Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1920, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. 49 NO. 291. Cnttrttf u MMUd-eliM aitttor Kty H, IM. M Oath P. 0. u act f Hank 8. 117. OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1920 By MM (I ar), Uildf 4th Zom. Dtlly t4 8ua. 9: Dally Only. M: Sunday, M. TWO PI?MTQ Uutild 4th ZM (I . Dally 8naday. Ills Dally Only. 112; Sunday Oaly. W. . 1 " VEiiX iO Ol'TSWK OMAHA AND 00ITN. 11L Bl.lKKS. 1TIVB UaNT. ESIDEMT CARRMZA IS SLAIM TWO E AMBITS MORTALLY WOUMBEB v: LOSES LIFE IN SURF BATTLE Dr. W. M. Condon, Founder of Creighton Dental College, Swept to Death in Waters at Long Beach While Bathing. LIFE GUARDS ATTEMPT SENSATIONAL RESCUE Daughter , Ordered by Father To Save Self, Reaches Shore Safely Friend Also Near Death Fighting Breakers. V Long Beach, Cal., May 21 (Spe I cial Telegram.) Caught in a tide rip, Dr. William M. Condon, aged f 55, of Humphrey, Neb., formerly of Omaha, was drowned in the ocean here today. Dr. Condon' daughter, Miss Nora Condon, swam ashore, and Dr, D. M. Ottis, surgeon, Springfield, Ills., Dr. Condon's brother-in-law, was re; ;e!. 1" Condon and two companions went to the beach below the Condon winter home, 1413 East Ocean boule vard, on the bluffs overlooking the 'sea, and entered the surf for a morn ing swim. The current carried them - a quarter of a mile seaward and an equal distance along the coast. The men were unable to reach the shore. Miss Condon was ordered by her father to save herself. She reached the beach and gave the alarm. Make Sensational Fight. Dr. Ottis was rescued by Police Officer Norbert Kint, Life Guard Byron Davis and EarJ Crose, whose xnloit in lighting his way tnrougn breakers and against the currents as a sensational one. A. S Lewer- 'nz, 1608 Ocean boulevard, swam to ur. uonaon ana Kept mm anoai half an hour. Lewerenx" and Condon's body were taken aboard the launch Tour ist by , Capt. William Graves and were landed at Pine avenue pier. Dr. Ottis was taken to the Long Beach sanitarium. Reputed Multi-Millionaire. Dr. Condon, his daughter and Dr. Ottis' 'sister, Mrs. Mary' Ottis, came here last November. Mrs. Condon died a year ago. Dr. Ottis arrived Ihrce weeks ago and had been a guest of Condon's. Ottis, during the war, was a member of Hospital Unit W at Knotty Ash camp, England. Condon is reputed to have been a multi-millionaire. Funeral services and interment will be at Long Beach. Dr. William M. Condon was at one time a banker of Humphrey. When the old Omaha dental college closed its doors. Dr. Condon, with the Creightons, founded the college of which he was the dean for sev eral years. .Woman Guides Car Into Telephone Pole To Save Baby's Life Mrs. Ethel A. Haacker, Fontenelle hotel, crashed into a telephone pole yesterday afternoon at Thirtieth arid rotter streets with her automobile after she avoided a collision with a Ford in which were riding a man, his wife and a baby. Mrs. Haacker was not injured but her machine was heavily damaged. I The driver of the Ford did not stop 1 1 1 v. iiaavKvi oiiutA in. telephone pole. She said he was driving on the wrong side of- the Street. "I drove my car directly into the telephone pole," Mrs. Haacker said, "to avoid striking the Ford car. I saw the baby and my first impulse was to do anything that would ivoid injuring the little child." The police are searching for the car which is said to have an Illinois license. Sugar Breaks One Cent Pound in New York Market 'New York, May 21. Heavy gen eral selling in the sugar futures market here today broke prices a cent a pound, the full maximum de cline permitted in any one day's su gar exchange trading. Continued agitation against the higk cost of living, coupled with th threat of leading preserving industries throughout "the country to. close tather than pay "exhobitant prices" ' for sugar, was attributed as the cause for the reaction. There also was a spectacular break . In the price of cotton contracts for May. A heavy selling movement carried the price down more than . 