Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Engagement Announced.
At a dinner given Sunday evening
t their home, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Henderson announced the engage
ment of their daughter, Lillian, to
William H. Campcn, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Campen. June 23 has
been set as the date for the wedding
and Rev. W. H. Thompson, who was
a schoolmate of Mr. Campen will of
ficiate. Miss Henderson was grad
uated from the University of Oma
ha. Mr. Campen attended the Uni
versity of Omaha and was graduated
the University of Nebraska,
jfie is a member of the Theta Phi
Delta fraternity.
To Be Bridesmaid.
Miss Katherine Newbranch of
Omaha is to be a bridesmaid at the
wedding of Miss Betty Doyle,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Doyle of Lincoln, and William O.
Reed of Los Angeles, which takes
place in Lincoln, June 24. Miss
Dorothy Doyle, a sister of the bride-to-be,
will also be an attendant. The
three girls are members of the Alpha
Thi sorority and attended the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Miss Genevieve Roberts of Lin
coln is planning an affair to be given
for Miss Newbranch and Miss Dovle
in about a week. The engagement
of Miss Newbranch to Howard
Douglas was announced this spring.
Return to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Schroeder,
who were quietly married Saturday
Lincoln Woman Among
Latest to Realize Its
According to the testimony of
multiplied thousands who have
used it, there is nothing more invig
orating than Tanlac to persons suf
fering from the after effects of
frrippe, influenza, typhoid and pneu
monia, operations and bronchial
troubles, or who are in a run-down
condition from any cause.
Among the hundreds of Ne
braska people who have more re
cently realized the powers of the
medicine is Mrs. Sarah Castle, who
resides with her son at 2753 Dudley
Street, Lincoln.
"One year ago last October," said
Mrs. Castle. "I had a very severe
attack of influenza and for a while
no hope was held out for my recov
ery. After five weeks of careful
nursing I was able to get up, but I
was left in about as weak and run
down a "condition as a person ever
gets in. I could hardly walk and
when I was able to get around at
all I had to be mighty careful or I
would fall. My stomach . was, left
badly upset and it seemed that
everything I ate. hurt me. Gas
would form on my stomach and
press against my heart so bad I was
afraid to lie down and many times
I stayed awake all night long for
fear I would smother to death. Both
my legs ached terribly and I could
hardly get up or down without as
sistance. My knees and ankles also
hurt awfully and my feet became so
swollen I had to quit wearing any
shoes at all. I was almost helpless
and thought my age was against me
and that I could never be any bet
ter. "One day my son brought a bottle
of Tanlac home and it was no time
after I started taking it until I
could tell it was helping me. And
now that I've taken five bottles I
am enjoying just splendid health.
My appetite is just fine and I can
eat whatever I pjease without the
slightest trouble. My breathing is
free and easy and I sleep all night
long as sound as a child. The pains
have all gone from my legs and an
kles and the swelling has left my
feet so that I can now wear my
shoes without the least discomfort.
I feel stronger and better in every
way and am as active as I was years
ago. I wish everybody knew as
much about Tanlac as I do and I am
more than glad to give this state
ment so that others may learn
about it."
Tanlac -rs sold in Omaha at all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy. Also
Forrest and Meany Drug Company
in South Omaha and Benson
Pharmacy, Benson, and the lead
ing druggist in each city and town
throughout the state of Nebraska.
in Work Guaranteed V
1W Dooglas 81 TeL Dong. 188.
This wonderful book wilt be
sent free toany man upon re
802 oerru BtocK.riasrwine.i3nn
vj a . w l
''-ivtj'-tf "s .-fvv. fvf-rf-- V v;'.i---' v- ;!'' .i.t Km
afternoon in Columbus, Neb., at the
home of the groom's perents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. Schroeder, returned
to Omaha Sunday. Mrs. Schroeder
was formerly Mrs. Maybcl Ellick.
Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder, with Mrs.
Schroeder's children, Frances and
Alton Ellick, leave Fridav to spend
the summer at Lake Okoboji. x
Canteen Meeting.
Company B canteen- will meet
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. O. C. Redick.
Tea for Mildred Todd.
Mrs. Herbert Smails will be host
ess at a tea at the A. A. Allen home
Friday afternoon in honor of Mil
dred Todd, whose engagement to
Robert Storz was recently announc
ed. Eighty guests will attend.
