Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1920, Image 1

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    The Omaha, Daily Bee
VOL. 49 NO. 308.
Eaten gwead-CUH Mitttf May 26, IMS. at
Oxiha P. 0. Uadir Act at March i. 1879.
Br Mall (I mr), tailda 4th Zo. Dally Sunday. 19: Dally On. M: Sunday. 14
Outtlda 4th Zone (I ytar). Dally tad Sunday, til: Dally Only. SI2; Suaday Oaly. 15.
ca liLurrs. ill vi cents.
fell PITH
V id
' Employes and Street Car Offi
cials Evade Attempt to Bind
Them to Verdict of Railway
Commission in Wage Dispute.
Attorneys Engage in Heated
Controversy When Effort Is
Made to Force Union Men to
Surrender Walkout Rights.
The state Railway commission ad
journed its hearing on the wage dis
pute between the carmen's union and
the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street
Railway company until next Monday
morning at 10, after an all-day ses
sion in the court house yesterday,
which was devoted entirely to argu
, ments ' regarding the jurisdiction of
' the commission over the dispute.
Harry G. Taylor, chairman of the
commission, informed attorneys for
the union and the company that the
commission would announce defi
nitely Monday whether or not it
would take jurisdiction over the con
troversy. He instructed the oppos
ing factions to be prepared to carry
on the hearing at once, provided tru
commission decided that it had law
ful jurisdiction over the dispute.
The company challenged the con
stitutional right of the commission
to fix wages at the hearing yestei
clay, contending that by no interpre
tation of either the constitutional or
statutory law could the commission
fix the contract price between the
employer and the employe.
Heated Argument Ensues.
Throughout the session members
of the commission sought some as
surance that should they take up the
matter the union would abide by
their decision and not strike should
the decision be unfavorable. A heat
ed debate began when a member of
the commissicm asked Atorney
Frank M. Coffee of Lincoln, counsel
for the union, if the union would ic
tatisfied If a raise was npt granted.
"Will the street car company
abide by the commission's deci
sion?" shouted Mr. Coffjey. glaring
at John L. Webster, counsel for the
"We always have and always will
abide by the decision of the courts,"
replied Mr. Webster, half rising
from his chair in anjrer. "The com
pany doesn't go off and take se
cret votes to strike, either!"
"No, but your board of directors'
meetings are very secret, retorted
In reply to a direct question
whether the union would call a
strike or take the matter to the su
preme court if the commission
granted no increase, A. "H. Bigelow,
counsel for the union, saidr
"If the board makes a careful and
trrpartial investigation of the situa
tion and finds that a wage increse
i:: not necessary its decision will be
of great weight with members of
the union, and with the iublic. It
take3 a stronger body than any
union to defeat public sentiment."
"The union should not expect the
commission to take up the matter
unless it , comes before you with
clean hands," declared Mr. Webster.
"To do that; it must revoke the
strike order. The company offered
in good faith to submit its books to
the commission for examination
provided the men would abide by
the commission's findings.
Both Factions Confident.
"They 'agreed to this one day and
the next day declared that the strike
would not be called off if the com
mission's findings were not satis
factry. It would be better if vt'.ie
company should employ an entirely
new force, if this eternal conflict is
to continue."
.Both factions expressed confidence
that the commission would decide in
their favor.
"The commission will have to re
verse a former stand if it decires
that ft has no jurisdiction over the
wage dispute, declared Attorney
Bigelow. "We are confident that it
will proceed with the hearing on
Company official? would not state
what action the company would taKe
if the hearing was continued. ,
,The union requested a wage in
crease of 13 cents an hour in its com
plaint filed with the commission, and
ftated that a strike had been voted.
Mr. Bigelow explained during the
hearing that "a failure on the part of
the commission to grant the entire 13
cents did not mean that a, strike
would be called."
Hanscbm Park Monkey Gets
' Loose. Bites Small Child
Omaha's animal scare shifted
from bears to monkeys and from
the Fairacres district to Hanscom
park last night when one of the
city's menagerie pets escaped from
the greenhouse at Hanscom park
and -created much confusion by rac
5ng about the park. ' ",
. The animal is one which is kept
tt Riverview park during the sum-
r months but which is quartered
at the greenhouse during the cold
months. Its escape from the
greenhouse could not be explained.
Accordina to report at police head
quarters fast night a small child
9H bitten, by iho onkjy, J
All Ready for the Big Show !
