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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY," JUNE 11. 1920 10 1 t if I I '4 . 'I, 1 Classified Advertising Rates: K pe llns (fount words to lin) 1 day Ills par litis. per dsy, a eonseeuttv ty lie per tin, . ,rer day, 1 cnneeeuttvs ly 1 U pur tin . . .par dsy. HO ririeoutlv dayi No ad taken Inr teat than a total if i'lie Theas rtin apply lther to the Daily or Sunday He. All advertisements ep pear In both morning and evening- dily ara for I ha una chariie, . CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION Want da accepted at tha following of fices i MAIN OFFICE.,,,., 17lh and Farnam St. South Ride 231 N St. Council Muffs .1 Montt Bt. want ads RFrnyrn uy phone at TVl.kR 10OU THE TtEE will not ha reapnnalhle for mora than una Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one , time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition 12 00 M. Morning KditliMi ,.11:00 P. M. Sunday Edition - D :fl0 V. M. Saturday. I) E AT1 P U N E R A L NOTICES? S.A'ntAM Sarah M, n1 Vj years. Funeral from 'nie-McKay 1V1 parlors, SIU Farnam HI, Saturday, at 3:30 p. m Friends welcome. "FtJNKkAI. hlRKCTORSr Stack Oalconer; "JNl'ICI'lSNPICNT riNrilOUTAKlOltS" P1F.RCE-AKKOW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thlrtv-thli,1 ami Farnam. Harney 61 ""T AGO ART &S0N, " UNPMftTAKllili ANl I'M II A I. M EBB. Taieplinne I'oiiHlna 71 4. I'JIli Ounilng HI. 11EAFEY & IIEAFEY," Underinlttin and Einlmlitiore. gheiia h, office suit Parnam. HULSEWRIEPEN, 7 Vlniicnr Funeral Directors. T01 South tiMii Ht. 1',lilV.V?i "" Nl- W "LOCATION " " CROSBY'S NEW Fl'NKHAL HOME. . a ills Willi' hT. Awuv from nol.-.ti f bimy streets. PHUNK WblHMTKU 14. 1) U F F Y & 7 J 0 II N S T 0 N7 VNPFRTAKi'UH 1 1 7 8. lilih.TiTer 7l. FLORISTS. r7 LEE L. LARMON Foulenella Florists. !J14Pouglaa St, TiimglusJ1 4. f.' ffotirtct:."t" Ul F"rm.i. aSliQi! J O tl N J I A T II ," 1 ft rT'ttud )''ai iiaiii. f."i(l66'. fHW"i"i ai? ""display" of iMHinuta in ttl Dnltod lale. KKANK SVcHOOA, 1JJIS S, Uth, I' Doualaa JJJ J3-.S3i. "TbI rtm sTnudeati! is7 "TiBrlhaKriieat iul"loi Tayl.ii, 1(34 frail aire!, tltrl; Wain and ,ti'dilne Oar uao,Uol riniitU Twslfth atruvi. iilrl; Nick and' Kva. M.holteo, Sltn 8ouit TUirttath atraat, bK'I. Amh and Kloruiiro Allvn, N'nrth dlxiy-firiu t.tvnM, lili'l; r-'red nd Oertruda Oiinilii. I .s I a Maple aiartnint, No, f, lyt Th.u'Mi'ii and Null Hood. It. K. I 'o. 6. Imi i Mlehaal ami Nora I) Uouisri Hn, aiiut rlomti Twenty rinh irett, (jiil; Unit and Amelia I'oa.'liha, Ml South a'hti'ty-ninth atrwol, hoy; Albeit and Iva f'olllaa, Korty. fifth ami P atreeU. rslrl; Jtoben ami Jilamhe Wrmhl, Ml O atixet. ftrl! Hairy and Nellie Vlt. ISl'l -Ml-aourl avenue, talil; fianU and llnrtha Mattland. hodlal, boy; troruo anil l.lllle Ureen, 4133 North Nineteenth atreet. boy; Jullua and Jomo Kooh, 4.S' Walnut atieet. boy; t'lydo and Kdna Htaltn, Silt J atreet, alrt Deatha Herbert Oosaano, Si. I'enver. Colo," Victor Williams, IS, S439 Lake atieet! MoOlure. C7, hospital; Her nard Retihardt. hpital; ttto A. Hvaver. , Twenty -ntut h and 8 atreet; Pearl Belff, S. hoapltal; Valletta. Lout. Sti, hoapltal; ttarroKl Koius Opland, t fant; aSUS Meredith atreet, Jeiolil iMtver Opland. Infant. BIOS Meredith atieet; John Schulta. Sft. hoapltal: Oarl K. l.ove-tn-een, SS, S3ift Myrtle avenue; Julia Wal la, S, hospital; Jomph K. J'orter. 46. ho. pttal; K-aper J. Sihulta, 70. (J'Jt South Twenty-flrat atreet; Teter Iiraon, SS, Kalaton, JSib.; Maasle iariue, St, hoa pltal. MARRIAGE LICENSES. John A. Bailey. 24. Omaha, and Vearl prandineyer, ?i Ilurllnston. la. Oarl W. Menken. iT. Omaha, and Alma P. I' ho, St, Omaha. Conrad Si'haffer !5. Omaha. nd Cora Ilrowti, IS, Novfolk. Neb. Kloycl B. Cornet t, over St, Meadow prove. Neb, an May Oornett. over is, ileadow Orove, Neh, Karl a. Crum, 53. Council Ttlufta. la., nd Wtlhelmlna Krue, SI, Omaha. John Jt. llalnea, over St. Thayer, Neb, nd AUt' U, -AtferbiU'h, over IS. Tforfc, leb. Martin Wenee, S. Couni-ll THuffs, la. and Ann M. Shanuahan, S. Count tl jiluffa. ta. Julea H. lloushtallns, J3. Wellevue, Keb, and Sarah K. Levtna, t. MeUevue. Keb. Madlaon IV. HSue. J. feKamah. Neb. nd ItutU 1. MUltkin, i Tekamah. Neb. Fred O. Itelmrod. SI, Omaha, and Yfeleu Hult, is, Omaha. l.ester I". Voo,lruff, over St. Omaha, And Ague Ptttohard. over S, Omaha. lelaiul M. llausler, S3, Cedar Rapids, la., and Cecil M. aamb, !1, Cedar Kap Id, ia, Theo. W.' 'William, St. Omaha, and NerlaWtltlama. 30, Omaha, LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS t"RliKttciW'LOT on atreet vara wle. rhne Tyler SOd. We are anxioua to -atore loat articles to rightful owneta, OMAHA 4 COVNCJU BLt3 ST. KY. cx WOST In ttraiidiia or loo ator. or down tovTn aectton, pair of gentleman's gold- . rlmmet half Kaare. In black case; finder leave at llee office or call Web !S1!i. w'rl. v'il iu the paity who vlaimed the kodak left in Pope's Drus etore. pieaae return msotr l"i lottla JT. lteward. IC'ST 1'air of eveglaajea.' between ltth and Harney sjn.'Nlitth and I'odse. Call JSfiW. f L lwT' " CfST1 Jd' coat. Usht ry, lieward. Harney jAvSt l'ark SuuileT acrew-tall buTtiog, Stout h 8.4t. SPECIAL NOTICES. WiNTfcf Kor Kdgar, NeK. khowaTTlden sd concejiioni ; alxo tree acta for bifi fourth of July celebration; three days, ttly 1, 1 aud S. muter amplcea of the American legion, lulled hVe a eirrua r uillea. 'ut celet.ration In tttta art of atate under au.pltea of tha "American lesion. h'veiybctv Vooatlns. jti eurroundmii countiy to draw from. ,et ua know what ou have In fuat tetter. NoMitue for coneion,teuve, .H T JvSK?i. t'o( I'oaiinaiuler. L Avtdrea a!l correspoiulenoe to at. V r.' K.N ON SiMMlm U.I.E, t'.tr. Nel-l .k. Cv55v'ilvN.