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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
Twas No Use for Nick To Have Flown: ludse Finds Him Not Guilty Nick Loupa's sensational flight irqm jusuce last September was un necessary, fnr a inrv in Ticri- Juage. Troup's court yesterday lonnq nun not guilty of the crime of iorcerv for whiph he n inHir. d ..last August Nick made his es cape from the cohuty jail during the nor ana nre ot September 28, 1919. He fled to San Diego, Cal. But the long arm of the law found him there and he was brought back with an uregon boot ' on his leg and a tie ptity sheriff in charge of him. Keep Fit Bowel regularity is the 'secret of good health. Nujol is the modern method of treating an old complaint. Abso- x lutely harmless and pleasant to take. Get a bottle . from yoiir druggist today. Raw From Eczema Why sot see what on bottle of D.D. D. will dor w uoroni rnwu. itcninf nop at once. He, toe, $1.00. Try P. P.P. Soap, too. inxiip.iiD. EL lotion fbrSrdn Disease Five Sherman & McConnell Drue Stores. AnVERTTHEMKNT Dandruff Soon ' Ruins the Hair Girls if you want -plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, . for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. . It doesn't do nruch good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff! is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvbn; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. , By morning most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely de stroy every single sign, and trace of it. '?You. wMl find, too, that all itch ing and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You' can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matt ter how much dandruff you have. This simple Temedy never fails. ;"Diamond Dyes" i No Risk Then! ;Don't Spoil or Streak Material ;" in Dyes that Fade or Run Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can diamond-dye a new, rich, fadeless color into wort), shabby garments, draperies, cover ings, whether wool, silk, linen, cot ton or mixed goods. -Buy "Diamond Dyes' no other kind then perfect results are guaranteed even if you havr never dyed before. Druggist has color card. I n ADVERTISEMENT Instantly Beautify i; Your Complexion Thousands ot girls and women every where proclaim DERWILLO the greatest beautuier yet discovered. It instantly fives the akin that rosy white appear ance every normal woman craves. Over five hundred thousand are using it in place of face powder, as it stays on until yoa wash it off. It is so lifelike in appear ance that it ia impossible to detect it, and It fives' yon a youthful skin "every one juat loves to touch." It is especially rec ommended as a protection to the skin, for shiny nose, freckles, tan, blackheads and aallow dark, rough skin. Try it today en your face, neck, hands and arms. Yes, it'a absolutely harmless, even on the most delicate skin. At all toilet counters every where.' ADVERTISEMENT "TIZ" FOR ACHING, SORE, TIRED FEET Use "Tiz" for tender, puffed up, burning, calloused feet :: and corns. People who are forced to stand on their feet all day know what sore, tender, sweaty,- burning feet mean. .They use "Tiz," and "Tiz" cures feet rigfat ud. It keens feet in perfect condition. 'Tiz" is the only remedy in the world that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff Hp the feet and cause tender, sore, tired, aching feet. It instantly stops the vain in corns, callouses and bunions. It's simply glorious. Ah! how com fortable your feet feel after using "Tiz." You'll never limp or draw jp your face in pain. Your shoes wont tiehten and hurt your feet.- Get a box of "Tiz" now from any .Xruggist. Just think! a whole years loot comfort for only a tew cents. Uutwl, 1 i i fit I FIGHT AMONG INDUSTRIES FOR CAR PREFERENCE Many Grain and Coal Dealers File Priority Orders With Interstate Commerce Commission. Washington, May 19. A wild scramble among individual lines of industry for preferential treatment in car movement developed today as the Interstate Commerce commis sion gave indication of reaching definite conclusions on plans to break the freight blockade. There was a clamor for cars and for priority orders by grain and coal dealers. The American Can- rers' association protested that un less its shipments were moved ahead there would he heavy losses m certain eastern districts. By letter, telegram and personal representation to the commission. the American Railroad association's car service committee and railroad executives here were apprised of the urgent needs of almost every line of trade. May Transfer Cars. A committee of the executives recommended to the commission that it order the transfer of 20.