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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1920)
Omaha s Bee The Daily i- -.u - - ", VOL. 49 No. 294. ' gatoraf 11 ma.twa mtter Mo It, IMS. at iMti P. 0. aaaar Ml at Mm I. lira. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1920. - fly Mali 11 ytir). Inil 4th lo, OilfeaM SmiUm. : 0ill Ojlj, W: . W- TWO CENTS baM ltd Un (I w). 0ally Smtey. SIS: Oatly Oaly. 112; Suadty Only. $. - J-k o onsint (Huiia and nt'V. ia Bburrs. nvi cssta, -'" : "I 1 ' INVESTORS WILL PROBE SKINNER'S Committee Named to Investi gate" Company and "Take Steps to Protect Stockhold ers" at Meeting Yesterday. OVER 1,000 PRESENT AT PARLEY CALLED BY HOWE Deposed President r Explains ' Affairs in Statement Pres ent Officers Do Not Attend Many Hot Debates-Held. The meeting of stockholders of the Skinner company in the Audi torium adjourned at 5 last night after a committee .of nine men was selected and instructed to investi gate the condition of the Skinner company and "take steps to protect stockholders.1' C. F. Gustafson, president of the Farmers' union, was made chairman of the committee. At the close of the general ses sion the committee met with Guy .T. Tou Velle of the Nebraska Se curities bureau legal department, who is here examining the Skinne.r company books, and arranged to meet in Lincoln the first part of next week with the bureau at which time Mr. Tou Velle said an "ex haustive report" on the condition of the Skinner company would be available1. Over 1,000 A.ttend. "The committee will -make no definite plans for action until it has heard the report," Chairman Gustaf son said. "We believe the "bureau's investigation will reveal facts which win oe pt vital importance in de- termining our action. R. C Howe, former president general manager of the Skinner company, who called the meeting, remained on the auditorium platform during the, entire session, which lasted from 10 to 12 and from 1 to 5, and which was attended by more . than 1,000 stockholders in the com pany. 1 After reading his opening state ment, in which he denied any collu sion with the "big five" and asserted that all his actions during his con nection with the company had been for the interests of the stockholders, he remained silent, wjth the excep tion of an occasional brief reply to r questions. , vySkinneri Not Present. t . When F. S.' Howell, attorney' for the , Skinner company;- secured the floor late in the afternoon and an nounced that the Skinner, brother's would not appear before the stock holders there, was ar grQan of dis pointment. - , A" snort time Jater a stockholder was dispatched to request "either of th Skinners to appear", but he re turned a short time later with the re- : port that he could'not locate them. Mr. Howell attacked the motives which led Mf Howe to call 'the meeting. "This meeting was called by Howe to fish for suckers," he shouted. "I for one wil not bite on ' Howe's hook. Howe is no longer with the Skinner company. He sits : there on ,the platform now in a spirit of revenge and with an ambition to wreck and ruin. "If you stockholders follow his lead Ihe Skinner company will be placed on the auction block and if (Continued aa Pas. Two, Column One.) Huge Fortunes Made , In Sugar;" Action Takeh Against Profiteering Boston, -Mass., May 25. The fed eral government today took action against sugar refiners here for al leged profiteering 'and hoarding. The Revere sugar- refinery' and ' Henry E. Worcester, its vice presi dent, were charged wtth exacting ex . cessive prices and with . holding sugary from the market, and " the American Sugar Refining company, ' and W. K. Green, its general man ager, were charged with selling , sugar at excessive prices. " The com plaints asserted. that the companies had made millions of dollars by hoarding and regulating the price. 