Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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THE BEE: - OMAHA; tiuESD AY, JUNE 1, 1920. '
6 Members of Sunday
School Party Injured
When Auto Overturns
When an automobile turned tur
tle near Kirk wood, north of Flor
ence with a party of six persons re
turning from a sunrise prayer meet
ing early Sunday morning:, Clyde
Bennett of Eustis, Neb., student at
the' Omaha university, sustained irir
ternal and spinal injuries, and five
others, all members of' the Chris
tian Endeavor society of. the North
Side -Presbyterian .church, were in
jured. ' I
Besides Bennett, . the injured
were: Laura Wolverton, 2004 Wirt
itrtet, bruised arms and face; Helen
Updyke, 3186 Foyler averruej broken
nose; -Ruth Olson, 2806 Bristol
street,' broken collar bone; Dorothy
Dlson, 2806 Bristol street, cuts and
bruises; Elmer Greeting, 2010 Lo
cust street, cuts and bruises.
Preparedness Advocated and
Tribute to Allied Dead Paid
By Chief of .Yank Army
" ' At Arlington.
Washington, May 31. A plea that
the American people be not swerved
by "personal ambition or "political
expediency" from fulfilling obliga
tions to "less fortunate peoples who
confidently look" to us for help,"
.marked the Memorial day addresi
of Gen. John J. Pershing, delivered
&c$e yiUtit fbri;;FAiiTS& iwauds
jidit run
The Original
bb4 Substitute
FarInfnta,Invi1ldtandOniwIncC1)tMril j RtcbMHk, Malted Onto Srtraet In Powder,
a am vngum vooa-uaaktrot All Ages i no cooiOBgoumMniraway aUfcto
Efficiency Plus
Oldsmobile engineers reasoned that a truck
might just as well be comfortable and easy
to operate as well as efficient from a hauling
standpoint.' ;' . .' .V '.
So after' the work end of the truck was per
fected they set in to perfect the self-starter
" and the lighting. These have been, cushioned
so that they are as reliable as the starting
and lighting system on the passenger car.
Economical Powerful Low Priced
j. no mat
ia the amphitheater at Arlington na
tional cemetery, ' where the formal
exercises in honor of the day cen
tered. ' ' '
"To the memory of our beloved
dead," he said, "we owe a duty to
complete the task they sanctioned.
The white crosses in France, stand
ing as symbols of brotherhood in
common purpose against militarism
and oppression,,: eloquently cry out
to vs. . ,
. "The appeal that rings in our
hearts must not be in vain. Rather,
let us go forward .... to the
well-being of our fellows as the
vital aim, reawaken the fine spirit
'which made possible our wa,"
achievements. Doing our full duty
as patriotic citizens, may we meet
our obligations and give encourage
ment and comfort to less fortunate
proples who confidently look to uj
for help.
"May-this day of solemn. medita
tion bear fruit tc justify the sacri
fices of those who died."
The general also pleaded for ade
quate preparedness.
"In this solemn presence," he said,
"and on this day, my countrymen,
I pray yeu to take such reasonable
Treasures in times of peace that
never again shall it fall to the lot
of a commander to suffer the an
guish of soul that comes when of
necessity our ""gallant young man
hood must unjustly bear the burdert
of our thoughtlessness and be sent
to battle without adequate prepara
tion." '
. A tribute to the allied dead also
was paid by the American, com
mander, "to the allied thousands
who during- four years of bittter
struggle gloriously fell in defense of.
their homes and firesides and who
lie yonder across the seas asleep in
quiet places beside . our sons a
mighty host united in death as they
were in life." -
A few British dead, some of whom
died while serving here during the
war, asleep at Arlington, were not
forgotten. Lady Geddes, wife of Sir
Auckland Geddes, British ambassa
dor, placed wreaths on the graves.
Alleged Pickpockets Arrested.
. -.Bert Kingston,. 2926 Vinton street,
and Frank Schley, negro,. 2518 De
catur street, alleged pickpockets,
were arrested last night by detec
tives at Twenty-fourth and Grant
streets. They were loitering among
the crowds at the negro carnival at
that place, acording to the police.
Both men are police characters, the
police say. They are being held for
investigation. ..
Street Car Striked '
Vote to Be Made
Public Wednesday
Whether or nbt there is to be
a street car strike in Omaha will
be announced Wednesday evening
at the regular meeting of . the car
men's union in, the Labor temple.
