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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA', WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1920. -' 13 FARM LANDS.' Nebraska Lands. i rT.ft CENT FARM LOANS PER CENT Will loan 71 to 10 dollar par acre on choice farm In Washtns-ton. Doue-las. tUfpy er.4 Casa counties. Option (ranted tq jnaka payment any tlma and atop Int. oil amount paid. Small com. See. call or writ Paul Peteraon. financial Correspondent for the Conn. Mutual Life In. Co., S4 Brandela Theater Bldg., Omaha. Phone D. 1806 or Walnut 3106. In Spite of Everything Good Corn and Alfalfa Land Is Going Higher. Why?. Because it Is the Bafest Investment Known Inveat now In thla money making little ranch of 620 aorea, located 1 mile aouth of Oandy, the .county Beat of Logan county, Neb. About 300 acre under plow, balance the very beat of pasture. Soil good black loam with clay eub-eotl; farm land Ilea level to gently rolling. .Im provement: Good atory and half, room houae with basement; good barn for it humea; mow for 15 tone of hay; hen houae, garage with . cement floor; all fenced and cross-fenced; good well and windmill. Price 167.60 per acre, $5,000 cash, 110,000 January 1, 1921, balance good torma. Here la the place that will anpeal to the-man who haa children to ' educate a Oandy haa one of the beat high achoola In Nebraska. See m, A. At Aiifrinn Improved Farm June 10th, 2 P. M. ' On the above date at court houae, I Crand Island, Neb., we will sell at public ; suction to the Highest bidder a highly j Improved farm of 286 acrea, located hk I mile from the corporate limit of Grand island. Write for detailed description. Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Cantral I Ity, Neb. ' -4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butte County, 5 per cent best ol farm land, Hose bud silt loam soil, a snap .at (26 an acre, S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY M City Nat. Bank Bldg. J" SAUNDERS COUNTY. It5-acre Platte vallev farm: Mack. snildy loam; well Improved; -R house; large barn, corncrib, cattle and hog sheds, etc.'. lH mile to market, 18 miles to Omaha. Price 1185 er acre. Phone Tyler J022 or write STKEL REAL ESTATE INV. CO., ii uaviage biock., umana COR quick sale, priced at $146 per acre. 480 acre, well improved, 7 miles north east of Spalding, Neb., land Is rolling, the very beat corn and alfalfa soli. Will take In well located Omaha home up to (6,000. WRITE, PHONB O RWIKB A. X LEUT- HAUSER, .WISNBK, NEB. . CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS. IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price. Write for list. , LAR80N ft CARRAHER. - Central City, Nebraska. 160 ACRES raw wheat ' land,' 12 miles south of Blx, Kimball county, Neb., aoutheast quarter section S, .township 12, range 64; $6,200, half cash. Fred C. Taylor. 601 Securities Bldg., Omaha. A. A. PATZMAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk. Missouri Lands. some uargam' SOO acre well improved, large orchard, good water, close to school and town. $3,000; $600 will handle. Hop on cars, com to see It. Owner, Wellman Arthurs Mountain view, mo. New Mexico Lands. WRITE FOR free illustrated booklet de scribing agricultural and buitness op portunities In northeastern New Mexico. - Productive soil, healtful climate, alti tude 5,200 teet, growing towns, excellent for farming and stock raising. We have, no lands for aale but are Interested in the development of this territory. Ad dress Earle O. Reed, Agricultural Agent, R, 212. Railway Exchange Bldg., Den ver; Cold . Oklahoma Lands. 40 ACRES $400.00 Prospective oil, gas, asphalt, mineral, timber and ' grazing . land In Southeastern Oklahoma, near railroads, towns and roads. Absolutely clar title; bonded abstract. No reservation; limited acreage; part caah, balance monthly. Reference, any bank. M. E. William. McAlester. Okla. South Dakota Lands. Tripp Co. South Dak. 1. 480 acre, well Improved. 14 H mljea -from- town. . j - . . . . 3. ' Flvei good separata prairie quar ters from 7 to 16 miles out. Can ar range term or take some secured pa- i pel, Ajiuercy wuue, ui viuci bvvu pj- curlty a part payment. Might con sular well located Omaha .city real estate. Box 463. Winner. S. D.f FOR SALE 166 acres at $160 per acre. 25 acre In townslta .half mile from con solidated school, (tore and elevator; In Kingsbury county, S. D. $3,000 will handle same. F. Jachn. Huron, 8. D. BARQAINS in stock ranches and irrigated farms. Write E. S. Hartwell, Newell, S. P. Wyoming Lands. 