Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1920, Image 1

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ia Sunday Bm
1 I- !i
Catena' wcm-Iim Mtthr May tt. IMt. M
I . . Oatka P. 0. aaaar Ml at Nana S. IS7S.
Jy (I nw), Inildt 4tN Zaat. Dally Suitia., W; Dally Oaly, ii: Sunday, 4. FT VI? PTPXTTC (H'TSIM: OMAHA AND COl'V.
Uuttlda 4th loa. Mr), Daily aaa State Ill: bally Oaly. Ill; fcwaday Oaly. rl Hi U&IN lb, BUrrS. CtNlV
Deposed President Slain by
Troops Under Command of
Former Federal Officer,
Obregon Message States.
Soldiers of Former Leader Are
Scored for Allowing Assassi
nationCharges Guard Fled
At Critical Time.
El Paso, Tex.. May 22. President
Carrartza of Mexico was assassinated
by his own men, according to a
telegram from Gen. Alvaro Obregon
of Mexico City, received by revolu.-
tinnarv scrrnts here tndav.
Carranza was killed by troops un
der Gen. Rodolfo Herrero, a former
federal soldier of the Diaz regime,
' the message from Obregon stated.
The assassination was reported to
vhave ' taken place' at Tlaxcatlongo,
Puebla, yesterday. '
Carranza's chief followers, who
were with him when he died, ad
dressed a message to Gen. Pablo
Gonzalez protesting the assassina
tion of their chief. This message
was transmitted here by Obregon
with his answer. ' ' . '
Th Carranza leaders said Car
ranza was made a prisoner and cow
ardly assassinated at the cry of "vive
Obregon," bylCol. Rodolfo Herrero
and his men, violating the hospital
ity that had been offered him by
Herrero. " ' , .
"The undersigned of this mes
sage," said the Carrancistas, "protest
with all their energy, honor and
loyalty to the entire world, this new
stain which has been thrown upon
our country." '
OWegbn, hi his answer to this
message, scathingly arraigned Car
ranza's followers for allowing him to
- be assassinated.
. V Give News to Press. '
A message received here this
afternoon-by Louis Montes de Oca,
commercial agent for the new de
lacto government, from the depart
ment of propaganda and information
at Nogales, told him to give, the in
formation of the assassination cf
. Carranza to the press, "laying parti
cular stress on the fact that the hap
pening occurred far away fronv the
field of operations of our armies.
General Obregon's message to
Roberto Pesquiera, financial agejit
of the de facto government, said:'
"Headquarters General Obregon,
Mexico City, May 22, 1920-R. V.
Pesqueira. Ciudad Juarez, Chi
huahua: I am transmitting the fol
lowing message received yesterday
from Saxa; , , . .1
"'We are wiring today Gen. Pab
lo Gonzales the' following:
" '.'Early this morning at the
town of Tlancaltenango, the presi
dent of the republic, Venustiano
Carranza, was made a prisoner and
cowardly assassinated at the cry of
'vive . Obregon,' . by Col. Rodolfo
Herrero and his men violating the
" hospitality that had been offered him
by Herrero. . .
Ask For Carranza's Body.
VThe undersigned ,of this mes
sage protest with all their energy,
"honor and loyalty to the entire
world this new stain which has
been thrown upon our country.
After having complied with our
duty which our honor as soldiers
1 and friends of Carranza hnposed on
us w are at your service and we
only ask permission to- allow us to
take'the body of our worthy chief
CrtbHM Tw0 Colon !)
Dusky .WoTkman Consumes ,
Complete Stock of Liquor
Decatur; 111.. May 22,-For 20
' years Postmaster Bering of Decatur
' kept four bottles of old time
"hootch" in the cellar of his home.
The other day he let Herbert Roe
a murky colored descendant of
African warriors', clean out the
basement. Roe did-the choice
liquor, too only he admitted drink
. ing it all. Now Bering, a former
n-i f.. halt maffiutf. ha
i 111 CC JUJC O
had Roe junked in the hoosegow
tor w oays. - .
California Raisin Growers
Sell Crops for $33,000,000
" Fresno, Cat, May 22. Checks
mounting to $4,500,000 were mailed
today to growers by the California
Associated Raisin company. The
mailing of these checks means a to
tal to growers on the last-crop of
$33,000,000 with another, payment
due in November still to be made.