- 000 box cars from the Atlantic sea board to lines west of Chicago and the relocation " of 30,000 "coal cars now west of the Mississippi river, to areas in the freight congested east. This should be done within the next 50 days if a direct beneficial result to be accomplished, the road heads believed. Members of the Michigan con gressional delegation, together with representatives of Michigan public utilities, appealed to the commission for consideration in the movement of coaLto that, territory. A pressing peed of fuel was declared to exist throughout the state and they urged the commission to lamp down on "the misuse of open top equipment" so that it would be available for transportation of coal. ' Grain Men Complain. At the conference called by Direc tor Barnes- of the grain corporation, complaints about the car supply in the grain-producing sections-of the middle west was the principal topic of discussion. There were assertions ADVERTISEMENT ITCHING ECZEMA, DRIED RIGHT UP WITH SULPHUR . Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be ouicklv overcome by applying a little Mentho-Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin iritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and ler.ves the skin xlear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the tor ment and disfigurement. Sufferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Mentho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like a cold cream. 1 mm EACH GENUINE NUXATED IRON TABLET IS STAMPED AS ABOVE Guticura Soap Complexions Are Healthy 8oap.Olim.Timi.M.nsr7warairorsa dereoe: Oatleara hkwtwki ,Cept.X. suites, ADVERTISEMENT STOMACH TROUBLE AND CONSTIPATION ENDED Suffered So He Couldn't Work for Year, bttt Mr. McCormick Was Cured Promptly. "I had stomach trouble and eonstipa tion for five years. One year of thii time I mi unable to work, suffering un told agony. I doctored with some of the best physicians, also took many proprie tary medicines, but could not find per manent relief. Finally a friend recom mended Milkh Emulsion. The first few doses' relieved me greatly, and three bot tles of it effected a permanent cure." C. A. McCormick, Anderson, Ind. Mr. McCormick .is only one of many hundreds who have endured torture for years and then fofcnd that Milks Emul sion gives blessed relief and real, lasting benefit. It costs nothing to try. Milks Emulsion is s pleasant, nutri tive food and corrective medicine. It re stores healthy, natural bowel action,, do ing away with all need of pills and physics. It promotes appetite and Quick ly .puts the - digestive organs in shape to assimilate food As a, builder of flesh and strength. Milks Emulsion is strong ly recommended to those whom sickness has weakened and ia a powerful aid in resisting and repairing the effects of wasting diseases. -Chronio atomach trou ble and. constipation are promptly re lieved usually in one day. This ia the only aolid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. Truly wonderful for weak, sickly children. No .matter how severe your' ease, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion un der this guarantee Take six bottles home with you, use it according to direc tion and if not satisfied with the results, yoar money will be promptly refunded. Price 60e and $1.20 per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Co., Terr Haute, Ind. Sold by druggist everywhere, I - . . - FOR i'Sw1 RED DLOODTCK STRENGTHANDrA that even when cars were supplied "Jess than 20 per cent of them were fit for loading." Presidents of sev eral railroads answered these charges with the statement that the task of restoring equipment to a serviceable basis was "one almost beyond human comprehension" and that the rail lines were doing their utmost in re pairing and making cars ready to meet the forthcoming heavy grain movement. Mr. Barnes said that wheat -shipments after June I would be given priority, since adequate and imme diate movement of the grain under lie stable credit for the growers. But Hale Holden, president iof the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, and a number of the execu tives' committee said the roads cov9 not possibly furnish 100 per cent car supply, because much of the rolling stock had not been kept in condi tion during the war. Suffrage Delegation Sails For Europe to Attend World Congress New York, May 19. The Ameri can woman suffrage delegation, headed , by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, international president, sailed from here on the steamer Royal George for Europe to attend the eighth congress of