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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1920)
1! THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1920. ' - r V if I ) A I Market, Financial arid Industrial News of the Day Qiicago Grain 1 I By CHARLES D. MICHAELS Chlcao Tribun-6maha Dm Leased Wire, Chicago, May 25. Heavy covering by shorts, induced by' disappearing receipts, a sharp bulge in the cash markets and reports of delayed planting as the result of wet weath er, made an active and higher mar ket.v There was a lack of pressure until July touched $1.65 around which figure .selling against offers . and reinstating of lines covered early checked the advance. Sentiment was much more bull ish than for some time past, and at the close corn was 3c6Hc hiaher. May leading. The latter -showed llje above the Jow of Monday, wnue juiy was up lie trom the in side figure Cf Saturday. Oats gained H.2Ytt, May leading, while rye was up;ij$(gZc and barley, wxc, witn September, si.37. The car situation wti reported as much .iier In varloua part of tha belt. Ar rival! at Chtcaro. however, wara only 100 eara and snippers took tha market away - from Jia Industries for tha flrat ttma In whIu, paying Iff 60 mora than tho previous day. with tha eloaa at tha top, July finished tic under No. 2 grade in ma aampia market and September a aaie or so.auo nusnei waj Jtiuile to go to store, .Eastern Houses Free. Buyer. Reoorta 'tit aicnert A emnif . mt th board had aoma effect on aentlraent, with alee of CI.OOO buanel. claimed, although only i,00 bushels could be confirmed. A Ending local profeaalonal covered ahorta arly and aold on the bulge. Houaea with eastern connectlona were free buyers at limes. Country loadlnga of corn war reported as muoh heavier, and Iowa . and Na- brnska claimed to be getting cars rather ueeiy ror tne first time In months. Northwestern Interests were heavy sell era of July oats early, but the atrength .In corn and buying by commission houses and ahorts advanced prices readily, July acting rather tight at times, and closed lHo over September against 11c over Saturday. Tha seaboard reported 750,000 l.ushels aold for export in the past few otys. Premiums In the sample market Tvtru up iwio witn aampia values 25c hither. Receipts, it oars. Export Demand Strong. r Export demand was In evidence for rye, but no salea were reported. No. 2 track sold at May price at $2.04 2.07. Re ceipts, I cars. The seaboard bid 20c over June, track, Baltimore, for guaranteed shipment flrat half of June. Barley unchanged. Some export demand st tha aeaboard. Spot aalea were at $1.60 1.62. Receipts. 11 cars. No export sales of wheat were reported at tha aeaboard, the British and French buyer being out of tha market, but the trade had an Intimation that they would be In the market tomorrow. Cash prices generally unchanged, although a few cara at Minneapolis aold at 6c advance. No. 1 red in atore aold at $2.S5 with 15.000 sushel changing hands. No. 3 dark hard winter, No. 2 yellow hard and No. S northern aold at $2.85 on track, and No, 3 hard winter at $3.11.' Dark No. 3 north ern brought 32.81, and dark No. 3 north ern 33.05. Bids on new No. 3 hard or red winter were reduced to to $l.6, Au gust shipment, track Chicago with Sep tember $2.60. Receipts, li cara. .Fit Notes. Short In ecrn have greatly reduced :belr lines, and a few of the locale have Howed large proflta to get away, a they cam in today around the best prices. The Impression prevailing among tha con servative trading element that caution should be used In making long com , mlllment on bulges or In getting short an break at present. With a reduction In the short Interest, the technical posi tion ol both corn and oata has -been wet-kfned. It waa claimed that while a nuriber of tha eastern short had covered there romalna a considerable outstanding shortage. July corn af the top today Hhowed gains of llo and oats 6e from the low on Saturday, while May corn waa up HHo and oat, Itto. Leading commission houses with east ern connections, who were the most active seller of corn and oats all last week, have bten the largest buyer of July and Sep tember corn and oata the last two days, part of It being credited to a few local operators who have been bullish. " One of the leading local caah corn han .dlera In discussing the apparently small sales of corn to the east for many weeka past said It was due entirely to tha fact that they did not care to sell, previous Miles having resulted in considerable losses. The car situation has made a most unsatisfactory