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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1920)
11 1HE BEE! OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 2&, VJW EFFORT MADE TO Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith CARP CAVIAR CLOSES AT 61 AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE DRIVE It YOURSELF COMPANY THE GUMPS EXPEDITE WORK OF AK-SAR-BEN Failure to Provide Chart of Freight Rates Cheoks Prog ress--Congressman Jef feris Investigating. By E. C. SNYDER. Kperlnl Correspondent. Omaha Bee. Washington. May 24. (Special Telegram.) At the request of E. Buckingham, president of The Ak-Sar-Ben Exposition company. Con gressman Jefferis had a conference today with officials of the Interstate Commerce commission with a view of having .the commission promul gate rates on freight to the exposi tion grounds. The Chicago & Northwestern rail way has built a sour track into the Vr ISN'T ONE OP THOSE B-V BY NIGHT THIN6S i.-, M 6Q1N6 TO fcDE OH HS k RENT A NEW FORD-PRIVE crn -niPP-THEV EAT IT AND ITS WHERE JUtY i-uf n U ,LT. c?--, , ,T IT IN THE 6 ROUND AND THEN SEUL. sSSl ATnE-MT SKT ONE OF" fHOSE OIL. WElS WhRE YOU TAKE. A SHOVEL AND A ' N,t-r TV4P SOO AND IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBILINCJ; CHEAPER THAN OWN ISO A OAR. NEW. At CONDITION. KBLF-STARTERS. OPEN DAT AND MOHT THE tit DATS. 1214 HOWARD 3TREKT. DOUO. 322. UP .TO i NOVICE HE'S DIFFER fcrlT FROM TXE REST HE. ISKT SEUUMG TOV SALLOOKS )P TWO POINTS TVlS rAORNifSG-r- - -TMr-vc-A-r IT AAAIKJ iT'S GONG VOUVE GOT TO HAVE IT - CONSUME T WELL MY OLD L IT'S GOHE U vOri i-r. 1 icttime - IT'S A SANE SAP6 17 WASN'T SO FAR. ME'3 HO TOUT USINESS PROPOSToH CAN'T 40 WfcONG ON T MANS PROPOSTort ni la r w 1111 FORD iedan, starter and lights. Fn eellent condition,. Call D. 8288 or D. 2931 Sunday. sreic. invtis iwK-j THE. NATVOH'S APPEnzE(2. CARP civi4A f 1 " FORDS, BUICKS, DODOES. 2r and used can: cash' or time. Ford bodies, commercial bodla. OOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO.. CENTRAL OARAQE. 1111 Harney St. Tyler 714. Open Day and Night. AN AUTO BARGAIN OWNER will aell hie "Wlllye-Sllent Knight" motor. flve-pessenger touring auto. If you have been looking for a food opportunity, now is your chance. Residence U North 40th street. Phone Walnut 3711. 1929 8TUTZ aeven passenger touring car, driven less than 3,000 mllei. This tar ta in perfect mochanlcal condition and . looks like new. List price, 13,850; will ell for 12,750. Call Douglaa 306 J Monday. WILL trade my 1920 model Oakland 4-door aedan. driven only 8,000 mile, for good city lot in Omaha and caah difference. Box Q-74, Omaha Bee. SOMB bargains In uaed Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy ford Service Station, 16th and Jackson. Doug las 8800. 1918 FORD seuan. starter and lights, ex cellent condition. Call Doug. 6216 or Doug. 3982 Sunday. . THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANT. 2520 Farnam et. At'TO CLEARING HOUSE, 1081 FARNAM. KXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. r'i t" I i un u i. , I h 1 a eiv MARSH OAKLAND CO., j;iti farnam ot. WE HAVE 60 good used cara to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2028 Farnam. R"eO, 1918, 7-paaaenger, 6-cylinder, fine ahape, $550 for quick sale. Walnut 4MJ. flvenmga, iona v. WANTED For apot caah, 100 used cara, quick action; ro delay. Auto Exchange Co.. rarna.u pi. t-uug. w.-oo FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAM RR1JNTS. Look for thf -i-d, seal on windshield. FORD touring ..--. good condition, new tires: "uat be b:d. by Thursday. Room :43. Tyler 1313. MUST aell my Ford touring car, nearly new, with aelf-starter. Sea it at 181 wirt est. 1919 Oakland, brand new top. Juat over hauled, bargain. Walnut 4743 or Evga.. (Jo I rax J3SU. 1917 FORD roadstor In fine condition. Bargain for soma one. Cash or time. Colfax 1488. . . LEAVING city, will sacrifice Chandler sedan, and Studehaker six, good as new. Valnut1083. J . . J-a"ssENOER family car; Jeffry four, in first class condition. Priced for quick anle. Harney 5496. 1918 DODGE touring, good tires, good me- L chanicai conatnon. WANTED to buy old tlrt?H. 8. & A. Tlra and Rubbor Co., 2523 Farnam St BRAND new Ford sedan, starter. de- inountablo rims, wepster FORD speedster for safe, 8276 cash. Call J iflt ..moo FORD SEDA"N, A-l condition; lots of e traa. Phone Harney 8338. 19;7 FORD touring, a real bargain, fine condition. Harney 2790. FOR SALE 1919 Dodge Roadster. Dealers mil Smith 1349. D 6834. 1st Class conqiuun, 1919 BUICK touring car, perfect condition. . . . . . . i. . ikbC 1917 PAIGE touring; beat of condition. Webster 6130. i 191 CHANDLER, chummy roadster. Call wepster ano. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-tour serv Ira for auto, truck and tractor. Expert '.radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new Coders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO.. 1819 Cuming St. .Tyler 917. Tires and supplies i ,.m.-o OTDTPTT.V TTTPSTR 30x8 75 30x3 312.7S .tliSU . 