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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, i THUTtSDAY, .MAT 20, mu. Kourkes' Continue Streak; Wallop Boosters f OMAHA CLOUTS OUT 19 HITS FOR 13 RUNS Gislason's Batting and Field Jng Feature Game Fuhr 12", Holds Boosters Safe r- At All Times. . Pes Moines, la., tiiy 19. Omaha won the first game of the series, 3 nvS, today by batting Dressen ajtd Bovd for 19 hits. Gislason's batting and fielding wre the features.. AR, K. lU.rn; 2b . . H 8 WnidrU, 8b.... ...... 4 I'lutle, rf ...ft 1 I tunica, rf 4 H. TO. A. 2 1 t 4 I ! t 4 8 0 J.ollvct. lb...,...., 4 O J-eo, II i, s o Mason, so. . a IT I Jingle, e. H t rUr, t Totals 43 13 19 T IS 1 IM MOl.VF... O'Connor. f . . a o i 4 0 1 41 4 0 0 4 12 a a l 4 0 1 2 0 0 ion t 4 I 0 3 it 1 a o l A . 5 f t O I 1 , 0 2 0 1 0 Toffee 2b....'.,;, Mcltetniwlt. Sb. , , Mets. rt.......... Milan, If French, aa....... Maahroob, lb Hreen, c ong. a... lraaen,' n o 0 0 Hoyd, p. .(. 8 O 0 0 0 Anderson 1 ; Total ,. SS 3 1 11 IS 5 -mmeo go Boyd In ninth. Omaha - 'a a i n a n a a i tt lie Molnea .,0 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 a Two-base liltai (.islamon, Maaon, French, Coffey, Haahroolc. Three-base hit: tils lason. Sacrifice hlta:. Weldell, Dnniia. Nlolcn bane; I .Ingle. I .eft on bases: Omn ia. : ue Molnea, 0. Struck out: Mr U?d. 2; by Fnhr, . Bam on ballet Off llressen, It offuhr, 1. Hit by pitched hall! By Fnhr, It'Connor and Long. Earned mm and hltaf Off Dreaaen, 1 run, 9 hlta In 1 Inning (none out In aeoond) I off Uoyd, ruiiB, is nua in m innincai on mnr, s mna, 7 hlta In 9 Innlnai. Xoalns Ditcher: alreen. Double playat I.ellvclt, onaaalat ed.v Gielaaon to at anon to l.ellvelt. 0 m- piraa:yjauion and Jacoba. Time; 1:3. Sioux City Scores Five In First Inning and Wins Sioux City, la., May 19. Sioux City scored five runs off McLaueh lin in the first inning here today and cjeieaiea or, josepn in tne nrsr srame of the series, 10 to 3. Fletcher held the Saints to three hits and no runs until the ninth innings. SIOUX CITY. OX, ' JOSEPH. AB.H.O.A AB.H.O.A. Crouch, If 1 i BpnowltI,cf 4 11 Marr, 2b Refato, aa Rob'aon, ef i a sis i i 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 014 0 4 0 0 t 1 0 0 ItCallaher, aa walker, rf Klrby. if Conroy. 2b Helchle, rf 4 Alt'matt.Sb 4 Blffert, a 4 Fletcher, p I Orotli. lb Croaby, o MoL'hlln, p Lynch Total. 15 14 IT II Sbsei Total II 11412 Batted for Lynch la ninth. St. Joseph 4000000 S 2 Sioux City . S 1 S 2 1 0 0 x 10 Runa; Slous City, Marr (2), Defat (I), Robinson 1), Relchle (J), Donnelly (I); St. Joseph, Kellaher, Walker, Klrby. Er rors: Sioux City. Defate (I); St. Joaeph. Kirby and Conroy. Baaea on balls: Off Lynch, ; off rietcher, 2. Sacrifice 'Jilts: Oroth. Fletcher (2). Hit by pitched ball: By Lynch (Roblnaon and Eiffert). Two base htia: Defate, Klrby, Donnelly, Alter matt, Relchle. Double playa: Defate to Marr to Donnelly, Walker to Groth. Left on baaea: Sioux City. 11: aSt. Joseph, . Stolen bases: Kalleher, Ij Walker. Earned runs and hits: Off Fletcher, 2 and 4 hits in nine Innings: off McLaughlin. 