4t " Th BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 24, 1920. V V t -v Want ad rates (Cub with order.) ' Ilia par word.. on day I pr word......... two cdnsecutlv daya 4 par Word... thra conaacutlva day . 7o par word four conaacutlva daya 8 par ord..,......(iv conaacutlva daya 10 Mr word evn conaacutlva uay and on cant par word for aach additional Insertion. ' No ad takan for lta than a total of lis. CHARGE. V Its ear tin . i. on day 2o par Una . f two eonaacuttv daya Zto par Una Uiraa consecutive daya 770 par una ...... seven comkuuv u.j. I tl 00 par Una thirty conaacutlva daya Card of thank and funeral notlca 12c par Una aach dy. Thaaa rata acply cither to the Dally r Sunday fee. All advrtiment appear In both morning and evening dally paper for the one charge. ..... 4 ton raft RatM All ADnllcatlOB. For .convenience of artvertlsere. want add will be accepted at the following of fice Mais office ""'is rruV? Am Offlc 441 North SOth St. Park Offlc- ..261S Leavenworth gj- South Bide 3318 N' st- Walnui :Offlc...........l North 40th St. Co Bluff Offlc- 15 Scott r THE BEE will not be reaponsibl for mora than one incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than one PHONE TYLEB 1000. Evening Editions inll'v it Morning Edltlona -10:30 P. M Bunds Edition-- P. M. Saturday - DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES, nntiv ii..r w . died at hla home, 113 N. 2fh SI.. Sunday at 1:45 a. m aged 4 years, 7 months. 23 daya. Mr. Dody i. ...... 4. .a hw hi- mother. Aire. W. J. Dodyf one eluter. Mra. O. H. Tauk of Omaha: one brother, p. A. Dody; one ntece. Miss Genevieve Bandera, and ono nephew, Arthur R. McFarland of Omaha; Funeral arrangement mane later. LODGE NOTICES ""painters'" union 10 special meeting -monday evening, hav 24th at New Labor-Temple. 19th and Davenport. VERY IMPORTANT BUSINESS. BE SURE TO COME! "funeral directors." STACK &. FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" P1ERCE-ARROW , AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam i Harney 84. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND KUftALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. jsitf Cuimngbt. HEAFEY (THEAFEY7 Undertaker ad Embalmers. Phone H. 265. Office 26 1 1 Fan , hulSeTriepen, pinti..p Pun-ral Directors. 70! South lAth St. ' DoiiglaaJOSeM NEW LOCATION Clt6sBT'S NEW FUNERAL HOME. SOU WIRT ST. Aafay from noise of busy street. PHONE WEBSTKR 74. DtJFFY & JOHNSTON, UNDERTAKERS. 717 S. 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. T iTiTi T f AMIAM Fontenelle UlUIU JJ. JJAHiUUll Florists. 1814 Douglas St. Douglaa 8244, I.. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Douglas 1248. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 8000, MONUMENTS & CEMETERJES. THE largest "display of- monuments In the United Stalea. FRANK SVOBODA, 1215 S. 13th. . Phone Douses 18J2-5aib. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars teie phonSTyler 800. We are anxroua to re- tor lest rtloes to rightful owner. OMAHA' A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. c.6. : LusT Pocketbook at Union lepot con , talning 114 and gold wrist watch. Elgin Hake, with Initial E. L. J. Phone or writ Mr. Mary Jarnan, Springfield, Neb. LOST Purse containing two $10 bills, check for. 124, on Fremont brewery, on train between Fremont and Omha. or at station. Reward. ,Call Harney B ESI . LOST Diamond aunburst pin. set --"h pearl. ' Finder please pall H. 136. ceivs reward. Mrs. John Jamison, itulO Mason St. LOST Tiny pet poodle playmat of twin babe. Call Colfax 4168 and receiver reward, SPECIAL NOTICES. $300 REWARD 1 For return of Bulck roadster ro. 108020, taken from In front ot Brandels Theater May 18. No question ,asked. CALL, WEBSTER 33S1. , DR.. C. B. FOLTZ. formerly of Room 9. Crelghton Blk., moved to 612-620 World Herald Bldg. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicit your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phono Do eg. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, " H10-11H-1114 Dodge street. A MALE nurse would take a pVtient for the summer thit would like to rough vlt In the wooda In Northern Michigan 'v or Wiaconsln for their health. Y-1126. PERSONAL William H. Read, send your ddrea to Mra. W. H. K., Anita, Iowa. Box 149. , PATIENTS to care for In my ICome; elec- trle bath and massage. Wetwter 2911. Br. HOLERAN Electro therapy and massage, 318 Neville Block. B. F. WURN. Optician (formerly of 490 moved to 684 Brancfela Bldg. DR. BURKE moved to 62 Douglas block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Chiropdists. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paaton Bid. ID. 1208. v Hauling. WE HAUL, anything, anywhere, any time. Walnut 1164. HAULING All kind. WaliTOt 35lT. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered button all size and styles: hemstitching, plot, edging, eve let cut work, button holes, pennants, Ideal Button nd Pleating , Co.. 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. ' top Notch Shop Hematltchlng. braiding. i beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. 6011. Boom 33, Douglas Blk.. 16th and Pod go. Contractors. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling done. L. J. Erlckson. -Call ' Walnut 1637. Dancing Academies. TTX?T "DTM1T. 2424 Farnam. Doug. JVUlAJ-J: llNr 75o. Summer danc ing rates. Learn to dance correctly for 83. where dancing Is a pleasure. TURPINE'S SCHOOL OF DANCING, fancy atag and social. 