14 i THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1320. CITY OFFICIALS TO ATTEND TEST OF CHEAP WALLS If Demonstration ' Convinces Commission Municipal Build ing Code May Be Revised. New typl of wall construction for dwelling houses will fce tested at a series of experiments to be con ducted tomorrow afternoon at Sun lerland Brothers company's west yard, Forty-second and Izard streets, before Mayor Smith, mem bers of the city council, and engi neers, contractors, real estate men and Others interested in construc tion, fro mall parts of-'the middle west. In all, eight tests of old and new wall types, will be made to deter mine the comparative strength of each. Three of the tests will be made on walls built to specifications required by law, three will be on samples of a 'patented wall con struction, one will be a test of a simple metal lath and concrete stucco wall, and the last will be a test of a wall built after the recently developed "simplified construction." The purposes of the test, accord- ADVERTISEMENT ALL VICTIMS OF ECZEMA'S ITCH NEED POSLAM It ts Poslam's mission to relieve itching iciemi'i cruel distress "and to restore dis rdered skin to sightliness and health. Comfort comes as soon as it is applied to the sore places. Its concentrated heal ing power quickly shows. Each day should mark distinct improvement. So effective is Poslam for eczema, rashes, pimples, scalp-scale that just a little of it goes far, does much and lasts long. It's quality that counts. Sold everywhere. For free sample writ to Emergency Laboratories, i.4J nest 4ith St., New York City. Vrf your skin to become fresher, clear er, better by the daily use of Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam. . , p Year mother and min baked bread at bom because they bad to not beuuM they want ed ' to. Why, then, should you stick to an old worn-out custom? I f 0 aS I IK V as mi IB WW iruefci on knowing here Hour Broad comes viw I . ' M. J 9J llL-rr one or tries dmousr bWs-iKGQvviil j l . . 1 ing to Ralph S. Smith, manager of the specialty department of the Sun derland company, in charge ot trie experiments, will be to demonstrate whether or not the new types com Dare with the old in strength. According to Mr. Smith, partic ular attention win De paia to me test of the simplified construction and the comparison of the results with those shown by the present legal types, which require wood sheathing. Simplified construction, which has been adopted as legal in many cities, and was practiced by the government in building housing facilities during the war, was de veloped to meet a demand for cheaper, but .efficient construction, according to Mr. Smith. It repre sents, he explained, the composite idea's of experts from all parts of the country, who conducted exhaus tive tests and collected information for several months before issuing their specifications. Use Metal Lathi. The simplified construction leaves out wood sheathing entirely in wall construction, Mr. Smith said. Metal lath is laid directly on the studding of a dwelling and overlaid with three coats of plaster, each one quarter of an inch thick. The outer layer is a surface coat. A half inch layer is spread inside the metal lath, between the studs. In the place' of lath and plaster an insulat ing layer is placed inside the stud ding, on which the interior plaster can be spread. According tc Mr. Smith, this type of construction is cheaper than the present legal type, can be finished in less time, and also is stronger and easier to heat. If the tests prove satisfactory, the city council will be asked to au thorize the simplified construction, Mr. Smith said. The city officials have promised to attend the experi ments. Runaway Train Almost Strikes Trolley Car Pedestrians and, motorists on Dodge street between Sixteenth and Eighteenth streets, were terrorized yesterday afternoon. as a runaway dirt train dashed down the hill from the Dodge street grading work at breakneck speed. Traffic Officer R. E. Ford, on duty at the short line, succeeded in clearing the street ahead of the wild train. No one was hurt. A southbound street car on Six teenth street just nosed across the tracks to safety as the speeding locomotive and heavily loaded cars shot across the highway. T away with the home baking entirely mi .What Do You Know? (Here's chance to make four wits worth money. Kacb day The Bee will publlith series of questions, prepared by Superintendent i. H. Beverldge of the Iiublle schools. They cover things which jou should know. The first complete Hat of eerreet answers received will be reward ed by SI. The answers and the name of the wtnaer will be published on the day Indi cated below. Be sore to give your views end address In full. Address "Question Editor," Omaha Bee.) By J. H. BEVERIDGE, 1. What is the name of the poem from which is taken the line "Far from the maddening crowd's igno ble strife?" 