Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1920, Page 6, Image 6
i II! (8! I! .0 I: V 1 rr i ; I. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1920. & The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, NELSON B. UPDIKE. Publlahar. MEMBERS OK THE ASSOCIATED NtESS Tki AMootaud Prmt. of whleb Tin Baa Is a amalnr. It d lanf """ad to Uw um for publication of til am ill rate aradliad to H or sot otharwlaa cradiud In tola ppr. and alas tot local otwi pubiubad nv.ta. All rlihta of publloaUoo of out apaoUl dUmlnlm on aim rwnit . . BEE TELEPHONES Prirat Bruob Snhania. Aik for th Tl AAA Dapanaanl or Particular Pnon KuikL . 1 yil 1UUU Far uiM &ubi! Call, Zdttortat Dtrtrtrntnt ............ CUrululon Daptrtmmt ........- A4nrUlii Daparunant OFFICES OF THE BEE Bom Offlc: nth and Faruao. Branca Offlcat: Amm ills North Ulh I Uniitk ft! da Council Bluffl la DooU St. I Walnut Fuk Mil Uaianwonn I Out-of-Town OfBcwt ftw Tort Offloa SM Flfta in WtaoJntuw uuctfo Trior 1M0L Trior 1001, Trior 10ML mi w Bt II Nona I0U Mil O 8L Blwor Bid. Parla Tnac 421 But St.. Iloaoro - The Beefs Platform 1. New Union Pataengar Station. . 2. A Pip Lino from tho Wyoming Oil Fields to Omaha. 3. Continued improTOmant of tho Ne braska Highway!, including tho pave mant of Main Thoroughfaroa loading into Omaha with a Brick Surfaco. 4. A short, low-rato Waterway from tho Corn Bait to tho Atlantic Ocoan. 5. Homa Rula Charter for Omaha, with City Manager form of Government. COLD WELCOME FOR ARMENIA. 'The president's message to congress asking that the Armenia mandate be accepted was calmly if not coldly received, and will be sub ject to very careful scrutiny before definite action is taken, on it either way. This is not because Americans are in any sense averse to taking on their share of the "white man's bur den," or that they are unwilling to assist in bringing backward nations to a better way of living. We have given help in a practical way to every applicant, even to Turkey, and the generosity of the nation has been strained in many ways since the world war came to vex humanity. , Yet it may be questioned if we are to reckon ourselves as heritors of all the ills that beset the race, or as called upon to set aright everything that is out of joint in mankind's affairs. ...The Turkish problem has been before Europe for over 500 years. Constantinople fell to the Turk . because the western nations of Europe would not go to the aid of th Byzantine govern ment. Only when the Turk knocked at the gates of Vienna did the great, warlike powers of the west bestir themselves. ' Then they per mitted, the occupancy of the great region along the lower Danube and the Don to be held" under fhe Crescent. Five centuries of incessant and bloody struggle have ensued since the great crime against Christian civilization was com mitted. Within the last three-quarters of a cen tury on several occasions Russia has looked down on vanquished Turkey, only to be re strained by British and German influence. In the present situation, a failure to agree between the Allies alone is responsible for the con tinuance of Turkey in Europe. Just why Americans should become a party to the maintenance of a situation that is ab horrent from any point of view has not been made clear. Armenia is part of the problem that properly belongs to Europe. If there is jealousy and -distrust there, it is because of the traditional course followed by Christian nations in dealing with- the-sultan. When England, France and Italy can agree among themselves, abridging the rivalry that has sustained the miserable apology for a government that has so long insulted civilization from its roost on the Golden Horn, the need for America's taking the Armenia mandate will disappear. Where the Decision Will Be Made. There is one picture we wish every delegate to both national conventions would keep in his mind and in his heart when the time comes to ballot for a candidate for president It is -that drawn by the masterly im.-.ginatioft of Garfield in 'the republican convention of 1880. .The superb Conkling of New York had named Grant for a third term in the celebrated speech be ginning: --.;; , ' " When asked whence comes our candidate, Our sole response shall be, He hails from Appomattox - ' And its famous apple tree. He was cheered for thirty minutes, .when Garfield of Ohio arose to put John Sherman in nomination, and began: Gentlemen of the convention, your present temper may not mark the healthful pulse of our people. When your enthusiasm has passed, When the emotions of the hour have subsided, we shall. find below that calm level of public opinion from which the thoughts of a mighty people are to be measured and by which their final action will be determined. Not here is the destiny of the republic to be aa e 1 Iour years out by 4,000,-- 000 of republican firesides, where the thought ful voters, with their wives and children about them, with the calm thoughts inspired by love of home and country, with the history of the past, the hopes of the