The checks represented $30 a ton on
,U varieties. '
Author of "Pollyanna"
. Stories Dies in Cambridge
rimhridtre. Mass.l May 22.
Um Eleanor Hodfftnan Porter, an
...thnr known esoeeiaflv for her
"Pollyanna stories, died at ner
home here Friday, night. For 20
years she had been a frequent con
- ..ikntnr tn maminei and neWSDa-
. pers and had written several books.
av HiVlRr Helned Profiteer
. . . 7'.- 7 . .
Washington, May 22 The charge
-that. Secretary ' Baker : hid en
- couraged profiteering by -delivering
to fertilizer' trust" part of the
War -department's nitrate of. soda
' .f. rr,,. In thm. t,nAc hv
Representative Tincher, republican.
- dopted by congress in April pro
, vidlng for the sale of food nitrate of
i. - - - r ft i a .
. jiu w wmm ia .
"All Commodities Are Breaking
Under Widespread Move
ment for Lower Costs. ,
New York, May 22. Influence
by the nation-wide price-cutting'
tation that is steadily V
ground, the principal comx
markets of the country confKued
today to "mark down" quoted
values. Cotton, sugar and corn op
tions broke violently here and in
Chicago and cereals and provisions,
including pork, also answered to
sharp reactions. Significance was
attached to the drop in- the pork
prices as marking the first pro
nounced break in high-priced food
stuffs. .
Liberty Bonds Recover.
The stock exchange showed im
provement on a sharp recovery of
Liberty bonds and Victory notes.
A large part of today's liquidation
in cofton and grains was attributed
to the further scaling down of
credits by banking institutions here
and in -other reserve centers, evi
dently in conformity with the re
quest of the federal reserve board.
In the local cotton market May
contracts broke almost 400 points,
with equally sharp reactions in New
Orleans. . The Liverpool market
also reported substantial reactions.
Metals Quoted Lower.
Domestic and foreign metal mar
kets quoted lower prices for spot
and future deliveries, silver proving
the only exception at a . slight raise
in London. Little business was
done herein copper for immediate
Dealings in Liberty bonds and
Victory notes failed to reach the
huge totals of the two preceding
days, but most of the day's business
was on an ascending scale. Virtu
ally all the Liberty issues closed at
the day's maximum quotations, gains
extending from 1 per cent to 3.04
per cent, the fourth 4s scoring the
gteatest advance.
Republican Conference Agrees,
However, to Press Appro
priation Bills.
; Washington,' May '22. No agree-1
ment on plans for adjous nment or
recess of congress over the political
conventions was reached today at
the conference of republican sen
ators. The only decision of the confer
ence was to press appropriation bills
and ' conference reports. . Senator
Kenyon, Iowa, heading a group of
senators favoring prompt action on
the packer regulation bill, announced
that he would support the confer
ence program but would attempt to
call up the measure aneaa ot any
ether bill.- He said he thought
there were enough votes to insure
bringing it up before adjournment.
No definite plans for a recess over
the national convention period or
adjournment could be made, prom
inent republicans stated, because of
uncertainty of the soldier relief leg
islation in the house ana Jr resident
Wilson's possible action regarding
adjournment plans, the peace reso
lution and the Versailles treaty.
De La Huerta Yodels
A Sweet Baritone, :
Says Fremont Woman
Fremont. Neb.. May 22. (Spe
cial) Provisional President De La
Huerta ofMexico is a "fine fellow
and a sweet singer," according to
Mrs. John Flynn of Douglas, Wyo.,
who is visiting in Fremont, and
who met De La Huerta a year ago
in Brownsville, Tex.
"He has a fine baritone voice,
and is a cultured gentleman, she
says. . "De La Huerta was educated
abroad and represents the best type
of Mexican. He. is friendly to
America." ,
Eleven Diplomas Awarded
By Stratton High School
Stratton, Neb., May 22. Eleven
diplomas were awarded at the High
school commencement this" week.
The address was by Prof. W. M.
Fogg of the University of 'Nebras
ka whose subject was "Straight
Thinking and Democracy."