2. Who was called "Richard of the Lion Heart?" 3. Who was the founder of what is now called Canada? 4. What was the name of the ship Hudson entered New York bay? 5. What colony' did Leonard Cal vert found? : (Answers published Saturday.) Saturday's Answers. 1. To whom do we, give credit for handling the "food situation" during the war?' Herbert C. HooverJ 2. Who said "I do not want to have any man in the shipyards I want them all working with me." Charles M. Schwab. 3. What was the name of the Leviathan before the late war? The Vaterland. 4. Where is the Roosevelt dam? In Arizona. 5. To what engineer is given credit for the Panama canal? George W. Goethals. Winner: Omar Snyder, Arapahoe Neb. I'M THE GUY! I'M THE GUY who likes to ride with you but never helps you when something goes wrong with your automobile. Whv shoulovl htlD you change a trre or pump one up for you? It's your car; I m only your guest. It isn't my fault you had a blow-out, and you invited me to ride, not to work. And why should I get my hands 11 covered with black grease hand ing your dirty tools or poking around the engine just to "make it easier for you?, You've spoiled the fun of my ride by having your car break down",' and it serves you right to have all the trouble o: fixing it yourself. I can stand around and give you a lot of advice, een though I don't know anything about your car, but that's as far as I'll go. You took me out; it s up to you to Weather HOT WEATHER takes the strength out of all of us. It is a battle with dneself to do tne very things which have to be done. Why, then, stick to the old horrie baking idea, when you can get along so much better without it? Hot weather cuts down the amount of food that we eat, makes us drink cold water and eat cold foods until, from the lack of proper foods, the stomach reacts, and then the doctor is called. Why go on acting this way? Bread is the BEST of ALL FOODS it satisfies the hunger, it gives nourishment for every part of the body, it keeps the stomach acting natur-. ally, the blood is clean and you feel fit for an other hot day, . In the days of long ago Mother baked her bread only because she had to. Things are different now home ' baking is an unnecessary hardship. Don't go on doing your own baking just because your Mother did. Such reasoning will only make summer days the more tire some and will wear you down. False pride and false economy should all be discarded now. The bake sherps of today are most wonderful places snow-white, spotlessly clean everywhere. They are modern kitchens, equipped to produce the utmost from the master ingredients. Try a loaf of Tip-Top or Hard. Roll Bread today. We make them so good that they will rival the standards that your Mother set for us, and will bring back to you memo ries of those wonderful old kid days f long ago. T - ' i Petersen & Pegau Baking Co. WHY? Why Does Heavy Rain Usually Follow Thunder? ' (Copyright. 1930 by the Wheeler Syn dicate, Inc.) The connection between a sharp clap of thunder and a heavy downpour of rain is not, con trary to the general belief, be cause the thunder jostles the cloud particles together into rain drops. In the violent turmoil .between the positive and negative electricity in a thundercloud there are places where the pro duction of drops, through con densation, and their subsequent splitting up, proceeds more rap idly than in others. Hence, in these places there will be more .drops to fall as rain and also more electrification the rainfall being precipitated a&out the same time as the electric flash. We have,' then, starting earthward at the same instant, light, - sound and raindrops. The light, traveling at a speed of some 186,000 miles a second, reaches us almost instantly. The sound travels far more slowly only about 1,090 feet a second, and the rain falls still more slow ly. Thus we observe first the lightning, then the thunder and then ' the rain though they are all started toward us at practi cally the same moment. Tomorrow Why Are Ripe Olives Sometimes Poisonous? get me home. That's the way I feel about it. How you feel about it is something which gives me abso lutely no concern. (Copyright, 1920 Thompson Feature Service.) Trooper at Fort Russell Sentenced to State Prison Fremont, Neb., June 8. (Spe cial.) Harry A. Scott, cavalry trooper of Fort Russell, Wyo., has been sentenced to from one to five years in the penitentiary on the charge of drawing his gtin on Spe cial Agent Ready of the North western railroad the night of May 4. Scott pleaded guilty before Dis trict Judge Button, after being bound over for trial from justice court. His companion, William Adarason, who was wounded in the arm by Special Agent Senpeck, has been paroled to Sheriff Condit. Scott and Adamson were absent without leave from Fort Russell when arrested in