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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1920)
BISHOP STUNTZ IS RETURNED TO OMAHADISTRIGT Selection Follows Expressed Request of All Iowa and Nebraska Conferences For Return. Des Moine, la., May 25. (Special Iflegram.) Bishop . Homer C. Stunt, who has presided over the Nebraska-Iowa area of the Metho dist church for the past four years, vill be returned to Omaha for the ensuing four years by action of the general conference in fixing the resi dences of the bishops. At the an nual conferences of the church in Nebraska as welt as in Iowa had unanimously petitioned the confer ence to return Bishop Stuntz and the action will prove very accept able to the Methodists of these two states. Nine of the 14 new bishops elected last week were voted residences in Europe, Latin America, Asia and India. Bishop Mead has the unique distinction of bein.a; given residential supervision of the area in which he lives. Bishop Shepherd of Wichita is transferred to Portland and Bishop Waldorf is sent to Wichita. Bishop Lcete is transferred from At lanta to the newly constituted area of Indiana. Reconsider Judiciary Vote. The conference reconsidered the decision of the judiciary committee declaring unconstitutional part, of the ritual of the , church requiring assent of members to a doctrinal test prior to the reception into membership and turned down the "judiciary report by an aye and nay vote of 364 ayes to 451 nays. Saturday the conference adopted the judiciary report amid a storm of debate and protest, the victors having but 15 votes to spare. To day more than 100 delegates changed their votes to the negative and swept the judiciary down un der their first defeat. 1 Amusements Not Discussed. Tomorrow the report of the com mission on course of study for the young preachers will come up and the doctrinal battle is expected to wage in all its strength again as well as over the report of the com- . mittee on literature for the Sunday schools. So far the paragraph dealing with amusements has not been acted on, but the committee- having it in charge will submit a report tomor- 100 Men in the ; HANSEN-CADILLAC - SERVICE DEPT. are recognized and re warded by HonorNand Cash Bonus System. ; Have your Cadillac at tended by efficient Cadil lac men trained to ren der the best service. We do it right. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. . Service Dept. Guy A. Wheaton Harry Raid S. J. Alexander H-H- lata.t.sTs.TssTiJ.iTa.Te.Ta.TssTairrVVt Special Sale 490 Acorn Ran While They Last $57 Less 10 t Price includes connecting to piping in kitchen. u - 11 J 3aking Oven, Broiler Oven, Iloor Space, (1 If 1 11 M I 5 U urouer uven, loxiexa If f Standard Box Cabinet with enameled doors, I enameled oven side and 4 drip and broiler pan. ' - " All Our Gas Ranges Are Reduced Omaha Gas 1509 Howard Street A w mQ ' Sfaaq- "Dangerous to Men" is the title of Viola Dana's new picture. Doesn't look it. Kathleen Kirkhani, who plays the part of Angelica Irving in "Parlor, Bedrom. and Bath" has a touch of green in eve;ry gown she wears. Sometimes it's a collar of brilliant green or a cluster of green crocheted flowers. Irish green is her favorite shade. Alice Lakes next picture will be "The' Misfit Wife," a play written by Julia Heme, a daughter of the late James A. Heme, in whose "Shore Acres" Alice was last seen in Omaha. In "The Misfit Wife" Miss Lake will take the part of a mani curist who marries a young man from a small western town and then gets snubbed by her husband's rela tives. E. Alexander Powell, who took a motion picture outfit into North Borneo to get scenes for the Gold-wyn-Bray Pictograph, writes from on board the ' coast guard cutter, "Negros": "At Sandaken capital of British North Borneo the row and recommend that the con ference vote on it without debate, but it is uncertain whether certain delegates will be able to restrain their talking apparatus long enough to get the resolution voted on by the many hundreds of delegates who are anxious to get the matter out of the way at once in order that they may get ready for final ad journment Thursday. There, are Still many score Of reports ana me morials to be acted upon prior to the Thursday adjournment. Woman Named School Head ; ; ;For Jefferson County Fairbury, Neb., May 25. (Spe cial.) Eva B. Shuman, for the past two years superintendent of the Steele City schools has been ap pointed superintendent of schools for Jefferson county, vice Henry Abrams, who resigned. Miss Shuman ' is a graduate of Doane college and has had