4 runs and C hlta In one-third Inning; offvLynch," .mo, v ruu. in eigne ana iwo-tnira ln- nlncs. Struck out: By Fletcher, S; by Lynch, 2. Loetng tlltcher McT.liphl1n umpires: rsecaer ana iiucKley. Time of gams: 1:55. Falls City Elks'TMine To Play at Tecumseh Qn Next Thursday Tecumseh, Neb., May 19. (Spe cial.,) me lecumseh base ballAeam is ready for games. The grounds have been put in condition for the season, a small grandstand has been erected, and the suits, ordered some time ago, will be here in a few days. Superintendent L. R. Gregory of the lecumseh schools,, is manager of the team, and it is being financed by the Tecumseh Community club. On Thursday next the Falls City Elks team will play the Tecumseh Elks team here, xhe rails Uly men will bring their ladies with them and in the evening a class of 17 is to be initiated he. re, after which there will ' be dancing and a social time. Hey! Just a Minute. With the Sportingr Editor. In the Nebraska-California game yesterday in Lincoln an umpire called a safe hit to center field out because he thought the center field er caught it on the fly. In reality, press dispatches say, the ball came to center field on a bounce. The de cision was made against the home team. There is no truth jn the -rm rumor that that umpire has been ( vutnu a juu 111 me western league. Kid Graves says his Indian fighter, ( George Lamson, is ready and will- ingto. meet Bob Roper. He said Lamson had jifstt returned from Excelsior Springs and would start light work at once. Graves has a new fighter in his stable at Walthill, he say$. The new one is a welterweight and his name is Morris Rhine. Heretofore he has been known in Omaha as Jack Ryan and as Kid Schlaifer. . Glenwood, la., has equipped a rhu . nicipal park with camping places, stoves, tables and the like. Glen wood Park lake affords fine fish- ing. Several Omaha out-of-doors enthusiasts are planning trips to Glenwood. Earl Conrad of Thayer, la., claims the state bantamweight wrestling' title. Ia a letter to the sporting edi tor he says he is anxious to meet1 Walter Smith of Grand Island. Option Plan Eestored. Auburn, N. Y., May 19. Restora tion of the optionr.1 plan in obtain ing base ball players from lower class leagues has been decided upon by a vote of the members of the Na tional Association of Professional Base Ball leagues, Secretary Johniand John McCormack wili catch the H, Fanell announced. The minimum amount for minor leagues was placed at $100 and for major leagues $300, with the privilege of exercising the rt:en between August 20and Septaiiter 1. annually. The practice of "farming" players is prohibited. BASE BALL DIRECTORY Standing of the Teamt. Wetter Leaf a. L. Pot. U Pet. 11 .ll 14 .40 II ,400 15 .113 L. Pet. It .411 II .461 14 .417 It .386 L. Pot. 14 .413 II .435 15 .S7S II .140 St. Joe... Wichita . Omaha .. Tula . . . ,11 JO .111 ,14 ID Joplln ....II D Molnea 11 Biouadty .10 om. city., a .13 10 .tttft .12 11 .(43 National Imm, W. L. Pet W. Chicago ...IS New fork.. 11 Cincinnati )( 10 .611 11 I .571 nrooKiyn . Pittsburgh Boston . ., 14 10 .683!St. Louie. .10 ,12 io .iMiPh'deiphia 10 American League). W. L. Pet. I vr. It I .lialWaah'gton it ,1 t ,140 St. Louis.. .10 ,11 11 .B4S Ph'delphla .11 11 .(OOlDetrolt ... Cleveland Boston Chicago . Now York Games Today. Western Lragne. Omaha at Des Moines, it. Joseph at Sioux City. Oklahoma City at Wichita. TOTAL RUNS SCORED High score. New Tork Nationals. Hi WESTERN LEAGUE May 14) te May 10, Inclusive. ftunday Monday Tuesday aHOI II SI 2 2 14 111 .1. SI 41 2 II 4. 6 Wednesday Totals .. 101 27'n2014ll NATIONAL LEAGUE . May 10 to May 12, Inclusive. ' i f Sunday Monday . .... Taeaday .... Wednesday ... Totals . . . . No game. 51 l! 1 E l SI 2 2 171 1 .1131311 1 1 GIANTS MAKE 17 HITS COUNT FOR AS MANY RUNS P&skerfs Home Run, Follow ing Hollocher's Double, Saves Cubs From Shutouta Chicago, May 19. New York had a feildday at bat tdday, gathering 17 hits, including; four doubles, which with four bases on balls and four costly errors by Chicago, made it two straight for the locals, 17 to 2. Paskert's home run following Hpl locher's double gave the locals their only runs. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A NEW TORK. AB.H.O.A. Flack, rf 4 18 0 Rums, If 2 1 2 0 Paskert, cf 2 1 1 2 Young, rf Fletcher, as Doyle. 2b Sicking. 2b Kauff. cf Lear, 3b Kelly, lb 3 2 1 1 0 2 2 4 3 0 4 11 1 5 1 1 Barber, lb Rob'son, If Oil 2 2 2 1 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Deal, Sb Terry, 2b Klllefer, c Daly, o Martin, n Carter, p Bailey, p OlSmlth. c 1 Barnes, p , Totals 43 17 27 IS Total 23 12711 New York 010SOS91 217 Chicago 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Runa: Chicago, Paskert, Bollocher; New York, Burns (2), Young, Fletcher (2), uoyie (a), Kaurr (3, Lear (Z) Kelly Smith (2),- Barnes. ErVors: Chlcrfgo, Kil- refer (2), Hollocher (2): New Tork, Doyle. Two base Hlta: Hollocher (2), Kelly, Kauff (2); Young. Stolen base: Young. Fletcher, Kauff. Home run: Paskert. Sacrifice hit: Barnes. Double playa: Doyle to Fletcher to Kelly; Barnes to Smith' to Kelly. Left" on bases; Chicago 4: New York 4. Bases on balls: Off Martin 1: Off Barnes z, off carter I, Hits: Off Martin in s tnone out in rourtn inning) ; oir car ter 7 In 2 1-3; off Bailey 4 in 3 i-3. Struck out: By Martin 2: by Barnea 1. Losing Pitcher: Martin. Umpires: Moran ana tug:r. Time: i:tB. Card Bit Causey Freely. St. Louis, May 19. St. Louis hit Causey ireeiy ana aeieatea rnuaaeipnia today, 6 to 2. The locals bunched four hits with two passes in the fifth for five runs, Hornsby tripling with the baaea full. J. Miller went through, the game without a chance. ... PHILADELPHIA. I BT. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A.t v . AB.H.O.A. b' 4 0 1 0 Shotten, If 3 0 11 4 3 0 7 Schults, rf . 4 0 1 0 2 0 2 llstock. 8b 2 111 Steneal, rf 2 0 1 01 Hornsby, 2b 4 111 T.Miller, lb 2 1 0 OlFournlr,lb 4 ?9f 1 ,3 1 14 2 13 0 R. Miller, 3b 2 0 1 llSmlth, ct 110 0 Wlthrow. c 2 0 I OlLavan. as 4 14 4 Causey, p 3 0 0 SIDllhoefer, o 3 13 4 IDoak, p 3 10 3 Total 11 12114 j Total 81 17 15 Philadelphia . . . ... .1.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 St. Lonls 0 0 0 0 5,0 01 x 6 Runa: St. Louis. Shetton, Stock. Four- nler, McHenry, Dllbourfer, Doak; Philadel phia. Bancroft (1). ErroVa: St. Louis, Hornsby: Philadelphia, Withrow. Three- baae hlta: Paulettt, Bancroft, La van Hornsby, Fournter. Stolen bases: Four. nler. Smith. Sacrifloe hits: Williams, Mc Henry. Double playa: Lavan. Horsba and Fournler. -Left on bases: Philadelphia, 2; st, Louis. 4. Bases an cans: orr causey, SVt off Doak. 3. Struck out: By Causey, i3; Doak. 4. Umpires: Hart and McCor- mlck. Time: 1:39, y Pirate Beat Browns. Pittsburgh, May 19. Pittsburgh won from Boston. 2 to 1. both Cooper and Mc Quillan pitching good ball. BOSTON. . PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Powell, et Blgbe,lf 4 t (Carey, et 3 OlS'worth, rf 3 OiWhitted. 3b 8 llCutshaw. 2b 4 2Caton, ss 8 2 Grimm., lb 3 Pick, 3b Mann, If Balley.rf riolke, id Boeckel, 3b 4 M'nvllle.ia 2 O'Nell. e 2 SlSchmidt. o 3 Rawltnga '0 Gowdy. e 0 Cooper, p M'Quillan.p 2 Totals Totals 29 1x23 11 Batted for O'Neill In eighth. sCaton out, hit by batted ball. Boaton 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Pittsburgh 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 x t Runa: Boston. Pick: Pittsburgh. Big- bee (3). Errors. Bolton. 