Fremont. and now is coming let's do 0 IWava " ' I X . flpiNSTORIEjl x FITCH PEBKINS r j). Take Makes a Picture. She took some blue sand and made the little like.. Then she took the black sand and made the trunk of the tree and some branches. She spilled a ltitle of the black sand. It made black specks. "Oh, dear!" she cried. "I've spilled.". laro loked at it. fut the green leaves over the spilled place," he said. N "It isn't the right place for leaves," Take said. She took some blue sand in one hand and some yellow in the other. She let them iFall on the paper to gether. They made the green part of the tree. i "I know what I'll do about the black that spilled," she said. "I'll call it a swarm of bees!" This is Take's picture. You can see the bees I "I think your picture is just as good as mine," said Taro. "Oh, no, honorable Brother! Yours is much better," Take answered po litely. They showed them to Grannie when they were all finished. Gran HOLDING A Adele Garrison's Revelations What Madge's Confession Wrung From Her Father. Over my father's face flashed a look of disappointment that made my heart ache. It told me more vividly than any words could have done how much he had counted on the evening looking over the mementoes of my mother which I had promised him. But the perfect poise of the man afforded me only the most fleeting of impressions of his real feeling. When he answered me he was the courtly gentleman again, arid my very indulgent pa- lent. that Hot Hot Weather Suggestions - Here you will find a few short common sense modes of "hot" weather . living. For breakfasts, use fruit in season, cereals and cream, toast and cof fee;, bacon and eggs may be used in style to suit taste. At Noon Eat a bowl of bread and milk or bowl of warm soup with bread. These will keep yon in the best of health all through the summer days. ForSupper Bowl of light soup with trayful , of bread ' toasted figures, silaMs to taste, slices of bread cut thin and buttered, or . cold . tongue served with may onnaise dressing and bread cut thin. , - Eat more bread is the big HOT WEATHER cry. Nothing will "hit the spot" so well, or do more for you in real health building. Never over-eat in hot weather. nie thought they were beautiful. "Now, Tafo, what's your game?" Take said when thesand was all put away. "I have to go into the garden first for mine," Taro said. , "Put on your clogs and take an umbrella, and don't stay but a min ute," Grannie said. ,Taro put on his clogs and opened his umbrella, and ran into the gar den. Take 'couldn't guess what he want ed. She watched him from -the door. Taro ran from one tree or vine to another. He looked along the stems and under the leaves. He looked on the ground, too. Soon he jumped at HUSBAND New Phase of of a Wife "You must not give yourself a momenVs uneasiness on that score," he said quietly. "Any other time which suits your convenience better will do as well. And I will tele phone at once." He turned to get his hat and coat. X felt that I couldn't bear him to think that I would let any ordinary dilemma make me give up the eve ning I had promised him. Inya flash my answer came to me. I would make a' confidant of my father and ask his judgment before going to Lillian. That he would ap prove my asking her advice I was sure. I knew also that he placed rmore confidence in her judgment and that of Allen Drake than in any other human beings. .And this tribute from thei man who before age and illness had weakened him had been a power in the secret diplomatic service of his country was praise from Sir Hubert in deed. "Wait just a minute, father," I said. "Come into the library, please. , A Resolution. He took his hat and coat from the closet off the hall before he follow ed me into the library. And the only indication of the quickened in terest which I knew must be his was the intent brightness of his eyes as he looked at me. I noted his erect bearing, the air of conscious ability which invested him, and realized that the effects of the terri ble treatment he had received in South Americai, and . which had weakened him for so long, were fast disappearing and that my fa ther was yet a man to be reckoned with. The knowledge gave me a feeling of safety Which warmed my heart. It also g:ave me a feeling of remorse vthat I had been blind to the help and the comfort I might have re ceived in the problems that had be set me, I had grown to consider him almost as an old child, to b: humored as my mother-in-law was. I saw now that I was the child, and suspected that he had long been humoring me,. With the resolve that never again wouldi I shut out my father from any confidence that I could give him. I closed and locked the door of the library, then went directly to him and p.ut my hands on his shoulders. "I Expected" "I want to tell vou, father, why I must go to Lillian's." He looked down