the International Woman Suffrage alliance at Geneva, June 6 to 12. J here were 30 delegates, alternates and visitors in the party, including Airs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the secretary of the navy, who goes as an official representative of the United States government. Mrs. Daniels in a statement issued before sailing expressed pride that the women of the south were play ing such an important part in suf frage matters. She said that she had nformation that the Louisiana Ietris- lature, cow in session, will ratify suffrage, which would make ratifica tion complete. , Besides Mrs. Catt. Mrs. Daniels and Mrs; Stanley McCormick. first corresponding secretary of the in ternational alliance, the oartv in cluded: Mrs. W. E. Barkley. Ne braska; former State Senator Helen Rinor Robinson. Colorado and Miss Dorothy Rehfield, South Dakota. Sinn Fein Colors on. Cathedra! Pillar Are Scored by Cardinal Dublin. Mav 19. The painting of the Sinn Fein colors on the pillars of--St. Patrick's cathedral has evoked a strong denunciation from Cardinal Logue, who describes the act as a "flagrant outrage." He attributes it to "desperate and reckless characters to whom nothing is sacred, who come to the surface in times of trouble and excitement." The head of the Catholic church in Ireland recently incurred the dis pleasure of the extremist inner coun cil of Sinn Fein by the statement, published through Universal Seryr ice, that he favored dominion home rule for Ireland. Salt Lake Population Is 1 18,1 10: Increase Of 25333 In Decade Washington. Mav 19. Salt Lake City, 118,110; increase 25,333,-or 27.3 per cent. Pitfsfifld., Mjs.. 41.534: inrreasp 9,413 or 29.3 per cent. Khmelander, Wis., o,654; increase 1,017, or 18.0 percent. Roanoke, ,Va., 50,842; increase 15, 968. or" 45.8 per cent. North Bridge, Mass., s10,074; in crease, 1,267, or 14.4 per cent. Moves His Nose Like Tapir When Muscle Is Grafted Prague, May! 19. Dr. Schloster, noted surgeon, has invented a meth od of- muscle grafting. He has grafted some new skin on a patient's broken nose, and added a portion of one of the smaller muscles of the chest. Not only was the operation suc cessful, but the patient now is able to move his nose at will as a tapir moves its trunk. Hundreds of Birds Killed By Flying Against Light Racing, Wis., May 19. Hundreds of birds', embracing every known species" to this climate, were killed Tuesday night by flying against the Wind Point light, norjh of the city. The glare flashing through the fog apparently bewildered the birds, causing them to dart against it. The lighthouse grounds vebt literally covered with the brilliant colored corpses, . ' -1 Sell 90,000 Red Fox Pelts. St. Louis, Mo., May 19. Red fox was the only offering at the spring auction of the International Fur ex change here, 90,000 pelts being of fered and bringing $1,200,000. The high grades sold for $45; medium, $20 to $25, and low, $7 to $10. MOTHER! i "California Syrup of Figs Child's Best Laxative Accept "CaliforniaSyruD of Figs only look-for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmlejs physic for the little stomach, liver .and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." ' , THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920. FOREIGN MONEY FALLSSIIARPLY ON PARIS MART French Banker Says Drop Is Due to Normal Operation of Law of Supply and Demand. Paris, May 19. Another marked decline in foreign currency occurred in the Paris market this morning. The pound sterling opened at 48 francs and the American dollar at 12 francs, 50 centimes. Yesterday's closing quotations were 53 francs for the pound and 13 francs 74 centimes for the dollar. A high official of the Bank of France expresses the view today that the sharp decline of the ex change rates meant the beginning of a return to the o.d equilibrium, ruled by the law of supply and de mand. He considered v that the French government decree prohibit ing importations of luxuries from England and the United States was e starting point and that other reasons were the results of to Hythe conference, where the settle ment of the German indemnity question began to take detinue fhape, the rrench business worm becoming for the first time confi dent that Germany would pay some thing of its debt. . The opening transaction m sterl ing was 5,000 at 48 francs. Later transactions averaged 50 francs. American dollars were not quite so active. .. Complete Plans to Bring 2,000 Poles to America Each Week Warsaw, May 18. Arrangements have been completed for the trans portation of 2,000 persons weekly from Poland to the United States by the Hebrew Sheltering and Im migrant