Card Party.
The Queen's club of the Church
of the Blessed Sacrament wi!l give a
card party Wednesday evening at
North Thirtieth street and Curtis
Happy Hollow Club.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Green enter
tained at dinner at the Happy
Hollow club Monday evening. Cov
ers were placed for Dr. and Mrs.
G. D. Shipherd, Messrs. and Mes
dames George Rasmussen, John
Bruce, Earl Beardsley. G. C.
Guinter, Albert Linderholm and
Walter Culley. Mr. Green leaves
Wednesday for Minneapolis, where
he plans to reside. Mrs. Greeen and
the children will join him later in
the summer.
The Fellowship club had 32
guests at dinner at the Monday
evening. Dr. Rich had four guests.
Mrs. G. M. Durkee entertained
nine guests Monday afternoon at
the club.
E. M. Wellman entertained nine
guests at supper Sunday evening at
the Happy Hollow club. W. H.
Guild, B. F. Baker and George A.
Roberts each entertained six guests
at supper. Dr. Palmer Findely, A.
P. Murpath, G. A. Seabury, E. G.
McGilton, J. H. Beaton, M. P.
Smith and F. S. Hanna also enter
tained at supper.
Carter Lake Club Notes.
The regular dinner dance will be
held Tuesday evening at the Carter
Lake Club house.
Reservations for the Cottagers'
riirner, Wednesday evening, must be
made previous to 10 o'clock Wednes
day. A matinee dance for children will
be given at the club house Wednes
day afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Mrs. H. H. Jones left Monday for
Des Moines to attend the graduation
of her daughter, Bonnie, from St.
Josephs academy.
Mrs. E. Tetard and daughter,
Margaret, leave Monday for a west
ern trip.
Mrs. J. F. Johnson and children
of Glen Elder. Kan., are the guests
of Mrs. Guy H. Furness.
Country Club.
H. H. Baldrige had nine guests at
supper Sunday evening at the
Country club. Parties of eiht were
entertained by E. S. Westbrook and
W. S. Megeath. Those entertaining
six' guests were S. Caldwell and H.
S. Luberger. Others who made
reservations for supper were A. A.
Tukey, Charles Beaton, W. A.
Adair, J. P. Webster. F. P. Hamil
ton, R. B. Towle, P. M. Taylor,
Adele Garrison's
Why Madge Felt She Must See
Lillian at Once.
If Bess Dean could 'only have
known the "sweet revenge" my ruse
to prevent her posing for Dicky had
brought upon my head I am very
sure she would have "crinkled up
her eyes," in Katie's parlance, more
than ever, and enjoyed a hearty
laugh at my discomfiture.
I felt decidedly like the scriptural
person who had "digged a pit" for
another and promptly fallen himself
therein. I had played upon Dicky's
obstinancy, which I so well know,
until he had smilingly refused Miss
Dean's wish to pose for a magazine
cover. And then, while still secretly
elated over my triumph, he had
punctured my complacence with the
revelation that he needed Grace
Draper sorely for some illustrations
and that if she were out of prison
he would employ her again.
Better a thousand Bess Deans in
Dicky's studio, I thought, with a
whimsy born of my panic, than the
cue woman who had so injured me,
who still held for me. I well know,
a malignant hatred. That Dicky was
ignorant of the virulence of her feel
ing toward me I fully realized.
I had never told him "of that first
attempt of hers to drag me down
Poesn't hurt a bit and costs 011I7
few cents
Magic 1 Just drop a little Freezone
on that touchy corn, instantly it
Stops aching, then you lift the corn
off with the fingers. Truly 1 No
Try Freezone! Your druggist sells
a tiny bottle for a few cents, suf
ficient to rid your feet of every hard
corn, soft corn, or corn between the
toes, and calluses, without one par
ticle of pain, soreness or irritation.
Freezone is the discovery of a noted
Cincinnati genius.
Spends Summer
, In Omaha
1 r 1
Miss Maud Miller has returned
from Lincoln,' where she was a stu
dent at the University of Nebraska
during the past year. She will spend
the summer with her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton D. Dodds.
Miss Miller is a member of Kappa
Delta sorority.