'Medfortf. Ore'. Max 25.The Fed eral Trade commission" opened hear ! ings here today on a charge ofcon ' spiracy in restraint of trade against the Utah-Idaho Sugar company of Salt Lake City. SuddIy of Unmined Coal . Sufficient for 7,000 Years Chicago, May 25. The. United States is in no danger of exhaustinc its coal supplies in the near future for about 7,000 years' supply is available, S. M. Darling of the bu- reau of mines told the 12th annual convention of the International Rail way Fuel association.. He estimates "the supply of minable coal at 3, 553,637,100,000 tons. - Last year's - consumption, he said, was 530,000,- 000 tons; 1 Population of Duluth . Climbs Near 100,000 Washington," MayS. Duluth, 98.917; increase, 20.45L or 26.1. per cent. . Columbia, Pa., 10,836; decrease, 618. or 5.4 per, cent , ' Mount Carmel, Pa., 7,469; de i crease, 63. or0.4 per cent. 1 Alleged Forger Arrested. - Oakiai)d, Cal., May 25. Thomas J.-Conway, said fcy the police to be JvfSnted on charges . of - forgery in London and in two Canadian prov inces, as well as in a number of American cities, was arrested here .' Tuesday. -! HOUSE LEADERS UP IN AIR ABOUT SOLDIER BONUS Start New Move in .Hope of Of Breaking Deadlock on , Relief Measured Washington, May ' 25. House leaders were "up In the air" over the question of soldier relief legisla tion, t 1 With democrats and about 50 re publicans attempting to block im mediate consideration, leaders start ed a new move in the hope of break ing the combination so that the bill might be presented to the house not later than Thursday. Although Chairman Fordney of the ways and means committee an nounced that he planned to call up the measure Thursday, there were indications of a possible change in the republican program but some un certainty as to what might happen. Instead of the effort to give the re lief bill the right of way by a spe cial rule, republicans fighting for the bonus decided on other parliamen tary tactics and . announced, they would endeavor to get it before the house by suspension of the rules. Although this would require a two thirds vote for passage, the, plan would permit only a straightout vote for or against adoption. Democrats asserted they would put up a solid front andjwith the help of "insurgent" republicans, de feat the big tax measure. They claimed thaf supporters of the bonus had failed to obtain sufficient votes to give it the right of way. BIG RECEPTIONS GIVEN TO OMAHA TRAIN IN WEST Trade Excursionists Loan Band To Elks at Sterling, Colo., For Minstrel Show. Sterlin(, rni. u.m. -(Special Jri,.,r T. ' r . v 'eJmj)ZT' ,0mah.a trad.e ?" cursion gave a pleasant surprise to tne citizens ot this city on their second night out when they loaned their jazz band to the Elks lodge to assist in a minstrel show they were giving. . .- The train Vaveled westward all day over -the highline of the Bur lington from Holdrege to Sterling. Enthusiastic, receptions and fine weather greeted the Omaha train all alongthe route. At Curtis the state agricultural school 'furnished buttermilk served by girl students and a parade was headed by the G. R. post. The train will head north tonight for an early morning stop at Cheyenne1 and ' then return -south, reaching Denver Wednesday might. v Grainton, Ncbr.," a new town and a big grain shipping point,' pre sented the excursion with a 60-pound cake, "one foot 'thick, three feet in diameter, decorated with ' frosted roses, baked by Mrs. Ivan Smith. Grainton asked Omaha Chamber to help it get a depot and station agent to expedite handling of grain cars. President Submits Draft of Peace. Plan s Veto to His Cabinet Chicago Tribune-Omaha, Bee bud Win, Washington,' May 25. The cabi net, at its regular meeting held in the president's study at the White House,1 discussed, the peace resolu tion by congress and sent to the executive on Monday. While there was no difference of Opinion among the president's ad visers as to the president's duty in the issue, some of the cabinet mem bers were reoorted to have offered suggestions as to the . subjecT matt l- r a. .i:-iM ici in mc icai ui uic ucaadgc wiiicn will be sent to . congress , accom panying the veto of the resolution. - The president had a rough draft of his veto message ready and sub mitted it to his advisers, it was re ported. Although no member of the cabinet would discuss the mes sage, it is understood that the president is applying himself to it with all his mentatl -energy " and that he expects