Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 A
Tells A. F. L. Convention That
Republicans Have Turned
Their Back Upon Labor
Aid Their Enemies.
Montreal, June 12. The repub
lican convention has turned its
back upon labor" and has adopted
a platform "defiant in its defense
of the enemies of labor and cal
culated to secure for them fresh ad
vantage and greater privileges,"
Samuel Gonipers, and Matthew
Woll, president and vice president
of the American Federation of
Labor, declared here today in a
statement presented at the federa
tion's annual convention.
The labor declaration of the plat
form as adopted, they asserted, pro
poses an industrial enslavement and
an abrogation of rights as precious
as life itself."
"While there It in the platform a
certain shrewdness in selection of
language, there is never any op
portunity for doubt as to the true
meaning of their provisions relat
ing to labor," they added.
Condemns Its Stand.
The statement vicrorouslv saiU
the republicans for neglecting anti
profiteering legislation recom
mendations. "The republican platform prac
tically ignores the profiteer," the
statement added, "and while recog
nizing the evils of currency infla
tion, offers no remedy for that con
dition. Specific proposals submitted
by labor for relief from the high cost
or living and profiteering are given
no place in the platform."
The Mexican plank of the plat
form, the labor leaders charged,
'clearly aims to undermine the sov
ereignty of the Mexican govern
ir.ent and to make the maintenance
of order in Mexico the business of
the government oi the United
"It proposes the fulfillment of
what long have been the hopes and
aims of those whose sole object is
the exploitation of the people and
boundless resources of Mexico," ac
cording to the labor chiefs.
Hits Cummins Plank.
The republican endorsement of
the transportation act of 1920 was
declared to be a complete denial and
repudiation of the demand submit
ted by labor and is an emphatic en
dorsement of the labor provisions
of the Cummins-Esch railroad act.
The section of this plank refer
ring to "peaceful arbitration on the
wage disputes" was said to be a
tenial of the lawful ripht of the
workers to cease working."
"This denial of the right to
strike," the labor chiefs- asserted, the
party proclaims as one of its great
est achievements.
"We hold no brief for the demo
cratic party,"-continued the state
ment, commenting on the republican
condemnation of the democratic ad
ministration for "failure to enforce
the anti-profiteering laws, but we
cair attention to the fact that specific
proposals on this subject submitted
by labor are ignored completely.
Evades the Issues.
"The republican platform evades
the issues and offers no remedy; it
denies the importance of profiteer
ing as the leading cause of the high
cost of living and endeavors toput
a part of the responsibility upon
what it falsely calls 'disproportion
ate wage advances. We have no
knowledge of any substantial or ef
fective anti-profiteering laws passed
by the republican congress.
The plank regarding labor's right
to strike "constitutes a denial of
labor's demands and contemplates
the erection of government ma
chinery for the coercion of labor
and for the suppression and limita
tion of its proper, lawful and nor
mal activities, ' said the statement.
"It proposes to erect government
tribunals vested with the power to
compel involuntary labor. The en
tire plank is a denial of freedom
and in addition subversive of the
best interests of our republic."
The labor leaders asserted re
publicans failed to mention in their
platform labo's demands for a
federal law for trie legal right of
"voluntary association" to protect
itself against "unwarrantable is
suance of writs of injunction," and
the "vigorous enforcement of the
seamen's act and the most liberal
interpretation of its provisions."
Report Bergdoll Is
Captured at Hotel in
Maryland Mountains
CMrmma Trlhnns-Omshaj Rra Leased Wire.
it.:... r T i- A I
LnnMiiuwn, i a., juiic u. i c-
port that Grover Bergdoll, escaped
draft evhder, and his brother, Erwin,
wanted for draft evasion, were cap
tured in the mountains of Maryland,
southeast of here early Friday,
caused much excitement here and
in Pittsburgh. It is reported that
the two brothers are on their way
east in custody of federal agents.
A man and a woman applied at the
Summit hotel in the mountains east
of here Friday afternoon foi a room,
said a .report received here. While
in the dining room, a rumor became
current about the hotel that the
woman was a man in disguise. This
was followed bv the rumor that the
"woman" was Grover Bergdoll, who j
federal agents say is traveling in !
the garb of a woman. Because of
the mysterious actions of the pair, I
tne authorities were notified.
