Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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. Stormy Session Expected in
City Auditorium Suit for
1,000 Shares Fijed
Against R. C. Howe.
Although the corporate orders of
the Skinner company specify that no
legal meeting of its stockholders
can be held except in Wilmington,
Del., a meeting railed by R. C,
Howe, recently ousted f resident and
general manager, will be opened in
the City auditorium today at .10
a. m.
A large attendance and stormy
session are anticipated. The firm has
5,000 stockholders. Paul Skinner and
fcis brother, Uoyd, are not particu
larly interested, according to their
attorney, W. A. Schall
- Suit was filed by the Skinner
brothers and the firm against R, C.
Howe yesterday to compel him to
return 1,000 shares of stock, which
they claim he still holds, although
he returned 14,000 shares last week.
State Officials Confer.
Lincoln, May 24. - (Special-.
A conference was held yesterday by
the governor with members of the
bureau of securities, Secretary Hart
of the Trade, and Commerce depart
ment and representatives of the at.
tprney generals omce to take up.
the matter of a final adjustment of
the affairs of the bkinner Packing
company of Omaha and deciding
upon the report to be maae, wnicn
v. ill be given out in about a week.
.Governor McKelvie would give no
intimation as to what the report
would be at he did not care to
anticipate the action of the depart
ment having the matter under inves
"The Luscious Goodness
Ripe Oranges r
That's the reason so many
peqpledrinkORANGE DEE
LIGHT. All the charm of the
orange plus a sparkling carbon
ated tang that gives a lasting
satisfaction to your thirst, ,
Enjoy its wholesome goodness
atv vqur dealer's and you, too,
will be enthusiastic about iti.
rial trange flavor, Order it by
the case forhe home.
Fruit Product
Co., Inc.
p.v n. y.
Boltltd and
Distriiuttd bf
Coca Cola Bottling
Omaha, Neb.
Phono Was. 40S
j n if m
r , it ii a.
Men Enjoy
the luxurious comfort and
genuine satisfaction that
comes from wearing the
Boston Garter.
And it wears so long that its
coat amounts to only a small
fraction of cent a day.
I BootofTA I
I Gartern
AH Makes Typewriter Co.
Tylar 24)4
205 S. 18th
The unified motion picture pro
gram is the newest movement origi
nated and fostered by the best movie
houses in the country. A digpified
entertainment in which each part has
a definite relation to every other part
is the ideal instead ot the oldtime
hodgepodge of features thrown to
aether with no regard for unity or
good taste. An excellent example of
this harmonious arrangement of fea
tures is given this week at the Mrand
theater. Harry B. Watts, manager
of the Mrand, has arranged as an
accompaniment to "The Dancin'
Pool," a delightful dance act and a
ja?z overture. Four saxophones are
added to the orchestra for the over
ture, house lights arc dimmed and
the ' spotlight helps to emphasize
such melodies, as "Stop It," "Slow
and Easy," "Daddy" and "By Jingo."
Seldom is anything as charming as
the dance act which follows shown
in Omaha. Two girls, Miss Ruth
Betts and Miss Mildred Tacque, in
the daintiest costumes imaginable,
dance through three quaint numbersil
j . j , i ... j i i x : n
aincn ana aneucu py cncnanting,
stage scenery.
A powerful sermon, made into a
motion pieture, is "The Stream of
Life," written and directed by a'
minister, Dr. James K, Shields of
New York City, wjiich was given a
preliminary showing in Omaha yes
terday mornjng at the Rialto theater,
Dr. Shields mad the picture as- an
experiment in motion, picture ser
mons while !V a vacation in New
Jersey last yea. Dr. Shields believes
that Sunday evening movie sermons
will be a regular church feature one
of these days. The picture was
shown last night at the Dietz Me
morial ehurch. '
Hallam Cooley, who once upon a
time played1 witn Mary Pickford in
'Daddy Long Legs," is at present
caring for a large and painful lump
on hi right shin. - v
He recently - received a package
from Australia containing a curved
wooden stick pointed at one end.
"A boomerang from one of my
J ; I ,r ft
aborigine aomirerj,- pam nauam,
and stepped out into the couctyard
to fry it out. He threw the stick
with considerable force and then
waited for it to return to his feet, as
he had been taught all good boome
rangs Should. f
It bounded off a wall, broke a win
clow, circled baek toward him, vol
planed abruptly down and struck
him ort the shin. 1
The next day he trot a" letter from
this tar-away admirer telling him
the stick was used by savages in
crudely tilling the sou,.