1 J (Copyright, 1920. by the Chicago Tribune.) .
gNTHitrS 1 JTlh' rriiWAy , , ;lMnnTfi";" "-'Tre"-'' r-JJ,-J" xJTJ ' 'I111
kowccM .TSJk ,fflfffllI0" - (
WHCSHOJS If-,, . .ifX,
Thm ttartert will look
Ha ttood iblidly yatttrday
7 i "Tup
at. ' I 'aw
Vk 0"
I " X). I I
Police Get Confession Telling
Of Use of Special Wrench
Loss, $5,000 a
. . Month.
Lincoln, June 10. (Special Tele
gram.) The Lincoln Traction com
pany has been losing $5,000 a month
by a systematic robbing of the coin
boxes by street car conductors, ac
cording to Chief of Police John
stone of Lincoln, who placed under
arrest Samuel Shamp and Albert
Barker, conductors.
f The robbing of the boxes was ac
complished by means of a specially
made wrench, which enabled the men
to gain access to the boxes before
the coin was registered. Getting to
the end of a line, the conductor
would work the box. One conductor
confessed that he had taken $6 that
day. - Anothe conductor confessed
to robbing as high as three boxes a
night. i
It is said that 15 men have been
using the wrenches. The chief says
that one conductor came to Lincoln
nine months ago penniless. He now
has $3,000 in the bank. It is said
that the manufacturer of the wrench
has been selling it in other places.
Four Boys Dead, Seven Hurt
' When Lightning Hits Tree
Detroit, Mich., June 10. Four
boys ranging in age from 14 to 18
years - old were killed, and seven
others injured, one probably fatal
ly when lightning struck a tree un
der which they had taken shelter
Thursday afternoon.
Prohibition Plank
Lost in Shuffle of
Chicago Convention
Chicago, June 10. The repub
lican platform plank designed to
deal with prohibition got lost' in
the shuffle todav, furnished a new
thrill for "wets'" and "drys" and
raised some question of its legal
status. . '
The plank does ' not mention
prohibition, but is a "law and
order" declaration for impartial
enforcement of all laws.
In a mixup from confusion of
platform work, the plank was left
from the great pile taken to the
Coliseum and read by Chairman
Watson of the resolutions com
mittee. It was not read to the
convention and was not in 'the
platform as officially adopted, but
Chairman, Watson, Senator Smoot
and others in charge of the docu
ment declared it was adopted by
the resolutions committee and is
1 Pt p the platform,
like a tquadron 0 cavalry. P. S.A
urKAv.nrtr muTxa
PfclTCHABD, PERfcHlNft- Qfi
- ' '
What tha Ouija Board tayt.
Parents Carry Their Children
Through Dense Smoke Clouds
As Building Burns.
Fire of unknown origin last night
partially destroyed the barns of
the Alamito Dairy company, 2607
Leavenworth street. The damage,
which is estimated at about $5,000,
was caused when hay stored on the
third floor of the building caught
The blaze was discovered by
Mrs. Lillian Brizzi, wife of Albert
C. Brizzi, route inspector for the
company, who lives in rooms ad
joining the . one in which the hay
was stored. She awakened her
husband and four children, and car-
rvinir Virginia S mrmfVic rA in U af
arms, made her way to' a side
stairway, which was filled with
smoke. Her husband followed car
rying Ruby, 8 years old. and Al
bert, jr., 7 years old. Mildred, age
9, made her escape unassisted.
Clad in night clothes, the family
went to the home of a neighbor,
Sixty-eight head of horses on the1
first floor of the building were led
out before the blaze had gained
much headway. The principal loss
was the destruction of three car
loads of hay, valued at $2,200.
"Save Your Mother,"
Is Appeal Sent Out
In Search for Girl
Ida Bloom, your mother is seri
ously ill.
"Everything will be forgiven.
Your mother is seriously ill. Save
your mother. Write or call 720
Fremont avenue north, Minneapo
That message was sent to friends
of the Bloom family in Omaha last
night in an effort to locate Tda,
17-year-old daughter of Mrs.
Bloom. The Girl, according to the
message received here, ran away
from her home in Minneapolis
about tWo weeks ago. .She is
thought to have come to Omaha in
company with a young man.
Friends here said that the police
would be asked to join, in the
search for the missing girl.
