2 A THE OMAHA SUWUAI BEEt ' MAT ZS, IVZV. OFFER DRAFT OF PROPOSED COURT OF THE LEAGUE Jlorwav. Sweden, Denmark. Switzerland and Holland Join In Conference at Hague s- -Announce Results. The Hague, May 22. A draft for the permanent court of international justice of the league of nations, as it has been offered to the secre tariate of the league in the name of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switz erland and Holland, has been made publ.ic by the Dutch government. It is the result of the conferences in the peace palace at The Hague. According to the plan the court would consist of IS judges and six substitutes, who must all be rec . Agnized authorities on international justice. Its members would, be chosen by the assembly of . the league; the judges to be appointed for nine" years, the substitutes for six years. The members would be elected without regard of their nationality but no more than two judges of the same country could hold office in the court. "They would be re-eligble but they would have to resign when 66 years old. They would then have a right to a pension, which, like their salary would be fixed and paid by the league. The duties of the court would be 1o adjudicate differences between rations and it would be competent to act on all cases in which its de cision is asked. The permanent court of interna tional justice is provided for in Ar ticle XIV of the covenant of the league of nations. The council of the league of nations at a session in I-ondon in February' announced that a committee of 12 distinguished international jurists, including Elihu Hoot of the United States, had been invited to prepare plans for the con stitution of the court. Mr. Root ac cepted the invitation as did Lord rhillimore of England, Baron Des camps of Belgium, Dr. Loder of Holland, and M. Vesnitch of Jugo slavia. No plans as formulated by the committee for the organization of the court have yet been announced. Kearney Lumber Man Struck by Timber; Dies of Injuries Kearney, Neb., May 22. Special Telegram.) James Selleck, manager and stockholder of the Gilcrest Lumber Co., died this morning from effects of an injury received Thurs day. ... ; While assisting in stacking heavy timbers one fell and struck him in ihe stomach. While the wall of the tomach was not pierced, he suf ered internal injuries. Mr. Selleck was a pioneer in the lumber and coal business in this vicinity. He is survived by his widow, two sons and a daughter. Two Men Are Overcome By Heat at Des Moines Des Moines, la., May 22. (Spe cial Telegram.) Two men were overcome with' heat here today. Sultry weather brought on storm liere this afternoon. elX &mjtwfi4 O A Straight, Square, on the Level l Off On hvery tnmg Until Further Notice HELP! We need two good J 3 salessirls for Derma- a - ... . nent ppsition, prefer 'experienced ones 3 but will consider en ergetic, adaptable , girls without experi ence. Salary and Commission ' , Apply Monday 3 Carranza Murdered By His Own SofcBers (Continued From lint Tf4 to its last dwelling place atth capi tal city, requesting yem .to bedf special train for (ify purpose, to Be is'tain. Respectfully (signed), '"''GENERALS JUAN BARRA- GAN,V F. DE P. MARIES, FREDERICO MONTES, MA'R- CIANO GONZALES. ""Tgnacio Bonillas, Lieut Col. D. M. FGernandez, CoL F. Lime and others. M,I have answered the foregoing message as follows: " ' "Your wire to Gen. Pablo Gon zales. It is very strange that a group of officers who are vouching their loyalty and honor like your selves and were accompanying President Carranza with the unfal tering duty of protecting him, should have allowed him to be assassinated without complying with your duty as it will be viewed by the people of the republic and the people of the world, that you should have shared his fate. More so when the whole nation is aware that you are the only Ones responsible for the unfortunate happenings of the last few weeks and which bad such a regretable fi nale in the death of Venustiano Car ranza which found him abandoned by his closest friends, who, at the critical moment failed in their duty to protect him. , . Safety Guaranteed. "'On repeated occasions, Presi dent Carranza was notified that every guarantee would be given him if he would be willing to leave the danger zone, but he refused to ac cept this offer because he undoubted ly considered it an undignified act of a man of honor to save himself, leaving his companions in danger; this ,act