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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1920)
The Omaha Daily r Bee VOL. 49 NO. 292. Cetera u eaeeae'-eleaa atttar lu It, ISM. M Oawlu P. 0. aaaar Mt at (Una 1, 1171. OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 24, 1920. Rr Mill " aar. letlee 4tk Zm. Daily toaeu. N: DIU Oaly. M: !, M. TWO CENTS ttatalaa 4ta Zeee (I lull. 0ll ua . !: Oall Oalj. IU: teaeu Oalj. W. Vtm u OTTSIPt PaUBA AND (VCW- cu. BLtrr. nvx uisra. PRESS AGENT ORGY STILL CONTINUES Departmental Appropriation Measure Repassed Without Provisions to Regulate Pub licity Operations. NEWSPAPERS DELUGED WITH REAMS OF MATTER Booster Stuff Mailed Out at j Government Expense Daily To Thousands Many, Re ceive One to 10 Duplicates. By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bra Leased Wire. Washington, May 23. Congress has released the departmental ap propriation bill without the pro vision 01 sunjccuns executive yuu licitv 'operations to congressional k tiari'rr gnhtinn, which caused President S' W ilson to veto the measure, and the orgv of press agenting the adminis tration at public expense continues unabated. Newspaper bureaus are deluged daily with reams of printed and type written matter exploiting and fre quently misrepresenting depart mental activities and glorifying the alleged achievements of administra tion officials in the manner best suited to provote democratic cam paign purposes. The same matter is mailed at government expense daily to thousands of people whose names are on the departmental mailing lists, manyof whom testify to re ceiving anywhere from oruf to 10 copies of the same document, all separately addressed. While congress is considering measures for conserving print paper, of the shortage and high price of which publishers are complaining, the administration is wasting paper by the ton on propaganda period icals and mimeographed publicity, 75 per cent of which is consigned to the waste basket as soon as re-vj ceived. . Many Good Applications. -Of course it would be unfair to brand all administration publica tions as either valueless or per'' . nicious. Many of them, issued reg ularly by various bureaus under previous administrations, as well as this 'one, are informative and many of the mimeographed statements are of aid in furnishing verbatim texts of official orders and statis tical details. -The propaganda literature and press agent mimeographing have been developed , under the Wilson (Caaltaued aa Pat IaraCalaa TU. GERMANS BOOST PRICES TO ALL " U. S. TOURISTS Hotels and Restaurants in Most Cities Double or Treble cilis of Americans. - - : By PARKE BROWN. ew ' York Ttmea-Chieasa Tribane Cable. copyrifht, me. Berlin, May 23. Americans now ia Berlin have urged the Tribune to publish a word of warning to their countrymen who may, be contem plating a visit in Germany this sum mer and fll. "So much has been said in the United States of the 1 cheapness of ewrything in Germany," said one of4 the visitors from fans, mat some thing should be said how conditions have changed. In the first place, an American is charged twice or three times the amount shown on the hotel bill in most cities of Germany, and even the restaurants in some smaller towns add 200 per cent to the amount of the check. The stores iu Berlin and other cities JoKjnonths have been similarly raising prices tf foreigners without much protest, be cause of the rates of exchange. "But that was when one could buy 100 marks for a dollar, and he is now lucky if he can get 40. The result is that extremely few things aj-e cheap in Germany for an Ameri can. . - "And if, in spite of these condi tions, a man does, buy a few souve nirs and tries to take them out of the country, they are taken from him at he frontier, .unless he can N specify each article and include .it i.i lon'g lists covering nearly every thing. In other words, the average American is mad all . the time he is in Germany." Steamer and railroad fares, which were doubled last winter,-again will b doubled in October. Fire Does $600,000 Damage - On Portland River Front - Portland, Ore., May 23. Fit de stroyed the plant "of the North Portland Lumber and Box Co.. the abandoned shipbuilding yard of the Guy M. Standifer corporation, a number of docks, more than 1,000, 000 feet of lumber and four small dwellings. The loss was estimated at, $600,000. The burned area ex tended for three-fouffhs of a mile along the river