Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
. , AnocUwd mm. of which Tbi Bh U l SMmtwr. ta a
'r1 toUUwi to tt. w for puMlcttton of til Min dljpuobaa
radiud to tt ot sat oihtrwlM amdlud ta thli papw. tad lw too
tootl am mblithtd hwtln. All rUhu ot publication of our (pksld
ttastteiu on oiw ntmed.
Tyler 1000
Far C.1U Aftar in f. M i
HlfarUd Swutmn ..........
CtnateUea Deptruunt ..........
AdMrlltuf XtapMUunt - -
- Mln Omco: 17th and Ftraua
OmcO BloOt 15 BooU tt. I ttouth Bid
Ont-of-Towa Offices
Trior 10001
Trlar 1008b
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' Tor M rtnh A, a. Waahlnrtoa
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Btwer Bld. I Pari Vranoa M But Su Boaoro
, The Bee's Platform
.1. "Nw Union Messenger SUtion.
2. A Pip Lin from the Wyoming OU
; Field to Oman.
: 3. Continued improTement of the Ne
break Highway, including the pave- ,
. ' ment of Mai Thoroughfare leading
into Omaha with a Brick Surface.
4. A ahort, low-rate Waterway from the
V Corn Belt to the Atlantic Ocean.
5. Home Rule Charter for Omaha, with ,
City Manager form of Government.
'Much of the discomfort of hot weather
c6me$ from urtintelligent eating. ""We are all
prone to carry over into summer our. winter
tastes at the table. If we can summon up
fortitude to discard those foods which develop
fcest the rich meats, gravies, pastries and
sweet things generally, which build fires in our
tummies and raise the temperatures of our
bodies we shall all be saved not only much
discomfort, but also many of the peril of hot
ummer suns.
. The vegetables and fruits are the things
to ."'play up" on the table now. The vegetables
re the great blood purifiers. They rid the blood
of, what it called for in opld weather, those
qualities which resist cold; and they leave us
in condition to combat excessive heat, while the
acid and juicy fruits ablyi reinforce them. Of
all the fruits the lemon yields the most whole
some acid. It is as pure gold to pig iron, when
compared with vinegar. It is a good rule never
t;o"use vinegar as an acid when a lemon is
'"And if you would be cool while others sput
ter and bubble with heat, eat lightlyl Hot
meats, rich puddings, sweets, all heavy foods,
have to be burnt up in the body. Therefore shun
them if you would not have a conflagration
within while the sun is raging without. And
drink pure water in abundance at cellar cool
Bess. -All iced drinks react unfavorably on the
system. In the day's when cold beer "ice cold
beer" was sought by the heated crowd, those
who knew how to take it regarded ice on or in
it. as an abomination. In Europe, which has
been drinking intelligently rriuch longer than
America, cellar coolness is the rule. Ice has
permanently injured more stomachs in this
country than all the beer ever guzzled in it
The Piker Plays Safe.'
' . The Wall Street Journal, regarded by many
at. an organ of unholy influences, and a cham
pion of harmful speculation and get-poor-quick
devices, carries much thrift propaganda in its
always Interesting and instructive columns.
-Recently it had a story of a stock broker
who. was out at a dinner. In the course of the
conversation somebody used' thword piker.
-. "What is a piker?" asked the broker.
One of the diners said right off the bat, after
the- quick manlier of brokers: "A piker is a
man who lives within his income."
..' Bean Supply Enormons.
"The outlook for bean consumers is reassur
ing. Full of nourishment and staying quality
the bean', diet is much used as a substitute for
meat and cheese when the latter are; high in
price, or Kard to get, as every soldier knows
""Early in the war farmers got 7 cents a
pound for beans and in Boston retailers charged
17 cents a pound. Wholesale and retail dealers
got such fat profits at that Hime Japan and
Other countries Sent immense" shipments to us,
and hundreds of tons of them were""sequestrated
in 'warehouses and kept off the market in order
that prices might not decline after the manner
peculators in food products have of nullifying
theHaw of supply and demand in rder to skin
consumers. , ." J ,
; It happened that 1918 and i919 were good
bean years m the United States of America, and
the supply became enormous. Nonodv knows
how many thousands of tons of beans are now
kept off the market, but army, surplus sales
baveN. given opportunity for purchases at less
than 7 cents a pound. Recently there was a
"drop in prices, and in Boston, the center, of
the bean eating industry of the country, they
re retailing at 7 cents a pound, and Sunday
Tjiorning is "happy and cheerful again with its
pets of succulent baked beans and bacon.