-t tor sale (or July 4 wail t.t Cvttse vlrove ie,ort. l ake View. la., atak Cittait.a tor rent. W ant S girt for aKvrk t store. A.l.tieaa A. Miller. Mgr . C"o,tas vrove Keaoct t.ak View, la XlltPLANK Cttitias Canuck tn 'n fly is vNitdUiou. Jut ovei Eiaulevl. Price si.Ci fvr .uU'k ail. . Will take ip good autcmokile aa j,'vt pavment. Wire write J. v Younsbtood, Aswwd Kan A N I K t vt ; . a f ,,r onoeaaUn for fuarth of July celebration at V ahoo, a be held on the th of Juty. AmerU sn Lei-. of Wahoo, Flcyd Thorp. PERSONAL. WWS SALVATION Army lr.duatrUl kJrai sirctiis your M clothi'.'g. tviratture, magasineav We collect. We dsatrSbute. Phvae tvuj. 413a and our wjgon will is.HL CU atd ins fee I our sew home, tii-mi-m iKt ttt. 5'TRE-iitersitire oa th-a important (ub.iect tree. The w a pgta, l.asr nurtes. ?5Sle. Vafc, CSllDMBN crei for at'nvy rKnssjby day r Sour. tlli X !M v'clttx J'0. JtSAO'iv-Manicurist Jli"N. "llth Ni iil m. . f "SuCTRiC Ut''sad Dasss."' Vebster 5i3S-4.CiS ai eiecuio treatments. Hi KV1I1 Kt ?CirRSS m.i to Ji Douglas Mock. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Actqion Pleating. f.jj. "NorS, V.-si-Ii'. llMi. ( I kisdss t:i'.: Doug. Kmsi 5J. DosglHss B.k.. lth ad Dodge, AccvMcon Pleating. JivJCVsTiON. sidt. kaif suaUuret hox ia.tBg. oerl button !l Mif sod stviesi iM-mstitvSso. PK'-'t. 4j(in. ft cat s. ttoa koies, paoai'.s. Meal uav sd PNukCisjg Cifc, i4.s S-owh git- roaglas ISJO. Crvrttractors. :lN(i reuitrwa. ro..vie.!ig U XrsckawA. Call 'lll 4L i A sx r BRINGING UP A I - eVJ. rT ,IPP. ? -yoO vCC BIT HONCRy-. I HOPE THCS . CRAOOU- v URE -WHAT ffl J jf4$7L - -T.- SJy LOOK TlftCO- j OOWljHTHtY HA.VC OME . OOVOOEAT DO YOU DO All Ck'-f' l fZv-.e- 1' Wii WOULD HORRV APPL Pie A.PPLEO,e? WITH IT ? N " T j J. ' V , '10 T imrt" rtatusa aiavies. iNa W ANNOUNCEMENTS. Banks. 4 p. o. Int. tompoundej uviaKerlv on aav Inga. American Htate Wank, Isth A Far. Dancing Academies. 8UMMKR MANC'lNM MATJca TrTpT TTTI School for J.anelnit. IVTil U-X JUNlli );"4 Farnam. X. 7860 Olaes at (: dnnclnit at 9 p. in. Monday, Thur , Sat.; private leaonaany time. Tl'KI'INK'8 Hf'HOOl. OS" PANCINO. fancy ataf and aoclal. oa orounas ttldg.. oppoelle voatofflce. I'horie Har ney 64:tl. Imuglaa 3iiS. Alau dnnulng every Haturrtay and .Sunday evenlntta. Dentists. on r. Tt7a d h u j. N iij t n ;J 3t W. ,0- W- BhT. Dress auita. fi'X.U dreaa aulUa and tuxedo rent, toa N. 1 nth Wt . Jo h n Feldman. 1 Slii. Printing. VvTivfUMNCi aniinuncemeiita nd prlntliiB. Iionglaa Prltittn I'o. Tel, louglaa (14 4. Detectives. fjPKlWS NATIONAL DETECTIVE AiilJNCY. lncorporatea. 1'ougiaa iiui. TkTvk ALLAN. S13 Neville BlkT Svl deuce es'tureoju all caaea. Tyler 1U6. HKl.lAHl.K lioteiHIve tmrcau. nauway K. Hldn. Douglaa S06rt; Night, Col.JU6. Chirondists. Carrie J, Tmrfnrd. 630 Pax ton Did. V. 1208, Electrical Utilities. vXcih'M Cl.KANERS delivered, called for, a 0o day, Webaier liibf. 10 a. m. tu 4 p. 111. Ef.lX'i'lilCvacuuin cleaners for rent. lUUlil 67IS. Gas Stoves Connected. GASt gtovea uonnected 13. Pebullt. Harney S'l daya orllaiuey lill evenioga. S'I'OVK.S 'connected, house piping. Walnut Hauling. yot'H haulli.g contracted today or year; 2-lon irin'iv; pioinpv emvienv who. Harney f,4o9. WK 11 vi'liramuhlng. anywhere, any time. Walnut II All LINO All kin da. Walnut SM. Hats Blocked. H.vTS cleaned and blocked while you wait. Hi l aium nai ,, ,.,ia, . ....... St.; work guaranteed. 1'. f3. HATS cleaned, reblocked, ladlea' atravv haia specialty. Maatoa liroa., u-w riar y. futrv r." DIAMONDb prtce'wUh privilege to buv hack at smaii prom. vi..v..... JKWl:i.ltV Co., , 403 N. Itith St. Doug. tnM'J. 4-. - Kodak Develotifng and Finishing. KNURdlNO. copying and coloring. Amateur tinianins. i"',' ,i.hi Ph.,io shoo. SOI Harker rMk. fflAlS deveioped. printing and enlarging. ....... ... iev,A Vn.len i'o.. 1d0. vvriie li'i ruto - - . LLiVvantSi' Phonographs. TTTTTtV i T I fiVti GRAPHS AND RKCOItPS. LOWEST PKICK3, THE MUSIC SHOP, INC. 1M( Harney si :tl!R1',ii"" Sewing Machines. DEWING MACHINES rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 1 t h and Harney. Pjuglaajjj i. " Tailors? M. KfclSKR, 306 South ISth. tvug, itsf. Mattress and Springs CITY Ma'TTRKSWI CO. Mattresses made OVer. LVOX springs iepaue. v.v.-- tn. Harney IliS. Painting and Par-er Hanging. fAlNTlNCS. paperhangins, guaranteed work. Vrlces rignt. rnwn i,vte. I can save you meney. 1y. 5I. pXtNTlNO and paperharglns. Phoos Clm( Jill VIK8T-CUAS9 paper hanging, patnttnf. n i ia,va PA1NT1NO, paperhanglng, plaaterlni. ninain , PAlNvilNvl. paperhangtng. cleaning. roug- iaa e.-. I A P K HH A N CH N O ; prices right, Walnut iiAFKTY rator biadea sharpened, new r- t h ajr pen i n gC ,1M Vi Dod g sl NiJi Roofing. rROVEHTY OWNERS. Oet Our Figures. ur Kivofs Are Our Proofs, All Work Guaranteed. NORTHWEST KK4.DY KvXICIN"Cl CO.. SOS Svuth Jtst. Harney T4. Patent Attorneys. fNTKRN ATION AL PATBNT CO.. Patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell pat ent. 171 Podn St.. Omaha. Theatrical. tTfEATMcA'L. hutoricat nd masvtus eos- tuntes fcjr amateur theatrical ana pr des for vent t T. Llebeu Jfc Son. Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha, Towel Supply. S07 S. tttrrTX'StS. Tree Trimming. TRKBS trimmed; cav'.ty work; bracing; treatment of Injury and disease; remov ing; planting and transplanting ; twelve skilled tree surgeons; over 400 satisfied rustomets in vHc.aha and uearbv towns, PAOK TUSK SH.KV1CK UNO.) !19 t'avtdse Klwk. Tyler 4j RugWeaving. PW Rug ractory Kxtrai higT trad rus made. Douglas 7S. W K AV Nt. "oia "rug's" remade. Tyler 14J5. Safes. BAKvlAINS. 