Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1920, Page 10, Image 10
J2 THE BEE: OMAgA. TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1920. 10 it i Classified Advertising Rates: 15e per lint (count wydi to line) 1 day 11c ptr lint. . .per day, 3 consecutive day 12e per line. . .per day, 7 consecutive dayt He per line. . .per day, SO consecutive days No ads taken lor leu than a total of ?0c These rate apply either to the. Daily or Sunday Bee. All advettiaementg ap pear in both morning and evening daily paper for the one charge. CONTRACT RATES ON . . APPLICATION Want ad accepted at the following of fice : MAIN OFFICII...... 17th and Farnam St. Eovth Side 2318 N St. Council-Bluffs 15 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000 -- THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one .time. . - CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition ....12:00 M. Moraing Edition 9:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M. Saturday. c DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. LOVGREN Crl K., June 7, 1920, aged 33 years 11 months and 14 days. Funeral services at the home of his father, J. A. Lovgrcn, 632 North 41st Ave., Wednesday, June , at 2:30 p. m, v Remain will be Kent to Hooper, Neb., where services will be held at his farm home Thursday, July 10, at 2 p..m. Interment-Fremont Cemetery. Fremont papen please copy. CARD OF THANKS, j WE . wish to thank our many kind friends una (ine city riremen or Omaha and Council Bluffs for their klnilnews and sympathy shown In the loss of our be loved on and brother. Mrs. Barbara noner, jonn Koesky, Henry Roesky. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. stack & falconer; "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 6t TAGGART & SON. UNDERTAKERS AND KMBALMERS. JTejepjume Douglas 714. 2216 Ciiiiilnggt. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers ind Emtalmers. Phone H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Directors. 701 South 16th St. Douglas 1066. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME. 2018 WIRT ST.. Away from noise of busy streets. ' rmwe wkhbteh 74. DUFFY & JOHNSTON, UNDERTAKERS. 717 8. 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARM0N Fs.,e 1 S14 Dftuglas St. - Dougla 8244. ST Henderson. 1519 Farnam. Douglag 1 2 4 J. JOHN BATH, l&th and Farnam. D. 3000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of .monuments In tha United States. FRANK SVOBODA, 1215 8. 13th. Phone Douglaa 1876-6216. -. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Thomas and Fern Ross, hos pital, boy; Harry and Hazel McConnell, hospital, boy; Gny and Esther Baker, hos pital, boy; John and Magdallne Wyatt, 292 Haskel atreeit, boy; U. A. and La rena Angus, 3220 Hamilton street, boy; Henry and Jlayme Enewold, hospital, boy;i Frank nnd Besssle Shepherd. 2308 North Sixty-fifth avenue, boy; Martin and JIarle Stroman, 2204 Webster street.'boy; Albert and Marie Grate, 5835 Erskine street, bo; Cecil and Ruth Woolsey, hos pital girl: Clariwce and Lillian Miller, 3208 North Twnsity-fourth. street, boy; James and Anna Krajlctk, Thirtieth and Harrison afreets, ftlrl; John and Charlotte Slaven, 2455 South Fifth street, boy; Donta and Kathryn Eggers, 4521 North Thirty-ninth street, boy; Emil and Fan nie Mende, 1106 North Twenty-ninth atreet, girl; Eggfh and Mary Klelne, 1911 South Twelfth' street, boy; Bert' and Ulatfye Simpson. 625 Soulji Twenty-ninth street, girl; Matt and Arjnella Schlcker, 2420 South Twentieth street, boy; Sol and Esther Cohn, 949 North Twenty-fifth street, boy; Vldo and Mrs. Balsemo, 1441 North Seventeenth atreet, girl. Beatha Myrtle J. Burmester, 47 years, 614 South Thirty-sixth street. Patrick Hugglns, 11 years, hospital. Anna J. Jones, 62 years, 3907 North Twentieth street. Peter Sorenson Bolen, 77 years,, 107 North Twenty-ninth street. Cathe rlna R; Smith, 65 "years, 2769 Burt street. Frank Zoten, 32 years, Thirty-third and R '.stroeta. George Rokrlch, 60 years, un known. Peter A. Johnson, 81 years, 2422 Valley atreet, LeRoy Moore, 21 .years, St. Joseph, Mo. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. .. Joseph' A. Stastny, over 21, Omaha, and Sophia Namestek, 18, Omaha. ' - John A. Sallaek, 25, Albion, Neb., end Jessie Wiser, 18, Lincoln, Neb. " Henry Tswodlck, 21,. Omaha, and Pearl Kelly, 20, Omaha. ' Robert A. Earl, 22, Omaha, and Zulah A. Archer. 22, Corning, la. ' Elmer E. Hlgley. 19, Omaha, and Dollla Blfhardson, 19, Omaha. Cecil Robb. 17, Omaha, and Edna Mc Cain, 20. Council Bluffs. Joseph Quretsky, 32, Omaha, and Bu lla Pavlovtce, 11, Omaha. ". .Wllber L. Gamer, 30, Cedar Creak, Neb., and Irene Scott, 26, Salina, Kan. Edwin F. Booth, 29. Omaha, and Louise Kelna, 26, Omaha. Joseph B.' Doyle, Jr.. over 21, Falls City; Keb- and Bridle Barrett, over 18, Omaha. ; Bfor O. Carlson, 30, Havelock, Neb., and Anna M. .Carlson, 32, fimaha. . LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. I'OR ARTICLES LST on atreet can tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxloua to re store lost articles to rightful owners., . OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. CO. ; I SILVER NECKLACE set with pearls and rhlneatone and 9 turquoise; lost on Sauth Sideon Decoration day. Tel. South 4121. SUQST Pocketbook containing bracelet, Talr of earrings, locket, 12 bill; initials on locket B. B. Douglas 6787. . SHEARED collie dog, tag No. 3927. - ward. Colfax 6225. Re- SPECIAL NOTICES. CONCESSIONS for sale for July 4 and 6 at Cottage Grove resort, Lake View, la., ' also cottages tor rent. Want 2 girls for work in stora. Address 'A. Miller, Mgr., Cottage Grova Resort, Lake View. Ia. ?- PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home . . solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect We distribute. - Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspact our new home, 1110-1112-1111 Dodge atreet Els ANY Jeweler or private diamond '. -.ring or platinum wrist watch to ex change for let In Omaha. Doug. 2581. Boom 502. ' . . i TaSSAGE Manicuring. 210 N. 17th BU open until 9 p. m. ' S:iJCTRIC bath and massage. Webster St'll.-1 MASSAGE aqd electrlo treatments. Neville Blk. til DR. BURKE moved to 62 Douglaa block-. .,i ANNOUNCEMENTS. TREES trimmed: cavity work bracing; treatment of Injury and disease; .remov ing; planting'and transplanting, twelve , skilled tree surgeons) over 400 satisfied . Customer In Omaha and nearby towns. PAGE TREE .SERVICE (INC.) 210 Davldge Block. t Tyler 480IX WEAVING, old ruga remade. Tyler 143 J. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, aide. knlf sunburst box pleating, covered buttona, all sliee and ttylea; hemetitchlng, picot edging, eve . let cut work, button boles, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 308 Brown Blk. Douglaa 1936. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. 6011. ".Room 33. Douglaa Blk.. 16th and Dodge. . r Banks. " t PER cent Interest compounded quarterly .savings. American Sta,te Bank, 18th ana f arnam. . Chiropdiats. Carrie J. Burford. 20 Paxton Bid. D. 1208. Contractors. CARPENTERING, repairing. remodeling ; ; done. L. J. Erlckson. Call Walnut 1617. RUBEES. carpenter: all kind el n--w and repair, work. Webster 32 31. Dancing Academies. SUMMER DANCING RATES. TT'ETi-PTN'R! School for Dancing, JSLLjLi-rllVEA 2424 Farnam. D. 7850 Class at ft; dancing, at p. m. Monday, Thur., Sat) private, lesson any tipie. TURPINE S SCHOOL OF . DANCING. ' . fancy stage and social. 102 Crounse ' Bldg., opposite postoftlce. Phone Har ; ney 1439. Douglaa 3669. Also dancing very Saturday, and Sunday even r: BRINGING UP or 010 YOO ADVESTIE TOR A. INTELLIGENT AND. HONEST MAN?. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' Dentists. - oDr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid. Dress Suits. FULL dress suites and tuxedo for rent. 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. D. 3128. Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated Dougla 1107. Arlington Blk., Omaha, Neb. JAMES ALLAN." 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence sftured In all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Douglas 2056; Nlgnt. uol. 46a. Electrical Utilities. VACUUM CLEANERS delivered, ealled for, 50c day. Webster 1657, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ' ELECTRIC vacuum DnuKlns 6711. cleaners for rent. ELECTRIC WaCOum Cleaner, il day, de llvered. Colfax 4116. Gas Stoves Connected. UNO ANDY The gaa man; house piping; stoves connected. WJnut 2i!l OAS tove connected 12. Pebullt. Harney 277 days or Harney 1619 evenings. Hauling. TOUR haullr.g contracted by day or year; 2-ton truck; prompt efficient service. Harney 6469. YOUR hauling contracted by day or year. 2-ton truck. Prompt, efficient service. Harney 6459. WE HAUL, anything, anywhere, any time. Walnut 1154. LIGHT HAULING, any kind, anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Walnut 1154. HAULING All kinds. Walnut 3515. 3615. Hats Blocked. JIATS cleaned and blocked while you wait. at ration Mai vvorxs, imxvt farnam St. ; work guaranteed. D. 6939. HATS cleaned, reblocked, ladles' straw hata specialty. Mastos Bros., 1520 Har y. Jewelry. DIAMONDS We pay the best price with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY Co.. 402 N. 16th St Doug. 6049. . Kodak Developing and Finishing. ENLARGING, copying and coloring. Amateur finishing. Write for prices. Omaha Photo Shop, 201 Barker Blk, Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed; prlnting and enlarging. Write for prices. The ensign uo., mm Howard St.V liohographs. QUALITY PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, LOWEST PRICES. CASH OR TERMS. THE MUSIC SHOP, INC. 1516 Harney St. Douglag 6839. Printing. WEDDING announcements, and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needle and part. MICKEL'S . 16th and Harney. Dougla 1973. Tailors. M. KEISER, 306 South 18th. Doug. 1187. JVidttress and Springs. CITY MATTRESS CO. Mattresses made over. Hot springs repaired, zsn turn ing. Harney7162. ' Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTING. paperhanging. guaranteed work. Prices right. Phone for esti mates. I can save you money. Ty. 2765. PAINTING, paperhanging, decorating; quick aervice; lowest price. tiarney 3814. PAPERHANGING, $7 per rm. and up, in cluding paper and work. Walnut 4998. PAINTING and paperhanging. Phone Walnut 5462. FIRST-CLASS paper hanging, Douglas 1909. . painting. PAINTING. ' paperhanging. Walnut 4567. plastering. PAINTING, paperhanging, cleaning, Doug las S32Z. Razor jSlades Sharpened SAFETY rarocVades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Raror Sharpening Co.. 1622 V, Dodge. 103 N. 18. Roofing. PROPERTY OWNERS, v Get Our Figures. Our Roofa Are Our Proof. All Work Guaranteed. NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO, 802 .South 81st Harney 2674. Patent Attorneys. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., Patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell pat ents. 1716 Dodge St.