Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1920, EDITORIAL, Image 33

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    5 D
Programs for the Week l()n CCrnaY in Omflllfl
-rriscilla Dean, one of the land Saturday. "The Fortune VXl rJ.JLw X '-- 11 JL J.IA
Sun rriscilla Dean, one of the
loveliest of the screen start, in the
much heralded "Virgin of Stam
boul. is the program this week at
the Sun. Miss Dean is Sari, a beg
gar girl on the streets of the Turk
ish city. With alms secured through
her street dancing and cajolery, she
supported her aged Syrian mother.
She as a familiar figure to Yusef,
who kept a shop near the Bazar
of Egypt, and one day when she
came there to solicit alms, she met
a handsome American who was jn
command of a famous legion, com
posed of the dregs of humanity,
known as the Black Horse troop.
She heard Yusef warn the American
to beware of her as "her soul was
as the filth in the streets of Stam
boul." Filled with desoair. Sari re
solved to purify her soul to be
worthy ot the man ahe loves. I his
is the beginning of the stonr. the
telling of which engages an army
of players, thousands of horses,
camels and dogs, gigantic settings
and wonderful locations and which
vvas six months in the makinz. Miss
Dean's support includes Wheeler
Uakman, Wallace Beery. E. A. War
ren, Edward Burns. Eueenie Forde.
Ethel Ritchie, Nigel de Bruillier
ana Yvette UitchelL
Strand Wallace Reid and Bebe
Daniels in 'The Dancin Fool." from
the serial story in the Saturday
Evening Post, are presented by the
Strand today and all week. Wal
lace Keid proves to be both cabaret
artist and business man in this pic
tnre. He has the role of "Ves'
Tibbie, fresh from the country, who
becomes a clerk for his . Uncle
Enoch in New York at $6 a week,
Ilis Uncle Enoch is an old-fashioned
business man who never even
.heard ofa typewriter. Miss Dan
iels is Junie Budd. a cabaret dancer,
who discovers that "Ves" can dance
and induces him to' become her
partner in one of New York's jazz
palaces. In the meantime Enoch
finds that his business can no longer
keep alive and prepares to sell out.
"Ves" makes a -flying trip out on
the road, introduces a little pep in
the selling game and comes back
with enough orders to start over
again. Then old-fashioned Uncle
Enoch discovers that his nephew is
a dancer and things look glum for
Not the least part of the program
at the Strand this week is Harold
Loyd in "Eastern Westerners," said
by critics to be the best of the
Lloyd comedies.
Hunter, with Earle Williams will
be shown. "Yankee Doodle in Ber
lin" possesses a plot, .something al
most unheard of for a comedy fea
ture. Bothwell Browne is a female
impersonator. Ben Turpin, Charles
Murray, Ford Sterling, Marie
Prevost, Eva Thatcher and Chester
Conklin are all starred in the play.
The production is a burlesque on
what might have happened in the
war. Earle Williams as Nathaniel
Dunham in "The Fortune Hunter"
is a vouth who in the big city has
failed at every .occupation. He is
advised to go to the country and
marry an heiress. But he soon for
gets his purpose in an effort to make
good at work which he at last finds
congenial. In the cast are: Jean
Paige. Van Dyke Brooks, Nancy
Lee, William Holden, and Earle
Metcalf. -
Grand Today, Earle Williams in
"The Fortune Hunter;" Pollard
comedy and Pathe News. To
morrow, Mildred Harris Chaplin in
"The Inferior Sex;" Briggs comedy.
Wednesday, Ivy Ward in "Heads
Win" and "Adventures of Ruth," No.
7. Thursday and Friday. Shirley
Mason in "Her Elephant Man."
Suburban Today, Ora Carew in
"Loot;" Baby Marie Osborne in
"Miss Gingersnap. Tomorrow and
Tuesday, Clara Kimball Young in
"Trilby." Monday only, "Daredevil
Taek," No. 9. Wednesday and
Thursday, William S. Hart in
"Square Deal Sanderson." Friday
and Saturday, "Back to God's Coun
try" from the book by James Oliver
Hamilton Today, Frank Keenan
in "Smoldering Embers." Tomorrow,
Rosemary Theby in "Love's Pay
Day" and "Heads Win." Tuesday
and Wednesday, Creighton Hale in
"The Thirteenth Chair." Thursday,
Buck Jones in "Forbidden Trails."