One Impartial Political Writer.
: In 1877 when the contested election between
Hayes and Tilden had the citizenship of the
country stirred to a dangerously high pitch of
partisan excitement, and every scrap f news
from Louisiana and two other doubtful states
where returning boards were working was re
ceived with the greatest eagerness, there was a
aian named H. V. Redfield writing daily ac
counts of the proceedings for the Cincinnati
Commercial, then edited by Murat Halstead.
V'Mr., Redfield had an extraordinary gift for
absolutely unbiased and impartial -writing, and
bis work excited attention and commendation
U over the country because' of that fact We
often wonder if there is not a field for such a
writer in politics today; or have the press and
Hf. supporters come toVp'nt where impartial
political writing without etinge of partisanship,
i neither- desired nor profitable. i
; The independent press, almost Without ex
ception, so often swerves to one side or the
other, or so brazenly belies its professions that
it has come to be regarded' as a wholly untrust
worthy source of equitable political information.
Among the political writers, therefore, the public
prefers the frankly partisan papers, and weighs
the claims of both tides in order to arrive at a
rerdict There" seems to be no successor to
' Redfield anywhere. ' ,. -
. Philadelphia ministers ask the. enforcement
of a Sunday law passed in 1794; probably a
harder task than XS inspire, respect for 11. laws.
The Days of "Spread-On."
One smiles on reading a column article on
the jam and marmalade industry in England, but
jam cuts a large figure in British food produc
tion. It and marmalade, we presume, occupy a
position on thetables of the tight little isle com
parable to our entire jelly, apple butter and
peach butter product -
We use a great variety of "spread-ons"
apple sauce, sorghum, ''pie plant," preserves of
all kinds, and a lot of other toothsome home
made good things to eat.
Those were good days when the whole family
gathered around the supper table and attacked
row on row of a big sqitfre pan of hot light
bread biscuit, With a two-pound roll of yellow
butter on a plate, and some sort of "spread-on',
like grape jam, for instance, to crown the de
licious bread. And while father and mother
had their hot tea or coffee, the children had great
goblets of fresh, sweet milk enriched by the
"stripping" jwhen the faithful cow was milked.
Happy d,ays, indeed, when stout little stomachs
never faltered in their work I
Labor Not Chief Beneficiary of Excess Profits.
' In 1919 the amount paid to labor for mak
ing a yard of unbleached cotton goods was only
i 9 cents a yard more than was paid in 1910,
says the Chicago Journal. Labor cost IS per
rent more in this, instance than in 1910, while
the profits of the jpill owners soared to 748
per cent.
In the Indictments found against president
of the American Woolen company, , specific in
stances included in the. bill show profits rang
ing from 80 to 100 per cent. Naturally the re
tailer who bought goods upon which were piled
such enormous profits, had to increase his own
percentage of profit owing to the great increase
of capital required and the heavy risk of sudden
' It may be added also that mill companies
increased the .salaries and "commissions" of
their officers in some instances hundreds of
thousands of dollars, all of which was added
to the cost of production.
Lloyd George has come in for much criticism
in the past year, but we have yet to see the
first accusation that he ever overlooked an op
portunity to promote England's commercial
prosperity. In a country where home interests
have been habitually relegated to the scrap
heap, such a leader as Lloyd George has an at
tractive aspect. '
The theatrical profession is not pleased be
cause the Methodist church did not remove its
ban on theater-going, and in New York has
refused to give Methodist benefit performances.