- Omaha. , Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatricala and par tle for rent at T. Lleben 4 Son, Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Rug Weaving. DEEN'Rug Factory Extra high grade ruga made. Douglas 7892. Safes. SAFF.S BARGAINS. 12th- Farnaml 'fl"t XJ J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Wall Paper Cleaning, 1 , - J 1 r EXPERT wall peer cleaner Call Tyler 4277. Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO.i "The Careful Welders." 15th and Jackson. D. 4397. Watch Repairing. WATCH REPAIRING. , Main springs, $.50; cleaning, 11.50." crystal, 25c. 601 Securltlea Bldg. Miscellaneous. CO. v Z7th ni MArtha fit. Omaha. Neh. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be rurchased at Rlalto Drug Store. 15th and Douglaa Sts., Omaha, Neb. DUMP ashes S. W. corner 36th and Fran cis. Douglas 420. iz SWAPPERS' COLUMN. EDISON vlctrola; almost new; records, for chickens, or what have you? Webster FOR SALE Furniture and. Household Goods. SELECT YOUR SPRING HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom suite at 2213; an Adam Period dining auite, at 2163; large collection of fine furniture; room alze rugs at a great reduction; cane mahogany living room suite, at 2185 each. , STATE FURNITURB-COMPANT. Corner 14th and Dodge Streeta. Opposite U. P. Headquarters. Omaha, Neb. WE sell new ana , near-new furniture, , etoves and ruga at loweat prices; caah nonpayments. Amer.Furn;Co.,605 N. 1. REFRIGERATOR," S37; lawn mower." 19." Tyler 4299. FUMED oak china closet $30. Wal. 3064. Pianos aneMus;caiinstnirnents. PIANO Mahogany baby grand, Knabe, for sale; reasonable; practically new: fine condition. Harney 4636. . DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instruction, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. omnn. idi davenport at. A.ffOS?E CO." Everything In art and musie f leau (or rent, 14. Oil per tnualh? FATHER- r- Eb " WHAT DO STMJ WANT FOR SALE. anos and Musical Instruments. SAXOPHONE HOSPITAL, repairing, re paddliift. John Taff. 1824 Webater Tyler 4867: ORIENTAL rug; fine Kermansha. 6x8. J200; 2011. also Paisley shawl. Call Harney BARGAIN in walnut Kranich & Bach up- rigni, nae new. jjougias 4(uj. FINE Kl B klrnm .upright,' iln. -419 Dodge St. like new; big bar- gal PIANO at sacrifice, never used. 2174. Tyler BARGAIN in Krokaner upright piano. Dg. 4703. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. J3oug. 4120. 1913Farnam. FOR SALE No. 8 L. C. Smith typewriter. 300,000 sories. In good condition. 433 K eel I neB 1 d g. DoU g las 2060. WE buy, well and exchange all makes of typewriter. Write tor list. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., "all make." 205 3. 18th St. Tyler 2414. Miscellaneous. AUCTION! AUCTION! ! Burlington Unclaimed Freight Sale at South End of Burlington, Freight Depot. Nar 7th and Jackson Streets, Tuesday June 8, Starts l'O A. M. Sharp. About 300 consignments of freight that have been on hand 60 day or more will be sold to highest bidders, consists of several barrels of oil, paint and greese, groceries, dry goods, household goods, furniture, new steel ranges, piano and bench, 67 yards inlaid linoleum, 8 cases cotton bats, several new trunks, washing machines, kitchen cabinets, hardware, farm implements, automobile sundries, drugs; in fact nearly every thing. R. C. SHIELDS, Gen. Claim Freight Agt. JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. C. B. Vt Q. R. R. Co. will sell at Omaha at public auction all unclaimed baggage Consisting of some 400 trunks, valises, satchels, umbrellas, overcoats, bundles, etc. Sao will begin at 10 a. m. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, (Of this wnok 1 JUNE 9 AVn 10 at th raom, the foot of drive-way, . baggage Burlington passenger station. .1 ITTSJR 9.1A 1Q90 JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. For Sale Cheap Construction office, suitable for con struction Job, summer cottage or garage. See R. B. McFadan, Timekeeper, Peter Trust Bldg., 17th and Farnam. FOR SALE 3 Great Western Heaters; good condition; at a bargain if taken at once. o. E. O'Nell, Circulation Dept., Omaha Bee. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter aides. 1907 Cuming.. D. 2467. DIAMOND, 3 karat, perfect, bargain for 33.600, or. will trade for sedan. 330 Bee Bldg. Dou glas 3469. HOOVER sweeper and 1900. electric washer. Bargains. Call Joe v Myers. Tyler 1011. 500 PAIR spectacles and eyeglasses $1.26 to 35.00, Guaranteed; 601 Securities Bldg. ' , YELLOW Jersey, sweet potato plants, $1 per 100. Colfax 399!. A. D. .Ferguson. FINE office desk, oak, oval top, " with jehaJr. $42, 320 So. 14th. Doug. 1169 FOR SALE Used set of The .Book of Knowledge. Box G-nl, Omaje? Bee. CCUNTER and wall shelving for-iaT. Ui1.h U . n.n. m PIANO scarf, cluny lace, also table run- mie. yuuax VUj, KINDLING an! lumber for sale. Webster WANTED TO BUY. WE BUY baled waste paper, old maga zines and newspapers.-- State quantity you havo on hand. Wj-ite or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co.. 15th and Mnrcy. Dougla 159. WANTED TO BUY . 25 MILCH GOATS AND 2 BILLIES. ALL-AMERICAN CHEMICAL CO., 1210 SO. 16TH. DOUGLAS 4864. DESKS DESKS DESKS Mew desks; used desk bought old and traded. J. C Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACKS BOND HOUSE, 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3544. WILL buy second-hand clothing, ehoc and lurniiure. Ty. 2598. A Zayett. 05 N. It. WANTED TO BUY-vI,00O phonofcraph reo- oros. mi uoage. Douglaa 2147. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. TRAP ?drummer, dance orchestra. Sum mer season. Experienced. K. H Van Ostrand, Vermillion, S. D. 7 TWO young men want evening work. Box G-99, Omaha 'Bee. - LAWN MOWING; mower furnished. Wal nut 3515. JANITOR want work, or day work. Web. '6053. - - YARDS graded and seeded, Ca'.l rar.272. Female. WANTED Position as traveling com panion, all expenses paid; will chaperone a young girl or care for an elderly woman; best references. Y-1165, Bee. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic, column of The Bee. Lota of good place are always advertised. Don't mlsi them. EXPERIENCE DnurSt' wanfa 'work in doc tors office. , G-49. Omaha Bee. Laundry and 'Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored laundress. Cu: talnsand bundle washings. Webster 1975. EXPERIENCED laundress and day work. . Tyler 2957. DAY WORK WANTED. WEESTER 4796. CLEANING, STEIt 3264. EXPERIENCED. . WEB- & CLEANING and laundry. Dougla 6400. LAUNDRY WORK for Monday, Tuesday aim weanegqay. weDaier .tuao. CURTAINS laundered, work guaranteed. Webster 6579. i LAUNDRY work, experience. Webater 4448. 1' iUNDLE 5182. washing, silk piece. Webster BUNDLE waahlng, soft water. Web. 6949. fMAClj bundle washing. Webster 4877. DAY WORK, by the-"hor. Web. 6028. DAY 'WORK, reliable. Webster 196L BUNDLE washing. Webster 1397. DAYWORK wanted. Webster 6862. BUNDLE washing. Webater 4209. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER. 8125-J135; typist and clerk. $126. THE MARTI CO.. 1 1 2 W. O. W. Bldg. Wanted. Experienced bill clerk for Underwood typewriter. -Carpenter Paper Co., Ninth and Harney. . Tyler 26(. BOOKKEEPER Good penman, uptown, good future, $125 to $136; general office man, A-l place, $150 to $175. WATTS REFERENCE CO., " 11 31 Flrat Rational Bank Bldg. See Jiggs and Page of Colors in HI WELL- I'M L OH! you'want B , READY TO THCJOO HAVt B CO TO vOS9te;- v VOO ANf i-ETTCBft H HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices WANTED AT ONCE Experienced card writer for Northwest's newest and fastest-growing store. Write, giving ex perience and state salary expected. Ad dress C. F. Skaer, T. S. Martin Co., Sioux City, la. ' TRAVELING salesman, auto tires, $174;, traveling salesman, established firm, $150; young man, order desk (90: sten ographer, North Platte, Neb., $125; bookkeeper, $150; order clerk, $90; office boy, $52.60. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. 736 Flrat National Bank Bldg. LEDGER crTERK, must be A-l man, $135. LEDGER CLERK, good penman, $100, $110. Office clerk, good penman, $100. Stock clerk, high school graduate, $90, , 'WATTS REFERENCE "CO., 11 38 First National Bank Bldg. SHIPPING CLERK, automoWIe tire "ex perience, $27.50 week; salesman, A No. 1, established territory, $150, commis sion and expenses. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED MEN AND BOYS FOR FACTORY WORK. GOOD PAY. STEADY -WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO. 8TH AND DODGE,. , WANTED AT ONCE-Wlndow trimmer, young man as ass't, for North'west's ' newest and fastest-growing store. Write, giving experience; also state wages ex pected. Address C. F. Skaer, T. S. Mar tin Co., Sioux City, Iowa. WANTED Young man, with good refer ences as to honesty and-sobriety, who would like to learn window dressing ami store display work; good opening, for one who will try to do his best. Apply General Office, 2d floor, 1 9th and Far nam Sts. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Mr. Sherman. BUTCHER WANTED Man capable of doing block work; state age, experience, whether married sor single. Fred Don aldson Co., Yankton, 8. D. WANTED AT ONCE Tinners for Inside work; steady Job to good mechanics; $1 per hour; nonunion. Brizee Metal Works, Twin Falls, Idaho. BIG demand for barbers; call or write for free catalogue. Holer Barber Col lfge. 110 S. 14th St. v FIREMEN, brakemen, $200-$250 monthly; experience unnecessary.. Write Railway, Y:1156, care Bee. FIREMEN, brakemen, $175-$250 monthly; experience unnecessary. Write Railway, Y-1099. Bee. 1 Salesmen and Canvassers. SPECIALTY SALESMAN. For Colorado. Nebraska, North and South Dakota By Chicago manufac turer for best automobile accessory ever patented. New, never shown in west. Thousands being sold in east. Big de mand, good profit, no competition. Ex clusive sales contract given right party. Proposition easily worth $10,000 to $20, 000 net yearly. Requires investment of few hundreds in goods. We offer a great epportunlty for a good salesman to make big money selling dealers, gar age men and sub-agents. Don't wait, come now and see demonstration. Room 402,,Henshaw hotel. Ask fur Mr. Patty. WANTED. v . EXPERIENCED BUG AND DRAPEtY ' SALESMAN. APPLY t ' HV R. BOWEN CO., BETWEEN' 1JTHAND 16TH STS. STOCK SALESMAN- Experienced stock salesman to sell the Guaranteed Dividend Preferred stock of an old established Omaha company rated at $500,000. High credit which ha paid regular dividends for ten years. Good leada furnished. Call ruom a, weaa .Blag. iTOCK SALESMEN. We have secured factory alto and buildings. Good selling proposition. We want men who will work. Good terri tory in Iowa. (State permit). , Phone 1965. Council Bluffs. WANTED Experienced salesmen to calll on retail naraware and general stores with welltstabllahed line; may be car ried as side or exclusive. Liberal com mission weekly or monthly. Exclusive territory. E. L. Harris, 139 So. East St., Indianapolis, Ind. . . ADVERTISING- salesmen can- make big money with our new Omaha monthly magazine. A whirlwind advertising bar gain for every business house. If you can sell advertising you can make $600 per month the year around with thl PI?IltlonFe0ton.c.