17 35 - 32x4 20.50 SHIPPED SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION. - . STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 North lth St. Douglas 3830. USED TIRES. . - 30x1, 15.00; 0x3. 16.00. ' All siiea In proportion. Look over our rebuliti. Open Sundays. Tyler 3988. SAVIGB TIRES. 908 N. 16lh St. pystone Tlra Shop. AUTO electrical repairs; service ftatlon . for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia ."rage batteries, Edwards. 2t)l N. 19th. N E W R EPUBLeC TIRES CHEAP. S0X3V, FISK $12.95 I 34x4. .... .331.95 a-i 9.95 I 36x4 26. 95 KAIMAn'tIRE JOBBERS. 1722 CUMING. Accessories. ONE t H. P. A. C. MOTOR with bat fry charging generator; also Marvel cylinder reborlng machine-. For quiet , sale see Carl A. Anderson, the magneto man. ipio jwub. Mnrorcvcles and Bicycles. HA RLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargalna In used machlnea; send for list. Victor H. Rooa, 27th and Leavenworth. FARM LANDS. Kansas Lands. Fine 160-Acre Farm Threa mflea railroad town; 30 acrea blue grass. 80 acres corn; good improve ments; well and windmill; county high way Prlca 8110 per aere. Possession any time. Caslda. Clark and Spanglor Lana CO.. uttawa. nan, WRITE us for prices and terms on lands in Thomas county. Kansas. Felton & West, 307 Crounse hiock. Missouri Lands. "Some Bargain" 20 acres well Improved, large orchard, ood water, close to school and town. 83.000; 1500 will handle. Hop on cars, come to see It. Owner. Wellman jArthur, A, .l. VI.1. KlQ. 'Nebraska Lands. In Spite of Everything Good Corn and Alfalfa Land Is Gain? Higher. Why? Because at Is the Safest Investment Known Invest now In this money making little Tanch of 520 acres, located 1 mile south of Gandv, the county scat of Logan county. Neb. About 300 acres under plow, balance 'the very best of pasture. Soil ' gocd black loam with clay sub-soil; farm land Ues level to gently rolling. Im provements: Good story and half, 9-room house with basement; good ham for 16 horses; mow for 15 tons of hay; hen house, garage with cement floor; all , fenced nd cross-fenced; good well and windmill. Price $67.60 per acre, $5,000 rash, $10,000 January 1, 1921, balance good toms. Here is ihe place that will ' anpeal to the man who hps children to educate as Candy has one of, the best high achools in Nebraska. See M. A. Larson, Central City, Neb. ' 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butte County, 15 per cent best of farm land, Rose bud s!lt loam soil, a anap at $25 an acre. S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY 213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. SAUNDERS COUNTY. . 195-acre Platte valley farm: black, andy loam; well Improved; 8-R house; large barn, corncrib, cattle and hog sheds, etc.; 14 miles to market, 18 miles tn Omaha. Price $185 per acre. Phnne Tvler J022 or write STEEL REAL ESTATE INV. CO., 211 Davidge Block.. Omaha. FOR quick sale, prices at $145 per acre, 480 acres, well Improved, 7 miles north east of Spalding, .Neb., land la rolling, the very best corn and alfalfa soil. Will take In well located Omaha horn up to $6,000. WRITE. PHONE O RWIRB A. J. LEUT HAU8ER. WISNER, NEB. FOR SALE Choice half eectloa Improved Duel county. Neb., land located in the heart of the wheat belt, five miles from town; must sacrifice because of III health. Buyer will receive owner'a share f t hli year's crop. T-1131. Bee. SOUTHEAST NEBRASKA weUimproved (0-acra corn farm; black soil: no rock: small pasture with spring water; $1,000 down. Charles RotflUU owner, Vesta, ."eb. ...... , . TT 4 FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands: CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at th right price. Write for list. LARSON CARRAHER, Central City. Neprasha. ( 160 ACBES raw wheat land. 13 miles south of Blx, Kimball county, Neb., aoutheast quarter aectlon 3, township 12, ranfte 64; $6,200. half cash. Fred C. Taylor. 601 Securltlea Bldg., Omaha, For Neb. Farma and Ranches see Qraham-Fetera Realty Co.. H9 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha A. A. PAT'Z.MAN. Farma. 301 Karbach Blk. New Mexico Lands. WRITE FOR free Illustrated booklet de scribing; agricultural and business; op portunities in hortnenstern New Mexico. Productive soil, healtful climate, alti tude 6,200 feet. Rrowlng towns, excellent for farming and atock raising. We have no lands for Male but are interested in the development of this territory. Ad dreiw Earle O. Reed, Agricultural A Kent, R. 212. Railway Exchange Bldg., Den ver, Colo. , Oklahoma Lands. 40 ACRES 3400.00 Prospective oil, gas, asphalt, mineral, timber and grazing land in Southeastern Oklahoma, near railroads, towns and roads. Absolutely clear titles; bonded abstract. No reservations; limited acreage; part cash, balance monthly. Referenoe, any bank. M. E. Williams. McAlester, Okla; South Dakota Lands. Tripp Co. South Dak. 1. 