120 ACRES deeded, 240 leased; all under ditch; 15ft cultivated, 100 in alfalfa; fine stock ranch, outside range; good Im provements. Address owner, J. D. Wll- llams. crowneart. wyo. FOR information in regard to Wyoming land, ranches and irrigated . land, write Gordon O. Johnstone, Box 61, Doug las, Wyo. - Minnesota Lands. 'MINNESOTA lands. 30 improved farm offered for sale by owner on long-time. , One-fifth cash. Located In Red River valley proper, near Argyle, Stephen, Donaldson 'and Tyler, Minnesota. Write for descriptive booklet and piles list. M. Laurttsen.. 62 2d Ave., S. Mlnneap- oils, Minn. - - Miscellaneous. F.RMS for sale or exchange. Over 100 large and small, in Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas. Write Forman, No. 317 In ternational Lit Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo.. for free list. VTT.T. .sacrifice choice ouarter South Da kota land, will consider a new model car or lot in good location, uougia 108S. - Write 2015 No. 61st St. FINANCIAL . . Real Estate Loans. FARM and city loans. B. H. LOUOEE, INC., Vi 528 Keeline Bldg. CITT AND FARM LOANS. 6 PER CENT. DUMONT & CO., " "416-418 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL 'ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS, lowest rates. Private loan booths. Hsrry Malashock. 1614 Dodge. D. 6619. Ea. 1894 Real Estate Loans. ' . PRIVATE MONEY. HAA A tlAHOA ... .H. nvnmnflv .Tj. WEAD. Wead Bldg., 310 S. 18th St. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4228. tKOMPT service, reasonable rates. Drivata money. Garvin Bros.. 345 Omaha Nat t. E. BUCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds. JTOR SALE Two quarter-acre tracts In I the Qalf Coast Development company. Subdivision tracts were withdrawn from the market at $500. Make me an ' offer. P. O. Box 1196, Omaha, Neb. . REAL ESTATE WANTED. SAVE inaulrles for jooi homes In good location. Do you want to sell your property T List It with A. Grira- melr 849 Omaha. Nafl Bk. Bldg. JOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE Want quick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD, 1120 City Natl Bank Bldg. Doug. 1428. fAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, ' JOHN W. SIMPSON !4 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3558. WE HAVE cash buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047-t Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D, 1638. E. G.SOLOMON - III Karbach Blk. Doug. 8388, WE have purchasers for 6, t and 7-room houses. Call Walnut 1153. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. """LEAVENWORTH .HEIGHTS LOT BARGAIN VDne of the finest located lots in this restricted residence district. On paved street, two blocks to car, rine Domes on an siaes. Owner is leaving city and wants ' offer for this lot. For further in formation call Walnut 1580 eve nings. THE GUMPS- ' WA.NT QUANT 3 rJt HAVP r Know you aj?s BKAU-E No ON? TH'r? WAITNO REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtor, Real Estate. Investments, Insurance, Ren tals. Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FIVE-ROOM new rriodern bungalow and garage. Oak floors' and finish, built in features. Might exchange for vacant; prefer close in, or old house close In, Owner, Colfax S104-3029 Pratt St. BEAUTIFUL large hill tract lot in beet part of Council Bluff. What have you to trade. Carl Changstrom, 2020 Far ram street. WANTED To hear from parties having hardware stock to trade for) equity 'in Western Nebraska Farm. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. THE BEST BUY 15 BENSON, 14,800. Olen Park Addition. New house. J-lve rooms and bath, living room and dining room in oak, built-in bookcase. Two large bedrooms, oak floors, kitchen in white enamel, butlttn cabinet, large garden and fruit trees. Call Walnut 2153 for terms. Dundee. NEW DUNDEE HOME $11,000 Sightly location; frame con struction, press brick foundation and porch; six fine light rooms, and basement; first floor has large living room, with fireplace and bookcases, dandy light din ing room, well arranged den and kitchen; second floor has three corner bedrooms and tile bath; house is extra well constructed and finely finished; tastily deco rated and .complete in every de . tail; a real classy place and a snap at the price. For appointment call owner, Walnut 1S80. DUNDEE A-dandy 8-room bungalow in a very good residence block, having 5 rooms and sun room; garage, drive; In fact, complete to the last detail. Price 110,600. , D.V. SHOLES CO. ' REALTORS. ; Douglas 46. 