Crane Residence Chosen
For Wilson's Summer Home
. New York, June 10. The Crane
residence near New Bedford has
been chosen as the summer residence
for President Wilson, according to
dispatcRes this afternoon from New
Arrangement have been made
with the railroads for transporting
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their en
tourage from Washington to New
Hedford. - No date has been set for
the president'! departure from Wash
ington i
dry track it atturtd,
today ha it up in the ahr.
There wot an old man
At uHsa 04 an mot
Who tayt they toiR nominate
Governor Sproul.
Another old man,
By no meant a fool,
It ture that the nominee' 1
Noma will be Sproul
A third more or let
Prophetic old toul
flay, " Be goth, 1 think
They oiU nominate Sprout."
The fourth party laid:
" ya bet you a doU
Jfr the man they vAU pick
) It Oovemor Bproul" 1
Palmer Gives Opinion That
President Has Until Tonight
To Affix Signature to '
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bh Leased Wire.
Washington, June 10. Possibil
ity of the immediate enactment of
waterpower legislation loomed up
today. Attorney General Palmer
gave President Wilson an inform,al
opinion that he has until tomorrow
night to act upon the waterpower
bill which was thought to have been
killed by the pocket veto method
Although it has been penerally
supposed that a measure not signed
at the time of the adjournment of
congress automatically died, the at
torney general takes a' contrary
view. It is his contention that-the
president has a period of 10 days
in which to sign a bill, regardless
of whether congress may have .ad
journed in the meantime or. not.
The 10 days period in the case of
the waterpower bill would expire
tomorrow night In the case of
ether measures, including the reso
lution for the repeal of war legis
iation and the Underwood resolu
tion for the appointment of a com
mission to negotiate with the Cana
dian government for the lifting of
embargoes on shipments of pulp, of
wood to this country, the president
lias until June 15 to act.
The president refused to sign any
of these hills on the closing day of
tr.t recent sejssion on the ground
that he had riot had sufficient time
to examine them.
Sioux City Men Receivers
Of Midland Packing Co.
Fort Dodge, la., June 10. H. G.
McMilltn and C. H. Burlinghame,
both of Sioux Citjr, were named joint
receivers of the Midland Packing
company of that city Thursday, bv
Judge ff. T. Reed in fedcrat cMirt
here. Their bond was fixed at $200,
000. When naming the receivers
Judge Reed gave out a memoran
dum of a ruling enjoining H. Fav
ner, attorney general of Iowa, and
other state authorities from further
prosecuting receivership actions in
the state court. All property of the
company which may have come into
passession of J. A. Johnson, recent-
ly appointed receiver in a state
coUrt, were ordered turned over to
the new receivers. '
Pilot Falls to Death
Atlantic Citv. N. T.. lune 10.
Thousands of persons on the board
walk today saw Hugh Gordon
Campbell, aviator, fall to his death
into the ocean from a height of 500
feet. His body has not been recovered,
Outcome of G. 0. P. Nomina
tion Anybody's Victory Until
Final Ballot of Delegates
Impossible to Foresee Result.
Base Hopes of Success Upon
Fourth Roll Call Opponents
Count on Governor Lowden
For Elimination of General.
Chirag-o' Tribune-Omaha Bee Leaned Wire.
Chicago, June 10. Having
adopted the -platform without dis
sension and averted the danger of
a party split, the republican national
convention will begin to ballot to
morrow on the nomination of a can
didate for president.
It is possible that the nomina
tion will be accomplished before
night, but if a deadlock should de
velop the convention will adjourn
until Saturday to enable the leaders
to effect a compromise on a candi
date capable of commanding a ma
jority vote.
Amid the maze of mariioulations
and maneuverings going on in and
about the Michigan avenue hotels to
night it was more evident than ever
that the contest to be staged in the
Coliseum tomorrow will be a free-for-all
fight and the outcome any-
uuuy hi-ioij. jrreuicuons or suc
cess by the managers of candidates
were rife, but seasoned politicians,
divesting themselves of professional
bias for the purposes of cold, critical
analysis, confessed it folly to at
tempt prognostication.
Nothing Sure Yet.
"Such gatherings and conferences
as have been held disclose that every
leader here has soiwe very definite
notion and knows wso will not be
nominated, but he ts stumped when
it comes to saying who will be
nominated," said one of the chief
tains. "The fact is that the most
aslute politician on the scene has
about as much idea tonight of the
ticket this convention will nominate
as a player in a 10-handed pocker
game knows who will win the next
pot." -
The early part of the session, be
ginning tomorrow morning, will be
devoted to the nomination speeches
and demonstration for candidates.