the message to be come the text for the democratic party on the peace isse t San Francisco and in the presidential campaign to follow. J , : : " I Delaware Democrats Choose Six Delegates Dover, Del., May 2o. Delaware democrats in state convention liere chose six flelega(es .to the demo cratic national convention and elect ed United States Senator Josiah O. Wolcott a member of the national committee over former Senator. Wil lard Saulsbury; The vote was 117 to 68. The delegates, all of whom were chosen without contest, were not in structed. Approval was given by the convention to the . league of nations covenant without destroying or nullifying reservations. Nebraska Representatives ; Will Vote for Bonus -Bill Washington, May 25. (Special Telegram.) The members of the house from Nebraska held a "pow wow," in the room of the committee on appropriations, talking over vari- ous Dins or a puonc character m which the delegation is interested. Home politics was informally dis cussed. The delegation decided to support the bonus bill, as it came from the ways and mtars commit tee, when the measure is brought up Thursday. Sutherland Leading Wood In West Virginia Primary turns from, 105 precincts out of .1.330 in West Virginia for republican pres idential preference gave: Sutherland, ifiU; .VY.ooa, ,ioi; veDster, MUCH WORK STILL AHEAD Revolutionists Have Many Problems to Solve Before Stable Government Can Be Succesfully Formed. MANY MILITARY LEADERS THREATEN NE)rV REVOLTS Villa Is Reckoned as One of The Most Important'. Among Independent- Chiefs Gen. Aguilar Also Big Factor. Washington, MaV 25. Advices from Mexico indicate. that the revol utionists have much to do before a staple . government caji be estab lished. Military leaders are report ed in various parts of the republic with small forces of men under arms, either still loyal to the Carranza regime or for other reasons hostile to the de facto government These groups are recognized by Mexican observers here to be possi ble nuclei for the organization of new revolts. Representatives of the new government, however, minimize their importance, asserting part of them already are negotiating for terms while others are on the de fensive. ' . Francisco, Villa, whose force of men is variously estimated at from tew hundred to several thousand. is reckoned the most important ot the independent leaders. Aguilar in Field. General Candido Aguilar, the late president's son-in-law, who, during the ' past five years has become a military leader of the first order in Mexico, still is in the held. He was last reoorted at Talaoilla on outskirts of Orizaba, with 300 men. General Bertani, who brought the accusation of conspiracy against Cejudo which Obregon was ordered to Mexico tor the court-martial and who acknowl edges Aguilar as his chief, is at Zon golica with 150 men, according to the latest reports. With Bertani is General Tello, also one of Aguilar s subordinates, with a force of 150 men. " General Domingo Arneta, Carran- zista governor of Durango, is known to be still hostile to the revolution ists. . ' ' " Governo Alfonso -Cabrera has set 'up'j tne state government of PueSla at San Miguel-Tefango, and there ha been nthing i the news i to indicate-that .he is not function- ! ing as governor with troops at his command. Ihe site ot nts torce was reported at 2,000.. all Puebla Indians. " x' ' v TronbU in Colima. .Trouble is reported to havfarisen in Colima. here the Carrancista governor, Alvarez Garcia, impeached by the ledgtslattire, has had several deputies arrested and now is trying to obtain assistance -in Mrxicd City to force" the ; legislature to restore him .to , power. The legislature meanwhile has effected he release of the imprisoned deputies and ap pointed an ad interim fovernor. It is believed that a portion" of the army of . General Dieguez, hich was bottled up. in Guadalajara by the rebels until the overthrow of Car ranza, when it was reported to have surrendered,1 escaped into the hills and is awaiting opportunity, to ,re- (Contlnacd on Tar Two, - Column Six.) McCormick 'Dark Horse' For Chairmanship of Chicago Convention Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Washington, May 