915-17 City Nafl Bank Bldg. DUNDEE home for sale by owner; hot water heat; oak floors, f hone Walnut 1621. Florence. 2 New Bungalows Immediate possession. Strictly mod ern, lust completed and ready to oc cupy. Finished In oak and quarter pawed pine with oak floor throughout. Price $5,000-- and " 6,000 'respectively. Easy terms. Must be seen t be ap preciated. Located near 30th and Craig St, in Florence. FOWLER & M'DONALD REALTORS. Doug. 1426. 1120 City NatT Bk. Bldg- C. L. NE1HAWAT for suburban prop erty. Florence Station, Omaha, Neb. Colfax 1409. REAL ESTATESUBURBAN. South Side. HOUSE and lot for aale. 4622 South 31st. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. CATHEDRAL , DISTRICT, $8,500 A good 8-rbom' modern home, with hot water heat; finished third floor, making six bedrooms in all; east front lot, 42x160; can arrange terms and early possession. - GLOVER & SPAIN . REALTORS. Doug. 2850. 918-20 City Nat'l. CLASSY DUNDEE . HOME N Two-stbry frame and stucco residence in Dundee.- Large liv ing room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen first floor three bed rooms, bath Second floor. On paved street. Press bric-k founda tion. Only $11,000, part cash, . balance easy payments. Walnut 2812.' - We have the best buy in the Cathedral district. Beautiful home, good lot, garage, two blocks to car. Can make excellent terms. Call us today, sure. J. L. HIATT CO. . Tyler 63. First Nat. Bank Bldg. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT , ' We have just listed one of the largest sacrifices In a residence property we have handled for months; consisting of n 8-room full 2-story house, large liv ing room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor finished in oak; 4 extra nice bedrooms and bath on the second floor with sleeping porch; - two nice maids' rooms on the third floor; full cement basement, furnace heat; paved street, paving all paid; large lot; gar age. Owner is leaving city and has of fered to sacrifice this for $12,000 on the following terms; . $3,000 cash, bal ance to be arranged. Properties of this kind in this same neighborhood have been selling in the past few month for $15,000 to $16,000. PAYNE INVESTMENT ' - COMPANY, E37 Om. Kan Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781, See Mr. Olbson. ' 8unday calls. Colfax 3227; j NEW STUCCO " COTTAGE 4125 CORBY ST. I rooms, reception hall and bath; strictly, modern; close to car and school; 10-ft. lot; full basement; brick founda tion;, A-l plumbing; guaranteed furnace; located right; built right; priced right; easy terms. - A..R.-KELLEY, : 600 Paxton Block. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 21 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 488$. POSSESSION now, tll.W buy the resi dence northeast corner 38th avenue and Davenport itrttt. Doua mi; VES-XES- rAS TELlr PHONE ME TVJCE AS NVUCH AND I't ThE service - GWENttHef rAANACaER- I WAN?" TO REPORT VP0"-&1VCME- SOMEONE PATIENCE - T IN AUTHORITY REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 720 SOUTH 36TO $6,500 Cash Balance Mo. This lovely six-room home is offered for the first time; newly decorated and better built than a new home; plenty of closet space; hot water heat; full cement basement; close to' car and . schools. Evenings. H. 4996 Commercial Investment Company 1616 City National. Dg 3932. $350 CASH Nlc six-room homes, "modern except heat. 3006-3007 Franklin. Go see them, then see us,. Com'l.. 1516 City Nat'l. FIELD CLUB Near the Field club we have this fine 2-story frame residence, built four year ago and lived In only by present owner; In perfect condition; ha every thing that goe to make a modern home fireplace, bookcase, aunroom, sleeping porch; dining room is paneled with oak; very livable and attractive place. Price, $11,000. Show only by appointment, BURR-SPIER CO. . f REALTORS. 204 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4857. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. SEVEN ROOMUbUSE, PRAIRIE PARK - ' A SNAP AT $7,800. $ You should, see this dandy 2 story house. IFirst floor in oak, second floor in! white enamel. Liv ing room has fireplace, buffet in dining room, pantry, ice box room off kitchen. Three nice sjfeeping rooms, including a closediri sleep ing porch. Fine big lot, shade and shrubs; only. a block to school. Houses in this neighborhood are selling around " $10,000. ' Owner leaving town' and must sell. Call us for details and appointment. J. L. HIATT CO. Tyler '63. First Nat' Bank Bldg. 5-Room Modern, $4,750 First time offered.