Aid society of America, which recently opened offices in Warsaw. The Polish authorities es timate" that a quarter of a million persons already have applied for passports, about 95 per cent of these being women -and children, depend ents of persons now in America. The first shipload of 800 emi grants left Danzig two weeks ago. Jacob Wassel of New York, chair man of the society's, committee Non work in foreign countries, estimates that the movement will continue for two years. The American consulate here has created a special department to vise the passports in connection with this movement. These now are averaging some 1,300 weekly. Crowds of elderly women and young children are assembling daily in front of the consulate. ' ' Rumor Lenine Shorn 'Of. High Authority In Russian Soviet London, May 19. Gen. Alexis A. Brussiloff, former commander-in-chief of Russian armies under the im perial regime, has, for the time being, virtually assumed the supreme authority formerly wielded in the Russian soviet government by Nikolai Lenine and other 'people's commissaries, according to a state ment printed this morning by the Daily Telegram. This would seem to confirm a. re cent dispatch to the Associated Press that military authorities in Russia were about to assume the powers formerly in the hands of civilian of ficials of the bolshevik regime in Moscow. Rumors that a military coup had been sprung at the Rus sian capital have been current sever al days. Labor Leaders Denounce Polish Drive Against Reds London, May 1. Denunciation of the Polish attack on bolshevik Rus sia and what is regarded as Great Britian's como'licitv in that offen- kiive, is contained in a manifesto I f i 1 . e , , issued nere Dy a numoer oi.iaoor leaders. The British government is accused of "violating its pledges by sending munitions to Poland," the manifesto declaring; "The furiously cruel blockade of Russia is actually main tained, although legally non-existent, while a stream of goods is flowing into Poland." s The triennial conference of the Dockers' union has passed a reso lution forbidding t,he loading of any more munitions to be used against Russia. Action of Reserve Board . Causes Stockmen Anxiety Albuquerque, N. M., MSy 19. Because the federal reserve board has ordered member banks in fed ing districts to discontinue loaning money on cattle security, .contracts for spring delivery by breeder? in Arizona are being cancelled with forfeiture of advance payments. The New Mexico Cattle and- Horse Growers' association received a tele gram from the Arizona Cattle Grow ers' association describing the situa tion as serious and asking that ap peals be sent to the reservt board and to members of congress. Wilson's Plea Ignored V By Louisiana Governor Baton Rouge, La., May 19. Gov ernor Parker has declined to accede to the request of President Wilson that he asked the Louisiana legisla ture to. ratify the federal suffrage amendment. President Wilson yesterday wired the governor urging him to use his influence to bring about the adop tion of the federal amendment'. German War Criminals Summoned Before Court Berlin, May 19'. The German war criminals on the list recently pre sented the government by the allies, have beeu summoned by the chief imperial republic prosecutor to ap pear before the supreme court' at .Leipsic between June 7 and June 20, according to the TageblatU KENYON STARTS DEBATE ON MEAT - BILLS IN SENATE Iowan Refuses ' to Recognize Progfdm of Committee on Packer Measures. Washington, May 19. An intima tion that the senate steering commit tee had "arranged to kill off bills for national regulation of the meat packing industry," thrown into the senate today by Senator Kenyon, re publican, lowa, started a tive-handed folitical discussion with Senator .odge, majority leader; Johnson fo California, Sherman of Illinois and Thomas, Colorado, democrat, taking part. 1 do not recognize the program of the steering committee in the matter," Senator Kenyon asserted, and in my humble way I shall try and make an effective protest." - And I want to direct an inquiry on this subject," Senator Johnson chimed in. "There's a measure in which I'm interested, the minimum wage bill applying to employes of this government. Do I understand the senator from Iowa to say that it's been pocketed by the steering committee, too?" "I doubt if it ever will see the light of day,'" Senator Kenyon said. "It's like the packer bill not denied consideration, but never reached." "There's been no pocketing of bills," Senator Lodge declared. "The steering committee has tried to ar range the necessary business of the government. It has no power to do