A secret vote of; all the men isl'be
ing. taken in all. the car barns of
the city. The men want a .wage
increase of 13 cents an hour.v '
R. A. Leussler, vice president and
general manager of the. .company,
declares a wage increase at the
present time is imposible. Officals
of the union say that if the com
pany will open its books before the
city council and prove that earn
ings do not warrant a wage in
crease, they will. be satisfied. .'
Two Hearings to Be Held
To Fix Blame for Collision
Hearings will be held by both
City Commissioner Zirrifnaitr in
charge of the fire department, and
County Attorney Shotwell to. deter
mine blame for the crash of- a
pumper and aerial ladder truck Sat
urday night, resulting in the. death
of Cnarles RoesIy and the serious
injury of Michael McGowan,. fire
men.1 -'"
Fire Chief Salter and Mr. Zim
man stated that the men have been:
admonished frequently to be wary
of precisely such accidents as this
one., .. -.
Hospital attendants ' announced
last night that McGowan's condition
was serious. - , ' . . - ,
; ' ' '. ' ':
Harmony Quartet Arrested. :
Four merrymakers, who police
said were conducting a "harmony
rehearsal in an automobile' belong).'-
to A. Greenberg, 1520 North Eight
eenth street, 'at Twenty-fourth and
Mason streets, last night were" ar
rested by Police Officers Nelson and
Kelly and taken to the police sta
tion, where they were charged with
intoxication. '' oreeirtferg s- compan
ions were: Walter . Shapiro of Den
ver, Colo.; George Rudolph, 2420
Cuming street,' and Victor .Belit
2024 Arbor street. . .
a New tforkCity lon from kid
My trouble last year. Dou't allow
yourself to become .victim by
selecting pains and acnes. Gxmct
against this trouble oy taking
mm . . n; ii i an n " t sb m w mm w -s
i-waiwif; fesjl-- ' ' ' f j t rh world' standard fwrnedy tot kiaa.y,
... fit . . -JlrTI fTI T ssff .'" t' II . niBr. Wadded 'and Jrlv acid tiouble
XL. . -.-B IT I U ' ll "J1 rry" Holland's national remedy since -tJ9ff
fh"-"TH I JSgSESS 1 1 1 B AB druggists thru sis, tinaiantacd
v A.'jfkn " VM 11 ' I ' '""sA Jl 'ok H k am tiold Ml amry mm
" ' - . . 1
1 "' 11
J J It" - ; vvr.
... J
rpHE purchasing powers
or value of ihel dollar is
rising. 1 V f
; Bank every dollar that you
can conveniently save.
You will realize much more
tHan interest as the buying
power of this money, set -aside
now, gradually in- v
creases. ':y, .
New Location, Doaglat at Eighteenth
' AT THE .
THAT th flrt lammer on of
th Orpheum 1. to b. an enormous
ucctu wii Indicated by th. grnt
audiences of Sunday and Monday. Tr.
opening bill baa ' th advantage ot one
of the moat popular acta of the Or-
Pheum circuit. The atellar offerln U
Rubevllle," preaented with a company
of 10 men. Comedy la one of the chief
foaturea of the offering, but the musical
element! are likewise conspicuous. There
la - a brasa band, an orchestra and a
ouartet of pleaalnf violinist.. Each Jay
the performance la c6ntlnuoua from S:l
In the afternoon until 11 at nlaht. The
bill atarts with ' Klnograma. and next
cornea the big- feature film. Olive Thomas
In "Footlights and Shadows," -a screen
slory of strong dramatic elements aad
emotional tensltly. ' .
Topping the -bill i for the first half of
tho week at the Erin teas theater are Ar
thur Demlng's Vlnmtls, a mutloal at
presenting some of me latest songs nnd
dances. Jim McWIll'.ama offers a comedy
piano and singing act. Impersonating some
of America's foremost planfsls. His act
Is very entertaining. Reo Helmar,
"Physical Masterpleces.'J present a novelty
gymnastlo act whlcn will thrill and. amuse
the audience. The Stuart Olrls, ' two
charming young misses, Introduce some
clever Hnrgs and dances In their offering. -Their
Jokes are original and very pleasing.
Wireless Will Connect Boy
Scout Camp With Omaha
The semiannual meeting of the
local council of the Omaha Boy
Scouts was held last night in the
Chamber of Commerce. Reports
for the first six months of the year
were read by G. M. Hoyt, executive
scoutmaster, and O. E. Smith, camp
director. ; -
Plans are being made by the coun
cil for the biggest summer camp
vet conducted at Camp -Gilford.