Seven Men of Eagle
Boat Crew Missing
When Craft Capsizes
Philadelphia. Tune 12. Seven of
the crew of Eagle Boat No. 25.
which was struck by a squall and
capsized in the Delaware river Fri
day were unaccounted for Friday
night and naval officials said their
fate probably would not be known
until Saturday. It was at first re
ported that five men had been
caught in the engine room and
drowned, but officials at the navy
yard said this had not been con
firmed and that it was possjjile some
of the missing sailors had been
picked up by small craft which aided ;
in tne rescue worK.
The little war craft carried a crew
of seven officers and 51 men. Forty-
six of them were picked up by an
excursion steamer, four by another
boat and one man chiseled a hole in
the side of the eagle boat while it
was floating bottom up and swam
Sounds Warning That
Natural Gas Supply
Is Dwindling Rapidly II
Chlcngo Tribune-Omaha Bee Leaned H ire.
Washington, June 12. Not only
is the oil situation a matter of seri
ous consideration, but the supply of
natural gas is also dwindling in an
alarming manner. This was stated
Friday by Dr. Frederick G. Cottrell,
director of the bureau of mines, in
an address at a conference of Nat
ural Gas Conservation, called by
Secretary of the Interior Payne and
attended by representatives of a
number of states which are vitally
interested in the question.
Dr. Cottrell declared that the pro
duction of gas in the past year has
been accompanied by "incredible
waste and folly." He said that the
exhaustion of the supply would be
a calamity.
Banks of Chicago Adopt
Daylight Hours Permanently
Chicago, June 12. Banks and
other financial institutions of Chi
cago will retain permanently the
change in banking hours which takes
place next Monday to correspond
with the daylight saving ordinance,
it was announcea toaay. ine clear- i
ing nouse association votea to con- j i,
tinue the clitnge in banking hours. iji
which will be from 9 a. m., till 2
p. m., after the clocks are turned
back to standard time next fall.
Bankers declared that bv the chanee
the difference in time between the
banking hours of New York and
Chicago will be eliminated.
Three More Towns Gain In
Population In Decade
Washington, June 12. La Grande.
wre., o,yu; increase ,uu or 4.
per cent.
North Braddock, Pa., 14,928; in
crease 3,104 or 26.3 per cent
New Kensington, Pa., 11,897; in
crease 4,280 or 55.5 per cent.
Reds Shov7 Gains
London, June 12,-i-The Polish
lines north and south of Kiev, on
the west bank of the Dnieper, are
being driven in by the bolsheviki,
who are cutting Polish railway com
munications with the city, according
to frndays official statement ftfom
Blanket U. S. Army Wool Blankets, renovated $5.98
O..D. Blankets, new, wool '$875 '
Army Balbriggan Undershirts and Drawers, per garment. . .98(5
Balbriggan Union Suits jgj gcj
Athletic -Union Suits 58139
Khaki Cotton Shirts, new !$179
Khaki Cotton Shirts, extra quality S2!49
Khaki Breeches, only . . . ; fiOA
r t t i ,.
Khaki Blouses, regulation
Regulation Web Belts ....
Steel Helmets, a dandy souvenir
Regulation Lace Canvas Leggings
O. D. Wrapped or Spiral Leggings ',
O. D. Shirts, brand new, a $1.00 value, at
O. D. Shirts, renovated, in good condition, 2 for. . . .
Paints U. S. Guaranteed House Paints, per gallon . ,
Outside White, per gallon
Varnish U. S. Guaranteed Varnish
Barb Wire, 4-point, extra heavy, per spool 8287
Roofing Paper, 2-ply sanded, 2 squares to the roll, special, 'per
v Extra Heavy Brown Government Denim Overalls
Khaki or Blue Coveralls......
Khaki Pants, extra quality
Canteens with shoulder straps
Artillery Knapsacks, regulation
Hip Rubber Boots, $5.49 Knee Boots .'
feas, Corn and tomatoes, 24 cans to the case. Special, per case.
at 83.35
Cocoa Castile Soap, $3.00 worth of soap for Sl!50
Barrack Bags, regulation blue and white . , QSs
Tents, U. S. Regulation 16x16 Squad Tents, made of 22-ox. army
'duck, very special, at i..t 835.00
Same Tents in practically new condition up to 86000
Tents, 9x9 Officers' Wall or "A" Tents, complete with poles 'and
stakes 830.00
U. S. Regulation Pup Tents or Shelter Halves 8475
We have many other items. Send for complete
itemised price list and color card.
June Sales of Intense Economical Interest in All Departments of This Big Cash Store
Beginning Monday, June 14th and
Continuing During Summer Months,
This Store Will Close at 5 P. M.t
Excepting Saturdays at 6 P. M.