Friday, Mafy MacLaren in "Bonnie,
Bonnie Lassie." Saturday, William
Russell in "The Lincoln Highwayman."
Yes, Everyone Must
Laugh, Once Anyway,
When Harold Cuts Up
Moon The Moon offers- a double
program this week: Charlie Chap
lin in "Tillie's Punctureed Ro
mance" and "The Bottom of the
World." The Chaplin film is a re
vival of his comedy masterpiece and
the other picture is the story of Sir
Ernest Shackleton's attempt to
reach the South Pole.
Marie Dressier and Mabel Nor
mand support Chaplin in the famous
comedy. Marie Dressier in "Tillie."
Her rich uncle plays a mean trick
cn his unsuspecting , niece. After
rhe has enjoyed an Inheritance from
him for several weeks, and become
accustomed to living on a grand
scale, the uncle comes to life again
and makes his appearance on the
scene of riotous living. When he
finds what havoc has been wrought
in his absence he telephones for the
police. Tillie, however, is having
her troubles with her unruly hus
band and in the chase which fol
lows, the cops in their automobile
drop 50 feet into the Pacific ocean.
The pictures of Sir Ernest's ex
pedition were made by his own
camera men and thoroughly cover
the expedition from the time it left
Buenos Ayres until it returned to
Valparaiso two years liter. The
film has been commendtd by lead
ing educators in all parts of the
United States.
Rialto William S. Hart in "The
Toll Gate" comes back to the
screen after a considerable absence
in what he says is "the best picture
I have ever made.!' And with him
comes Anna Q. Nilsson. Hart is
Black Deeringya, slashing, hard-riding
bandit chief.! Betrayed by one
of .his men, Deering is captured by
United States troopers, but he man
ages to escape and wih the sher
iff's posse hot cfn his trail finally
reaches seclusion after many thrill
ing scenes. In a little clearing he
comes upon the cabin of Mary
serted wife of the man who gav
him no to the law. In the davs that
follow Deering is influenced by her
noble character. He gives himself
up to the sheriff. In a subsequent
encounter he kills his betrayer and
for his good conduct, on that and
previous occasions is allowed his
freedom provided he keeps south of
the Mexican border. Mary Brown
loves him and wishes to accompany
him, but Deering, mindful of his
dishonorable past, feels he is un
worthy, and departs alone. Mr.
Hart's Pinto pony is a prominent
member of the cast.
Friday and Saturday of this week,
the Rialto will show Dorothy Dal-t-m
in "The Dark Mirror," with
Miss Dalton in a dual role which
takes her from New York society
circles to the slums of Chinatown
in one jump. The - photoplay is
adapted from Louis Joseph Vance's
novel of the same name.
Empress William Russell in
"Leave It to Me," comes to the Em
press for the first part of the week.
Russell is a happy-go-lucky and rich
young man who is made to go to
work by his fiancee. He buys a de
tective agency and in order to make
a good showing, invites a gang of
crooks to town. They come with a
rush and some of the situations
which follow are guaranteed to pro
duce laughter. Doris Kenyon in
"The Harvest Moon," long a stage
favorite, begins Thursday. George
A. Lessey is leading man. Wilfred
Lytell, another member of the cast,
is a brother of Bert. Others are
Earl Schenck, Marie Shotwell.
. Stuart Robson, Peter Lang, Daniel
Pennell and Grace Barton.
Muse "The Virgin of Stambour
will be shown at the Muse today
only. Tomorrow, Tuesday. Wed
nesday and Thursday, Mack Sen
nett's comedy, "Yankee Doodle in
Berlin," will be the program; Friday
The New York Times in review
ing "An Eastern Westerner," the
comedy which will be presented at
the Strand this week, said:
1 hose Harold Lloyd comedies a
word about them is due. v Spectators
at the principal Broadway houses
have seen His Koyal Slyness,
Haunted Spooks" and. last week,
"An Eastern Westerner." There has
been more laughter and better
laughter on Broadway because of
them than there would have been
otherwise. Because they are funny.