front f Research Students Search For Elusive "Flu" Germs Lawrence, Kan., May 23. - Stu dents doing rese-r ch work in special problems at the University of Kan sas are on a still hunt for the elu- ViAlthough several different germs have been discovered, the "flu" germ is still "at large," according to Pro fit lessor Sherwood of the department "Pep" Supreme in Omaha Drive for Western Trade "Congo Polo" Popular Diversion in Car Carrying Jazz Band, While a Lil' 0' Game Entertains . "Trippers" Awaiting First Stop on Excursion. With the '"Bernis . Bag" siren shrilling its shrillest, and with a business man's head sticking out of every window, the I0-car special train bearing the Omaha trade ex cursion pulled out of the Burling ton depot at 7:30 last night, on a six-day reciprocity trip to south western Nebraska, northeastern Colorado and southeastern Wyom ing. More than 100 Omaha boosters made up the party that will carry the city's message to the towns to be visited. Each wore" the conven tional White hat, with red, yellow and green band, and carried the Ak-Sar-Ben umbrellas that have become an institution on Omaha trade trips. Everyone was cheering when the train left the yards. Plenty of Jaw. Dan Desdune's jazz band accom panied the party, to supply the har mony for the. Omaha songs to be sung at every stop. And the train hadn't gotten well under way until instruments were discarded for a general session of Congo polo." That, however, was scheduled to break- up -shortly, for "Bob" Manley had parked a yard and a half of very lively bull snake in a trombone player's horn, and it was expected to get into action early. The snake had been captured during an auto drive in the Dodge road earlier in he day. All of the horseplay wasn't crfn fified to the band car, either. "Joe" Kelly, one of the M. E. Smith repre sentatives, was selected by his fellow boosters to sleep on the upper deck of one of the compartments. That news was communicated to him just as the train, left and he was offering a bonus to the one who could get' WOMAN BURNS TO DEATH IN KITCHEN AS GAS EXPLODES Mrs. Elsie Rasmussen, Near Council Bluffs, Cremated in Home Didn't Know Stove Was Lighted. Mrs. Elsie Rasmtrssen did not know that one of the burners of th gasoline stove in her ' kitchen -was lighted when she started to fill the Stove with a fresh supply of gasoline at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. The can of gasoline jn her' (hands ex ploded and the women was en veloped in flames. Attracted by screams, her husband who was at work in the barn, rushed into the house. He wrapped the wo man in blankets but to late to save her life. She died a few minutes later. Her outer garments were badly burned. ' - The Rasmussens have lived on their farm in Garner township, five miles from Council Bluffs, for the last 20 years. Mrs. Rasmussert; who was 44 years old, is survived by ner husband, Jens; a son, Samuel, who lives in Idaho; a brother and sister who live on a farm near Council Bluffs, two brothers and three sisters in Denmark. Shoots at Ground to - Scare Wife, But Bullet Punctufes Right Leg Chlcafe Tribnne-Omaha Bea Leased Wire Chicago, May, 23. Police, res ponding to an alarm that a man had been shot, found Edward Sykes, 36 years old, with a hand -clasped tightly to his right leg. A revolver lav at his feet .- "What's the matter?" he asked. "I shot myself," he said. "What for?" "I aimed at the ground was and missed." . . ' . " - . - - "But why shoot at the ground?" "I quarreled with my wife and went out and shot at the ground to make her think I had shot my self. I missed the ground and hit my leg." Sykes was taken to a hospital. " New Methodist Bishops . Consecrated to Duties Des Moines, Ia.,"May 23. The 17 new bishops ofthe Methodist Epis copal church were conducted to the altar and consecrated to their tasks, according to the custom of the fhurch Sunday. Delegates said ft was the most sacred sen-ice of the general conference session. "Your Dog Has Fleas," Is Sample No. 1 of Choice Bits of Information Dished Up at Sunday Service "Your dog has fleas," Mrs. Ella Gardiner, self-styled spiritual rat mium, told a startled vfoman at the spiritualist meeting Sunday night The audience of about 100 persons that had crowded into the little hall at Twenty-fourth and Cuming street leaned forward that they might learn more about "the dog with yellow spots" that hovered over the me dium. The churches of Omaha are afraid