When you tit Bill Hart this week
at the Riajto in 'The Toll Gate" be
sura ta not hew skilfully the tinv
curly-haired boy whp takes the part
of Mary Brown's' son treads water
when he accidentally falls into
deep pool. Hart rescues him.
Euizene O'Brien has sinned with
seiznicn until jyt.
Larry Semen's next comedy has
been picturesquely entitled "Solid
Colleen Moore has started a "No
Hats for Summer" movement among
the girls out in I os Angeles. Miss
Moor? says that hats a"re a bother
Agnes Ayres, a new start in film
land, permitted herself to be "res
cued" one day last week at Lotijr
Beach. And it wasn't in the movies
either. Miss Ayres is an accomplish
ej joag-ai stance swimmer and en
this day she was sueh a long ways
out that a navy aviator flying over
head decided she was drqwning.
Descending he alighted near Miss
Ayres nd began the work of rescue,
To save the gallant young man from
embarrassment tha star allowed him
to take her ashore amid the applause
ot the crowd which had gathered.
other itching akin diaeaaea, T
IS Coat box at aur
Shonnu McConncll rrug Co.
You will improve
your gtme if you
ootlw tired feet
and muscles with
I ('MM iHlrf -) I
, lswTaU4(CuN.Yl
;' . . '
Downtown Program.
Sun Priscilla Dean in "The Vir
gin of Stamboul.
Moon "The Bottom of the
World," a story of Sir Earnest
Shackleton's South .Pole' expedition
and Charlie Chaplin in "Tillie's
Punctured Romance." '
Fialto William S. Hart in "The
Toll Gate," . and Larry Semon in
"School Days."
Strand "The Dancin' Fool," with
Wallace Reid and Harold Lloyd in
"An Eastern Westerner."
Empress-"Leave It tq Me.' with
William R. Russell.
Muse "Yankee Doodle In Berlin."
Neighborhood Houses
Suburban Clara Kimball Young
nT" ' It ,,
in irnoy. '
Grand Mildred Harris Chaplin in
"i he interior aex.
Hamilton Creighton Hale in
"The. Thirteenth Chair."
Negro Serving Life
Term Marries; Plan
Honeymoon to Pen
Russell Cottreil, under a life sen
tence in thCstate penitentiary for
the shooting of -Harry Rosenthal
during an attempt to rob the Rosen
thal grocery store at eighteenth
and Chicago 'streets the night of
March 27, was married yesterday
afternoon in the Douglas county
jsil to Miss Jrena Baker, 2516 Grant
street. Both arc colored.
Justice of the Peaca Collins per.
formed tha ceremony. Deputy
Sheriff Harry Dworsky and Mrs.
May Clark, stenographer in Sher
iff Xlark's office-, witnessed the
George Warren, eelored, who says
he is a "duly o'dained minister of
tha Af'ican church" opined that he
"could do that job," but the, "happy
pair' decided to have someone out.
side of tha jail officiate. Warren is
serving a -six-momn sentence on
cngrgjt ot breaking and entering
The "honeymoon" trip wilt be to
Lincoln when the groom is taken
down to the penitentiary to begin
hi trm im '" (Mitwlan.
on a
JAon B. HTMER. the will known
actor-pleywrlgnt and producer, neada
till own company In tha pree.ntatlon
or "Tom Walker In Dixie." Thle ! oneof
.u k.4il,i .rtraetiona of tha aurrant bill.
Ai'Olhtr la an alaborataly stid act of
dlvarw ttnuntinniaiu wnito i mirimv
"Whirl of Variety.'. Ben K. Banny, tha
talking comedian ana vionnni,
tmail on tha bill. One of tha moat pleat
In acta la that of tha Scotch alnglng
oomeaienna, lan uray. turn aiiuw into
waelc la to conclude tha regular Orpheum
ekion. Th aummer aeaaan open next
Sunday at popular prices, with five
standard urpneum circuit avis ana wun
riril-run, Dig leaiura iiima.
