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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1920)
f 11 1 t THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1920. 'I HONOR WILL BE PAID SOLDIER DEAD ON MONDAY Industry to Cease One Minute At Request of Sons and - Daughters of Vet . erans..- Linccajn, Neb., May 25. (Special.) Governor McKelvie issued the following proclamation designating Monday as Declaration day; "Speech, however eloquent, and songi, however sweet, can add "but little if any to the sacredness and importance of Declaration day. The day ,was an afterthought of the Civil war and has been set apart for the specific purpose of doing honor to those who have served . our country in the army and navy and fell in the line of duty or have since fallen along the pathway, of civil life. , . ',- "It comes at a season of the year when naturc.furnishes in abundance , the emblems with which we can best evidence the character o our thoughts and impulses. Flowers tpeak for us sentiments which we cannot find words to express, and as they drop from loving hands on the graves of the departed, they carry with them the purest and best sentiments w possess. For the reason that May 30 falls on Sunday this year, the following day (Monday) will be a legal holi day and will be so observed by all the departments vnd institutions of the state. In order to give particu lar significance to the day, it. has . been requested by the state encamp ment of the Sons and Daughters of Veterans and other patriotic socie - ties of the state that at 10 o'clock, May 31, all activities and traffic, both public and private, as nearly as practicable, may cease for the space of one minute throughout the entire State, and that the people may stand at reverential silence as a testimonial of their appreciation and patriotic gratitude to those whose graves at that moment are being strewn' with flowers. - In testimony whereof, I, Samuel R, McKelvie, governor, do hereunto subscribe my. name and have caused the great seal of the state to be affixed. . .Western1 Maccabees Hold' " Meeting in North Platte North Platte, Neb., May 25. (Spe cial Telegram.) The biannual dis trict rally of the W. B. A; of Macca bees &i the western half of Nebraska . is being held here and several hun dred women are attending. Dele ,. gates from Lexington, Grand Island, Hastings, Kearney, Sidney and other towffs arrived early. A school of instruction was held under the di rection of Frances Partridge of Port Huron, Mich., supreme record keep ,v er of the order. Drills were given by visiting teams and a banquet was served'in the Methodist church. An, evening program, open to the public, consist ed of fancy drills, vocal solos, -cos- tnme dances and .addressed. The delegates were welcomed to the city by Miss Annie Kramph arid the re sponse was made by Frances Part ridge of Port Huron. Mrs. Babcock. of, Hastings was one of the principal speakers. . Deposed State Employe Demands Vacation Pan Lincoln, May 25. (Special.) Miss Anna Yokel, who was fired by the state board pf control for."in compatability" still continues to be "incompatable" with the board and , has now put in a voucher for two week's pay during her vacation. Miss Yokel, under the pronunci . amato of the board will be out of a job on the first day of June, There is no law which allows an employe twd weeks' vacation or pay for the same, but it has .always been the custom to allow two weeks', vaca t tion with full pay each year. . Miss ' Yokel insists that she is not quitting the job voluntarily and is therefore entitled to vacation pay. The at torney general holds, that she - can not be paid .for two weeks because that would deprive her successor of his right to vacation pay for .the ' balance of the year. Charge Bad Checks Were Issued by Ravenna Man North Platte, Neb., May 25. (Spe cial.) R. E. Stone of Ravenna was t arrested here charged with .passing a worthless check on a local store in payment for a suit of clothes. The merchant was suspicious " of the check and got in communication ': with the Ravenna bank upon which it was drawn and was informed that he had no account with them and also that warrants were issued for him on a similar charge in Lincoln, Neb. . ' Lincoln police were informed ' of his arrest and he will be taken there to face charges of passing checks totaling $i40 on six stores. State Recording Clerk , K Will Deliver Addresses 'Lincoln. Neb., May 25. (Special.) ' J. H. Presson of Omaha, many years recording clerk in the office . of the chief executive of the state. x will deliver an address Sunday at Cowles, the occasion being a me morial service for Albert Dewey i Jailer, a soldier boy of that town " ' ' who, for many months was report-? . et missing before word came of his . de&th. Memorial day, Mr, Presson wll deliver an address at Ashland. : Woman Teacher in Politics At Franklin Dies in Lincoln - . Franklin, Neb., May 25. (Spe- n,M Mr Brrt Butrkle of this . . city died in a Lincoln hospital fol lowing an operation. She was a ' delegate to the republican state con vention and. while in the city decided to enter the hospital She was one ;'" of the leaders of women in politics and civic enterprises in this city. liniworth Tanner Kills Self. Ainsworth, Neb.-May 25. (Spe cial. E. T. Valentine, a farrfier rt-. ' siding 20 miles south of this city, committed suicide by shooting. ac- cording to reports received here. , ' No , motive ' for the. act could be Lincoln Gits Will Escape ' Rigors of , Mayor's Ordinance Lincoln, ' May 25. (Special.) I he catastrophe which at one time seemed to threaten the felines of Lin cola will not occur. A shor.t time ago Mayor Miller prepared an ordi nance compelling cats in the capital city to "hike for home at 7 ia the evening and 'stay there until 7 in the morning. All cats should be decorated with a ribbon and tag showing that they had passed the board of censorship" and were en titled to be abroad in the day time. The introduction of the ordinance rajsed such a storm of protest that upon its third reading it was de feated, receiving only the vote of the mavor for oassa. the other four commisisoners voting agafhst it. As a result the cats had a howl ing celebration. ; Hot Springs Legion WiH 7 Erect Model' Ckib' Rooms -Hot Springs, S. D., May 25. (Spe cial.) The most unique ' American Legion building in the state will be erected ' by Battle Mountain post, K?t Springs. The structure will, be in the form of a typical log cabin of the early days of the Black Hills. It 'will be abbnt 35x40 feet in size with an eight-foot veranda on three sides. 1 It will contain a large assembly room, to be used for Legion meet ings, dances and all social purposes. In addition there will be a room for the, ladies' auxiliary, a billiard room, cloak rooms, wash rooms and kitch en. The log cabin will have for a setting in the background the pine trees which extend to. that part of the Black Hills. Nebraska School Building Is Recognized as Model Plattsmouth, Neb., May 25 (Special.) Plattsmouth's new high school building, ""completed little more than a year ago, has gained recognition in ( the columns of the American School Board Journal of Milwaukee, one of the leading school publications in the United. States. A large picture of the building is ac companied by detailed discription of its interior arrangement and equip ment, it having been selected, as the most satisfactory type of,' structure for towns of from 1,000 to 5,000 pop ulation. " Plattsmouth Man Stricken 1 f I I M ! . II vvmie 'neaaing in nome Plattsmouth, Neb.. May 2S YSoe- cial.) Oliver Gilson, 70-year-old pioneer resident of Plattsmouth, was found dead in a chair in, the kitchen of his home. Physicians say he- was stricken with heart failure as. he;sat. at" the siipper table and died with out a - struggle, as- his spectacles were still on and a paper had fallen to his side, indicating he had been engaged in reading following the evening meal. Mr. Gilson' was en gaged in the well digging .business. He leaves a wife and several chil dren. Alda State Bank Sold to Farmers for $300 a Share Grand Island. Neb.. May 25. (Special-Telegram.) The Alda State bank, organized about 10 years ago, and which has been paying dividends ranging from 6 to 15 per cent was sold to the Farmers' State bank of Alda, recently established by the -organized farmers of th$ com munity, at $300 a share. There were five stockholders ".of the Alda State and no share, had been transferred since the organization. ' Missing Kansas Banker Leaves Car. in Beatrice "Beatrice. Neb.. Mav 25. fSrje- cial.) rAn automobile belonging to August Jaedicke, missing president of the Hanover, Kas., hank which failed a few days agof