that spiritualism is growing too strong, the husband of the medium announced. He told of accusations that the mediums were 'Tnoved by evil spirits and of efforts to turn' people away from spiritualism. Many Questions Asked. A pale young man with glasses learned that he had been studying a him a lease on a ground floor berth. He insisted upper berth specifica tions were made before he began traveling. v That Lil O Game. Something mysterious was start ed in -a compartment in the second car of the train, behind locked door? Curious members of the party could hear a subdued murmur within, punctuated at intervals by a clicking noise and a request by someone to "feed kitty." W. A. Ellis, assistant commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce, who had charge of ar ranging the trip, said there was nothing serious within, and that it would continue until the party gets back, next Sunday. J. David Larson, commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce, was elected train commander. The Bur lington railroad was represented by Bill Babcock, genial conductor on every Omaha trade trip in the past 25 years. 21 Stops for Today. The first stop scheduled will be at Imperial, Neb., this mprning. The train arrives at 6 a. m., and stays two hours. There will be 21 stops in all during the day, the last at Holdrege, yhere the train will remain for the night. H. W. Vickerson, also a veteran of trade excursions, has charge of the culinary department, consisting of two dining cars. He promised to make every meal different during the entire trip More than a ton and a half of provender was stored in his cars, and included chicken, beef, pork, fresh and cured, fish, mutton, vegetables ot all kinds, and iresh fruit. Additions for the tables will be bought en route. WOUNDED BANDIT WILL BE TAKEN TO STATE PEN TODAY . Fearing Raid on Hospital by Confederates, Officials Or der Harry Kelley to Prison Pal May Live. Fearing that his . confederates might raid the Atchison hospital in an attempt to assist Harry Kelley, one of the bandits who was wound ed following the robbery Friday of the How Stanfeftfl Tfscfpe the sheriff of Nemaha county,' Ne braska, has been ordered, to take Kelley to the Nebraska penitentiary. In charge of armed guards, Kelley, suffering from bullet wounds in his neck and lung, will be taken on a stretcher to the state prson this morning. Ed Ingram, the other wounded bandit, whom physicians said could not live more than a few hours, still was making a game fight for life last night. Ingram is wounded in the abdomen. Hospital physicians marvelled at the remarkable spirit of endurance displayed by the ban dit "He might live, but an ordinary man would have been dead a long time ago," one of the Atchison phy sicians said last night. That the trio of bandits have been involved in postoffice robberies was indicated yesterday when a further search of their personal effects re vealed postage stamps valued at more than $100. Police officers in Kansas City and St. Louis have taken up the search for the escaped bandit who eluded posses by fleeing to the hills near the village of Bean Lake. Mo. Officers expect that the escaped ban dit wui go to Kansas Uty or St Louis to seek the protection of con federates. He is thoueht to have escaped with about $2,500 in cash, as that amount was missing when offi cers captured his pals. Government of State Of Chihuahua Offers Big Reward for Villa El Paso. Texas, fav 23. A re ward of 100,000 pesos- for the death or capture of Francisco Villa' has been offered by the government of the state of Chihuahua. This an nouncement was made here by Pro visional Governor Tomas Gameros, who added that 2.000 troops left Chi huahua this morning under orders to hurit down the bandit chieftain. long time and would now reap his reward by getting a good position in another city. When the time came for questions the medium was asked about busi ness affairs, love affairs, accidents and deaths. The medium was kind and all questions were favorably an swered. . Business deals were all coming out all right; lost brothers still were alive. "In a Better Land." The first bobble in the program came when a woman the medium had a message for couldn't remem ber what relative of hers was called Mary. Finally she recollected that a sister-in-law named Martha was called Mary at times. She was told that Martha was behind her, saying "we are not dead, but living in a bet ter land.1" CARRANZA'S