of Carranza revealed the dignity and good fellowship which you failed to appreciate. "'There are signed to the mes sage the names of 32 officers and cue civilian, which is more than sufficient in number, if they would have done their duty, to have saved Mr. Carranza's life, if as you state, he was assassinated. ; - "'I have the right to suppose, that you ran away at the critical moment without having even made use of your arms, as none of you were wounded. If you. had died defend ing the life of your chief and friend, who had showered so many favors upqn you, you would have been honored by public opinion and would De at rest with your conscience and would have escaped the shame of your cowardliness. "Signed, "A. OBREGON.V Washington. May 22. No renort on the death of Carranza had come today from the American embassy in Mexico City and the Associated Press dispatches were the only in formation before the government here. The manner of Carranza's death may inject an unlooked for element into the question of recognition of the new government in Mexico. When President Wilson declined to recognize Huerra after the killing of Madero and Suarez, he outlined a broad policy that the United States would recognize no governments not based on constitutional authority. ihus lar the Mexican revolution has been free from fisrhtin. and the question of whether the revolutionary torces might re recognized has been left for later development. Kecalhng the presidents attitude revolutionary agents here were frankly concerned and took im mediate steps to learn details that would clear up the manner of Car ranza's death. Rabbit Had Six Legs. Mustang, Okl., May 22. Pulling ."fine sight of a jack rabbit that loped away in front of him near here the other day, Edward Everling scored a direct hit. Upon picking up the animal Everling was surprised to discover that it was the possessor of six legs. The bunnv was sent to the Uni versity of Oklahoma, where it will be mounted tor the department of zoology. Postmaster Exams June 16. Washing-ton. May it. (Sdc!&1 Tele. aram) Civil aorvlce examinations will be held June IS for poatmaatera at Lake side, Ewlitg, Bulo. Lehigh and Overton, Net. Km horn, spring-villa, Fayette, But, Epworth, Calon, Weatenls, la. lOER RRICE SLO MAY BE 0"LY TEMPORARY Decline From $6 to $9 During Last Month Due to Traffic Congestion, Omaha Dealer Says. Ed P. Boyer, manager of the Boyer-Van Kuran wholesale lumber companies in Omaha, believes the decline of $6 to $9 on rough lumber made within the last 30 days will be only temporary. A formal statement issued by Mr. Boyer to his customers says: "Though the wholesale cost of lumber has declined from $6 to $9 per thousand, the market during the past week has shown signs of stif fening. "This slump was due almost en tirely to railroad congestion east of the Mississippi, the railroads having placed an embargo on all cars of lumber consigned to points east of the Mississippi. "This embargo, was without any advance notice to manufacturers on the west coast, so they had no choice but to x dispose of their products which were in transit, to dealers in the middle west. "To substantiate this statement. I will say that there was over $50,000 demurrage assessed on cars of lum ber held by one of the railroads in the mountain states and Council Bluffs during the month of April. "If loan companies would loan the same percentage on new homes that they would a year ago, I believe present lumber situation would stim ulate home building." "Billy" Leet Loses His Suit to Make Bennett Pay For "Mice Party" "Billy" Leet lost another suit in cuort yesterday when Municipal Judge Arthur Baldwin decided against him in his action to force Hugh Bennett to pay $147, alleged to be due Leet as half the expenses of a party given a short time ago at the Henshaw hotel. Leet testified last week, just before he departed on a trip to Japan, that Bennett had agreed to bear half the expense of the entertainment and refreshments. In court yesterday Bennett testi fied that Leet bad invifed him to at tend the celebration, without men tioning a division of the costs. In beginning his action, Leet attached Bennett's trunk. This was restored to the latter. 