much ex perience in all lines of school work having served as superintendent of the Valley county schools for seven years. She has filed her bond and takes up her new duties Saturday. .T..T TiTn'iJni'"1-"-"- .00 for Cash 18x18x14 18x18x9 47 inches splasher back, enameled Company ges "... y'fl world's jumping off place five de grees from the equator 13,000 miles from Broadway 110 in the shade (and no shade) Bubonic plague and various assorted fevers elephant herds within three miles of town snakes 26 feet long killed under judge's house last week cock roaches as large as mice whisky a dollar a bottle." . Downtown Program. Rialto William S. Hart in "The Toll Gate." Larry Semon in School Days." Empress William Russell in "Leave. It To Me." Strand Walace Reid in "The Dancin' Fool" and Harold Lloyd in "An Eastern Westerner." Moon "The Bottom of the World" and "Tillie's Punctured Ro mance." Sun "The Virgin of Stamboul." Neighborhod Houses." . Grand Ivy Ward in "Heads Win," "Adventures of Ruth, No. 7." Hamilton Creighton Hale- hit "The Thirteenth Chair." Suburban "Square Deal Sander son" with Bill Hart. Waterways Meeting To Be Held in Court House, Present Plan It is believed that the hearings on the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence tide water plan in Omaha on June 1 will he held in the council room of the county commissioners in the court house, J. M. Gillan, manager of the industrial bureau of. the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, said yes terday. Mr. Gillan had taken the matter up with Commissioner O'Connor, cus todian of the court house, who verb ally agreed to allow the interna tional commission on the waterway project to use the room for their hearings. That there will be an enthusiastic delegation from several nearby cities at the hearings was assured yester day by John L. McCague, chairman of the waterways and pipe line com mittee of the chamber who is also a member of the executive commit tee. Sioux City representatives will be present to advocate the deep water route from the lakes to the Atlan tic, he promised. A St. Joseph party will also attend. Both will submit briefs of their contentions for the scheme and substantiate and elabo rate them with oral arguments be for the commission. Street Flushing is Discussed by C. of C. Executive Committee Street flushing was discussed by the executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce again yester day and held for further considera tion before again taking the prob lem of day or night flushing of downtown streets up with the city council. It has developed, members of the committee said, that there is a division of opinion among business men as to the desirable time to wash the pavement. Automobile dealers and drivers alike prefer to have the flushing done after mid night, when there are very few cars on the streets. It minimizes acci dent chances, they said, and does away with the splashing of cars parked in the path of the water wagon. . A number of retail merchants favor the night flushing, and several others like the present system of washing downtown streets during the day. Not a few favor both. The advantage to day cleaning, those favoring it put forth, is that it means clean streets for shoppers and tends to cool the atmosphere during the day. AT THE . THEATERS AT tha Orpheum tha regular season la bains concluded tbla weak with a, bill exceptionally popular. One of the moat authentic portrayera of tha negro character ever to appear on the stage, John B. Hymer, la offering one of the headline attractlona. Ha has tha support of an excellent company In the presenta tion of hla latest comedy, "Tom Walker In Dixie." A novel and lavishly staged offering, with five talented girls and a man. la preaented under tha title, "Whirl of Society." Five other excellent acta, chief of which la the one preaented by the violinist-comedian. Ben K. Benny, make up tha reet of tha bill. Next week the sum mer season is to open at popular prices. Five standard Orpheum vaudeville acta and feature picture with the popular stars of tha screen will be offered. The show will be continuous from 1:1s to 11:00. A sketch of much originality la that offered by Lura Bennett and aasociate players at the Empress, which will be pre sented for the last times todajy A. feature of tha act that la moat ' effective If the boxing match between two of the ' girls, who show vigorous training and aurpria ina: grace. The akatch telle the story of three jglris spending their vacation at the Hunert. " reumn uieunciiY in. ui,mi bathing costume axe worn by tha girls, , - f . : THE BEE: OMAHA. PROBE OF AUTO CRASH STARTED BY EBERSTEIN Police Chief Sets Detectives at "Work on Accident Which . Caused Mrs. Ensor's . Death. Chief of Police Eberstein has ordered a thorough investigation into the cause of the fatal lutoo bile accident at Fifty-second and Dodge streets last Friday night in which Mrs. Inez Ensor. 