anything else." Ihe shipping measure was re ported out of committee on May 4, and has the senate floor now," Sen ator Kenyon responded. "The pack er bill was reported February 5 and hasn't gotten the floor yet. The wage bill has been out of committee for months. City-Owned Utiltiies So Successful That More Are Started Jacksonville, Fla., May' 19. Encouraged by the successful opera tion for years of an electric plant which furnishes light, heat and power at much lower- than usual rates, the city of Jacksonville is completing municipal docks and ter minals, commenced before the war, at a total cost in excess of $2,000, 000. I The facilities of the shipping equipment thus provided are to be merchandised in other parts of the country through an advertising cam paign jointly financed by the city commission and a group of business houses interested in expanding the trade of the port of Tacksonville. Paris to Hear Strains of ' Wagnerian Opera Again Paris. May 19. Preparations are being made for the re-entry of Wag ner at the Paris opera, the theatri cal weekly La Rampe learns. Mile. Alice Daumas is said to have been selected as the principal interpreter of the works of the German com poser for. the first time since the war. . i "Women should be taught by those of experience that their most precious possession is their health. Upon it depends . happiness, success and attractive homes, for no home can be attractive or happy with a despondent, nervous, irritable wife and mother, suffering from the ills peculiar to her sex, such as displacements, ulceration, inflammation, irregulari ties and the consequent headaches, backache, and dragging , down pains. . , It is such women who should listen to common sense advice and when such symptoms appear try that most successful -of all medicines, Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound, which i3 made from roots and herbs and contains no nar cotics or harmful drugs, and which for more than forty years has been restoring American women to health. Here) Proof. x CokesberW, F1a ' I bad a tamer ud suffered with a severe pain in tny right side. I could nod stoop to fasten my shoes and was not able to do tny work. went to the doctor and he gave me medicine and told me to stay in bed for at least fifteen days and not even to lift a basin ot water till I could gain strength enough to be operated on tor I never would be well without it. I remem bered one of my aunts who had been In the same condition and waacomd by your medicine so I took Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound and got well com pletcly. The tumor has disappeared and I am able to do anything I want to do. I recom mend your medicine to my friends and you can publish my teitimon iat'VMrs. S. . Kakdolth, Bos I is, uoKesoerry, Jria. Unquestionably the Bert Remedy for Woman'! ma la m n n v I t-VOIA C.PINHrlAH KEOICTnE CO- LYNN. M- T - - 2 NEGROES ARE MADE BISHOPS BY METHODISTS They Will Have Charge of - Colonies in America and AfricaFull Roster Of 17 Chosen. Des Moines, Ia., May 19. (Spe cial Telegram.) The Methodist general conference in session today completed the work of electing 17 bishops by elevating the Rev. Dr. Robert E. Jones and the Rev. Matt W. Claire to the eoiscooal bench. I'he last two elected are negro min isters and will be sent to superin tend the negro conferences in this country and in Africa. Never before n the history of, the church has a generarvconlercnce elected so many bishops , and the work of election has extended over nearly a week and has caused great inter est and political activity on the part i friends of the many candidates. At an early session in the day the conference elected Dr. r-red L. Keeney of Buffalo, Dr. H. Lester Smith of Detroit and Dr. Charles L. Mead of Denver to serve as hops. The full roster of the 17 elected, including the three mis sionary bishops, who have been made genenal bishops, - is as fol lows : - , Frahk W. Warne, Lucknow, India; John W. Robinson, Bombay, India; Eben S. Johnson. Utali. Rhodesia. bbuth Africa; L. G. Uirney, Boston; Fred Fisher, New York City; C. E. Waldorf, Cleveland; Charles E. Locke, Los Angeles; E. G. Richard son. New York Citv: Charles W. Burns, Minneapolis; Anton Bast, Copenhagen, Denmark; Edgar Blacke, Chicago; George M. Bickley, Philadelphia; Fred L. Keeney, Buf falo; H. Lester Smith, Detroit; Charles L. Mead, Denver. It generally is predicted that not more than four or five of these episcopal leaders will be assigned to residences in this country. The needs ot the foreign fields have grown so imperative that the ma jority of them wil be sent abroad. Ihe general conference which has been transacting business with ex traordinary aispatcn ana whicn has done several epochal things, voted today to adjourn on Thursday. Mav 27. This is three days in advance of the usual time for the adjournment of this big legislative body of Meth odism and indicates the quality of business sagacity and efficiency with which the more than 800 delegates have acted. There still are many matters of extraordinary concern to be acted upon by the conference, among which " are the proposition , to unite with the Methodist church, south, several doctrinal issues, the report of a special ctmmit:ee on overhead expenses of the bo.