They should remember, however, that for twelve
years New York Methodists have worked and
voted to remove the ban.
The New Yoric Sun says "the bloom is off
the boom" of past-war industrial activities. We
are approaching the normal that condition in
which men have to do real work to live. What
a weeding out of lazy shirks there will be when
the dollar again becomes hard to get.
"German hotels are gouging tourists," says
a headline. Only the German ones? Since
when did French, English, Swiss and Italian
landlords cease that merry pastime? Why is a
tourist, anyhow,5 if he is not to be gouged?
Republicans renewed their confidence in the
congress when President Wilson declared there
was no hope in it.
Richard Crofcer called his son a liar jn court
at Palm Beach the other day. Unhappy man;
unhappy son.
v Even, Aff& All.
A suspicious looking customer was boasting
to a grocer of the cheapness of ten pounds of
sugar he had bought at a rival shop.
"Let us weigh the package," said the grocer.
The other assented, and it was found two
pounds short.;
The man looked perplexed for a moment
and then said: " "I don't think he cheated me
much, for while he was getting the sugar I
pocketed two tins of condensed milk." EdinA
burgh Scotsman.
Rivers of France.
The three great rivers that flow from the
heart of France to her three seas have each a
character of their own. The gray and rapid
current of the Rhone, swollen with the melting
of the glacier snows, rolls past the imperish
able monuments ql arjcien, empire, and through"
the olivevards and vineyards of Provence, falls
into the blue waves of the southern sea. The J-
sandy stream of Loire goes westward past the
palaces of kings and the walled pleasure gar
dens of Touraine, whispering of . . . roy
alty. ' But the Seine pours out its black and
toil-stained waters northward between rugged
baiks, hurrying from the capital of France to
bear her cargoes through the Norman cliffs into
the English Channel. Theodore Andrea Cook.
Sound Talk by Old Abe.
N I take it that it is best for all to leave each
man free to acqurre property as fast as he can.
Some will get wealthy. I don't believe in a law
to prevent a man from getting rich; it would
do more harm than good. So while we do not
propose any war upon capital, we do wish to
allow the humblest man an equal chance to get
rich with everybody else. When one starts.poor, ,
as most do m the race of life, free society is
such that he knows he can better his condition;
he knows that here is no fixed condition of
labor for his whole life. I am not ashamed to
confess that twenty-five years ago I was a hired
laborer, hauling rails, at work on a flatboat
just what might happen to any poor man's son.
I want every man to have his chance in which
he can better his condition, when he may look
forward, hope to be a hired laborer this year,
the next work for himself, and finally hire men
to work for him. That is the true system.
Abraham Lincoln.
The Submerged Nine-Tenths.
Writing in the New York Tribune in ex-v
planation of the conditions which led up to
the organization of an industrial court in Kan
sas, Governor Henry J. Allen says:
"We made an investigation ' of the strata
comprising the state. As the top stratum we
found W2 per cent of the population made up
of the big employers. The bottom stratum,! com
prising S4 per cent, was composed of labor. Jn
between was a stratum composed of the remain
ing 93 per cent That 93 per cent is us.
"Withsthe passage of the Adamsoa law labor
became a contestant for the honor of the upper
stratum; but we, you and I and the rest of us
in the same walk of life, haven't moved. We
remain the middle stratum. We are an im
mense, good natured, inarticulate, mass. We are
utterly submerged. The upper stratum and the
lower stratum whaclreach other over our shoul
ders. They starve us to every inconvenience
as to travel and communication.
Well, our good nature reached ite limit when
the operators and coal miners fell out and quit
producing coal just at the moment when a
Miird bit the. stjte. Then the g-JO upheaved."
A Line 0' Type or Two
Haw to tha Una, lat UM aulpa fall Whart May .
"CONSIDERING the high cost ot hotel rate
v a.,,,J Shnrv "Ann't vnn think
conventions should limit the applause following!
mention of the name of a candidate, making it,
'say, a half minute?" Our dear air, who do you
suppose pays the expenses of conventions? ' And
why do you suppose hotel keepers throw every
body outlet their Inns except visitors whom they
can soak? Conventions have to run a certain
number of days, whetherthere Is any business
to do or not.