25. Senator Medill McCormick of Illinois has been brought forward by his friends as a "dark horse" candidate for the permanent chairmanship of the re publican'natiorial convention1 at Chi cago. . . It is - generally recognized that since Senator Lodge has - been chosen temporary chairman,) the per manent chairmanship should go to the progressive wing. Senator Borah has been discussed and there has been talk of ex-Senator Albert J iievendge. of Indiana, but Both of these names have met opposition. Senator McCormick, it was point ed out, qualifies as a progressive and so far no strong opposition to him has come frfim tne "old guard." Mayor Thompson Overrides Wishes of Governor Lowden Springfield, 111., May 25. Mayof1 William Hale Thompson ofXhicago demonstrated his control of the re publican state central committee by proceeding with the organiza tion against the wishes of Gov. F. O. Lowden Congressman Frank L. Smith- of Dwight was re-elected state chaiyman and Harry 'Ward of Duquoin was elected secertary. Both had the approval of the Chi cago executive, y ' Police Auto in Another. - Wreck'; Doctor Arrested Dr. A. L. Kruitzef, Rome hotel was arrested by the police last night on a charge of fast and - reckless driving after his automobile collided with the police emergency car near Thirtieth and Farnant streets. Authorize Stock Increase-, Springfield, ,'Mass, i May 25. Stockholders of the . American Woolen company, in a special meet ing here, authorized the. directors to increase the common' stock of the corporation . frdw $20,000,000 to $40,000,000 and the preferred stock from $40,000,000 to $60.000.000., Only theNcommon stock 'will be offered at present Of, MEXICANS SLUSHHJNDIS -MERB ROMANCE, - AVERSlJARUCHi Declares He Knows of No'One Lifting Fingtr to Boost McAdoo Campaign. Chicago Tribune-Oman a i)ee Leaeed Wire Washington, .May 25.-j-.The sen ate committee investigating cam paign expenditures bumped into an impenetrable mystery when it 'tried to get some light on W'lham G. McAdoo's candidacy for the demo cratic nomination. ' Bernard M.:Baruch, one of Mc Adoo's closest frrends fcd reputed angel, made the' sphinx setm loqua cious when the committee put him on1 the stand to find out about the alleged $5,000,000 slush fund which big business-is said to be rais ing for the president's soivin-law. Mr. Baruch declared the alleged slush fund to be a "piece of news paper romance." He is not the manager of Jhe McAdoo campaign and has not contributed or dis bursed a ceftt in McAdoo's behalf. He knows of no one lifting a finger to help McAdoo's campaign. Even Tom Chadburne, with ; whom he talked last night, has not donated so much as a "plugged nickel" to aid McAdoo. Mr. Baruch does not know whether McAdoo has any delegates and did not seem to be entirely sure that McAdoo was. a candidate. He excused his lack of knowledge ,with the statement that he has been busyvwriting books on Economic and industrial subjects. ' Committee Baffled. The whole affair becomes so baf fling to the committee that Senator Edge of New 'Jersey suggested that Mr. McAdoo be subpoenaed to state whether there is any "sich animal" as a McAdoo campaign. i The committee learned from rep resentatfves of Herbert Hoover's tampaign' committee that contribu tions of $62,000 have been received and that total disbursements in Hoover's behalf have been $66,000. This does not include money spent by various state Hoover organiza tions. Most of the money was used distributing literature to awaken public interest in Hoover's candi dacy. A good many of the contribu tions came from grain, oil and sugar men with whom Mr. Hoover was as sociated while he was food adminis. trator. . Contributions were limited to $1,000. John F. Lucey, one of the Hoover spokesmen, complained that he had found it to get Mr. Hoover sufficiently interested in his candi dacy to discuss it with his boomers. Will Force Acceptance. "Has he ever told you, to cease your efforts?" asked Senator Reed oi Missouri. "No, and we would not storJ any how," replied Lucey, Oh, you are going to , force him to takf the! tmminatinn ?" ' "Well I hope the ravishing won't be too severe," observed Senator Reed. - ' . i Walter : W. Vick. 1 reoresentine Governor Edwards of New Jersey, testified that $12,900 had been con tributed to the Edwards' campaign. He took occasion also to deny that Governor Edwards' candidacy was wet. ; ' "There has. been absolutely :io deal with the liquor interests to sup port or finance this campaign," said Vick. 