4 cents below the recent high record. French Strike Called Off Paris, May 21. The General Fed eration of Labor decided today to call off the strikes it had ordered in support of the railwaymen's walk out. The decision for the resump o ton of work wa reached by a vote mt 04 la. li Loses Life in Surf 'W WM; Condon HOUSE ACTION ON BONUS BILL IS POSTPONED Republican Leaders Expect to Get Measure Up for Vote By Tuesday or 4 Wednesday. Washington, May 21. Republican leaders of the house decided late Friday, not to attempt passage Sat urday of the soldiers' relief legisla tion. No date was fixed for calling up the bill, but leaders said they expected to get it before the house Tuesday or Wednesday. This decision was reached because of. a prospective - coalition between a majority of the democrats and a minority of the republicans, the lat ter opposing any cash bonus. The combination planned either to defeat the rule giving the bill the right of way for passage or amend the rule and leave the bill open for amend ment. Before the republican leaders were called together an informal demo cratic poll showed virtually solid opposition to the republican pro gram. It was also disclosed that the antibonus republicans numbered 60, and by combining with the demo crats might upset the republican con trol. Anticipating action on the bill Sat urday, both Chairman Fordney of the ways and means committee and Representative Henry T. Rainey, ranking democratic member, filed their reports on the measure late in the day. ' Neither offered any direct argu ment for or against passage of the bill. Mr. Fordney declared the leg islation could be financed only by new taxes, without which he said the measure would be "inexpedient if not entirely useless." Mr. Kainey attacked tne taxation scheme, declaring it will consider and calculated to "hurry us ever r.earer financial disaster."- He ad vocated a war profits tax and said that if permitted would endeavor to include it in the bill. Complete Still and Quantity of Whisky Found; Two Arrested The most perfect still found by police or government officials in raids upon manufacturers of "moon shine" whisky was discovered by the raiding squad of the police force at 3125 South Second street last night. Alvin Maloney, living at the above address, and J. H. Loebeck of Gib son, Neb., were arrested, charged, with illegal possession and manu facture of intoxicating liquor. The men were in the. basement pouring mash into the still when interrupted by Detective George Summitt. A complete still, 20 gal lons of mash and a gallon of raisin whisky were taken to the police sta tion. Maloney was arrested some time ago when seven barrels of mash were found at his place, according to the police. "Pussyfoot" Johnson Will Cover Itinerary by Air Westerville, O., May 20. William E. ("Pussyfoot") Johnson will make a part of his western itinerary speak ing under the auspices of the Anti saloon league, by airplane. A schedule completed calls for a trip by air on July 6, when he will leave his train at Granger, Colo., and fly to Twin Falls, Idaho, a distance of 500 miles, deliver a speech and catch his train at Shoshone, Idaho, allow ing him thus to reach Spokane for Lao addreai that evening, , LOTS OF BUNK ABOUT PLANS DANIELS SAYS . I m Navy Head Believes, it Virtue to Be Unprepared With Any Strategy Program, He Tells Senate Committee. VIEWS VINDICATED BY FATE OF GERMANY Refuses to Give Out Any In formation Regarding Matters Discussed at Cabinet Meet ings Before the War. By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Washington, May 21. The Amer ican navy had a war plan which dis appeared mysteriously on the eve of war in 1917, but it .was a back num ber anyway and the navy went into the war without any plan, because Secretary Daniels believed it a vir tue to be unprepared with any stra tegy program for employing the navy in war. The pacifist sea lord had come to the conclusion that naval plans jeo pardize victory and he sees his view vindicated by the fact that the Ger mans, who had more plans than' all the belligerents put together, were conquered. This was the fruit of the first day's cross-examination of Secre tary Daniels by the senate commit tee investigating Admiral Sims' charges that the navy was unpre pared for war and that the secretary hampered efficient and aggressive naval operations. Ready