Where Land is Cheap.
(From the Winnebago, Minn., Enterprise.) r
At the conclusion of the supper, Mr.
Harry Mulr, in a few well chosen words,
presented the bride and groom with a
plMeau as a token of the esteem and good
will in which they are held in their com
munity. ,
MR. LEVY MATER mingles his regrets with
White, C. J., that the court has given only its
iiltlmate conclusions. No doubt a lawyer Is In
terested In antepenultimate conclusions, but so
far as we are concerned the court has said a
Sir: Have you any idea what would happen
if Britishers burnt an American, flag before the
American embassy In London?1
A MAN writes to the New Republlo to re
mark that since the first announcement of the
congressional Junket to the Orient the papers
have said nothing about it Have they, he asks,
"received directions to say nothing of the matter
lest the expedition should b overwhelmed by
public denunciation?" Very likely. Crooked lot,
the newspapers, aren't thoy?
Fair Warning.
(From the Henry County, Ky., Local.)
I take pleasure in announcing to my
friends, patients and to 'he public in general
that I am back from Chicago and am ready
to. serve the public professionally. I am
using all modern appliances In treating the
sick and afflicted by new and latest methods
as Chiropratie, Mechanotherapy, Spondy
lotherapy, Neuropathy, Rithmotherapy,
Physculotopathy, Osteopathy, Napropathy,
Hydrotherapy, Zonotherapy, etc.
D. C, Ph. C, M. T. D., D. S., D. N., R. D.,
Ph. D., D. O., N. D., D. E., D. H., D. Z.
THERE are few more distressing sights than
a bunch pf unseated colored delegates hitting
the ties toward the congenial south. These
statesmen never learn that the first thing a
colored delegate should make sure of before leav
ing home is a round-trip ticket.
Sir: If you won't read "The Four Horse
men," may I not have an explanation from you
or Watson regarding this from page 166: "A
cruel smile played over the Russian's beard." '
H. J. L.
"THE public of which Mr. Gompers speaks,
including! as it does the tollers . . ." The
Trib. i j
When Sam'I speaks of the public he means
unorganized labor. A "toiler" Is a workman
who is organized. r"
The Wonders of Human Nature.
Sir: . . . Ain't human nature wonderful?
It sure is, and here's a story to prove it; though
I shouldn't be telling it to you, heretic and a
scoffer. Well, I'll take a chance on you, so
here goes. No, wait! Here's another one that
leads up to it Two micks, a big one .from the
south and a little dried up shrimp from the
north, were hobnobbing s on St. Patrick's Day,
at the expense, of course, of the southron.
"Jawn," sez he, "what th' 'ell are you a Pro
destan' for?" "Well," Jawn comes back, "I
was born a Prodestan', and the minister says
it's the right " "Och, what th' 'ell does the
minister know about it? Sure, wan Cat'lic
priest knows more nor twinty minutes." "Well,
why th' 'ell wouldn't-he, wid you fellers al
ways tellin' him things?"
This, you see, gracefully leads up to this true
story. The penitent . . . TOM D.
(We'll have to tell you the story personally.
Line forms at right of desk.)
IN comparison with the feverish activity
around other headquarters, how refreshing is
the calm which pervades the Hoover folk! A
(From the Monmouth Review.)
Mrs. Fred Glass is spending a week with her
sister Estella Wright in Wisconsin.
Miss Vera Terpenning is staying at Fred
Glass' while Mrs. Glass is away.
"AMERICA," Mr. Johnson said, "must travel
the same old path In the same old way." That
is, it must muddle through.
Ye Editorial Worm Turns.
(From the Sumner, la.. Gazette.)
Various criticisms are sometimes heaped
upon the head of the editor but the most
frequent one follows the omission from a
wedding account of what the bride wore.