--,.-,A cozy, welL built 5-room home' complete ly modern; 2 bedrooms, upstairs; full basement . with- ' stationary tubs, floor drain," etc.; comer' lot; paved street; convenient to two car lines. Price, $4,750, $2,500 cash. Call . Schroeder . Investment Co. Douglas 3361. ' 538 Railway Exchange. FULL lots, small, house, 16 fruit trees, 3 kinds of berries; plenty of shade; good well; brick storm cel lar; brick coal shed, all inclosed. With them ' good title. Price $1,800. 3902 Spaulding St. Call Colfax 3741. , 8-ROOM HOUSE . r$6,800 . On a beautiful corner lot. 67x122, with a dandy hedge, large shade trees and flowers. House was built by a lumber man and has been his home eince; quarter sawed oak floors and firash downstairs; all windows plate glass on first floor; large living room, library, dining room and kitchen; four fin bedroom and bath above; garage for three cars; located at 2203 Miami. Can be handled on $2,500, balance monthly. Don't pas this up. WALSH-ELMER CO. .133 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1536. 2716 AMES AVENUE Dandy five-room bouse all on one floor; on large south 'front rot; finished in oak and white enamel. Just newly ' decorated; has large attic. Ready for occupancy. Price, $7,250. C. G. CARLBERG REALTOR, 212 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 586. $4,800 $1,700 Cash SixV rooms, hot water heat, beamed ceilings, newly patnted, .paneled walls In living room. H. 4996 evenings. Commercial Investment . Company 151 City National. Dg 3932. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. For sale by owner; 4 rooms and bath; strictly modern; full cemented basement, walks, and paved street; full east front; corner lot; fine lawn and garden; ) blocks to car line; fine neighborhood of home owners. Will be open Sundays. Immediate possession; $800 to $1,000 to handle. 4902 N. 27th St. Phone So. 2544. NEAR HANSCOM PARK. 1321 S. 28th . St.; exceptionally well built, all modern 8-room home, or 7 rooms and sunrcom at small expense; 2 blocks from park and car line; full lot; paved street; Just a dandy home; owner going away. Phone Harney 6248 for ap pointment. KOUNTZE PLACE 1901 Blnney, t rooms, strictly modern, oak floors, hot air furnace, east front, nice shad $8,500. $500 DOWN, $50 per month buys a five room house, nice location, at (351 N. 30th St Sea owner, A. Smith, 811 N. 27th St., Council Bluffs, la. . LOOK at 2420 Wirt St., S rooms,' modern, and call Tyler 650 or Colfax 1140 for ap polntment. It' a bargain. BUNGALOW, (-room, oak finish, brand new, nice lot, paved street. $5,250. easy term. Call days, Douglas 173-4. A FEW home and lot for aale In Park - . wood addition; a safe place for Invest- ment. Norrt A Norrls. Doug. 4?70. KOUNTZE Place. S rooms, modern, oak floor, finish: bargain, $6,850; term. I iTfnrn suAuia iai h,v.ii yi I . . -r ii nJ, tvi . . 1 I. ,,a,b muH, 2827 SEWARD, ,4-room. new7 modern bungalow, $600 caah, balance monthly. Crelgh. (0$ Bee. Douglas 200. FOR quick result list with Benjamin A Frankenberg, (24 Bee Bldg. Douglas 722. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. MINNB LUSA home and lot offer the beet opportunity to Invest your money, fon4 Tyler 111, D DINGI - A THESE HAVE PA-FIEN-E ' SfTT LT rAtc TRY ToCtET LONa CALL- TWE THAT JOPUN TmE NUVA&ER THEY MAY fcvi-pv BODY MAKE3k iv vrAKES iOME , REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. $ ROOMS, nearly modern, large lot and garden; act quick, 1302 North 30th St. Colfax 4644. . HOUSE and lot, cheap. Must be sold at once. ,2722 Camden Ave, Doug. 826$, BENSON A. MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l. South. I MUST sell my 5-room home, Hanscom Park district. Has liv ing room, dining, kitchen, down stairs; two large bedrooms and bath upstairs; house in perfect condition; oak throughout; ce ment basement, excellent furnace, good lot, two blocks- to car, near school. This sale must be made by June 1. - Will give good terms; $1,000 will handle it. Address owner, Box G-4, care Omaha Bee. 17TH AND B Sts. All modern 7-room cottage on paved street, paving paid; 4 blocks from school and car line. Will redecorate for purchaser. $4,000 with time. Frank Kullsek, 81 So. (4th, owner. Douglas 2000; or eves. Walnut 3025. " Miscellaneous. GOOD HOMES . SO California, 9 -room modern; hot water heat; vice, $6,290; half cash. i 25 Pierce, one and one-half-Btory frame dwelling; part modern, $3,000; $2,000 cash. Florence Boulevard and Boyd, one and one-half-story bungalow; oak floors, built-in features; garage; $6,250; cash, $4,000. 