Then will come the balloting, the
Wood managers desiring no inter
mission between the speeches and
the voting, for they are counting
upon a great wave of enthusiasum
for the general heightened by ora
tory, to carrv him steadily forward
on each .ballot - to virtnrv nn tlm
fourth roll call.
On the other hand Wood will
suffer from the disadvantage of go
ing to bat first and being subjected
to the terrific pounding of his allied
rivals and all the other elements de
termined to prevent, if, possible, his
Woods Gaining.
It looks as if Wood would trn in -
the fight tomorrow tremendously
stronger than he was supposed to be
mm mat inis nrst ciasn ot the on-
posing forces will prove a desperate
(Contlnnert on Page t, Tol. One'.)
Wealthy Dodgers of
Draft Now Reported
In Maryland Hills
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Philadelphia. Tune 10. Crover C
Bergdoll and Erwin R. Bergdoll.
wealthy draft-dodginor brothers, a.-e
reported surrounded "in the hills ot
Maryland." This reoort is received
at the federal building by the Depart
ment of Justice with credence.
Capture of the motor car fugitives
is expected by the federal agents,
who said the 'information of the
whereabouts of the Bergdolls was
themost reliable yet received.
Several government agents, sent to
Maryland, to catch, the draft dodgers,
were in communication by telephone
with the Department of justice here
today and reported the Bergdolls in
a motor car in Maryland traveling in
the general direction of Washington.
A cordon of federal men and po
lice is blocking all roads.
Open Shop Workers Imported
To, Break Galveston Strike
Galveston, Tex., June 10. Load
ing or treight destined . for New
York and which has been delayed
here nearly three months dut to a
strike of longshoremen, was started
today. The steamer Comal arrived
from Port Arthur last night with 200
open shop workers, who will load
the steamer, which plans to sail Sat
urday. The water front situation
was quiet, with state troops on guard
duty at the docks.
Shipbuilding Plant Sold,
' Manitowoc, . Wis!. Tune 10. Jhe
plant of the Manitowoc Shipbuild
ing company was sold to C. C West
for $410,000. The plant originally
cost about $1,500,000. Mr. West will
reorganize the concern and continue
pperations here, ,
Nebraska Governor Makes Big
Hit at Hamilton Club in
Plea for Farmers.
(Washington Correnpondent Omaha Bee.)
Convention Hall, Chicago, June
10. (Special Telegram.) Governor
McKelvie for vice president if Low
den is not nominated, was heard on
many sides of political row tonight
McKelvie today made a speech be
fore the Hamilton club, which has
been open house to every bitr repub
lican of whatever leanings during
the convention, and the governor
from the great prairie state stood
the guests, two or three hundred,
on their feet when he said that the
farmer deserved the sympathetic
consideration of all the people. "An
appeal to reason instead of agita
tion is needed," he said, "and the
great rural sections of the country
should have consideration not only
in the platform but in the makeup
of the ticket.
He said that while not a critic of
contentions like Chauncey Depew
hiss observations about the conven
tion now in session was the absence
of so-called bossisms, that had char
acterized the makeup of the conven
tions of other days. "The delegates
in this convention have the respon
sibilty of naming a presidential can
didate such as no convention of the
republican party ever accorded them
in my short political history or in
my reading of epochal events con
nected with the party's achievments."
he said. "That is something worth
"It was my good fortune to listen
to a session of the committee on
resolutions the first open session of
such a committee ever held and it
was an inspiration to listen to those
who had something concrete to offer
which -should be embodied in the
party's bill of rights.
"Agriculture is the most intimate
thing with which you have to deal,"
said the governor, "for it means life,
it means food, it means clothing,
and it should be recognized in this
convention at its true worth."
The speech scored and many of
the delegates who were present said,
"Why not get behind McKelvie?"
and they have started the boom for
"Little Mac," for second place on
the ticket.
Carl Kramer of Columbus, one of
the best examples of well-preserved
manhood there is in the state, came
into the Nebraska headquarters to
day like a four-time winnner ana
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.)
Irish Incensed by
G. 0. P. Failure to ,
rvecognize rreedom
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Chicago, June 10. Leaders in the
cause of Irish freedom were in
censed tonight when it was disclosed
that the republican convention had
adopted a platform with no specific
mention of Irish freedom.