Store Hours During Summer:
9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Daily Except Saturday,
When Store Will Remain Open Till 6 P. M.
Do Your Shopping Early.
Wash Goods Section
Dress Voile in Plain Colors We feature
an imported quality, 38 inches wide in ev
ery popular shade, also black. The finish
is of the softest chiffon effect, shades are
dyed with best quality chemical -coloring
obtainable; a fabric that we highly recom
mend for dresses or waistings, yd. .81,25
Dress Voile in Printed Dots and Other
Swiss Effects Navy blue, Copenhagen,
brown or black with white printing, 38 to
40 in. fabric, here at, yard. ...... .81.25
Dress Voile with Satin Stripes Printed in
the finest of new designs, color combina
tions are the most artistic efforts of our
own American designers, 36 in. fabrics
here at, yard $1.95
Colored Dress Linen French finish, medi
um weight, suitable alike for dresses or
skirts, blues, rose, pink, light orange, etc.,
36 in. wide, here at, yard S1.95
Beautiful Shirting Silks Greatly Reduced
, Thousands of yards of high-class Shirting Silks, in an immense
range of the season's choicest colorings and patterns. Stripes and
plain colors on sale beginning Monday.
Excelware Shirtingg,l25 Truvill Silk Shirt- $'3 4 8 Crepe de Chine Shirt- $4 8
Kbr.SttShix.tag,, 4 7 J inborn. 40 to; wide,
$3.50 Yd. Qualities. . Yard qualities Yard regular $4.75 quality Yard
Beautiful New Sport Silks
Special cash purchase of regular $9.00 yard 40-inch Sport Crepe Milano, plain colors, stripes
and plaids, for Sport Skirts and Jackets. Special cash price, (I 12 OCT
per yard !!kJ.sWD
White Goods Section
White Voile in Novelty Stripe and Plaid
Effects Specially attractive designs for
dresses or waists, 36 to 39 inch materials,
here at, yard 75
Fine Nainsook for Negligees, Undermuslins,
Etc. Fine thread, extra fine finish, 36 in.
wide, here at, yard 592
Fine Long Cloth One of the very best
grades, 36 in. wide, specially woven mate
rial for undermuslins, here at, yard. . .42
Swiss Organdie The sheerest transparent
fine thread fabrics made and finished in St.
Gall, Switzerland, 45 inches wide, here at,
yard, $2.50, $1.75, $1.50, $1.35
Shadow Check Swiss Organdie One of the
most delicate fabrics, constructed from fin
est spun cotton yarns, fully transparent
and permanent finish, 39 inches wide, hero
It, yard $2.25
White Sklrtinflt 36 inches wide, high grad
gabardine and tricotine weaves, these popular
fabrics here at, yard $1.25
Out Go Spring and Summer Suits
Nearly 1,000
Spring arid
fISummer Suits
' 11 (
I 3 nvv.3 3:
Made For Us by
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Regular $60, $70 and $80 Suits
bAyA Ibtl l vA In tlie Spring and Summer, 1920, new-
'-.VUi.ll sua S 1 x Jl i. i j
usi muueis, maienajs auu colors.
Special a a
Clearance $ 44
Cash nTti
Copyrieht 1920 Hart Schaffner & Marx I
Every garment fully guaranteed the
same as" if sold at the regular price.
All Sizes No Alterations
June Glean-Up Sale of Wall Papers
A money saving sale event that will be of keen economical interest to
all property owners. Note these prices. See the paper Monday.
