9 j THE BKEt OMAHA, TH UK3DA Y,M A Y 27, 1920. . -i OMAHA TO ENTER IN BIG BALLOON RACE NEXT FALL ; , I Members of Local Aero Club Plan Campaign to Bring ; Event to Gate City 1 .-In 1321. f Th Omaha Aero club will be a contejtant in the international bal- i loon race which starts at Indiana polis, find., October 23, it was an- '; nouncjed yesterday. ThefOmaha entry will be the third in the United States. The other two are by the St. Louis Aero club and the Akron, 0., Aero club. Eng land has three balloons entered for the race, France has two and Bel gium mas three. Steps will be taken immediately to secure a balloon for the Omaha contestants and already a race has started among the 40 .balloon men in tht Omaha Aero club to g et the privilege of piloting the big gas bag. ;Two men will be selected for " Jit rtttrnnsc ' . Th Omaha men have also started laying plans to secure the 1921 in- .44n?1 Hallinn rar fnr Omaha. The position of this city and the ort umana Daiioon iacmues rc uch as to make the best arguments in Omaha's favor. The Omaha Aero club is eom- a4 'nrinir!i1tv nf fnrmfr ftverl in the balloon and aeroplane depart ments of the army. It has 104 mem bers now and is seeking more. It hopes to become one of the big aero ; clubs of the country. Civilian flyers re also eligible to membership. The aero club has been incorporated and kas received a franchise in the Aero flub pi America. j, - t Austrian General Dies Vienna, May 26. Field Marshal fzetorar Boroevic, commander of Austrian forces on the Italian front from Hate m- ma, until ucioDer, 1918, is dead, his death being eaused a . . t A i. ty a stroke oi apopiexy. Charge Iceman Kit Wife nit Wnnw. Ireman. 321S Franklin ittreefc was arrested last night for 1frrtf assault and battery. He is aid to have struck his wife, Bessie, during an altercation. Norfolk, Neb., Gains 43 Per Cent by Census Washington, D. C, May 26. (Special.) Census figures issued today show Albion, Neb., with a population of 1,978, showing an increase of 394 or 24.9 per cent; Norfolk, 8,634, showing an in crease of 2,609 or 43.3 per cent Other announcements are: East St. Louis, 111., 66,749; in crease 8,193 or 14 per cent , Fulton, Mo., 5,595; increase 367 or 7 per cent. Miami, Fla., 29,549; increase 24,078 or 440.1 per cent. Florence, s. u, iu,voo; in crease 3,911, or 55.4 per cent. Commission's Envoy Here To Prepare for Hearing E. E. Deem, representative of the international commission consider ing the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence river tidewater project, arrived in Omaha yesterday to confer with of ficials of the Omaha Chamber ot Commerce concerning the hearing in this city before the commission on June ! . . . . '. : The commission conducted near ings in Boise, Idaho, yesterday. The .V,Hi,1 rrnvirlct that thev hold hearings in Denver and Cheyenne simultaneously on Saturday ana men come to Omaha for the sessions be ginning Tuesday. , Mr. Deems will remain in Omaha until the ned of the hearings. Can Axford Improving. Carr Axford. resident of Omaha for 53 years, is reported gradually mnrnvinn from injuries rcceivcu April 11 near his home, Twenty first and Lake streets. Me is ex pected to be sufficiently improved by IhIv 1 to take a trio to California improving mv - -- - - when he was struck by a street car with his wife and son. lift Off Corns! Doesn't hurt! Dft touchy corns and x calluses right off with fingers Jk B 7 a 'cut V Apply a few drops of "Freezone" upon that old, bothersome corn. Instantly that corn stops hurting. Then shortly you lift it right off, root and all, without pain or