William W. Wendtrand of the
board of education presented the
diplomas to Glady Burke, Iva Bute,
Ruby Clark. Viola Curry, Elsie
Bramlette, Edna Mills, Addie Nie
fert, John Niefert, Bert SkjMlington,
Eugene Stewart and Cornell Rat
cliffe. W.J.Bryan,
- Will eOTcr both, creat political cob
vcatloa for The firenlnf Be. No other
Oman aowapa
'per can fumiih
lta reader tbeae
critical and au
thor! ta tire articles-
by Kebraa-'
ka'a treat eltl-
i Mr. Brjraa tai'
acreed peelfl
eaUr aot ' to bo
laterriewed aad
7 aot to expreae
tale opinions in
ar way ex-
floor at the eon-
I veatiOB and la
s&aSU the varleas
n ewapapora
ho represent, vhleh Inclnde The Bee.
This l bat one of The Baei premier
eoaTeatloa feature. .
y-Page Directs Incor
ioration of $20,000,000
Concern for Establishment
Of Airplane Freight Lines.
Preliminary Plans Call for
Routes Covering Entire Coun
tryAmerican Express Co.
Believed to Be Interested.
Chlraco Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Washington, May 22. Establish
ment in the United States of a Brit
ish built air service, controlled by
Great Britain in the same way that
the merchant marine was dominated
prior to the war with Germany, is
foreseen by military and commercial
airmen in this country as a result of
the extended visit here of Handley
Page, the famous English airplane
builder, and the incorporation of a
$20,000,000 company under the laws
of Delaware. . :
Rumor has been busy for several
weeks with the presence of Handley
Page on these shores, and his recent
visit to Cleveland, O., ,was fol
lowed by reports that the rity was
to be made, a great "air port." In
the meantime he has opened a suite
of offices in New York, which he
occupied with W. H. Workman, his
American representative and frn
that place the project for an Ameri
can aerial transport under British
control is being directed. -
Englishman Is Promoter.
The' new corporation is known as
the Aerial Transport company, and
Judge Grey of Niagara Falls is its
temporary president. Irs . capital is
fixed at $20,000,000, and it is under
stood that a special company has
been organized to handle the securi
ties and underwrite the stock. This
latter company is called the Aerial
Securities company and W. L.
Brackett of Cleveland is its apresi
dent. As the Aerial Transport com
pany is expected to purchase a large
number of planes f rom Handley
Page; the British manufacturer, ac
cording to information which has
reached .Washington, has invested
heavily Jfl its stock and has arranged
to turn over to it airplanes -valued
at $2,500,000 in payment for -sucb
stock. ; " " "f . ."
War Machines Used.
The Hadley-Page, -Limited of
England, owns' SI per cent of the
syndicate which bought from the
British government all of its old
war supplies for aeronautics such as
airplanes, motors, . spares, etc., at
very low prices. Some of these
planes are now being shipped to this
country for use by, the new com
pany, which will open its air routes
with this equipment, "which has be
come obsolete for military purposes.
The all-metal planes, first developed
by the Germans, are coming into
general use as fighting machines,
relegating the wood and fabric ma
chines to commercial purposes.
Within a year or less, it is planned
to have 10 trunk lines in operation
in the United States reaching from
New York to ban fcrancisco and
branching off to the north and
south to important centers. For
the first year it is planned to carry
express oniy ana u is oeuevea in
Washington that British interests
connected with the American Ex
press company are directly con
cerned in the new plan to carry ex
press by air. After the air express
routes have been vell established
and their operation standardized it
js expected ' that a' passenger carry,
ing service will be started.
- To Use Super-Bombers.
The aircraft which it has been
arranged to put in operation on these
lines includes 175 big Handley
Page bombers, six Caproni ma
chines. 600- De Haviland model 9s.
and 10 Vickers-Vimy machines. The
tlandley-fage machines, include a
few of the super-bombers with' a
wing spread of 126 feet and equipped
with four engines developing a to
tal of 1,200 horsepower. Such ma
chines can carry a cargo weighing
more than a ton and a half.
The "quality of the personnel" re
ferred to in the foregoing advertise
ment is no idle boast, for one of the
men affiliated with the new enter
prise is John A. Jordan, inaugur
ator and superintendent of servirp
.for the United States aerial mail
service, is expected to be manager
of one of the departments of the
new company, and Commander P.
N. Bellinger of NC-3 fame, is sec
retary. Well Defined Program.