Tuesday, June 22, State
Presidents' Evening
at Biennial
State presidents' evening at the
biennial convention of the General
Federation of Women's Clubs to be
held at Des Moines, June 16-23, will
be featured by two-minute reports
on problems resulting from the war
and the state federations handling
of them and the greatest problem
that still confronts them. For the
past 30 years the 15 biennial con
ventions have enrolled an increasing
state roll call of great interest. The
2,000,000 women enrolled in the 48
states federations represent a force
second to none in the union and the
night their presidents appear before
the convention is fraught with inter
est and inspiration. Tuesday eve
ning, June 22, is set apart for this
red-letter occasion.
Temple McFayden and Louis Bur
gess. Reservations for luncheon Monday
were made by Mesdames C. A.
Raeder, J. Summers, W. S. Weston,
Guy Kiddoo and Sam Burns.
Field Club. ;
Parties of eight were entertained
at supper Sunday evening at the
Field club by A. R. Holcroft and L.
E. Gillespie. Others who had guests
at supper were R. W. Craig. John
McBride, E. V. Arnold, I. R. Mc
Quilton, Harry Steel, A. S Rasmus
sen, J. J. Hasley, L. B. Blanchard,
Paul Wemher, J. E. Butler. W. H.
Downey, C T. Ingwersen, W. C. Mc
Knight, J. C. Hartnett, R. H. Man
ley and George Wilson.
New Phase of
of a Wife
into the sea when we were swim-,
ming together, for I felt bound by
the pledge Lillian and I had given
her at that time. And I knew also
that Dicky's easy-going, irrespon
sible nature did not look upon the
girl's other evil deeds with the same
.tern judgment that Lillian and I
gave her. A man can forgive much
to a woman whose deeds are rooted
in a mad passion for himself, and it
was that to do her justice which
had led Grace Draper in the begin
ning into the horrible course she had
Swift Thought Required.
That the latent possibilities for
evil in the girl were unusual, how
ever, Lillian and I had also known
with an insight which Dicky lacked
utterly. I surmised that he consid
ered her very largely a victim of cir
cumstances, and feared that he
would actually carry out his fantas
tic suggestion and employ her again
as a model if something did not in
tervene. Dicky had forgiven Harry Under
wood and had admitted him to inti
mate friendship again after that das
tardly attempt to wreck his airplane,
which Grace Draper had instigated.
I knew that owing to the loyalty of
her associates she had been saved
from proof of complicity in that
crime and I feared that if she ever
saw Dicky she would have no diffi
culty in persuading him of her in
nocence. He would be no less le
nient, I knew, to the girl who had
loved him so madly than to the man
who had atoned for his treachery by
wounds and the risk of death.
My brain worked swiftly in that
moment of panic. Dicky was as yet
ignorant of the fact that Grace Dra
per was actually at liberty instead of
in prison. I must let no muscle of
my face, no tremor of speech be
tray my knowledge. And I must get
to Lillian as soon as I possibly
could. She was the only person who
could help me in this dilemma.
An Imperative Summons.
I girded my brain for action as I
heard Dicky's next words.
"Strikes me you aren't quite as en
thusiastic over the Draper as you
were a minute or two over Miss
Dean," he gibed, and I wondered at
the volatile nature of this husband
Of mine, who could forget so easily
the reasons I bad for fearing and
hating Grace Draper. "But you
needn't lose any sleep over it. The
poor devil is planted for some years
to come. By the time she gets out
of that prison she'll only be fit to
serve as a model for a knitting
woman of the French revolution.
It's a shame, too. that beauty such
as she had should have to fade in
prison. The artists and art editors
ought to start a parade or iomethin
Mr. and Mrs. E. Teycke of Kan
sas City, who are en route to Alaksa,
where they will spend the summer,
are the guests of their daughter,
Mrs. Arthur F. Smith, and Mr.
A son, John Lewis, was born Sat
urday to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Landen
at the Clarkson hospital. Mrs. Lan
den was formerly Miss Mereta
Miss Peggy Reed arrived home
Monday from Vassar. Mrs. A. L.
Reed with her daughters, Miss
Ema Reed and Miss Pegsjy Reed,
plans to leave Omaha about the
middle of July to spend the re
mainder of the summer at Cape
Cod. .
Mrs. R. J. Aitchison and son, Lee,
left Sunday for San Francisco and
Long Beach where they will spend
the summer.
S. Arion Lewis, jr., has arrived
home from Nebraska university to
spend the summer with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Arion Lewis.