-'28lSCumlng St. SALESMEN We want a Jew more inex perienced men to Join our club irt scien tific salesmanship. ' Complete! training, $30. Positions furnished free. Box G96. Bee. , SALESMEN For household specialties; , men with car can make good money. Call and see us and let' u explain, 0. F. Adams Co., 623 S. 16th St YOUNG MEN, ATTENTION! . Wantod, 100 single young men for shale products business;" salaries $100 150. Call Douglas 6663. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS 'Send 10c for sample powdered permanent ,ms, acia-proot; our agents making 25 day; put up in Sidling tubes to make' one quart: get sumnle at once. Adam & Co., Dept. JJ, 326 River St Chicago. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED TO WORK INX CLAY PLANT, $5.50 PER DAY A N D U P. CHEAP HOUSE RENT EXCELLENT BOARDING HOUSE. ONLY, MEN WHO , ARE LOOKING FOR ) STEADY EMPLOY MENT THE YEAR AHO.UND NEED APPLY. LEHIGH SEWER PIPE & tile ca 204 First. National Bank Building. ( Fort Dodge 16wa. TRAIN and yard men, railroad experi ence, for aervice Chicago and Kansaa City. Apply W. F. Tteihoff, Burlington Rotif.- 1004 Farnam. WANTED Strong man, steady "work ail year around. Onmha Paper Stock. Co., 18th and Marcy atreet 1 'Maggie, in Full The Sunday Bee. VE CfT ATI50NK. FULL" WH IN iONiE PLACED lO ONI fee. VvORkin' AN HOO WHEN THE C)Or WOULD 5WE IME A LETTER Or 'RECOMMENDATION HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. WANTED, EXPERIENCED MAN TO MAKE AND HANG SHADES. APPLY : H. R. BOWEN CO., BETWEEN 15TH AND 16TH ON HOWARD ST. . v WANTED Bright young man who can furnish good reference as to honesty and sobriety, and who is ambitious enough to do his best- Apply General Office. 2d floor, 19th and Farnam Sts. Mr. Sherman. TWO good auto mechanic. Military Gar age. 6115 illitary Ave. Walnut 4309. , Boys. ! BRANDEIS STORES WANT S BUS BOY FOR DINING ROOM. GOOD WAGES. SHORT HOURS. GREEN ROOM CAFE. WANTED Boy, over 16, to learn trade. Good chance tor advancement. Mid West Optical Co., 303 Baird Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE ; Stores and Offices. WANTED G I R L FOR GEN'L OFFICE Vfo R KT EXPERI ENCED. CALL BEE PUB. CO. ASK FOR MR. fiUIVEY. STENOGRAPHER, small office, $116 stenograoher. some cony work. $100 comptometer opr., $80; assistant book keeper, office experience, $85; office clerk, Insurance experience, $85; Diner, beginner, $70. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, 736 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeping knowl eldge. $125-3135; stenog., $110-$100-$90-$85-$S0-$76; cashier, knowledge of bookkeeping, $100-$110; typist. $95, $85-$76-$65; file clerk, $75. WATTS REFERENCE CO., 1138 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, $126, $110. $100, $90, $85; tvplst. $95: cashier. $100. WATTS REF. CO., 138 First National Bank Bldg. OFFICE girl wanted. Dresher Bros., 2217 Farnam. . Profession: and Trades. ' YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position T ' No profession today offer better op portunities for good Valarte and steady employment than local or lone distance telephone work. : - The work 1 fascinating, pleasant healthful surrounding, annual vaca tion with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employes. No experience necessary. Substantial wekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement , ' v Parent Invited to Investigate working condition. - Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary,. Room (16. New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglas Streets, . GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN OUR ICING ' AND PACKING DEPARTMENT; GOOD WAGES; PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. LOOSH.LES BISCUIT CO-'; 12TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED. EXPERIENCED SEWERS FOR ' DRAPERY WORK ROOM. ' H. R. BOWEN CO., HOWARD ST., BETWEEN 16TH AND 16TH. s . WANTED--Women to canvas anbscrtp. tlons for The Omaha Bee In tffe city and Council Bluffs. Apply at The Bee office, between 8 and 9:30 a. m. or 6 and 6:30 p. m. Inquire for Mr. O'Nell, circulation department. WANTED, WOMEN AND GIRLS. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. GOOD PAY, STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO., V , 8TH AND DODOE. . NURSES wanted at once. .Graduate nurse capable of taking charge of nine bed hospjltal, also one undergraduate. ODEBOLT HOSPITAL, ODEBOLT. IA. WANTED. ELEVATOR OPERATOR. APPLY SANFORD HOTEL. CHAS. L. FISH. Piano Tuner, Violin, Pl ano teacher. Colfax 0; 17- .. "-i ?! NO YOU W 1 TOO EA,RLf V 4 I HOPE , YOU ARC NOT A,rAiD OP EARt-y HOUR HELP .WANTED FEMA LE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced salesladv for dry goods and ready-to-wear departments, Phillips Dept. Store, South Omaha. LADY canvasser for electric irons and lamp; good proposition. C F. Adam Co.. 623 8. 16(h St. Household and Domestic. COMPETENT girl or woman for Jlght housework; must be good codk; small family, adults; good wages. Call Har. 407O. WANTED Competent maid for general housework; small family; no cooking, laundress employed. Call Walnut 4568. WANTED Experienced girl for general nouaework, small family, good wages, no laundry work. Call Walnut 4576. WHITE girl for general housework, no laundry, good home, best of wages. Harney 7349. 