Dainty Summer Dresses Greatly Reduced
At $19.50 and
Dresses Worth to $35.00 In Georgette Crepe,
Lawn, Voile and Organdy Dresses, made up in
the season's newest styles, large variety to
select from, all sizes, dresses suit- &4 frt
able for all occasions; dresses in I Mr;
this group sold up to $35, Monday -
bresses at $10.00 Hundreds of Lawn. Voile
and Gingham Dresses that were made to sell at
a great deal more. Styles 'suitable -4 Aaa
for misses, ladies and stouts, 1 If
choice Monday, at
White Tub Skirts
Hundreds of classy white skirts,
made up in the season's many
styles, sizes for all. Elegant val
ues, at.... $5.95, $7.95 and $10
Wash Skirts About Half
65 White Wash Skirts, nearly all
odd and sample garments, slightly
soiled, worth up to $10.00,
Monday, at each v5
Sale of Porch Dresses ,
Worth up to $7.50, Monday, $3.95
200 elegant Summer Dresses suitable for porch wear of the better kind, made up in
ginghams, lawns and voiles, including the famous Dix's brand dresses, all Q-J Qr
sizes, Monday, limit 2 to a customer, only J)0VO
30 inch Blends, Grass Cloths and Tapestries, regular
$1.00 roll, go at 34
30 Inch Oatmeal, the no-fade kind, with nice cut
border, go at, per roll 17
30 patterns in Imported Papers, sold regularly at
li.oo, go at 244
Heavy Papers for any nice room, in two lots, per
roll 10t and 13tf
Nice Bedroom Paper in two lots.. 12 and 15
Paper Cleaner, 2 cans for 25J
Rogers' Floor Paint, gal $2.75
We Furnish Faperhangers
Wash Day Needs at Saving
Cash Prices
Folding Wringer Bench lor two tubs.. 3. 15
Anchor Brand Wringer, guaranteed for 3 yrs.,
Galvanized Tub, drop handles, No. 2.. $1.35
Galvanized Tub, drop handles, No. 3.. $1.65
Extra Large Clothes Dryer for $1.98
Medium Size Splint Clothes Hamper. . .$1.75
Extra Large Size SpUnt Clothes Hamper, cash
PrlceT $2.50
Extra Large Splint Clothes Baakets....$1.50
Medium Size Wash Board for 45,
Clothe's Line Prop with ffdmntied ends. 50
Folding Ironing Board, extra wv!l, braced, cash
Prtce $3.75
Unmatchable Porch Furniture Values
6 foot Canvas Swings $19.50
5 foot Wood Swings $6.50
4 foot Wood Swings ....... $5.00
3y2 foot Wood Swings $4.50
6 foot Settees $6.95
5 foot Settees $5.95
Fumed Oak Flower Boxes $7.50
Frosted Brown and Ivory Flower
Boxes, at $10.75
Frosted Brown and Ivory Ped
estal, at $10.50
Porch Rockers $5.00
Lawn Swings ....$7.50
Porch Hammocks, $2.75, $3.50, $5
up to ....$12.50
Silver Lace Flouncing
Silver Lace Flouncing, 40 in. wide, handsome
metal embroidery on silk tulle nets, suitable
for dresses for the June Bride; special cash
price Monday, yard $3.00 to $4.75
Chantilly Flouncing
Silk Chantilly Flouncing, 18 to 27 in. wide, guit
able for evening and afternoon gowns; special
cash price Monday, yd $3.50 to $4.75
Ruffled and Tucked Net and Organdie
27 to 45 in. wide; suitable for children's and
young ladles' dresses; special cash price Mon
day, yard $3.50 to $4.50
Net Flouncing
Embroidered Net Flouncing, 27 to 40 in. wide,
in many handsome patterns, suitable for dainty
summer dresses; special cash price Monday,
Per yard .)8 to $3.75
Cotton Clnny Lace
A large assortment of Cotton Cluny Laces, es
pecially good for summer underwear and cur
tains; special cash price Monday, yard. . . .19
9x12 Biglow Wilton Burs, worth $175,
cash price $140
9x12 Shottleworth Wilton Rugs, worth
$145, cash price $110
8-3x10-6 IHrIow Wilton Rugs, worth ?155,
cash price $130
9x12 Smith Colonial Rng, worth $90.00,
cash price ' $75.00
8-3x10-6 Smith Palisade Rugs, worth $70,
3x6 Imported Grass Rugs,
Low Gash Prices
on a big assortment of new
perfect Rugs that constitute
them really matchless values.
Comparisons are always welcomed.
cash pries $58.00
6x9 Smith Palisade Rugs, worth $12.00,
cash price $30.00
9x12 Smith Axminstcr Bog, worth $68.00,
cash price $52.00
36x63 Best Milton Bogs, worth $22.00,
cash price $16.50
We have a fine selection
of Imported Grass Rugs.
9x12 Imported Grass Rugs,
worth $15.50 ..$10.00
8x10 Imported Grans Rugs,
jworth $13.50.... $8.50
worth $4.00.
27x54 ' Imported Grass
Rugs, worth $3.00, cash
price $1.25
27x54 Best Wilton Rug, worth $18.00,
cash price $12.50
Inlaid Linoleum, worth
$2.50 square yard, spe
cial, sq. yd $2.00
Good Oloth Window
Shades, 36x84, complete,
each $1.10
Buy Flour now. Remember, one
48-lh sack of Flour will make 70
one-pound loaves of bread.