13th oal J. J, Iertght S Ifartiam. Sate Co. Weldirti OMAHA Wl.lHv fv. "The Careful v e:d?r 1 jth and Jackson. D. 4ji7. MisceUaneous. PAXTON-MUVHSl 1. CO, S7tt and Martha Sis.. Omaha. Neb. IVr&sa, bronae, aluminum .and machine gray Hon castings f KlX'S MS-NTHOL OINTMS35T can ' be purchased at Rulto Drug Store, Uto and lvuias S,. Omaha, Neb. Dt'MP ashes 8.Wornst" SiTk and"riaa eis. IVuglaa 4J. WANTED TO BUY. TVuY bdted waste payer old taiga slnes aad wsppers. State vusattty yov Imvo. on Saai Wilt or phoa tor prk-e Omaha, aper Stolg Co., 15tS aaj Marvy. Douglas 15. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; sd dskt K-ugbffd sal tideJ. J. C. Rk. 13') 7 Firnaai. I 6141$. J.IBKRTY PONDS BOW.KTl MACKS BOND ROCS. 1 S1 ytst Nft Bask JP'.-it . Tv-'er 34 4. Will ouv acod-kad elotktn i. skovs ni tUTBttare, Ty. S1 Aj. " N t. v SVf APPERncOLUMN. troa SALS OR T R A D fewFtvs-act oil lease. B.-ktwrtt. Ti -. lue U.o wotel'i twiwlder goo4 ut y meas. Call or se A. S. Pyin, La,d;a Skow. Twoty-forh ad O Sts.. Soutk OtBLS, t!W week. Cottactl SlmtSs b. wesk. WILL TRArc" good, SulldiBg; lot foe nt wuf. sisrtv jsimtk 66 - .. Ba )' FjQdttc Ktiutti. FATHER- FOR SALE Furniture apd Household Goods. AUCTION. AUCTION. Extra, high-grade furniture from three sxtro, good homes and good ataple furnl turo from four good homes Will ba Sold In My Auction Home Southeast Corner 18th and Webster Sts. Saturday, June 12th. Starts at 1 p. m. This la -one of the biggest and beat furniture sales I have had for a long time. Seven complete homes. Watch ths papers for details. AMICS 1... POWD, AUCTIONEER. If you have anything to sell call Doll's. S38S, Tyler i6( or Doug, 8S78. . SFXECT YODR SPRINO HOUSE FUR N1SHINQ3 r'KOM THESE UARGA1N3 Adam period bedroom suits at $ 3 1 S ; an Adam Period dining suite, at 1153; largo collection of fine furniture; floom ale ruga at a great reduction; cans mahogany living room suites, art S1S5 sach. STATE FURNITURE COMPAKT. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. Opposite U. P. HeudQuarleis. Omaha, Neb. WE sell new and near-new furnltiv. stovea and rugs at lowest prices; cash orjtaymenta. Amejr. Furn.Co.. 606 N. 1(. FOR SAl.F. Brass bed, "oneheater" "oil stove, oak table. Mrs. A, Brewer, (334 .South:isL City. Pianos and Musical instruments. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 3967. Geo. A. Smlt h . 3J I Dave nport St. A.HOSPECO. frSra. Pianos for rent, 14.00 per month HARTZEI.L. piano, mahogany, used one year, first class condition. Leaving clty. 3iM. South SI lip. SAXOPHONE HOSPITAL repairing, re paditlng. John Tiiff, 1834 Websrer Tyler 48T. MUST sell mv 1400 walnut case upright piano for $1(1(1, Walnut 3835. HAKi'.AlN in walnut Kranlch & llach up right, like new IToulas 470S. HAHOAIN In Krokaner upright piano, lig. 4? 03. FINK Kimball upright, ltke"new; big bar- g a 1 ll . Hll !!. Typewriters and Supplies. fyPErRpfERS AND ADDING MACHINES ATaT MAKES, bought, tId. rented find repaired. Solo agents (or the CORONA. Oet our prtc before you buy, K ery itiachtua Kuarnteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doiig4!30. 19J2 Farnam. VK buy. aell and exchange all makes of tvpewrlters. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404Dodge, FOR SALK Twenty-two Remington re peating rifle, library table, S-4 Iron bed and rocker. Tyler S398. ALL MAKBS" Typewriter Co.,'a!l makeiT" 305 S. ISth St. Tyler 3414. Miscellaneous. ONE 40-horse power Fairbanks-Morse type N. it. oil engine; used less than 3 weeks, at A very reasonable pjrlee. Karl A. Rasniussen.' , Cairo, Neb. OMAHA PILLOW C. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter sides. 1H07 Cuming. P.j:4St, HOOVER sweeper and 100 electric washer. Bargains. Cull Joe Myers, Tyler ll)tl. . THRfc:-'tU'RNt:K OllTSTOVE and oven"; tn good condition; reasonable. Tyler 310S. fiAUY buggv, grey reed, almost new. Will sell for$30. lijilS Cass. Tyler 3Sj. klNDLlXCTcv LUMBER. Web. 4o9 SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. POSITION wanted by a competent man as chsuftenr for private family. Phone Ty ler 47 SO. CARPENTER want work, new and re pairs, reasonable vVges. James Parsons, 119 N, 13th St. Phone Tyler 395. POSITION In garage by a, Ford repair man, direct from Ford factory. Call Wal.'J3tS(. JANITOR wants work, or day work. Web. 03. TARDSgradeil and seeded.C'd Hkr'STls. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS I.A UNDR ESSES. Watch the Pomestio column of Ths Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Pon't miss them. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored laundress. Cu taii and bundle washings. Webster ls?,V LAUNDRY WORK for Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Webster 30?S. EXPERIENCED laundress. 40o per hour. Webster itl, CURTA1NS laundered, work guaranteed. Webster (579. CLEANING. a: EXPERIENCED. WEB- tSTER 33y- LAUNDRY, cleaning ster 444S. experlenced. Web- LAUNDRY work wanted! 4344. Call Webster BUND LEW ASHING, sweeping, Ironing. Webster 173T BUNDLE washinsr. soft w ster. Web. 6919. SMALL bur die washing. Webster 4S77. DAYYQl'-S. by tha hour. W ?? m PAY W ORK, reliable. Webster 1951. HELP WaIDaIlE Stores and OlSces. TRAVEL1NU SALESMAN. auto tires. $175; traveling salesman, established firm, $'40; bookkeeper and cost acvount ant. $150; bookkesper. lumber firnt. $135; young man. auto firm, parts de partment. $S5; office boys. $5. WK STERN N REFEKENCE & BOND ASS'N 6 firt Nat 1 Bank Bldg. LEIX1ER clr,. Jli5; ledger clerk. $125; ledger clerk, $90-5190. stenographer and bookkeeper. $l0.l-$!lli: office boy. $7. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. UiS First National Bank Bldg. BOKKEEPERr" $1J-$175 -. ledger "clerk. HSt office clerk and cashier, $135 $Ui; bank teller and clerks, $tc9-$l35; stenographer. $135. THE MAR JI CO., .Jt3W,0.jy.B!dg. MvNEY is ti.iht, positions are scarce: bet ter tile your application for a positron with us. RIGHT REFERENCE CO. 5A6 Frst National Baak WANTED A bright, energetic young man between 35 and 3t years of age. tor out atde work in the city; straght salary proposition; good chance for aSvance mnt. Y-H57. Be. W ANTElS E.xpnenced ledger clerk; give e.pjriace, past and present eru ptovers, refersos and salarv tn first letter, AU replies eoctdentlat Ad dress Box X-. Osgatm Bee. WANTED AS experienced; e'erk for gen eral store. Stte age. salary., rf erences first teeter. Y-Ui. Bee. TELLER Jot- iraa6i bank; give ex perience. etc. Box G-H, Omaha Be tRAFT"s eoilectSm clerk, OaaattaT bank. Bo.x 0-93. Onuxt B-., , ' Professions and Trades. WANTD Handy men who have had some exptrtesc a engine or turret lataes; $5 per lay t start, steady work wtibt good chances tor advancement to light mtaav Address Y-llt. Omaha Bee. WANTED AT CNNCETttmers for taside work; steady yob to gool mechanics: H ser hour; sonsnkoa. Bruee Mtt Works. Twtn FaMis. Idaho. W ANTE D -Camp tea t truck driver fo oil empa ny . give, references,, p-fe oa e number, address. Box X-l, Ooiah Bee. TRADKSMKX leoevre, offk-e help, see Free 7l, lut Mantey strt. la ws rrs l.aor Bureeit- MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. j XOLP!RS---Statfywiwl. Brty Fua I dxj. 3. J.iesefh. U. See Jiggt and Page of Colors In HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED. HATTER, TO RE-BLOCK PANAMA HATS. ALSO BUSHELMAN. COAT. VEST AND PANTS MAKER. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. DRESHER BROS., 3317 Farnam. WANTED. , MEN AND BOTS ,FOR FACTORY WORK. COOP PAY. STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO., STH AND DODGE. WANTED Man with wife, well expe rienced In general farm work to work and run locul farm: Immediate employ ment; crops In; house, wrlod, butter and milk furnished; good opportunity to right pasty. Strong, young but well experienced mail and one who can run tractor preferred. Apply at once, Mer-l "H ii S 0 u ' DJL ' m a m si . WE can vise a few oung men for iele phone switchboard Installation work; llbenal starting salary and good oppor tunity for advancement In an Interesting Job. Apply to Mr. F. O. Estabrook, roqm No. 215, Telephone Bldg., 19th and DoViRlas Stn. DENTIST WANTED Iowa registration necessary; probably the best salary and commission opportunity In Iowa: none but competent man of experience need cim , .vciviey, lowa. iMUg. Slouy City. X; Salesmen and Canvassers. WANTED Salesmen for one of the best selling propositions and best deals for Investor of anything in Texas oil. Seven different lease combinations, from 1 to 100 acres in 4 to 13 different counties, selling from $75.00 to (JOO.OO, on easy terms. 450.000 acres owned by one of the largest oil companies In Texas. For full particulars, address: Lease Depart ment, Consolidated Oil Imiustrv Com pany, li;? ciunter Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. STOCK SALESMAN- Kxperlenied stock salesman to sell the Ouara'nteed 1'ivUieiid Preferred stock of an old established Omaha company ruted ut $iiHi.000. Hlsh redit which has paid regular dividends for ten years. tiood leads furnished. Call room 3, Wead BldR. SALESMEN -'if you have pep, vim and p rserveram e, we can use you at a large income. Either sex. First ap pearance. The Omaha Home masa sine Is to be the greatest publication of its kind In the west. Can you sell advertising? Call Friday. Frank Town send.Itoom S33. Faxton Bldg. STEKL F K , cfe'Pl "s"t" .MA N U K ACTUlUNrt CONCERN WANTS HIGH GRAPE TRAVELING SAtlESM EN, ON STRAIGHT COMMISSION n.ASlS; MEN WHO HAVE AUTOMOBILE PRE. FERRED: STATE AO.K. STREET A 1 DRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. AD DRESS BOX 0-3. OMAHA REE. STOCK SALESMAN We have secured, factory site and buildings. Good selling proposition. W want men who will woris. Good terri tory In lowa. (State permit). Phone 195. Council Bluffs. SALESMEN AND AGENTS ATTENTION! We have a selling- proposition of merit to offer you with which you can make big money. If you ar Interested and willing to work, call at Jtj South Hth St vmana. ATTENTION! Various positions open for ambitious yrung meu. Salaries, $140 to $200. No experience necessary. Excellent oppor- tjsfltty fordva-eiuejrtPhone P. 6555. SALESMEN We want a fcwn7ore-ln ex perienced men to join our club in scien tific salesmanship. Complete training $30, Positions furnished free. Hix CSBee. ' " SALESMEN For household specialties: men with car can make good raonev. Call and see us and let us explain. C, F. Adams Co.. 633 S. 16th St. Bys. WANTED Boy. over H. to learn traded Good chance for advancement Mld- West Op-tlcal Co.. J0J Balrd Bldg. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED TO WORK IN CLAY PLANT, $5.50 PER DAY A N D U P. CHEAP HOUSE RENT EXCELLENT BOARDING HOUSE. ONLY MEN WHO ARE LOOKING FOR STEADY EMPLOY MENT THE YEAR AROUND NEED, APPLY. LEHIGH SEWER PIPE & TILE CO. 204 First National Bank Building. "Fort Dodge Iowa. WANTED. WAGON HELPERS. S HOURS PER DAY. APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EXP. STABLE. 13TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTEPt FREIGHT HANDLERS. EIGHT HOURS PER DAY. N $119 A MONTS. