rental income of the earning rower American Bunding has been very conservatively estimated as more than three times the dividend requirements. These se curities yield 8 as a minimum and participate in the earnings of the company. A.nAlnti.f tt Thus viewed from every angle, UppOriuniiy SAFETY of principal, its earning capacity and certainty of 8 OR BETTER returns, we feel that no investment offered the general pub lic can compare with these AMERICAN BANK BUILDING securities. Offered in Amounts of $500.00 or More. Terms if Desired. For Full Information Addresst American Bank Building Co Room 6, Wead Building. Omaha, Nebraska. II I I, Kansas City r.rmln. Kansas City, Mo, June It Corn July. $1,731; September. $1.66; December, $1.47. Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn., June 16. Flour Unchanged. Bran $bl.0. Spot Cotton. New York. June 16. .Spot cotton, Quiet; middling. $9 50c. Market Kansas City Omaha Tel. Douglas 6816. We Offer $500,000.00 American Bank Building 8 Participating Preferred Stock Tax Free in Nebraika Exempt From Normal Income Tax Non-Assessable I LfaLestjU