90 Crounse Bldg., opposite postofflce. Pnone Har , ney (439, Douglas 3669. Also dancing every Saturday and Sunday evenings. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING. TY 2979. Dentists. 6Tr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid. Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE U.OENCY. Incorporated. Douglaa 1107. 'Arllnrton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. .PHIL WINCKLER. discreet, strictly con fidential Investigators all branche. Harney 6708. Tyler 3S4. -. JAMES AL-LAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evl- denco eecurea in an cases. Tyiec liae. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Dnugla 2056; Night. Col. 466, Dress Suits. FULL dress aultea and tuxedo for reflVJ J Electrical Utilities. VACUUM cleaners. delivered, called for, 60c day. Vacuum CJeaner Servlca Co. Call Web. 1667 from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaner, tl day. de liverer vmuax UB; ELECTRIC vacuum' TV....!. J cleanera for rent. Garages. BEDI-MADE GARAGES, wood m ateel. Send for circular. Redl-Mada Housing Co.. Ull Howard. Red S667. Gas Stoves Connected. : CNO; ANDY The gas man; 1 house piping: itova connected. " Walntot 2008. ' OAS stove connected JJ. Pobnllt Harner J77 day or Harney 161 evening. , Hall Blocked. " 'r HITS elaanad and blocked while you I wait. at Paxtoa Hfct Work, 1607 H Farnam g, ; work guaranteed. D. 6939. BATS cleaned, deblocked, ladles' atraw hat peclalty. Maato Bros,, 1620Har'r. Roofing. PROPERTT OWKErX" ( Oet Our Figured. . Oar Roof Are Our Proof. . " All Work Ouaranteed. ' JJORTHWES'T READY ROOFINO COH 10 South. IUU Harner 1(74, BRINGING UP L H DID fOt ) SrNP Y? ' ) ORlCHTOyAg6 , f-1 f S fNR.JIV.WULU ' YOOU HAVE 1 l MR.Jl;? pfCOLLDOJl LZS" S! I HOW I -jr TO A, VARNi CJ I HAVEN'T OT J . LZ-r -J V- ' viTJ , J CUM ATE! 5 A THE NERVE . V I- ' ll - ; : : ; c ANNOUNCEMENTS. I ' FOR SALE. I HELP WANTEDMALE. I HELP WANTEDMALE. I HELP WANTED-FEMALE I ROOMS FOR RENT. T-w!r - Tvoewriters and Sunnliei. I Salesmen and Canvassers. I Miscellaneous. Household and Domestic. i Furnished Rooms. DIAMONDS X.hivifeV. to buy back at email profit. UKUfca JEWliLBY Co., 403 N. 16tb St. Doug. 604!. T - w. c FI.ATAU. Jewelry EatabllRjfed 189. Sixth Floor. Sei'urlttfJi Biog. Kodak Developing and Finishing: KNLAROrNO, oopyinc and coloring. Amateur flnlahlng. Write for prices. Omaha. Photo Shop, 201 Barker Blk., Omnha., Neb. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for price. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. ' ' Lumber and Buildings. TRY H. M. KEVAN. M4 SOUTH 30TH ST. Mattress and Springs. CITY MATTRESS CO. Mattressea made over. ttox eprinss rcpaucu. o.- lng. Harney 7162. Painting and Paper HangingN PAPERHANOrNO. painting. Estimates free, that cost notnmg ar.u eave iuuhcj. Tyler S76r.. , ; PAINTING. paperhanging, decorating. nulck aervlce; iowoei price. 3S14. . . . . PAPERHANGING. 7 per rm. aqd up. in- c ud ng paper ana worK. vtainui FIRST-CLASS paperhiAdliig. painting. H. A. t'.lapp. Douglaa 4". PAINTING, paperhanging and paperclean- lng. Douglas ma. PAINTING, paperhRnglng and plastering. Phone Waluut4&67. PAINTING ..and paperhanging. ynon Walnut 542. . PAINTING and paperhanging. sPhone Walnut 5452. PA f.VTINO: and paperhanging. Webster 4151. WALL paper cleaning. Walnut 717. Phonographs. QUALITY PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, LOWEST PRICES. rSH OR TERMS. THE MUSIC SHOP, INC. 1516 Harney St. Douglaa683i Printing. 1 WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. Razor Blades Sharpened SAFETY razor "blades sharpened, new ra MkApA inlrl. Omaha Razor Shaxinmgo..1622feJDodge.103N. 16. I Agweaving. ij DEEN Rug Factory Extra "high grad rug made. Douglas 7892. WEAVING, oic! ruga remade. Tyler 1 438. Safes. O A fTC! BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. Ori-A' OilO t j. Dei J. J. Derlght Saf Co. Screens and. Repairing. SCREENS repaired, put up.jyebtejrJff3J. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES' W rent, repair, sell needle and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Dnugla 1973. Stationery. . ' OMAHA STATIONERY CO., 207-9 B. 17th. . Tailors. M. KE1SER. 306 South 18th. Doug. 1187. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS Send ske'tch or model for preliminary examination; Booklet free; patents obtained. Sturgea & Sturgea Registered United States Patent Law yers, 328 Boe Bldg.. Omaha. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., Patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell pat ents. 1710 Dodge St.. Omaha. . Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatrical and par ties for rent at T. Llebeh & Son, Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Varnishing, Decorating. INTERIOR varniahlng. enameling, floor reflnlshed. waxed, wallpaper cleaned. Walnut 4821. . Wall Paper Cleaning. WALLPAPER cleaning; wall, woodwork -cleaned; screens painted, repaired, iV.tfnr Kfian i ' EXPERT wall paper cleaner. Call Tyler 4377. Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "Th Careful Welders' 15th and Jackson.