Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE : OMAHA, sifURDAY, MAY 22, 1920-
Election of Publication Chiefs
Develops Strong Fight Mi
nority Urges "Holy Cath
. otic Church" in Creed.
Des Moines, la., May 21. (Spe
cial Telegram) Elections for the
editors of church papers was be
fore the general conference of the
Methodist church today and a long
list of ndminations were balloted
on. iThe results of the ballot will
4 be announced Saturday morning.
Dr. "Claudus B. Spencer, editor of
the Central Christian Advocate of
Kansas City, the official paper for
the Omaha area, was elated with
out .opposition for a term of four
The election for the third pub
lishing agent for the book concern
of the church settled down to a,
Stiff fight between the east and the
westi . . .
Robert H. Hughes of Portland.
Ore on the fourth ballot, won out
. over the Rev. Dr. Jacobs of Penn
' gylvania after the latter was within
' seven votes of election. In the elec
tion for bishops the eastern delega
tion's succeeded in getting most of
the coveted prizes and there is a
Natural reaction on the part of the
larga number of western delega
4 fcioni represented at the conference
tend many 0f them are ready to
make a strong effort to recuperate
their losses.
Stunt May Go to Europe.
The episcopal committee still is
wrestling with the problem of as
signing the 38 bishops to their resi
dences and areas for the new quad
rennium. ' . ,
This is the important topic of
fconversation now and there is
plenty of log rolling in behalf of
favored bishops. It may be that
Bishop Homer C. Stuntz of Omaha
will be sent to superintend work in
Europe or India. In case he is
sent abroad gossip reports Bishop
Edgar Blake -or Charles E. Lock
or Bishop E. G. Richardson is likely
to occupy the Omaha see. -
(J(lC OI I've snanci
the tonfererrce ensued today when
the committee on education re
ported a comprehensive plan tak
ing over the educational collection
of the church for the colleges and
administering it from a central ot
fice )n New York.
' About Church Colleges.
, The Nebraska Wesleyan univer
sity s which raises more than $.10,-
-000 i annually through the con
( ferences of the state will be vitally
affected by this action as will, all
the Methodist colleges in the state
of Iowa. The report of the com-
-mittee finally was adopted lne
; committee on itinerancy will report
to the general conference for action
as a plan to give the deaconesses ot
the church authority to baptize and
another proposition to restrict the
drift of the ministers to detached
rerVic and secular empiuyiucui.
p . . ...:it nnKnttnii rn-
UOttt propositions win u.vo"". o---
eral debate.
Would Eliminate "Catholic
The majority of the committee
on state of the church today pre
pared and published a report recom
mending that no change be made
in the present apostle s creed of the,
church. . , , .
A minority report, however, will
U submitted to the general con
ference, it was said, asking that.a
khange be made to eliminate the
phrase "the holy catholic church.
.The 'creed now eads "I believe in
the holy ghost,' the. holy catholic
fchurch, the communion, of saints,
the forgiveness opsins, etc. m
word ."catholic" is used in the sense
tof general, and has no reference to
the Catholic church as that term is
generally understood.. However, the
farters of the minority "PM de
bate to eliminate any reference to the
jarorA, "Catholic."
1920 Lamb Crop Will
Be Far Beloy Normal
Reports from the west reaching
Omaha liva stock interests recent
ly confirm the impression i that the
'820 lantb crop will be far below
hernial. Early lambing -is. saio w
have been successful, but the April
' tend May end of the crop is de
ficient Flocks went into the winter
" in poor cemdition, and- m many lo
calities, despite a heavy feed bill,
ewes -were unable to take care ot
their offspring at . lambing time.
Idaho and Washington have fared
best. Montana and Wyoming worst.
As restocking requirements will he
i heavy, the movement of both fat and
' feeder lambs to Omaha during the
coming season1 will be much lighter
than last year. Little contracting
has been done on the range about
J00 000 Idaho lambs have been taken
" at $14 and it is probable that many
' ventures of this kind will be under-
Bank Receiver Brings Action
Against W. C, Wentz Co.
Lincoln, Neb., May 21.-(Special.)
A petition has been filed in the
district court of Hamilton county
. - asktttg for the appointment of a re
ceiver for the W. C Wentz com
pany, held responsible for the failure
-t .l. in.rirm State bank of Au-
rora, according to the attorney gen-J
eral s oluce. .
ti. .nirfinn was made by a
. rr .1. rrelvrr for the bank.
The bank shortage approximated
$40,000. vlt was expected that the
" . Went company would, make the de
ficiency good, but it has failed to do
so up to tne time oi mt
.tion. ' " ' ,
Brock Named Examiner '
, V For Albion Territory
t:-,-i . Vfiv 21. (Special.)
Ernest R. Brock of Blair has been
- appointed, by the state hanwng
bureau as bank examiner for the
Albion territory to take the place
pf R. E, Smith, resigned..- ,v
Failure of a large number of
banks to receive notices or the call
for reports is explained by Secre-
tary Hart of the department as due
to the illness -of a clerk at the
Lincoln postoffice and not to Mr.
-Burleson personally
Lighting ttnire Brura-esa Gran-
Traveling Salesmen
Of State Open Annual
Meet in Grand Island
Grand Island, Neb., May 21.
(Special Telegram.) The Nebraska"
United Commertial Travelers are in
annual session in this.cTly with a
large attendance. The convention
was welcomed by the mayor, Grand
Councilor Buffman of Lincoln re
spondig. An address by C J. Miles
of this city, formerly supreme coun
cilor, on the ' generally advanced
standard of the salesman profession,
followed. "
Thus far the business session
largely has been jdevoted to the con
sideration of amendment to the con
stitution and arrangements for the
convention, which will end Saturday
A parade several blocks long made
up of marchers and cars , featured
the sessions Friday.