1301 South 35th Ave. FOR . LAUNDRESSES, DAY WOMEN, ETC., LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL UMN OFTHE BEE. WANTED Competent second maid, down stalrs work only. Mrs. Ward Burgess, 122 N. 22nd St. COMPETENT girl, general house work; good wages; no washing. Walnut 3055. 4815 Davenport COMPE1ENT girl for general housework; excellent family. 307 orth 31st St. Har ney 2773. WANTED Competent cook,-good "WageT, small family, Mrs. G. Stroz, 3708 Far nam. COMPETENT second mnaf downstairs work only. Mrs. Ward Burgess. 122 No. 22nd. WANTED White maid for general house work, no laundry, good wages. Walnut 6179. . COMPETENT white "maid for general housework. 3224 Dodge. Harney1876. WXNTED Girl for general houseuurk; small family; no washing. Wal. 3233. WANTED A maid, Jennie Edmundson hospital. Council Bluffs. WANTED--Competent cook. Hari 2067" Hotels and Restaurants. COUNTER AND FLOOR GIRLS WANTED AT ONCEr' STEADY WORK GOOD WAGEb. APPLY QUICKSERV CAFETERIA, CITY NAT'L BK, BLDG.. BASEMENT. BRANDEIS STORES WANT WAITRESSES AND BUS GIRLS GREEN ROOM CAFE. SCRUBMAIDS wanted, entrance El Beudor Dodge. Apply Employes' Apt., 18th and TWO neat appearing girls at once. A. BT Sweet Shop, 16th and Jackson. TWO waitresses wanted al once. Busy Bee Cafe, 218 South 14th. MAID wanted at the Keen hotel. 18th "and Harney. KITCHEN and pantry help wanted. Ap ply Blackstone Hotel. WANTED Kitchen help. Blackstone hotel. Miscellaenoux. GIRLS WAITED. To work In Icing and packing depart ment from 6 to 9:30 p. m. APPLY A TONCE. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. 12TH AND .DAVENPORT. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bids. Douglas 6692. YOUNG lady attendant. La Belle Instl tute. Doug. 6626. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A clean stock hardware and new brick building In best part of Ne braska. A money nfeker. Will stand inspection. Good reason for selling. Write P. O. Box 157, Davenport. Neb. rOR SALE A clean stock general mer- cnandlse, on main auto rerad and R. R. Store.also has the P. O. in Bldg., and cream station. Best of reasons for see ing. Y-1152 Bee. FOR SALE Wholesale bakery Jn the best town in fowa; population 80,000 :i doing .a business of $100,000-a year. Reason 'for selling other business. Y-1147 Beo. TO get in or out of "business. See LEWIS & CO. 411 McCague Bldg. Rooming Houses. , , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY The retail part of our bakery business for sale at a bargain. Want to devote our time to wholesale. Established nine .years in present location. Desirable and prosper ous city. Splendid Increasing business. Address City Bakery Sheridan, Wyo., P. O. Box 802. HELP WANTED. ' Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladle and boy to learn nue; Dig aemana; wage wnil learning; etrlctly modern. Call or write 1403 DodgegtTrl-atyBarber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGJIT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete course in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptoinetery, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil aervice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1665 for large Illustrated catalogue Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. LSARN tire repairing and retreading; aiso tuoe repairing ana all rubber .ul canlzlng IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIRING SCHOOL IN OMA HA. Three weeka learning. $16. Writ or call . 1 NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th and Capitol Ave. Van Sant School of Buslneaa, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890 SPANISH LESSONS GIVEnTcTaLL COL-' FAX 3624. y FRANK HENRY Teacher, saxophone and nana instruments, crergnton university. Private lessons, saxophone rr isio fur nished. Tyler 328. I BUSINESS CHANCES. Foft SALE ice cream parlor and cafe teria luncheonette, well equipped wl!'' booths, latest style table, 10-foot foun tain, automatic carbonator, plate gins ahow ensea, tana, etc. Been in opera tion In town of 6,000 for three months; running on basis of $40,000 yearly. S-ll at Invoice and give terms. Cause for selling as going Into manufacturing business. Might consider halt Interest. FOR SAL,E In a central "Nebraska city a billiard, pool, cigar bowling and soda fountain business, now paying $6,000 per year; 1 billiard, 7 pool tables, t bowling al loys, all In first-class shape: must aell en account of other buslnea Interfile, liox Y-93. I " Drawn for the Bee by McManus. Copyright. 1920 International News Kervir - BUSINESS CHANCES. TRACTOR BUSINESS FOR SALE BY MANUFACTURER w TRACTOR ATTACHMENT quickly converting any popular priced car Into a farm tractor doing work of 4-8 horses large demand for unit. Phone Tuesday, Mr. Seidl. Room 411 Fontenelle Hotel, or wire North Steel & Iron Co., Fulton, 111. ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000.AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR 'READERS AND ADVERTISERS. BEAUTIFULJurnished room for 1 or 2 gen tlemen in fliodern private heme on two car 4lnes, walking distance; $450 welt. 2703 Cuming. HarneyC959. Reference. NICELY furnished front bedroom, mod' err comfortable home; no children: newly decorated; adjoining bath: close to car; very reasonable. 4121 No. 22d. 2T02 DODGE Clean, neatly "furnfshed rOOm. firnt floor. Kllltnhle for tirn- von. tlemen preferred. Call before 3 Sii n d a y. 701 SO. 16th, 3rd floor: Large Iront room and alcove, suitable for three. A'so Hunt housekeeping rooms. COMFORTABLE furnished room, private family; ladles preferred; references ex- cnangefl. Harney 4314. iJMUiifUL suite of rooms, very ex clusive, in west Farnam home. Break. last. tiara ge M arney 219 6. 