Mrs. S. E. Grout 'and daughter,
Betty Jane, will leave earlv this
week for their home in Detroit,
Mich. Mrs. H. C. Miller, whom
they have been visiting, will ac
company them.
Miss Dorothy McMurray has re
turned from Orleans, Neb.
Mrs. H. J. Bailey, who is visiting
in New York City, writes friends
that she is enjoying her stay there,
all conditions being favorable, even
the weather."
Mrs. Gerit Fort of Boston, for
merly of Omaha, is in the city, guest
of Mrs. Joseph Barker. Mrs.
Barker will entertain at dinner for
her guest Monday evening.
E. M. Syfert has gone to Chicago
to attend the republican convention.
Miss Florence Barnes, who has
been visiting Miss Mildred Todd,
left Monday for her home at Spring
field, 111.
E. M. Reynolds has gone to New
Mr. and Mrs. Yale Holhnd have
returned from their honeymoon trip
and are now at the Rlackstone. Mrs.
Holland was formerly Miss Gertrude
Capser of St. Paul, Minn.
Problems That Perplex
Answered By
Pat and Mike: You need -not rise
when introduced to a man unless he
is very much older or in such a
position that you should show him
that mark of respect. Boys don't
care for all sense or all nonsense.
Try to be natural and show some
sense as well as some sense of
humor. Vaseline is supposed to
make the eye lashes grow, but I do
not think it will darken them. Too
much massaging will enlarge pores.
Keep your skin clean, using warm
water and a pure soap at night.
Tools: I don't know why you
haven't a fellow. You don't tell me
enough about yourself to make it
possible for me to explain.
What you say about the Dodge
street grading is wrong. Suppose
everyone in the history of the. world
had discouraged big enterprises and
great undertakings. There would
be no progress:
Susan D.: A permanent wave costs
approximately $25, and a marcel $1.
Write the secretary of state for
names of candidate for state super
intendent. Write the Board of Edu
cation, city hall, Omaha, for infor
mation regarding teaching require
ments in this city. Mary Pickford
was married to Owen Moore about
seven years, having married him be
fore she was of age.
J. C. B. I cannot tell you about
the remedy you mention. The only
sure wav of killinz suDerfluous hair
that I know of is with the electric
to free her. I'd carry a banner my
self. But I suppose you'd " .
"Richard I'; v
His mother's voice floated down
the stairs with the commanding note
in it which Dicky always recognizes
as a summons to her room. Often it
has irritated me, for she never con
siders any convenience but her own
in summoning him, and often inter
rupts our conversations when it is
most annoying. But I welcomed it
now with inward exultation, even
though I knew it presaged a com
plaint to Dicky about my refusal to
give up my trunk for the trip soutn.
"Yes. Mother, I'll be up directly,"
he said dutifully, and in another
minute I was free to telephone Lil
lian. I knew that I did not dare do
it in the house, however, and I flew
in search of my father.
"Father, dear!" I said breathlessly
when I found him. "Something has
come up which makes it imperative
that I see Lillian tonight, but Dicky
mustn't suspect that I wish to go.
Will you please go to the nearest
phone out of the house and ask Lil
lian to call me here making some ex
cuse to summon me to her home to
night? And I'm so sorry our eve
ring I promised must be post
poned." (Continued tomorrow.)
Used for 70 Years
Thru its use Grandmother's
vouthful appearance has
remained until youth has
become but a memory.
The soft, refined, pearly
white appearance it
renders leaves the joy
of Beauty with;
for mar
Try One Bottle
un uar Uuaranttt
Why suffer itching torment a moment lorrerr
A few dmiu tif II n n H;... i.- i . -
wuk, wic, t.w. irru.u.u. Map, too.
IMS. lotion for Skin Disore?
Five Sherman A McConacll Drum Scores.
blicity chairman, General
c de r a t i o 11 of Women's
Clubs, passed away May 29, at hei
home in Pasadena, Cal.
Mrs. Knapp was to have presided
as press chairman for the General
Federation of Women's Clubs, at the
large press luncheon at the biennial
convention to be held in Des Moines,
la., June 16 to 24.
Major Isaac Sadler, D. A. R.
Major Isaac Sadler chapter, D. A.
R., held their annual election Satur
day at the Fontencll. Mrs. William
Archibald Smith, regent; Mrs.
George Mecham, vice regent; Mrs.