'Judge Baldwin held that the plaintiff in the case had not established existing indebtedness. Quarrel Over Parrot; Wife Demands Divorce Fort Worth, Tex., May 22. The parrot did it. His clatter was the cause. Such is the latest alibi for seek ing a divorce, according to the peti tion filed in the district court here by Johan Petrovisky, an Austrian, against his wife, Marie, whom he charges, threatened his life, when he attempted to chastise her pet par rot for talking too much. Marie, according to Johan's com plaint, accompanying the applica tion for divorce, declared: "You have killed my poor polly; now I'm going to kill you." Since this declaration, according to Johan, he has lived in constant fear for his life. Therefore, he seeks separation from his spouse and the parrot. Automatic Danger Signal. Paris. Mav 22. French rallw-n accidents due to mistaken signals win become a thing ot the past with in six months if an invention just adopted by the French government fulfils the promise of its early trials. The device is electric and is oper ated by a hinged bar placed between the tracks. When the signals arc at danger the bar springs up and is touched by the undercarriage of the engine, automatically causing an electric sign of warning to be flashed directly in front of the engineer's seat. . i - . I THDFIPBON-BEIDEN &W. . I ; I 1 ' ' Omaha v. Haas Brothers Minneapolis ON MONDAY Silk Skirt Sale The latest fashionable models for immediate as well as midsummer wear in such fabrics as ' F ant axis Baronets Kumsi-Kumsas Crepe de Chines Tricolettes Paulettes t IN ALL THE NEW SUMMER SHADES S N J Values from $24. 75 to $39.50 These perfectly beautiful, faultlessly made Skirts are at less than half the price of materials alone. If you want a bargain in a really wonderful Skirt be here early. SIZES FROM 25 TO 32-INCH WAIST Shop Opens at 9 A.M. Haas Brothers ' l6thFarnom St If You Like Splendid Assortments If You Desire Good Qualities We Can Serve You Well There are many advantages in mak ing a selection from stocks which do not limit your choice. Satisfaction is largely a matter of selection and the Thompson-Belden Store is pre pared to offer the most desirable of seasonable apparel, fabrics and dress accessories in such variety that per sonal preferences' can be easily satisfied. We are merchants and from the ex perience of thirty-four years are well qualified to know the markets and in a position to take advantage of ' every price concession . they offer. We speak with authority when we say that our Prices are always Fair, our Qualities always Desirable. LACES for Frocks-Hats Blouses and Dainty Lingerie Insertions and edgings, narrow laces and flouncings to match, and, as yet, an unbroken assortment. Cluny, Valenciennes, Point de Venise, Irish crochet and Filet, in edgings, medallions, insertions nd flouncings. Collar points, and shirred, tucked and ruffled bits of lace and net for vests and under sleeves all the lacy needs of a season of laces. Imported laces Car rickmacross,' Irish cro chet, Duchess and Filet, hand made by convent workers of Belgium, France and by Irish needleworkers, are an interesting part of our showing and one which you will find worth viewing. Inexpensive wash laces for under garments, Valenciennes in all widths, and excellent imitations of Filet and Venetian lace are of fered. New cotton tor chons arrived the other day, priced 10c and 15c a yard; they wash and wear wonderfully well. . Center Aisle Main Floor Aids to the Seamstress Adjustable belting with three hooks and eyes already firmly fastened in may be had, boned and shaped, in black or white, for 25c, 30c and 35c a belt. Our sewing silk is quite a bit cheaper than any where else in town ; BeJ ding's silk in 50 and 100-yard spools, 7c and 14c a spool. Trimming buttons of all sorts, tiny black satin ones, pearl and smoked pearl buttons in the shape of buckles and a host of others are priced all the way from 20c to $3 a dozen. Interlining, ready made and well fitted, come in either net or lawn, for 90c and $1. , Notions Center Aisle Main Floor The Finest of Silk Hosiery L&ce Hose in lace clocked, lace inserts, lace boot and all over lace designs are an important part of our showing. The designs are unusual and very beauti ful and are offered in a very wide selection of pat terns in black, white or navy. Embroidered clocks, hand work, are shown in a vari ety of styles on white, black, navy or cordovan pure silk hosiery. Very sheer hose of a beau tiful quality of silk come in black or white from McCallura. Pure thread silk hose, silk to the top, are offered in black, white, navy, mid night blue, pink, sky, sil ver, bronze,' cordovan medium gray, smoke