Every one must admit that, those
who are bored by the usual slap
stick as well as those to whom
horse-play is the soul of wit. Some
parts of them may be a little too full
of the rough-and-tumble stuff to
amuse one class of spectators, and
some parts may be too subtle to pro
voke the guffaws of another; but
take any one of them, and just as
soon as it becomes too dully violent
to be amusing for some, Mr. Lloyd
will do something as witty as
absurb. and they will laugh in bois
terous relief; and then, just as the
comedy is becoming so delicate that
others are beginning to wonaer wnat
it is all about. Mr. Lloyd will smash
something or almost break his neck
and they will roar in blatant satis
faction. So the house is kept
laughing all the time.
Mr. Lloyd, or whoever writes his
scenarios, finds clever, unexpected,
original things for him to do stunts
irresistibly risible. And Mr. Lloyd
is a bright pantomimist. He has
tricks of gesture and facial expres
sion that put him out of the class of
crude buffoons.
So, thanks for the Harold Lloyd
comedies. They make plople laugh
whole-heartedly, healthyt-and most
people enjoy laughing that way
when they have a chance.
Don't streak or ruin your material W
K poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyci.t
Easy directions in every package.
Lemons Whiten and Double
Beauty of the Skin
Squeeze the juics cf Uvo lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White which can be had
at any drug store, shake well and
you have a quarter pint of harmless
and delightful lemon bleach for few
Massage this sweetly fragrant lo
tion into the face, neck, arms and
hands each day, then shortly note
the beauty of your skin.
Famous stage beauties use lemon
juice to bleach and bring that soft,
clear, rosy -white complexion.
Lemons have always been used as
a freckle, sunburn and tan remover.
Make this up and try it.
Beautify Complexion
Nadinola CREAM
Ike UoequIeJ Beaatifin
By Thoutand
Guaranteed to remove
tan, freckles, pimples,
liver-spots, etc. Ex
treme eases 20 riivs.
Rids ports and tissues of impurities.
Leaves tat skin clear, soft, healthy. At
leading toilet counters. If they haven't
it, by mail, two sizes, 60c. 'and $1.20.
. Sold by Braaaaie Stem and Other
Toilet Counter.
l da 7f...
TPfiUfa Fistula-Pay When Cured
U JUJlvSS) "J"?1 F,Um ? earea Wlea. Fistula and other
ti D'"V" ,n hort time, without a aevere aarsieai op
A car Vuarant.l in No Chloroform. Ether or other central aneithetie need.
fcnd Wnu foTh,k7 b"." wft"nt. o met., ia to be paid antU
j . OR. E. X. TARRY Treat Bid.. (Be. Bide) Omaha. Neb.
T Or. K. 3. Jseaatesfc Medical Dtractor
Screen Plays and Platjers
By Long-
s n ft
I A t X I I ' y r S
A iM4V (fi'MTw -Lftart, u Xstmno) Held
I. ! : r
rriscWa'Oecin M V, 71 hi
-A, w w Wf
I" to y I ill
Summary for Toddy
BOUL" today only.
JMo8lem Sin Abounds
. In City Where Lives
Virgin of Stamboul
The Virgin of Stamboul," pro
duced by Universal-Jewel as a mas
ter feature, was written especially
for Priscilla Dean by H. H. Vaa
Loan, and the author has endeav
ored to paint an animated picture
of the wickedest city in the world.
The story has been faithfully fol
lowed and has produced the theme
in lifelike scenes.
In the role of Sari, the beggar girl
of Stamboul, Priscilla Dean is. said
to have achieved her greatest tri
umph. The part permits her to ex
ercise all those individual manner
isms that have made here a favorite
of the screen. The producers have
'urrounded her with every acces;
sory to make "The Virgin of Stam
boul' a triumph in realistic photo
drama. '
Marjorie Daw is planning an ex
tensive new wardrobe to take with
her when she visits Paris in August
with the Keilau organization.
Antonio Moreno will be featured
in the "Island of Regeneration,"
adapted from Cyrus Townsend
Brady's novel.
Anna Q. Nilsson and Hobart Bos
worth are co-starred in "Beneath
the Mast," now in the process of
making in California.