Wireless service will, connect the
camp and local scout headquarters
tor the benefit of the parents of. the
hundreds of boys who are expected
in the camp, which Will begin Jun;'
21( and end ' August 27. .
Negress Is Badly Slashed. ,
' Jealous with rage at ' finding
George Smith, 2606. South' Twenty
sixth street, at' . the home of his
sweetheart, Nannie Martin, Twenty
sixlh and "N streets Dan Goodlo,
negro, grabbed a knife and slashed
the woman several times across the
face and body, according td a story
Nannie told the police last night.
She was itaken to the South Side
station, wfiere her injuries -Were at
tended. Gbodlo escaped.
Yeggs Bore Through '
From Power Co. Safe
Boring a hole, 12 inches. by 24
inches, through the wall between
the vacant store building at 1419
I'arnam street, and the Nebraska
Power Co. offices, 1421- Farnam
street, ' directly into the . vauK
yeggmen secured $1,000 in , cash
sometime between Saturday nigljt
and yesterday morning.
The robbery was discovered by
R...'C.-. Vaughn Drake Court apart
ments, and D. VV. Hopkins, 2856
Spalding street, who are 'engaged
in ' remodeling . the storeroom at
1419 Farnam street.
Liberty bonds totalling $1,000 and
checks amounting to $10,000 were
strewn about the floor of the vault.
The robbers departed through the
door into the freight elevator; which
leads into the alley. -v '
; li L. .
President of Ad Clubs of 1 r
j World Delivers Address
i Reuben H. Donnelley of Chicago,
presiderit of the Associated Adver
tising Clubs of the World,' was
the principal speaker at the weekly
meeting- of the Advertising-Selling
league at the Hotel' FrJntenelle last
i Mr. Donnelley talked ton "Asso
ciated Advertising Clubs Its Aims
attd Purposes." He spoke also of
the advertiseing club's national con
vention in Indianapolis, June 6 to
10. H. R. Kelso, president of the
Ad club of Lincoln also spoke.
Child Struck by Auto;
Woman Charged With
Driving Recklessly
Lucille Reznor, 7-year-old daugh
trr of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rez
nor, 1706 N Street, while- crossing
N street near Seventeenth yesterday
afternoon, was struck by an auto
mobile driven by Mtf. L. Scott, 2S20
Adnms street.
The little mirl was taken to th?
South Side police station where )t
was iouna sne naa susiainea a se
vere ' cut at the. base of the brain
and several scalp wounds. After be
iiig attended by Police Surgeon
Young the .girl was taken to her
Mrs. .Scott was held by the po
lice on ' a charge of reckless driv
es. :.-'' ' ; '
6 Bell-ans:
Hot water
Sure Relief
Often are pale, dellcato7eaaily at
tacked by diseasq, because their
bodies ' are Imperfectly nourished
since the rapidly growing nervous
system has first
call upon the sup
ply of repairing
and rebuilding
material. Father
.John's'. Medicine
helps. Nature
make , children
strong and
.healthy and
keeps them so.
It contains ' no
drugs nor alcohol
but the most eas
ily, -used food
mediclne which
Is easily digested
and used by : the
blood, nervous
system and other
body cells. In use,;
for over sixty"
years. , 4
' o j
Put Avicol in the drinking water.
Moat people lose half of every hatch,
and seem to expect It." Chick cholera or
white diarrhoea la the trouble. The U. 3.
Government elates that over half the
chicks hatched die from this cause.
An Ayl col tamer,
placed In' the drinking
water, will positively
save your little chicks
from all such diseases.
Inside of 48 hours the
sick ones will be as lively
as crickets. Avicol keeps
them healthy and makes
thm srrow anrl dvlnt.
Mrs, Vannle Thackery, R. F. D. S, St.
Paris, O., writes. "I had 90 chicks and
they all died but 12. Then I commenced .
on Avicol and haven't, lost any since,
They have grown wonderfully."
It costs nothing to try Avicol. If you
don't find that It prevents and promptly
cures white diarrhoea, chick cholera and
all bowel diseases of poultry, tell us and '
your money will be refunded by return
mall. Avicol Is sold by most druggists
and poultry remedy dealers, or you can
send 25c or 50c today for a package K
mail postpaid. Burrell-Diurger Co., 373
Columbia Bids;.. Indianapolis, Ind.