condition east, but should care be secured he doubted whether suf ficient corn would be on hand to fill the demand. Louisville wa a buyer of Jaslt oat at Chicago today. A car of- corn recently aold her for $5,454. It contained 142,000 pound and waa aold for $2.17 per bushel. Argentina cable report a heavy supply of tonnage with steamer freights to Amer ica 311 per ton on grain, with aaller ob tainable at $8 per ton. ' There la a atronr bullish feellnc oa corn and oat In some quarters. In the last ' few dan a few lota of May corn have been bought at Chicago by feeder who believe that the future waa at such a big discount under the cash that it .would be well to buy it rather than secure their requirement In the sample market. May corn and oata have been acting very tight for some .day past.- ' A liberal number of bog car have been arriving In the west the last few daya and country loading are much larger. It Is believed, that tke grain will be well distributed among tha primary markets. Chicago Closing Prices. By Updike Grain Co., Doug, tin. May . Omaha Grain Omaha. May 33. Arrivals of grain today by car lots were: Wheat, 64; corn, 40 ; oats, 21; rye. 7, and barley. 1. Wheat had a fairly ready sale at prlcea ranging unchanged to 4c or 60 lower, the bulk going 80 to 60 off. Corn ranged 3o to 6c or 7o up, generally 3o to 4o higher. Oats advanced 2ViC Rye waa up 3c. Barley waa not much changed. Cash sale were: WHEAT. No. 1 hard, 1 car, 33.(3. No. 3 hard, 1 car, $1.68; 2 cars. $2.(7; ( car, $S.6; 3 cars, 33.65, (smutty.) N. 3 hard. cars. 33.(8: 10 cars. 32.(5: car, 32.(5, (smutty); 3 cars, 3264; 3 (smutty); 1 car, $2.(2, $2.6J; 2.(5, cars, . 33.(3, (smutty.) No. 4 herd, 7 cars, $2.(3; 2 cara, 2-5 car. 32.(1. No. 6 hard, 1 car, $2.6 J, (5 per cent); 1 car, 33.51; 3-5 car, $2.(5, (smutty.) " CORN. No. 2 white. 3 cars, $1.87; 3 cars, $1.37. (.nipper's weights.) No. 3 white, 11 8-5 cars. $1.85. No. 4' white, 1 ear, $1.83. - Ne. white, i car, $1.76, (smutty.) No. 2 yellow, 1 car, $1.87. No. 3 yellow, 1 car, $1.86; 7 car. $1.(6; 3 ear", $1.84. No. 4 yellow. 1 car. $1.'3. 10, ( yellow, 1 car, 11.83; 1 (musty.) Sample yellow. 1 car. 31.(0. weights.) MO. 3 mixed, 1 car, $1.85. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, $1.84; 1 ear, $1.83; car, $1.82, ihlger's weights.) . No. mixed, 1 car, $180. No. ( mixed, 1 car, $1.70, (musty.) Sample mixed, 1 car, $1.(7 (heating); car, (1.(7, (musty,) OATS. 3 whit. 1 car, $1.04: 1 car. 31. 03: $1.03. white, 3 oara, $1.0314; 3 cara, Live Stock Receipts were: Official Monday Katimnte Tuesday.... 3,700 two days tnis week. S.849 Same days last week.14,343 Same daya 8 w's ago.13,475 Same days 3 w's ago.lf.S5S Sam day year ago. 14.503 Omaha, May 35, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. O.IO 1S.14I 11.000 33.146 J9.096 T25.871 J1,0S 38,398 4,(81 3,(00 3.0(1 15,0(( 13.311 3.108 15,813 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards. Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours, ending at 3 o'clock p. n., May 25, 1920. Receipts. . ' Horses A . , cattle, flogs. Sheep, Mulea ytxta. .Wti m. iaia. vara. .. .... 4 34 Bonds and Notes Daily Quotations furnlsheed by Peter Trust uo. Issue Rate. Pay. Bid. Asked. car, $1.7Q. (shipper' No. car. No. $1.03. No. No. RYES. car. $1.86; Mlected. 1 (musty.) CHICAGO 1-3 1 car, $1.88. BARLEY. car, 31.38; 2-5 car, 31.86. 1 car, $1.35, CARLOT RECEIPTS. Week Year. Ago. Ago, 11 150 87 13 77 132 Reoelpt Today. Wheat 1 Corn 115 Oats 129 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Week Year Receipts Today. Wheat 79 Corn ,. 17 Oata , 2 . ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Week Year. Receipt ! Today. Wheat ;.a 42 Corn 70 Oata 35 NORTHWESTERN RECEIPTS OF '. WHEAT. Week Year Todav. Am. Arn Minneapolis 223 317 82 Duluth 81 87 2 Winnipeg 173 268 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. RecelDta Todav. tf li Wheat 612.000' m nnii Corn .'...513,000 390,000 Oata (7.000 (13.000 Shipments' Wheat Corn ............ Oat Aid. 89 31 22 Ago. 39 29 47 Ago. 1 , 32 24 Ago. 3 23 37 Wabash i.,... Mo. Pac. ..... v. r. O.AN.W., east. C.A.V.W.. west C.,St.P..M.&0. CB.S-Q., east C..B.Q.. west C..R.I.&P., east C..R.I.&P., west Ilk Cent. , Chi. Gt. West , 14 1 f N 18 ; 12 . 13 47 13 Total receipts. 177 T 46 16 8 32 4 4 167 13 Morris A Co. Swift & Co. Disposition. Cattle. ...i.. 400 83 . Cudahy racking Co.. 1.0IS Armnnp A f'n . V 4KB 4(8 80 13 -44 IS ft 41 1 310 23 17 8 35 19 1 29 S3 313 1,094 14 Hogs. 1.634 3.209 2,807 2,(80 1(8 2,(12 ... ... Sheep. 1.125 841 1,115 (73 (59.000 167,000 597,000 Wheat Oata . ..