2308 DOUGLAS Larye. cool front room, two genuemen; walking distance. uougias yMfu. 2118 GRAND AVE Furnished sleeping room, two gentlemen; suitable for light nuuae Keeping. NICE east front room, furnished or un furnished. Lady preferred. Webster OtltJ. 1923 LOCUST Two furnished rooms, all modern: close to three car lines. Web ster b&yz. ONE LARGE and one small room; con venient to ,car line. Phone Harney D710. VERV HPElpahU rnnm nn1i Li . ------ ... w.. ...u .uvi.l, B"" aAIllllCIIl. Close in. Gentlemen preferred. Douglas 7643. J135 PARKSsAVE., largo front room, ldal w, naming uioiaiice; gentlemen Price reasonable. ELMS HOTEL7l9th"andrHameyRoom, Jliilw.eeK ana up. Doug. 5005 2226 S. 12TH ST. Sleeping room for rent; ladles preferred. Tyler 3719 101 N. 18TH For rent, nicely furnished Sleeping- room, jjougias 8022. 60U S. 36th Ave.; lurnTshed room, private home, for 1 or 2. Harney 3279. 420 SO. 26TH: ROOM. TYLER 4787. Housekeeping Rooms. 641 -SOUTH 27TH ST.. two large rooms, "lat nuur. auuus. tiarney 3301. Board and Rooms. 2633 SPENCER. Nice Urge room, with board. Private family. Gentlemen. Webster 1604. 311 NQ, 33D ST. Board and room; men ynrierreu, riarney Jt37, BOARD and room, modern home, for lady or gentleman, Douglas 9260 Unfurnished Rooms. FIVE rooms downstairs. 4 rooms upstairs. North Side. Webster 4706. ROOMS FOR RENT. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or aale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor. Tyleiantf. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished. WANTED To rent 4 or 6-room house in uuui iiuhu oy responsi Die people wlh two small children; would consider purchase if terms aultable. Box G-98, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. HOME WITH CONVENIENCE OF , HOTEL. Su(te of two and three rooms in beautifully appointed building. Llnea bedding, china, cooking utensils, beat, gas, light, water, phone and other necessities furnished. We assume your servant problem. Every courtesy ex-' tended in showing apartments. x- KL-B&UDOK APARTMENTS. Dodge, at Eighteenth. Tyler 4200. FIVE rooms, furnished or unfurnished," fn desirable aelghborhood, with or without garage. 1041 South 29th St. Tel. Har. 7366. FOR RENT Business Property. , NEW STORES TWENTY-FOURTH, BETWEEN FARNAM AND DOUGLAS. . Handsome terra cotta fronts, .lust completed terrazza floors, alze 40x60; suitable for many lines of business. Change your location to a better one. Call D-1472. - 1,200 SQUARE FEET new office space available soon for lease by one tenant In addition Omaha National Bank building- now under construction. This will make .splendid Quarters for some S responsible concern. Apply immediate ly. Concrete Engineering Co., 1116. Omaha National Bank. For Sale. NEW double portable garage. Will erect free if sold at once. Phone Doug. 3657. MOVING AND STORAGE; FIDELITY sArNDRAvNC0. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOL DOOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE KATES., FREE RENTAL SERVIOE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th nnd Jackson Sis. Douglaa 288. Moving, packing, storage. . fireproof warehouse. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and hipping. . OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. TRY US FIRST AMERICAN MESSENGER AND EXPRESS Douglaa 6900-6901. Moving, hauling all . kinds. Quick service. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned hy h. R. bowen Co. Tyler 3400. GLOBE VAN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon ervlce. CAPPS-LONG TRANSFER CO., Heavy hauling, furniture, piano mov ing and live stork hauUg. Prompt, ef " flclent service. Douglas 6261. UNION TRANSFER CO. T.ET'us estimate your moving,' packing and storage. 1606 Davenport. Doug. 2908. HORSES AND VEHICLES For Sale. HIGH GRADE SHOW HARNESS $125 values at $5 per set. Including army and war harness; 80- per cent dis count on all harness good and col lar. Write for free price list. Desk $ MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. "06 North 16th St. 20 HEAD fine farm horses, mares, mules. Some mares in foal. All stock guaran teed, sound, good condition. Apply M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th and B Sts., or after t p. in. phone Suuth 476, POULTRY AND PET STOCK. ; 1.000 WHITE Leghorn chirk for "aaleT M. t Peters MUI Co., pthB sts BIRDS FOR" SALE SINGERS AND" FE- MALES. 1!AR, 6198. 60 LAYING HENS, one cockerel. Douglas S7 8. PEDIGREE Boston bull terrier. Harney 6178. AUTOMjOBILES FOR SALE. LfRIVE IT YOURSELF, COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSFLF THE MOST ECONTTCllCAL AUTO. MOHJLING; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW, Al CONDITION. SELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 365 DAYS. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 3619. FORDS, BUICKS, DODGES NEW AND USED Cash or time. Drive them and pay by t,he month. All cars in good mechanical shane. Fords, bodtft, cabs, truck bodies. Send for catalogue. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St. . Tyler 714. CENTRAL GARAGE. Open day and night. "liRUCK BARGAINS." ic. rehullt. tires, newly paihtAl; guaranteed; only 31.400. I 1-ton Republic, newly painted, rebuilt, like new; guaranteed condition; only $900. r 1-ton Republic, overhauled, painted and new tins; $000. Ford, with Smith. 