For War. At first, Mr, Daniels insisted that the navy was completely uphol stered with basic facts and opera tional plans at the outbreak of the war. He told the committee the plins were prepared in anticipation of war either in the Atlantic or the Pacific. They were so 'general in character and yet so complete in de tail that they would have covered any nation "big enough to fight us." Senator Hale, manifesting more curiosity about the plan, asked the secretary to show it to the commit tee. Mr. Daniels balked at this and finally agreed to have Admiral Bad ger exhibit a copy of the plan to the committee in strictest confidence. Senator Hale . then attempted to prove Mr. Daniels' statements some what inconsistent with those who had charge of the job of planning to the effect that there was only one plan and that was -lost on February 10, 1917. He read, too, the testimony of Captain Palmer, former chief of the bureau of navigation, that "we had no plan; only a mobilization sheet." Bunk About Plans. With considerable asperity, Mr. Dsmiels broke out: "There's a lot of bunk about this plan business. That's about the biggest canard that's ever been ex ploded. The Germans had a plan for winning the war, all thought out in advance, and it broke down at the Marne and they never found themselves again. When you have a plan you lose initiative, resource fulness and victory." . Secretary Daniels, in response to the questions as to whether the plans were prepared for use against a foreign power in conformity with the foreign policy of this govern ment, would not say that he was kept fully advised regarding these matters. "I am aware generally of the foreign policy of the govern ment, particularly as it may affect the work of the Navy department," he said. "I will not discuss cabinet matters, nor will I say . what ques tions are discussed in conference. The State department is in direct charge of foreign affairs." He insisted that in "large" he was aware of the general policy of the administration. He returned a few minutes later to his original insistence that the navy did have a plan and denounced Cap tain Palmer as "a better forgetter than a rememberer." Daniels Says Committee "Investigated" Too Much Washington, May 21. Secretary Daniels today accused the senate subcommittee investigating Rear Admiral Sims' charges against the Navy defartment's conduct of the war with having exceeded its pow ers in going outside the original controversy over naval war decora tions. The committee." Mr. Daniels told Chairman Hale, had given Ad miral Sims an opportunity to make an "ostentatious" representation of his charges when it required him to produce his letter of criticism to the department . Raise Women Workers' Scale. Tacoma, Wash., May 21. The state minimum wage conference voted to raise the wages of women factory workers in the state to a minimum of $18 a week. The pres ent minimum is $13.20. The new scale is to be put into effect by tha state industrial commission. Deposed Mexican Chief and Guard Killed in Attack IllllPlilllllllill - 1 - ' "'V, Kl BULLETIN. Mexico City, May 22. Carranza, who fled from this city May 6, and who took refuge in the mountains of Puebla, following a battle near Rinconada, was killed at 1 o'clock Thursday morning at Tlaxcalalton go, according to official announce ment here. Carranza's companions, the names of whom are not as yet known, are declared - to have shared his fate. The attack, which resulted in the death of the president, was led by Gen. Rodolfo Serrera, it is said. GR0VER BERGD0LL ESCAPES GUARD AT MOTHER'S HOME Wealthy Philadelphian, Serving Sentence as Draft Dodger, Disappears in Car. Philadelphia, May 21. Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, 28 years old, convicted draft dodger, recently sentenced to serve five years on Governors island, New York, escaped from army guards at his mother's home here today and to night was still at large. The wealthy Philadelphian disappeared in his own motor car while two sergeants from Fort Jay, N. Y.,, his guards, were sit ting in the drawing room of Mrs. Bergdoll's home. The machine was driven by Bergdoll's chauffeur, ac cording to police. According to information received here from Fort Jay tonight, Berg doll came to Philadelphia yester day on three days' furlough to ta tend "to important business mat ters." It was said the two sergeants had spent the night at the Bergdoll home. This afternoon Bergdoll was entertaining the sergeants with recitations from Shakespeare, ac cording to a friend of the Bergdoll family. A telephone bell rang and Bergdoll said he would answer it. He left the room and as the bell kept ringing the two sergeants be came suspicious and investigated. His car, which had been standing in front of the house, had disap peared and Bergdoll with it. The draft dodger was dressed in olive drab denim, army prison uniform. Johnson to Wind Up Campaign in Chicago; Norris May Be Speaker v Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leaned Wire. Chicago; May 21. Senator Hiram Johnson is all set to "bust loose" in Chicago on Monday, June 7, the night Before the' republican nation al convention goes into action at the Coliseum. Senator Johnson has engaged the Auditorium theater for that night. It was announced at his headquar ters by Edgar, J. Cook, . the single Johnson delegate from Illinois, that the Auditorium arrangements had been closed and that Senator John son will be the speaker of the night. He indicated that Senator William E. Borah of Idaho will be another speaker. Other'" possibilities as speakers include Senator Kenyon of Iowa and Senator Norris of Ne braska. Details of the arrangements will not be known until the advance guard of Johnson leaders arrive from the east. These will include Hiram W. Johnson, jr., and. Meyer Lissnerv Angus McSween and the full force' of the compaign management that has been working in the Washing ton and New York headquarters, MAY FORCE CONGRESS TO STAY ON JOB Bipartisan Insurrection Forces On Verge of Victory With Demands for Passage of Laws to Lower Prices. PROMISE TO UPSET PLANS TO ADJOURN ON JUNE 5 Senator Kenyon Peeved Over Effort to Sidetrack Bill Governing Packers Says Time for Real Test at Hand. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leas?d Wire. Washington, May 21. The bi partisan insurrection in the senate appeared to be on the verge of vic tory with its demands that congress stay on the job this summer and pass measures to relieve the high cost of living. Unless leaders regain the whip hand the program side-tracking vir tually all measures except appro priation bills and adjourn on Jane 5 will be badly upset. The democratic insurgents won the fight in their party caucus and forced through a resolution declar ing it to be the sense of the demo cratic senators that congress remain on the job until it passes measures dealing with the high cost of living, notably the Kendrick-Kenyon pack er bill. The caucus action was a virtual repudiation of an informal under standing between Senator Under wood, the democratic leader, and Senator Lodge, the republican lead er, to adjourn on June 5. Kendrick Takes Floor. Following the caucus, Senator Kendrick of Wyoming, democrat, one of the co-authors of the packer bill, took the floor in the senate and declared that congress ought not to be content with Attorney General Palmer's dissolution decree. It was all right as far as it went, Senator Kendrick said, but it did not begin to solve the packer problem. Republican leaders deny there is any jockeying going on to keep the packer bill side-tracked, but Sen-J - . xr f T t i l aior js.enyon ci iowa snowea signs of irritation when Senator Wads worth of New York moved to take up the army appropriation bill the moment the shipping bill was out of the way. Senator Kenyon promptly counter-moved to take up the packer bfll. Time for Real Test. "This same situation has prevailed now since February 4," said Sena tor Kenyon. "One bill after another comes in here and shuts out the packer bill. The time has come for us tp have a real decisive test dnd settle whether the packer bill is to be considered at this session." Senator Watisworth said he was willing to have the test. Senators got ready to "go to bat" on the issue when it was decided to postponed a showdown until after the party con ference Saturday. About 15 republicans will-vote for the packer