A humorous touch was given the
line by the special honor accorded
C. R. Buffum of Lincoln, grand
councilor of the state .and one of
the big men in attendance, both in
official title and in bulk. He . was
seated in his shirt sleeves on a dec
orated trailer which was drawn by
a half dozen U. T. C. men. Over his
head floated a banner stating he was
the "Largest U. C. T. in Captivity."
Governor at Overton.
Lincoln, Neb.,. May 21. (Special.)
Gov. S. R. McKelvie went to Over
ton this morning, where he will de
liver the commencement day address
before the graduating class of the
high school of that town.
Cqrn Gop Menaced
By Seed Shortage,
Valley Dealer .Says
The seed corn situation in the
United States is quite serious, ac
cording 'to Lawrence Coy of the
Coy Seed company of Valley, Vho
was a visitor at the locat yards this
Mr. Coy said people do not seem
to realize that the farmer has not
been able to lay in a supply of good
seed but once in the past five years.
He credits this condition to the
early frosts of fall and the wet
growing seasons and lateness of
According to Mr. Coy, if the
farmers of this country do not raise
good seed crops this year the situa
tion will be most alarming and the
proposition is so acute that the
world's food supply is endangered.
This spring finds the situation more
perplexing than ever, with farmers
being compelled to replant their fall
planted crops of wheat, clover, al
falfa, etc.
Woman Employe of
State Says Politics
Forced Her Off Job
Lincoln, May 21. (Special.)
Miss Anna Yokel, dismissed by the
state board of control for refusal to
work in harmony with the depart
ment, issued a statement this morn
ing to all papers represented at the
Get ih
o J
Big Idea
for Saturday
Eldredge-Reynolds Co,
(Formerly Benson & Thorne)
Continue 30 Reductions
On Everything to Wear for Men and Young Men
Men's Suits Top Coats
From Sam Pec and Stein Bloch
Men's Hats
Mallonj Borsalino
Crofut & Knapp
Cheney Delpar
Palmer s
Men's Hosiery
Earl & Wilson
Star (Star co Cor J)
Union Suits
Superior Athletic
(Knee Length)'
Men's Oxfords
Men's Handkerchiefs Collars
.$m 'Origbal' Children's ()
, MkJ Store of Omaha" MSIW
Announces for Saturday A Continuance of
On Specialized Apparel f on Girls, Boys, Children
and Infants
' " Saturday will be Children's Day in this store so bring; them v
in there will be extra salespeople to helpyou outfit them.
In the Boys' Shop
Boys' Sam Peck 2-Pant Suits
Boys' Blouses
Corduroy Suits Extra Knickers
Hosiery Neckwear Hats
Caps Unionalls
Wash Suits Hose Supporters
Boys' Shop -
In the Girls Shop
Sport Coats Long Coats
Silk Dresses White Dresses
Gingham Dresses
Middies Smocks
Middy Skirts f
Balcony Girls' Shop-
In the Tots' Shop
Hats for Small Girls and Big Girls
, Small Girls' Spring Coats
Children's Gingham Dresses Creepers
Children's Coveralls
Infants' Wear Infants' Coats - '
rSecond Floor
9. t lHVVJ i . - .. " It
Second Floor
state house, attacking the statement
of-L. C Oberlics, member of the
board of control, made yestejday, in
which he said that Miss Yotel-vas
fired because of "incompatibility,"
and charges that politics is to blame
for the action of the board.
Inasmuch as Mr. ObeYlies is the
only democratic member of the
board, her statement loses its force.
Secretary Fairfield of the 'board
stated this morning that they had
been compelled tj hunt for an hour
for records of the office, the location
of which was known to Miss Yokel,
simply because ths lavter would not
give them the information they de
sired after the board had appointed
another party to the job she wanted.
It was this showing of "incompati
bility" which finally decided the
board to notify the woman that her
services would not be needed after
Mav 31.
Bee Want Ads Troduce Results.
Get the
Big Idea
Eldredge-Reynolds Annex
(Basement of Benson & Thorne)
' Continues 30 Reductions
On Women's Coats House and Porch Dresses
Bungalow Aprons Lingerie
Women's Pumps Oxfords Men's Oxfords
Children's Play Shoes Oxfords Pumps
Emphasizing as the Big Feature
400 Trimmed Hats ,
Specially Priced at $2.95
11 0 les$
m J
Including both light and dark straws
trimmed in flowers ribbons feathers.
I oj
9 '
Get the
Big Idea
for Saturday
Eldredge-Reynolds Co.
(Formerly Benson & Thorne)
30 Reductions
On Women's Specialized
Of Distinctive Individuality and Elegance cf Quality
Women's Coats Capes Wraps Dolmans
Dresses of Gingham Organdy Voile Taffeta Satin
Georgette Tricolette Sports Silks
Every Suit in Stock
Millinery Corsets--Lingerie Blouses
Sweaters Negligees Scarfs Silk Petticoats
Sport Skirts Silk Skirts WasH.Skirts
Shoes Pumps Oxfords
Jewelry Toilet Goods
Veils Hosiery Handkerchiefs '
To the Business Women of Omaha
Between the Hours of 1 :00 p. m. and 6:00 p. m,
Special attention will be given to taking care of you and your wants
extra salespeople being secured .for that purpose.
For your benefit we direct attention to the ad visa- tr
bility of selecting your vacation needs now.
0 J
Switches Curls Puffs. ..
All Toilet Articles
Less 30 Reduction
Beaut j Shop-
-Stcond Floor
o J