soreness. Hard corns, soft corns, corns between the toes, and the bard skta calluses en bottom of feet lift right off no humbug I What Do You Know? (Hare's eluuica to mrte yonr wlta wrth money. Each day The Bee will BtiblUfc lerlci ot qnertfona, prepared by Superintendent J. H. Beverldge of the public echoole. Tb.gr cover thins which hniilrl know. The flret complete UM t correct aniweri receWed will be reward- I d by SI. The anewen and tne name oi in winner will be published on the day indi cated below. Be dure to (rive yonr Tiewe ml adilrcM In fall. Aaareei "waesnon fcilltor," Omuha Bee.) By J. H. BEVERIDGE. 1. In which state is the greater fcart f Yellowstone park? 2. To what empire does Canada lone? i 3. What is the largest country in I South America? . A. What is meant by "The Emer ald Isle?" S. Name the capital of Czecho slovakia. (Answers Published Monday.) MONDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. What state produces the most iron ore? Minnesota. 2. What state produces the most salt? Michigan. 3. Where is Old Faithful geyser? Yellowstone Dark. 4. What mineral is mined exten- ivelv at Butte. Mont? Copper. i 5. What ocean is at the western fend of the Panama canal? Atlan tic. : " Winner! John Walters, 502 Fourth , treetl Council Blutts, la. JJgnttag Fixture, Surges! Gran- glen Co. aqv. Most Unusual I ; Values In Drapery Department at Bow en t on Saturday .. Toa will hare th opportunity ot pfrebaalng I Cretonne I Overdraperles , madf tn our own work room. They are SK yards long and trimmed with edging to match, and jet In valance at top all ready to bang. In pretty patterns for Saturday at, per pair C$3.45 and $4.95 ! - : . . Also Very CKoice Yoile and Mar quisette Curtains Made in our own workroom. In 2U yard lengths with set In valance at top; drawn work borders front edge ana Bottom or valance all ready to hang, at, per pair k $1.98 and $2.45 -ii ii ii Fancy Colored ! Marquisettes in mnlberry. bine, brown and rose with fancy borders, made with set in valance at top ready to hang at:. 3 $2.95 per pair ' e i Another , 1 0pportunity to supply your needs In heavy Felt .Base Floor Covering in choice linoleum patterns at 59c per square yard. Open a Beddeo Charge Account. It's Different Ttny btlUitf,Frtruni but a few ants at drug starts wmm 1417 DOUGLAS STREET Thursday-Bungalow Aprons at less than the cost of making alone Here's another of those sensational sales of Bungalow Aprons; and in this Thursday event we are offering greater values than ever before. GINGHAMS PERCALES CHAMBRAT STRIPES CHECKS PLAIDS PLAIN 75 Dozen Aprons in the Sale This sale is bound to pack this store as soon as the doors open Thursday morning. We cannot urge you too strongly to be here early. Bungalow Aprons Worth to $2.25 Thursday Only Bungalow Aprons Worth to $3.50Thunday Only 1 am Spar is a top notch cigarttts Can you pick a good sne when you see it? Get right up there where Spur Cigarettes are galloping in the lead. Judge Spurs by that good old to bacco taste American and Imported tobacco, blended in a new way. Judge em by their good-breeding,' emphasizea by their smart package of brown and silver. They're crimped, not pasted. So they burn slower and draw easier. Rolled in satiny, imported paper. Something about that package and that cigarette just naturally fills the bill. You know Spurs for winners the minute the dealer trots 'em out .H.0wmi;rilUiirtoiinHiMlMliUW!iinHW AEGAINS On Most Generous Terms Three Burner Gas Range Large Size Oven An ideal range for large or small apartments. The roomy oven is of generous size and an excellent bak er. You can purchase this range on Easy Terms at . . th special , JOT" price of d I jj Bed Davenport i 1 The frame is handsomely finished golden and is neatly . 