at me, still with that curious, intent brightness in his eyes. "I have not asked for vour confi dence, my chiM," he said quietly. There was something in his voice, elusive, yet very tangible to me, which betraved somethini? of the chagrin he must have felt at having been set astrV ae an rtlH man vn fby so incompetent a judge as I. No, you never have. I returned. quick to see how I might in part excuse the omission of which I had been guilty. "I wish, father, dear, you had sometimes. I am afraid I would have troubled you often." His eyes lightened with a distinct look of relief. Then he smiled whim sically. You are very like your mother, my dear, ' lie said quickly, then looked faintly troubled, as though the comparison had risen involun tarily to his lips. I filed the remark away for future mental reference. Long ago my mother had told me and in the letter I found after her death she had reiterated that I was very like her. She had seemed to find in the fact reason for worry as to my marital happiness, had blamed her own temperament for part of my father's shortcomings. I wondered vaguely if the little re mark he had let slip had been in any sense a key to unlock that long- buried mystery of the differences between my father and my mother. I wondered also if mv father, sitting aloof, a specator at the drama of my own married life, might not have it in his power to give me many a po tent hint on that ever-present most vital problem of all wives holding mv husband. But all this was beside the pres ent question. I dared not dally with speculation or introspection for fear we might be interrupted. I drew my breath, spoke quickly: "The reason I am going to see Mrs. Underwood is this," I said. "Grace Draner has been released from prison." He waited for a long minute be fore replying. "I expected she would be," he said at last. " "But I did not think it Would' be so soon. The wolf rack is stronger than I had thought It is time ior the old hounds to slip their leashes." (Continued Tomorrow.) j something on the ground, and caugln it in his hand. "I've got one," he called. "One what?" Take called back. "Beetle," Taro said. Then he found another. He brought them in very carefully, so as not To hurt them, In the house he put them in a little cage which he made out of a paste board box. Then he got more papei and a little knife. ' "Oh, Taro, what are you going to make?" Take asked. "If you and Grannie will help me I'll make some little wagons and we'll harness the beetles," Taro said. "Won't it hurt them?" Take asked. "Not a bit; we'll be very careful," Taro answered, So Take ran for thread, and Taro got Grannie to help him. Grannie n.stiilrl Ar !,l,i, rcf unvfliintr in t li VI J H 1 111 If J l ""J I ... " ' world for the twins. And pretty soon there, were two cunning little paper wagons with round paper wheels! Taro tied some thread to the front of each little wagon. Then he opened the cage to take out the beetles. (Rights reserved bv Houghton Mifflin Co.) Tomorrow Japanese Twins Har ness Beetles. Thieves Steal Motor Car From Burlington at Ellis Beatrice, Neb., June 8. (Special.) A motor handcar was stolen from the Rock Island section house at Ellis, and the police are of the opin ion that yeggmen are planning an other raid in this section of the state, or were making their escape. AMUSEMENTS. LAKEVIEW PARK Rightfully termed "The Joy of Omaha." TONIGHT! ONLY Coney Island's Riot of Fun and Music Overall-Housedress Ball and Outing Many valuable prizes given away for the wearers of the anti-high cost of living apparel. "LAST TIMES TODAY" SIX VENETIAN GYPSIES Frolicking ifr-a Gypsy Camp PORTER WHITE & COMPANY "The Visitor," Sketch BURNS & LYNN Tickle & Taps, Dancing ANDRUS & MILLER , "Two Nuta From Brazil" Comedy Singing and Talking. Photoplay Attraction Wm. Fox Presents Shirley Mason in' "Lore'. Harvest" Sterling Comedy Paths Weekly Summer Vaudeville Vaudeville ' Photoplaya Popular Prices, including War Tax 15cA"r'25c 25cNffdu50c Continuous Every Day, 2:15 to 11:15 MONTGOMERY & ALLEN BERK & SAWN TEDD & MAY ERNIE ROUBLE SIMS 'THE CHAMPION' Kinogfams Topica of the Day Photoplay Attraction EUGENE O'BRIEN in "HIS WIFE'S MONEY" PHOTO-PLATS a pni i n 29th nd tr KJULtJ Leavenworth St. Alice joyce in "THE SPORTING DUCHESS" Also "TRAILED BY THREE" Steed's Syncopated septette 11 ,nainal Jazz Fiends JACK LONDON'S "Burning Daylight" Republican Convention Moving Pictures Hallroom Boys Comedy Moon New Moon Topics Right Now! ' N af t f PIIOTO-PI.AV8. FARNAM vyj 24th Today and Thurs. ' Alice Brady In a Jazz Romance That Broke the Speed Limit "Redhead A Now "Old Lady 31" phoon CooUsii System in Ot eratioa Soot Now-All Week If you think you're in love, have been, or pros pects are good, see Right Now! "Jiggs 400" U'J - Mammoth Tv. .aksBBBBBaaaBBBasaasBBSBSBBBBBiBsssBSBBBaBiaBBaasBaM I E V-fiirV imiP nei vVtf'-Sx V i -