3308 North Fifty-third street, lost her life. Au tomobiles driven by County Com missioner A. D. Compton and Har ry Montgomery of Council Bluffs crashed into each other. Failure of a coroner's jury to de termine the blame has incited the chief and Assistant City Attorney T. B. Murray to action, they de clare. Two detectives have been as signed to the case. , Murray Investigates. Following exoneration of County Commissioner Compton and JJarry Montgomery at the inquest Mr. Murray conducted a personal inves tigation into the cause of the acci dent. "I have witnesses to prove that the county commissioner s car was traveling 50 miles an hour when the accident occurred," Mr. Murray de clared. i Yesterday he stated he would rec ommend that the city take further action in connection with the case. Chief Eberstein manifested inter est in the faqt that the same coro ner's jurymen who ordered three po lice officers held tothe district court two weeks ago for less serious af fairs sat on the Ensor case. According to information concern ing the accident as obtained by Mr. Murray, County Commissioner Compton's car landed ISO feet in a vacant lot after it had crashed into the Montgomery car. The police re port states that Montgomery's car was steered into the vacant lot. Claim High Speed. Witnesses who were not called by the coroner in the investigation de clared after the inquest that Comp ton's car was "flying through space." Referring further to the accident, Mr. Murray declared following hi investigation: "It is becoming lawless when a coroner's jury will order city police man held for manslaughter when the patrol or police motorcycles chance to strike pedestrians and then com pletely exonerate a speeding motor ist who has no such emergency right to the use of the streets." When told of Murray's statement County Attorney Shotwell declared he did not believe that a car going beyond a reasonable speed could strike another without greater dam age to the bodies than apparent on either Compton's or Montgomery's machines. Compton testified his speed was "reasonable." "I expect to go further into this matter," the county attorney said. Fred Blackwell, negro janitor at the Glenarlo apartments, Fifty-first street and Capitol, avenue, an eye witness to the crash, said yesterday that the Compton car was going "50 miles an hour if one." He said he remarked to Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, who were with h:m, that the car was "hitting too fast to pass Fifty second street." Jensen, chauffeur for Victor Jeep, 102 North Fifty-third street, cor roborated Blackwell's story. Commercial Flyers Must Pay for Use of Omaha Landing field The aerial transportation commit tee of the Omaha Chamber of Com merce was instructed by the execu tive committee of the chamber to de vise a charge schedule to be levied against commercial aviators using the Ak-Sar-Ben landing field at Sixty-second and Center streets. This step, members of the execu tive committee explained, is similar to action taken at all cities where commercial flyers use air mail fields in their own interests. The purpose is not to drive away the civilian fly ers, but to require them to pay their share for the upkeep of the field. In no case will the fee charged be ex cessive, it is understood. Members of the executive committee pointed out that passenger flights each week end were netting the aviators several hundred dollars a day. Either a flat charge or a percentage of their re ceipts will be asked. No charge will be made of tour ist flyers, the executive committee announced. Cross-country flyers are urged to make stops at Omaha and are welcome to use the field for landing. , Harley Conant is chair man of the transportation com' mittee. ' He will confer with Field superintendent Votaw of the air mail service and with commercial flyers in regard to establishing a rate schedule. Iowa Youth Ends His Life In Lincoln City Mission Lincoln, Neb., May 25. Ray Tay lor, aged 19, of Davenport, la., died here today,, shortly after drinking poison. The superintendent of the city mission; where he had been living, said he had heard that Tay lor failed to return to duty in the navy after securing a furlough, and that this may