32 Myrtle Ave.,' fine new modern home, $11,000; $5,000 cash, 49th Ave. and Howard, . two-story frame 8-room modern, finely decorated, oak floors and finish; $8,(00.- t 33 Leavenworth, one-story frame, modern; $2,800; $600 cash. JQHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Block. Douglas 3566. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $350 CASH, BALANCE $35 PER MONTH. Neat 4-rooom cottage ready to move .Into. Modern except heat. Inverted I lighting fixtures. Large rooms, nice decorations. Full cement basement. Large lot. East frontage. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY, 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 5171.' CAN YOU DUPLICATE THIS? Tf you can get any responsible con tractor or builder et fine homes to du plicate this fine new Dundee property at lees than our price allowing $1,760 for this beautiful east front lot, we will sell It at' his .figures. Six nice sized rooms, oak floors throughout, tiled floor, fireplace, buffet, butler's pantry. Terms are exceptionally easy. Phone Carse at Harney 3556 evenings or Douglas 7412 days. Call at 318 South 18th St. 8-ROOM modernj 2 blocks from car, S. W. Hanscom park. Owing to ill health own er must sell, to change clfmate. Four , large bed rooms with ample closets and " floored attic' Garage. East front on large corner lot; Priced right and im merlate possession. 8-room modern oak finish. " Large lot, Georgia avenue, $7,000. 7-room modern, good location, $4,850. 6 -room modern, choice location, Garage for two cars, $6,850 - CONBOY & GREEN, Douglas 3841. Harney- 4999. Webster 6158 BUYERS ATTENTION We have a large assortment of S, 6, 7 'and 8-room homes; prices right; easy terms. Call us for further informa tion and Inspection appointments. GUARANTEE .REALTY COMPANY 224 Bee Building. . Tyler. 6171. i Tyter 6171.. LIBERTY BONDS AT PAR i Will take your Liberty bonds at par on this 6-room, modern home. House Is in good condition. Is about S years old and is not far from car. It Is about .20 minutes ride faom down town. $3,900 $250 cash, balance like rent. CaU Doua 741-2 days or 318 So. 18th St. Ask for Mr. Carse. $300 DOWN A 6-room all modern house on corner lot. About 12 nice shade trees, four fruit trees bearing, nice lawn, not far from car line and school. A real bar gain. Call Walnut 6432 evenings, Doug. 7412 days. Mr. Cole. 5 ROOMS One of the few homes that can be bought for $500 cash, balance easy terms. Good location on- South 19th Ave. between Jackson and Jones. Call Doug. 4911 days: Tyler 5167 evenings. .Mr. apence. Very Choice &-Room Near car and school on paved street." High and sightly1. Strictly modern. See this and you will buy It. Good terms. Call Walnut 127 evenings, WANT A HOME ? Possibly we have It for you. It costs nothing to phone Douglks 134 or come to 1506 Dodge 8t. BIRKETT.& C0.JSS! and insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. FIVE-ROOM, brand new bungalow, strictly modern; good location; $500 cash; balance terms. Walnut (373. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. N. W. COR. 18TH AND DODGE. 4 601J. AMERICAN SECURITT COMPANY. Real Estate Transfers Harry S. Klrby to William M. Kll mrr, Seward t 120 ft. e. of 36th St., s. s., 30x127.5 .,$ 1,600 Frank Rouse and wife to Joseph W. Fleming, 65th St., 100 ft. . of Lake St., w. s., (0x128 I 1 Commercial Saving & Loan Ass'n to James E. Hester and wife, . ' 26th st., 100 ft. s. of D St.; e. 30x150 i 1,860 John Potter Webster and wife to John H. Caldwell, 41st St., 96 ft. n. of Dewey Ave., e. a., 66x125.. 23,0(0 Albert W. Kelptn and wife to Clarence W. Derby, 31st St., 100 ft. n. of Jackson at., e. s (0x140 (,000 Albert W. Kelpln and wife to Clar ence W. Derby, ne. cor, 21st and . Laird St., 25x124... 4 2,000 Guntave A. El art h and wife to Charles A. Blomberg, 30kh st, 68 ft. n; of Jackson st., w, ., 32x140 4,300 Margaret M. Burke to Henry B. Payne et al, Harney st, 146 ft. w. of 26th st s. s., 45x78 1 John V. Flack and wife to Harry C. Tike et al, 44th at., 280 ft, s. of Boyd St., e. a., 40x130....... . (70 Paul W, Kuhns et al to Ferdinand Kramer, 18th st, 360 ft. s. -of Jackson st, e. ., (0x100 32,000 Henry B. Payne et al to State Farmer Insurance Co., Harney t, 145 ft w. of 26th it, s. .. 