bill, and virtually all the democrats will support it, accord ing to its sponsors. This would give lha m'easure a wide margin in the Senate. Exira, Iowa, Man Dies Of Heart Disease In Railroad Station ( IiIcoro TribunetOmaha Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, May 21. People waiting for trains in the La Salle street sta tion late Thursday night were sur prised when they saw a man sud denly slump to. the floor, stricken by death. He was quite dead when the station ambulance surgeon reached him. In his coat, pocket was a phial of iodine, in his suitcase was a bottle of carbolic acid, and carefully wrapped in oiled paper was enough cyanide to kill 50 men. A letter in one coat pocket contained this mes sage, hastily scrawled in pencil: "Bessie, you will find $6.30 in my clothes." The body was identified as that of Ralph Akers, a teaming contractor of Exira, Iowa. His wife brought suit against him for divorce a week ago. In his clothing was found $6.35 in cash, $1,500 in travelers' checks and keys to three safety deposit boxes in Chicago. The ' inquest showed he had probably died of heart disease, as there was no evi dence he had taken any of the poisons he was carrying. Wood Leading by Big Margin In Early Oregon Returns Portland, Ore?, May 21. One complete precinct in Multnomah county gave: Johnson, 84: Wood, 24: Hoover,' 14; Lowden, 12. ' Four precincts Linn county in complete give: Wood, 19; Johnson, 17- " " , Four precincts. Wasco county,' in complete, give: Johnson, 27; Wood, 18. . V .... Lord Sholto Douglas Given Divorce from American Wife Third Son of Late Mar quis of Queensbury Is Granted Decree Fr6m 'Former Actress. , London, May 21. Lord Sholto Douglas, third son of the late eighth marquis of Queensbury, has been granted a divorce from his wife, who was Loretta Audis Mooney of California. The case was not defended. Their marriage took place in San Jose, Cal., in 1895. Lord Sholto Douglas made his presence well known in California in 1895 when he went to Bakers field to look over a ranch property with a view to settling there. He saw in one of the dance halls Lor etta Mooney and married her. A honeymoon month was spent in a cottage at Alameda, and later the couple returned i to Los Angeles when it was said Lord Sholto was without funds. Lady Douglas then took the stage to earn a livelihood pending the arrival of money from England. Attention was again at tracted by the couple in 1903 when Lord Sholto took out an insurance policy of $110,000 in favor of his In the summer of 1906 Lord Sholto was taken into custody by the Portland, Me., authorities who mistook him for an American biga mist known as Lord Haley, who was said to be wanted by the authorities of many states. Lord Sholto had rented a cottage on the shores of Lake Sebago in Maine with a view to improving his wife's health. He was at this cottage with his wife and their son when ar rested. His identity was proved after communication with London and he was released. WOMAN KILLED IN AUTO CRASH MRS. Body Identified by Husband Who First Learned of Ac cident From Account in Newspaper. The woman fatally injured in an automobile collision at Fifty-second and Dodge streets shortly after mid night Thursday and who died soon afterward at the Methodist hospital was identified last night as Mrs. Inez Ensor, 3308 North Fifty-third street, by her husband, W. D. Ensor, at the Heafy & Heafy undertaking parlors, 2611 Farnam street. Mrs. Ensor was employed by Ed Hart, general manager of the Morris Cash and Credit Register company, Thirtieth, street and Broadway. Council Bluffs, as shipping clerk. Her husband is night telegraph op erator at the Northwestern station at Iryington. He knew nothing of the accident until he read of it in the Bee last night and noticed that a middy with his initials on it had been found in one of the automobiles which was in the collision. Following the accident Thursday night Harry Montgomery of Coun cil Bluffs was arrested and held for investigation in connection with the woman's death. He denied to the police that he knew anything regard ing the identity of the woman, and maintained a calm appearance when told of her death at the police sta