-and the cen tenary movement " rre will be plenty of oratory -lebate in the last week of the cc.icrence. fiouston Asks More Funds. Washington. May 19. Sefretary Houston asked the senate today to increase appropriations for the cus-. toms service irom iu,juu,uuu to $11,000,000 because of Unexpected foreign imports. Wakefield, Kebv" I felt sick all over and did not know what to do with myself. I was irregular and had chills and night sweats, would vomit at that time. I suffered ia this way for many yean and had medicine from two doctors but they did me do good and so I lost faith in them. Finally my husband got tind of seeing me suffer so he got me a bottle o? Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound. It seemed to help me right away, then I got Lydia S. Pinkham'sf Vegetable Compound Tablets and took several boxes. Now . I feel just fine aU the time so ft aurely fs a wonderful medicine. I have told several ladies about your medicine and yon can use my testi monial." Mrs. Jotibt L. Fbjmu, R. No. 1, Box 4, Wakefield, Na braska. AO V KKT1SK.M K T Qoorph tint uquiuii um Germs of Find (Tut What Causes Your Suffering and Go After It. Aren't you about ready to come to the conclusion that you are absolutely ignorant of the cause of your Rheuma tism? You know all about its aches and pains, and are well aware of the fact that they seem to increase and grow in intensity, but have you any definite idea of the cause and origin of all this suffering? t I "W h a t it Rheuma tism?" it a question that has not yet been an swered entirely satisfac torily. There are still different opinions as to its exact cause, but little doubt that its pains are real. ' I The truth of the matter ia, a great majority of the most learned doctors are full of doubts about Rheumatism. They probably are familiar with some of the local condi tions that superinduce tjie dis ease, as well as its peculiari ties and effects, but when it comes to a definite analysis of the disease, in all of-its dif ferent phases, the medical profession has made little progress toward mastering this painful disease. Perhaps, like thousands of other sufferers, you have thought that the right way to treat Rheumatism is to rub with liniments and lotions that part of the body where the pain is felt. This seems like a reasonable thing to do, and sometimes results in some slight relief for the time being. "N But the pains very prompt ly return, and you very soon realize that such treatment merely gives temporary re lief, without making any im pression upon the progress of the disease. In fact, if local applications of liniments, lo tions and other similar treat ment would cure Rheuma tism, the disease would be very easily conquered, for the average sufferer has uised such remedies almost by the gallon, and each season finds New Hair Remover .Gets Roots and All . Here'i the greatui thine for hair-di figured womankind that has happened in a hundred years I A war to actually remove the roots of superfluous hair easily, quickly, and ' harmlessly! A method that does away forever with shav ing, electrolysis, and the application of preparations which merely take off the surface hair. The new phelactine process is so certain to remove the hair entire, roots and all, that druggists are finding it one of their best sellers. There's no odor or mussiness about phelactine and it is entirely non poisonous a child could safely eat it. Get a stick of phelactine today, follow the simple directions, and you will have the surprise of your life. With your own eyes you will see the toots come out.. ADVERTISEMENT How to Qain Flesh A simpla hut sure way to increase the weight, it is asserted by several well known physicians, is to take regularly for several months, one or two S grain hypo-nuclane tablets after each meal. These little tablets have the distinguished merit of increasing the red and white blood eornuscles. aiding digestion and pro moting assimilation and absorption of the elements in the food which go to make blood and solid