Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1920, Page 11, Image 11
. .,. .'. ... . .,, THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 192. 11 THE GUMPS- CARP CAVIAR UP TO 64A TODAY. Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith given the name "Tiger?" Clemen ceau. 4. What was the name of the Ten nessee mountaineer who in the late war, killed 25 Germans and had 132 others surrender to him? Alvin C. York. 5. Who was chairman of the offi cial committee of public information during the late war? George Creel. Winner: No correct answer. your back, it makes all the more 11111 for me. It makes an interest ing game for me to play to guess where it is and then try to whack it. I seldom miss. I han'd you a good, hard Vallop, because that knocks the breath out of you and gives me a chance to 1 tell you "I'm glad to see you're , back!" before you can bawl me out. The only reason I've missed you is because there's been one less back for me to exercise on. I don't dare to try it on strangers. They wouldn't understand my playful- , ness. Maybe you don't either, but that's immaterial to me. I've got to have backs to slap to keep me hr.ppv and I might as we use yours? Especially if it's a nice, soft one that won't sting my hand. , (Copyright, 1920, Thompson Featur Service.) fWEU. YOU KWOV TWAYOLb STOCK. f I Told you A out?. That i TRie&'ro 1 ( YOU'RE: MOT TH&ONLY FeU.OVJ TrVAT oOCXjED DtsfNDt&ITf A. Nil R IAdPK NTn N SFURTUNF- LAUGHED AT ME- IF YOU WAD Put atnousand bOLLAfe. IS WHEV I TOWD SOU TO YOU VviOUWb KAveP-" ClEAfJ PROFIT MOVJ" YoU'Rfc TNE uV YwAT. SAf b -GO ON- GfT RlCM ALONE- VslELL- I'M bQINCr JT GrOGtT RICH ALONE"-; IVvljN iIT I vaa. x rv IM VN .11 (V vfi i VNHtlN ICA.SW IN A. CjOINCy TO VNEAR OUT ACOUPLE OF tVWELL- CAftS- UUVT RIQIN' AOWNO AND A HLr"" STKL.C LIMBING - BUY. DON'T FEt J I ' ft v A . N S I AnDV GUrAP 'CLEANS "OP S'6,000.00 . THATVAUI,, , VI. i . i nu l i j l j il5! DtR VsllUk. VIN( VAftOUNb TNOi&EtTOpyoul I'M THE GUY! CY t-AV IV TO KUtS IT I'M THE GUY that sneaks up be hind you and slaps you on the back. That's my idea of1 a pleasant lit tle surprise. If I kifock your hat off, so much the better. If you happen- to have a boil on your shoulder or in the middle of tNTt IV I OLD VJtSE ttOV- WTCH WE Ca t T A V This POOR NEB m J 1, 1 FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. 1 FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bit. Sldg. Doug. 2715. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Ltwest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1814 Dodge, D. .Hl.,Es. 1194 PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to 110,000 mads promptly. T. P. WEAD. Wead Blug.. 810 S. 18th St. PRIVATE MONEY. 8HOPF.N A COMPANY. Douf. 4ii8. TSoMPT aervlca, reaaunabl ratea, private money. Garvin Broa., 345 Omaha Nat. t. E. BUCK. Loana. 442 Omaha Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. FOR QUICK and aatlsfactory reaulta In selling Omaha rroperty e hit Ry. Ex. Bldr. Dour. 3261. , VvE HAVE cash buyers for cottages and bungalowa nlcaly located. Shrlver, 1047-1 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1636. TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE T Want quick anion 7 Juat try us. call Tyler 4. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee BldY To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate ae FOWLER ft M DONALD, 10 City Nafl H.;"k BMg. Doug. 1428. REAL ESTATE A- INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON 84 Patterson Blk. Doug. 35B. E. G. SOLOMON ill Karbach Blk. Real Estate Inveatmenta. Doug. bZ6f. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Vacant Property. ACRES! ACRES! Dandy acrs tracts with good homes. Your choice, on payments, only "14.500. Call for appointment. Give ua the priv ilege of ahowlng you come bargains. ' R. F. CLARY CO., 5404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. TRACKAGE Two acres on Belt Line at Seward St. ALFRED THOMAS, REALTOR, 04Flrat National Bank. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. 30 PER CENT , INVESTMENT Pralrla Park Clubhouse and garage at Sfith and Taylor for aale at a bargain. Well built brick building 45x124, lower floor used for garage and aecond floor rented as club rooms. In good repair with steam heating plant. No lease, but rented low by the month at $150. Pries 118.000 with $3,000 cash, balance first and second mortgage at 6 per cent. Even at present rental It will show SO per cent n $3,000 cash Invested. Should rent for $200, which will show 60 per cent gross on $3,000 Invested. See Campbell. , PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 637 Omaha Natl. Bank Dldg. D. 17S1. GARAGE FOR SALE HOLD 75 CARS WITH LARGE LOT, $32,000; RENTS $250 ilONTH; $5,000 WILL HANDLE. JOHN W. SIMPSON 54 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3558. WALSH-ELMJSR CO., Realtors, Estate,' Investments, Insurance. Real Ren tals. Tyler 1530. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO, EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANG OR SALE. On of the finest ranches In Cali fornia of 3,600 acres, 1.000 acres of very fine valley land silt soli: balance of ranch smooth rich rolling land large white oak trees on It; 800 acres of this land Is In cultivation; 130 acres checked and leveled for alfalfa; 45 h. p. pumping spiant; river runs through this ranch. There are seven flowing springs; one Is piped to house, barns and other partsof ranch; there are two large barns Snd bunk house; large l-room house with two baths. This is one of the finest farming and stock ranches in California. Will take country or city property In Middle West, John,M. MeCttbe, . , 716-717 Delta Bldg., Los Angeles, California. FOR SALE Or exchange for Omaha prop erty, country store building and lot 25x140 feet, located at Phillips. Hamilton County, Nebraska; now used for pool hall; price $2,500; encumbrance, $546. Address Box Q-lftfl, Omaha Bee. X HAVE a farm or some city property which I wish to trade for a bungalow or . vacant lot In Dnmlce district. Call C. J, Jensen, 4B22 Cuming St. Wal. 3 117. WILL trade my equity in 5-room cottage with S lot for good used automobile. Automobile must be good. Must trade before the 15th. Bex u-41, Omaha Bee BEAUTIFUL large hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade. Carl Changstrom. 2020 Far nam street. WILL EXCHANGE lot In Omaha for dia mond ring or platinum wrist watch. Doug. !5S1. Room 608. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. C. L. NE1HAWAY for suburban prop erty. Florence Station, Omaha. Neb - .rolfar 1409. KETHAW'AY. Suburban prop'ty. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WEST DODGE Owing to changed conditions this beautiful all modern 7-room s house, furnished with the best of furniture is for sale, can give pos session at once. Price $12,500; will make terms. E. E. AUSTIN Tyler 7S5. 1305 1st Nafl Bk. Bldg. BUNGALOW A lovely 6-room. oak finish, watrtut doors, fully cemented and plastered. Butlt-ln features, writing desk, etc., nearly new. Must sell at once. $8,000 rash, bal. mo. Evenings Har. 4996. Commercial Investment Company 151 City Natl. Dgs 3832. "JUST LISTED-$6,500 A dandy home: six large rooms and bath, including pretty sun room; fin ished in oak, with the oak floors throughout; full basement, with' laun dry conveniences; choice lot; built for home; just four years old; half cash OSBORNE REALTY CO. 480 Peters Trust Bldg. Tyler 496. """"BARGAIN IN " LEAVENWQRTH HEIGHTS. Five-room frame semi-bungalow, f'.n . . ed In oak end white enamel. Price -"$,000, part cash, balance easy terms. On paved street. Call Walnut -2813 for particulars. t fiAVE new l-room stucco home, nearly completed, In Bemls Park; terms. Har. 48V or 5B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Invest- ments, 442 Bee Bldg., Douglas 1017. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. MILLER PARK DISTRICT Exceptionally well built home, locat ed west of Miller Park on top of the hill with wonderful view. House has seven rooms, well arranged, with hard wood finish any many attractive fea tures; four fine lots; close to good school. A bargain at $7,000, and can make reasonably easy terms. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS, DougIas46. 815-17 City Natl. Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME, . y2-ACRE GROUND, SPECIAL PRICE AT $10,500. Brand new full two-story oak-'flnlshed six-room home; large living room across front; French doors, etc; full basement; floored attic; half acre of ground, all set out in bearing fruit trees and small fruit; only block to car and Miller Park. Here Is a real home. First time of fered. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Peters Trust Bldg. Tyler 496. HIGH AND SIGHTLY 7-room modern home. $4,200. $1,000 cash down. South front lot. Paved street. A fine neighborhood. Immediate possession. R. F. CLARY CO. 2404-6 Ames Ave., Colfax 175. FONTENELLE PARK" DISTRICT ' 1H blocks to car and school; six rooms, all modern, oak finish main rooms, oak floors downstairs. A genuine bargain for $4,300; $1,000 down will handle. Call today. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfsx 175. AMES AVE., Mighty good five-room modern, with paving all paid for $5,000, with $1,000 cash down. Another with 92-ft. south front lot; six large rooms; biggest snap of all, for $6,800. Don't wait. Investl gat now Call toda". R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN east front on paved street. ? Hot water heat. Very desirable. $5,250. $1,700 cash, rail Mr. Hfrowne. Tvler 4316. INTER-STATE REALTY CO. 2520 Farnam St. NEAR MILLER PARK, JUST LISTED $6,800 Splendidly well built six-room home with IM 65x130; strictly modern In every respect; garage; can be handled with $2,600 down and $60 a month. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Peters Trust Bldg. Tyler4. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW One block to tar and near Florence park; oak finish; corner lot. A snap at $4,000. Only $750 down and $46 per month. See this now. Call today, R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Anieg Av?. Colfax 175. BARGAIN IN LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. 5-room Kellaatone, oak finish down stairs, white enamel with mahogany doors upstairs; oak floors throughout, ready for Immediate possession; full plastered basement; $7,000; terms. Call Walnut 2812. MILLER PARK SNAP One block to car and park, south front, for quick sale, price only $5,000. with $1,000 cafh down.1 Call today. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-05 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. FOR SALE BY OWNER. S-room house and good attic; gar den In; chicken house and yard; barn; good well; lot, 145x50; on paved high way; cellar and cave; near Ak-Sar-Ben field; $2,600 cash. Call Mr. Inman. D. 5720 after 6 p. m. STRICTLY MODERN Five-room frame bungalow, dining room and living room finished In oak. Bedrooms finished In hard pine. One block to car. Price. $4,500; $1,000 cash; balancn $45 per month. Walnut 2812. FIVE rooms, dandy, (oak and enamel fln- isn, moaern, ruii Basement, screened porch, possession immediate; 11,000 cash, $50 per month. M. DEUEL & CO.! 2404 Ames Ave. Colfax 726. FOR SALE My home In Mlnne Lusa ad dition, located at 8851 Bauman St. Cor ner lot, one block from Miller park. Six rooms finished in oak and white enamel; tile bath. Priced right. F. C Wilcox, owner. Colfax 3908. - FOUR ROOMS, newly decorate, near 25th and Sprague St., gas, wattr, e'ec trlo light, toilet; Immediate p':i ssiort Price. $2,500; $500 down and 5 " prr month. Inquire of owner, 40:7 .".'ortU 25th St. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4889. PRETTIEST MILE. Hot water heat, 6 nice rooms, fully modern; oak floors; east front lot; Im mediate possession. Price $6,600; about $1,500 cash. RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. ONLY two 6-room homes left, 31st and Hamilton Sts., Just being completed; look them over; none better for the money. Phone Harney 927. CUMING, near 29th St.. 44 feet; must be sold to close estate. C. A. GRIMMEL. 149 Nafl. Bank Bldr. A FEWt homes and lots for sale In Park wood addition; a safe place for lnveat ment. Norris & Norrls. Doug. 4 270. 2827 SEWARD. 4-room. new, modern bungalow, $500 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh, 608 Bee. Douglas 200. EUNGALOW. 5 rooms, oak finish, bran new, nice lot, paved street, $6,250. Easy terms; Call days. Doug. 1734. MINN'S LUSA homes ar.dlots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. STRICTLY modern, 6 rocms, 2120 N. 16th. Price 2,00, Call Webster 3462. 7-ROOM modern house with garage. Call Colfax 6278, owner. BENSON 'ft MEYERS CO.. 4 24"Om. Nafl South. NEAR HANSCOM PARK. 182$ 8. 28th St.: exceptionally well built, all modern 8-room home, or 7 room and sunroom at small expense; 1 blocks from park and car line; full lot; paved street; Just a dandy home; owner going away. Phono Harney 6248 for ap polntmenj. 