480 acres, well Improved, 14V4 miles . from town. 2. Five good separate prairie Quar ters from 7 to 16 miles out. Can ar range terms or take some secured pa per. Liberty bonds, or other good se curity as part payment. N Might con sider weil located - Omaha city real estate. Box 463, Winner. S. D. FOR SALE 166 acres at 3160 per acre. 25 acrea In townslte half mile from con solidated school, store and elevator; In Kingsbury county, S..D. 13.000 will handle same. F. Jaehn, Huron, S. D. BARGAINS In stock ranches and Irrigated farms. Write E. S. Hartwell. Newell. 8. D. Wyoming Lands. 220 ACRES deeded, 240 leased; all under ditch; 150 cultivated, 100 In alfalfa; fine stock ranch, outside nange; good Im provements. Address owner, J. D. Wil liams. Crowheart. Wyo. FOR Information in regards to Wyoming land, ranches and irrigated land, write Gordon G. . Johnstone, Box 61, Doug las, Wyo. Miscellaneous. F.RMS for sale or exchange. Over 100 large and small, in Illinois, Missouri and Arkanraa. Write Forman. No. 817 In ternational Life Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., for free list. WILL sacrifice choice quarter South Da kota land, will consider a now model car or lots In good location. Douglas 1082. Write 2012 No. lst St. FINANCIAL.. Real Estate Loans. FARM and city loans. E. H. LOUOBE, INC.. 628 Keellne Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6 PER CENT. , DUMONT & CO.. 416-418 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., , 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lcwest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1614 Dodge. D. 6619. Es. 894 PRIVATE MONEY. J 10" to $10,000 made promptly. F. t. UEAD, Wead Bldg., 310 S. 18th 8t. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPE & COMPANY. Doug. 4228. PROMPT service, reasonable ratea, private money. Garvin Bros., 345 Omaha Nat. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE Two quarter-acre tracts In the Gulf Coast Development company. Subdivision tracts were withdrawn from the market at $500.' Make me an offer. P. O. Box 1196. Omaha. Neb. Miscellaneous. WANTED A loan on new garage build, inr on main street in. town; value $11, (100: want 86.000 to complete. W lve first mortgage. Address, Box f647. Chappell. Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED. i v jr. innuirtRa far .rood homes in good locations. Do you want to sell your DronertvT List It with C. A. Grim- met, 849 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSEI Want quick action? Just try us. Csll Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. FOR quick and satisfactory results In selling Omaha property call on Schroeder Investment Co. Douglas 3261. 538 Railway Exchange. To buy or sell Omaha Real Eatate sea FOWLER & M'DONALD, 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug, uzb. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. ?4 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3558. WK H4AVE cash buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 163$. WANT to buy from owner 6 to 7 room ' modern or part modern house, on pay ments, lor COlorea. wqpaier E. G. SOLOMON Real Estate Investments. Sir Karbach Blk. Doug. 5262 WE have purchasers for 5, 6 and 7-room houses, can wainui iii.. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors. Real Estate. Investments, Insurance, Ren tals. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FIVE-ROOM new modern bungalow and garage. Oak floors and finish, built in features. Might exchange for vacant; prefer close in, or old house close , ls Owner. Colfax 3104-3029 Pratt St. BEAUTIFUL large hill tract lots in best f rvuinHi Bluffs. What have you - to trade. Carl Changstrom. 2020 Far nam street. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. THE BEST BUY IN BENSON. $4,800. Glen Park Addition. New houae. Five rooms and bath, Jiving room and dining room in oak, built-in bookcases. Two large bedrooms, oak loors. kitchen In white enamel, bulltin cabinet, large garden and fruit trees. Call Walnut 2153 for terms. Dundee. MOVE IN TOMORROW Dundee Home for $7,800 i Six rooms, besides sun rooni and ctvi'nr rnnm. full two-Story : f ullv r- modern .and in good condition; nicely deccratea; wnue enamei finish; full lot, handy to caiyline; paving all paid. Arrange to sec this house at "once; it must be sold. ' GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS, . Douglas 2850. 918-i0 City Nat. Bk. REAL ESTATESUBURBAN. 1 Dundee. "DUNDEE BARGAIN JUST BEING COMPLETED. Large J-story Kellastone residence: large living room, dining room, sunroom. fin ished In oak, and white enameled kitch en on first floor; 3 bedrooms, bath, closed-ln sleeping porch on second; built-in bathtub; white enameled finish with mahogany doors; oak floors throughout; maid's room and bath on third floor; hot water heat; plastered basement; double garage; full cement drive; on paved street; block to car; can give immediate possession; must bo sen to be appreciated. Price only $17,000; about 18.000 cash, balance on terms. Phone Walnut 2R12. Six rooms, besides sun room and sewing room; full two-story. Fully modern and in good condition; nicely decorated; white enamel finish. Full lot, handy to car line, paving all paid. Arrange to see this house at once; it must fie sold. GLOVER & SPAIN, . REALTORS. Douglas 2850. 