Hammond and Moody, a lively and tuna.
a 9 airl snnaifinv at tha RinnraM
have a unlqque way of Introducing original
aonge. They have a thorough knowledge
of how tha publlo likes to be entertained
l Illke.illu tann an.1
Bllnora Jatksoni clever artists, present
it eaeica mat .ai. iui vuahibm, u
naturalness, "On tha Broad to Frisco," has
a crl&p and snappy dialogue that la ef
fective aa a laugh oreator.
Many New Postmasters
Are Named for .Nebraska
Washington. May 24. (Special
Telegram.) Nebraska postmasters
appointed today were: Archer,
Merrick county, John- P. ZamZow,
vice fearl M. Logil. resigned; Butt,
Rock county, Edwin L. Hilborn,
vice F. Wieht, resigned; Hats, Mc
Pherson county,. Milo N. Schick,
vice Mlclni O. Wright, failed to
qualify; Fort Calhoun Washington
couny. James M. Finch, vice Freda
M. Paulson, resigned; Garrison,
Butler county, Hazel Leon, Rogers,
vice Mettie Clute, resigned; Lisco,
Garden county. Ralph C. Cary, vice
Jesse Lee Colyer. resigned; Millard,
Douglas county, Helmuth A. J. Paul,
vice John A, .Peters, resigned;
Naper, Boyd county, Peter H.
Anderson, Vice Elbert T. Wilson,
resigned; Newark, Kearney county,
Charles Bard, vice John Scott, re
signed; Panama, Lancaster county,
Silby M. Bolen, vice Lillfan M, Nes
bit, resigned; Parks, Dundy county,
Lhaabeth A- Howe, vice C. W.
Brinkerhoff, resigned; Prosser,
Adams county, Frances M. Juer-
gens, vice Cora M. .Smith, resigned;
Kmggold, Mcrherrson county,
Ceycle B. Beach, vice Thomas B.
Beach, resigned; Walton, Lancaster
county, Edward R. Linderman, vice
(.trace uarvin, resigned, Wyoming, 1
Otto countv. Joseph r. Kastner,
vice William C. West, resigned.
Wii af railwav wnrWcrs in Kno'.
land Are automatically increased one
hhillino a wtfc uhe.n the rnst n
living increases Ave points,
Brief City News
Kukm to Graduate Commence
ment axerciaea tor graduating nureea
at the -Swedish Mission hospital will
b held Thursday at S p. m.
Advertising Churches Churchea
should advertise, according to Arr
thur E. McKim. head of the pub.
llcity bureau of the Beorgantaed
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
KainU, who apoka In Omaha Sunday.
Girl Tells of Assault Juna Mo
Quira. It veara old. 21 S North Nine
teenth etreet, yesterday in district
court testified or the attempt to aa
sault which aha said aha suffered at
the hands of James Rose when aha
waa alona at home April 3.
Asks New Balm Brief On motion
of Clyde Masters, Fiftieth and Dodaa
streets. District Judge Soars yeatec
day ordered MUs Anna D. Hatfield,
who hag died auit for 125,000 for al
leged breach of promise, to file an
amended petition setting forth how,
when and where Mr. Masters pro
poned marriage, to her.
Model Attracts Crowds A wa
model in the window of the savings
department of the First National
bank, dressed in cap and gown after
the fashion of college graduatea, at
tracted huge crowds' over Sunday
because nf ita lifalika appearance. A
sign r.j Jokeeter pasted on tha
windo .-- ; ,;ying that it would atep out
for a d.i. k' soon kept a throng irj
front of tha entrance for hours.
Grandmother Is Ordered
Arrested for Kidnaping
Failing to appear in district court
yesterday to answer charges of con
tempt or court in connection with
tha kidnaping of 3-year-old Ruth
Naomi Kammerer by her father
from his divorced wife, Anna, si
weeks ago, Mrs. Julia Kammerer,
grandmother of the child, was or?
dered under arrest by District Judge
Sears. Miss Robina Kammerer tes
ti(ied in court that her mother is ill
in bed, and that she herself had just
returned from a futile trip to find
her brother in Winnipeg, Can. Mrs.
Anna Kammerer received a letter
and;- telegram from Ottawa, Can.,
from her divorced husband propos
ing remarriage last week.
Legion Drive Begins. '
North Platte, Neb., May 24.
