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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
THE BEE: . OMAHA THURSDAY, MAY 20. 1920. 16 'SHIP BY TRUCK' WFFIf IS Trt RC fktalt IV IU Ulm OBSERVED HERE . Thirty Motors to Form Proces sion In 34-Mile Drive tofsh :! land Mayor Smith to Speak. National Ship-by-Truck wfek will be observed in Omaha, when 30 iruckt ,1111 be assembled on the north ltde of tw court house af"8 o'clock this morning preparatory to 34-mile run to Ashland, Neb. Practically every make of truck sold in Omaha will participate in the trip. Before the "run" is started Mayor Smith will deliver a short talk on "Motor Transportation and Good Roads." ' Band to Lead Procession. The trip wilhbe started at 8:30. Th truck leading the procession will carry the 20th infantry band of Fort Crook. Following it will be trucka entered "by the army, navy, and marine recruiting stations. , The sales managers of many tradr firms in the city will drive 'truck In the procession. Aahland Plans Reception. The trip to Ashland will be made in about four and a half hours, ac centing to K. S. Grain, manager of the Firestone Tire and Rubber company ship-by-truck bureau. The .shiana Chamber of Commerce has planned a celebration to take place waen the trucks arrive were, Mr. Graul says. The return trip will start in time to permit the trucks to reach Omaha by 6 o'clock inthe evening. ;, A vigilance committee of 200 members is being formed under the auspices of the Automobile Club of Southern-California, and will pledge themselves to report all infractions of traffic laws of that state. 1 w Big Trucks AH Ready to Ship Out -- ' i among the important items which enter into the cost of transportation, this feature makes an instant and definite appeal. It means to the farmer, tbe elimination of more or le"ss backig around when operating in and around farm buildings. , If an opportunity presents jtself during the truck parade Thursday this turning feature will be demon straVed to those who view the Ship-by-Truck parade. Farmprs. ax-nr-din? to the Ham ilton Motor company, will i the near tuture represent - tne nucleus of the truck business, as the farm Hannan Foresees Big Business in Trucks For This Territory The realization, of the important part which motor trucks and passenger cars will play ' in the transportation scheme of the United States, according to W. H. Mur phy, the manager of the truck de partment of the, Western Motor Car company, is the reason which prompted Charles R. Hannan, president of the Western Motor Car company and his associates to spend approximately $325,000 in the con struction of a building which will serve in facilitating motor transpor tation for years to come. "An investment of this amount ol money in a building of the propor tion of the present Western Motor Car company building represents a daring advance comparable to the far-sighted but wise expenditures mae by pioneers of our early rail roads," said Mr. Murphy. Mr. Hannan believes as thorough ly in the future of the motor truck and passenger car as a solution to the short line hauling problems as he does in the wonderful opportun ities Offered by the middle west. The national Ship-by-Truck and Good-Roads week which has been proclaimed quite generally in the r " " ' T PULL Truck motors equipped with Gill Oil and Compression Rings have .added power. .' Gill Piston Ring Co: ,r S. ENCorner 20th and Farnam Streets various states of the union, accord ing to Mr. Hannan, deserve wide publicity, and is but a forerunner of "Riany larger demonstrations which will be staged later as a means of bringing transportation and good roads facts before the pub lic mind. ' f Roecoe ("Fatty") Arbuckle, the motion picture comedian, ha3 a specially-built automobile that, in style and proportions,, fits his type and taste. The seats are wide and toomy and equipped with 14-inch springs. Motor. tractors and trailers are re placing ox team of the famous Italian marble quarries at Seravezza. Discovered by Michael Angelo in 1517, these quarries have been in active operation ever since. Autocar Truck Makes v Turns in. Smallest y Amount of Space The manufacturers of the Autocar truck, according to the Hamilton Motor company, distributors in Omaha and vicinity, have solved one of the vital problems which con front the farmer in his selection of a motor truck. This, by building a truck with 'a turning radius of less than 100 inches, which is several inches less than the space required for turning a Ford roadsteii To the man who considers time TIRES AND TUBES At Old Prices For a limited, time we offer Miller and Rdpub'-, lie tires and tubes at the" prices prevailing before the 20 advance