Stops chicks dying
For Rent
and Adding
Machines of
All Makes A
Central Typewriter
Doug. 4120 1912 Farnam St.
Bee Want Ads Are- Business
fc" :V v Final Suit
tt SaasssassS
.;!V. '"
We Offer
Tuesday v
Two ' numbers of Silk
Stockings at less titan
cost at themUl.
' They ar in black only.
IsTq. 349-Regular sizes,
. are made-in Paterson,
r,:N:.' J; Mill price, $48
' per dozen, Our 'price,
No. 4261 Out size. Made
, by JOnlock Mills.' Mill
. price, $36 dozen. . Our
. special price, ,$2.75
pair. . , ' .y
on 09VGju,sjnjcr for nrty ywRi
Tuesday, Jurie First
We present a series of sales. Offering merchandise which, for paribus
reasons, is obtainable at a lowered price. .We believe this" month of June
will be very interesting because of the unsettled state of the- market.
Nobody knows which way we are heading. Some believe prices ' wiUf
be higher, others that they will1 be lwer.- s ' :)
i It is by taking advantage of the opportunities ' such, a market affords
, that we expect to piesent from time to time garments and 'materials at very
attractive prices. . ' -'J, - -'. ' " J- " t
Having decided to make a
quick and final clearance of
all wool suits, we have divid
ed them Into two 'great lots
for Tuesday morning selling
at 9:80 o'clock. This includes
suits of every size, 16 to 54,
all of our superbly tailored
models included,, no reserva
tions. vThe materials are of
trlcpUne, wool velour checks,
serge, knit cloth and full
wool, r
, Values to $125. Sale prices,
I $35 and $50.00
Junior and infants' :
Department r
a veritable joy, it is, for mother! to stroll through
these departments with snowy like neaps of outer and
undergarments to greet the eye with, "this," that,"
or the "other" necessities for the wee ones and older
kiddies and all plainly marked and SO reasonably
priced. '
DreSSe .,(Aged 6 Months to 2 Years.) i
' . Both long and short dresses of nainsook, trimmed
with lace and tucks, $1.29 and $2.29. '
Flannel Skirts.
. With embroidered hems, $1,29, $1.98, $2.29
DraWeiS (Aged 2 to 12, years.)'-: I '
-Of muslin .with lace and'embroidery trimming. V
,. LOT NO. 1-29. 39. ,
. LO NO. 2-39t, 49t.
. LOT NO. 3594. - ,
Bloomers - . , ;
A good grade musli bloomer, 594, 794.
" Pretty, gingham patterns, stripes in pink, blue and
brown; also attractive color combinations, some
of which have mannish suspender effects, 594
' 984. $1.19, $1.49.
g InfantS' SldrtS ( Months to 3 Tears.)
S ' "' ot nainsook, attractively trimmed with both laca
and embroidery, 984, $1.49, $1.79.
g NightgOWnS to U Tears.)
Of nainsook, both high, and low necks, embroidered
g . - and lace trimmed, 894; $1.39, $1.69.
p White DreSSeS ' Fo' Children and Juniors.)
HI Of net, organdie, voile and georgette. Some trim
as med with dainty laces; others with tucks and pret
H ty ruffles, $7.50, $9.50. $12.50.
HI WOOl SWeaterS For Children and Junlora)
HI ' . This is a very extraordinary offering of high-grade,.
H .-' all-wool sweaters. Only about 35 pieces in a vari
s f ety of colors, coral, old rose, cardinal, blue, brown
and color , combinations.
A sweater is an indispensable aid to good
' health during the sudden changes of temperature
B- in this climate. -
g " Values at $7.00 to J10.0O. -
'- CLEARANCE PEICES, $3.95, $4.95. ,
Tuesday-Shoe Sale
V .- Tuesday, we will put on sale a beau
tiful lot of fine "French heel low shoes
and, slippers. Never a season where
styles were so charmingi. This sale will
include our finest hand made by
"Baker," turn slippers, m dull kid and
brown kid, tan calf and patent leath
ers;1 strip, pumps, -colonials, oxfords
and Hampton ties.
I i
Our entire stock of French
slippers included in this sale.
A Correct Size for Every Foot
Correctly Fitted. . f
$13.50 to $15
Grades, 4
$11 to $13.50
$15 to $18.50
All our WHITE' French, heel slip- ,'
pers, ties and oxfords go in this sale.