- D. 4397. Miscellaneous. WATCH REPAIRING. Main springs, 31.60; clearing, 11.50; Jewels, 31 to 3158;" watch crystals, 25c, All work guaranteed. Phone Tyler 950. THE W. C. FLATAU sgTORB, Room 601 Securities Bldg. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 2?th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. . Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can bo purchased at Rlalto Drug Store, 15th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha, Neb. 4 JsER cent Interest compounded quarterly on savings. American State Bank, 18th and Farnam. , ' BTlMP ashes S. W. .corner 35th Itld Fran els. Douglas 420. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. SELECT TOUR SPRING HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom suit at 8213; an Adam Period dining suite, at $153; larg tmUectlon of fine furniture; room size rugs at a great reduction; cane mahogany living room suite, at 1185 each. - . STATE FURNITURE COMPANY. Corner 14th and Dodge 'Street. Opposite U. P. Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. -L. WE sell new and near-new furniture, stove and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer, Furn. Co., 605 N. 16. COPPER 'clad range, almost new; bed. Harney 293. folding LARGE eizetf bed with spring. 2672. Walnut FOR SALE Furniture. 2647 Bees St Call Tyler 3566. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TO SELL for cash; a Haines Upright piano, In good condition. Tel. Walnut 282, or call at 3901 Webster St. east entrance. SAXAPHONE HOSPITAL, repairing, re padding, John TafL 1824 Webster. .Tyler 4857. (0 per cent oft on all phonographs; 85c record, 45c records exchanged, 15c. Shales Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dodge. DRUMS, traps, marimba. Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. a. hospe co. "rssruz Piano for rent. 34.00 per nrbnth. VICTOR VICTROLA with, records; llght ly used: price $100. Colfax 3M1. -8tore and Office Fixtures. WE buy, sell jtnd make desks, sate, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 11th and Douglaa. Doug. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS . - ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, (old, rented and repaired. Sole agVnta for the CORONA. Get our price before you'brtj. filwory machine a-uarantppii Central Typewriter Exc. Doug.' 4131; 1113 Farnam. FATHER- WE Uiey, fell and exchange all make "-t)f typewriter. Write tor Hat. Midland Office Bupply Co., 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver typewriter three month for ln.OO. -Oliver Agency, 1913 Farnam St. Dnugla 4"20. Omaha. Neb. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., "all make." ft05 S. mfi St. Tyler 414. 'lCrT Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 3 Great y Weatern Heater; ' good condition; at a bargain If taken at once. O. E, O'Nell, Circulation Dept., Omahn Bee. - OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattrease made from your own feathera, summer and winter aides. 1907tCumlng. D. 2467. f TOMATOi plant, good ones, 11.00 per 1UU, villi MUIB VI ail ninun. m yivamv. Colfax 999. A. D. Ferg-uson, BARGAlf In uaed VHoover Sweeper ..and 1900 Electric Washer. Call Joe Myers. Tyler 1011. BROWN reed twin baby buggy, good condition. Reasonable, price. Web-atej- 1734. FOR SALE Popcorn machine. Tel. Har ney SI 14 or South 8128. ' DRY KINDLING WOOD. CO. HARNEY 183J. ACME BOX BOAT 18 feet, and engine, cheap. Tyler 2247. WANTED TO BUY. VV. R1TV hnltd waste naoer old maaa zines and newapapera. Stat quantity' you havo on hand. Write or phone for ((rices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 15th Hnd Marcy.- Douglas 159. - DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACKS BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyljr 3544. CAMEL pay best prices for second-hand I rurnlture, clothes, shoes. ir you have anything tox sell please call- Web. 3653. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoe and furniture. Ty. 2698. A Zavett. 706 N 16. SITUATIONS WANTED. , Male: THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldier and sailors and marines who will (how their discharge paper at our offlc in the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam. JOB COMPOSITORS, i first class, or Gordon and Kelly stonemen; can come to Omaha In 3 dayal notice; city ex perience. Y-1137. Bee. F.ELI ABLE carpepter want repair work, new or old-. Estimate given. 80c hour. Phone Tyler 3838. CEMENT Work, painting. Call Webster 3680 before 8 a. m. and after 6:30 p. m. HOUSE cleaning by experienced "help. Harney 1722 LAWal-MOWING; nut 3515. mower furnished. Wal- JANITOK wanta work, or day work. Web. 6.053. ; Female. . i -HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch tbe Domestic column of Th Bee. Lota of good places are always advertised- Don't miss -thenr. Laundry and Day Work. WOMEN who want day work call Afro- American Employment Agency, 2522 Lake St. Webster 6976. EXPERIENCED colored laundress wishes bundles of all klxtds. Webster 1975. LAUNDRY WORK for Moiftay, Tuesday ana weanesaay. weoster 3086. EXPERIENCED woman, laundry and day work. Webster 6099. IRONING and housecleaning, SOo per hour. Webster 1379. CURTAINS laundered, work guaranteed. Webster 5579. EXPERIENCED. laundress and day work. Tyler 2957. LAUNDRY WORK, day work. Wbter 4393. COLORED girl want cleaning by day. Webster 6693. EXPERIENCED 2aunress.CallJ)oug8011. CLEANING and laundry. Douglas 640p' WANTED Bundle washing. Webster 1 3 79. BUNDLE washing, soft water. Web. 6941. BUNDLE washing, wanted. Walnut 3263. DAY WORK, WAN-TED. WEBSTER 4790. CLEANING, experienced. Webster 3254. LACE curtain, bundle washing. Web.l72T DAY WORK, by the hour. Web. 6028. DAY WORK of any kl nd. Webster 4 6 71. DAT WORK, reliable. Webster 1951. BUNDLE washing. Webster 1397. DAY WORK. Webster 1888. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG MAN! DO YOU WANT A JOBT ..AH kinds of position open at salaries 8100-3150 a month. Free employment service. -Phone Tyler 4240. 308 Finance Building. YOUNG man for work In shipping room. Apply M. Tally, Mid-West Electric Co. 1207 H. WATTS REFERENCE CO., Positions of merit. ' 1138 1st Nat'! Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. BARBER WAITED, 330 per week guar anteed. x Good location. Educational center. Box 113, Cbllege, Springs. la. WANTED Two first-class tool makers for night work..CSsbman Motor Works, Lincoln. Neb. FIREMEN, brakemen, $175-1250 monthly; experience unnecessary. Write Railway, I, pee. PAINTERS. Brush handa wanted. Call Wal. 873. Salesmen and Canvassers. 1920 DEMONSTRATORS 1920 ' " LIBERAL REDUCTION - - OFF s C x - LIST PRICES. . : ' X t ' - .CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., . 2215 FARNAM STREET. . STOCK SALESMAN Experienced stock aaleaman to aell th Guaranteed Dividend Preferred atock ef an old established Omaha company rated at $600,000. High .credit which has paid regular dividend for ten year. Good lead furnished. Call Room t, Wead Bldg. , SALESMEN W want a few more young men to join our club In scientific sales manship; complete training; 830 posi tions furnished free. Box K-6. Bee. Bee ,Want Ads Produce Results. I See Jiggt and Page of Colors in "BE A BEE.- Stop buzzing and gather honey. Now Is the time, and 1 will give yo. the opportunity to make big money, aelllng , i per cent guaranteed securities which are now paying 13 per cent. ; f P. H. DEARMONT. , 2!8-20Clty Nat'L Bank Bldf.."omh, STOCK SALESMEN. S2.noo.nno corporation aellln ! Iowa and Nebraska: 8 per cent participation preferred stock; best proposition In Omaha. Rm. (, Wead Bldg, 18th and Farnam. WANTED "High grade solicitor to can vast" in Omaha for The Be. Apply at see oince; inquire tor Mr. Rook. Y-1046. tse. WANTED At once, experienced whole sale grocery salesman who can deliver the good and make 85,000 per year or more on commission on a good territory, Quick action necessary. Wire age. amount of Bales laat year, date you can visit us. No beginner. Lett Fletcher Co., Marshalltown. la. " SALESMEN For household specialties men with car can make good money. Call and see us and let ua explain. C. F. Adams Co.. 623 8. 16th Bt. SALESMEN City ortraveling; experience unnecessary! big demand for men, 12,000 up. Write for openings and particular. box K-7, umana nee., Boys. WANTED, MESSENGER BOY ' X 18 YEARS OF AGE. GOOD WAGES. CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLT MAIN OFFICE, CUDAHY PACKING CO.. SOUTH BIDE. '- V WANTED BRIGHT BOT TO .RUN ERRANDS.' MUST BE OVER 16 YARS OLD. APPLT MORRIS ft CO., SOUTH SIDE. 1 BRIGHT and energetic boy about 17 years ' of age for bank work. Douglas 266 or South 4780. EXPERIENCED soda dispenser for v nlngs. 2561 Leavenworth. . Miscellaneous. WANTED. - 25 MEtf FOR GENERAL YARD WORK. . APPLY TIMEKEEPER. UNION STOCK YARDS CO, SOUTH SIDE. WANTED AT ONCE. . SEVERAL MEN AND BOYS. THE SKINNER CO., MACARONI BiRANCH. 14TH AN) JACKSON. ' WANTED. s Experienced. auto painters. Andrew Murphy and Sons. ' 14th and Jackson. BRANDEIS STORES WANT YOTJNO MAN CAPABLE OF TAKING CHARGE OF PAPER STOCK ROOM. GOOD 8ALARYTO THB RIGHT PERSON. APPLY MR. SINGER, BALCONT. V WANTED. I - WAGON HELPERS. I HOURS PER DAY. APPLT AMERICAN RAILWAT EXP. STABLE. 1JTH AND DAVENPORT. " : ! MEN WANTEJ TO WORK IN OUR BAKERT SHOP. v APPLT SUPERINTENDENT, LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO.. . 12TH AND DAVENPORT. LABORERS for Sum shovel grading and quarry work, .tv to iiv.vu.per aay. National Stone' Co., Cedar Creek, Neb., or 1043 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. LABORERS and helpera, Hack or white. steady work; excellent cnanc for pro motion. Call for storekeeper at Caas St. Cat. U. P. ahops. LAUNDRY HELP - Waabman. expe rienced; steady place; good working condition. Hell Laundry. Leavenworth, fa. Maggie in Full The Sunday Bee. WANTED On or two all around bushel men. 140 week to start with. Apply Victory Tallora, 1612 Capitol Av. YOUNG man to learn bookkeeping and stationery business. The Omaha New Co., 16th and Davenport. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED. r On stenographer. ' Apply at once, ITEN BISCUIT CO, STENOGRAPHER, no experience needed; good penman preferred. Omaha New Co., 15th and Davenport St. L'SF the Marti Service in securfnf high class commercial positron. THE MARTI CO., 1724 W. O. W. Bldg. GOOD stenographer for a permanent posi tion with good pay. Omaha Wholesale Grocery. 