48-lb eack of our Famous Diamond
H Flour, at $3.50
24-lb sack of our Famous Diamond
H Flour, at 1.75
24-lb sack of our Pure Eys Flour,
on sale at .....n1.40
The bet white or yellow Corn Meal,
per lb., at , Be
The best No. 1 Navy Deans, lb.. 10c
Fancy Japan Rice, lb Itio
The bent Macaroni, Spaghetti or Egg
Noodles, per pkg., at Vie
16-01. cans Flkhorn Milk .UViiC
lS-oz. cans Pet, Carnation or Wllium
Milk, at 14c
No. t cans Early June Pens 11c
No. 1 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
or Ripe Tomatos. at li'c
Oil Sardines, per can
Kippered Herring, liirire can ISc
Large bottle Beech Nut Catsup. ,!.'e
Small bottle Beech Nut Catsup.. 15c
34-oz. bottle Fancy Queen Olives. 75c
Howards or Brlghts Salad Dteiw-
Ing, per -bottle, at 30c
No. 2 cans Griffith's Asparagus. .29c
2M cans Table Apricots or Peaches,
sale, at ,10c
Gallon cans Apples or Pumpkin. .650
Gallon cans Crushed Pineapple. .75c
Choice California Prunes, lb IV
Fancy Italian Prunes, lb 15c
Fanoy M-ilr Peaches, lb 25e
Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb 25c
Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb.... 25c
Fancy Evaporated Apricots, lb..:lXo
Fancy Seeded Raisins, pkg 15c
Fancy Seeded Rnlnlns, bulk, lb... 25c
Cleaned Currants, lb f5c
Oailfatals, Dried Grapes, lb 35c
Breakfast Cocoa, special, lb 20c
Our Famous Golden Santos Coffee.
per lb. at 38c
Diamond H Blend, lb 4c
H. B. C.' Speilal Blend, b....itc
M. & J the Coffee without an equal,
per lbf at 45c
The best Tea Siftlngs, lb 17c
Choice HaFket Fired Japan Tea, at
per lb 50c
.Diamond H Blend, for Ice tea, lb. 50c
New Potatoes, per lb lVJc
Fresh Spinach, peck 10c
Five bunches fresh Radishes 5c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 15c
Fresh Cabbage, per lb 5c
Large Cucumbers, each ...10c'
2 Bunches Rhubarb Be
Fresh Peas, quart 15c
240 size, that retail at 40c dozen,
sale price, at 30c
The best package Creamery Butter,
per lb., at Bsc
Fancy $o. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, per lb., at 50c
Best bulk Peanut Butter, lb.... 22 Vic
All the best brands Nut Butters, at
per lb 33a
The best No. 1 Fresh Eggs, do.42o
Full Cream Young American Cheese,
per lb., at 35c
Full Cream Bulk Cheese, lb 35c
Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, lb. 30c
Full Cream N. Y. White Cheese, at
per lb 40c
Dill Pickles, dozen 25c
Fancy Queen Olives, Quart 65c
Dinnerware Dept.
100 Piece Decorated
Semi-Porcelain Dinner
Sets, worth $38.50
Special, set, at
100 Piece Decorate
Semi-Porcelain Dinner
Sets White and gold
decorations. Worth $30.
Special, set, at
100 Piece Imported Ba
varian China Dinner
Sets White and gold
decorations. Special, a
set, at
100 Piece Seml-Porce.
lain Dinner Sets Blue
decorated English ware.
Worth $49.00. Special,
set, at
100 Piece Decorated
Semi-Porcelain Dinner
Sets Light weight
ware, assorted decora
tions. Worth $38 set,
42 Piece Decorated Din
ner Sets Special Set,
Consisting of:
6 Dinner Plates
6 Pie Plates J
6 Fruit Saucers
6 Cups and Saucers
1 Sugar and Creamer
1 Platter
1 Vegetable Dish
1 Round Vegetable Dish
Glass Top Pint Fruit
Jars, doz. ...$1.10
Glass Top Quart Fruit
Jars, doz. ...$1.20
Economy Jar Lids, per
doz 35
Ball Mason Jar Lids,
doz 35
Glass Top Jar Lids, per
doz 25
Karoo Jar Rubbers, per
doz 8
Handy Fruit Jar Hold
ers, each R
$6.00 7-Piece Decorated
China Ice Tea Sets,
special $3.98
Nebraska Army 6 Navy Salvage Co.
1619 Howard Street
Omaha, Nebraska.
Open Saturday Evenings.