' i . ,
, Finest Quality Finest Quality
White Nile Cloth . Snowwnite Washable
, V Up to $12.00, . Kid. Up to $18.00, ',
$7.95 $9.95
T ! '
Charges and deliveries as usual, but in
-view of these unusual prices, we must con
sider all sales final. '
A' Dress Sale-9:30 A. M.
. . A really wonderful purchase of dresses Te
- cently made from our high-grade manufacturers
have just been received and go. on sale Tuesday ''
morning at 9:30 o'clocli. It . is only necessary Hi 'v
that you 'see our window display, of these mar- . s '
Velous values .to insure your' presence here at 1
the hour named. It would be difficult, if not "
impossible, for us to overestimate their fresh-
ness and charm. The dresses are for street and H
semi-dressy occasions as well as sports wear ef- .11
fects and are one of a kind models,.and are di- g
, vided into three lots. Eemember, the sale starts M
at;. 9:30 Tuesday morning. A splendid assort- Wi
mnt of sizes and colors. 1 ' v .
Dress Sale, Lot No. 1 B
, This lot consisu of dresses of figured georgette,. H
! - kTk! ko1 and Colette combinations; georgettes HI -
' wth dainty inserts of lace, crepe do chine and
georgette combination, IJ
i ? Values to $57.50, Sale Price, $29.75 H
Dress Sale, Lot No. 2 D
Here you have 'charming models In tricolette, fig-
urtd georgette, taffeta combinations, pussy willow, E
. crepe de chine, georgette and charmeuse combina- 1
tions; beautiful baronette and '.other sports wear s
effects. , 1 . - ,.r . 3
' Values to $7)9.50, Sale Price, $39.75 J
Dress Sale, Lot No. a
Exquisite frocks of tricolette in taupe, black and
navy, some with colored stitching, new modela in
satins; some elaborately , embroidered: charmeuse
and georgette, both beaded and embroidered, in at
tractive designs, pussy willow taffeta, etc. In fact
' dresses for practically every occasion.
Values to $98.50, Sale Price, $47.50
June , Has For Years Been the Month for Our
W. hav recently received from the Philippine Is
lands a big shipment secured by a direct representative
who bought them for us. ' Tuesday this dainty collec
tion will be on sale, together with special underprlc.
purchases of silk garments and splendid values in cot
ton muslin underwear.
' All th. fine shadings of distinguished quality, all
th. refinements of finish, silhouettes that conform in
perfect harmony with the fashionable dress of th. hour
detail treatment and embroidery motif all ar. quail
ties ever associated with Ktlpatrick undergarments
Qualities which elevate them beyond the usual common-
daces. 1 ..'! . -.. i
1;-' Muslin Undergarments -
1 Nightgowns
I A good quality garment, tailored model with"
delicate colored stitching. Special, $1.69.
Nightgowns ,: : . v
1 rOf fine nainsook, both lacrand embroidery
I trimmed, full length and width. Spe., $1.95 philippine UnderganrientS
i-ugragowns -
g '- Of extra quality nainsook ' trimmed with
' . . fine val laces and embroidery. Spe., $2.95. '
J Envelope Chemise
IS . Of fine nainsook ; lace and embroidery trim-,
1 med; also tailored numbers. Special, $1.69.
x Envelope Chemise .
1 Of exceptionally fine quality nainsook, ex-
I-' quisitely trimmed with lovely quality val
and filet laces, also some, are embroidered.1
Of fine nainsook, kimona sleeve, full width and
' , length, hand embroidered. Special, $3.50.
Envelope Chemise and
A most attractive group of gowns and envelope
chemise made of very fine nainsook, nand em
i broidered to exquisite designs. Special, 85.95.
Nightgowns . , .
Of fine nainsook, in beautiful hand embroidered
, designs. Special, 84.95.
Special, $2.05.
Silken Undergarments K
Envelopes V
Of good quality crepe de chine, some trimmed with
filet lace and others with touches of hand em
broidery. Special, $2.98. J
Envelopes '
Attractive models, in fine quality' crepe 'de chine
and wash satin, lace trimmed and hand embroid
ery. Special, $4.98.
Envelopes ,
In extra quality crepe de chine and wash satin,
some trinwied with delicate laces, while others
, art daintily embroidered. Special, $8.95.
Billie Burkes
Refined tailored model in flesh crepe de chine
- Special, $8.95. - '
Nightgowns, Petticoats ;
and Envelopes '
This group Includes some very handsome crept de
chine and wash satin garments. Only one or rwa
of each pattern. Special. $10.95.
3 3
r s
s 3
: 3.
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