All day rival groups of Irish sym-
t; i i . .
paimzers nag. oeen discussing a
plank which the resolutions sub
committee had accepted, a plank ex
pressing the sympathy of tiie party
for all oppressed peoples and recog
nizing the principle that the people
of Ireland have the right to deter
mine their own governmental insti
tutions. This plank was proposed by Judge
Cohalan and was objected to by
i'resident Eamona Dc V&lera, Frank
P. Walsh, Representative William
E. Mason and others who had urged
the committee to recognize "the
fact the independence of Ireland "
The De Valera group were great
ly incensed over Coholan plank and
were charging that it was the re
sult of a plot to aid the democrats.
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt
Gives Up Suffrage Position
Geneva, June 10. Mrs. Carrie
Chapman Catt resigned the oresi-
dency of the International Woman
Suffrage Alliance at the session of
that body this afternoon. She de
livered a sympathetic speech, saying
that, though she felt like a mother
to all after 16 years as president
of the alliance, her age and hei di
minished energies compelled her to
relinquish the task.
The Weather
Nebraska: Unsettled weather Fri
day and Saturday; possibly thunder
showers; not much change in tem
perature. Iowa: Continued warm and gen
erally fair Wednesday and Saturday,
except thunder showers in northwest
Hourly Temperatures
ft a.
i p. m . . .
. .Ml
. .
. .9S
. 9t
(1 a. m
T a. m
M a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
In. m.
S p. TO.
4 p. m.
ft p. m.
p. m.
7 p. m.
I p. m
Roll tall on Minority Plank on League of Nations and
Peace Treaty, Proposed by Wisconsin Man, Greeted
With Storm of "Noes" Plan for Government Own
ership of Stockyards Throws Meeting Into Uproar
Session Adjourned Until 9:30 This Morning.
Chlejo Trlbun.Omh Bh Leaied Win.
Chicago, June 10. The G. O. P. adopted its 1920 plat
form at 7:30 o'clock tonight with a vote that made the Coli
seum ring. The delegates are now all set for the great gladia
torial contest tomorrow,, when the candidates for the White
House the largest field in j;he party's history will be placed
in nomination.
The platform, with its various compromises on the senti
ment of several groups regarding the league of nations, on
industrial questions and on economic issues, went through
without a hitch worthy the name.
Chicago's city hall and Wisconsin sought to caise a
diversion after Senator Watson of Indiana had finished bari
tomng the resolution. Delegate Gross of Wisconsin arose
with the minority report. The Badger state was ready, to
conform hardly a convention passes without a minority
plank of some sort, which invariably is tossed out with the
Here Are High Points
In Platform Adopted
By Republican Party
Complete avoidance of any
pledge - to ratify the treaty of
peacev and the league of nations
with or without reservations.
Hearty endorsement of the ac
tion of the republican senators in
regard to the treaty, and a ring
ing reaffirmation of the foreign
policies of Washington, Jefferson
and Monroe.
Promise to work for the es
tablishment of some kind of in
ternational arrangement for the
-peaceable adjustftient of disputes
between nations without the sac
rifice of American sover,eignt3'.
Vigorous Condemnation of
President Wilson for " proposing
the Armenian mandate and com
mendation for the senators w,ho
turned it down. ,
Sweeping denunciation of
President t Wilson's watchful
waiting policy in Mexico, and a
pledge to adopt a firm and con
sistent policy for the protection
of American lives and property
A declaration in favor of the
principle of arbitration laid down
I m the Cummins-Esch railroad
bill for the settlement of strikes
in public utilities.
Endorsement of the principle
of collective bargaining as the
best method of maintaining in
dustrial peace.
. A pledge to enforce all laws,
without specifically " mentioning
the prohibition amendment.
Condemnation of the democrat-'
ic administration for failure to
enforce the laws against, profit
eering and refusal to suggest a
"quick remedy" for 'the high cost
or living.
Approval of the act of con
gress aiding soldiers and sailors,
but evading the soldier's bonus
issue. .
n i I! n t
uarK norse Doom tor
General Pershing Is
Plan of Democrats
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leaned Wire.
New York, June 10. A dark horse
boom for Gen. John J. Pershing for
the democratic presidential nomina
tion was set in motion here today.
It was announced that Edward E.
Goltra, national democratic commit
teeman from Missouri, will go to
Washington to invite Gen. Pershing
to attend the San Francisco conven
tion as the guest of a big Missouri
delegation on a special train.
Pershing is a native of Missouri
and the men! behind the movement
claim he is eligible for nomination as
a democrat, although he has no defi
nite party alignment.