Kenneth Finlayson, recording secre
tary; Mrs. Louis Overpeck, cor
responding secretary; Mrs. E. E.
Shanfield, treasurer; Mrs. G. R. Gil
bert, registrar; Miss Martha Craig,
historian; Miss Frances Thompson,
Advisory committee: Misses Cassie
Roys, Ida M. Crowcll, Minnie El-
dredge and Mrs. Glcndale Morgan.
The memorial to Governor Cum
ing and Nebraska pioneers, to be
erected on the court house grounds,
will be ready for unveiling early this
fall, according to members of the
Major Isaac Sadler chapter.
Biennial Social News.
Mrs. E. M. Syfert will go to Des
Moines on Tuesday, June 15, to be
present for the dinner given that
evening by the Iowa Federation
board to the general federation pres
ident and other officers and direc
tors. This affair, which it is said
will be beautifully appointed, will
be the opening social event in con
nection with the biennial meeting of
the General Federation of Women's
Clubs, which meets in Des Moines
June 16-24.
Club Reception.
The Minnesota Federation of
Women's Clubs has issued invita
tions to state presidents and dele
gates to the general federation bien
nial to be held in Des Moines,, la.,
June 16-23, to attend an open recep
tion on June 18 from 4 to 6 in the
rose room of Hotel Chamberlain, in
honor of Mrs. Thomas G. Winter.
Mrs. Baney tells how Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Helped Her
Through the Change
of Middle Life,
Rochester, Ind. "My troubles
were from my age and Lydia E. Pink-
ham s Vegetable
Compound helped
m e wonderfully.
I t o o k doctor's
medicine and
other patent
medicine, but the
Vegetable C o m
pound has helped
my nerves more
than anything I
have ever taken.
I am thankful to
the one wbo rec
ommended it to me and will surely
do my part in telling others what the
medicine has done for me." Mrs.
Lettie Baxet, 46S East 9th St.,
- Rochester, Indiana.
Such warning symptoms as sense
of suffocation, hot 'flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread of impending evil,
timidity, sounds in the ears, palpita
tion of the heart, sparks before the
eyes, irregularities, constipation, va
riable appetite, weakness and dizzi
ness should be heeded by middle-aged
women and let Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound carry them
safely through this crisis as it did
Mrs." Baney.
It s -J-lf!
Removes Lines and Wrinkles
This absolutely new astringent skin treatment
tightens the skin gradually removes deep wrinkles
lifts out lines, contracts coarse, enlarged pores,
draws out blackheads, lifts up sagging skin, re
duces puffiness under the eyes, and bleaches a
sallow, discolored skin without the slightest irrita
tion. Price $130 at all dealers.
Skin Pure, a nourishing, penetrating tissue
builder, should be used after each application
of Beauty Secret and nightly. t Price 75 cent.
GERVAISE GRAHAM CO., 25 W. Illinois St., Chicago
Copyright, 1920, Gervalse Graham Co.
Mrs. Winter of Minnesota is a can
didate for the general federation
Calendar J
Ceorfe A. Custer Relief Corp Tun
day, 2 p. m., Memorial hall, court house. Club Tuesday, I p. m., band
stand in Hanscom park.
North Hide Mothers' Culture Club
Tuesday, 1:31) p. in., luncheon with Mn,
Fred Larkln, 4932 Davenport street.
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter H. F
Tuesday, 2:30 p. m with Mrs. R. D.
Kbright, 3513 North Twenty-fifth street.
Mrs. 11. II. rtlackwell, returned mission
ary. Y. IV. II. A. Tuesday afternoon, club
rooms, Lyric building. Important business
meeting to plans for a summer
cottage at Camp Ilrewater.
(hiineel fiuilil of All Saints Church
Tuesday, all-day kensington, with Miss
Annie C. Browne, 1S3 North Fortieth
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your child is having the best and
most harmless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Chil
dren love its fruity taste. Full di
rections on each bottle. You must
say "California."
A guaranteed weight reduction method;
e.ife, pleasant. Brings slenderness, better
health and happiness. Get a small box of
oil of korein at the druggist's. Follow di
rections. You are allowed to eat sweets,
etc. ; no starvation or strenuous exerrlslngi
Tour life becomes worth living with clearer
mind, improved f inure, buoyant step, cheer
fulness and optimism. Get thin and stay so.