was found in a 'garage here. It is said that Jaedicke drove the car to Beatrice the day the bank closed its doors and boarded a train. , , Hail and Rain. Damages ' ! Crops at North Platte North Platte, Neb.. May 25. (Special.) One of the, most violent storms of the season when nearly an inch and a half of rain fell in half an hour Monday night flooded fields and hail damaged gardens and growing crops. The storm extended only over a limited area. Windows were broken by the hail at Brady. Plattsmouth Man Asks Divorce From Omaha Wife Plattsmouth. Neb.. Mav-25. CSoe- cial.) A petition for divorce was filed in -district-court Here by John t-erney, alleging cruelty Dy nis wiie, Mary Cerney. The Cerneys were married in Omaha, Pebruary 28, 1908, and Mrs. Cerney is now a resi dent of Douglas county. - . Supply Oil Fields. Beatrice. Neb.. Mav 25. fSne. cial.) The Dempster' company of this city shipped a car of well ma chinery to Wyoming oil fields. The company has been given the con tract for sinking -wells in Gage county tor, the woiarege ou in terests. , ADVERTISEMENT Will Radium at Last ' Open the Door of the Great Unknown? If you are lick nd want to Get Well and Keep Well, write for literature that telle How and Why this almost unknown and wonderful new element ' brings relief to so many sufferers from Rheumatiam, Sciatica, Gout, Neuritis, Neuralgia. Ner vous Prostration, High Blood Pressure and diseases of the Stomach, Heart, Lungs,. Liver, Kidneys and other ailments. You' wear this Eadlo-Active Solar Pad day and night, reoeiving the Radio-Active Rays continuously into your system, causing a healthy circulation, overcoming sluggish ness, throwing off impurities and restoring the tissues and nerves to normal con ditionand the next thing you know you are getting well. Sold on a test proposition. .. . You are thoroughly satisfied it ia helping yoa be fore the appliance , is yours. Nothing to do but wear H. No trouble or expense, and the atost wonderful fact about the appliance ia that it is sold to reasonable that it is within th reach of all, both rich and poor. . .' No matter how bad your' ailment, or how long standing, we will be pleased to have you try it ae-oor risk. For fuU In formation write today notX tomorrow. Radium Appliance Co.. J85 Bradbury Bldg., Im J&Hu. Ce. HUSBAND BACKS WIFE ACCUSED OF SHOOTING HIM Mrs. Lucken , Pleads Not Guilty ; and Waives Hear ingJohn K. Olsen Named As Accomplice. Fremont, Neb., May 25. Special) Supporting on her arm tier aged husband whom she is accused of in tending, to murder May 12, Mrs. Sophie Lucken went to the '.court house today to plead not guilty to the charge. Waiving preliminary hearing, she was bound over to dis trict court for trial on bonds of $10,000 but because of illness since the shooting has not been placed in a jail cell. . John K. Olsen, named in the com plaint as her companion in the as sault on H. B. Lucken, was arraigned before a bng&xrowd in district court but he also pleaded not guilty ' and waived preliminary hearing. His bond was fixed at" $15,000. Sit Close Together. The disappointed crowd left the courtroom not knowing that the real scene in the first trials was being staged in the office of County Attor ney Cook.. There Justice S. M: Kid der read the complaint to wife and husband, who saf close together, 'one of Lucken's sons 'with them and the wife's attorney, Frank Dolezal. To each of the three counts which allege that she conspired with Olsen and did shoot her husband in the head and chest, Mrs. Lucken plead- Practical Gifts for June Brides Choose your gifts for practi cal use. - Pick something that will lighten her house work, something clean and economical, something elec trical! May we not assist you in your choice? -Our- prices 'are . reasonable and the quality . of our stock is the best. For Electrical Fixtures, House hold Appliances, and other things Electrical, see The Nelson Company 406 So. 16th St. Douglas 7649 What I Next to Orpheum Theater II I ' i - M -Jtry a want ad in the bee for results Washi-ifif Machine to The Apex1 is made-.entirely of metal, except the wringer. Itxis guaranteed rustproof. There is ho wood to collect germs the Apex will remain sani tary with very slight care. There are no heavy cylin-' ders to lift out and dry. The Apex , Washer is equipped with swinging wringer, which operates from four positions. One motor drives both the machine and the wringer at the same time if desired. This is a big lime , saving feature, for clothes can be wrung electrically ... v.i.i..iu. ..k.vvNa ed not guilty. Then she helped the wounded man rise and led him from the court house. The case will not be heard in dis trict court until next September.