tion. Although questioned by of ficers 'yesterday, he stoutly denied that the woman had been in his car. Early last evening a purse, found by Henry Moeller, 4723 Wakely street, shortly after midnight Thursday as he and his wife were (Continued oil Page Six, Column One.) Kenyon Made Chairman Of Campaign investigation Washington, May 21. Senator KenyOn of Iowa was named today ?s chairman of the senate subcom mittee which will begin next Mon day investigation of the preconven tion ' campaign expenditures and pledges of both republican and dem ocratic presidential candidates'. Other members of the subcommit tee are Senators Spencer, Missouri, and Edge, New Jersey, republicans, and Pomerene, Ohio, and Reed, Missouri, democrats. ,' Persia Appeals to League. London, May 21. Persia has ap pealed to the league of nations to protect her against bolshevik aggres sion. Temperatures Forecast: Nebraska: Mostly cloudy Satur day, followed by local showers by Saturday night or Sunday; cooler Sunday and in northwest Saturday. Iowa: Partly cloudy Saturday, fol lowed by 'showers Saturday night or Sunday: cooler Sunday. Hourly Temperatures: 8 a. m. ..SI A a. ni . . , , 7 a. ni.... 8 a. m.... 9 a, m.... 10 a. m.... 11 a. m . . . , U noon m . 5S ..IW .61 ..M . . ..60 .Klip, m INEZ ENSOR i n. m 74 i t p. m 76 I I p. m 77 4 p. m.... ml ft p. m .....7 I p. m... .77 7 D. m... 7(1 A grand jury at Nelson, British Columbia, May 4, 1909, acquitted Lord Sholto of the charge of shoot ing with intent to kill in Septem ber, 1908, a former British dfficer, J. B. Rowlands. The story had it that Sholto, upon returning from a hunting trip to his house at Cres ton, found Rowlands there and or dered him to leave. Lord Sholto, it was said, then fired at Rowlands. Lady Douglas, in 1914, was said tp be appearing in a London the ater under the name of Lorna. Les lie. ' OUTCRY AGAINST PRICES COMES TO HEAD INSENATE Republican Leaders Agree to Take Up Resolution Call ing for Income Tax Re turns Today. Washington, May 21. Continued outcry in the senate against profi teers brought matters to a head, there today when republican leaders promised that the resolution of Sen ator Harris, democrat, Georgia, calling for corporation income and excess profit tax returns would be taken up tomorrow for action. With certain amendments, Senator Lodge, majority leader, said he saw no reason why it should not pass. Senator Harris widened the scope of his proposal, which would bring the records into the senate to in clude 1918 and 1919 returns as well as those of 1917. "Members of the senate," he said, "stand on the floor denouncing prof iteers. Here's a simple resolution that only seeks to name them, which" has been waiting six months." The house also saw legislative guns trained on the profiteer. Rep resentative King, republican, Illinois, introduced a bill to prohibit federal reserve banks renewing loans on or rediscQunting commodity notes, draft9 or bills which, he said, would force hoarded commodities on the market. , Senator Calder, republican, New York, joined in the senate discussion during the day, urging steps to strengthen depleted plant facilities as means of increasing production and striking at higher prices. He referred to unsuccessful experiments in price fixing, and "the hand-to- mouth policy practiced during the war. Patrolman Stoys "Jiggs and . Maggie" Row; Arrests Two Charles Porter, 410 North Six teenth street, and his wife were ar rested by Patrolman Aboud at their home last night after the officer had interrupted a family brawl in which Mrs. Porter, equipped with a rolling pin, was playing the role of "Maggie" and Porter was submit ting to the role of "Jiggs." Porter was charged with intoxication and abusing his wife and the alleged hur ler of, the rolling pin was charged with assault and battery. When Porter came home drunk and started abusing his wife, she seized a rolling pin and struck him over the head, cutting a gash which required two stitches, according to the police. Middle West Publishers To Meet in Kansas City Kansas City, May 21. More than 100 newspaper publishers from Kan sas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Iowa, Colorado, Texas, Arkansas, Ne braska, South