918-20 City Nat. Bkr DUNDEE home for sale by owner; hot water heat; oak floors. Phone Walnut 1621. Florence. C. L. NET HAW AT for suburban prop erty. Florence Station, Omaha, Neb. Colfax 1409. South Side. VACANT and for sale. A nice home or can have an income along with the home. It Is a 9-room, all modern house and a double garage with two house keeping rooms in it, all In splendid con dition and new decorations. Tel. Harney :ill4 or South 2128. HOUSE and lot for sale. 4622 South 31st. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. NEAR DUNDEE AND FARNAM CAR. Brand new stucco bungalow, built by day labor, using the best grade of mate rials; f.Irlshed in oak, with 1014-in. face by 13-16 oak flooring throughout house; bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished in white' enamel; rooms all artistically dec orated; living room 12x18 ft.; number of . special features; full baaement stairs to 2d floor; high-grade fixtures; screens, -window shades, water meter; In fact, a complete home; lot 60x130 ft.; paving paid. Price $6,500; $1,500 less than it should sell for. RASP BROS.. REALTORS, 110-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. CLASSY DUNDEE. HOME Two-story frame and stucco residence in Dundee. Large liv ing room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen first floor; three bed rooms, bath second floor. On paved street. Press brick founda tion. Only $11,000, "part cash, balance easy payments. Walnut 2812. 1NTEW STUCCO COTTAGE 4125 CORBY ST. 5 rooms, reception hall and bath; strictly modern; close to car and school; 60-ft. lot; fujl basement; brick founda tion; A-l plumbing; guaranteed furnace; located wightt built right; priced right; easy terms. 1 ' A. R. KELLHii, 609 Paxton Block. OWNER LEAVING CITY Five nice rooms and bath, all on one floor; oak finish, bookcases, buffet, sun room with French doors; large full basement; splendid attic, floored; seven windows: snap at $6,300. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. A Real Bargain Immediate Possession Bearutttul Montclalr home. 2-story, 7 room, atucco, V block to car line, south front; all large rooms; fireplace in living room; oak finish downstairs, white enamel upstairs; oak , floors throughout; must be seen to be, appre ciated. Price $11,500; can arrange terms. rnone wainui oi ""Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 651 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4889. v .a c 4 ,f Fontenella Aptf., Seotttbluff, Neb. GOOD PAYING INVESTMENT Strictly first class, new apartment building, pressed buff brick, finished in oak and harwood floors. On corner lot in- finest residence district. 12 apartments, all leased by yearpresent rental easily increased 20. Price $50,000, cash required, $25,000. Thii building must be seen to be appreciated, and could not be duplicated at this price. Good reason for selling. , Write or see owner at. once. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. 'West. BARGAIN IN CLAIRMONT 6-room, stucco bungalow, large living room, dining room and kitchen down stairs; nicely finished In oak; 2 bed rooms and bath on second floor; white enamel finish. Price only $8,600. Terms. Fj)rjaruhirjLcaUjy alnut2 812. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. Five-room Kellastone In Leavenworth Heights; oak finish downetaira, white enamel with mahogany doors upstairs; oak floors throughout; corner lot; paved street: 2 blocks to far; seady for Im mediate possession; full plastered base ment; $7,000; terms. Call Walnut 2813 for particulars. $500 CASH Balance easy terms. Will give you Im mediate possession of this 6-room home on 19th ave.. between Jackson and Jones. Shown by appointment. Call D. 4911. Tyler 6t67 evenings Mr. Spence. "STRICTLY MODERN Five-room, frame bungalow, dining room and living room, finished In oak; bedrooms finished in hard pine; A block to car. Price $4,600, $1,000 to $2,000 caah, balance monthly. .Walnut281 2. POSSESSION now. $17,600 buys the resi dence northeast corner 38th avenue and Davenport street. Douglas 2947. . J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. North. MILLER PARK DISTRICT Here is a beautiful home, consisting of 7 rooms, strictly modern in construc tloa and arrangements; downstairs of which has quarter-sawed oak floors and finish. Second floor thera are 3 nice bedrooms and bath. There is 200 feet of ground suitable for gardening and i hlrken raising. This property overlooks Miller pnrk. Fort Omaha and gives a beautiful view In four directions. It Is certainly a bargain at the price offered, $6,800, about $2,000 cash to handle. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. 915-17 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 46. NOW VACANT 5 rooms and bath on first floor; S rooms and hall on second; large south front lot on paved street; worth the money; $1,000 cash, balance on monthly payments. Call today. R. F. CLARY CO. 2404 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. CHOICE FLORENCE BLVD. . HOME Five rooms, bath and reception hall, all in oak on first floor; bookcases, buf fet, two bedrooms on second floor; fuU basement: storm cellar; garage; east front; best bargain on North Side for $6,000. - OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 49$. FULL' lotsj small house, 16 fruit trees, 3 kinds of berries; plenty of shade; good well; brick storm cel lar; brick coal shed, all inclosed. With them good title. Price $1,800. 