DEATH DUE TO DISOBEDIENCE Deposed President Left in Ignorance of True Condi tions, Due to Failure of Gen eral to Obey Instructions. NAVOA ADVISED AGAINST ESCAPE' BY HUASTECA General Herrera, Said to Be Slayer, Formerly One of Pelaez Followers in Tampico Order Issued for Arrest. w York Times-Chieace Tribune Cable, Copyright, 19S0. Mexico City, Mex., May 23. The latest information received places the number of dead at eight, two more having been added to the list. No 'positive information as to the names of the dead has been received except Carranza and General Pas quale Moralez Molina. One of Carranza's followers who returned this morning from the mountains says that on the 16th Car ranza, accompanied by Luis Cabrera, Manuel Berlanga, Paulino Fpntes, head of the railways, of Bonilla's staff, stopped at the town of Ouau tempani in the state of Puebla, ac companied by an escort of 80 sol diers and 20 officers, all well armed and mounted. During his stay in the town Car ranza, in spite of the protest of other members of the party, ordered the students of the military party, who had accompanied him, to return to Mexico City. This group of stu dents were the only organized es cort left as the presidential guards had disappeared. During the same day the members of the party, in view of the fact that large numbers of the forces of General Maricl re maining loyal to Carranza were lo cated at Nexaca, decided to join them. General Murguia also expect ed that General Porfiro Gonzalez, who fought under the orders of Mur guia, would also join the group, hot knowing that Gonzalez had joined the revolution. Disobedience Main Cause. One of the principal causes of the tragedy was the diobedien'ce of or ders of the general operating under General Navoa, who, hearing that the cadets were returning to Mexi co City, sent the general to meet them on the road to give an exact account of conditions so that Car .ranza would, know what had - hap- (Continued on Pace Two, Colnma Fire.) SISTER OF RICH ' " RECLUSE HUNTS FOR MONEY BELT Mrs. Harriet E. Wolfe Pushes Investigation Into Disappear- " ance of Brother's "Bank." Investigation is being made into the disappearance of the buckskin money belt said to have been worn by Albert J, Seaman, wealthy re cluse, who died some time ago at St. Catherine's hospital from the effects of i blood poisoning, accord ing to Mrs. Harriet E. Wolf, sister of Seaman, who is assisting in set tling her brother's estate. Several times my brother wrote me that he wore a money belt in which he carried valuable papers and considerable ready money with which to buy tax titles," said Mrs. Wolf, "and I have been informed by several acquaintances of my brother of the fact of his wearing a belt. but I have been unable to locate it 'I made inquiries at the hospital and was told that he had no such belt when taken there. We have in vestigated the value of a large num ber of shares of mining stocks in properties located in Colorado and Nevada, representing several thou sand dollars, which have "proved worthless. We were informed that some of the stocks were issued on undeveloped mining prospects. My brother owned considerable real estate in Omaha, upon which there is many thousand dollars of assessment taxes due for paving. sidewalks and sewers, which will be paid up, and we have found that he owned a 40-acre farm in northern Kansas." Mrs. Wolfe said she had been ap pointed administratrix of the estate in conjunction with T. H. Weinrich and that settlement was progressing slowly. ' "I expect to make my future home in Omaha," said Mrs. Wolfe, "and hope to build a home on some of the property left by my brother." Texas Grain Men Criticise Agricultural Department -Galveston, May 23. The Depart ment of Agriculture was criticised at the closing sessions, of the Texas Grain Dealers' convention for what was described as unwarranted in terference in the country's business. A resolution adopted called upon the department to "cease its ac tivities and to"confine itself to its proper ; functions, which relate wholly and solely to production." Albuquerque Threatened By Flood From Rio Grande Albuquerque, N. M., May 23. All able-bodied men in Albuquerque were called on to be in readiness to answer a summons -to attempt to save the city should the dikes break as a result of the flooded condition of the Rio Grande. The Vicious Circle .7 ..... j . ' (Copyright, bjr Tha Chicago Tribunal CALL CAVALRY TO PROTECT