Former Lieutenant Colonel Hartz,
who flew "around the rim" of the
United States in a Martin bomber
a few weeks ago, is to be in charge
of the traffic department, and
Charles H. Day, former consulting
engineer of the Standard Aircraft
company, has charge of the '-motor
department. The remainder of the
personnel, it is stated on goodau
thority, comes from England and
from the American Express com
pany. '
President Wilson to Fix
Boundary for Armenia
' Paris, May 22. Ambassador Wal
lace informed the council of ambas
sadors today that President Wilson
had-announced that the United
States would accept the role of arbi
trator in fixing the boundaries of
Sets Altitude Secord.
Dayton, O., May 22. -Pilot B. L.
Wheaton today set a new pilot and
three passenger height record of
18,200 feet." The old record was
Tornado Causes Heavy Props
' erty Loss at Castle Rock .
Wires Down. ,
Farmington, Minn., May 22.
.Five persons. were injured, three
of them seriously, when a tornado
struck Castle Rock, eight miles
south of here, at 2 p. m. today,
wrecking three or four residences.
St. Paul, May 22. A severe
storm reported to have assumed
tcrnado proportions swept Castle
Rock, Minn., this afternoon, caus
ing extensive property loss and
injury to a number of persons,
according to, meager information
obtainable late today.
Telephone officials in St. Paul
reported total suspension of serv
ice to towns in the immediate vi
cinity of Castle Rock, which is be
tween Northfield and Farmington,
and no definite promise could be
given of a resumption of service.
Police Say James Smith Con
fesses Series of Swindles
12 Stores Victimized.
James Smith, 618 South Twenti
eth street, whom the police say is a
master bogus check artist, was ar
rested yesterday by- Detectives -Graham
and Franks following a city
wide search of more than three
weeks during which Smith is said to
have passed 11 worthless checks,
foiging the names of Dr. T. J.
Dwyer, Dr. C. F. Hollenbeck and
Dr. B. B. Davis.
Boy Caused Arrest
A newsboy caused the arrest of
Smith after Detective Fritz Franks
learned that Smith roomed in the
vicinity of Twentieth and Leaven
worth street. The detective asked
the boy if he had seen a' man an
swering the description of Smith
and the boy said he had just passed
with a woman. The boy took the
detectives to the house. Smith ad
mitted passing the checks, the de
tectives say. .
" Posed as Victims.
Smith alternated the name of Drs.
Dwyer, Hollenbeck and Davis. At
one time posing, as Dr. Dwyer and
forging the name of Dr. (Davis and
then write another - cheat making
Dr., Holleabcclt the payei with the
forged name of Dr. Dwyer. .
The 12 firms swindled lire: Sis
ter's grocery, Thirty-second and
Burt streets, $9.25; Lucien Stephens,
1901.Farnam street, $26.50; A. B.
Sweet Shop, Sixteenth and Jackson
streets, $10; A. Bauer, 1719 Leaven
worth street, $7.50; Edward F.
CokIv, South Twenty-fourth street,
$6; Peterson & Son, groceries, 1023
SouthTenth street, ?7; J. Jtiagen,
2215 Cuming street, $18.50; J. C
Klauck, 4102 North Twenty-fourth
street, $18.70; White House Market,
Thirty-third and California streets,
$10; Nebraska Seed Store. 1613
Howard street, $12.50; J. Cermor.
1418 South Sixteenth' street, $22.50.
Thieves Get Liberty
Bonds During Night
At Reasoner, Iowa
Des Moines, Ia., May 22. Liberty
bonds, valued at several thousand
dollars,, were "stolen from the Bank
of Reasoner, Reasoner, la., some
time between'midnight and 3 o'clock
this morning. Following the discov
ery of the robbery five men were
seen driving out of town in an au
tomobile. The car was going in
the direction of Des Moines. ,No
trace of the robbers has been found.
Find Woman Guilty
Of Killing . Parents
Of Lover by Poison
Lincoln, Kan.,' May 22 Miss
Stella Hyman, who confessed that
she caused the death of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Bunch, herbrother-in-law
and sister, by placing poison in
their food, was found guilty of
murder in the first degree by a
jury here,. The jury was out only
20minutes and took one ballot The
victims had refused to allow their
son, Lee, to marry Miss Hyman.
a a. -i iaa i ii ioai i .n
White Lights Money Gone;
He's in the Jail House Now
Charles ' Green of Council Bluffs
va5 arrested when he told South
Side police of meeting congenial
strangers who gave him drinks and
then relieved ihim of a watch and
$80 while showing him the "white"
lights." i He was released to lead
the police in a search for his pur
veyors. He will stand trial for in
toxication today.