Mary Miles M inter's sister, Mar
garet Shelby, plays an important
part in her newest picture. They are
cast as rivals and both marry the
young man at different times.
Wanda Hawley has a lovely so
prano singing voice. She was as
sistant instructor in harmony in the
University of Washington before
she entered the pictures.
Helene Chad wick says that a
combination of salads and swim
ming will make any. woman slim
salad for lunch and a swim 'every
Will Rogers in "The Cowbov Phi
losopher on Prohibition," says "The
onjy way you could tell a citizen
trom a bootlccirer in Kansas was
that the bootlegger was sober."
Madge Kennedy in her latest pic
ture. "The Girl With a Jaw Heart,"
plays a double role a telephone girl
and a Mennonite maid.
tal workings of the country can be
forecast by this scenario vote.
Miss Loos is Mrs. Emerson in
private life. She and her husband
have collaborated in writing and di
recting for the past five years in a
series of photoplays for such stars
as Constance Talmaflge, Billie
Burke and Douglas Fairbanks.
The two met in producing the.
airbanks' pictures five years ago.
Colonial Quintet at Moon
The prelude at the, Moon theater
this week is "The Five American
Girls," a- charming quintet who fur
nish both vocal and instrumental
music. The young women are dress
H in Colonial stvle with white
wic;s and dainty gowns of soft
shades. Special stage settings will
be used.
Aek for Booklet 24.
Pacific Productions Company
Northern Office, 312 Artisan Building,
Portland, Oregon.
A pictorial prologue, about half a
reel in length, is being made for the
film "The Return of Tarzan", A
pictorial synopsis, reviewing vital
scenes in each episode will be made
for each succeeding episode.
The vaudeville tram of Eddie
Flanagan and Georgie Edwards will
be featured in a new series of com
edies to be released by Goldwyn.
Tom Mix has added 200 head of
cattle to his ranch at Moxville, Cal.,
which gives him the largest cattle
herd available for any motion pic
ture company.
H. B. Warner has bought a cam
era just Ho take close-ups of his lit
tle daughter, Joan Warner.
Blanche Sweet is studying as
tronomy. Elaine Hammerstein has been en
gaged by Selznick for a seven-year
period. I
Twelve Trizma color pictures in
five-reel features and short dramas
have been announced for the year
Ralph Ince stars in his latest pro
duction, "Out of the Snows." Zena
I Iran
Scenario Editors Get
Peep Into Inner Soul
Of American People
Game Callwi 3:30 P. M.
Box Seats on Sale Barkalow Bros,
Cigar Store, 16th and Farnam
Prohibition, the bolsheviki and the
end of the world are the three prob
lems uppermost in the minds of
Americans' today, according to John
Emerson and Anita Loos, photoplay
authors and editors who recently
received th'is report from their read
ers on nearly a ton of scenarios.
These scripts sent in by amateur
movie play writers throughout the
country during the last few weeks,
base their plots for the most part on
these three themes.
Mr. Emerson and Miss Loos be
lieve they have found a way of de
termining the national trend of
thought, more efficient than straw
votes or referendums. Since a large
portion of the 300,000 persons who
attend the movies daily bombard
scenario offices with stories based on
the problems which worry the most,
these authors believe that the men-
New Show Today
' Presenting
"You Cen Never Tell"
Novelty Sketch
In "Grand Opera to Jan"
Presenting Comedy Skit
"On the Road to Frisco"
"Dance Oddities"
Photoplay Attraction
Wm. Fox Presents
Wra, Russell
"Leave It to Me"
Ben Turpin Comedy
Pathe Weekly
ami to Dairy
Leavenworth at 26th St.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
May 26, 27 and 2M'jr,Vtf
Every resident of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs is cor
dially invited to visit the plant, drink a bottle of perfectly pas
teurized, fresh, sweet and pure milk on our roof garden and take
home free a package of cottage cream cheese. Miss Lutie E.
, Stearns will lecture at 2 :30, 3 :30, 4 :30, 7 :30 and 8 :30. This will be
your last opportunty to hear Miss Stearns. Guides will show
visitors how milk is received, tested, clarified, pasteurized, bottled
and capped automatically.
Every safeguard used to protect the health of the community
will be showrf, such as sterilizing the bottles with live steam be-r
t fore refilling, after no less than six washings.