NEGRO AT WASHINGTON Mob Demands Life of Con fessed Slayer of Fiance of Representative Britten's - Private Secretary. Washington, May 23. A detach ment of cavalry from Ft. Myer was called out tonight to 'disperse a mob of more than a thousand per sons, which surronnded the Jail at Alexandria court house, 12 miles from the limits of the District of Columbia, attempting to obtain possession of William Turner, a negro. . Arrival of the cavalry, which had been requested by the sheriff of Arlington county, scattered the mob which had formed during the after noon threatening to lynch the negro. The troopers took up their stand about the jail and late tonight the little village was reported quiet. Had Stopped Car- Chicago ,Tribuiw -Omaha Bra Leafed Wire. Washington, May 23. Miss Pearl Clark, private secretary to Represen tative Fred Britton of Chicago, was robbed and T. Morgan Moore of Alexandria, Va., to whom she was engaged to be married, was-killed by William H. Turner, a negro footpad, early this morning. The attack took place near the highway bridge oppo site the national capital horseshoe grounds. Moore and Miss Clark, who were motoring in from the Alexandria pike, had stopped the car near the bridge and were about to start for Washington, when , the negro emerged from the bushes along the roadway and covering them with a revolver demanded money. Moore refused the demand and as the negro turned the revolver on him he seized his own revolver from the door pocket, leaped from the car, and fired at the footpad, wounding him in the right hand and leg. The negro returned the fire and Moore fell dead in the roadway, shot through the heart - Negro Takes Fright. Miss Clark, as the shots were i ex changed, sprang screaming from the car. The negro pursued her into the bushes, and she gave up her watch and rings, pleading with the mur derer not to harm her. The negro hesitated, then took fright and made off through the wood, dropping the watch and both rings in his flight. Miss Clark ran toward the bridge, meeting on the way an automobile party which, hearing the shots and screams, had turned - back to the rescue. They hastened to the scene of the holdup and finding that nothing could be none for Moore, drove Miss Clark to police head quarters in Washington. Confesses to Attack. Detectives from Washington and posses formed by the sheriff and deputies of Alexandria joined in search for the negro, who was cap tured at 2:30 this morning. He confessed to the attack and pleaded to be protected from mob violence. A large crowd quickly gathered and threats were made against the prisoner. Prostrated from grief and shock, but otherwise uninjured. Miss Clark is under the care of physicians at her apartment in Rutland Courts. She will be taken to Alexandria to morrow to identify Turner. Representative. Britten, shocked at the news of the tragedv. telegraphed immediately to Mis Clark's mother. Buchanan Funeral Tuesday. Funeral servic:s for Mrs. Mar garet Buchanan, 2452 Sonth Nine tenth street, who died Friday, will be held at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon in the Cole-McKay undertaking par lors. 2616 Farnam street BOY IS DROWNED AS CAR PLUNGES OVER RIVER BANK Son of Mr. and Mrs. Burch Harmon Loses Life While Parents Narrowly Escape, Auburn, Neb.. May 23. (Special Telegram) Five-year-old Lloyd Harmon is dead and his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Burch Harmon, are in a precarious condition after a nar row escape from drowning Satur day night. The Harmons were driv ing to Auburn from their farm ftear here when the accident which cost the life of their son occurred. Torrential waters, in ,a-. lateral draining ditch " which cmptfes into the Nemaha river had swept away the road bridge. In the darkness tt,e Harmon car plunged over the embankment hurling the occupants into the rushing water. After hav ing been carried 300 yards down the stream Mr. Harmon succeeded in rescuing his wife. Officials and many private citizens spent all of Sunday dragging the drain ditch and the Nemaha river in search for the body of the boy who was swalUwed up in the cur rent when the car went over the embankment. The body had not been recovered tonight Mr. and Mrs. Harmon were un conscious asthe result of exposure in the icy waters and the shock caused by the tragic death of their son.. However, physicians believe both will recover. The Harmons are well known throughout the state. "Class