5 ROOMS, part .modern. $501 cash. Ben ' Jamln Fradkenber. lit Be Bid. For Boys Young Citizens Adventures Hunting Eye in Khaki. FRANCIS ROLT-WHEELER. Hunting Eye was so excited by the Secret Service Man's statement that there were Indians in both the United States and Canadian armies, that his friend smilingly offered to take him to the barracks. There the Indian lad made friends with a grizzled old soldier, one of the top sergeants, who took him around the camp and' showed him military life in its true colors.. "All wear this same brown stuff?" asked Hunting Eye, laying his hand on the sergeant's khaki sleeve. "Sure," was the reply, "that's our war paint." "I'd like to have that war suit on once!" fullv. said Hunting Eye wist- "Well," said the top sergeant, "It's against the rules for a non-enlisted man t$ put on a .uniform,, but that rule wouldn't apply to you just tak ing it on and putting it off. Here, you're pretty big for your age, and Bill Pevery is the smallest man in camp. Bill raised no objection and in a few minutes Hunting Eye was ar rayed in khaki, 'complete all save the haf, for he would not take out his feather. "This war paint, too," he ex plained. He was only allowed to wear it for a few moments and then was bid den to change back to his own buck skin suit. "Why mustn't I wear it?" he asked. "A soldier takes a promise," was the reply, "a very serious one, and as long as he's in khaki he must live up to that promise. A soldier takes pride that the.uniformjs never disgraced. If anyone who hadn't given that promise could wear the uniform, there would be no way of keeping it in honor." Hunting Eye looked enviously at Bill Pevery. "When I'm big," he announced, "I'm going to wear khaki all the time!" REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. i out-of-town owner says Must sell 8-room, strictly modern full two story house, located at South 20th street Just north of Vinton street, consisting of four large rooms on the first floor, four bedrooms and bath on the second floor. Nice basement with furnace heat. Dandy lot on paved street, paving paid. This property is owned by an out of town owner and has been priced at $5, 600. He has authorized us to sell this for $4,000 cash. If you will spend about $200 repairing thisv place you will have a 86.000 residence. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY; 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1782. Ask for Mr. Gibson. Sunday call Colfax 3227. Miscellaneous. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW Strictly- modern, unusual ar rangement, brick and stucco con struction, with oak finish through out; large floored attic; full cement basement; house one year old. In high-class residence section. Own er leaving city; arrange to see this at once. GLOVER & SPAIN ' REALTORS. A Douglas 2850. 918-20 City National. $1,650 Cottoge and three fine garden lot priced absolutely right. Call Wal. 1188 or AMOS GRANT COMPANY, D. 8380. SS4-S-8 Brandels Theater. COLONIAL STYLE BUNGALOW New and all modern. Large living room. Floor plan Ideal. Five room and bath; floored attic. $500.00 down will handle. Walnut 6433 evenings or Doug las 7418 days. Mr. Cole. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. N. W. COR. I8TH AND DODGE. D. 6011. AMERICAN aKftURITT COMPANY. and Girls For Girls to Make Homecraft Block Printing for Camp CAROLYN SHERWIN BAILEY Summer curtains, camp pillows, smocks and table linens all decorat ed with the fascinating block print ing in June colors! Why not, since the girl-who-does-things may learn this craft? . The block is of soft wood, a trifle larcer than vour desien and sand paperedsmooth. One of the baby's building blocks will do. Draw a pattern of a simple flower, leaf or conventional ornament on heavy tracing paper, paste it to the block and cut out the background around the pattern with a sharp pen knite, Clamp the block down to your working taDie wnne you ao xne carvine. Be very careful to keep the edges of the design sharp, and do not chip the wood. Dyes or oil colors are the ones to use. .Oils give the prettiest results. Squeeze the paint from the tube into a saucer and mix it with turpentine to the consistency of cream. Add a few drops of mucilage. Fold sev eral thicknesses of soft, old cloth and layv it in the saucer, letting it soak up the color to make a pad for your printing. The soaking and even-" spreading" of 'color on this pad will.helpmuch witfi the success of your printing. The block, before printing on any material, should be pressed several times on the color pad and then wiped off with a cloth in order to fill up the pores of the wood and be in good working condition. Unbleached muslin, pongee silk, cheese cloth, denim and coarse linen are excellent materials' for block printing. Stretch the cloth tightly and smpothly on a board, after marking it with basting thread or pins to snow you where the design is to ie printed. Press the block on the pad and then press the block, face down, on the cloth, hammering it with a small wooden- mallet, if you want the color deep. Be very careful to print evenly, each design no lighter or darker than the one before. Your finished border on the bungalow, curtains, on your smock, or en a couch cover will rival the expensive blotk printing ' in . the shops if you do it carefully. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. 5-Room Stucco Bungalow $500 Cash, Balance Easy Terms There Is good cheer In this 5-room bungalow, with Its Inviting porch, Its well arranged windows and its general good lines and proportions. There are larger homes. There are more ex pensive. Never has one been built of finer materials, one that Is cosier or one that gives better dollar for dollar value. Call Doug. 4911 days, Tyler 5167 eve. Mr. Spence. GOOD HOMES. 24th and Maple, 2-story stucco, 7 rooms, vacant, modern, $5,500. Terms to suit, 33d and Leavenworth?. 1-story frame, part modern, 6 rooms, $4,100. Terms. 24th and Spencer, 2-story frame, ( rooms, modern, $6,600. Terms. 1 6023 Wirt, 6 rooms, part modern, $3,000. Terms to suit. JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3565. $750 CASH Have a strictly modern stucco bunga low In Dundee which has all the con veniences desired in an up-to-date home. Attractive finish. Neat, cosy kitchen. Moderately priced. Harney 3566 eve. nlnga New 4-Room House 345-Ft. Lots For $300 down, balance easy payments. Never been occupied. Walnut 6482 eve nlnga. Douglas 7412 days. Mr. Cole. CAN'T BE BEAT. 6-r. oak finish bungalow, fireplace, French doors, screened porch, 60x128 south front lot, pavtag all paid, and It I not far. from the Omaha univeralty. Price only $5,260. Terms to afilt. RASP BROS,. 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. NEW. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. " Strictly modern and up to date. Oak and enamel finish. Possession at once. Only $500 cash required. Csll Walnut 6373 or Doug. 74 12. Ask fo r Mr. Grant. WANT A HOME? Possibly we have It for you. It cost nothing to phone Douglas 134 or com to iout uoage St. BIRKETT & CO.J.JSJ ' and tnsurss. SKA a,. T4M nnn Real estate. rent and Insures. 260 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6IJ. Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters. f lpiNSTORIEj A FITCH PEBKIN5 r JJ By LUCY FITCH PERKINS. Japanese Twins and the Colored ' Sand. When the twins woke up the next morning it was cold, and the rain was beating on the roof. They couldn't look out of the window to see it, because there were no glass windows in their house. There were just the pretty screens covered, with white paper. Taro slid one of the screens back and peeped out into the garden. "It's all wet," he said to Take. "We can't play outdoors today." "We'll have a nice time in the house, .then," said Take. "I can think oT lots of things to do." "So can l,jf I try," Taro said. "Let's try, 'then," Take answered They thought all the, time they were dressing. They put on three kimonos because it was cold. It made them look quite fat. "I've thought of one," Take called, jusfas she was putting on the last kimono. "I have, too," Taro said. "You tell me and I'll tell you," Take begged. "No, not until after breakfast," Taro answered. "Then first we'll play one and then the other." After breakfast mother was busy waiting upon .father and. getting him off to his work. Then she had to bath the baby.. So the twins went to grandmother for help. "O Ba San" (that means "Honor able Grandmother), Take said to her "it is rainy and cold, and Taro and I have thought of nice games to play injhe house. Will you get 'the. colored sands for us?" - "I know what you're going to do!" cried Taro. Grandmother brought out four boxes. In one box was yellow sand. The other two were filled with blue and red sand. Grandmother brought out some large pieces of paper. "Thank you, O Ban San," the twins said. ' They spread the paper on the BASKO BUTTER, I None finer. 59c tW5v DELMONTE PEACHES, PEARS I or APRICOTS, No. 2 BASKO CUT WAX or O J Basko Succotash or " O 7 Green Beans, can Baby Lima Beam, can. Snider's Pork & Beans I n. 1, isc ize can i2 J No. 2, 20c ize can 17 Snider' Tall Tomato Soup, . No. 3, 35c ize can ..29t? on 13t I Tall can, special size. ..... .14 Carolene, tall 11 Basko Wisconsin Quaker Corn Flake. can 11C Baby Beet, QfV full 8-ounce 1 f Cheaper Than Milk, can 6UC pkg- 1UC ' Baska Japan Tea, Lib. pkf.. 7Q Cod Fish, 1-lb. wood en box, i at at SHOE POLISH Peter.' P..U, 5 large can, Sandwichola, 15c jar Mest delightful foi sandwiches. Basko Vanilla Ex tract, 2.ox. 99 c bottl FAIRCO, 2-lb. pail.... OOC Fairbanks' famou shortening. Cudahy' White Borax Naphtha Soap, !.BARS' 38c Basko Coffee, in "?..:.... 