tissues. They are obtain able in sealed packages from well storked apothecary shops. ' ADVERTISEMENT TELLS ABOUT A CHRONIC TROUBLE Mr. John O'Brien, 659 N. 15th 'St., Philadelphia, writes: "I had been troubled for years with chronic constipation, un til my whole system seemed poisoned, and I suffered with headache, languor, ( depression , and general impaired health. I began .taking Sulpherb Tab lets and got immediate relief. I am, after many months, still regular in babits, and thank you, and hbpe they will become known to thousands, etc." If your blood is bad, tongue coat ed and you are constipated, with stomach and bowel ir regularity, get a tube of Sul pherb Tablets of your druggist right away. They are made of sulphur, cream of . tartar and herbs so don't accept ordinary "sulphur" tablets. FistMa - A mild nyatem of Ralal r ....... lack ' . eration. 'No Chloroform, Ether er ether ceneral aaesthetia aseaL Wr"2nfdh"V!:ri"f " for treatmeat. and no money i. to be pale! ., I one HnMinatiV k i i. "T""1 " ..... v vi. ww nave ocea permanently 'carta. DR. C. R, TARRY Sanatorium, Patera . r are,, w. vwunaiwaj. AOVKHTlSKMr.NT tho 1 iug Rheumatism them more firmly in the grip of the disease than before. The medical profession is practically agreed upon one point, however, and that is that Rheumatism is more than a series of local pains, and that the real cause of the dis ease is deep-seated, and can not possibly be reached by remedies applied to the sur face. ' In other words, you cannot rub away the intense pains of Rheumatism. , - Some forms of this disease have been found to come from a - tiny germ in the blood, which set up their colony in the muscles or joints and be gin to multiply by the' mil lion. You can easily 'under stand, therefore, that the 1 1. 1 1 L 11 1 nn v lnrRMiiTKiiL iriKLiitm ui. treating such cases is through the. blood. O CJ O in 4lt.M.mlvl o. o. o. in outii a uiuiuuu blood purifier and cleanser that it can be relied upon to search out all disease germs and impurities and eliminate them from the system, and this is why it is such an excel lent remedy for Rheumatism. It has been used with great success in thousands of cases, and the fact that it searches out the germs that cause the disease, and eliminates them from the blood, makes it t)tt logical treatment. I The most common form of Rheumatism comes from a tiny gem in the blood, which mul tiplies by the millions, carrying its torture to the most favorable point of attack. I I I m mam wmmm m 'O Possibly your Rheumatism is due to this very common cause, a germ in the blood, and you should therefor loo no time in beginning to toko S. S. S., which so thoroughly cleanses the blood of all im purities. You will soon find that you are . on tho right treatment. S. S. S. has a successful roe ord of fifty years behind it, so you will not be experimenting with an untried remedy when you take it. Go to your drug store and get a bottle today, and if your case needs special i-A. Ai . aweiiuoii, you can ootain medical advice free by writ ing fully to Chief Medical Ad viser, 187 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. No More Constipation or Dlotchy SUn Wanfa dear, healthy regular bowels, and a perfect working liver? All easy to ob tain if you take CARTS CASTER'S LHtte Llrsr Fttif, the sure safe and easy acting rem IXTI ixd PILI edy. For headac stomach and despondency, they hue no enjai. mreiy vegetable. DR. CARTOt mOH rlil, KatatVi great nerve and blood tonic for Aieaaa, KasaaMtfsaa, Hern Steeplasm and gcaak Wt BEAR OIL' for HAIR ANtrfTSSKRCT Kyuike-for the hlr Ii ttnuine isr 1. Thrre are other active lazradlsnei not found In any otbtr balr prwa tion. Kouiko his surraedad fo Baa oandruw when ery other htlr lotion ee trb meut has proved futile, 1300 Suarutse. Amu. In roults in cases considered . sever saw a said Instant Why became or remain Isle If roe eaa aw Jslrf If others have obtained a now srowthel moor box it iouito ti ' J. R. BrilUin, he, Slitloo F, New Vstt, N.T. If HUNT'S Salve flSiUlSZ trvntmentaf ITr'R rui other itching akin a 7$ cent bocatewrkk Sherman A McConnell Drag Ce. Become Slender "eduoo year weleht 10 to tt lbs., t avora. under 1100 GUABANTEB by nsiac OILOP K 0 REIN, following oaay dlVectloni? Sold by Sherman A McCoouell. Beaton Drue Co.. Met litt'a. Unltt Dooakal. Btnclt-roi Drut CoL JoseplvZuehek. Adana-Ualfbt Drat Ce. fikt.TS1' ir"rt'!, -" sail. OIL KOREIN. Booklet mailed free by KaMa Cal KV-oOi. Stalls, r. Now Vs-sT ""B Pay, Wheat Curod treatment that cum FIIm. Fiatalm ui tk . A! Jal a 7 "ran am loiiunonials af Tmat Mf. (Baa BMf .) O-aafc laakT (TlWICeBJ ISIIMllUr s f .... ...... v. ' i . e .