1-ton attnrhmmt. with bodv and cab, fine condition; $360. ANDREW MURPHY ft- SON, I 14th and Jackson Sts. - REBUILT H U D.SO N SUPER-SIXES. We h'ave several rebuilt and reflnished Hudsons In closed and touring models; exceptional values; terms If desired. GUY L. SMITH, Southeast Corner of 26th an Farnam. 1920 FORD SEDAN FOR SALE". Completely equipped with bump ers, speedometer, starter, etc. Less than 6 months old and in fine condition. Discount, $250 for cash. Tyler 1360. , Truck Bargains. Three Champion Make-A-Truck units, 1-1 Vi tons capacity, brad new, suitable for connection to any small car at bar gain price. Phone Tuesday, Mr. Seidl, room 411 Fontenelle Hotel..or wire North Steel & Tran. Co., Fult at, II 1 . SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson. Doug las 3600. DO you want a good automobile at a bar gain price? All makes and sizes. Terms ' or cash. Call Mr. Jones. Doug. 618S. WE HAVE 50 good used cars to select from. All price. , MEFKS AUTO CO.. 2026 Farnam. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR 'COMPANY, 25:10 Farnam St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2309 Farnam St. WANTED For spot caah, 100 used cars, quick action: no delay. A1M0 Exchange Co.. 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seal on windshield. BARGAIN, must Sell at once, 1920 Over land Model "4,' 5-passenger touring; good condition. Call Ray, Douglas 8080. FORD coupe for Bale at sacrifice by owner; fine condition; five wire wheels and new tires. Terms. Douglas 711JL USED" TRUCKS A ND CARS. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 FARNAM ST. BEST VALUES IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 9070. TWO Buicks. 1917, first-class shape. 1918 Dodge, overhauled. Morton's Garage, H. 6750. 1918 DODGE touring, good tires, good mechanical condition. Call Webster 2237. 1918 DODGE touring for quick sale. Will sell chenpi Webster 3565 after 6 p. m. CLASSY speedster; bargain at $150; ln qulre 4425 Dodge St. Walnut 2100 BRAND new Ford sedan, starter, de mountable rims. Webster 2237. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured in Omaha, 24-tour aerv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed: new fenders .made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Tires and Supplies U8ED TIRES. 30x3. $5.00; S0x36. $6.00. All sizes In proportion. Look over our rebuilt. Open Sundays. Tyler 298$. 8AV1GE TIRES. 908 N. 16th St. Keyst2n Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES. CHEAP. 80x3Vi FISK ..$14.95 I 34x4 $20.95 30x3 .... ..$10.95 33x4 $20.95 36x4 $29 .95 I 32x4 $19,95 SEE US FIRST. IT PAYS. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1722 CUMING NEW GUARANTEED TIRES. 30x3 ..$ ,9.75 32x3H..$15.90 30x3V.. .$V2.90 34x4 ..$21.75 STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 N. 16TH ST. AUTO electrical repairs; aervice station for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edward. 2616 N. 19th. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains in used machines: send for list. Victor H. Roos, 27th and Leavenworth. FARM .LANDS. Canadian Lands. FOR. SALE CANADA, t section, ask., unimproved, T in. R. R., old settled district of proved value, prosperous English speaking neighbors. $17 a, k cash, bal. to suit t per cent. No trade. Owner, P. J. Hodge. 2139 Wash Blvd.. Chicago, III. Colorado Lands. 160 ACRES unimproved, in Burlington district, all tillable; price, $30 per acre; $500 down, balance to suit. Address Frank Gass, owner, 4017 No. 25th St., Omaha, Neb. Iowa Lands. 5AN OFFER SEVERAL WELL IM PROVED IOWA FARMS AT BAR- - GAIN PRICES SMALL CASH PAY MENT. LIBERTY BONDS OR MORTGAGES ACCEPTED LONG TIME ON BALANCE WE DO THE BUSINESS. E. P. LUCEY A CO., - STORM LAKE, IOWA Kapsas Lands. WRITE us for prices and terms on land in Thomas county. Kansas. Felton West. P07 Crounse Block. Nebraska Lands. 4,000 Northeast corner Box Butte County. 95 per cent best of farm land. Rose bud silt loam soil, a nap at $26 an S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY 213 CH-y Nat. Bank Bldg. CORN AND ALFALFA-FARMS, 1 IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at the. right price, v Write for Hat. LARSON & CWIRAHER. central City. Nepraska. For N(b. Farma and RancheT see Graham-Peters Realty Co.. 829 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Omaha. A. A. PATZMAN- Far-ie. 301 Karbach Blk Wisconsin Lands. WISCONSIN-BARGAINS In "ruth cen tral Wisconsin, only 65 milea from Iowa we ar putting on the market 1 2.004 ai-res of land, now ready to euhdlvldi Into farms of from 80 to 640 acres; wi furnish buildings and cattle where de slredi Get our plan; none Just like It: a . high-class deal; not cut-over land; 7 per cent ready for the plow. Also 60 highly impreved farm foi sale on wonderful terifis. Write us foi our proposition now. The Peddle Land Company. Owners. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Wyoming Laods BREAD AT 25c PER LOAF la likely, says Dean Thatcher of th University of Minnesota. WHAT WILL THIS DO TO WHEAT LAND that will produce from 20 to 40 bushels of fine quality wheat costing $30 to $4D per acre, with V down and. 25 H year at 6 per cent on the balance la unques tionably a wonderful Investment. l.efc me tell you more about this marvelous offer and other very advantageous fea tures. J. H. CARSE, . 410 Bee Bldg . Omaha. Doug. 3575. SOLDIERS. 640-acre hntnreteada. 7-month residence. Duff. Casper, Wyo. FINANCIAL. Real EstjKe Loans. CITY AND. FARM" LOANS. PER CENT DUMONT ft CO., 16-418 Keelln Bldf. 4 It V- V V