'The governor is running on his record as a business administra tor and the principles of state sover eignty and personal liberty. It is not a , wet candidacy; Governor Edwards has not had a drink in thirty, years." . . Presbyterians Reject ' Proposal to Abandon Interchurch Movement i - ' Philadelphia, May 25. After an all-day debate, the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States voted down the pro posal of- the executive commission, to, withdraw support of the Inter church World Movement and voted to recommit the whole matter to the commission for. a revised rfport to be made as soon as possible. All proposed amendments and substi tute resolutions were sent back to the executive commission.' Members of the ' commission headed by Dr. J. W. Baor of Pasa dena, Cal., retired to reconsider its recommendations. . -, This action was taken as a partial victory-by supporters of the Inter church movement. The motion was proposed by Rear. W. O. Forbes of SeattleT who declared he took the action in the interests" of harmony. It is likely the executive commis sion will have its new report ready tomorrow. ; ; 7 - V. Choose The Hague as Place For International Court The Hague, May 2& The Dutch n.inister of foreign arfafirs has re ceived .a communication from,, the secretariat of the league of nations saying that a majority of the mem bers m the commission entrusted with the preparations for the inter national court of justice have chosen The Hague for the meeting'place of the . international court. The mem bers" of "the commission therefore will meet. June; 11, in the 'peace palace. ' . ', . .. King George Wins Damage v Suit From New York Broker New York, May 25. King George of Great Britain and Ireland was awarded $52,575 damages in a $175; 000 suit brought on 'behalf of the British government against Ernest Harrah, a New York , steel broker, for alleged- failure to deliver steel scrap as per .contract for. use in military during the war. - ' . . Belgium Consul Dies. . ' Madrid, May 25.T-Fernando Giles, Belgian consul in this city, died sud denly here Tueday.,He had a wide acquaintance m the United Mates. ' Holding Us' Up - -X . i . . - . ' " V TEXAS NEGROES BOLT REGULAR G. 0. P. MEETING Colored Delegates-Leave Hall And Hold Convention, in Former Beer Garden Wood Wins Victory. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wlry San Antonio, Tex., May 25.-With the grind of two, state conventions over, Major General Wood appears to have won another . battle -in the campaign for the republican presi- JtnH.nomination.-?r--w";-'-.T ; Singing "Glory", Glory, Hatieiujajr; and reiterating their bejief in the "constitution f the United States and the principles of Abraham Lin coln," 300 negro delegatesjjolted the "regular" republican convention at Beethoven hall shortly aftr noon and marched into the one-time beer garden- adjoining, where they held a convention of their own. A large number of the negro delegates had been refused recognition by the State executive committee, presided over by Phil E. Baer of Paris a "Lily White," and these with other negroes who had been recognized, followed W. M. (Gooseneck Bill) McDonald, a negro banker of Fort Worth, into the garden,-after they had greeted with a thunder of ayes a motion to arlnnf the "minioritv reDOrttarf the executive committee" made by.Mc - f Donald Although two sets 6f delegates will 'act before the republican na tional convention at Chicago, each with photographs of the convention stenographic notes to support us claims, and neither instructed, the min pn horseback" is riding out of Texas victorious, for his victory is as near certain as any victory can be until it is finally chalked up on the scoreboard. The negroes are for Wood. And. although their action in placing on . . , . r