future and reverence for the great men who have adorned and blessed our nation in days gone by burning in their hearts, it is there God prepares the ver dict which will determine the wisdom of our work tonight. ... . ( Those words made a profound impression upon the delgates, an overwhelming majority of . whom favored either Grant or "Blaine.. But after the excitements and enthusiasm of three days of fruitless balloting they remembered Garfield's sage counsel and nominated him after he had protested he was not a candidate. A similar situation seems likely to occur at Chi- " cago. If so, may it bring as happy a result as the deadlock of 18801 Control of Wealth by Dead Men. Morally, has a man the right to control ,hi3 property indefinitely after his death? Legally he has this right to a remarkable extent. He may tie up all he leaves, for a long, long time, if able to make a lawyer and court-proof will. t But as a matter of public policy and private morals should this condition exist? Govern . ment is taking a larger and larger share of the fortunes of dead men, but it still permits the distribution of estates in accordance with the . wish of the men who accumulated r them, and doubtless and justly will long continue to do so. . But of late years there has: been a trend to ward making trusts of great accumulations, in tended to run for generations. The wisdom of this hoarding of great properties is not yet es tablished. A distribution within a reasonable " number of years is widely believed to be better , for -all concerned, including the state. Other wise a hundred enormous fortunes might within thttegenerationi establish a financial power in the .hands of a. group of families that would b. B social menace. In America it has long been but three generations "from shirt sleeves back to shirt sleeves;" that is to say, from honest work to wealth, ease, comfort and idleness, and back to honest work again. What would be the ultimate result of ten thousand or of a hundred thousand American families perpetuated as holders of vast wealth for many generations? Better Pay in Postal Service. One of the wonders of the postal service has been the, loyalty of the older employees, who have clung to it in spite of the most discourag ing conditions. Not all, for thousands of the highly developed experts have been driven by stress of circumstances to seek other and more remunerative employment. Replacing these men has been found almost impossible to achieve, because the rate of pay is so low that men who are capable of doing the specialized work of a mail clerk are no longer attracted to the service. Senator Calder of New York hit this "Viil on the head in the senate last Wednes day when he said: From 40 to 60 cents an hour hojds out little attraction for high grade men, when on every hand 75 cents an hour and more is being paid unskilled labor. Senator Calder also said, after recounting the delays and other vexations in connection with the postal service: A penurious postal policy under existing conditions is the most dangerous economy conceivable, because for every dollar now withheld in failing to provide proper postal facilities means a loss amounting to thousands of other dollars in delayed and dislocated busi ness processes. Generally speaking, we agree that increased production is the most press ing need of the hour yet it is an idle fancy to . expect production to increase or business to go full speed ahead with a broken postal serv ice. This is the prospect now facing the people, unless appropriate steps are at once taken to restore the postal service to some thing of its former efficiency. Years are needed to train a postal clerk, so. with the best of conditions the restoration asked by Senator Calder will not be complete for many months after the blight of Burlesonism has passed. In the meantime the joint commission of the house and senate promises to report a bill very soon, which will increase the pay of pos tal clerks, and otherwise modify the terms of service so that good men left may decently stay in the postoffice work. It is a national disgrace that so faithful and efficient employees as the mail clerks and carriers have proved themselves should be compelled to beg as they have for decent treatment and living wages. Mayhem on a Totem-Pole. And now comes the honorable, the vice presi dent of the United States, with hatchet words, and takes profane liberties with the covenant totem-pole in defiance of the Orton edict of its owner. He says, says he, there should be a compromise between the White House and the senate, thus hacking both the covenant and the master. He would prune them both with a hatchet 1 The Indiana man has turned Indian. He has left the reservation. His gestures are dis respectful. And why not? He was a democrat when Wilson was a mugwump. Coarse fare, and coarse fare only, has been passed out to him from the White, House. While others got pie and cake, he got dry crusts. Yet hath he been faithful, even until the Oregon ; letter. But when the