0: Pittsburgh. Cooper. Two-bass hit: Grimm. Three-baa nit:; jjigoee. stolen Bate: wnittea. sac rifice hlta: Rawllne-a. Southworth. Ballev. Double plays: Caton, Cutahaw and Grimm; Caton and Grimm. Left on bases: Boaton, 5; Pittsburgh, 4. Bases on balls: Off McQuillan, 3; off Cooper, 2. Struck out: by McQuillan, 8; by Cooper. 3. Umpires: Klein and Emslle. Time: 1:33. . South Dakota. Leagfte Opens; . Sioux Falls. S. D.t May 12. May- or Gnrce W Rurnairl will nifrh first ball at the opening game, of the isouth Dakota base , ball league season here Friday afternoon, when Sioux Falls starts a three-day series with Madison. McCormack will be in the city to fill a concert engage ment, - . . 2 10 2 2 0 13 0 0 2 2 0 3 I U 2.? ! f " I Ho o a i i 3 0 2v 21 7 27 1li Tulia at Joplln. t Watioaal ImgM. Brooklyn at Cincinnati. Boston at Pittsburgh. . . Haw Tork at Chicago. Philadelphia at St. Loul. Americas) Loaf ' Chicago at Wssbtngten. Cleveland at Philadelphia. Detroit at Boaton. it. Loula at Naw Tork. . Yesterday's Results. Western League, Omaha, 11; Pa Moines. 1. Sioux City, 10; St. Joseph, 1. MO otner games scneduiea. American Imm, Boaton, 3; Chicago, 2. Cleveland, B; New York. 0, Philadelphia, 7; Detroit, 4. No other games scheduled. Katlonal Magna. Pittsburgh, I: Boaton, 1. ' St, Loula, S; Philadelphia, t. New York. 17: Chicago, S. 1 Brooklyn at Cincinnati postponed. M.Paul, 21. Low score, Brooklyn, 0. AMERICAN LEAGUE May 10 lo May 12. indoaiv.' lar Munday Taesdar Wedneaday AMERICAN ASSOCIATION May 14 to May 10. Inclusive. & I Sunday , , , Monday ,,, Tuesday . . Wednesday Totals .. SI 11 110 si a 10 719 15 131W COVELESKIE IS GOOD IN PINCHES CLEVELAND WINS Indians' Star f wirier Turns Back Yankees Three Times With Runners on Sec ond and Third. New York , May 19. Cleveland defeated New York today, S to-0, Covejeskie acored an Impressive vie tory. He was especially effective in the pinches, turning the Yankeea back three times after they had run ners on third and second. A catch by Bodie on Graney and a stop by uaraner on Lewis were features. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A. Graney, If 4 110 NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A Ward, 3b 4 1 0 cnapm 4 Speaker, cf 4 Wood, rf I Gardner, 3b 4 W'ganss,2b 4 Johnston, lb 4 O'Neill, o 4 C'leskle, p 4 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 3 2 13 3 2 P'paugh.s 3 1 1 6 4 0 0 S S TP, J 4 0 lck. rf 4 2 Lewis, If 4 0 2IPratt, 2b 4S1 HBodle, cf 4 0 6Hannah, 0 3 1 tIRuel. ol 0 0 1 1 0 0 IMogrldge.n 2 0 0 0 Totals 37 11 27 171'O'Doul 10 Totals " 33 6 27 S Batted for Buel In ninth. Cleveland 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Runs: Cleveland, Coveleskle,i O'Neill &), jonnsion, cnapman, errors: Cleve land, Chapman (2); New York, Ward. Two-base hits: Speaker. Chapman. Han nah. Three-base hits: O'Neill. Johnston. Stolen bases: Pratt. Gardner. Sacrifice hits: Pecklnpaugh, Chapman, Speaker, wamosganss, jonnston. Lett on oases New York, I: Cleveland I. Baaea on balls Off Mogrldge, 1; off Coveleskle, 1. Struck out: By Mogrldge. 2: by Coveleskle. 4 Passed tall: O'Neill, Umpires: Owen and vuiti. im: ;oo. Clcotte Jet Good Support. Boston, May 19. Excellent support for cicoue -nem Boston to a 3 to 2 victory over Chicago' today, although the win ner made 14 hits for a total of 19 bases. reiscna homer over the left field fence. his second here In two days, pd the score at two-all. In the seventh. In Boston's nair AienosKy tripled to right, J, Collins falling! Just before he seemed bout to make the oatoh. Menosky scored on Monurvi single mrougn tne dox. CHICAGO. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. J.Col'ns.rf Hooper, rf S 2 0 E.Col'ns,2b Weaver, ss Jackson, If Felsch, cf M'Mul'n,3b Schalk, o Clcotte, p Risberg McNally,2b 4 3 4 Menosky, If 3 4 Mclnnls, lb 4 Coster, 3b 4 2 4 3 3 2 12 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 0 Scott. SB Schang, Harper, p 0 .0 Totals 35 14 1714 Totals 31 5 24 SI Batted for Jordan In ninth. Chicago . 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0- Boston ...1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 x 3 Runs: Chicago. 3. Collins. Felsch: Bos ton, nooper, jucnaiiy, Menosky, Errors: Boston, roster. Two-base hlta: J. Col, line, Menosky. Three-base hita:N Hooper, Menosky. Home run: Felsch. stolen bases: J. Collins, McNally. Socrlflce hits: JC. Collins. Menosky. Left on baaea: Chi cago, 4; Boston, 10. Bases on balls: Off Clcotte, 1; off Harper 8. Struck out: By Clcotte, 3; by Harper, S. Wild pitch: Cl cotte. Umpires: Dlneen and Nallln. Time or game:vi:6i. Dugaa Field Brilliantly. Philadelphia. May 19 . Philadelphia una uiaam aner oeinst ret rea in order In the first three lnningsnd -batted film out of the box, evening up the series with uetroit by winning tho final game, 7 to 4. Dugan' brilliance at short featurad hi return to the lineup after 10 days' on the hosnltal list. Navlor was steariv n.ftap wim start. DETROIT. - PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. ng, 2b ' 4 1 4 1 Dykes. 2b 0 3 sb. ss 4 0 rhomas.Sb tValber, If obb. cf- 3 I 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 13 0 0 each. If 4 1 Burns, rf 4 1 Flagat'djrf 4 2 0 Dugan, ss Welch, cf xiaie, ,u 4 Perking, o 3rlffln. lb Naylor, p Stanage, o Jones xFlnelll 4 2 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 OOdham. B "Total "33 13 27 l7 Glalaler, p zShorten Alton, p Ellison Totals 15 in ill Batted for 8 tan tea In ninth. xRan for Jones In ninth. sBatted for Olasler In eeventh. -Batted lor Alton In ntntb. ' Detroit 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 04 Philadelphia ,,0 0 9 1 1 1 111 7 Runa: Detroit. - Tounv (31. rnhh Veaehr PhUadelphla. Dvkea (2). Thomas. Dugan (3), Perkins and Naylor. Error: Philadelphia, Burns. Two-base hits: Btanags, Welsh, Perkins. Three-base hit: YOung. Stolen bases: Young, Perkins. Sacrifice hlta: Cobb. Welch, Thomas. Left nn basse: Dtrolt, 7; Philadelphia, f. Baaea on balls: Off Oldham, 2; off Nay lor, 2. "Hits: Off Oldham. 4 hits In 4 1-2 Innings: eft Olaisler. 4 hits In 2-2 Innings: off Alten, 4 hits In- 2 Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Alten. Walleer. Struck outt .By Oldham, ti 4y Alten. 1: by Nay. lor. 1. Wild pitch: by Naylor. Losing pitcher: Oldham. Umolrea: Mftri.ritv under I al nl Sl' 21 41 si 21 2 1 al 1 21 7 a a ... . 1 a a in al a n a ...1 8 2 B al al 7 Ol 4 otals ...... 01 7llSi20114!lll21 and Connelly, Time: 1:4 J, OMAHA CINDER PATH ARTISTS OFF FOR RELAYS ... jeswwssa-easj Annual Conference Track Meet At Lincoln Attracts Omaha University Athletes. ' Locals Leave Tonight. More than 100 cinder path artists, representing a doxen universities and colleges' of the state, w(ll take part in the sixth annual Intercollegiate Conference R.elaV Carnival to Ue held Friday on the Nebraska Wes leyan university athletic field, Uni versity Place. v , Cotner, Hastings, Peru, Kearney, Grand Island, Wayne, Doane, Ne braska Wesleyan, York, Dana and the University of Omaha are entered fin the meet. Hastings, last year's winner, has another great team and is expected to repeat. Nebraska Wesleyanf Doane and Cotner um. versities