"74 .., ...... 4 I PICTURE PRESS QRAVURB 8BCTION V:V V' T$x Rangera Walkwr and Baekttt (Standing) Drinking from tb Rio Grand, Whn Glataoa Art Not AvaUabU a Hat Will Do tbo Trick. . " V i Littlo MiM Mlya Fujit, a Diminatlv Mtmbor of th Japantio Emteanr at Waahlngton, D. O, Much Pro fan ThU Amwriean Outfit to Hot Oriantal Qothoa. sa u not a ait Afraid of Amariea'a Wind and Snow Nor Dota Sko Bosom Homoaick for tk Land of th jumona and Cbany Blotaom. AT LAST! A PRIZE FIGHTER WHO DOESNT LOOK THE PART. THIS BEAU BRUMMEL OF THE RING HAS BEEN ALMOST A SOCIAL LION IN NEW YORK (I 7 c4j Ccorgta Carpontiar, Harywigkt Champion of Enrop, Salute America on Hi Amnl in Now York from Franc on tk S. S. LaSaroi. Tk yonng man Ha Cratd a Sraaation in Nw York, Being Accorded tk Honor of Three Editorial in tk Morning Newspapers of Tkat City, All Complimentary and Enthusiastic. I) . V ,i. , - TO I '' - f 7 A Text Rangr, , Apparently of Herculean Strength, Holding tk Baby of Mr. , and Mrs. P. A. Carter. Mr. Carter I a WU-Known - . Magaain Illutrator. A Section of On of tk Refugee Trains on tk Trass-Siberian Railroad, Showing tk PoTrty Striekm Conditions Under Wklck tk Siberians LiV and TrarL Net tk A. E. F. Doughboy Wbo Hat Been Guarding tk Siberian Railroad. ''' - I l i' 1 i V v it,' t f v - 3 K ) -Hi ? 7 " T TUs Skark Is Said to be tk Biftast Xm Caught in tk Atlantic It Welgked Approximately Two Tkoaaand Poind and Was Caught at Miami, Florida, by Capt H. L. Roberta, Agd Nlnetn, of th Metbr Yacht Aadria IL Capi Roberts, who Weigks Only 120 Poand, Landed tk Big Skark Without Assistant. He Caught tk Monrter With th Rod and Hook Seen la HU Hands in ThU Oter sn How, and Pkotograpk. Tk Skark Foagkt Deepen tely for Finally Capt Robert Killed It With Harp Harpoon Shot Into Its lift' ! "S - . ' - . V III j' 4 nr Miss Consnelo Morgan, Wko Accompanied Hr Fatker, the American High Commissioner of Belgium, and Her Motker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hays , Morgan, on tn a ana no tor u Trip to sarop. Mias Margnwit Vaeani, tke Well-Know -Dancing Teacher, Was Married Recently to. Capt Lwli Rankin at tk Bromptoa Ora tory. Miss Vacant Has Taught Dancing to tk King and Queen of Spain. Tk Bride groom's Height Is Sir sad a Half Ft E3J 0 t : 1 t. Head. x a4 it