i i . , .l:a xneir list oi aeiegaies several wane men - known to be favorable, to the of Senator. Warren G. Harding of Ohio and Senator Hiram Johnson on the surface appears difficult to understand, it 'is not when one considers the manner in which the Wood campaign in Texas has been handled. - ( ( Revise Schedule of T Hearings for Deep : ' Waterways Mission Helena. Mont. May 25. (Special Telegram.) The international joint commission completed a revision of its. schedule v of public hearings on the St. Lawrence' deep waterway and power investigation for. its spring circuit of hearings. New dates are! May 28, half ihe commission at Boise, Idaho, the other Jjalf at Uieyenne, Wyo. , ,r Tuesday, June 1, Omaha, Neb.; Wednesday, June 2, half the com mission at Des Moines, la., half at Sioux Falls, S. D.; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 3, 4 ando, Du luth, Minn.; JMonday, June 7, Su perior, "Wis.; Thursday, June 10, To ledo, 0.v- The commission dropped Denver and Minneapolis at their request, those two cities stating they were unable to prepare their case earlier than the dates of the schedule an nounced a month ago. , The commis sion promised Minneapolis. Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo hear ings ; in the fall. The commission sits at Helen Wednesday. Attends Health Conference. ' . Washington, May 25. (Special Telegram.) Dr.' R. H. Dillon, chief health ; officer of Nebraska, is in Washington attending a joint con ference of the federal bureau of health and the health departments of the states with aview of creating a closer co-operation between theJ The conference will last four days.N WILSON SENDS MEMORIAL DAY' MESSAGE TO VETS President Seftds Greetings to Former Soldiers' Throtigh American Legion Weekly. ' ' New York, May 25. A Memorial day message' front President Wilson to American1 veterans' of the world war was received jhere today by the American Legion Weekly. It read: ' - . , "We approach the anjtual celebra tion of Memorial day with our hearts tilled with tenderest and grtefu memories of those who have given their lives for America. The day custom been consecrated tq iw?ltoitdj5';'r tar thostjwho wene com-. fj'?.;arms and'who shared with the ' tl3i-remembered dead the ex periences, the hardships, the perils and the glory ot war; this is vcele mm brafed by the people of the countryP.hysicians feared was sleeping sick generally who take it as an an nual occasion to renew their loyal ty to the country and to draw fresh inspiration for the tasks of peace from the memory of the sacrifices whielT-were made so freely in times of war. The dajris, therefore, filled wltl both memories of the past and inspirations for the future. It gath ers the traditions of what we have done inorder that we (may have the courage for what we have to do.. "Progress moves "like an army: it has its days of training and preparations, t its " days of conflict - and its days of vindieation', it 4ias itsampfires and its memories. To you who were soldiers of America in the great war I send affectibn- te greetings. What your arms have done for liberty in trance your spir its will continue to dtf for j&stice at home. Great, experiences make great men, and out of the trageMy of this test a new, heroic quality has come to the 'American manhood you represented, and your country's affection for what you have already done is only equalled by its confi dent hope of the manly part you are still to ;play." ; .. Bluffs Railroad Mali : A Risks Life to Save Dog Chained to Track . . v v . . . , A. J. Gerheart, telegraph operator for the Great Western railroad in Council Bluffs, at the risk of his cwnlife yesterday snatched adog to safety from under the wheels of a train. Pitiful whining of the dog1 .-.s the train . approached him at tracted the 'attention of Mr. Ger heart who "broke" and deserted his "key" while he hurried to the dog's rescue. 