also have exceptionally good teams. Kearney ran a good race tor college honors at the Drake relays three weeks ago, and haa en tered the same men. v University of Omaha for the first time since 1916. will be represented by a track team at the conference! relays. Coach Adams of the local. school has been working on -his team for the last month, and; although he had very little material to build upon, he haa formed a team which will rank with the best. Adams has entered in only about halt the events. Ray Phelps, captain of last season s champion basket ball team, was elected to lead the traek men tor this season. Phelps is the lo cals star high jumper, and Adams haa also entered him -in- tne discus. Other members besides oach Adams and Captain Phelps trnake the trip are: Madson, Moggy, peeves, ccacom, inompson and ijustotason. int team will leave to nignt. Cornhuskers Hand Californians Tirst Defeat on Trip Eas Lincoln, Neb., May 19. (Special Telegram) Nebraska university up SCtt all done Wednesrlav lfternnnn when it defeated the University of caiuornia case oau team, 1 to 0. The defeat of the westerners is the first they have suffered since the start east. Ten victories had been recorded by the Californians since tney started on their trip. i wo lauesuoname fler.istnne nn. favoring "each of the oteams, brought considerable comment from the stands. J Captain John Pickett of the Huskers and Shephard of California both pitched excellent ball. Pickett struck out 14 men and Shpnhirrl fanned six. The game was scoreles until the last half cf the ninth inning, when the Huskers ran in one tally. Pickett arew a wane, stole second and scored on a hit bv Swalnn. Th Huskers made only two hits through put the game and California made dui one. , In the third innino- Smith nt W. braska was on second when Pickett lined one out to center field. Smith ran to third and Dye calfcd him and ncKeit out. lhevumpire said the center, fielder had caught the ball, although it came to center field on a bounce. Nebraska had only one uuwn at ine time ot tne play. In the ninths inoinc thr fu fornians claimed they were cheated out ot a run on a decision. The score:. .1.- ' ........ n. zi. U- anm '" "'o w e u o ii a California 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 1 Batteries Pitckett and Smith; Sheo hard and Toomey. Northeast Nebraska High Schols Hold Track and Field Meet Northeast Nebraska' hih schools are preparing for their 13th annual track and field meet at Wayne, Neb. May 21. Thirty-one schools will take part. Already 222 athletes have en tered. At the same time the has pall and basket ball championships for that section oi the state will be settled. For the past six weeks elimina tion games have been played with the . result that South Sioux City niarn ana nanaoion men are tn h pitted against one another for the base ball title. Uakland and Harting- ciasn tor the casre title. Woodmen of World Protest Is Upheld by Secretary Woodmen of the World amateur base ball . team yesterday afternoon registered a complaint with Secre tary J. J. Isaacson of the Munieinal Amateur Base Ball association in regard to being chalked up with de- teat last Sunday by the Vachal Pharmacy team. Isaacson iustainnri the complaint. Both teams are now parties to a tie. The other two teams in the tie are, gamblers and Btodegaard Crowns ). Secretary Isaacson also afinrmnreri that the meeting of the directors of the local association, scheduled for thia week, had been postponed until monuay mgnr. T American Association. At MUwaukaa-u. . r. h. a. 0 S 0 T 11 0 Louisville ........ Batteries: Decatur. Tfnnh Taturo, and Myers: Sctula and Gaston. At MlnneaDollH ' T xr v St. Paul a Minneapolis 2 t 4 Batteries: Marrltt anit w.f-o. McNemy, James, Hovllk. Whltehouse ana Mayer f . . (Only .two American AannnlaHn scheduled). - Additional Sports on Page 10.. Dohn Chosen Captain Of Purple and White Track Team for 1921 Frank Dohn, Centrat High junior, was unanimously elected captain of the 1921 Purple and White track team yesterday afternoon. Howard Turner was elected captain of this year's team. The Centra! track men went through this season without a cap tain. The election was one way Central athletes had of honoring Turner for his past work on tho track squad. Turner has won the high jump at the state meet in Lincoln for the past two years. He recently broke the state record at the' city meet, making 5 feet 10 1-2 inches. He is a hard worker, having earned letters in football and base ball. Dohn won individual honors in the city meet and took second in dividual honors in the class meet. He won the low hurdles with ease at the state meet last week, and was V which dcaretto one of the reasons why Central won the half-mile relay. ' Letters were given to the follow ing who either placed in the atate meet or won firsts in the city tneet: Capin Howard Turner, Captain elect Frank Dohn, i Floyd Green, George Smith, Herman Swobod, Ivan Robertson and Robert Downs. Kids See Games Free. - Sacramento, Cat, May 19. The board of education accepted the of fer of the Sacramento Coast league club owenra and agreed to dismiss elementary schools early twice a month' during thebaae ball season-. ,On those days "all good children" will be admitted free to the games. Teachers will say who shall be ad mitted to the games and students with low marks in deportment Will be excluded. . Noble Beati Leonard. Montreal, May 19. Tommy Noble, English featherweight holder of the Lonsdale belt,, outpointed Joe Leonard of Brooklyn in a 10-round bout here tonight. . . . maybe, in tolling your own," your tobacco choice runs to Tuxedo . . . but, ivWever it ic ypo vjaat the flavor your taste lilies . . ; . . Try rolling 'em ivith CIGARETTE PAPERS ! ( Made in France pronounced "Ree La Croj") ',"' ' ... I You sot tto ftill aroma of tho tobacco Tt) totLg cf HIZ LA CaOK no forcisia testa cr odor fcscssa est czfy tt psrt, Cr Csx, still teribse pufsi hy tha xs ol fpqr hcagrcj rjsflgat of chop Pyrcaaet rioontda wtttr la th idaaof cvqy iozaA of 1UZ LA CttOIX lUdein Fiance e)aWs?2 :,' means that if ytu don't life RUJ papers you can get your money EWnvood Golf ers to Open Season With Blind-Bogie Match Eluiwood Golf club will open its season Saturday with a blind bogie match. IKvosomes and foursomes are to be arrange by the members themselves. All contestants will be required to register at the club house. . The match will be continued over Sunday for those who cannot be present Saturday. ; Tennis Star to Play. If. Roper Barrett, the greatest of British lawn tennis doublet players, will once again enter the tournament lists this" summer. Barrett is 47 year old. He is- re garded as one of the greatest tac ticians of the game, and the only trouble seems to be in finding a suit able partner. His partners in past matches usually have played a second-thinking role, doing mainly what Barrett tells them. LA CROIX ' back from the dealer. SI DEXTER SmarfyCoot andiGomforAalie OLDtST QRANPIN AMCntOA UNITtD IMtMT A 60Lk4N 04V M. M- V, Bee Want Ada Produce Result!