have had something to do with his act. Court Reserves Decision In Midland Packing Case Sioux City, la., May 25. Judge Henry T. Reed, of the federal dis trict court, after hearing arguments of counsel for both sides in the Midland Packing company case, re served his decision until tomorrow morning. He will rule on various legal questions, one involving th appointment of a receiver in lieu of the one named by the state court. Business Conditions Good. St. Louis, Mo., May 25. Business conditions in the eighth federal re serve district are good, despite the tense credit situation and the rail road jam, according to the monthly report of the district, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1920. South Side Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen Request Wage Raise Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher workmen organizations of all the big western packing houses' have requested a raise of $1 a day. The men blame the cost of living for asking the increase. The ad vance is based on an eight-hour day but the request does not stipulate that. the hourly wage be increased 12 cents an hour. If the raise is denied, the proposition will go be fore Judge Samuel Alschuler of Chicago and the men believe it will probably take a month before any .decision is handed down. Men Only Will Prepare Goodfellowship Dinner The men of the Goodfellowship club of the Wheeler Memorial church will hold a meeting at the church Wednesday evening to make final arrangements for the big an nual dinner to be given by the club. Volunteers will be called at the meeting to put in a couple of hours peeling potatoes as they say they will have those luxuries. The dinner that will be served will be the prod uct of the efforts of the men only, who have taken in hand the cooking of everything for the dinner. Several physicians, it is said, will be at the dinner in case of emergencies. Omaha Dentist Held for , Practice Without License Frank A. Patterson, 1515 Far nam street, was bound over yester day in South Side police court un der $750 bond, charged with prac ticing dentitry without a license and advertising for said practice. Patterson, who was represented by Attorney Herman Aye, pleaded not guilty to the charge at his pre liminary hearing. Patterson was arrested on com plaint of Corneil A. Sherman, spe cial agent -for the state dental board Patterson contends that he was not advertising as a dentist, but only as a proprietor of a firm of Omaha dentists. Fails Jo Return Home. Lilliam Mason, 14-year-old daugh ter of Mrs. C. E. Mason, 4017 South Twenty-ninth street, went to the show with Harry Detros, grocery boy for Chris Jensen, Twenty-fourth and A streets, Monday night and failed to return home.. Her mother keported her disappearance to police, saying that she teared the gin ma JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres. Our vast main clothing salesroom, second floor a national exhibit of the finest clothes made in America consisting of more than a score of the most celebrated ' clothes makers' productions, involved in this sale. ' Men's and Boys' Spring Suits, Top Coats, Raincoats and Heavy Weight Overcoats and Odds Trousers- Special Notice In our Men's Cloth in a; Department, Second Floor, the fol- X : .. lowing merchandise ia excepted Men' Blue and Black 6erge Suite and , Trousers, Palm Beach and Tropical Coats and Pants, Men's and Boys' Overalls. ' SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY. run away from home because of scoldings she had given her about being out at night. The boy told police he left the girl at Twenty fifth and D streets after th show when she refused to be taken to her home. South Side Brevities Women of the South Side Christian church will sew Wedneaday afternoon at tht church. Sirs. Anna Cramer and son, 'Wilbur, have moved to their cottage at Carter lake for the summer. The Ladies' Aid society of Oraea M. TE. church will entertain with a box aoclal at tha. church Thursday evening. Th'i English department of 8outh High school will give the play "What Happened to Jones" Friday night in the achool audi torium under the direction of I'ruf. C. K. Cook. Now la the time to plant flower beda and flower boxes and vasea. A large as soitment can be had at Henderson'a green houses. Twenty-fifth and U atreeta, as well as cut flowers. The Woman's Home and Foreign Mla slonary society of Wheeler Memorial church will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. William Berry, Zi20 South Twenty-sixth street. Alex Vanek of Beatrice waa arrested for Intoxication on the