4(x78 23.S00 Emma L. Scheerer to Jamea Con .Ity, 28th it, 60 ft, n. of F at., w. ., 60x1(0 $00 Jame W. Smith and wife to Frank Roy C, Merrltt .and wife to James . M. Condon et al, Marcy St., 240 XL w, ol 3l It., ft. .. it l-lxllf 1,509 - LING - LING POOR Orl RUE V N7 THEREA.LL DAY ANSWERING VWOU-b YOU PiEASEQM ME- QRKHT 300-? VEV MOST TPF50ME WORtD AKE MISTAKE V - HAVE, i BTIENCte - TrVAT'S A r IT- FOR YOO . BRYAN OPPOSES TAKING MANDATE OVER ARMENIA Says U. S. Can Serve World . Most by Entering League Criticises Position of .' The President. . Washington, May 25. William J., Bryan took flat issue toJay with PresidentrWUson on the question of an American mandate over Armenia, declaring in a statement that "any mandate is impossible." The United States, Mr. Bryan sajd, could do more toward making the world safe for democracy, "even for democracy in Armenia," by recognizing the Armenian repub lic and entering the league of na tions "as the friend of all little coun tries." In a previous statement on the league of nations Mr. Bryan said: "Nearly 100 years ago," continued Mr. Bryan, "Henry Clay set forth the American view on this subject in dealing with aspirations of South American republics. . . Clay de clared it to be a reflection on the Almighty to assume that he would create peoples incapable of self-government and leave them to be the victims of kings and emperors. Can't Endorse Theory. "All the colonial exploitation of helpless peoples 'is defended . on the theory of their incapacity of self government. . We cannot indorse this theory. It would b injurious to the Armenians instead of a kind ness to affirm or admit them in capable of self-government. x "We can recognize the indepen dence of the Armenian republic and send as minister to Armenia a man who has faith in democracy and who believes that u governments should rest upon consent of the gov erned. He can advise with Armen ian officials when they desire advice and help them as a friend. We can be of much more service t6 them in this 'way than wer can by exercising authority 'over them. ' ... "Then, if we will ratify -the treaty and enter the league of na tions as the friend of all the little countries and insist on universal disarmament, we may be able to make the world safe for democracy even for democracy in Armenia." "I am in favor of the immediate and final ratification of the peace treaty with the reservations already agreed upon by a decisive majority of the entire senate and by more than two-thirds of those favoring ratification.. Any needed changes can be made in the league. I shall oppose any and every, attempt to make the reservations a campaign issue. - - : Minority Can't Dictate. "No party, least of all the demo cratic party, can afford to claim for a minority of the senate the right to declare the policy of the nation. ' "To deny ratification and make the treaty a partisan issue would be a crime against .our own natinn Avhich has pressing domestic prob lems to meet, and against the world that needs our counsel and auvice in Real Estate Transfers Koutsky, se. cor. 22d and J St., ' 50x70 3,500 Henry H. Anderson and wife to Fred Sullivan, Davenport st., 66 ft. e. of 27th t., n. ., 33x132 2,600 Austin Clark and wife' to Rudolph Jensen et al, Pratt St., 190 ft. e. of John A. Crelghton blvd., s. s., 30x124.8 2,000 Alexander Mollcan and wife to John Btlne, Blnney at, 240 ft. e. of 37th st..' n. ., 40x120 325 James E. Whlgam and wife to George C, Flack. 48th t, 100 ft. n. of California St., e. s., 50x130 (0 Edith E. Handy and husband to Fred Kavan, Poppleton ave., 100 ft. e. of 29th t, n. s., 50x115 1 Abraham B. Alpirn and wife to Harry. Gross, sw. cor, 21st and Paul St., 303x365 Albert E. Lewis and wife, to Wil liam Peperkorn,' 30th St., 09 ft. i. of Wllllt at, e. ., 33x132.... 2,500 Noah J. Baker and wife to Henry Rix and wife, Underwood ave., 200 ft. w. of 48th St., n. ., (0x128 7,300 Lydla E. Rhyno to Katie A. Fitz gerald. Y st, 83 ft. w. of 31st nt.i n. s.. 123x117.5 2,900 Samuel W. Duke and wife to John Hecsenberger and wife, 26th st., 00 ft. n. of H st, w. s., 30x150.. 