1 The dog, a handsome bulldog, was fas'vnedliy I chain to six 'feet of railroad iron which prevented it from getting out of the way of the tain. Railroad men who have taken a great interest ir the dog think the ("owner used this method .of attempt- : a- t'li ,L. r- N nig io kui inc 'annual.. Dowager Countess Dies. London, May 25. The dowager countess of Granard, mother of the present earl of Granard, who. mar ried Beatrice . daughter of Ogden Mills o.f New York, died at Castle knocky Ireland.. " . ! The Weather - " Forecast ' Nebraska; Thunder showers'and cooler Wednesday; Thursday gener ally fair in west, probably, showers and cooler in east . Iowa:.- Increasing cloudiness Wednesday, probably showers in west; Thursday showers and. cooler. Hourly Temperatures: 5 . m. av m . 1 a. m. a, m. 9 a. m. -M I 1 It. m .M I t p. m ..79 ..7 ..St ..I ..SI p. m 4 p. m. 5 p. m. p. m . 7 p. m. 10 v. m nia p. m. ..19 ...i ...r ...ts V CLAR1NDA WOMAN HANGS SELF IN ATTIC OF HOME i : Despondency Over $ Health Reason Given for Acts of Wife of District Judge ' . Earl Peters. Qarinda,, Iaij May 25. (Special!) Clara Peters, 40 years old, wife of District Judge Earl Peters, com mitted suicide here today by hang ing. ' Despondency ovr ill health is beu'wed so have-been tfte causer" Mrs. meters naa beeu suttenng tor some tirheurom nervous troubles. Last winter she had a nervous col lapse, followed by severe insomnia, This attack was followed by what ness, but she rallied from her latest attack and seemed to be on the road to recovery. Judge Out On Trip." Judge Peters' m'other, and Mrs. Peters' sister, Mrs. Florence Kelley, had been taking turnt staying with Mrs". Peters when the judge was away from honfeA . , ' , Judge Peters left early today for Bedford-, Taylor county, with Judge Arthur on a campaign trip for Judgef" Arthur's candidacy for re-election, i Mrs.' Kelley went downtown on a shopping trip, leaving Mrs.' Peters alone tor a" short period, ' Finds No One Home. The judge's motherv who lives in the neighborhood, sent over to her son s house to visit her daughter-in law, and found nd one at home. , She went to a neighbor's house and inq red' if 'they had seen Mrs. Peters. They told her .they had not noticed anyone in the house A male member of the family suggested that Mrs. Peters might be . in the attic sorting .some of her mother-in-law s goods which had been 'stored there. -v . Hanging From Rafter. The judge's " mother expressed fear in going to, the -attie svothe man volunteered ,to go for her. I When he arrived in the attic, he found the lifeless body of the judges wife hanginor from a rafter A call, was, put in for. Judge Ar thur at Bedfcprd, who was informed of the death' ot Mrs. Peters. He in turn, informed Judge Peters. The two retarded to this city at once. yrden of. til jnois Prison ! ' Says Honor System Failure Joliet, 111., May 25. The honor system isa failure , and cannot be carried out effectively, Everett J. Murphy, warden of the Joliet peni tentiary said Tuesday. Twenty con victs have escaped from the farm since a week ago last Saturday. The" prison official said there al ways are violations in any trust im posed in men of the character of convicts. K Find, Body Thought to Be , . That of Centralia I. W. W. Aberdeen, Wash., May 25. A body believed by Sheriff Bartell to fie that of Ole Hanson, alleged In dustrial Vorker of the World, sought in connection- with the shooting of four, former soldiers at Centralia, Wash., during the ArmTs- tice day parade, was found today in, a tense wood near Oakviile, Grays Harbor county. Wash. There was a bullet hple through the head. A revolve lay beside the body. Lane Elected Director'' C' " Of Insurance Company "TWYo-rkrMay 26. Franklin K. Lane, former secretary of the in terior, was elected, a director of th Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Mr.