master attempts to exclude from the democratic communion all who will not bow dovyi '-and worship the strange , totem-pole brought from Paris, and accept its symbols as party doctrine, good ole Tom Marshall bucks. He ups with his hjtchet and chops the nose off the polel Prices on the Downward Swing. During the past sixty days the belief has constantly been gaining ground that prices of commodities must fall before wages could be expected to decline. Just how much influence that belief had in making general the mer cantile policy of John Wanamaker and those who have followed his wise example all over the country cannot be determined. But the, break came, and those who yielded to it first may be Very glad they did, before long. The cut in prices was not sentimental we may be sure. ' Business does not throw away profits for philanthropy's sake. It exists for profits alone, and only the approach of losses compels price reductions. It is better to make cuts by degrees than to have a whopping and demoralizing smash all at once. The first mod erate decline is here. Others will follow, and continue until prices of commodities and labor kased on legitimate profits have arrived. Great Papers Oppose Bonus. . Two leading New York papers are opposing the soldiers' bonus, the Sun and the World; one republican, the other democratic. The Sun practically declares a revolt should republicans pass the bill. The World says "a more vicious raid on the United States Treasury has never been attempted under the cloak' of patriotism." As the leading democratic newspaper of the country' it stoutly declares: Nobody objects to any measures, however generous, for the relief of crippled and in jured soldiers or of war widows and war or phans. The debt to them is a real debt, an obligation of national honor, but there is no excuse whatever for the payment of a cash bonus to strong, ablebodied men. As a class they have not asked for it. Thousands of them vigorously oppose it. The country awakened a little bit too late to the shortage of farm labor, at least so far as this year's crop is concerned. It may do some good, though, if men are found willing to work on farms next year. Mexico's peculiar election methods are bothering Obregon now just as they did six years ago. Even Nebraska's primary law is better.. Mr. Daniels says -he does not care if the senate inquiry into the navy lasts all summer. He is sure of his job until next March anyhow. Omaha is getting considerable credit for leading the onslaught against high prices. The country will do well to follow our lead. - Senator Hitchcock' had better do his gloat ing now, before Mr. Bryan stages his comeback at San 'Francisco. - " " s " --r , ,' ' , "Pa" Rourke's base ball team is justifying public confidence right now. The lake route to tide-water is well backed by business men. Lei I talk and mora work will Id. A Line 0 Type or Two How ts M LI do. lot tho ulpi tall ottoro tjr Bay. SONG. Oh, had you sight of Happiness, As you went on your way? "What waa her air? What was her dress T And .did ahe amtle on you and bless "With all her wild-flower loveliness My True Love's holiday? Oh, yes, I saw her very face Laugh from a laurel tree. She fluttered for a little space Her bright flowers in a greenwood place; And deep, old Joys, all light and grace, Clapped rosy hands at me. The ways of joy so many are, Perhaps you never-could Be sure she'd greet you from a star, Or in a -child's laugh, faint and far. . This is my Joy's true avatar The laurel -in. the wood. P. W. B. SPEECH was given to man to disguise his thoughts, said a Frenchman; but in Mexico more dependence is placed in colored glasses. Why does not Hiram Johnson get him a pair? DISASTROUS ATTEMPT TO DEMONSTRATE THE EINSTEIN THEORY. (From the Le Mars, Ia. Globe-Post.) Victor Einstein, a farmer living- north east of Remsen, tried to drive his car through space occupied by Peter Tentlnjter at 5:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, with the .result that Mr. Tentlnger is nursing a dis located shoulder. THE Kaiser is writing a history of the war. Probable title, "Jetzt kann es gesagt werden." The only person conspicuous in the war who seems able to restrain himself from writing about it is Lord Haig. "WHAT TO DO WITH OUR EX-PRESIDENTS." Sir: A fountain-pen concern is making a great to-do over its painting of the peace con ference, showing each diplomat signing - the treaty with . one of -the aforesaid pens. This suggests a well-nigh marvelous opportunity for Woodrow after March 4. With his experienoe In note-writing, he should be seized as a fountain pen demonstrator. Think of him writing in a drug store window and attracting passersbys' (well, what is the plural possessive?) attention ever and anon by cries of "May I not?" W. S. "ON Thursday Prof. Feuillerat has consented to speak in French. This will be a rare op portunity to hear good French spoken with a cultivated accent and a distinct enunciation." University of Minnesota Bulletin. Not, of course, knocking the romance