There seems to be a mania upon the part of
a large portion of the people to know how
the young lady was dressed. The next de
mand will be for information as to the color
of the lingerie and the texture of the hosiery
and then everybody will want toVbe an edi
tor that is every man. Be that as it" may,
s we are right now going to serve notice on
prospective brides and would-be prospective
brides, ..want-to-be prospective brides ajd
hope-to-be prospective brides that they must
tell the editor what they are going to wear
and how they are going to wear it and
where they bought it and how much it cost. J
A questionnaire will be provided for the
purpose and if the information is not forth
coming it may be necessary to leave from
the j paper an account of the wedding be
cause it is hard on the nerves to stand the
gaff after wedding accounts published with
out this information.
YOU may have noticed that Candidlrte Sproul
has an 'o' in his name. Watch that 'o?'
Sir: Tod Sloan was in town today on his
way to Hollywood, and when I asked what he
was here for he replied, "To ride the dark horse
at the Coliseum." WAG.
What Is So Rare as June in TJrbana?
(From the Urbana Gpurier.) ,
Observe with pride and satisfaction the well
kept lawns, the magnificent rose bushes flaming
with color, the majestic peonies, .resplendent in
their whites, pink and deep reds. The full
foliage of every tree is at the zenith of its
beauty. The rejoicing of the song birds of the
wild wood greet the ear, squirrels hop about
from limb to limb of their leafy homes, or jump
dizzily from roof to branch with an agility and
gracefulness that makes the children clap .their
hands, for joy. You will'not have to go to
California to see aH this. It's Just outside your J
aoorsiep. 11 . nexi aoor 10 . nenven v j. nat
June in Urbana. . ,
(From the Gilnfan Star.) '
Arthur Gilbert and his mother, of Chi
cago, visited the Wenger cemetery Sunday
and spent several hours calling on old
friends. ...
WE were glancing the other day through the
list of ship stores made out by the captain of
the whaler "C. Mitchell," out of New, Bedford
in 1853. Under medicines he had put down the
following necessaries: -
42 gals. N. E. rum 1
H. Gin.
Brandy. ' t
Port Wine. '
Sherry. -Epsom
Come On Int j
(Frdm Oak Leaves.) i
Wanted High school girl to go to coun
try to help with a walking baby on Lake
IF you wish a good seat in the convention
see Mr. Hea jfct or M- Bryan. They have a few
rows reserved. . ' - H. L,
How to Keep Well
- By Dr. W. A. EVANS
Sueatlon concerning hrclcne. Mill
on and prevention of dlnrnae, aob
mitted to Dr. Evnna by reader of Tha,
Bee, will ba answered pentonaUy, ub
ject to proper limitation, where
a tamped, addmaed envelop la an.
cloaed. lr. Evan will not make
diaitnoal or prescribe for Individual
dlaeaaea. Addrea letter In care of
The Bee.
Copyright, 1920, by Dr. W. A. Evan.
In Portland, Ore., the Community
Service movement is having great
success with gymnasium classes for
working girls. In the afternoon
girls who have sat for several hours
on an office seat or stood for several
hours behind a store counter go at
the end of their work day to some
gymnasium where they don middy
blouses and bloomers and go through
exercises. Some of these are given
in the open air.
In a picture of such a class noted
in Manufacturers' News some twenty-five
girls are shown going through
a bending exercise. The girls are
standing with their heels about four
Inches apart .and toes turned out
slightly. The- arms are horizontal.
While in this position the body is
bent to the right until the right arm
points toward the floor at an angle
ofM5 degrees and the left arm to
ward the ceiling at the same angle.
Presumably the body is also bent to
the left backward and forward, and
the leg, arm and neck muscles come
in for their work also.
Portland's motto is said to be
"Every girl an athlete." The girls in
the front of the picture at least
would do well to heed a statement
made to me at this point by a society
editress. She called my attention to
the fact that one seldom sees an
obese society woman. There is but
one reason. They practice self-de
nial. So far as eating goes, they are
rigorous self disciplinarians. No
where else in all human society is
there a group so obedient to law.