-jJane retired from the cabinet March 1, after 21 years of public life. ! "., .. ' , . ' . COUNTRY MAY EXPERIENCE: LABOR CRISIS- Administration Brought Face r To Face With Serious Situa- f -tion Unless Financial Relie lsv Quickly Given Railways. ROADS UNABLE TO BUY NECESSARY EQUIPMENT ( Fear Appreciable Slowing Down of Industry "Because of Freight Car Shortage--Prospect of Wage Increase. By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. thlraio Tribune-Omaha Dm IBfil Wlra. Washington, May 25. Develop- , irients today brought the administra tion face to face with the realization that unless the desperate financial plight of the railrdads be speedily relieved, the country is likely to ex perience a serious industriahand eco nomic crisis. ' With the railroads unable to fi nance the purchase of at least 2,000 ensrines and KHJ.UUU additional freight cars needed at once to fulfill the transportation demands of the country, it is ieared that'at no dis'- tant aate tnere win oe appreciate slowing down of industry with at- ' tendant unemployment. ...... The Interstate Commerce commis sion is devoting its energies to tin tangling the freight tieup with con siderable success and is hearing the petitions for increase of freight rates which, if granted, will allow the ' cariers to increase wages to a' point assuring the manpower necessary to handle existing and additional ship ment. Wage Increase Probable. The railroad labor board is con sidering the pleas of the railroad em ployes for higher pay. With the situation accentuated by the insuf- ficiency of manpower to move trains due not so much to the recent strikes as tq the drift of railroad employes into better paying occupations; there is every prospect that an increase in wages witl be granted. Under the most favorable circum stances, however, it will be several months before these measures could begin to benefit the railroads. The existing emergency calls for meas ures to enable the carriers to finance the purchase of additional equipment necessitated by the demands of in dustry. , . ... . .., t .. ( " The Toads are encounteriiViifSi culties - in borrowing the tirteWsar funds from the ' banks. whHT. are manifesting extreme caution ilr mak ing loans for railroad purposes, io view of the present uncertaitia.rail road prospects. f .. - Owes Money to Roads. ' The apparent necessity of theOv ernment aiding the financing out he carriers for the particular purptjse of obtaining additional equipment, is under discussion by the administra tion and it is expected that J$n Barton Payne, the new director-general of the railroads, will initiate aLi- liet measures within the next lot night. One proposal is that the railrba administration pay over to'the ran'' roads approximately $350,000,00",-: which itnow has on hand ' for tlje (C-ontlnurd on Pae Two, CoIdbib SIi.V, ' Two Killed, About 30 injured in oanta re j Passenger Train WreclV ' - Albuquerque, N. M., May 25. Santa . Fe pissenger train No. 80e . due to arrivj here at 6:30 p. m., wa; wrecked. Tuesday afternoon at Li: Joya, S2 miles south of here, due ( soft track resulting from high water according to a report received here, The. "engineer and fireman, :wer killed and about 30 passengers im ljured. , AH .ot the cars are reported tojbfc lying on their sides in "the water. A special train wtin doctors and nurses ' had been ordered to the scene from -Socorro and the wrecker has been ,' ordered from Belerf, which will also , take all available doctors from there.! The train left EI Paso Tuesday morning. . . j i ' Threatened With Death , If Red Cases Are Pushed Chicago, May 25. Another letter threatening the prosecutors in the case of William Bross Lloyd and 23 other alleged1 communist laborites ' with death was received by Henry A. Berger, assistant state's attorney. The letter was mailed in Brooklyn N. y., May 23. Three letters mailed in New York were received recently by State's Attorney Maclay Hoyne. A rifle bullet was fired through a '.vindow of State's Attorney Hoync's home Sunday. . Columbus Business Men ; ; Donate Services to Farmer! Columbus, O., May 25. In order , to, overcome the farm labor short age and insure ' harvest hands for farmers in the vicinity of this city,' ' approximately 2,000 Columbus busi ness and professional men an- , nounced they will donate one day's service each week td farmers to give assistance. - . v f ; President to Receive New ; . Critish Ambassador Today, Washington, May 25. SirAuck land Geddes, the - British ambassa dor, will present his credentials to " President Wilson Wednesday at the White House. The president also will receive Augusto Cochrane de , Alencar, the Brazilian ambassador. (who arrived last March, , ; , i . if? H 1! J! -I; 'k I M