of March 8. LattaTire Co. 619 S. lSth D. 3535 ' WE HELP YOU Solve Your Transportation Problems Having a large number of trucks, from light delivery tp heavy duty capacity, and numerous demands for long distance or country hauling, we have prepared and made all suitable ar rangements to take care of this business. We guarantee safe delivery, courteous treatment and satis-" factory transferring of merchandise hauling or moving jobs. "v. We solicit your business on the bSsis of service only. Please call for full particulars. Ford Transfer and Storage Co. Warehouse at . COUNCIL BLUFFS 1102 So. Main St. - Phono 365 R. A. Ford, Mgr. Warehouse at ' I OMAHA 813 Dougla St. .. Tyler 3 truck is in reality' the short line rail road r spur, connecting the farm Vith the trunk line operated by the steim railroad. s The cojt of foreign motor license for Americans planning a European tour, including' .exemption, registra tion, driver's license and number markers, is $20 for one car and one driver, with an extra $5.50 for each additional driver. Without a single exception, ft has been found that all the presidential candidates are in favor of good roads, and are of tbe belief that tiie future economic welfare of the country de pends largely upon the proper de velopment of the highways. Only 17 states in the Union reg ister passenger automobiles and trucks separately. ll&MO) m 3 ll OMAHA IvreSfg " - ' : I - . , 11 I 11 1 I X II 1 II I I It II ft IS 1 II II T J 1 11 . ( V W J, W IV cSv III Ml h ' ' I The Most Complete Automobile Building in the United States NOWHERE do we think you will find such .complete or perfect arrangemenUfor all matters pertaining to the distribution of automobiles. The Western Motor Car Company is in the lead. Nothing, not even comfort, has been overlooked in constructing this magnificent building. Come in and inspect our building. All are welcome. Storage Painting 24 Hour Service . Unequalled in Omaha Distributors of the Maxwell and International Trucks also N halmers Maxwell Peerless and Locomobile Automobiles Western Motor Car Co. Farnam Street at Boulevard Omaha, Neb. i.1 v ; - TRUCKS and THE MARKET . Owners of Oldsmobite conomy Tru.cks are certain of one thing. That their truck will take produce to the market regardless of weather condi tions. The Oldsmobile Economy Truck will go anywhere hauling is pos sible, and it's always ready to go. Mechanical trouble is a worry which the Oldsmobile Motor Works have eliminated almost entirely. .' -': The electric starterand lights make night driving safe and pleasant? if he Oldsmobile Torbensen Internal Gear Axle and Deep Channel Frame in sure ample power and dependable sturdiness. . v- ' . ,Powe,r, Low firice and Efficiency are among the distinguishing charac teristics of the Oldsmobile Economy Truck. J Chassis Only $1350 f. o. b. Factory V Nebraska Company :.-. 2559 FARNAM STREET J. R. OCNEALlj Cea. Mgr. . II 1 H tl nr u im r-f OMAHA NEBR. Every Donglai' Owner Is a , Douglas Booster Ask the Man Who Owns n One S H-UL" Nebraska's Pioneer Truck The Douglas Corporatism, because of ttte large number of trucks used on the farms of Nebraska ancTthe middle west, built their fac tory in Omaha. This is advantageous to farm ers, both from the standpoint of immediate delivery of Trucks and prompt service in re placement of parts and accessories. jjr Hand Made Throughout ) No truck is stronger than its weakest point and that is where the Douglas Truck excels, because it is made of all standard parts from all the leading makers of the United States. AD assembling is carefully done Jy hand. The workers, high grade, experienced me chanics, who build Douglas Trucks, are prowl of their accomplishments. Each one of them is a stockholder in the corporation itself. It is to thei own interest to build a BETTER MOTOR TRUCK to be especially careful and to con struct it ja the most capable manner possible. Thoroughly Tested . Every Douglas Truck, before leaving tha factory, is given fthe most rigid test It must tip the high standard of quality that has been set for it Each one of them must prove its strength, powei endurance and capabilities under heavy load.- ). ' . The Douglas factory is conveniently located, right here in the west to give you better serv ice. No delays, no waiting for trucks or neces sary parts. The long list of entirely satisfied ' users is indicative of the dependability of these extraordinary motor trucks. . Tea are absolutely safe ia purchasing s Douglas, backed by our guarantee of service. It will STAND UP. It wfll KEEP GOING. It will DELIVER THE GOODS and, it will do MOST ECONOMICALLY. Can you ask more J Douglas Motors George Christopher Pres. Lore oration Omah-Vj Nebraska