1307 Howard. CHAS. L. FISH. Piano Tuner, violin. Pl i ano teacher. Colfax 4907 Professions and Trades. , YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position No profession today offer better op portunltle for good talarle and ateady employment than local or Jong distanc telephon work. - w Th work 1 fascinating, pleasant, healthful aurroundlng. annilal vaca tion with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without coat to employe. No experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay whil In training, advancement Rapid Parent Invited to Investigate working condition. t , Apply to ' , . MRS. MORRIS, . Employment Secretary, ' I ' Room 618. New Telephon Building, Nineteenth andDougla Street. CHOCOLATE dipper Candy Kitchen. wanted. Olympla VE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD POSITIONS FOR CAPABLE YOUNG WOMEN TO HAN DLE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE MESSAGES. NO BUSfNESSTTRAINING IS NECESSARY AS WE GIVE YOU A THOROUGH COURSE OF INSTRUC TION BEFORE ASSIGNING- TOU TO COMMERCIAL WORK AND PAY YOU WELL WHILE YOU ARB LEARNING. FREQUENT SALARY INCREA8ES .o.,KrL4. ADVANCEMENT ARE ASSURED THE GIRL WHO SHOWS INTEREST AND ABILITY. THE WORK IS "PLEASANT AND THE HOURS REASONABLE WITH REST PERIODS BOTH MORNING AND AFT ERNOON, WHICH MAY BE SPENT IN OUR COMFORTABLE REST ROOM. MlfS BELL WILL ANSWER ANT SFS?Tii.? AND RECEIVE TOUR AP PLICATION. .313 NEW TELEPHONE CO. . AMERICA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. GLRLS WANTED TO 'WORK IN OUR ICINO AND PACKING DEPARTMENT; GOOD WAOES; PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. APPLT SUPERINTENDENT. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO.. i 15TH AND DAVENPORT. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. SALESLADIES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS. APPLT , SUPT'S OFFICE, BALCONT, ELDRIDGE-REYNOLDS CO. , I WANTED Woman to eanvaa aubscrlp. lions lor ine umana Be in tne city and Council Bluffa Apply at The Bee offlc, between 8 and 3:30 a. m. or I and 5:20 p. m. Inquire for Mr. O'Nell. V clrculatiottjjepartment. lAtLESLADIES for thel best house.to ' house specialty of the day; salary 18 per week and commission. See lira. Major. 320 N. 20th St., I to I p. tit 8 AfiKS LADIES WANTED? Good salary, nermanent Ddaltlon. New Xprk Waist Store, 16th and Farnam. LADY" canvassers for electrlo Irons and lamps; good proposition. C. W. Adam Col 28 & 16th St. AH" SOLICITOR wanted for cleaning anovj preaaing anop. , Tyler ii. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experlenoed woman for cook and assistant in- noma work, small family, no laundry, wage $50. Wal nut 2976. ; WANTED An experienced housemaid ; reference required. Mrs. L. L., Kountse. 42$ South 39th Street. Tel. Harney ISJ. WANTED Maid for tfeneral housework; no objection to colored. Apply in per on. Dr. Anderson. CoifftcU Blu6 EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; 3 In family; no laundry; good wages. Walnut 1827. GOOD laundreaa; good wagea; every con venience In the laundry; whit woman .preferred. Wal. "44. FR LAUNDRESSES. DAT WOMEN. ETC., LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL UMN OF THE BEE. MIDDLE-AGED or eldeily'wiman to'aUlil with housework. Good horn and wage. Harney 6736. WANTED An experienced cook (white); t references; wage $f0 per, mo. Harney Id, U. t WANTED A girl f( for second work. Mra George Van Brunt, 224 S. 28th St., Coun ell Bluffs. WANTED Competent housemaid. Apply Mrs. Ward Burgess. 122 No. 22d. WHITE 6IRL or middle aged woman, housekeeper. Webster 4961. WANTED A competent cook, 208 So. 32d Ave. Harney 206. WANTED Experienced cook. Har. 353. " COMPETENT second maid. Har. 352. Hctels and Restaurants. iCOUNTER AND' FLOOR GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. STEADY WORK GOOD WAGES. APPLY QUICKSERV CAFETERIA, ' CITY NAT'L BK. BLDG.. BASEMENT. GIRLS to work on aoda tables. Good pav, steady work. Green Roo.h Cafe, Brandel Stores. - two NEAT appearing waitresses wanted. A. B. Sweet Shop, 16th and Jackson, FIRST CLASS cook. Wise Memorial .hospital, 26th and Harney. Miscellaneous. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the' benefit of' business girls. 623 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6592. J SETTLED young woman to run elevator El Beudor Apartment hotel, 18th Dodge. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages whil learning; strictly modern. Call or write "oage St. Trl-Clty Barber College. MEN and women to write Fraternal In surance in umana for the A. O. U. W. of Nebraska. Call at 1616 Woward St. at o o ciocK Monaay, WANTED Two good lady . barbers or flrat-clasa male barbers. Address John Bohn. Columbus, Montana. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. X Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptoinetery, short hand and typewriting, rallroaaX and wiring telegraphy, civil service an all English - and commercial branche. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 lor large Illustrated catalogue Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boylcs Building, Omaha. Neb. LEARN tire repairing and retreading also tube repairing and all rubber vul. canlxing IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIRING SCHOOL IN OMA HA. Three week learning, $1$. Write or ca'l NATIONAL TIRE SHOB. 17th and Capitol Ave. Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bak Bldg. Douglas 5890 EUSIN ESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Grocery and produce busi ness In a small southwestern Nebraska town; doing a business of from $100 to 3E76 per day; present stock will Invoice anout sj.uuu, dui win reauce u aown to $2,000 or less; rent Is 340 per nionts In winter, with steam heat furnished. and 330 during the summer months when no heat Is necessary. All fix ture so with bulldlnsr. with the ex ception of one counter and a few minor articles: principally a casn nusiness; what little book business there". is is absolutely good. If you are Interestedt In a nice clean business that does not take much capital to handle it will pay you to Investigate. Ill .health forces me to sell. For particulars address Y-11S6, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Lumber yard,, hardware and general merchandise store; In new live promising town, In the rain belt section of Colorado. Business runs about $10, 000 a month. No competition In lum ber or hardware; twenty-five mllea from Denver In Irrigated and dairy section. International line of Implements, Bulck automobile agency for Douglas county: live tows and in live community. Good clean stock which will invoice about $35,000. Write for Information. Arthur Maroney, 760 Clarkson St., Denver, LOIO. MONEY MAKER. We are offering for bsIa a confec. ire i tlonery, Ice-cream and bakery store, the Deal in uaspen wyo., ana it nas a line location; lease runs two and one-half more years at $160 per month. , Dally receipts $400. This is a wonderful money, maker for some one to step Into, and it Is priced right at $30,000; terms tflven. The Dobbin Realty Company, ' 213 O. S. Building. Casper. Wyo. FOR SALE In a central Nebraska city a billiard, poul, cigar, bowling and soda fountain business, now paying $5,000 per year; 2 billiard, 7 pool tables, $ bowling al leys, all in flrst-clasa shape; must sell on account of other business interests Box Y-92. ' ' FOR SALE Wilkinson third circle re ' tread molds In perfect condition; equipped to -apply plain; ribbed and non-skid treada.WIU handle 30x3 to - 87x5 tires. Priceright for quick sale. L. W Wheeler Tire O.. 61iT First Ave., South Fort Dodge, Iowa. FOR SALE! Confectionery. Ice cream busi ness In western Iowa, town of about 1,500 population; has r. good trade. Price . stock and fixturea $3,600. Y-1129 Omaha Be. - Be' IF Y' want to Invest 3126.00 in a spe. uiatlon where total loss In Impossible and may make you $100.00 for eyery dollar Invested, writ Box 92, Muskogee, Ok la. UP-TO-DATE clothing store in western jven.; modern fixtures; win invoice sdoui $30,000; only store ot kind In city; most sell at once. Y-1132, Bee. FOR SALE OR LEASE Newspaper In good town of 600 population. Foaseaslon given July 1. Lock Box 88, Western, Neb. FOR SALE Only drug stock and doc tor' practice. Eastern Nebraska town. 81.000, half cash. Y-1133, Bee t TOR SALE First-clsss cafe- In good oil town of 3.500. Write for particulars. Bos 673, Olenrock, Wyo. 6UR business la to buy and sell your business. Quick Service Selling Expert. 614 Brown Bldg. GROCERY and meat market 'doing good business. Must be sold this month. Web ter 1967. TO get In or out of business. See LEWIS A CO. 411 McCagne Bldg. Rooming Houses. . ROOMING HOUSE FOR, SALE . l-room rooming house must be' sold at ' once, arcount ot leaving city; all mod ern, well furniahed; all full; working condition; very fine location. Call Har ney 620. "rooms forHrent. Furnished Rooms. 2211 BT. MARYS, nicely furnished room, pleasant location for summer for on or two people. Tyier 6uzg. FURNISHED room with lauajlry. $2.80 per week. Walking distanc vaatlt men. 838 So, 220. Drawn for the Bee by McManus. Copyright. 1920 International New Service LARGE FURNISHfiD ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY. NEAR 34TH AND' HARNEY, FOR ONE OR TWO GEN TLEMEN. HARNEY 7221. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000, AND ASK-. ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THB BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. NEWLTJ furnished, outside rooms, near Farnam and 26th. Also suite of rooms for four. Gentlemen oily. . Douglas 7239. BEAUTIFULLY furnished roomu private, modern home, gentleman preferred. Harney 8591. COOL COMFY front j-oom, in Hancom park neighborhood, near Field club. Gentlemen only. Harney BUS SMALL modern room, $5 per month, to lady who will atay with child aeveral evenings a wecr.. Harney 3D4H 606 35TH AVE. Furnished room rlvato Harney 32 3025 MAPLE Nicely furnished rooms In private family; gentlemen preferred. Webeter 507. 919 SOUTH 26TH. nicely furnished room. private home, walking distance. Tyler 2297. NICELY furnished room, privets, family, walking distance. Call Douglas 6247. 1718 DODGE Light housekeeping and sleeping rooms for rent. "vTvier 4816 NICELY furnished room, suitable for die or two gentlemen. Call South 8378. LARGE east front room, stall in garagaT nreaKraat If oesiren. Harney nm. MOTHER and dauirhter to share home, Reference exchanged, Harney 1387. NICELY furnished room, modern, private home, near car line. Harney 1913. ONE nicely furnished sleeping room with or without board. Douglas 431'0. 'I 4250 DOUGLAS, lovely room. two east windows, modern. Walnut 59. NICELY furnished rooms, brick flaL" Gen tlemen only. Douglas 7209, NICE furnished room; modern home; vate family, 'gyler 2312. prt- 1539 PARK AVE., furnished Toora for one or two. Harney 41198. . FIVE rooms, rurnished, In modern home, Harney 1281. 