2,800 Now i the time to order your awaing and porch curtain. Do not wait until th sun bis faded your draperies and rugs. Protect them with awning mad by AMERICAN TENT & AWNING CO. WC FURNISH DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FREE i 40th and Farnam St. - Tall Harney S0S2 - J. S. OPDAHL, Mgr. 1 U. ' ' ) . ' ' Drawn for OH.'NO HURRY-ErV.R- m OM yY VACATION-. . NOTHING TO DO TIU WEXT -I ONUY CAUWfy OP TMli NUNBr? FXR A KH-NK ONVN CAttlNCr THE AJaO BABY W BEP SMALLPOX the league to save civilization from the horrors of another war. , "Does President Wilson know that while the senate wrangles over the phraseology of resolutions, new ly established republics are threat ened on one side with returning monarchy and on the other side with the chaos of bolshevism? "Does he know of the unrest in our own country and the reasons for it? "Does he know that the profiteer, with an appetite stimulated by glut tony, is bleeding our nation' white? "Does he know to what extent the tax-eate-rs are fattening at the ex pense of the taxpayers? "Does he know that big business is attempting to transfer the burdens of the government from the shoul ders of the rich to the backs of the poor? "Does he ' know . that the bene ficiaries of private monopolief are massing for a combined attack upon the right of the people to use their own government for their own pro tection? If he were physically able to coni fer with his fellow officials at Wash ington and learn the views of his fellow patriots throughout the coun try, he would not ask the members or the democratic party to drag the treaty into politics and make the reservations a partisan issue. "The treaty should be ratified im mediately with the. reservations al ready agreed upon leavirlg the na tion to secure afterward in the league- such changes as may be deemed necessary. "The democratic party cannot die; it must help solve the problems of today; -democratic friends of the league of nations should join republican-friends of the league and by doing so, take the.issue out of the campaign and speak peace to war distracted Europe. Senator Owen Takes Same View asj Bryan On Wilson's Leagye . ' . Oklahoma City? OkV'May 25. benator Robert L. Owen "will stand" for the ratification of the peace treaty 1arid league of nations with the "reservations approved .by a majority of the senate, be de clared in addressing .a meeting of the Oklahoma delegates -t the dem ocratic national convention. "Democratic presidential candi dates are rapidly being eliminated," he said, "and it will appear finally that only William J. Bryan and myself : remain among those avail able." .-. -bkjiv-b ni "l ' -ir m wi flash and Scratch Feeds 3 or Chicks and Laying Hens 3 I Proper Ingredients Properly Mixed 3 ProveH in Our Own Yards - CARRIED IN STOCK BY ed Widoe, 45th and Q its. I E. Kars'ch Co., 1820 Vinton St. I fonka Coal cV Feed Co., ' Harry Chrlstopherson Coat- dt S133 5. 21st St. Feed Co., 2S20 Lake St. . -- 1 iwart Seed Store, 119 N. 16th. WCenterWB Mi'U' "d I ltz Bros., 3005 Haskell St. Walnut Hill Feed Store, 1425 1 I Pacey's Feed Store, Papilllion. Military Ave. H. Cinek, 5212 S. 24th St. Stoltenberg Elevator Co 6136 atky Bro., 4805 S. 24th St. Military Ave. Haddad, 1255-7 S. 13th St. - North Omaha Feed Co., 5416 N. ank Zaloudek, 1004' S. 13th. ISth St. Murphy Coal eV Feed Co., S. A. Forgery, 8622 N. 30th St. 4602 S. 28th St. Stahmer Bros.. 202 S. 20th. L. Bergquist at Son, 4710 S. G. L. Stock. 4134 Grand Ave. 24th St. Homestead Grocery, 51st and Q. I AND AT ALL OF THE BASKET STORES M. C. PETERS MILL CO. ' ; V OMAHA ' v v J i- , . . ... The Bee by Sidney Smith HAME- YOU COrAE-BA,Ckf VJHER.E HAVE XQ O BEfiNf WNO PA6EC VOO? W Ny NTRUDHCx OM Y0URTHE? ' JOST tStN YOUR MOR ANO BRUSH AKjO TRY TO ET MX tOCT9R- , DYNCa General Downward Trend of Prices Except For Food, Is Reported Chicago, May 25. A general re vision downward of prices of nil commodities except food, a growing tendency toward thrift and improve ment in the labor situation are three factors noted in the report of the 'seventh Federal Reserve district, is sued Tuesday. A decided readjustment of the economic and social influences gov erning national life is being antici pated by the business world, the re port says,,with the situation compli cated by the lack of any precedent by which business men might be guided. "Probably the most disturbing ele ment in the i entire situation," the statement adds, "is the almost de moralized condition of our railroads. The credit supply still is restricted and the demand outstrips any pre vious total in the history of the world. Lastly, there is the additional complication of growing signs of a general revision of prices of all com modities, with the trend in most cases downward. "Fighting Chaplain" Dies. Akron, O.i