3g upholstered in Span- )7'J3ll ish fabricoid, only 0 d J::: 6 r: A Sensible Buy If you are lacking clothes space you .will act wisely by securing this commodi ous chiffc- . . . robe. Golden SCO 50 finish, at. . 52i An Ice Saver Is scientifically built The large provision chamber is heavily white enameled. B0-1 pm g 5 iu. capacity.. 17i You'll Like It SBBBBBIBBBBaSBSBaBSSSBBBBBaBBBMBsunHHBMIilB 1 1 u Extra Special Carriage Sale The large shipment of carriages, go-carts, strollers, sulkies, etc., that we have been waiting for so long, has Just arrived. In order io make up for lost time we are plac ing a number on special sale: Top Carriage, &iA 7C very attractive .ipu4 Center Carriage, Q1 C( as illustrated ..... .P 1 ou Eeed Stroller, fc1 C 7C a bargain spiO.IO Buy Any Carriage On Easy Credit You will appreciate . this handsome buffet more in your own home. Note the roomy drawer space. You can secure , t this bargain, 5, at Roomy Rocker The broad shaped seat and the wide back maka this a very comfortable rocker. This bargain in golden , ?750 finish, at I Chair Value m Tomorrow will be the only day you will be able to se cure the chair illustrated. The golden finish, Aj at, only X Comparison proves these prices bargains An Ideal Article for Small Apartments . n mil ffSSifl s 1 Brass Trimmed 13 53 A massive two-inch post "Sim mons" steel bed. Comes in Vsr nls Martin or white t enamel finish 1 fl at, only X VI Adam Period Suite In Mahogany Note the neatly designed triplicate mirrored toilet table, the plain styl ish bed, and the commodious chiffonier, pach piece is handsomely oecoratea. uuy tnis attractive Bedroom Suite Thursday t 114 Gate Leg Table fl An ideal article for small apart ments. Is well built and finished fumed at, only ill 1 Big Table Bargain 1 be plea '28! Has large drawer. You will always be pleased 1 11-1 1 ,1 t.UT. 11 at............. I Buy a Columbia 1 n rJu vu vicuii Come to Hartman's tnmnrrow select any model you prefer f ana pay ior 11 iu E small weekly pa mentis. This model E 2, 5 , in all finishes, only Queen Anne Period This suite is built to give satisfactory serv ice. The suite consists of four sturdy chairs ritn run sup seats upholstered in genuine Spanish leather. The large 48-inch too ta ble is rigid when extended to full six feet. The complete suite, ia brown mahogany, at aaca Of Use Your Credit Built of Genuine Reed A more restful piece of furniture could not be wished for. Reed or, . t r e n fiber, as illustrated KVjL above, at Spring Special The stock of this spring is limited, so come ear ly. All sizefe . at this 175 price IS' fflllf '-11 m KBBHB LU I If w n s w Ml I Ta! f 1 i 1 IT O . ni m i vi jzm ?.. wmr -1 . m m -.: .:; L ; 1 !IS--J , :yU , ; ; ' - Extraordinary Strong Adjustable Swing I Vn i'w---'v- Of selected oak and can be f g t)siS 3 Tl IV adjusted -to any height Only OeC i m Rug Bargains ; - I I 111 - & nTXl Wire Bound Hose! M PiiPSPfcXSS. We could hardly run an ad of SaffiCfe . ,.u , . . , M S lliylSfiHtl . special bargains without includ- - rJ rnn7hlr? H II HSI BSPSQy ing a few big rug specials. Be- EH J Comes in the 25-foot M II I Bnnnnn low w. Ut i f,w of the many MW: eihs, Thurs- ,4H H bargain for Thursday. p B r I sxio Fancy Fig-nso Lawn Mower Value him B B IlKSW j Urcd6rassEugS-- 10 Easy to operate. Has 12-inch lSll 1 n 11 Ifir r l0Bered $750 5-2? special,y . in Sl 1 H I ' S8 Konly.... - 0 .Z0S J i. M i lf . J SUleentli-BetwcenKarney and Howard 1 . lt