1314 DAPGE Nicely furnished room. Call Tylef 1700. 1816 WIRT ster 184.- Rooms for rent, phone Web. NICELY furnished room, 6337. close In, Tyler NICE sleeping rooms. 526 So. 26th Ave. 410 SWEETWOOD Ave., sleeplng rooms. Housekeeping Rooms, 604 SO. 28TH ST. Three large, cool, nice ly furnished, parlor floor rooms; piano. Harney 1836. FURNISHED light housekeeping room. block to ear. Walnu t 1452. Board and Room. 2659 Dodge; good room and board, also garage. Harney 7039. v TWO young (adie to board and room. Tyler 2748. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 1E0 A MONTH, .attractively 'furnished nine.room fcouse facing west side of Hanscom park; large cool rooms; garage and laundry, store room. From .Tune 15 to October 1. Telephone Har- neyyu. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or kale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtor. Tyler729. THREE room house, three lots, 35th and Drexel, Inquire 3511 Drexel. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. HOME WITH CONVENIENCE OF HOTEL. Suites of two and three rooms In beautifully appointed building. Linen bedding, china, cooking utensils, heat, gas, light, water, phone and other necessities furnished., -We assume your servant problem. Hvery courtesy ex tended in showing apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS. Dodge, at Eighteenth. Tyler ,4200. FOR RENT 2-room apartment, large rooms and beautiful grounds. $75 a month, a 3 year lease la required. W. FARNAM SMITH & COMPANY, 1320 Farnam St. Douglas 664. DALLAS APTS., 2564 Marcy On room and kitchen. Douglas 9183. TWO-roomand kitchenette. 410 Sweet wood Ave. FOUR room, brick flat Call Webster 1640. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses KIVE to 4seven-room house: will pay $3S to $70 per month. Call Colfax 2405. MOVING AND STORAGE. ' FIDELITY andrvanCO. ' STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOL DOOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. - COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th-nnd Jackson Sts. Douglas 288.- MOV1NG, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shiDDinr. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. - 806 South lth. Dnug. 4163. GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND ' STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your movjng'. packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. METROPOLITAN VAN and-STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowan Co Tyler 3400. CAPPS-LONG TRANSFER CO. Heavy hauling, furniture, piano mov ltg and live stock hauling. Prompt ef ficient aervlce. Douglas 6261. ' HORSES AND .VEHICLES. For Sale. HIGH GRADE SHOW HARNESS $125 values st $85 per set, Including army and war harness; 3D per cent dis count on all harness goods and col lars. Write for free price list. Desk 9. MIDWEST HARNESS CO., 706 North 16th St. FOR SALE Twenty head of fine farm horaes. mares and mule. Soma of mares In foal. All atock guaranteed sound and in good condition. Apply at M. C. Peter Mill Co., 29th and B street or after ( p. mv phon South 475. " LIVE STOCK TWO fresh Jersey milk cows for sale; will glv f gallon each per day. Wm. G. Rice, five mile west of Fort Crook. Phone Paplllion Oak 1274. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHITE CHINA GEESE Egg for hatching, $1.00 each or ( for $4.00;. stock, $16 a pair: single bird, $10. G. W. McCulIough, BrscfdyKille, la. Rt. 1. SINGLE comb reds. Eggs from prise win. ner. First pen, 16 eggs. $2; 100-$10. sec ond. 15 eggs. $1.60, iOO-$7.69. John L Hoffman. Lin wood. .eb. . lCO-EGG Incubator. 2SS7 BristoL POULTRY AD PET STOCK. THOROUGH BRED R. I- R batching vggaf or J i L 1!or. J 3. C'olfaa 8 4 1. WHEAT creenlngs, $3.60 per 100. Wg oner,J80l Nn.l lugl jl.41. t BUFF ORPINGTON eggC $160 to $8.00; thoroughbred prla tuck. Douglas 4641. JbBIs3RSAJ.E Trucks! Trucks! Trucks! 1RAFF1C TWO-TON TRUCKS, th loweat priced truck on th market. Strictly new and first class guaranteed machine. Continental Red Sel motor. Russell axle, Tlmkin bearing and all other flrt claa parta. To reduc our stock we will aell a few at greatly re duced prices. Now la your chance to save a few hundred dollar on a truck. V. T. WALKER A CO., 2046 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Douglaa 7588. AMES OARAGE, 4113 NORTH 24TH. COLFAX $8$. BARGAINS LATE V FORD VHKPAN $860 1916 FORD, OVERHAULED. NEW TIRES 450 1817 FORD ROADSTER. OVER HAULED 300 1919 OVERLAND TOURING; OVER- HAULED $00 1917 CHE VOLET TOURING, OVER HAULED 825 THESE CARS ARE BARGAINS AND WILL GO QUICK. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF - TJ1E MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO- MOBI1.1NG: CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW. Al CONDITION. SELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 365 DAYS. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 362. 50 FORDS, BU1CKS. DODOES. New and used cars; cash or time. Ford bodies, commercial bodlea. m GOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO., CENTRAL GARAGE. 1318 Harney St. Vvler 714. Open Day and Night. REBUILT HUDSON SUPER-SIXES. We have several rebuilt and reflnlahed Hudsnns In closed and touring models; exceptional valuea; terms If desired. ' GUY L. SMITH, . Southeast Corner oj 26th and Farnam. 