-' Shot in His Bed. Lucken, who is 78, was shot in bed early on the morning of May 12 and his wife took a train for Omaha about the same time, returning to Fremont in the afternoon. Olsen was arrested May 14 in Council Bluffs, where he has been a con tractor, leaving Fremont some years ago. He was both carpenter . and bartender here at different times. Among the witnesses summoned by the county attorney who were pres ent for the hearing were four from Council Bluffs, George Gillespie, Oscar P. Peterson, James C- Shaf fer -and Charles Swauson. The Luckens have lived in Dodge county since their marriage 40 years ago. ; Additional Paving Will Be Laid in Plattsmouth Plattsmouth, Neb., May 25. (Spe cial.) At the bimonthly meeting of the city council here an ordinance creating a special improvement dis trict, consisting of 14 blocks of street paving, was passed and the mayor and city clerk authorized to secure an estimate of the work and advertise for bids. It is believed ac tion will be taken to remove the cobble stone paving on Main street, which has given much trouble, and replace it with brick or asphaltic concrete. , ' The, finishing of . your laundry work will be quickly done if you use an American Beauty Irpn It is heat retaining, well finished and economical to use. b - -V I See them on display at the Electric Shop Retail f Do Yoo Expect-a s&jrTs Omaha Sioux City 404 S. E! FXEENTH.ST--OMAHA Midland College to Close First Year in Nebraska on June 3 Fremont, Neb., May 25-(Special.) Commencement exercises for Midland college, at-the end of its first year in Nebraska, begin May 27 with a recital by the school of music and department of expression, and end June 3 with the graduation exer cises and conferring of degrees, when Rev. Fuller Bergstresser, Mid dleton, Pa., will deliver the address., Other features of commencement week are; Sunday, sermon to theo logical students by Rev. Alonzo J. Turkle, D. D., president of the board ot education of the United Lutheran church, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Monday, programs by Kalophronean and Wynn societies; Tuesday, senior ex ercises, alumni meetings, alumni ad dress by Rev. Charles R. Lwe; 'me morial service for William H. Clem mons by S. S. Sidner, Fremont; Wednesday, Wynn play, "Within the Law;" Rev. Rufus B. Peery of Polo, III., will preach the baccalau reate sermon May 30. . Enlarge Paving Program. Ainsworth, Neb., 'May 25. (Spe cial.) Bower & Johnson of Omaha have completed the first district paving here and have, begun laying curbing for two additional districts. When completed it will give Ains worth 26 blocks of concrete paving. American Beauty ELECTRIC . IliOlT The best iron made If you buy the right electric iron you probably will have . to buy only one in a lifetime, so it will be cheape to pay a -trifle more at first and get an. r v "American Oeauty the best iron made Sold by Electrical, Hardware, and Department Store, and Electrical Qompaniee , Manufactured by V-' f . ' . American Electrical Heater Company. - DETROIT Makers el a CoeapleU Liae of Electrical Heating Devices . i A woman does not rub every iijich of the clothes, bufforces the suds through the clothes with the aid of the obstructions placed in the washboard. The Apex applies the same principle as the washboard in its design and is often called the Automatic .Washboard. For this reason boiling and rubbing are unnecessary with the Apex." The Apex Washer is the original Oscillator, proved best py over nine years of increasing success and the large number of imitations springing up. :rom bluing to rinse water while another batch is in the machine. ' . The Apex costs less than two : cents to run for an ordinary family washing. This means reducing washing costs to a minimum. It is built for life-time service. v A trial, will convince you of the superiority of the Apex. Let us demonstrate it at your hbme on your next washday. Let the Apex do your washing from now on. Dos Moines Osage Oil Men Will Invade South Dakota for New Field