The Alamito Dairy is one of the most sanitary in the country.
Hundreds of visitors during the past month have showered the
management with praise of its sanitary condition. Come and see
for yourself. You owe it to yourself and your family to do so.
Children only admitted when accompanied by adults. Come
and bring your family and friends.
Alamito Dairy Go.
Leavenworth at 26th St.
Douglas 409. Council Bluffs 205
Mr. Electric Power
Consumer: .
What Does Your Electrical
Equipment Need ?
Repairing or Rewinding
Call Tyler 4488 Day and Night Service
We are prepared to handle quickly, correctly, c
ficiently electric motor and generator repairs.
Electrical Equipment Redesigned and
Built to Meet Special Requirements
New, Rebuilt and Used Motors in Stock 1T
Immediate Delivery ,
States Electric Service
Tyler 4488 J Oil Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
m m ess
3$P I) H2SJS'M XX1
a a
Daily Matinee, 2:15. Every Evening, 8:15 .
Presenting VARIETY"
.rxxir jh A Scenic Musical Offering
A Fantastic Comedy Nov-
elty Written and Pro- w,th Sextette of
duced Under Personal Di- Clever Artiste
rection of Mr. Hymer.
Assisted by Roy Dietrich MOEY
j Present
... ,, . . Their Chinese Version of
"An Unusual Conversation" American Songs Dances
A Breeze Present
From Th.LowM(U An Art Classic"
' A Few Minutes
Prices: Matinee, IS. 25 and 30c; few 75c Saturday and
Sunf Nights, IS, 28, 50, 75c and $t.0O; few 91.25 Sun.
Keefe. leading: woman, is 'Anitah,',
a half-breed Indian, in the picture. ",
Wheeler Oaknnn, the masculino
lead in Annette Kellennan's "What
Women Love," is tht husband ot
Priscilla Dean.
Tearl Vhite is returning from
abroad after a rest which included
a tour of Great Britain and the con
tincnt. ,
Charles Ray will star in "Forty-
Five Minutes From Broadway."
A motion picture must carry an.
sppeal to women in order to be a
success, declares ucorge tie ban,
who always makes the appeal so
successfully. The qualities of ap
peal must bS human interest touch
and Jove interest, he explains. And
it doesn't make much difference, he
adds, whether the human interest
stuff comes from a Belgian waif, &
stray lop-tared dog, a baby or a'
rriscilla Dean's next picture will
be called "The Cat That Walked
Alone." The story was written for
the picture hy John Colton. The
name was adapted1 by Mr. Colton
from the quotation from Kipling;
l am the cat that walks by itself
in the wild, wet wood and all
places look alike to roe."
Let Your Boy Spend
His Summer on a
Real Western Ranch
With seventeen other boys, each with a horse
for himself, camping .trips in the forests, to the
Indian Villages and exploring prehistoric cave
dwellings under supervision of men of sterling
character. I sent twelve boys there last summer,
who had the time of their, lives, gaining in
health and knowledge of Nature. Parents were
most grateful for suggestion. I shall be glad to
tell you of camps, ranches and outdoor trips for
girls and boys, and grownups, too. I recommend
only those I have investigated.
Jo charge or fees.
yisK Mr. Fostex
Burgess-Nash Co.
.On Balcony
Dancing Academy
Sweet Singer
Introducing the latest ong hits
of the country, such as "Pepgy,"
"Moving Picture Ball," "Clinsr-a-Ling"
and "Jazz Bazaar."
Rohan's 10-Pieca Orchestra
III Say I Am
Going to Krug
Pqrk today
StfNDA Y-to
dance and en
joy the rides
going there
every week for
clean, whole
some recrea
tion and re
fined amuse
ment You Know
there is such m diversity of
amusement at Krug Park, one
can always find entertainment
there to enjoy. There's the
Giant Coaster
and a
.with the best dance floor in
the state. Then, too,
of twelve piece it unsur
passed; the music ia food
trie time ao perfect every one
enjoys an hour or two ia this
big outdoor pavilion.
Now On Sale for
Private Lockers
at the
Swimming Pool
Price $26, including War Tax
Apply to F. HAMBOECK,
Mgr. Swimming Pool and
Bath House