1920 STUTZ seven Pasenger touring car driven loss than 2.000 miles. This car la In perfect mechanical condition and looks like new. List prire, $3,850; will sell for $2,750. Call Douglas -3062 Monfy. - ONE STUDEBAKrHt-llght delivery truck; tires In fine condition; motor snd all mechanical parts In good order; thla will make a fine delivery truck for grocer. Harney 1601. FOR SALE May 1918 Stearna eight; thla car Is In first class condition snd It will be eworth your time to see It. For a demonstration Call D. 6188. After 6 p. m. call Web. 1285. ESSEX SEDAN, brand new, for $2.800r worth $3,000. Douglas 1291, or Tyler ,6' ' WILL trade my 1920 model Oakland 4-door xedan, driven only 6,000 miles, forgood clly lot In Omhaand cash difference. Box G-74, Omaha Bee. SOME bargains In used Ford csrs, Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The IIandy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackaon. Doug las 3500. I OR SALE Si x-cy Under Hudson, good condition. Owner must sell quickly. Good bargain. Call Mr. Campbell at D. 8554. USED CARS OF QUALITY. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 r ARN AM ST. W.f THE DIXIE FLYER. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2520 Farnam St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 233 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., I 23"9 Farnam St: WE HAVE 60 good used -cars to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2026 Farnam. ' , REO, 1918 7-passenger, 6-cyllnder. fine shape, $o50 for quick sale. Walnut 4743. Evenings. Colfax jS3S0. WAITED For spot cash, 100 used cars, quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6035, FOR TERMS (SlN USED CAftS- VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red eal on windshield. MUST sell my Ford touring car. nearly new, witn seii-atarter.' be it at ibis FOR SALE BY OWNER Ford cope at a Bargain, can be seen at Vinton garage. 163U vinton t. Tyler 3ft7. 1919 Oakland, brand new top. Juat over, nuuiea, Bargain, walnut 4743 or t, vga.A OIIax 1917 FORD roadster in fine condition. Cash or time. Bargain for some one. Colfax 1432. LEAVING city, will sacrifice Chandler sdan, and Rtudebaker six, good as new. Walnut 1082. , ONE 1917 FORD touring; engine Just overhauled; must be sold; $260. Colfax !: . - (-PASSENGER family caT: Jeffay four, In first class condition. Priced for quick. sale. Hyney 6496. WANTED to buy old tires. S. & A. Tir enq KUDbor t., 25ZZ;Farnam Bt. BRAND new rord Sedan, alerter, de mountable rims. Webstet, 2237. FORD speedster for sale, 3275 cash. Call u 6634. 1st class condition. FORD SEDAN, A-l condition; lota of ea- tras. Phorle Harney 2228. 1917 FORD touring, a real bargain, fin condition. Harney 2790. FORD runabout for sale, fin condition". tyier Z765. 1919 BUICK touring car, perfect condition. can weoster 1585. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. .Expert radiator and ' fender repairing; body dents removed: new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG, CO.. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Tires, and Supplies. NEW TIRES. STRICTLY FIRSTS. 80x3 $ 9.75 80x3H.... 818.75 83x3 17.35 82x4 20.60 SHIPPED SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 North 16th St. Douglss 3830. USED TIRES. 10x3. 36.00; 30x34', $6.00.. All sizes In proportion. ' Look over our rebulits. Open Sundays. Tyler 298. SAVIGE TIRES. 908 N. lth St. Keystone Tire Shop. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Hayfleld carburetor snd Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19th. N E W R E P V BLI C TI R ES CH E A P. 30x3 FISK..T...I12.95 I 34x4. . . , ;-.$21.9S " 3x3 t.fS I 36x4 26.9S KAJJVTA N TIR B JOBBERS. 1722 CUMING. Auto Livery and Garages. A GARAGE for rent. South 2196. 4418 S. 21st. Phon Accessories. ONE 3 K. P. A. C. MOTOR with bat tery charging generator; also Marvel cylinder reborlng machine. For quiet sale see Carl A. Anderson, th magneto man.l 516 Junes. PUNCTURE proof your tires. 200 for Ford size guaranteed for 1 year. Agent wanien. Aociresa fior-iter bSZQ No. 26th St. , Colfax, 1432. - L Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In uaed machlnea; sehd for list. Victor H. Roo. 27th and Leavenworth. JFARM LANDS Kansas Lands. Fine 160-Acre Farm Three miles railroad town; 30 acre blue gruss. 80 acres corn; good Improve ments; well and windmill; county high way. Price 8110 per acre. Possession any time. Caaida, Clark and Spanglor - Land Co., Ottawa, Kan. WRITE ua for prices and terms on lands in j nomas county, Kansas. Felton West, 307 Crouna Block. Missouri Lands. '"Some Bargain" 2no a ores well Improved, large orchard, good water, cloae to school and town. 33,000; $500 will handle. Hop on cars, come to see it. Owner. WtUman Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. Nebraska Lands. 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butt County. 85per cent best of farm land, Rose bud ailt loam aoll. a snap at $26 an acre. w S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY 213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Choice half section Improved uuei county. lana located In th heart of the wheat belt, five mile from town; must sacrifice because of 111 health. Buyertwill receive owner' (Kara jof thl year crop. Y-11J1. Be. i L J '