Democrats here said that the fact
that Senator Warren of Wvnmincr
is Pershing's father-in-law has led to
the impression that Pershing was a
repuoiican, out tnat this impression
was without foundation ni fact.
'. doos Reach Chicago;
Spend Day at Coliseum
Chicago, June 10. William G.
McAdoo, accompanied by Mrs. Mc
Adoo, stopped over here to attend
the afternoon session of the conven
tion. They have been on vacation
in the west and are on their way
V i think national conventions are
very interesting," Mr.. McAdoo
said. "We are going to the Coli
seum this afternoon and sit through
to the end." ,
Argue Cole Appeal. '
Lincoln, June 10,--(Special.) Ar
Kument in the appeal of Alson V.
Cole for a new trial on murder
charges coming from Howard coun
ty was heard before the supreme
court Thursday,
Delegates and gallery "razzed
Gross as he started to read, bui
after energetic use of the gavel b
Chairman Lodge quiet 'was restored
On LaFollette Order.
The minority plank had to do.
among other things, with the league,
the treaty, resumption of peace and
kindred things. It sounded like a"
fragment from a LaFollette speech.
One idea it advocated was gradual
acquisition and government owner,
ship of the stock yards. Storms ol
"noes" followed this. The hall wa!
in an uproar.
Gross asked for a roll call on his
material, but it required the second
ing of two other states to put this"
over. No other states responded and
the minority substitute was wiped
out "by a viva voce vote that showed
all lungs in excellent working order.
Delegate Oscar De Priest, from
the First Illinois district, who' a
alderman was one of Mayor Thomp
son's floor leaders in the city council,
got up with a plank in his hands. It
iu ,iv iigm cutui iciuciil K
the 14th amendment in southern
Up jumped Senator Sherman, who
an hour before had supplanted
Mayor Thompson as new national
"Under the rules," he said, "this
should be referred to the resolutions
Lodge Sustains Point.
"The point is sustained," held
Chairman Lodge, which caused an
other gale of laughter, inasmuch as
the resolutions committee is
through with its duties.
The platform was then adopted
and the convention adjourned until
9:30 tomorrow morning.
rAs usual on the third day the
convention woke uo. It tested out
its lungs, shed its coats and thawed
into noise and joviality.
Great crowds turned out as the .
"big day" approached. The Coli
seum became an oven. When the
afternoon session opened at 4:30 "
o'clock the great hall was almost
a Turkish bathhouse. Deliquescing
delegates proceeded to make them
selves comfortable. So did the spec
tators. Westward the tide. f
democracy flow the sheddinir of
I coats demonstrated the, action.
I Metropolitan New York,, near the
I front, kept on its jackets and vests
ana moppea its foreheads, a martyr
to convention. Across the aisle
Kansas chucked its coats. In front
Colorado was 50 per cent coatless;
to the rear, Illinois was the same.
New York was an island of perfect
form in a sea of shirt-sleeve com
fort. Senator Lodge cracked down the
gavel and ordered the roll of states .
for the names of the next national ?
committee. Many an old-timer fell '
out by the way as the call pro
gressed.. King Drops Out.
John T. King dropped out as com
mitteeman from Coneecticut.
The delegates and the galleries
made the walking ring when Senator
Sherman was announced as commit
teeman from Illinois, supplanting
idyor inompson.
Murray Crane, colonel of the Old
Guard, who tied up the platform '
committee after it thought its orig
inal compromise on the league of
nations was ready for the o. k. of
reservationists and "irreconcil
ables V.f all shades, walked the
plank as committeeman from Mas
sachusetts. John W. Weeks takes
his place. He is lisftd as nearly as
Old Guardy as Crane" himself.
Charles D. Hilles. who was secre
tary to President Taft. and national
chairman, succeeds Herbert Parsons
as committeeman from New York.
iinics, a pcneci giass or tashion and
luuuci vi iuiiu, Bus at rne nead of !
xne fw xotk crowd. Desnite the ' nci iic iuuks as cooi as a
refrigerator pipe in its swaddlings.
When Senator Penrose's name was
reached on the roll, there was much
cheering. , . -
The noise breaks out again when
Utah announced Ernest Bamhrf
arm k..t U 1 1. . .
as the new committeeman.
Senator Smoot' is out. It is an
other effect of the "uprising" against
the Smoot machine, which enabled
(Coalinued on Fact Three, Col una XireJ