3902 Spaulding St. Call Colfax 3741. Worth While Bargain 6-room bungalow, all modern, finished In oak; large lot; one block from Blvd., 3 blocks to car- and school; $1,000 cssb will handle, balance on monthly pay ments. Call today. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. HERE is a bargain in 6-room new home. Strictly modern, just being completed, located in Montclalr addition. I can save you real estate commission, and 30 per cent which la last year price on labor and material. Must have not less than $1,500 cash payment, balance terms Only home buyers need apply. This Is your chance. Write T. F. Ahl berg. 3112 California street, or call at this address. No information given over the phone. BUNGALOW , BARGAIN Owner leaving city and Just listed for first time, this 6-room. strictly modern stone bungalow; oak finish; rhoif lot; near Prairie Park; prlc lor quick sale, $5,300. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. 'G. J. Appleberg, SCOTTSBLUFF, NEBRASKA. ' "Fastest Crowing City in the Wm IT REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. FOR COLORKD. 5 -room house, modern except heat; comfortably built, eonveniontly located; large lot: excellent condition; H block to car. Thla place la a bargain and cunnot be duplicated for the price. F.mall pavment down, balance reason able terms. Call owner, Webster 488. . KOUNTZE PLACE 1901 Blnney. 9 rooms, strictly modern, oak floors, hot air furnace, east front, nice shade, 13,600. 1 ""NEW "BUNGALOW Five rooms, all modern, oak finish. Price, $4,760; $1,160 down, balance, U7.50 oer month. Owner In house. 8349 No. 69th. Webster 3537. FIVE-ROOM, all modern bungalow, on Ames Ave. Trice $5,000; $1,000 cash. Call Sunday. Colfax 950 or Colfax 648. R. F. CLARY CO.. 404 Ames Ave. Colfax 17$. $4,200. Corner lot, seven rooms, modern, gar , age, fruit trees. One block to car. eW terms. Call Wal. 11163 fo ap- polntment 3J6S HAMILTON 7-room, modern, larga garage. mv. CO.. 407 Brown Blk. Doug. 1528. $000 DOWN, $50 per month buys a five room house, nice location, at 6351 N. 30th St. See owner, A. Smith, 819 N. 27th St.. Council Bluffs, la. at 2410 Wirt St., 8 rooms, modern, and call Tyler 950 or Colfax 8140 for ap- milntwant Tt'a a Miro.atti A FEW homea and lots for sale In Park wood addition; a safe place for lnvest ment.' Norrls & Norrls. Doug. 4270. BUNGALOW, 6-room, oak finish., brand new, nice lot, paved street. $5,250. easy terms. Call daya. Douglas 1734. FOR SALE One of the best located resi dences In Minne Lusa. Owner leaving city. Call. Tyler 3512 or Colfax 3289. KOUNTZE Place, 8 rooms, modern, oak floors, finish; bargain, $6,860; terms. ALFRED THOMAS. 604 First Natl. Bank. 2827 SEWARD 4-room." new. modern bungalow, $500 cash, balance monthly. MINNE LUSA homea and lots offer the beat opportunity to Invest your money. niunc 1 jtcr lot. $ ROOMS, nearly modern, large lot and garden; act quick. 9302 North 30th St. roiiax 4b4t. 6-ROOM COTTAGE A bargain, $1,200; $100 cash; balance easy. Johnson, Web ster 4160. ; GROCERY STORE with 6 llvlngi rooms and garage. A bargain, $3,700. Terma. Webster 4150. FOR quick reeults list with Benjamin & jranwenperg, oa dkv cms. u"..uj HOUSE and lot, cheap. Must be sold at once, zizi uamaen Ave. i.ub. MODERN cottage, 5 rooms, 2 lots, $2,860. un terms. argain. vrmnui ou. BENSON & MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l. South. DOUBLE HOUSE STRICTLY MODERN 1S05 AND 1S07 SO. 26TH ST. Seven rooms on each side. Thorough ly remodeled and strictly modern. Three iarge living rooms downstairs and four sleeping rooms upstairs on aach side. Barn or garage. Paving tax all paid. One side la vacant. Purchaser can oc cupy at once. Or will rent for $40 to $46 a month; other side rented. Price, HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. PhoneTyler 60. HANSCOM"PARK BUNGALOW ci... MHma a,., ,.n.n4lmi liall . 1 1 nn one floor, oak finish, strictly modern In every respect, lot 60x150, priced at $5, 600; reasonable terms. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. 17TH AND B Sts. All modern 7-room cottage on paved street, paving paid; 4 hlncka from school and car line. Will redecorate for purchaser. $4,000 with time. Frank Kullsek, 819 Ho. &4tn, owner. Douglas 2000; or eves. Walnut 3026. ' SIX .rooms, partly modern. Harney 1135. Miscellaneous. ft rnnm modern. 2 blocks from car. S. W. Hanscom Park. Owing to 111 health owner muat sell to change climate. Four large bed rooms with ample closets and floored attic. Garage. East front on large corner lot. Priced right ana lm moHlMtA nnRRAflsian. , 8 room modern, oak finish. Large lot, Georgia avenue, $7,000. 7 room modern, good location, $4,850. 