May 25. Rev. James M.. Hanley, 'the fighting chaplain of the 69th," died here Tuesday morn nig of pneumonia after a week's illness. May and June Eggs are best and cheapest. Preserve with Egg-O-Latum for next winter. Egg-O-Latum is endorsed by leading institutions, cooking; schools, etc. Keeps eggs in perfectly fresh condition one year.' Costs only 1 cent per doien. No jar or mushy liquids. Kept in ordinary carton in cellar. FROM THE EDITOR OF RELIABLE VOW TRY J0URNAI "Cn recommend Ew O Utum as aa et preservative thst is ecooomlcil and rnv to applr sad it does th work." Grant U. CurlU, FROM THEEAD OF AMERICAN -SCHOOL OF POULTRYVItBBANDRY "It is st to vslr En O Ltmm and I he ao( onlr used it myself, but ' recommend it to hundreds of our students." T. . Ouitenbem, Pretident. ENDORSED" BY NATIONAL HOUSEWIVES' LEAGUE ."At a nreetins of the Executive Committee of the National Housewives' Leasua held Wednesday. June 19th. 1918, the matter of endorsing EcoO-Lstum came no before the Committee. 1 have been instructed to write and sav that we believe Eu-O-Latum to be a very sood product and same has beea passed by the. Executive-Committee." Af'i. Sara O, Wtsl, Recordim Secretary, KEPT ECCS ELEVEN, MONTHS "I am delighted with the Ent-O-Letu and now uains eees that were packed in it eleven months no." Mrs. I. r. Uorian, Eutaw. Ala. L. B. US. - . EGG-O-LATUM is told by dealers by card. Postman will collect. No 50-cent size lor 50 dozen eggs. , GEORGE H. LEE CO. 1115 I tmlmmmmaaaaammmmmmmammlmamam.a.m HARDING TAKES STEPS TO LOWER GOSTOF LIVING Personal Economy, Curtailing Credit to Nonessential In dustries, Better Transpor tation His Plan. Washington, May 25. Econorrr, in Individual expenditures, reduction of nonessential loans by banks, in creased production and improve transportation are needed to reduci the cost of living and deflate credits, Governor Harding of the federal re serve board declared today in re sponding to a senate resolution ol inquiry. . Governor Harding's letter came in response to the resolution of Sena tor McCormick, republican, Illinois, requesting information regarding what steps the board contemplated, to "meet the existing inflation ol currency and credits and consequent high prices," and what measure! were proposed to mobijize credits for movement of the 1920 crop. Governor Harding said the board for months "has recognised that th expansion of bank credits , . was. proceeding at a rate not warranted by the production and consumption of goods." , ,,"" The discount rate advances, Gov eror Harding said, "have checked c tdit transaction somewhat, but have not been -entirely effective in bringing about ' the reduction in loans desired. ' . " "On the contrary,"., he sajd. "com mercial loans have steadily in creased. ... "The average reserves of federal reserve banks are now a little over ' 42'3 per cent," he added, "as against 45 per cent at the beginning of the , year and about 51 per cent ; 12 months ago." , . ; - Predicts Pre-War Price On Silk in Near Futurfc New York, May 25. Pre-war prices for Japanese silks within a very short time were predicted by M. Schigeeda, prominent merchant of Osaka, before he sailed for Lon-" don. "In February silks were three " times higher than they were before the war," said the Japanese mer chant "They are now only half the " price they were in February, and the ' trend continued down." FROM A WARM CLIME-MI have, tried A Eu-O-Latum and found it to preserve the en in rood ehape for more than sis moaths."f-t D. DePoaU Have. Cuba. KEPT ECCS THREE YEARS "A month ago 1 used, for home cooklns in eskes, etc., eiss preserved with En-O-Latudi in IpriL 1917. 'three years aco. We had been trrujt to see how Ions they would keep. At th end of a year the eess could aot be told fro est under a week old and after three years were as sood as water-glass ens after four to sis months." . . Grimmond, Benson Acres. Omaha. Neb.. April 10. 1920. KEEPS GOOD FOR JO MONTHS"! have never used anythins that came up to En-O Latum for keeoins eers. I sot a far in A. suit. 1918. end th ens I rubbed with it are till in excellent condition to use. 1 waa care ful to turn the boxes as directed lip entil last snrine. Since that time they have had no turnior or care whatever. 1 consider it far euperior to water slass. "-Liriie K. Denials. Simeon. Neb. Beaver Lake R. R. April 2. 1920. at most towns. If no dealer, order extra charge. Handy as 'phoning. Harney St. OMAHA, NEB. 1; ' If 7 1 '-, If 1 I