(72,000 . 170.000 3(3,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES Today. Year Ago. 33,000 268,000 151.000 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND Receipts Today. Wk. ....54 44 16 ....40 .29 83 ....31 28 38 .... T 10 , 5 .... 13 3 Wheat Corn ........ Oata Rye Barley Shipments Wheat Corn Oata Barley U. 8. SHIPMENTS.! Ago. Yr. Ago. ,..53 ...37 ..19 ... 1 43 38 15 Wheat Corn Oat Wheat Cora Oats . VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. Today. Yr. ago. Changes.' Dec. .38,097,000 27,(15,000 845.000 ..... 3,899,000 - 2,549,000 (57,000 ,i - Inc. 3,301 16,680,000 2,007,000 QMAHA VISIBLE SUPPLY. ' . Today. Yr." ago. Changes. see. 416,009 84,000 275,000 187,000 .491.000 ' ' 87,000 Armour A Co. Schwartz A Co , J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co., St. Omaha Pack'g Co. Wiggins Packing Co.. John Roth A Son.... Mayerowlch A Vail.. Glaubers' P. O'Dea Wilson t Co. F. P. Lewis J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla. v.. Rosenstock Bros. ... Werthelmer 4V Degen Kills & Co Sullivan Bros A. Rothschild Baker John Harvey Ogden Other buyers Total V. 4,858 12.858 , 5.307 Cattle Receipts of cattle were consider-, ably lighter today, with an .estimate of, only 3,700 head as compared with 6,100 yesterday. Total for the two day Is (.000 short of the run for the same two daya last week and a year ago. Heavy steers, moved slowly again. this morning, but at about steady prices, while yearling were In good demand and sold readily at 159 25c higher. Cow stuff held steady, while, stockers and feeders were again weak. BEEF STEERS. 266 1,(53 No. 20.. 47.. 22.. C9 48 29 24 25..... 24 50 14..,.. 4.1 13..... Av. ..1101 ..1010 ..1296 ..1487 ..1077 ..1100 Pr., 10 26 11 26 11 76 11 90 12 10 12 40 No.' 40.. 40.. 20.. 47.. 24.. Av. ...1203 ...1247 ...1310 ...121? ..,.1315 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 575 674 895 729 943 846 690 697 10 76 11 00 . 11 30 11 66 11 90 13 10 12 25 12 40 48. 15... 24... 29... 14... At... 41.., 80... (19 ' (51 732 ... 836' ... (93 ... 985. ...1087 ... 749 Pr. 11 00 11 6( 11 80 13 04 13 26 10 83 11 15 11 50 11 85 13 00 13 20 12 35 12 50 1-, 2.. 1.', 49.. Am. Tel. & Tel.... do Am. Tobacco do Anaconda Copper Anglo-French ext. Armour & Co., con det.6 Bethlehem Steel Co...f do 7 British C. B. Q. ... Cudahy Packing Co,... 7 Liggett ft Myers...... 6 Proctor & Gamble.... .7 do 1.7 Swift ft Co. ...... .... Union Pacific ...... ...6 Wilson .conv ,....( 1924 1925 1922 1923 1929 1920 92V 92 99V 8( 9SVi 20-24 95 1922 98 4 1923 (Vj 1921 4 1921 1923 1971 1923 1923 1921 1928 1928 9744 94 94 98 t 99k 99 100 95 (4 93 93H 99 9944 67 98 99 984 98 94 94 98 97 99 97 85 Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burns', Brlnker A Company. STOCKS. . Bid. Bankers Mtga. ft Loan, Ora. . 14 Beatrice Creamery, pfd.. 98 Bsutrlce Creamery, com 300 Iurtas-Nash. pfd. 7s, 1923-43 98 Kklredge-Reynolds Co. 7s, pfd 9S Fairmont Cream., pfd 95 Gooch Food Prod., pfd 85 Harding Cream 7s, pfd Orchard ft Wllhelm 7s, pfd. 97 Paxton ft O. Co. 7s, pfd... 100 M. C. Peters Mill 7s. pfd... 98 Shewln W. P. Co. 7s, pfd. 8 M. E. Smith D. G. Co. 7s, pfd. 99 Thompson-B. ft Co. 7s, pfd 98 Un. row. Lt. 78, pfd. 1927. Un, Stock Yards, Omaha.... BONDS. Booth-St. Louis (s, 1931 Cuba Car.e Sugar 7s, 1930... French Cities Cs, , 1934.... B. F. Goodrich Co. 7s. 1925. Hill Hotel Bldg.. s, 1921-30.. Line. Joint Stk. L. Bk. 6s, '38. 96 Nem. Power Co. 6s, 1949........ City of Om. Renewal 4s,'24.. umana water 4. i4i..., Om. Athletic 6a, 1932 Om.iC. B. St. Ry. 6s, 1928 Sinclair Consol. Oil 7s, 1925 Sioux Q. Yds, 1st Ref. 6s, '30 9SV 85 96 89 95 90 74 97 Asked. ioi" 207 100 100 98 87 100 100 102 101 . 100 101 1Q0 96 100 90 99 90 96 6.40 98 84 6.00 92 99 80. 98 Financial Per cent. St. Louis live a8toclc. East St.' Louis, May 25. Cattle Re ceipts, 6,000; steers closed steady to shade lower; top steers, $12.36; bulk, $10,500 13.00; yearling steers and heifers steady; canner cows, steady,, $5.006. 50; bulls, lower; calves steady; good- and choice vcalers steady. Hogs Receipts,- 14,600;-- market closed active and 10c to 15c hhgher; top, $14.80; bulk,- light and medium, $14.5014.75; bUlk heavy, 14.10QI14.60. Sheep Receipts, 1,800: market dull: sheep and clipped lambs. 25c to 60c lower; spring lambs. $17,25; Uop lamb, $15.00; bulk, (14.00W15.00; top ewes.i $9.00; bulk, $8.6009,00. v 1,3(1,000 502,000 3(0,000 ' v Art I Open. High. Low.TClose. . Test ' ' ' Corn I I I May l.!( 1.89H 1 86 1 1.89 1.83 . July 1.43' 1.(5 1.(1 1.(5 1.