(Special Telegram) A drive for
membership in, the local American
Legion post-began this week and 26
new members have been secured.
The drive will continue a month.
The local post has 168 members at
In the Springtime
It'a just at ti& time of the year that
wa need aomethjng taken front Nature
to restore the vital forces.
People get sick because they go away
from Nature, and the only way to get
well is to go baok. Something grows out
of the ground in the form of vegetation
to qire almost every iU. , Some of these
vegetable growths are understood by
man,, and soma are not. Annuls, it
would seem, know what to do when
they are sick better than men and
women. Observers have noted that a
sick horse, dog or eat will stop eating
food and seek out some vegetable growth
in the field or yard, which, when found
and eaten, often raatores appetite and
health. Hveot you aeen these animals
do this very thing yourself?
Dr. Piarea, of Buffalo, "N. Y Jong
since, found herbs and roota provided
by Nature to overcome constipation,
and of theee ha selected Mayappla.
leaves of Aloe, root of Jalap, and from
them, made little white stigarvooated
pills, that he called Dr. Pierce's Pleaaaat
Pellets. You i must understand that
when your intestines ire stopped up,
poisons and decayed matter are im
prisoned in our system and these an
carried by the ' blood through ( yonr
body. Thus does your head ache, yotj
get dizzy, you can't sleep, your skin
may break out, your appetite declines
you get tired and despondent. As
matter of fact, you may get sick all over.
Don't you see. bow useless aQ this suffer-,
iog is? Afloat is often needed is a dose
of castor oil, or something which is mora
pleasant, a few of 4Dr. Pierce's Piauaat
Pellets, which ha has placed in all drag
stores for your conveniepce and health,
Try them by all means. They are proba
bly the very thing you need,rigbt now.
ID Wtrk Guaranteed MJJj iU
1111 Pwylag t TL Donji;. 188.
V ' ' "HI "
A Do Luuo
Book lot
:- you will
"Thla matt wonderful caa-
trlbutlen avar mada to mu-
gig," Tbia ia how a famoua
. crltla Urmtg Thonwa A. Edi-
aon'a amaxing gchiavamaa.
Tha atary at tha $3,000,000 Phoaa. .
?raph is a ramantie a any hit el
ictiaa. It ia. told ia s baautifully
Illuatratad hrpchura wblctk jray will
ia f lad tq baap,
Coupon Today
Nam I,,,,,, in . , , .
Addrasa ..................
313 South 15th Street ,
SEE quaintest America
this Summer. Cruise to
the West Indies, Panama,'
Cantral and South America
en a shiptfiihe.Great
White Flaetf "
tHf sShSlaligata
iift.n to tvvaniy.thrii'lla?
aea toura.' Satlinga from liaw
York -and Naw Orlaana twica
each week, akyourtickater
toVirl.t agent for beautifully II
Ju.trat.d folder or wrltedlreeC
General Offuut
'1 i I State St.,Beton,MuI
oAddrtu: ,
PwMRger Department ' I
1 7 Battery Plgce.NewYark.
Watch Our Windows
"Everybody" has been enthusiastically watching our win
dows for the daily features. We call your attention to
the fact that new "specials" are displayed daily. ...
That Is the Burgess-Nash Company Slogan
Lower Priced Merchandise
That is the slogan of the hour.
These two slogans are closely connected,
and this fact has been more forcibly brought
to the attention of the public during the
past week than ever before,
. "Everybody" Is Talking
About.the great movement which we started.
They looked to "Everybody's Store" as leaders of hir '
community. In good faith to the people, who give us
their confidence, and rightly expect us to serve them and
point out to them the right way during these perplexing
times we offered, with the exception of such merchandise
which we sell under contracts that cannot honestly be diiv
Our Entire Stock of Merchandise
0 Deduction .
From the Actual Prim
It was a little hard in the beginning to giVe "Everybody"
the realization of the magnitude of a movement so large
but we feel that it has now become an accepted fact, and we
note with pleasure that each day others follow in our lead,
.- 1 ...
"Everybody'' Is Taking Advantage
ot Our Wonderful Values
The eagerness with which "Everybody" is buying, the
manner in which they freely and confidently go all over .
the store, choosing whatever they want in the way of ap
parel or furnishings for the home, is proof that they appre
date what has been done for them.
v - fn'r H.a