de partment. . . Quel le Horreurl (From ..the . Atlanta Constitution.) Thomas E. Watson Jumped to his feet and shouted "Let there be no mistake about It. It Is mine and intended to be an attack upon the administration " And the Wat eon delegates and the Smith delegates not all of them, thank God drowned his voice with applause, while the Palmer dele gates, In subdued :horror, bowed their heads in helpless submission. "IT has always interested us to note that al most the only marks of Mr. Conrad's foreign origin which are still discernible in his writing are an uncertainty as to shall and will, and an occasional confusion of the verbs lie and lay." Christopher Morlev. As. Brer Mofley has doubtless observed, Con-' rad s style shows no influence of the Author ized Version, although he must be familiar with it. One whose style has been influenced by the A. V. never has any uncertainty about shall and will. New Englanders who were brought up on the Bible plain folks, not writing persons make the distinction naturally; whereas the tribe of modern writers are as much at sea over shall and will as over who and whom. AN EXAMPLE OF CLIMAX. " (From the Northwestern Alumni Journal.) The society presented Dr. Gilmer with a server service in recognition of his work for . humanity in the dental profession. ' ' GEORGE-M. WRONG, as vou mav know. s professor of history at the University of To ronto. This agrees with Anatole Frances no tion of history. . , " IN England we decorate one counter like you do your show windows," one of the visiting British merchants i accused of saying. He must have hailed originally from the U. S. A. "CHERRIES are in our midst," writes Andy from Venice, .Calif. We hope they agree with you, old fruit. SEJZE HER, ACADEMY -SCOUTS. (From-the Sioux Rapids Republican-Press.) , 'Miss Eva Ledger has resigned her posi , tlon as bookkeeper at the Farmers Coopera tive Store to take effect June 1. An Irish Rising. Sir: : When one is Interminably plagued with the question lf he has heard that one "about the Englishman and the Irishman," it is a relief to find something new on the subject; new be it ever so old. By new I mean that the race is not always to the swift nor the last word in repartee to the Irishman. On one occasion, when my lord Chesterfield was Viceroy of Ireland, a Dublin alderman of the Ascendency class must needs see him on a most pressing matter. His Excellency couldn't be seen; impossible, he must be seen and at once. The alderman waa ushered in and found his Excellency In bed. He had dined well and (being then as now a free country) wined well the previous night. ,The Irishman explained the dire news be had Just heard, that the papists wera rising in Connaught His Excellency yawned and asked what time it was. "Past twelvel Don't you think. Alderman, that we all ought to be rising before now. Will you please hand me my small-clothes!" . BALLYBUNNION. THE English may or may not have a sense of humor. But it is certamnnat iioratio tsot tomley has not. .. , SUPERFLUOUS ADJURATIONS. Sir: Sign on packing box outside University of Chicago bookstore: "Law books keep ary.- ASH. IT would seem that the people who vote for Hoover in the primaries, do so because they really want to. L. L. i . She VELVET By Arthur "Brooks "Baker ROBERT F. GILDER. The merchandise which Gilder sells is made of printing ink, the thing which stimulates the race to think that it can think. When spread with art and industry before the public eye, it sells the people many things they had not wished to buy; and, on the other well known hand, it's proper to remark, it brightens up som intellects which otherwise were dark. He digs for ancient arrow heads the Indians used to shoot, and skeletons for which the own ers do not care a hoot, for when a fellow leaves his bones as relics old and grim, they please the archaeologist, but are no good to him to him the owner, who has fled on fluffy spirit wings and has no use for bones long dead or other horrid things. And Gilder paints on canvasses some elevat ing stuff, historic scenes of western life when life was youngand tough. He wields the brush with talents which are far from being faint, and fellow artists,- envy him the way he splashes paint, for where 'the magic of his art is lumin ously shed,' hearings to life some characters we'd long considered dead. " He has a varied line of gifts, you heartuy agree, a combination rarely met except in such as he. A scientist, ah artist, and a printer, and a scribe what sort of meat does Gilder eat, what drink does he imbibe? Perhaps too fine a subject for this velvet hammer fluff, too deep for one to measure in this thin and'shalldw stuff. ' ' ? Next ubjectj G. W, Holdrega,. How to Keep Well By Dr. W. A. EVANS aaoottons concrnln kyt-lmo, 0n. on and prevention of dloeMO, cab mltted to Dr. Krone by reader of The Bee, will be anawered pereonallr. ub Ject to proper limitation, where a tamped, addrraaed envelope la en cloaed. Dr. Evnno will not muke dloanooU or prescribe for Individual dlseaoee. Addreaa