Consciousness" Is Instilled Into Freshmen Boston, May 23.' "Class con sciousness" .will be" vigorously in stilled into next year's freshmen at the College of Business Administra tion of , Boston-university with the adoption of A set of rules by the class distinction committee. Besides being compelled to wear a small green button in the lapel of their coats, the freshmen are obliged to leave off a41 evidence of prepara tory school connections,-wear no B. U. insignia, refrain from smoking in or about the building, use the back doer for the first month of the year, no bow ties, attend all meet ings of their class, keep the fresh man guide with them, have no words with coeds within the building. They must not loiter about the front .door, and must use at all tjmes proper respect toward the faculty, waiting, when in a professor's office, until spoken to. Launch Submarine. Bridgeport Conn. May 23. .The United States' submarine S-17 was launched at the Lake Torpedo Com pany's yards here late Saturday. Man Who Grabbe4 Seven Wives in Fast Fashion Says It's Easy; He's Writing the Story in Sing Sing Ossining, N. Y., May 23. "How I came to marry seven wives and land in prison" is the first adventure in prose of C. C. Wilson, a bigamist who has taken to the pen to hasten dull hours in the hospital at Sing Sing prison. In prison he is known as the "champ vamp." His essay follows x "They say that a good wife is a rare jewel I have been a collector of jewels. That is why I am now in Sing Sing. "Some curious persons size me up critically and ask, 'How did you do it?' ' More considerate v people ask, 'Why did you do it? Easy to Get 'Em. "It is not difficult to answer the first question. Winning a wife is about the easiest thing I ever at tempted. ' ".Well, some kill the man, some SAVE AMERICA TIRST, WOODCOCK URGES I SPEECH Kentucky Bishop Advocates Evangelization at Home. Then Save Rest of World Conference Closed. Putting pep into the spreading of Christian ideals and Christian doc trines was the theme of the two speakers at the - Episcopal mass meeting held at th Jrandeis. ihei ter yesterday afternoon. The desired result will be ac complished only by bringing .Christ out of the infinite and taking Him and His teachings into the midst of' the 20th century economic and political struggle, they declared. "The church has even a greater mission than the saving of individual selves and souls," asserted Rev. T. N. Morrison, bishop of Iowa, who spoke on "Christ for the World." "We have emphasized Jesus as the personal savior too much and too much neglected His message as the Messiah, His teachings on life here and now and -His declarations -on ideal relations between man and man. Christians Must Do More. "We are now' witnessing the passage of the age of individualism. The gospel of Christianity carries a real message for the new order of things that man is building. It is for Christians to spread that mes sage." Christians will fail to gjve the message wide - circulation, unless they do more than they have been doing, said Bishop Charles E. Wood cock of Kentucky, in his address on "The World for Christ" "Convert America first, before ex tending too much effort to other fields, was his advice. "The annual chewing gum bill of the United States amounts to more than all the money given for home and foreign missions," he mentioned. ' He said church statistics showed 38,500,000 Americans under the age of 25 who are notconnected with (Continnrd an Fata Two, Coloma Two.) Wife Choked by Husband in Nightmare, Denied Divorce Chicago, May 23 Your wife can't get a divorce if you choke her in a nightmare, Judge Jesse Holdom ruled. Mrs. Ellen Harris ' testified that her husband, William A. - Harris. grabbed her by the throat one night and "almost killed her." On cross examination she admit ted her husband was asleep. "That's not cruelty," said the judge, "that was a nightmare. Suit dismissed." kill the woman, some kill both or tommit suicide. Instead of resort ing to violence, I simply sought to give tangible proof to mv missruided spouse that other women could care. tor me that is how it began. . Here's the Proof. "It was Solomon who said, 'It is better to"eat a crust of bread in a garret than to dwell In a palace v;ith a contentious woman.' Amen! I had two of that kind, one for eight and one for seven years, and if the king had as much sorrow pro portionately with. his 700 as I had with my two it is little wonder that his days were cut short Solomon cashed in at 70, while Adam, Noah and Methusaleh. all of them single wifers, were still tearing dates off the calendar after 900 years. Doesn't this prove that bigamy is a per nicious habit?" - WILSON WILL TAKE HAND IN TURKISH ROW President Assumes Task of Arbitrating Question of Boundaries on Armenia at Request of Allied Premiers. REFUSES TO COMMIT SELF ON MANDATE OFFER Problem Considered One of Most Involved and Danger ous Situations in World Enforcement Difficult. By EDWIN L. JAMES. York Tlmva-Thirara Trlnoaa Cat Copyright. 