(1 Sept 1.WK 1.55 1.51 1.64 1.60 Ry - - . " May t.4 tM -iM 10( 3.03 July 1.934 1.97 1.13 1.96 1.94 Oata I . , , . ! - - - i May 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.03 .(9 , July .88 .90 .(8 .90 .(8 Sept -T5 . .74 .T5 .74 " Perk I . May 34.07 84.0T 84.0T 134.07 38.66 July . 34.54 36.00 34.40 34.40 36.20 I . ' Lard ; - May 20.41 20.(5 20.45 20.S0 20.22 ' July 31.10 21.22 21.07 31.16 21. IT , Sent 33J 22.07 21.(3 21.(7 21.(7 Rib I May 17.50 1T.60 . 17.(0 17.50 17.(0 July 18.15 l(.3( 18.15 118.20 18.23 Cltr Live Stock. Kansas Clty.lMo.. Mar 25. Cattle Re ceipts, (,T00; market dull; heavy and choice handywelght, sttera, weak - to 2( cent lower; plain, about steady; . bulk, 39.60OH.T6: cow and calves, Ready; yearling, barely steady; bulk. $11,76 0 11.30; stockers and feeder, unevenly lower. Hogs Receipts, 18,000; , light - and heaviea, steady; meldums, strong to high er; top, $14.56: bulk, light nd medium, $14.15014.50; bulk heavy. $13.8(014.35. Sheep Receipts, 8,000: aheep, 26 to 40 cent higher; choice California ewes, $9.50; bulk awe. $8.0009.60; spring lambs, strong to IS cent higher; spring Califor nia lambs. $16.90; bulk goats, (till back, few sale 25 to 50 cent higher. Sioux City Live Stock. Slouz - City, la., May 25. Cattle Re ceipts. 3,000 head: market steady; beef steer, choice fed, $10.60013.76; short fed, $9.00010.60; fsd yearlings, $9,000 10.26; fair to good beef cows, $(.(007.76; fat cow and heifers, $3.36011. 60;-cannon. S4.OO0C.OO; veal calves, ' $6.00 13.00; common calves, $5.(009.00; feeders, 57.6009.60; stockers, $4.6009.50; feeding rows, $6.6003.00; stock heifers, ((.000 (.50. Hogs Receipts, 10.000 head: market steady; light. $13.76014.16; mixed. $13.60 014.00; heavy,, 313.60013.(0; bulk of aalea. $13.60014.00. Sheep, and Lambs Receipts 100 head; market weaas , , New York Dry Goods. . . New York, May 25. Cotton ' good to day were qnlet and Jobbing market steady. Gray goods were easier, and yarna war quiet with some easing reported. Silk war dull. Burlap war on a lw .price level, with the demand light Wool good were unsettled. " New York Dried Fruit. New York. May 35. Evaporated Apple. Quiet; California, 12016a (tat, 130 ' l(c ' . . .... . Prune Firm. . Apricots and Peaches In demand. .. Raisins Firm. - ' Chicago rradne. Chicago My 36. Butter Lorwer; . creamery, 43064c. Eggs Lower; receipts, 39,(91 enseal first. 39 040; ordinary first. 360 3(e; at mark, caaea inoluded. 310 39r; storage packed extra, 4tQ43o; storage packed firsts, 430. ,. , ( Po iltry Alive, unchanged. , Pries of Potatoes. , ' ' Chicago. May 26. Potatoes Steady; re ceipt, 36 cars: nnrthen white, sacked snd bulk, $7.6007.(6 Irish Cobblers, $7.35; new. strocgari Florida, par .barrel, . 83, Joseph Live Stock. . St. Joseph. Mo.. May 26 Cattle Re ceipts, 2,200 head; market steady; cov and heifers, $5.00012.75; steers, (9.250 i,,vui caives, 9t.vvw la.uu. . Hog Receipt. 9.000 head: market inn to 16o lower; top ,$14.60; bulk, $14,000 14.40. -- 8heep and Lambs RecelDts. 2.000 head; market uneven, steady;, tambs, in.oott 17.00; ewes, $9.00010.00. , . , . umana Hay Market. Receipt light on both orairia hav and alfalfa, and the demand Is fair to good, wnue inn maraei la steaay witn the bet ter grades of prairie bay some higher. Alfalfa remain ateady, also oat and wheat straw. Bay No.- 1 upland oralrle. $2(000 27.00: No. t ualand nrrtm l!9AA9i Aflt No. 2 upland prairie, $10.00020.00: No. 1 midland prairie, $26.00025.00; No. 2 mid land prairie, $22.00024.00: No, 1 lowland prairie, $17.00019.00; No. 2 lowland prairie, $13.00014.00; No. 3 lowland prairie, $10.09011.00. Alfalfa Choice, $33.00034.00; No. 1, $31.00038.00; standard, $26.00030.00; No, 2, $19.00033.00; No. 3, .$14.00014.00. - - tr,wt $10.00013.00; wheat 19.60 011.60. New York General. New York, May 36. Flour Market quiet; Kansas straights, $13.36014.26. Hye Firm; No. 2 western, $2.33 f. p. b. New York, May shipment WheaJ-s-Spot Irregular; NJ. 2 red. and No. t hard.. $2.((, and No. 3 mixed durum, $3.00 c. I. t, track. New York export Com Spot, firm: No. 3 yellow, 32.TH4, and No. 3 Vellow. $3,09 0 c. 1. f. New York, June shipment Oats Spot, firm; No. 1 white, $1,430 1.46. ' ., f Pork Easy; trfess. $41.00042.00 family, $60.00063.00., w Lard Firm; middle west, $20.80030.(0. Other articles unchanged. - Price of Sugar. New York, May 26. Sugar Raw, firm: centrifugal, 18.67c; fine granulated. 20.75 26.000. .... COWS. 14 .'. 8S0 7 00 ' 44 900 ( 25 BULLS. 2 1316 1 9 Hi 1 T80 11 00 CALVES. .. 170 10 60 1 270 11 60 .. 140 13 60 1...... 310 13 75 ..250 13 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . . 902 - 19 60 Quotations on oattle: Good, to choice beeves, $11.60012.26; fair to good beeves, $10.75011.50; common to fair bseves, $9.60 010.75; good to choice yearlings, $11,600 12.50; fair to good yearlings, $9.60011.60; common to fair yearlings, $8.0009.60; cnoice to prime neuers, 310.2sijp11.z5; good to choice heifers, 19.00010.35; com- prime cows. $9.60010.76; good to choice j cows, $8.6009.60; air to good cows, 37.00 1; common to lair cows, x.76V7.ov; choice to prime feeders, $10.00011.00; good to choice feeders. $9.00010.00; me dium to good feeders 38.0009.00; com mon to fair feeders, $7.0008.00; good to choice stockers, $9. 60010.60; fair to good stockers, $7.7609.00; common to fair grades, $6.0007.76: stock heifers.-$6,600 8.00; stock cows, ((.0008.25; stock calves. (6.0009.60; Veal 1 calves, $9.000 13.00; bulls, stags, etc., $(.00 0 10,60. Hogs Receipts of hogs were estimated at 176 loads of 13,000 head, a fairly liberal run. The market wa very slow With a tendency to a little easier price. Shippers paid a top of $14.25, the same as yester day, buying .-most of their hogs from 313.73 014. 20. - Packer buyers-' were Inclined to shade prices a little and there wa a weak er feeling on the close. Bulk of sale wa $13.50014.00. y . Av. .155 .305 . .277 .225 273 253 Sh. 63' ..' HOGS. Pr. 13 35 13 (0 13 75 13 85 14 00 .14 20 Av. 319 72.:.265 68. .260 72. .223 77... 201 z. . Zit Sh. 110 110 110 190 Pr. 13 60 13 66 13 SO 13 90 14 19 14 25 Sheep Receipt of sheep and lamb con tlnue light, today' estimate calling for only 3,600 head. A little more- life was shown lnthe trade today than of late and the market was fairly active and quotatly steady to strong. California Spring lamb again sold at $16.70, about tho same lot that brought thla figure yesterday. Clipped Iamb sold from $15.DO015.6O, and ewe around $9.60. Cuts from the California spring lamb are going back to the coun try at $11.76012.00. : - ' EWES 1 No. ' Av. Pr. No: Atf. Pr. 11 110 9 75 177 Nat. 100 9 3$ 13 Nat.. .130 9 0 FEEDING LAMBS. (4 Nat... 46 10 75 ' SPRING LAMBS. 42 Nut.. 62 17 00 Quotation on Sheep and Lambs Fat wcoled lambs, 315.00016.76; fat shorn lambs, $14.00016.75; cull lambs, $9,000 12.00; shorn ewes. $8.0009.76; ewe cull and canners, $3.0005.00. ' Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, May 36. Wheat Cash: No. 1 northern, $2.(002.90. Corn $1.(001.83. Oats $1.0101.02. ' Barley $1.2601.62. Rye No. 2, $1.9801.99. - . Flax No. 1. $4.3(04.41. "' r SERVICE r , We Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders for Grain and Provisions . . FOR ' ' - ' FUTURE DELIVERY , IN All Important Markets WE ARE MEMBERS OF- Chlcage Board of Trad Milwaukee Chamber of CoKtmorce Minneapolis Chsmber of Commerce , Omaha Grain St Louis March ante Exchange Kansas City Board of Trad Sioux City Board of Trade Exchang ' WE OPERATE OFFICES AT OMAHA, NEB. ' CHICAGO. ILL. , GENEVA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. ' SIOUX CITY, IA. DES MOINES. IA. HASTINGS. NEB. HOLDREGE, NEB. MILWAUKEE, WIS. ATLANTIC, IA. . HAMBURG, I A. of these offices are connected with each other by private wire. We are operating large up-to-date terminal elevators in the Omaha and Milwaukee markets and are in position to handle your shipments in the best possible manner i. e.. Cleaning, Transfenngs, Storing, etc - ' ... ' . , It will pay you to ft ia touch with one of oar officM when wantini to BUY or SELL any land of grain, ' 1 WE SOLICIT YOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE and SIOUX CITY Erery Car Receive ! Careful Personal Attention The Updilie Grdm Gompdny . THE RELIABLE CONSIGNMENT HOUSE . ' - -4 Chicago Lire Stocks Chicago, May 25. Cattle Receipts, 10, 000 head, beet steers, steadyto 25c higher; top yearlings, 314.00; prime heavy, 313.00; bulk, all weights. 311.25(8)12.60: she stock. steady to strong; good yearling heifers and tew prime heavy cows, 311.50; bulls and calves, ateady; bulk; bolognas, $3.75; bulk, good to prime, 313.5013.50. Hobs Receipts. 23.000 head, mostly 106 to 15o higher; spot, 25c higher; closed strong; top. 314,85; bulk, light and light butchers, $14.C014.76; ulk, 250 pounds and over, 313.80 14.40 ; pigs, strong to 25c higher; bulk, 311.76fl2.60. Sheen and Lambs Receints. 