letter In care of 'The Bee. . Copyright. l:o, by Dr. W. A. Evana. Our Free Legal Aid State your case clearly but briefly and a reliable lawyer will furnish the answer or ; advise in this column. Your name will not be printed. Let The Bee Advise You. JUNE MALARIA MARKET. The best opinion about spring ma laria is that it is a holdover from the year before. Mosquitoes are very hungry when they first come our. ana btte day and night, in sunshine and shade, until they have satisflod their appetites. - But these mosquitoes when they f rat bite are not infected and are, therefore, incapable of in fecting. This opinion Js that the iazo crop of homegrown malaria does not come into market before June. A combination of mosquitoes, people capable of infecting them, and weather warm enough to mature the parasites is a necessity. So far rrom tnis Demg a reason for improperly treating cases of ma laria, it is an indication for the tak ing of sufficient quinine. If all the people with chronic malaria were cured thoroughly, the mosquitoes could not become infected and ma laria would come to an end almost at once. . There is some difference of opinion on some of these points, but, in the main, they represent accepted opinion. Now follows a statement to which every man in a chill coun try will subscribe. If a man has chills in June and fails to cure him self thoroughly, so that he has an occasional chill in July ana Augusi, he is likely to have hematuria or some other form of pernicious ma laria in September or October. They also will agree to tnis state ment. They rarely see or hear of a nerson havlnsr pernicious malaria unless that person gives a nisiory oi having had malaria during the sum mer. To prevent this, to stop re curring .attacks of chills during the summer, and also to prevent the in fection of mosquitoes, every person with malaria should be completely cured. To this end the. national commit tee appointed a research committee, composfid of Drs. C. C. Bass, Wil liam Krauss, w. H. ueaaericK, Georsre Deck and C. F. Craig, to de cide' the best method of treating ma laria. When they reported to the whole committee the report was adopted by a vote of 19 to 1. The report is: For the acute attack, ten grains of quinine sulphate three times a day for a period of at least three or four days, to be followed by ten grains every night for a period of eight weeks. For infected persons not having acute symptoms at the time, ten grains a night for eight weeks is al Ithat . is required. The propor tionate doses for children are: Under 1 year, one-half grain; 2 years, two grains; 3 and 4 years, four grains; 8, 9 and 10 years, six grains; 11, 12, 3 3 and 14 years, eight grains; 15 years and older, ten grains. Krauss gives to children one-quar ter a grain for each pound of weight. If this is divided into three doses. the Individual dose is one-twelfth of a grain for each pound of weight. June emus are easily oroxen. a few doses of quinine are all that are required. . The, customary dose of calomel is as useless as wings on a whale. July chills require some cap sicum with the quinine. August chills need quinine in solution. But whether of the June or the August type, chills are easily broken. But the breaking of the chills is not a cure. And what counts, in the long run, is cure. Causes of Heart Disease. S. G. R. writes: "i. Please aay what causes a man of 60 to die ot heart disease when he has felt quite well right up to the time of his death. The man I have in mind was not fat, and lived a very regular life, but had a strenuous position. He exercised by walking two or three miles a day and never complained of feeling sick. "2. Could he have lived longer if cautioned, and by what means?" REPLY. ' 1. A man with crippled heart valves but with, a well compensated heart muscle may not be short wind ed and may not suspect heart dis ease. A break in compensation may cause him to fail rapidly and die afetr a short illness. A form of valvular heart disease known as aortic stenosis is apt to cause sud den death. Death generally is sud den in'the intermittent form of heart disease known as angina pectoris. Aneurism of the heart. or of a blood vessel near the heart occasion ally causes death without much warning. Syphilis of the heart muscle sometimes causes sudden death. There is some danger of sud den death in irregular heart beat due to various "causes. These are among the causes to be thought of. 2. Periodic physical examinations furnish a fairly effective safeguard against sudden, unexpected death from heart disease. In the great majority of cases in which there are no ordinary symptoms, but neverthe less the heart is crippled, examina tion will disclose some warning sign. In most cases of heart disease taken early properly regulated habits will add years to the span of life. . Lumbago Cases Differ. R. B. writes: "1. I presume I have lumbago. Is lumbago absolute ly curable? "2. If so, how long does it usu ally take to cure a mild case? "3. Please give remedy. "4. Is there danger of it running into Bright s disease? t REPLY. 