47c Independent, 1-lb. fiber ....52 CASH AND CARRY BASKET There I On in floor. Taro nad one piece, and Take had another. ' "I'm going to make a picture of a boat on the sea," said Taro. He took some of the blue sand in his right hand. He let it run through his lingers until it made a blue sea char across the paper. "And now I'm going to make a yellow sky for a sunset." He let the yellow sand run through the fingers f hi;, left hand. "I'll put some red clouds m it," he said. Then he let red sand run thrcug'h his fingers. When that was done he took some black sand. II2 made a boat. This was the way his picture looked when it was dons, only it was in colors. The sail of the boat was blue. "Oh. Taro, how beautiful!" Take said "Mine won' be half sc nice, I'm si re. I'm going to make I'm gx'ng to make lets see. Oh, I know I'll rn;ike the pine tree beside the pond." (Rights reserved by Houghton-Mifflin Co.) What Do You Know? (Here's a chance to make your wit worth money. Each day The Bee will i iihllNli a series of Questions, prepared Lv Superintendent J. H. Beverldge of the nubile schools, xney cover tning wmen jou should know. The first complete list of correct answers received will be reward ed by $1, The answer and the name of the winner will be published on the day Indi cated below. Be sure to give your view nnd address in ' full. Address "Question Lditor," Omaha Bee.) By J. H. BEVERIDGE. 1. What name did the British give to Francis Marion during the Revolutionary War? 2. Who said, "I only regret that I have but one life to lce for my country? 3. From what country did the Hessian soldiers come? 4. Who said, "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death?" 5. In whose memory did Walt Whitman write the poem, "O Cap tain, My Captain? (Answers published Friday.) Friday's Answers. 1. What nickname was eiven to Hooker during the Civil war? "Fighting Joe." ' 2. Who was the sculptor of the famous statue of Lincoln in Lincoln park, Chicago? August St. Gaudens. 3. What premier of France was 1 Ak-Str-Bet Butter, 1-lb. Carton, 54c 73 TORES i V, 7, 37c size can. . . , Those delicious California Almonds. A little parboiling will remove the skins. Most delightful when salted. Ofl ' Pound.: c Conybear Apple Bate, Strawberry Flavor Preserves, OA 15-oz. jar. . . o-aC 10c Piedmont Peanut Oil, M -pint can, gEJ g at Sweetheart Soap, 5 b"' 30c at Strictly Fresh Efga, doten, A 1 tit at SAVES MONEY. STORES Your Neighborhood. Dr. L. L. Irvin, Mgr. ' All Work Guaranteed i-!MlIi OMAHA DENTISTS 1515V2 Farnam Street, Omaha NOTICE Out-of-town patients are cordially invited to make this office their headquarters, leave your packages and meet your friend during your stay in the city. Open Evening Till 8 O'clock Sunday Until Neon to Colorado with the sun By the new, fast, splendidly appointed daytime train, put on to accommodate the constantly ) increasing travel to Colorado. Denver Special VIA Union Pacific System .. 1 Schedule Westbound Leaves Omaha every day 8:20 A. M. Arrives Denver same day 9:35 P. M. Schedule Eastbound Leaves Denver every day 8:00 A. M. Arrives Omaha same day 11:15 P. M. 1 I I'M A Glutton for Work The Oldsmobile Economy Truck is a "Glutton for Work." So say the folks who use them. Day in and day out they are ready to haul any kind of material over all sorts of roads. The powerful motor, coupled with the wide' range of speed,' make this truck very economical and efficient. Electric lights and self-starter add much to the convenience of operating of this sturdy truck. A frame of deep channel steel and pneumatic cord tires insure perfect safety and riding - comfort. , ; Let Us Demonstrate This Truck to You Nebro's-ka J.?.OWfo Ctf7qr Absolutely True Good -work, good service and sincere ap preciation spells success in any business. Our Dentistry is founded on progressive ability and careful attention to every detail. Our prices are very reasonable. Phone Douglas 8236 Attendant Stopping only at Fremont Columbus, Grand Island, Kearney,. Noi.h Plant, Julesburg, Sterling, Ft Morgan an La Salle. You will enjoy th comforts Buffet-Observation Car oletting Cars, Reclining Chair Car and Diner. For further information ask Union Depot, Consolidated Ticket Office, or A. L. Craig, General Passenger Agent, Union Pacific Rail-1 road, Omaha, Nebraska. . - , Comp any 2S59RrnnSb n i i ' f 1 1 i Si , ' 'J r I ' 1 t i ii m i i ii i m n 1 8r