13.000 head; lambs, steady to 26c higher; fat up more; prime handywelght shorn lambs, 317.25 to shippers: bulk, 16.00 17.00; good medium spring lambs, 317.00; top California spring lambs, 310.75; choice fat awes, 311.00 11.60. . New York Goffeee. New York, May 25. The failure of colo! weather reports from Braslll to Inspire any aggressive buying, seemed to promote a renewal 0 scattering liquidation, or realizing In the market for coffee future today. The opening was .3 to 13 point lower and the active month soldr 14 to 201 points lower during the extreme decline of the day. Reports of higher milrel re ports in the Rio market were offset by re actions ,ln Santos futures and declinea In exchange rates, while no Improvement waa reported In spot demand. The market closed 17 to 23 points lower. May, 14.94c; July, 15.07c; September, 14.80c; October, 14.79c; December, 14.95c; January, 14.76c! March, 14.78c. . 1 Spot Coffeee Quiet; Rio 7s, 15)ic; San-f to 4s, 23 2414 c. tfUrago Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wire. "New York, May 25. Stocks re sponded today to a relaxation of emphasis upon unfavorable events with' the. most vigorous rally seen this month. In addition, the retire ment of short contracts was made more difficult than the day before by the appearance of developments, which, while not full-grown nor es pecially vigorous, were welcomed by Wall street," whose feelings in respect to cheerful matters had threatened to become calloused. Industrial shares advanced from two to five ooints. The ' copper group, long in the doldroms, awak ened rather suddenly .with upturns of two to four points, and the rail road department displayed strength which was only less substantial than that of the industrials. Liberty bends improved all around. 'Cotton advanced and again marked gains were recorded in the grain and pro visions markets. f . Sentiment Improved. A ready exnlanatlon of the general re covery lay in the efforts of shorts to retire a part of their commitments, out 11 wouta not be going far afield to refer to possl- h nurcnasM ror tne lona account oy .per sons who either elected to average down holdings acquired at lower levels or sought to profit by an Improvement of sentiment over the Industrial situation. That sentiment was better than last week was disclosed through banking and brokerage comment, which seemed to re fleot. information coming from many sources. FerhaDS the chief basis' lay in fakenlnr nf nrlce cuts in the mer i-hanrtlaa field and In less publicity with out cancellations of orders at mill and factory, but there waa more positive mat ter than this to lighten the outlook. Study of Msrch railroad, earnings, the latest available showed substantial Improvement in contrast with a year before in case of several of the leading systems. Maimt Mnrkrt Yeer. Th. money market also had ' influence upon speculative transaction in biocks. While time loan rates were -not quotable at levels' lower than those of the preced ing day, and last week aa well, there were freer offerings and the market "felt" a, trifle easier. Governor Harding asserted that if unsold portions of last year's crops can be moved to maraec oeiore me new crop comes along sufficient credit will be released to aia in oiisetiing auiumn.uo tmandn. While sterling wa quiet and hardly more than ateady, the exchanges, of oen tral European countries showed the ef fect of heavy purchases, especially In Ger man exchange. Also, there was a strong advance of Italian rates and French rates moved forward. N. Y. A H. R..... 63H 47 Erie R. K. ...... 11 llVi Gt. Nor. pfd...... Ti, 71 Illinois Central.,. 83 S 33 M K. A T '6H 6 K. C. Southern... 16 15 Si Missouri Pacific.. 24 214 New Haven 2ii 27 Northern Pacific. 72 71 CAN. W Pen. R. It....... ! 3S Reading 82 ' 80 C. R. L A P...,. 34 : SS Southern Pacific. 93 92 Southern Ry 21 21 C, M. St. P...: 32 80 Vrilon Pacifto 115 114 Wabash. 7 7 ' .STEELS. A. C. & F.' .'.133 130 Allis-Chalmer '. 33 30 Am. Loco......... 92 89 V A. Steel. 41 41 Baldwin Loco. ...112' 108' Beth. Steel 89 86 Colo. F-. A I. 30 30 Crucible Steel 125 118 Am. Steel , 38 36 Lacks. Steel. S.4 67 Mldvale Stool ,42 40 Pressed Steel Car 96 96 Kep. I. A S......f 89 85 Ry. Steel Sprg..; 91 90 S. S. S. A I U. S. Steel 93 90 COPPERS. Anacondiv Cop,,,. 68 64 A. B. & R... 68 (6 11 JIVs 73. 71 81Vt 6 15 24 28 72 39 83 34 93 - 3Hl 31 114 114 '7 J 4 14 28 31 71 76 38 80 83 91 II 80 133 32 "92 41 113 88 30 134 38 68 41 96 89 91 93 129 31 89, 41', 109 8sP 120 36 64 41 93 86 0 .-. 60 66 ... 22 20 .. 16 .. 32 15 29 62 49 27 26 20 19 New York Quotations . Metal Market. New York, May 25. Copper Dull; un changed. Iron Steady; unchanged. Tin Eaalei; spot, 352.00; June-July, 150.60. . Antimony 9.60o. Lead Quiet; spot offered at 8.85c Zinc Dull; East St. Louis delivery, pot, 7.40c bid, 7.60c asked. . At London Spot copper, 488 6s; elec trolytic. 