Brochure mailed free, If you write to
Korein Co., Station F, "Sew York, N, T,
Fat People Have
Perverted Taste
Proof That Arbolone Removes
Craving for Wrong Foods.
Dissolves and Eliminates Fatty
Tissues Harmlessly.
Any' Anti-Fat treatment that fails
to correct the perverted appetite
and craving for the very foods which
make fat is certain to fail of per
manent results. Mark that fact
well! Five-grain tablets Arbolone
removes the craving for undesirable
fatty foods, restores natural appe
tite and digestion, while it dissolves
fatty accumulations in the body and
eliminates slowly but surely, with
out weakening or other evil effects.
Mrs. L. Holly, Imperial, Cal.,
"Kind Sirs: Have taken your Ar
bolone Tablets for obesity and in
seven months reduced from 205
pounds to 152 pounds. I cannot say
enough for them, and anybody who
is fat should take them. My health
is better than ever, etc."
Tablets Arbolone enjoy the larg
est sale of any obesity medicine, and
they deserve it. Sold by all well
stocked druggists in sealed tubes
with full directions..
Be Careful What You
Wash Your Hair With
Most soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali, which
is very injurious, as it dries the scalp
and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is Mulsified
cocoanut oil shampoo, for this is
pure and entirely greaseless. It's
very cheap and beats anything else
i all to pieces. You can get this at
iany drug store, and a few ounces
will last the whole family for
Simply moisten the hair with wa
tear and rub it in, about a teaspoon
ful is all that is required. It makes
an1 abundance of rich, creamy lath
er, cleanses thoroughly and rinses
out easily. The hair dries quickly
and evenly, and is soft, fresh look
ing, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to
handle. Besides, it loosens and
takes out every particle of dust, dirt
and dandruff.
Too Fat?
: ' ' ' '
f street. Apt. 1. Luncheon will b served I CTPjff T
Sermo Club Tuesday. 1 o'clock lunch- ' Yjj I I III A J 4f- 11
eon with Mrs. Oscar Jam's. 171 Praks I I I V I l CVl
apartments, building 12. Business meet-, I l safv il J I EaJ
Ing and election ot orricers. v IHAUIJ If w w M
Community Service Tuesday, Lafayette ' I iSsTT'lT S "
cluh. Supper, Community house. Miss , I 7flV fXfo ITOK " 1 I
Heliorall Society Tiiesiisy, T.
last meeting of year, Lyric building.
His Years
Doesn't it make you feel
good cause you to straight
en up and feel "chesty"
when someone guesses your
age at ten years or so
younger than you really
are? You look into your
mirror, smile with satisfac
tion and say to yourself:
"Well, he didn't make such
a bad guess, at that."
The point is: You're no
older than your vitality.
If a man is strong, vigor
ous, mentally alert, fine and
fit at 50 he ha3 a better
chance of living up to 80
than a man of 30 who i3
weak and run-down has of
living up to 60. While none
of us can stay the years nor
stop time, we should all
make an heroic effort to suc
cessfully resist the effects
of time'by ever keeping our
vitality at par.
When you sense a feeling
of slowing down of your
physical forces when your
stomach, liver, kidneys and
other organs show signs of
weakness when you notice
a lack of your old time "pep"
and "punch" in other
words, when you feel your vitality
u on the wane, you should com-
ot aramuuo ciass, nuuur i a - - rrm n . m
For tale by Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam Sts., and
all retail druggist.
Cuticura Talcum
1 Fascinatingly Fragrant
Always Healthful
Sample free of OuUevTft LftbftrttorlM.DeptXMaUdan,
M&ii. E v try w tore 25c.
Liver and Bowels
Right A! ways
Feel Fisie
rherj's one right way to speedily tone
up the liver and keep
the bowels regular. Jt
Carter's Little JPADTFD'C
Liver Pillsnever I vMR I B-fiA 3
fail. Millions JEaiTTLE
will testify 3HVER
tnat there is hDIH
o-ooH for bil
iousness, indigestion, headache or sal
low, pimply skin. Purely vegetable.
Small PiU Small Dose Small Price
great nerve and blood tonic for
Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.
OeailiiSHSflearslgDifnr &m&evC
Don't streak or ruin your material in
a poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes."
.Lasy directions in every package.