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS. VNION STATION. WANTED. Ccuaaion labura tit concrete work. Report, at nth and Grace, or call Tyler 3561. LABORERS. WANTED Black or white: permaaeBt work. goot chance for ad vancement. Apply storekeeper. V. 4r Store ppt . Sh and Cass. TRAIN a4 yaKI uea. railroad experi ence, for service Chicago and Kansas City. Apply vv, r. Tteihoft," Burlington Route, t'J4 F.-n n. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. W 4NT81P Mens, radges and y to tear sareer trade; tig desasd. wages at!!, tea'elng, erk-Mv iaim. Call r writ IWi Podc St. Trl-Ctly Baybef Coll Want A4 Frodac R'.U. f Maggie in Full The Sunday Bet. HELP WANTED FEMALF. Stores and Ofnves. - WANTED, THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED CURL FOR OFFICE WORK; ONE WHO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE IN HANDLING CREDITS PREFERRED. ADDRESS BOX X-S9, OMAHA BEE. STENOGRAPHERS. $13, $115100. $95, j . B 1 KNUUKAfi-i r.KS, ceginncrs, $6-$75. BOOKKEEPER and sienog. $115-$135. Cashier, must b expert enced and live at home, $S5-$100. P B X. and typist, up town. DICTA PHONE operator, salary open. .a dressopraph operator. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 FJrst National Bank Bids. STENOG RA PH ER, law office, $95; stenos rapher, north part of city. $100; (dicta phone operator, $100: cashier, financial Institution. $100; P. B. X. operator and ti-nlcl r, at.nn.ranhar C G ft l,rt hnnlf. keeper, $110: typist, beginner. $70. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N 736 First Natl Bank BWg. STENO. and Bkkpr., small office, $125; typist. $100; Diet. Opr., $S0; Mult. Opr., salary open; cashier, $100; stenographers, $125. 110. $100. $90, $S5. $75. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, First National Bank BUlB. STENOGRAPHERS. $ 1 35-"$ 1 25-SI 1 5 V be-, glnner stenographer, $S0 to $SS; book-1 keeper. $125 to $150; ledger clerk. $90. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N, 917-1S W. O. W. Bldg. WE are still keeping up our pace by find ing; good positions for capable people; we can tsko care of you. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., 53S First National Bank. W ANTE P. EXPERIENCED BILL CLEK FOR U.N.DERWOOD TYPEWRITER, i CARPENTER PAPER CO, , 9TH AND HARNEY. TYLER S66. STENOGR APIf ERs7 $110 - $100 - $90 - $S0; bookkeepers, $75-$SO; file clerk, $65 $"0; P. B. X. operator, $65-$70. THE M ART! CO., 1 1 26 V. O. W. B 1 dg. Profession; and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent .position T No profession today offers better op portunities for good salaries and, steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work ts fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employes. No experience necessary. , Substsntlsl weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement. v Parents Invited to Investigate working conditions. Apply to - MRS. -MORRIS. Employment Secretary, Room 616. New Telephone Building. NtneUenlh and Douglaa Streets. An oppcrtuity for young women of ability who want permanent po sitions. Our business (3 growing rapidly and we need several girls who have a de J'.re to become really important factors in ths business world, as long lines tele phone operators. Ths work is extreme ly interesting and is carried on In large, airy office In a desirable loca tion. A homelike rest room, a good dance floor with a victrola that may be used at any time, a cafeteria where good wholesome meals are servsd at less than cost, frequent salary Increases and rapid advancement are some of the at tractions of our offer. Apply between ( i. ni and i p. m. today. Room 31?. New Telephone Build ing. Ask for Miss Bell. The American Telephone And Telegraph Co., WANTED. WOMEN AND GIRLS. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. GOOD FAY. STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO STH AND DODGE. WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD POSITION FOR A WOMAN WHO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE IN LAUNDRY - WORK. AN" OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT PARTY TO EARN BIG WAGES. STEADY EMPLOYMENT IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS DRESHER BROS. SSIT FARNAM. WANTED. SPOTTER AND KflLPER. STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. DRESHER BROS.. 2il7 FARNAM. WANTED WET CLEANER STEADY WORK. AND HELPER. GOOD WAGES. DRESHER BROS.. 3317 FARNAM NURSES wanted at once. Graduate nurse capable cf taking charge of nine bed hcjpjical. j'so one - undergraduate. CDS BOLT HOSPITAL. ODEBOLT.IA. WANTED First -class teaks '.a millinery department, -....; -a to the rtght partv. 15iJlug:ajL MANGLE GIRLS. K4 per week, press ma- cb'.n girls, 516 per wek FONT E.N ELLS H OTEL. Laun ryJe pt. WANTED O.'.rla (rt ruling departttient Carpenter Faper Co.. 9th ad Harney. CKAS. L. FISH. Flano Tuner. Violin. Pt ag teacher. Of' fax Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small (simile. goo.J wages. y no lautdrv work." Cill Wjinut 4375 WHITE g'.rl for gvnera! housework. haandry. goodi home, beet of wages. Harney 734 1301 Soutji 33.h Av. COMPETENT 5lt " hr general housework. 3234 Dodge. Karayl4:g. Hcuschold and Domestic. FOR LAUNDRESSES. PAT-WOMEN. ETC.. LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL- VMN CFTHK PEf. WANTBD Agirb tor second work. Mrs. George Van Brust. 334 S, th St.. Couoclt Blu-ffs. ia. WANTlfip Competent second naald.. dvw atairs w?rk only. Mrs. Wa-d Burgess. 133 N. I2nd St. COMPETENT girL general h use work -gowd ; ao wsjiUn. sAttat 30ij. 4i yaea.-tc HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and DomesticA ' WANTED Competent cook, good wages, small family. Mrs. O. Storz, 370s Far nam. COMPETENT second maid, downstairs work only. Mrs. AVard Burgess. 