107; tin, 269 10s; lead, 39; Inc. 44. a Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., May -25. Turpentine Firm, 3182; sales, 91 bbls.; receipts, 332 bbls.; shipments. 10 bbls.; stock, 2,591 bbls. . Rosin Firm; sales, 913 casks; reeelpts, 1,193; shipments, 8 casks; stock, 18,001. Quote: B, f 14.00 D 14.60 ; D, 317.60 17.60; E tl7.6017.76; F, G, H, $17.65 17.75; I. 317.65017.80; K, 17.7517.0; M, 18.00ig18.10; N. I18.2518.40; WG, I18.60l9il8.60i WW. tl8.7618.90. New York Quotation. Number of shares and range t prlcea of the leading stocks, furnished Tiy Logan St Bryan, Peters Trust building: RAILS. Monday' . High. Low." Close. Close. . 78 76 78 77 .31 20 31 30 .116 115 113 114 F... A., T. A S. li. & O Can. Pacific. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllHIMIIIIIIIIIIIIf i Our Full Paid Stock m ( Is the Best Investment I of the Day. ! a ; I Security first mortgage I on homes. . I i .",' f .Share ii the dividends 1 1 of the Association to. 1 the extent of 6 per cent. , I UllDINOfcVLOAN I ASSOCIATION a cemav')uma 5 flUllltlllllllllllllllltlillUllllllllllllllllllKllllllllllllllllllllllll BURNS, v BRINKER & CO. ' S.. W. Corner 17th and Douglas OMAHA PREFERRED STOCKS With Proper Safeguards are in Effect Bonds. Ask for List. R. & S. Cop. Chile Copper. Chino Cep... Insu Cop..... Ken. Cop.... .Miami Cod... Nov. Con. Coo 12 11 Ray Con. Cop..... 17 16 man v.op 71 67 , INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar.. 91 90 A.. Q. . W. -I. S. S.165 162 Am. . Int. Cor...'., 83 81 Am. Sum. Tob...:-874t 85 Am. Cotton" OH Co. 43, 41 Am. Tel. A T 93 92 Am. Z., L & B 14 13 Brooklyn Rap. T. . 12 11 Bethlehem Motors. 21 18 Arc Can Co !. 87 36 Chandler M. Car. .131 J24 Central Leath. Co 65 63 Cuba Cane Sug. Co 61 60 Cal, Pack. Cttrp.., 70 70 Cal. Petroleum Co. 29 27 Corn. Prod. R. Co. 93 90 -Nat E. A S 65 65 Flsk Rub. Co 29 28 Gen. Elec. Co 142 141 Gaston W. A W... 11T4 11 Gen. Motors Co... 26 24 57 61 80 J 67 32 20 5 Goodrich Co. .... 6,1 Am. Hide & L. Co. 17 . 16 Haskell A B. Car.. 64 62 U. S. Ind. A. Co .. 84 83 Int. Nickel 18 16 Int Paper Co 68 66 Kelly-pring.. Tires. 103 99 Keystone T. & R... 24 22 Int. Mere ,Mar.. 30 29 Maxwell M. Cq... 23 22 Mexican Pet 176'4 171 Middle States Oil. 29 38 Ohio Cities Gas.. 39 38 Willys-Over. Co... 18 16 Pierce-Arrom -Mot. 49 46 Royal Dutch Co... 117 115 IT. S. Rubber Co... 94 92 Am. Sugar R. Co.. 126 126 - Sinclair Oil A R... 31 29 Sctra-Roebuck Co. 207 207 Stromberg C. Co... 62 61 Studebaker Corp... 66 60 Tob. Prod. Co 66 . 68 Trans-Cont. Oil .. 15 " 13 Tiiu Co 46 46 U. S. Food Pr. Cor 69 67 P. S. Sm. R. A M. 60 69 Tho White M. Co 61 48 Wilson Co.. inc.. 64 64 , Total sates 766.400 shares. Money 6 per cent. 'Marks .0246. -Sterlng J3.88. . (" 16 82 ' 62 27 20 12 IT 70 91 165 83 87 43 93 14 12 21 87 181 65 61 ' 70 29 92 66 ' 29 142 11 26 61 17 64 84 18 68 106 23 30 22 176 89 39 18 49 116 93 126 31 207 62 64 66 115 46 69. 60 61 64 16 30 49 25 19 11 16 67 88 163 81 86 41 92 18 11 19 62 124 63 49 70 26 89 28 " 140 11 24 69 16 61 32 16 65 98 22 28 22 171 39 39 17 46 116 91 124 29 209 60 60 63 13 46 67 68 49 64 FINANCING CORPORATIONS Corporations requiring additional finance, that are on earning basis and have been in business for. one year or longer can secure im mediately $100,000 or more through the. increasing of the capitalisation or to issue treasury . stock or bonds. Corporations must have paid,' or. will soon pay, di vidends and have not less than 1,000 stockholders. Address ' FINANCIER, '. Room 1407 Time Bldg, New York. -L : 1 ' Foreign Bonds Are Soaring Those who were fortunate enough to buy French Government Bonds two wee,ks ago n Now Have 10 Profit Those who bought German Municipals four weeks ago . Have Ail But Doubled Their Money We predicted this when we began offering these bonds two months ago arid are much grati fied in announcing the soundness of our pre ' diction. From May 20th we shall have monthly de liveries from Europe of 500,000 francs In French Government 4s and 1,000,000 marks In German Municipals. ' . JOut facilities enable us to quote lowest prices on all foreign securities. Get our prices before buying. Quotations given by Jvire. E. N. F0RTS0N & CO. Foreign Exchange Bankers 444648 Cedar Street ' New iYork Mis? &.jhx &art Bee Want Ads Produce Results. . . Established ,1866 r An Invitation to Young4 Men Many well-estab- lished business men of Omaha can date the be ginning of their prosper ity from the opening of 'their banking relations with this old-established bank; i . v We still seek the accounts of