6 room modern, choice location, ua rage for two cars. $6,850. CONBOY & GREEN, Doug. 3841 Har. 4999 Web. 6166 I OMAHA IS SHORT 2,500 HOUSES, SAYS ERASTUS BENSON Too Many Spendthrifts and Not Enough Builders Adver tising ' League Is Told. 'In five years we have dropped back two years in our building; Omaha is short 2,500 houses," said Erastus A. Benson of the Ben son & Carmichael Realty company, addressing the Advertising Selling league on. Business Conditions 01 Today," at the Fontenelle Monday evening. J.' B. Crabbe entertained the club with humorous readings. Victor White, prominent Omaha business man, talked on the value of attending a national advertising club convention. It will be impossible to make up the time lost in building operations .1 - t- i : - in less man eiKnt years, actuiuuiK Mr. Benson. There is about 60 per cent of the necessary supply of ef ficient laborers. "Frugality, honesty and industry are still virtues, the fundamentals never change," the speaker said, "but we are losing sight of them. If a man from Mars were to have dropped into Omaha and looked at the full naee advertisements of the 30 per cent discount sales, last week. he would nave nurriea away, airam that someone might steal his flying machine." Mr. Benson declared that we are now a nation of spendthrifts and the sense of value seems to have de parted from us. 1 "Compared to what some of the men are getting now Esau trading his birthright for a mess of pottage was a bloated profiteer," he said. "The law of compensation is as un changeable as the law of gravitation but we have disregarded it." Victor White said that for the $100 invested in the trip to the na tional advertising convention the men going would get $500 worth of knowledge. Special courses will be given in different kinds of advertis ing. The convention, this year, will be held at Indianapolis. Dunn Becomes Chief of " Ditfsion of Compensation Lincoln, May 24. (Special.) Lester L. Dunn of Lincoln has been appointed chief of the division of compensation under the Department of Labor and began his duties this morning. He takes the place recently vacated by J. H. Jeffrey of Omaha, who resigned to go into' business in the metropolis 3 Real Estate Transfers Omaha Loan & Building Ass'n. to Laura A. Brown, 27th St., 115 Mi ft. n. of Plnkney St., w. s 40157 ft v.i"-:- J'400 Dovld H. Christie and vJIfa to Emma Nina Kruspak, 18th at., 120 ft. n. of Manderson st., e. s., 20x140 ft.: 18th St., 98 ft. n. of Manderson st e. a., 22x 105 ft 3.600 Emma Nina Kruspak and husbsnd to Addie Williams, 18th St., 120 ft. n. of Manderson St., e. . s.. 20x140 ft.; 18 St., 98 ft. n. of Manderson St., e. s.. 22x105 ft.. 2,800 Nura Fenton to William E. Currin et al.. T St., 200 ft. w. of 3th St.. n. s.. 60x131.6 ft , 1,000 Arthur C. Thomsen, referee, to Ben Jf.min E. Tebault and wife, Wash ington at., 100 ft. a. of 17th st n. s., 50x130 ft 175 Charles W. Martin and wife to Elisabeth Kirkland. Newport ave., 267 ft. w. of Minna Lusa, n. a., 42x120 ft 800 James W. Jardlne et al.. to John L. McCasrue, Jr.. Pierce St., 180 ft. a. of 27th St.. a. s.. 60x168 ft.. 3.500 Louis Berka et al.. to Charles K. Tady. 17th St.. 720 ft. s. of Wil liam at. w. s. 33x125 ft S.600 "red DeLamatter and wife to Bob- ert E. .Harney, 41st St., 247 ft. s. of Ames ave.. e. s., 40x280 ft 1,800 TSnfiel B. Oarllck and wife to F.mll Konowsky. 26th St., 142.5 ft. n. of Bancroft St., w. s., 23.76X 100 ft S0 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. $450 DOWN will put you In a new, all modern, 5 room bung-alow. Rent money pays for It. O.-iod neighborhood of all new homea and home owners. Wal. 5432 evenings, or Douglas -7412 daya. Mr. JCole. BIRKEf T & Ca.Xr "reVf; and Insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. FIVE-ROOM, brand"' new bungalow, strictly modern; good location; 1500 rash; balance terms. Wslnut 5373. 1 WANT A HOME? Possibly we for you. It roals nothing to phone Douglas 134 or come tn 1506 Dodge St. ' REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. N. W. COR. 18TH AND DODGE. D. 601S. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANT. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTTPE TO CONTRACTORS. i The Board of Education, City of Omaha, i will receive bids up to and until 12 o'clocK ' (noon) June 3. 1S20, for extending Cut- Stone Work of Basement down to new ! Grade and other Betterments and 1m ! piovementa In connection with the Cen I tral High School Building, as per plans ! and specifications by the Architects, John I.atenser A Sons. Bids to be addressed to i the undersigned, sealed and enclosed in properly endorsed envelopes. Copies of the plana and specifications can be obtained from the Architects upon application. A oertlfled check or cash In the sum of Fifty (150.00) Dollars must accompany all applications -for piano as a guarantee that bids will be submitted on same, the same to be returned when the plans and si educations are returned. v All bida must be submitted on blank proposals, which will be furnlshtd upon application to the Architects. Each bidder must submit with his pro posal a certified check or cash in the sum