132 No, 32nd. WANTED Girl for general housework, apartment 309, St. Regis. Harney 4327. EXPERIENCED girl for secpnd work. Harncy 299. WHITE maid, general housework. Wal- nut2101. ; WANTED Coinpetent cook. Call Har. 206. Saleswomen and Solicftors. WANTED. SALESLADIES FOR OUR COAT. SUIT. DRESS AND BLOUSE DEPARTMENTS. BEST SALARIES. APPLY AT ONCE. ORKIN BROS., CONANT HOTEL BLDG., SIXTEENTH 'TREET. LADY canvassers for electric Irons and lamps: good proposition. C F. Adams Co.. o23 S. 16th Bt. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTZD Experienced chambermaids and linenwroman. Hotel Conant. WANTED FIRST AND" SECOND COOK. APPLY CLARKSON HOSPITAL. VVANTED--K'.tchen help. Blackstone hotel. Miscellaenous. WtE have a position open for a woman, who has had some experience In laundry work. In our spotting department; best of wages: steady employment; also are willing to teach spotting to one that is willing to learn; spotting is one of the best trades In the dry cleaning business that pays the lushest wages. Dresher Bros., 3217 Farnam St. GIRLS and women can make good wages and spend summer in cool Colorado as laundry workers. Larg number tour ists means Increase in our force for summer. Eight hours. Experience de sirable, but not necessary. Apply at once. Elite Laundry, Colorado Springs, Colo. IHBhh neat appearing young ladles, 18 to 23. to trave with advertising crew. Experience unnecessary. See Mr. John ston. eville Hotel. WANTED Colored stork girls. Applv at once. Orkln Bros. Conant Hotel Bldg., 16th and Harney. BIO SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6592. GIRL; Webster St. Depot Lunch Room. $14 per week. No phone. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometery, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalogue Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles BulldHnc. Omaha, Neb. LEARN tire repairing and retreading: also tube repairing and all rubber vul canizing IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIRING SCHOOL IN OMA HA. Three weeks learning. $15. Writ or call NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th and Capitol Ave. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schdtls. 320 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' Douglas 5890 PRIVATE lessons in expression and dra matic art. Production in October. H. Rogerson, 7913 North 36th. BUSINESS CHANCES. AN OPPORTUNITY A large wholesale manufacturing! Business, long established in Omaha, has an opening for a young man. mar ried preferred, with experience in dic tating, handling claims, and some knowledge of ledger work. Excellent opportunity. G4ve experience. refer ence a ad salary expected in first letter. ADDRESS Q-l. CARE OF OMAHA BEE. ESTABLISHED REALTY BUSINESS FOR SALE Includes listings, good will, firm name, forms, desks, signs, stationery and all necessary equipment for carry ing on the business: II months' lease on splendid office in building Included. G-SJ, Omha Bee. well-known office Priced right. Box FOR SALE OR RENT Good bakery, equipped wttti dough mixer arid aU tools: er.s Robert's oven and one brick oven; I Ford truck; frame house and one acre of land, in nimiag districts best trade, for bread, Alt information will b j given by Monirch Bakery. Box lis. Horn reh, y o. FOR SALE Hastings Tire Repair Co. at Irvoice pace of approximately $j,$0'. Splendid chance for right party. In quire. Hastings Tire Kep.tir Co. L15 N Hast. Aw . Hastings. Nebraska. Do you want a real home with pleasant surroundtngs and good treatment? If so. please phen Har." 3341 or call at ' 413 So. 3tst street, small fac.iiy ; gen eral housework. j FOR SALE Stick of drugs, stare building I and Uw-etllng, alt modern and up-to- date. Address Owner. 31 W. Sth Ave., Denver. Colo FOR SALE Very reasonable, cafeteria, operating years, good location, fine trade: rot cpn Sundays. Bex G-97, Omaha Bee. STORE, general merchandise, for sale. with, tu.l line of fixtures, one block j north of jxjstoffrce. Well established trade. For particulars phene Wessterj IWt. t FOR SALE One it the best paying drug I stores it nortneasrern Neb-aska. Write EEBu.-ri3. Neb. j To get la or ojt of easiness. See LEWI3 i CO 4U MeCagie Bl 1 j ROtOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. MOVE TO THE HAMILTON. 24;h and F.irtum Single ro.ajrs wits private bath. T roor?x suites with connct:ng&ath. fur ntslied tnciitding usual hotel senrtc. Right, downtown and only li).51 to .J wk per room, only few left. Coats at oace. ERNEST SWEET. Owner. J. B. MILLER. Manager. Douglas 1473. PHONE TH if WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER MO'L ANO ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM .LIST PRINTED EVERT WEEK FOR THel BENEFIT OF OUR READ ERS AN DA D VE RTISERS. 315 PARK AVE. Larg f-irtri rted ftrat room, suitable tor two mto. or ortgltt arrange housekeeping suite for married couple. G'jod location, walking distance. Private family SUITE of two rooirw, Hanacgnt park dts- tnet; -flose to three ear Ut. Ntc. coot kK-atua. Har. 1373. Call Su la aveatnj(. e. Drawn for", the Bee by McManus. Copyright. 1 920 International Nrwa Servtra FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. 701 SOUTH 16TH, 3d floor; large front toom and alcove, suitable for three. Also light housekeeping rooms. FURNISHED ROOM, laundry, 2 .60; good home, walking distance. Gentlemen only. 838 South 23nd. 1923 LOCUST Two furnished rooms, all modern: close to three car lines. Web ster 5893. LARGE, cool, furnished front room for gentlemen; walking distance. Harney 4425. VERY desirable room, good apartment, close-in, gentlemen preferred. Douglas 7643. ONE LARGE and one small room; con venient to car llneX Phone Harney 6913. NICELY furnished room suitable for one or two ; ladles preferred. Webster 6451. ELMS HOTEL, 19th and Hafney. Rooms. 