young men and are always glad to have them start with us, even if only in a small , way. ' National BanE, EmNAMiATJl IM a STREET;" Capital and Surplus, k V ' V $2,000,000 " ; ! MUSI M J We Offer $500,000.00 Ameri can Bank V Building & Participating . Preferred Stock Tax Free in Nebraska Exempt From Normal Income Tax . Non- Assessable Clrilt,JivReal Estate is the basis of all material wCCUniy weaith. No man can offer better se curity than well located business property. . The American Bank building site is located in the heart of Omaha's business activities; therefore the safety of the investment' is unsurpassed.' C : DftwA-The rental income of the earning rO.Wer American Bank building has been very conservatively estimated- as more than ; three times the dividend requirements. These se curities yield 8 as a minimum and participate in . the earnings of the company. , ; ?v fkntt nvf iin.fv Tnus viewed' from every vangle, ; Upporiuniiy SAFETY of principal, its learning capacity and certainty of 8 QR BETTER returns, we feel that no investment offered the general pub-' lie can compare with these .AMERICAN BANK BUILDING securities. ' Off rod in Amount of $500.00 or Mora. .Torn if Dtircl. For Full Information Addratis ' American Bank Building Co. ' Room 6, Wad Bnildinf. OmaJia, Nbraks. ! $i,odxinvested in Sears-Roebuck in igoj is now worth $29,000 Pitt Your Money to Work , . . . - In This Great, Growing Business It Has . ) Unlimited Pnstnihilitie Bradley; Merriam & SmitK v A great financier, once asked by a yojing man about to invest his savings in a certain company, re- ' plied ".Wait 'until you see it's a , good thing, but don't wait - until every body else sees it." This is mighty good advice. First, satisfy your own judgment, then act quick ly. If you hesitate until others have judged the proposition, your oppor- Our New Home Now Being Erected at 13th St. and Capitol Avenae . Uolimited ' - Possibilities We have averaged 21 cash dividends annually for our stockholders since we have been in business, covering a period of more than thirty years, and with the increased bus iness made possible by mor capital, a much larg er dividend should be tnnitv to urofit'has passed. Analyze the " , made. Besides 'the cash dividends you re- . business of Bradley, Merriam & Smith for ceive, we have every reason to believe your. yoursell. uonsmer -11 irom every .uugie. Your analysis will show you it is a business firmly established and has always paid good divicltnds. It is honestly- and efficiently managed. It supplies a real economic de- - m'and which has brought other mail-order 4 , houses enormous fortunes and which now is growing more rapidly than ever. ' ' Invest In a Successful Business ' We are a successful concern with a big bulues At the close of our first year in the Mall Order business In 1916, we had only 2000 customers; now we have well toward 40,000. This will give you an idea of our enormous growth du(ing the past, five years. To take, care of cur rapid increase in bus . iness,-w are offering the unsold portion of our Participating Preferred Stock. ' . ' , Secured' by a First Lien ' This stock is secured b a first lien on all the . assets and earnings of the company and re ives ,' the fl: t 7 in-quarterly dividends on. he r;t day of July, October, January and April. The , common stock receives an equal amou '. tter the -regular dividends have been paid, your stock par ticipates In all V profits same as the common stock share for share. The EXTRA. DIVIDENDS " are payable annu ". at the close of our fiscal' vy- . w v '.,., -v - .. i . ' , ... investment will increase rapidly in value. For instance, in 1907 the stock of one of the big Mail Order houses had a market value of $6,000,000.00 which has increased to date to $170,000,000.00, in addition to the big cash dividends paid. During this period no additional stock has been sold. ' : Hundreds of our customers, and others 'who are shrewd investors, have taken advantage of this Opportunity. If YOU wish to share in our profits, mail the coupon below. ' Mail postcard today for our BIG FREE ' s General Catalog No. 17, BRADLEY, MERRIAM & SMITH The Great Mail Order House . , OMAHA, NEBRASKA ' .There I Not One Dollar of Watered or Promotion ' Stock la Tela Conoaar. ' I FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT I' BRADLEY, MERRIAM A SMITH, 407-B-l I Brand) Theatre Bldf, Omaha, Nab. . . Gentlemen: 1 am interested ataq might taveat If '.. .provided I am convinced roar shares are ' a root, safe Investment , , NAME i....... 1 ADDRESS... Ion -- It IT