Dakota and Minne sota are expected to be present here Saturday when the conference called by the Kansas Newspaper Print league meets. The purpose of the conference is to organise a midwest newsprint league which shall work for legislation to relieve the news print shortage. , 2 OFFICERS ALSO SHOT liJ GON BATTLE Pair of Robbers Dying in Atch ison, Kan., Hospital While Third Is Being Hunted by Posses in Missouri Foothills. $8,000 STOLEN FROM HOWE BANK RECOVERED 50 Shots Exchanged in Night Rifle Fight When Puncturetf Auto Forces Outlaws to Stop Prisoners Admit Robbery. Two bandits are dying, one officer is seriously wounded and another slightly wounded as the result of a cBring daylight holdup of the Howe State bank late yesterday afternoon, in which the bandits escaped with $2,000 in cash and $6,000 in Liberty ' bonds. The' wounded: Walter Bradford, alias Walter Ingram, aged 28, of Kansas City: confessed to robbery when told at midnight that he probably would not live until morning. He is wound- ed in the abdomen. Harry Kelley, aged 30, of Kansas City; confessed to robbery; . gun wounds in neck and lung; probably will die. Ed McCtillough, deputy sheriff of Atchison, Kan.; shot in right leg above knee. t - Another officer suffering from flesh wound in face. Lock Cashier in Vault. The gun battle in which the four men were wounded occurred near B.-an Lake, Mo between 9 and 10 o'clock last night. ; After locking James Cox, cashier of the fcanljrjC the vault the robbers looted the bank and then fled from the town in a high-powered automobile. Thy ' traveled at perilous, speed over the rough roads in the southeast part of the state, racing across the boundary into Atchison, Kan. Atchison officers who had been informed of the robbery followed the car about 30 minutes' later. Assistant Chief of Police E. S. Fedderson of Atrhi enn nrtA hv picked sharpshooters trailed the "annus to tne village ot Bean Lake, Mo., close to the Nebraska-Missouri boundary line, where th bandits were forced to stop ' to repair a punctured tire. Find Bandits Repairing Car. Rounding a curve the piercing headlights of the officers' car reX vealed the trio at work repairing their crippled car. The officers commanded them to surrender. Thv command was met with a volley of rifle shots from the robbers, jump ing from their car the-officers crouch ed along the roadside and returned the fire. When two of the bandits toppled yr. the third one fled to the foot hills. His capture, it was thought, was only a matter of time, as he is believed to be wounded. More than 50 shots were ex changed in the battle. Ed Mc Lullough, fleputy sheriff, received (Continued . on Pane Sl Column One.; Senator Norris Says He Will Not Fight Dahlman Appointment Washington, May 21.-(Specia! Telegram) Rumors that . Senator i Oms would nniw th. c t ?V lames C Pahlman, ex-mayor- yi v..,dna, as united Mates marshal tor Nebraska, vice Thomas Flynn, ' ucLdscu, snouiq the ex-mayor s name be sent to the senate' -by the president, and hold up the nomina tion until after March.4. as recom mended by Senator HiTchcock, were completely laid to rest today. 'Under no circumstances will I he a party to any scheme of that kind, said Senator Norris. When the democrats carried the country eight years ago, the democrats fili bustered against all of President Taft's appointments during the short session. I denounaed their action as unpatriotic. 'Some re publicans and a good many demo crats did the- same thing. "But I am not going to stultify myself by doing a thine in my party that I condemned in another party. It is a wrong course, and in my judgment unpatriotic. I do not know who will be named marshal, and may be against his confirma tion, but it will not be because he is a democrat. What I have said about the marshal will apply to any other vacancy that may occur dur ing -the term of President Wilson 1" ' Presson Appoints Bross Assistant G. A. R. General Lincoln, May 21. (Special) As sistant Adjutant General Harmen Bross of the G, A. R serving the last year under Department Com mander J. B. Strode, has been reap pointed to that position by the new department commander, Joseph IL Presson, 'i a. 9 v A 1 ... " J . -.v.- v