equal to two ( per cent) per cent of his proposal as s guarantee of the acceptance of the contract If awarded; said check to be drawn in favor of the Board ot Educa tion. Cltv of Omaha. The Board reaervea to Itself the right te reject any or an Bins or to waiva any irregularities In the bids. W. T. BOURKE. Secretary Board of Education. ne.1 City Hall. Omaha, N . M-:i-2:-:3-:i-:s TRADE TRIPPERS ATTEND CONCERT AND THEN DANCE Omaha Boosters Are Guests Of Oxford Business Men at McCormack Concert Ending Second Day. Oxford, Neb., May 24. (Special Telegram.) The Omaha trade tripe pers arrived here on schedule time and marched to the city auditorium for the John McCormack concert, a surprise which Chairman Hoel of the trade extension committee had planned. The Omahans expressed surprise when they viewed the audi torium, which is one of the finest buildings of its kind in the state. There were hundreds of visitors from nearby towns to welcome the trade boosters. Following the con cert a dance was given in honor of the visitors. At Wauneta and Culbertson bands were out to greet the boosters. At Wauneta the Omaha delegates vis ited the big flour mill which is op erated by power from, the French man river. ' At Culbertson '.he business men ore promoting an $800,000 beet sugar factory .The citizens of Palisade presented a huge boquet of flowers to C. E. Childe, traffic manager of the Chamber of Commerce of Oma ha and a former resident of Palis ade. The second day of the trade journey ended when the special train arrived here. "Everything's great." sums up the general sentiment of the live wire business men. Poison Gas Is Used , In Killing Several Thousand Prairie Dogs O'Neill, Neb.. May 24. (Special.) A prairie dog "town" of 4,000 holes, one of the largest in Holt coun ty, has just been destroyed and the dogs and duds exterminated by the use of gas by County Agent Lan caster and James Crowley, lessee of the J. H. Hopkins ranch north, east of O'Neill. The ranch, compris ing more than 1,200 acres and con sidered one of the finest stock and farming small ranches in the county, is the property of Attorney J. H. Hopkins of Omaha. The prairie dogs had earned a foothold in the pasture a number of years ago and gradual ly had extended their domain until it included more than a half section, the holes and tunnels making the ground dangerous, for stock. Three davs were required to exterminate the pests, carbon gas on cotton be ing usetL California Requisition For P. Fryberger Granted Lincoln, May 24. (Special;) P. Fryberger, who part of the time carried the name of P. H. Adams, working for the Southern Pacific railroad company at Benecia, Cal., will have to return to that state on a requisition granted this morning to answer to the charge of embez zling four pay checks amounting to $310 and two railroad tickets. He was arrested, at Nelson and will be returned to the coast state. Deaths and Funerals Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 2:30 p. m.. In the Cole-McKay under taking parlors for Mrs. Margaret Buchanan, who died Friday at her home, 2452 South Nineteenth street, Kuneral aervlcea for Hans Jensen, J vears old, pioneer resident of Omaha, who died Saturday at hli home. 2907 Ames avenue, of pneumonia, were held today at 10 a. m at the N. P. Swanson chapel. He was a member of Covert Masonic lodge and a veteran employe of the M. & O. railroad. His widow survives. Burial was in Forest I-awn cemetery. . Richard E. Piles. 84 years old, retired farmer, dletf Sunday at his home, 814 South Fiftieth avenue. The body waa taken in Oakland, la., for burial. His widow survival. ; Harry P. Doty, 48 years old. died sud denly in bed at 2 o'clock Sunday morn ing, at his home, 4412 North Twenty ninth street. Heart disease was the cause. Mr. Doty was foreman of the Omaha Body Works. He had been a resi dent of Omaha all his life. Funeral serv ice will be held Thursday at Johnson & Swanson's funeral parlors. Interment will be in West Lawn cemetery. His mother survives. Funeral services for Mrs. Katherlne Rcmlck, 67 years old, who died Saturday at her home, 1741 South Twenty-seventh street, were held yesterday at Hulaa & Rlepen's funeral parlors. Mrs. Remick died following an Illness of 10 days. Her husband and several children survive. Raymond W. Swan, U-year-old son of -ir. ana Mrs. c. a. swan, cummg street, died Saturday at Monrovia, Cal.. where he had gone a year ago for hla health. The body will arrive In Omaha, Wednesday, Funeral aervlces will be held the following morning at Walnut Hill Methodist church. I Interment will be In Forest Lawn cemetery. Divorce Court Divorce Petitions. ' Leonard A. Porter, against Blanche Por ter, extreme cruelty. Tlllle Mlschler against Qeoige K. Mlsch. ler, extreme crdelty- Irene Haspen against Henry H. Heipsn, extreme cruelty. Inverce Pcreea. Anner P. Danlelson from Harry A. Dn lelsnn. cruelty. Helen 1'avls from F.arl Pavls. cruelty. Mary Klsh from Samuel Kish, cruelty. grounds for delivering material for the construction of the grandstand; and the other buildings, this switch to be used later