They cannot be persuaded, cajoled,
or forced, or, as. Mayor ' Thompson
would say, ' bought, Nbuilled or
bluffed," to eat too much wread, pas
try, desserts or sweets. i
On the same page of the News is
a story of the employment of Indus
trial secretaries by many industries
in the United States and Canada.
The sole work of these secretaries is
to promote play.
Bowling leagues in each shop have
been featured. Two factories have
their own skating rinks. The women
employes have their own ball teams
and seem to take even more interest
in the athletic exercises than the
men. "During the spring and sum
mer the ball teams play interdepart
mental championship games." This
quotation refers particularly to the
four largest industries in Brantford,
Almost every large industry has
one or more ball teams and some
have groups organized to play other
competitive games. ,Bome follow the
plan of the Burlington railroad
They stop all office work for a few
minutes morning and afternoon
open the windows have the men and
women employes dressed in office
clothes stand in the aisles and go
through exercises led by a major
domo who stands on a platform.
Generally thera is no music nor any
other accessories.
- Will Affect Texture. N
C. J. K. writes: "In accordance
with the prevailing style, we have
" '
Now for the
Health Inspiring
"Palm Beach" and
"Panama" Season
Folk nowadays court
comfort most everyone
possesses several light
weight suits light hats
in plenty, too. Then they,
engage us to clean the
suits and hats regularly.
' Phone Tyler 345. x
2211-17 Farnam St.
Route via
If you ship your goods
the Oldsmobile Econ
omy Truck way they
will get there in good
A powerful motor,
consuming very little
gasoline and oil; a
light truck easy, on its
pneumatic cord tires ;
electric lights and a
self-starter ; a deep
channel, frame and
..mimerbus other fea
tures make shipping
the Oldsmobile way
Safe, Sure, Satisfac
tory and Cheap.
Nebraska- '
55S trtm 5
been bobbing our little girl's hair
and shaving it well up in the back.
Will this make any difference in the
quality and color of the hair? It is
a dark brown now. Will this make
it lighter?" , . .
It will make a difference with the
quantity and quality of the hair on
the neck. I know of no reason for
thinking it will affect the color.
Causes of Sciatica.
Minneapolis writes: "What causes
sciatica? Will salicylic acid relieve
There are many causes of sciatica.
Among them are Infected prostate,
pus tubes, other infections of the pel
vic organs, disease in the hip Joint.
Salicylic acid is of considerable help
in giving relief, but does not remove
the cause.
Jutfa DeanHayne' starred ririTthe
first theatrical performance in Omaha.
It was given in the dining room of the
Herndon House in the summer of 1850.
,The Potter Theater was opened In
1860 on thesouth-east corner of 14th
and Douglas. The first pretentious
playhouse was the Boyd Opera House
built in 1881 at 15th and Farnam, "La
Mascott'e," with Fay
Bettina, was the opening performance.
. aYou are invited to transact your,
banking business with a bank that was
doing business in Omaha eight years
before the town , had a play house r a
bank that has been actively identified
with Omaha's, development . since its
First National
IBank of Omaha
Service Supreme
That is what the sign of the
Rec Crown stands for that
-all who ride may read.
Gallons of power that's
what you get at your Red-,
Crown service station. And
it's always the same from
one corner of the state to the
other. Open your throttlejjid
you'll feel an appreciable kick
in the fuel you're using, your
mixture has new life espe
cially when" your motor is
well oiled with Polarine
the .efficient, economical,
logical motor oil.
Red Crown service provides you
with these motoring essentials at con
venient intervals along most every
f7i , - it
jiRscYctWAirooo co
Start today and enjoy the real corn
flavor in JERSEY Corn Flakes and
you will then know why
wesay"Learn the JERSEY
Difference." Ask your &ocer.
Alto imfter of Jertey Wholo-Whoat Pancak4 Hour
2fe Original Qhick Com Flakes
u u u u u u u M
h n n h h h h yj
f I
. s