and rust shades. The Hosiery Section may be relied upon for complete assortments McCALL'S Summer Quality and McCall Magazine for June are on sale in the pattern department. . Second Floor Summer Styles and Ribbons Are inseparable. Fashion recognizes the wonderful effect of dainty ribbons and so decrees that they shall appear on every sort of garment from head to foot. Ribbons play an important role the hat, the gown, the neckwear, and most certainly the lingerie, all depend for success on the bit of contrasting color or silky sheen that a well chosen ribbon supplies. Just to the Left As You Enter A New Sweaterogue That seems to follow the trend of styles in dresses is that which sponsors ruffles, just below the waist, about the sleeves, and even a double flounce appears on quite a few. Collars are versatile, extending to the beltline, adopting a sailor style, or disappearing entirely, on a few sleeveless or slipover styles. Silks and woolens seem equally popular, and in both, the colors are exquisite many shades of blue, from turquoise to a lovely, deep greenish blue, shades of coral, pink, salmon, rose, crimson and on to a dark American beauty, several hennas, beige, green, lilac and some effective black and white sweaters (and incidentally black and white is very good this season), complete the showing. A sleeveless one-piece golf, sweater, fringed and belted. A heavy blanket motoring sweater, fringed and leather belted. ' Much beruffled sweaters with trimming of soft, , brushed wool. , " The Store for Blouaet -Third Floor A Peep Into Baby's Wardrobe Discloses many artful garments, each one an effectual aid to the serious business of eating, sleep ing and growing, and waxing fat and happy. Slips and dresses and "Gertrude" petticoats of lawn and batiste, dainty, soft and fine ; christening robes, with petticoats to match, their trimmings of tucks, em broidery and cobwebby lace ; coats and bonnets and negligee jackets of wool or crepe de chine and all the knitted things that clever hands can fashion for the comfort of little folks. For the small icrib or bed, all the dainty fix . ings, tiny sheets and pillow slips to match, quilted pads and soft cotton or woolen blankets. Dainty little slips, skirts and gowns, machine or hand 'made, range in price from $1-25 to $3. Summer weight shirts of tranzf rntthn nr nillr and wool have long or short sleeves and come in all sizes for a wide range of prices. Stork absorbent dia pers, one-half dozen to a box, are priced $1.40 a box. A special for Monday. Waterproof baby pants, a 35c quality for 23c, an 85c quality for 49c. The Baby Shop- Second Floor The Becoming Ways of Veils Were never so apparent, and never were the veils themselves so flattering and delightful, so essential to the well-groomed woman- For a veil assures a neat coiffure, the hat correctly placed and a general air of perfection. There are plain little veils, with meshes so fine as to be almost invisible ; there are dotted veils and they may be scattered dots or dots grouped in patterns; there are intricate hand drawn traceries of flowers and conventional patterns, and there are chenille patterned veils that are very smart. In any case, a becoming design need be your only care, veils are fashionable whatever the pattern. Center Aisle Main Floor Eppo Petticoats Well Made from the Best of Fabrics In whatever material, and for whatever price your selection may be, the - same careful styling and Workmanship has gone into the making. ' In taffeias, all jerseys, jersey tops with messaline or taffeta flounces and a great many other materials. An examination of an Eppo petticoat will fully con vince you of their excellence ; there are several fea tures exclusive in this skirt that insure a perfect fitting and prolonged wearing qualities. Cotton Petticoats, $1.50 to $4.50 Silk Petticoats, $3.95 to $28.00 Petticoats Third Floor Sorosis Oxfords for Street Wear Brown Kid Oxfords with medium weight welt soles and a modified and very graceful Cu ban heel. Black Kid Oxfords with welt soles and military heels, or welt soles and Cu ban heels. Shoe Main Floor Designedforthe Slender Woman Was this dainty corset in a low bust style, with inserts of rubber about the top in just the com fortable places. Of pink novelty cloth with lace and ribbon trimmings, it is an attractive thing, with lines that will em phasize your natural grace and perfect the fit of every gown. ARedferm Model Coraeta Second Floor