Woman Not Interested in
t Stage Offer of $900 a Week
Manchester, N. H., May' 22.-An
offer cf $900 a week to appear on
the vaudeville stage has been Re
fused by Mrs. Marion Loynes Otter
son, recently acquitted by a jury
for the murder of her brother-in-law,
Maurice Otterson. The ofter
wa made by a Manchester theatrical
manager. '
Steamer Capsizes.
Seattle, : Wash., . May 22. The.
steam schooner Fred Baxter, which
put into Port Totonsend today With
a heavy list caused by contact with
a tide rip, capsized in comparatively
shallow water. She was laden with
. . Passing Show of 1920 "
--7iY4I? WrWA J0j .
Opening Session of Investigat
ing Committee Will Be Held
Monday 25 Witnesses r
. Washington, May ,22. Frank IL
Hitchcock, lormer postmaster gen
eral, has been summoned by the sen
ate presidential campaign expense
investigating committee to appear at
the opening inquiry Monday as the
representative of Major General
Leonard Wood; republican, arid Ber
nard M. Baruch, as the representa
tive of William G. McAdoo, demo
crat. . . .
It was said that the committee had
had ponsiderable difficulty in ascer
taining who should be called to rep
resent General Wood. Altogether
some 25 representatives . of candi
dates have been summoned, .but the
committee hepes to complete the in
quiry before the republican conven
tions opens on June 8.
, The men summoned were directed
to .bring "all accounts of contribu
tions and expenditures in the cam
paign, from every source, and all cor
respondence connected therewith." -
Tentative Agreement
On San Francisco Navy
Base Bill Is Reached
Washington, May 22. Tentative
agreement on sections of the navy
appropriation bill dealing with the
proposed San Francisco naval base
was reached by the conferees, house
managers agreeing to authorize in
vestigation of base sites- at Mare
Island, Alameda and Hunter's Point,
but objecting to any appropriation
finally committing the government
to the project.
The house managers were said to
be willing that a naval commission
should have adequate funds for such
an investigation.
Senator Phelan, democrat, Cali
fornia, said he believed .the house
proposal would be accepted if it was
found impossible to obtain appro
priations to begin work on a new
base. 1
Escaped Draft Dodger .
Leaves No Trail for
-Searchers to Follow
Philadelphia, May 22. Grover
Cleveland Bergdoll, the ' wealthy
draft dodger who escaped from non
commissioned army officers at his
mother's home here yesterday in a
high-powered motor car, was still at
liberty today. Both federal and city
authorities said that an all night
search hall failed to reveal even the
direction in which he went
The police covered all avenues of
escape and flyers were sent to all
sections of the country.
Department of Justice agents de
clared they were convinced Berg
doll was aided in his escape.
Senate Increases Army Air
' Service Appropriation
Washington, May 22. An increise
of $12,745,000 in the appropriation
for the army air service was tenta
tively agreed to by the senate during
consideration of the annual army ap
propriation bill, carrying a total of
$419,000,000. The house fixed the air
service fund at $27,255,000, and the
senate committee increased it to $40,
009,099 - ' - " - ' .
Danish Memorial Hospital to
Be Managed by Mrs. E. D.
Henry Named for Dr.
. . Fenger . ,-
Officials of the newly formed
Fenger Hospital company, an or
ganization of prominent Nebraska
and Iowa men of Danish descent,
announced yesterday the company
has purchased from Dr. and Mrs. E.
C Henry the buildings which have
been under construction for several
months at Twenty-fifth street and
Dewey avenue: as the new location
for Lord Lister hospital.
Through the new arrangement the
institution will become the Fenger
hospital, named in honor of the late
Dr. Christian Fenger, famous American-
surgeon of Danish birth.
The hospital, it is announced, will
be permanently endowed and main
tained as a lasting memorial to
American men and women of Dan
ish descent who sacrificed their lives
in the world war.
. Mrs. Henry Manager.