South Side yesterday, ui"l because he had too muoh money on him to be in that condition. Follce found (654 in hla pockets. He paid a fine of 110, Howard Mullen and Edward Case, both 17 years old, of Philadelphia were arrested esterday morning for Investigation. They told police they wanted to see the west. They were turned over to tha juvenile court Arrested on complaint of hla wife that he had been abusing his family, - Frank Potach, 2910 O street, was discharged lh South Side police court yesterday when Mrs. Potach failed to appear to testify against him, Russell P. Bally, 1624 Cass' street, pleaded guilty in police court yesterday of stealing jewelry valued at S60 from the home of Jamea W. Heavrln, 4402 South Twenty-ninth street. May 10. He waa held under $760 bonds. . We wish to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown ua during the ill ness and death of our beloved husband and father, also for their beautiful floral offerings. MRS. ELLEN DAUGHERTY AND FAMILY. Steady work for a year at 113 a day got on the nerves of Bob Faran, bricklayer, luOJ South Thirty-fourth street, and James Edwards, steamfltter, 2420 South Twenty second street, so they laid off Monday and enjoyed a party. They complained to the judge in South Side police court yesterday that tii-v hurt been working so long that they needed some recreation, but paid J 10 fines apiece for being intoxicated. Knights of Columbus Hold State Meeting at Norfolk Norfolk, Neb., May 25. (Special Telegram.) Oler 150 delegates of the Knights of Columbus are here attending the annual state conven tion. The meeting is declared by State Deputy Whalen and other state officers to be the most import ant in the history of the state organ ization. Deaf Mute Star Witness. London, May 25. A deaf and dumb man was the chief witness in a murder trial hi Glasgow, giving his testimony through an "interpreter." JOHN a sMNSONim , aataxw iCORRECT 4.PPAREL Staraing High Wtael Bicycle Race Again Assured For C. of C. Barbecue It's on again meaning the half mile race on high bicycles, widely advertised as the athletic feature of the big Chamber of Commerce field frolic and barbecue at Elmwood park June 5. Last week it was off all off. J. E. Davidson, general manager of the Nebraska Power company, one of the participants in the original race, had pulled his freight, quietly, yet, nevertheless, completely. Clear case of frost bite, W. A. Pixley, the other contestant, alleged. Mr. Da vidson's alibi was that he had to go to California and attend a national convention of light company execu tive and could not return until after Thoa. F. Otley, Prea. Sm-fl Most paints are guaranteed to be good but FULLERTON PAINT carries a Five Year Written Insurance Policy You hold the proof in writing that insures your home against the destroying effects of, sun and rain. The formula showing exact contents tells why you get 5 years service. You cSn't buy happiness but you can buy SILK-TONE "The Beautiful" and make home so pleasant that you will really enjoy life. SILK-TONE "The Beautiful" is a sani tary, washable, velvety, Flat Wal Finish that combines the soft, rich effect of water colors witb, the smooth,, sanitary surface of 6namel. Distributed and Retailed by MULLIN PAINT CO., 313 So. Fourteenth St. Retailed by SAM NEWMAN, 1804 Farnam St. 'vittfflUriyiyjj WM. L. Swiirnis V OU thousands of men who know' this greater store famous from coast to coast for its unmatchable values--now have an unheard-of special inducement to Buy Spring Clothes The Unequaled and ' Unprecedented DISCOUNT SALE Continues for a Limited Time "Make Hay While the Sun Shines" FOR MEN " AND WOMEN the date of the race. Bth were for hit champs on the high wheel bike. Yesterday t similar race was ar ranged in order that the huge crowd attracted from far and near to witr ucss the spectacle, according to the entertainment committee, would not be disappointed. Charles Gardner and Victor Roos will ride the bi cycles. They also are former bi cycle cup winners, and because o! the splendid physical trim of each the race should be even more excit ing than the one called off, the train ing coiftmittee avers. Sao Salvador Revolt 'Checked. Washington, May 25. Advices to the State department from San Sal vador said the recent" revolution led by Gen. Arturo Araujo had been promptly checked. The govern nient is in complete control, the diet patch said, and the country is quiet. Have Root Tress. Adv. rrint It Beacon n CHICAGO. ILLINOIS uyi44iiiMBIBP1 HOLZMAN, Trcas. 5 ale on COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS. 2