120. Paris. May 23. President Wilson has assumed the task of arbitration of the boundaries of Armenia. Ambassador Wallace notified the committee of ambassadors yesterday that the president had accepted this difficult and delicate undertaking in response to the request of the allied premiers made at the San Remo conference. Their request was con tained in a note officially offering the Armenian mandate to America and asking that Wilson at least settle the mooted question of the northern and western frontiers of the newly created state. It is understood that the presi dent has noyjommitted himself on the mandate ?rr, his arbitration of the boundaries leaving that matter still open. , Recognizes Free State. Under the terms of the Turkish treaty Turkey recognizes Armenia as a free and independent state and agrees to accept arbitration of the president of the United States with repard to frontier between Turkey and Armenia in the provinces of Erzeroum, Trebizond, Van and Biths and access of Armenia to the sea. The boundaries of Armenia and the republic of Georgia and Azerbaidjan are to be settled by di rect agreement. In agreeing to accept the role of fettling the Armenian boundaries, President Wilson take? a hand in what is one of the most involved, and daneerous situations in the world. There is no problem existing (Continued 6a Pare Tare. Column Three.) URGE BODIES OF XAVALRY PLACED. AROUND DUBLIN City Practically Encircled by British Troops Several More Buildings Destroyed. Tork Tiaaea-Chleate Tribune Cable. Ceprrlf ht. 181. Dubjin. May 23. Large bodies of cavalry have taken up strategic posi tions around Dublin during the last few .fays and the city is now prac tically encircled. At night all the main roads are traversed ;by mount ed patrols, accompanied by motor lorries containing police and infan try. Incendiarism on a large scale habeen carried out by raiders at Glin, County Limerick; the court house, a club house building and Hi bernian hall, all being destroyed. It is stated that several hundred men invaded the town 'and having cut the telephone wires, they locked up Mrs. Regan,' the court house keeper, and her children, who were removed with their goods to another dwelling. The raiders then set fire to the court house and other build ings. Persons approaching the town were held up on the outskirts and ordered back. The Glanmire police barracks, situated a few miles from Cork City, were burned Saturday night. One of the men who burned ths Ballybrach police barracks was terribly burned and died in a Dublin hospital. Fifty armed and disguised men raided stores of the Anglo American company and Spell Motor Spirits company at Athlone and car- ried away in motor cars over 500 pounds' worth of petrol in tins. Asks Receiver Be Named For Allen Motor Company . Columbus, O.. May 23. Alleging its. claim of $7,403 for materials fur nished, the Allen Motor company here is due and unpaid, Judge Os car'AV. Newman,- representing the Connecticut Telephone and Electric cmpan3 Meriden. Conn., made ap plication in Lnited States .district ' court for a receiver for the automo bile concern. . The petition declares that the as sets of the Allen company (which the Allen company alleges are jn ex- , cess of its liabilities) consist largely of finished motor cars or cars in the process of manufacture. The Allea company, admitting the truth of the petition, has consented to the ap pointment of a receiver. Temperatures ' Forecast Nebraska Generally fair in east; increasing cloudiness, -probably fol lowed by local thunder showers and cooler in west portion'' Monday afternoon or night; Tuesday, fair and cooler in west; probably show ers aud cooler in east portion. Hourly Temperatures. ' a. a... SS 1 a.' aa. .at a. a... 54 t a. m ,1 a. m M a , an 11 a. aa.. M p. aa. ........ .7 a. aa S p. mn T a. M a n. m tt " S 1 a. aa.. ....... .11 boob tj it u ' i II i , vy . I