Omaha was chosen as the location
for the memorial, officials" of the
Fenger, company say, because of
its central location in relation to
states which have furnished homes
for thousands of Danish immigrants
and because of easy accessibility of
the hospital to a population of 37,
000,000 people within 15 hours of
The modern hospital plant now
under construction on. Twenty-fifth
street will be completed by the Fen
ger company under supervision of
Mrs. E. C Henry. Dr. Henry will
be affiliated with hospital mange
ment in a surgical capacity.
Officers of the Fenger company
are Fred Peterson, Council Bluffs;
James Lang, Audubon, Ia., and T.
Hermansen, Omaha. Dr. Fred
Rosenbladt, Council Bluffs; Dr. A.
L. Brooks, Audubon, and Dr. J. Bis
gard, Harlan, Ia., are among the di
rectors. -
Named for Surgeon.
They announce the new hospital
will embody latest improvements in
arrangement and equipment and will
form an important addition to pres
ent overcrowded hospital facilities
in Omaha. . '
As denoting the hospital's charac
ter as a memorial, a tablet contain
ing the names of Panish descend
ants who lost their lives in the
world war will be embedded in the
walls, near the hospital entrance.
Dr. Fenger, for whom the hospi
tal is named, served 25 years on the
staff of the Cook County hospital,
Chicago, and attained an interna
tional reputation as a surgeon, diag
nostician and teacher. He was born
in Copenhagen, Denmark.' in 1840,
and died in Chicago in 1902.
Report On Convention
L. Kneeter, delegate to the na
tional convention of the Zionist or
ganization in Atlantic City for the
Omaha district who returned to the
city Friday, will render his report
of the convention at a mass meeting
Monday evening in the synagogue at
Eighteenth, and Chicago streets.
Temperatures .
'V Forecast .
Probably, cloudy and colder
day. ' . ..
Hourly Temperatures:
B . m...
A a. m...
1 . m . . .
R a. m , . .
0 . m...
10 a. m. . .
11 . m. . .
1 P.
t p. m.
S p. m.'
4 p. m.
5 p. m.
p. m.
1 p. U.
State Railway Commission
Grants Plea for 25 Per
' Cent Increase in Rates
On Sleeper. Service.
. Mi mm .
Lincoln, - May 22. (Special.)
Upon condition that the Pullman
Car company files proper tariffs
with the Suite Railway commission
covering - Nebraska, intrastate traf
fic, the commission has granted the
company raises in its charges for
Pullman service averaging about 25
per cent, to extend to September 1.
This will make the charge on seat
rates for the minimum 50 cents in
stead of 25 cents, but the increased
charges on berths will not be as
large. ,
In asking for the raise the com
pany holds . that because of in
crease in wages, material and 'other
things the cost of operation has
greatly increased, in fact, say that
on' wages alone the, increase over
1917 has been about $11,000,000.
Cost of material has gone up on
what they will have to use in the
building and repairing of cars, etc.,
between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000.
Cars used for transportation of
troops in many instances are en
tirely ruined and cannot be repaired
and new cars must be built to take
the place of these and othf r equip
ment which -the government while
handling the cars, allowed ' to . run
down, it is said. The company is
now building 600 new cars.
The commission, in granting the
increase, says that a large number
of states have taken similar action.
Rule to Give Bonus
Bill Right of Way
Passes Committee
Washington, May 22. On a strict
party vote the house rules commit
tee today ordered a favorable report
of a resolution giving soldier relief
legislation the right-of-way for
house consideration. , Chairman
Campbell said the rule would not be
presented to the house before Tues
day. Under the rule debate on the bill
would be limited to five hours and
a majority vote of the house would
be required to send the bill back to
the ways and means committee for
amendment. . .
Republican leaders were having a
poll, made of all their members to
get a definite forecast of the" vote
when the rule is presented in the
house. They said it would not be
called up until they were assured ol
its adoption. . ,
I). S. Judge Holds Lever
Act Is Constitutional
Butte, Mont., May 22. United
States District Judge J. M. Bourquin
held the Lever
The decision was rendered on a de
murrer entered by the defendants in
the case of the United States against
J. M. Fabian and the Butte Water
Co., involving 200 sacks of sugar,
said to belonir tn I f .Pahian Th.
defendants claimed the sugar was to
oe lea to men employed on con
struction work this spring. The case
is set tor trial next Thursday in
Butte. -
Wilhelms Yacht Sold
Allahabad. Ma 22 Willi;, m Un.
henzollern's schooner yacht "Ham
burg," one of the fastest schooners
;t the Cowes and other regattas, ha?
just been brought out of internment
Anil iaM a- - wiav..,mJIa M
How He Forced Unwilling, Im
perialistic ' Diplomats to
Accept League of Nations
May Be Told to Congress.