1. Yes. 2. I have known of a case of lum bago being cured in five seconds.- I have known cases to persist for five years. 3. Among successful cures for at tacks of lumbago are: Vigorous use or hot liniments, massage, osteopa thy, chiropractic" treatment, elec tricity, Turkish baths. Lumbago IS rheumatism of the muscles of -the back. If attacks persistently recur the focus of infection should be lo cated and then treated. 4. No. ' Contract to Buy. Draketon Q. If a person agrees to buy some machinery for a certain sum and pays so much down and signs the list is that bind ing, and can he be made take the stuff if he has changed his mind about wanting it? Can ho in any way have the order cancelled? Please answer through the columns of The Bee. Draketon. A. You have entered into a binding contract to buy the ma chinery. You cannot be made to take it but should you fail to do so the seller would have an action for breach of contract against you and his measure of damages would be the .difference between the contract price of tne maenmery ana me mar ket value thereof at the time and place It was to have been delivered. You cannot cancel the order against the objection of the seller unless he was guilty of fraud in inducing you to enter into the agreement. . Law of Descent Ohio. W. L. R.: Q: My oldest sister and her husband died a few weeks ago in Ohio, she dying first, he, two days later; they were married in 1860, and had no children. He left a will, not witnessed, but in his own hand writing. In case he died first every thing went to his wife during her life; she was 80 and he 81 at death. They left two farms, besides money and chattels. He has two sisters living in Iowa, a nephew in Colorado and a niece in Michigan. She has two brothers and two sisters living, one in Ohio, two in Nebraska and one in California. Does the prop erty which both helped accumulate all go to his relatives? She got money In 1890 from her parents' es tate. This was also turned over to the husband and used on the farms. Can this, plus interest, be claimed by her side? The property was all in his name. A. It is our understanding that under the law of Ohio upon the death of your sister all her property descended to her husband, assum ing that none of the real estate had come to her by Inheritance or gift from an ancestor and that none of the real estate or personal property had come to her from a deceased husband. Upon the death of her husband two days later all of his property, including any which may have descended from hia wife, there upon descended to his. two sisters. The will . which waa not witnessed was invalid. All "the property,' therefore, goes to the sisters of the husband, and the relatives of the wife, whom we understand was your sister, get none of it". The Newest Poor. The Chicago building trades unionists who ride to work in taxis are evidently of the poorer class or they would have machines of their own. Indianapolis News. Dismiss Indictment ' In Ship Sale Scandal New' York, May 25. Indictments against Charles W. Morse nd other, defendants charged with illegal sale of the steamship John J. McCul lough were dismissed today by Fed eral Judge Hand by order of At torney General Palmer. TENNIS This is National Tennis Week. All over the country the game is! being started for the season. , . START; RIGHT Rackets . . . . . .$1.75 to $15.00 Nats..' ...... $3.00 to $7.50 Wright and Ditson,' Spalding, and Hand Made Balls, Court Markers and Shoes. Complete stock. THE-1"' fownsEnii) U GUN COMPANY 1514 Farnam St. Phona Doug. 870 'BUSINESS IS GOOD THANK YOlf LV. Nicholas Oil Company Reliable Dentistry Honest, clean, efficient dental service is what we have built our dental practice upon, and we are glad to stand back of that service with our money and reputa tion. Our prices are very reasonable. Phone Douglas 8236 Lady ALL WORK GUARANTEED OMAHA DENTISTS . , 1515 Farnam Street, Omaha NOTICE Out-of-town patrons can have work completed in one day.- Call, phone or write. Open evenings until 8 p, Sundays until noon. m. A Smashing Victor Hit Oh! By Gee! By Gosh By Gum By Jimminy By Joe By Jingo is a part of the lingo Margaret Young gives you in trip-hammer time on , Victor Record 18666 If you don't hear it tomorrow ' you are missing a real treat. - i On the reverse side Billy Murray gives you a real tale of woe in Profiteering Blues all for 85c at MICKEL'S The House of Pleasant Dealings .Buy This Week Take advantage by phoning or calling at the Electric Shop Retail and placing an order now for your : Hoover Suction Electric Sweeper as this is the last week of the Big Hoover sale. No .home should be without a Hoover. No home need be without a Hoover when you can buy one on payments of $5 Down $5 a Month Should you prefer having a salesman call at your residence, explaining fully our selling plan, phone Tyler 3100 or South 3 Buy This Week Nebraska rarrwwn at Fifteenth Power Co. YOUR ELECTRIC., S3 4: a!3! I .&.' fim. - nTt- - ';' "..-,. . .i,.r..