13.50 per week and up. Doug. 6005. MODERN rooms, complete, for housekeep ing. 2004 No. 19th St. Web. 2471. NICELY furnished room, with board If desired: also garage. Tel. Col. 2652. SLEEPING- and light housekeeping rooms. Dg. 9250. Housekeeping Rooms. 3614 ST. MARTS 1 suite, light house keeping rooms. Board and Room. WILL give room and board to young man for taking care of- lawn and gen eral help around home; reference ex changed Harney 4848. ONE or two elegant rooms, very exclusive, West Farnam private home, breakfast and evening dinner. Harney 2176. Garage LARGE sleeping porch and room: will serve breakfast. 4216 Farnam. Walnut 1196. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sal wltB FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 7I. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 6-ROOM, modern, furnished. Owner leav ing city for summer. Will rent to Oo .ober 1, 1920. Reference required. F. D. WEAD. 310South ISth St., Tyler 181. FURNISHED 7-room modern house; sum mer; cheap to right party. 1315 South 35th Ave., Har. 6629. 4-ROOM brick, steam heated flat. Webster 1640. Call Unfurnished. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, month. lApply Chris Boyer, Cuming Sts. $40 per 2 -'a and WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses, WANTED To rent desirable small modern home; good location for six months or longer; prefer furnished; rent is advance if desired; best of references.' Call Har ney 7041. ' FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. HOME WITH CONVENIENCE OF (HOTEL. Suites of two and three rooms In beautifully appointed building. Linen bedding, china, cooking utensils, heat, gas. light, water, phone and other necessities furnished. We assume your servant problem. Every courtesy ex tended In showing apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS. Podge, at Eighteenth. Tyler 4200. IN THE HAMILTON, 24TH AND FARNAM. Living room with Murphy bed. kitch enette and bath, completely fur nished including dishes and silverware, A snap at $15 per week. Just vacated. Act yuicklv. ERNEST SWEET. Owner. J. B. MILLER. Manager. Douglas 1472. ERY desirable 6-room furnished apart ment; immediate possession; references reTuired. Calkins A Co.. Pouglas 13. NICELY furnished five-room apliTtrnenT. private bath, strictly modern. Inquire 2553 Cuming. Apt. L. Tyler 4546. Unfurnished. GET LOCATED IN THE HAM ILTON. ' 24th and Farnam. "V 24TH AND FARNAM. . Very exceptional t-room apartment, living room, dining room, S fine corner bedrooms, dandy large kitchen with built-:n refrigerator, butler's pantry, and rear porch Tiled bath. Ftrst-elass cordltlon throughout. We furnish the steam heat, remove the ashes and gar bage, mow the lawn and shovel the snow. Tours for $10) per month. Act quickly. Just vacated. ERNEST SWEET. Owner. J. B. MILLER. Manager. Do-glas 1473. STRICTLY modern, unfurnished apart ment. Hanscom park district, li: S. 29th St. Harney 3346. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. R. C. R I. Red eggs, $1 09 for 13. fax 3245. Col- FOR RENT Business Property. - NEW STORES TWENTY-FOURTH, BETWEEN FARNAM AND DOUGLAS. Handsome terra cotta fronts. Just completed terra gg rioors, sue 4ix: suitable for many lines of business. Change your location to a belter one. Call P-147J 1.300 SQUARE FJ2ET . new office space available soon for lease by one tenant tn aadition Omaha National Bank building now under construction. This will make gplendid quarters for soune responsible concern. Apply Immediate ly. Concrete Engineering Co.. 1114. Omaha Nationa, Unk. FRONT half grout -i floor for store or of fice, also Ure basemnt. 334 S. 19th St. ' PhoePus':as mi, TWO-CAR garage, Hirney 219-'. 3Jd Ave. and Htrney. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. MOVING AND STORAGE. FTrtFT TTV STORAGE T a ii-lJi a a AND VAN STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEKOL DGC-CDS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LI5T OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. lth and JsTksot, Sts. Douglas 38 8. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household g-x'ds. and piaaos. moving, parking and sSlppiitg OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. ') Sou-h MttL Doig. t!l j METROPOLITAN I VAN and STORAGE CO. Owred by H. R. bowea Co. Tyter I4t. MOVING AND STORAGE. GLOBE VAN TRANSFER aVNt STORAGE CO. For real service ia hauling or str t re. call Tyler 234 or Ceuglas 4i3J. Auty er wagua service. TRY VS FIRST AMERICAN MESSENGER AND EXFRESA Douglas 5'W-510t. Moving. kaaH all kinds. Quick service. CAPPS-LONG TRANSFER CO- Hr hauKag-. ftmittare. piac mrr tng aad tlve stock hauling. Prompt, ef ficient senrtc. Douglas J2L UNION TRANSFER CO. LET 'is esrtmar your moving, packtng 1 aad storage. 14U tavenport. Coiif. 2tii. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. J3 HEAD fine farm horses, msres. mules , Some mares tn foal. All stock guaran teed, sound, good condition Apply M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th and B Sts., or after 6 p. m. phone South 475. LIVE-STOCK. WANTED TO BUY , 25 MILCH GOATS AND 3 BILLIES. ALL-AMERICAN CHEMICAL CO.. 1210 SO. 16TH. DOUGLAS 4864. GOOD sows and pigs of all ages. Walnut 4740. TWO young cows, fresh, for sale; bargain. 1913 8. 12th. or phone Tyl-r 3513. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 100 USED CARS MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. We ae remodeling our building and must have space. WH1 sacrifice. Priced from $75 to $750. Cara all kinds from Fords to Hudson Super 6s. Don't f ill to sea them st Marsh Oakland Co., 2309 Fsrnsm St., Douglas 52M. DRIVE IT YOURSELF, COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE - MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBILING: CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW. AI CONDITION. self-starters, open day and night the 365 days. 1314 howard street. douo. 8623. truck" bargains. S-ton Republic, rebuilt, like new, good tires, newly painted; guaranteed; only $1,400. 1-ton Republic, newly painted, rebuilt, like new; guaranteed condition; only $90. 1-ton Republic, overhauled, painted and new tires; $600. Ford, with Smith. 1-ton attachment, with body and cab. fine condition; $350. ANDREW MURPHY A SON, Hth and Jackson Sts. FORDS, BUICKS, DODGES NEW AND USED. Cash or time. Drive Ahem and pay by the month. All cars in good mechanical shane. Fords, bodies, cabs, truck bodies. Send for catalogue. s ' GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. Tyler 714. CENTRAL GARAGE. Open flay and night. REBUILT HUDSON SUPER-SIXES. We have several rebuilt and refln'.shed Hudsons In closed and touring models; exceptional valuea; terms If desired. GUY L. SMITH, Southeast Corner of 26th an"1 Farnam. OLDSMOBILE EIGHT. And Overland model 85 "four, used by stock salesmen In country work; both In good condition. Going to California; must sell quick. Call Webster 1285. OVERLAND roadster 75, good condition. newly pairl4d. In perfect running order, new tires. Must sell because of lack of garage space. Price $300; $150 cash., balance In monthly payments. Call at 3802 No. 17th St. Phone Web. 3169. FINANCIAL situation compels Immediate sale of my new Allen touring car, run less than 700 miles. Will take sub stantial loss for Immediate funds. Call Harney 7383 evenings or, Sundays. ' SPECIAL ALMOST NEW NASH TOTTRINO WITH CORD TIRES. $1,150. TWENTY. OTHER BARGAINS. $165 UP. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 3S10 FARNAM. 1919 OAKLAND TOURING CAR Com pletely overhauled and revarnlshed; looks new and practically good as new. Priced low for quick sale. Y-1160, Oma ha Bee. STORAGE batteries, written guarantee. exchange price 3 cell, lo: Podge ana Maxwells, $20. Midland Battery Co.. 2615 Leavenworth St. FOR SALE Pierce-Arrow, 48. suburbsn limousine. Pierce-Arrow, 4'. touring car. Excellent condition. Reasonable. G. 88, Omaha Bee. ; SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson. Doug laa 3500. DO Y43U want a bargain price? Terms or cash, las 51S. ' good automobile at a All makes and eises. Call Mr. Jones. Doug- WE HAVE 50 good used cars to select from. All prices. MEEKS A L'TO CO.. :02( Farnam. THE DfXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2530 Farnam St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2309 Farnam St. WANTED For spot cash. 100 used csrs, quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. S059 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for tha red seal on windshield. TWO Bulcks. 1917, first-class shape. 13U Dodge, overhauled. Mortons Garage, tu 575A. . USED TRUCKS AND CARS. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 3030 FARNAM ST. FORD SEDAN; good as new: $475: part cash to responsible party. 4107 N. Ista St. Colfax 3140. , - 1317 MITCHELL 6 -passenger: a car la the b-ttcr class; $v)0. Ames Garage. 4133 N. 34th St. 1318 DODGE louring, good tires, gool mechanical condition. Call Webster 3237. 131S DODGB touring for quick sale. Will sell cheap. Webster 3565 after 6 p. m. j 1915 Ford touring, tn good condition, j bargain at $260. Call Walnut 4611. ! BRAND new ford sedan, starter, de mountab! rims. Wecster 2237. BIG COUPE BODY Ames Garage. 4123 In fine shape; X. 24th. $75. Motorcycles and Bicycles. BICYCLE FOR SALE. Webster 5411. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 34-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. v OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO 1819 St. Tyler 917. Tires and Supplies USED TIRES. 10x1. ti.'J: S'ii3'-, $(.. All sises In proportion Look oef our rebuiits. Open Sundays. Tyler SAVIGE TIRES. 9A8 N. 16th St. Keyst m Tire Saop. NEWREP"CBLIC TIRES. CHEAP. IWl FISK ..$14 95 1 34x4 $20 9$ 31x3 $1) 95 33x4 $30 9 54x4 $39 95 I 32x4 $l.Ji SEE US FIRST IT PAYS. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1723 CUM IN O NEW GUARANTEED TIRES 30xJ . .$ 9 75 32x31, . .$13 1 30x3 "4. 34 ..$3175 STANDARD TIRE CO. 41') V. HTH ST. Al'TO .efnea, repairs, service eattoa , for Rayfleld carburetor and Columbt storage batteries. Edwards. 3614 N. Utiw FARM LANDS. Kansas Landfc- WRITE us fir prLres and terms on lssd4 In Thomas county. Kansas. Feitco 4t West. riT Cro-ire B.-:k Nebraska Lands. Loup River Valley Farm 111 acres located ta tha Loup VaI!Y 4 mites from gocd town. B.ack sandj lesm sotJ. lies level. IM acres nr. del plow. acres tn alfalfa. 1 acres timo thy and eiover. It acres wild hay. bal aac Bn pasture. Good 4-rooa i houss surrounded by fine shad trees. Large new tarn and ether necessary outSmld-. tngs. Place alt fenced rd crrss-f-ece-l Prwe for .itck sal. f.Xt per acr ea good terms Ltbe-ty bonds accepd sam as easli. Se M. A. La.-rea. Cen tral Ctty. NBi CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS. IMPROVED t CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at tfc rtgSt price. Writ f ?r bst fcARSON ft CARRAHER. CatraOtNirask. 4.M A-rSES Box Btttta couat-y" firra land; $2. t $35 a acre la ka f sjecrf S. S AXT R. It MONTGOMERY. 311 CU,T Nat l Baak BMg A ATZkiaVK. rtvr-tav l u'KaxtMKai B-r. 11 1 A'