Hot Springs,". D., May 25. (Spe ciai.; preparations lor uniting . a test oil well in this vicinity have caused a great dealbf oil excitement. The casing for the lest well, which is to be drilled on a ranch southeast of Hot Springs, has arrived and the work of sinking the well will soon commence. The drilling will be done by a big oil company, which has been active in the Osage. oil fields. ADVERTISEMENT HOW SOOTHING POLSAM FEELS. ON FIERY SKIN Nothing that yon ' tan apply, to ail ing;, itching, irritated akin can be mora weleame than Poslam, for its relief is immediate. Angry . surfaces ara soothed, ooled, pacified. These quick indications of benefit, showing that Poslam is taking hold, have made-many sufferers glad. And this directness this getting right at the trouble ia a quality noteworthy in Poslam. Try for those pimples, that rash, itching eczema, scalp-scale, any disordered condi tion. , . , Sold everywhere. For . free sample write . to Emergency ' Laboratories, 248 West 47th St., New York City. Urge your skin to become clearer, fairer, healthier by the use of Poslam Soap, the tonic soap for the skin. Do? TAYLOR-WRIGHTWEll CO. OMAHA 3 VALvTbfTviNO STONI fniwsRi WW Wednesday's Supreme Values in Bowens Drapery Section While every article in this store represents best value-giving, we have assembled for Wednesday's selling a great many items upon which you can' save handsomely. Voile Curtains In cream and white, 2 1-2 yards long; plain hemstitched and with edging front and. bottom. Per Pair $1.98 (.. Cretonnes In pretty bedroom patterns, stripes and all-over effects; also some effective nursery designs. , ; Per Yard 59c Bungalow .1 ' In all-over patterns, with dainty borders In mulberry blue, CQ, ' rose and green shades; 36 Inches wlde. Per yard.... JV Room-Size Rag Rugs in Solid Colors Size 6x9 Jeet, in dainty Hue, pink, green, tan and rose colors. These 'rugs are very chpice for use in. bedrooms, and their wear- tf O Q C ' ing qualities are enduring wOeVy Beautiful Divans in Mahogany at v ; VWorth-While Savings These Period Divans 'are most pleasing In design, and excellent In construction. They are sturdily built "and will give years of satisfactory service. Upholstered In beantiful tapestry of exceUent quality. Spring seat construction and very comfortable. giving Price on Wednesday Brooms Bowen's everyday price on quali each quality brooms. , QQ ' 1 - Child's. Beds in White Enamel ' The Simmons beds are in every way up to the standard of quality. They are regular size and fitted with springs and slid- d1 1 OC ing sides. Bowen's Value-Giving Price, Wednesday J1 laOJ Wicker Fern Stands for Wednesday A fortunate purchase enables us to sell them far below their Il VflrlllS They are 34 Inches high, an very beautiful. do Qf See Them in Our Window : VJiOv mm. Vernis Martin .Bed With Springs Just like the illustration in every detail. Heavy filling rods and two-Inch continuous outer tubing. The springs are of steel fabric link construction, with strong helical spring at dJOO 7C each end, at. PiOa O Ask to See the ing on a Seal: . It adjusts 1 fortable. It adjusts itself to tne mains soft and fluffy, Sleeping on a Sealy is like sleeping on a cloud so soft and com Sent On Approval , In order to Introduce CARBON.ITE GEM8,"scl sntlsts rival of nature's diamonds, we will send you this beautiful Ladles' .Tiffany Solitaire set with a genuine first grade H Carat CARBONITE GEM for almost nothing. Send ua this ad, and we will send the ring by parcel-post, prepaid; merely de posit $3.88 with the postman when he delivers It, to help pay for advertising, packing, etc. Wear It tor ten whole day, and If you, or any of your friends, can tell It from a diamond send It back. Your deposit will be refunded Instantly. But, If you decide to keep It, It's youre there la nothing more to pay. Only a Hmlted number given ou on this plan. Send your name today, so as to be sure and get one. , CO E. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO fllVII er Marquisettes Bowen's Value- flQQ 7C Vvpsy.i s Percolators Large size and made of aluminum , (I Off at each JlaiU '1 Simmons Beds of all kinds i is always found upon our salesfloors. ' 7 The new designs are wonderfully pretty. flQQQDD Sealy Mattress form ot your body, and always r 1. - . V e g j v. 1 aHHn H iiWiri CUfi ntlin mlpS 11 " 1 1 aai''-i tr-kaj - - a m-