in the handling of agricultural and live stock exhibits during the exposition. Unless freiffht rates are issued very soon, according to Mr. Bucking- J .. . .. .. r . i. : nam, tne completion oi me exposi tion grounds will be delayed and in consequence the date of the exposi tion will have to be changed. It appears that the railway company has made tormal application ior a switching rate to apply on cars han dled to and from the grounds, but nothing has conic of the request, which has prompted Air. uucKing hani to fret busy, as there is consid erable steel and other material now waiting delivery. Mr. Jefferis was told by the Inter state Commerce commission that im mediate action would be forthcom ing just as soon as they were advised by the Nebraska State Railway com mission as to their action on intra state rates. Mr. Buckingham was advised to get busy with the Ne braska commissioners Girl Clerk Is Given $10,000 in Will Left By Her Former Boss The will of James Dickison, former, manager of the Burgess Nash company hosiery department, who died suddenly in Chicago a month ago, provides that Miss Vic toria Guggenmos of the same de partment, shall receive his entire es tate, it became known yesterday. It is said that the estate may total $10,000. Dickison .and Miss Gug genmos had worked together in tne same department for six years. Dickison's wife dide a year ago. Miss Guggenmos was greatly sur prised when she learned that she had been made heir to the estate. Dickson knew she was engaged, and .probably left her the money to help with her future home, she said. He had no relatives in Omaha, bui , his will provided that should he di by accident $2,000 of an accident policy which he carried should go to his sister, Mss Alice Dickison,. of Edinburgh, Scotland. Shortage of Materials Delays Paving Contracts. Commissioners Are Told Paving contractors told city offi cials yesterday afternoon that in ability to obtain materials is the rea son they are behind in their con tracts. It also is stated thai in somt instances inability to obtain the usua financial aid froiw banks is affecting the paving situation. Mayor Smith, City Commission ers Ure and Towl and .City En gineer J.' A. Bruce conferred with contractors who are delinquent, some contracts having been signed more than a year ago. The officials urged the contractors to do the best they can to push the work. It was stated that the Puring ton Brick Co., at Galesburg, has 3, 500,000 bricks in their yards ready for shipment and that their daily shipments are less than half the nor- mal amount. Tax No. 10,000) for Motor Vehicle Issued in Omaha Tag No. 10000 in class S, Omaha wheel tax, was issued yesterday by City Clerk Hunter to Paul Hoag land. ' Class No. 3 includes all motor vehicles of five passengers or less capacity, and is the largest class in Omaha. The issuance of 10,000 tags this year shows an increase of 600 over last year. The total number of wheel tax tags issued this vear for all classes , of vehicles is 14.&00. South. Side Jack Vlsiak. 1708 South Thtrty-aixth street, was fined 825 for operating an au tomobile while Intoxicated. ( Joe Williams, Mike Rack and Bill Bar chus. Atlantic hotel, atarted a wrestling match that ended in their arrest. Mike was fined 812.(0. Theresa Bowen. 4839 South Twenty.' fourth street, forfeited a tli bond In police court, while her husband, Isaac, paid a, 110 fine for Intoxication yesterday. Now Is the time to plant flower beds and flower boxes and vases. A large aa sortment can be had a Henderson's green nouses. Twenty-fifth and H street, as well as cut flowers. O. W. Norrls, negro. 2417 Caldwell street, was fined 85 for assault and battery on complaint ot T. M. Miller, who told the police Judge Norrls had beaten him with a shovel, a club and a brick. There will be no meeting of South Side Mystic Workers this evening as the mem bers and their friends have been Invited to attend a box social that evening at Swedish auditorium, Fifteenth and Chicago streets. . Arrested on complaint of the parents of a young g'.rl with whom he has been keeping company against their wlahes. Julius Llehr, S4 years old, 4311 South Twenty-seventh atreet. la being held by police for Investigation. . His trial comes up today. When police answered a hurry call ta Twenty-second street and Poppleton ave nue Sunday night to disperse a crowd of 40 hilarious young men, they found only Richard White, 4211 South Sixteenth atreet. He was flntd tit In police court yesterday. Arrested on a second offense of receiving stolen goods, Abraham Welner, Junk deal- er, 4832 South Twenty-sixth street, was fined 8100 In police court yesterday. He was fined 25 on the same charge two weeks ago. The judge recommended that his license be revoked. Women who testified to the good charge ter of Charles Whaler, 2311 Monroe atreet, succeeded in having Mm dismissed In po lice court yesterday, following his arrest Ifor Investigation. Police ssy he waa hiring Fords for all night rldca nd operating? a flashlight in the neighborhood. '1! i 1 4 i h .. . , . : .. )' v . ,-. , P -v