Make Lemon Lotion to Double
Beauty of Your Skin
Squeeze the juice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White, which can be
had at any drug store, shake well
and you have a quarter pint of
harmless and delightful lemon
bleach for a few cents.
Massage this sweetly fragrant lo
tion into the face, neck, arms and
hands each day, then shortly note
the beauty of your skin.
Famous stage beauties use lemon
juice to bleach and bring that soft,
clear, rosy-white complexion. Lem
ons have always been used as a
freckle, sunburn and tan remover.
Make this up and try it.
DMth only 8 matter of short im.
Don't wait until pains and aches
become tncurable diseases. Avoid
painful consequences by taking
Th world's standard remedy for kidney,
livei. bladdei and aric acid troublea- -the
National Remedy ol Holland since 1696.
Guaranteed, Three size all druggists.
Uek fet tha same Cold Modal ea every ban
aa4 accept do imitatioa
FSstuala -
A mild systsm of
Rectal Diseases .in
' eration. No Chloroform. Kther or other sreneral anesthetic -aaed.
X cure guaranteed in every rase accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid vntil
eured. Write for book on Rnctal Diieasea, with names and testimonials of more than
1.000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY Sanatorium, Peter Trust Bide. (Bo Bid-.) Omaha, Ne
Dr. R. 5. Johnston, Medical Dirt tor
mence at once to restore your energy,
strength and endurance by taking
The Great General Tonic
This master body-builder will help
you keep younjr in spirit and mental
and physical action, because it will
assist Nature in maintaininR your vitality etpsr.
It enriches the blood, restores worn-out tissues,
soothes janEling and over-wroutht nerves, in
duces sound refreohing sleep, sharpens the ape
ti te, tones up the digestion in short, will put new
life, new visror
and new vim in s?T
every fibre of
your body.
You will ba
surprised how
much better
you'll feel after
taking a treat
ment of LYKO.
if you are tired
and worn out,
nervously and
physically ex
hausted. It's
mildly laxative
keeps tha
bowels in fine
condition. Get
a bottle from
your druggist
LYKO Is soM In orltlnsl pack
( only, lik picture aborai
Rtfuis all aubatitutM.
Sole Manufacturers
New York Kansas City, Mo
Money back without question
f HUNT'S Salve fails in the
treatment of ITCH. ECZEMA.
Othrr'tching akin diieaiet. Tiy
S 7S cent baa at out roll
Sherman McConnell Drug Co.
B8 Famous Besufifier
Have you tried it yetT Thousands every,
where are using it. It is a wonderful tonio
for the skin, defies hot summer sun and
causes wrinkles, tan, freckles, sallow skin,
blackheads, sun spots, roughness, ruddi
ness to quickly disappear. It brings roses
to the cheeks and makes anyone look 10
years younger. Gives a youthful com
plexion and "A skin you love to touch." A
single application proves it. See larga an
nouncement soon to appear in this paper.
Ask your druggist about it.
Virginia Lady Realized She
Couldn't Stay Nervous,
Weak, Pale, and Hold Out
Much Longer, Cardui
Helped Her.
Dublin, Va. Mrs. Sallie Hughett,
c i?n... i tu: . .1..
j vi ;uuic , nils jidic, icLciuiy rc"
lated her interesting experience in
! recovering her health, saying: "when
. . . came on I was in a very bad
. condition and nothing the doctor
' gave me did me any good. Some ay
' you have to let this take its course
j . . . but I knew there ought to be
sometmng to give relief. 1 was
nervous, weak and pale. I couldn't
eat or sleep to do any good, and felt
I couldn't stand this very long.
"I heard and read of Cardui, and
how it had benefited other womeii
in the same condition, so decided to
use it myself. After my first bottle
I felt better, so of course kept it up,
and it did the work.
"It helped me as nothing else did.
I began to pick up right away. I
ate and slept and could rest. I knew
I was getting better. I kept it up
and it did wonders for inc." sr-
Thousands of women, suffering as
this Virginia lady did, have used
Cardui with equally happy results,
and voluntarily relate their experi
ences so that others, troubled with
disorders common among women,
'.nay learn to take Cardui.
Let your druggist supply you, to
Check congestion,
clear air passages,
relieve discomfort.
Thos. Lai(ACo.,N.Y.SBB4
Pffiy When .Cunred
-J K J
treatment that cures Piles. Fistula and other f
a short time, without a sever surrieal oi
a.ati8. Mi