President Believes by Prolong
ing Technical State of War
He Will Discredit Opponents
And Control Convention.
Washington, D. ' C, May 22. '
(Special.) President Wilsonv it was
learned today, has practically com-
plcted the message to' congress in
which he will veto the Knox reso- '
lution repealing .the declaration of ..
war against the imperial German
government and restoring a state of '
peace between Germany and the
United States. . '
Ever since, it became apparent
that congress would pass 'the peace
resolution for want of ratification of
the Versailles treaty the president
has been engaged in the preparation
of the veto message, which one of
his confidants says will be the great
est state paper. Mr. Wilson has pro- '
To House Next Week.
The executive expects to return
the resolution , to the Jlouse, where .,
it originated, next week together , .'
with his veto. ' Whether at the same .
time he will resubmit the Versailles .
treaty with the "league of nation'
covenant to the senate, as Senator
Hitchcock has predicted, is a matter
of speculation evei among Mr.1 Wil
?' ' '.closest advisers. v .
' veto message-is intended by
thi- president not only to demon
strate the unconstitutionality of re
storing peace by legislation, but to ,
deliver a staggering blow to the op-
ponents of ratification of the treaty
in the form he presented it to th?
senate and to project the issue into
the. presidential election with th s
sort of appeal he thinks will assure,
endorsement of his attitude by the
democratic' convention and later by
the people at the polls.
f ,To Give "Inside Story." .
Playing his last card, for the ratifi- '
cation of the league of nations cove-j . ,
naut without saving reservations,
Mr. Wilson, it is understood in of
ficial circles, will give his version of
the "inside story" of the Paris peace
negotiations with a view -of demon
strating how he wrested from the
unwilling imperialistic 'Tiplomats of, '
the old school acceptance of the,
league of nations as America's plan
for banishing war from the world
forever and safeguarding democracy
everywhere. By revealing the secrets
of the peace conference he will en
deavor to prove that . without ths
league of nations Europe will drift
back into militaristic rivalries, breed
(Continued' nm Pair Five, Coin mm On)
Johnson Leads Wood
By Thousand Votes ,
. In Oregon Primaries
Portland, Ore., May 22. Returns
compiled frofn 17 counties in Ore
gon on yesterday's republican pres
idential preierence "primary give
Hoover 2,346: Johnson, 8,296: Low
den. 2.013: Wood. 7229 Th
tirjs include 96 precincts complete in
Kiuiuiuiiimi county - iroruanqj.
More votes had , been counted in
these 17 counties than wr tabu
lated earliertoday in 25 counties.
New York Governor Signs
Soldier Bonus Measure"
Alhanv. N Y Mav tit- '
000,000 soldier bonus bill, introduced
in tne legislature by Miss Marguerite
L. Smith, republican member of the
assembly, from New York -was
signed bv Governor Smith Satitrdav
The measure provides for a referen
dum to be submitted at the Novem
bre election on the question whether
tne state snail issue $45,000,000 m
bonds, the proceeds to be used for
bonus purposes. ,
Hoover Called to Testify
In Regard to Sugar Gorging
New York, May 22. Herbert
Hoover, candidate for the republi
can presidential nomination, will
testify here MnnHiv afternnnn nn
general economic conditions, with
special reference to the sugar situa
tion, before the joint legislative com
mittee investigating profiteering, it
was announced today iy Deputy At
torney uenerai uerger. ?
Expensive Fire Started
By "Fag" at Twin Falls
Twin Falls, Idaho, May 22. Fire
supposed to have been started by a
discarded cigaret destroyed more
than half a business block here early
today, causing a loss of approxi
mately $300,000. The blaee started
in a hall in which a dance was held
last night
Battle Is Reported.
Torreon, May 22. Troops of' the
Governor of Domingo Arrieta.'who
has not recognized the revolution, 4
numbering 200 cavalry, under
Colonel Laris yesterday gave bat-'
tie to revolutionary troops under
Gen Migtiel Lavega. near Canatlan,
Durango, Gen. P. Elias Calles an
nounced today. Seven Carriitas
werjs. Killed, -