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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920. 11 HITCHCOCK VISITS XFLOOD DISTRICTS! TO ASKJU. HELP Senator to Request War De partment; to Make Survey Preparatory to Installation Of New Equipment. Senator Hitchcock, Mayor Smith, Superintendent A. B. Hunt of the Metropolitan water plant, County Supervisor Louis Adam and city and county commissioners went through the entire flooded area of the north river bottom lands and Iso investigated the river and road conditions north of the Florence pumping station, yesterday after noon. The senator was interested in the situation and was convinced that teps should be taken by the federal' government to prevent a recurrence of the devastation of the last few days. The visitors were impressed with the necessity of protecting the high way which leads northward from the Minne Lusa water station. There is one point in the road where its cinder edge overlooks the river, making a perilous situation for motorists, who are warned when traveling this road in the night time. To Seek Immediate Relief. Senator Hitchcock will take the matter up with the War department with a view to having a preliminary .L, survey rnade and w;II do some tol-3;fsTow-up work, to the end that some- r thing may be done without pro ' longed delay, he said. County and city officials will do temporary repair work, which must be temporary for tje most part, be cause it is a situation that calls for ubstantial rip-rapping and current deflectors. The river follows a sin iious course from a point north of ' Florence. Superintendent Hunt of the water plant told the inspection party that within his memory of nearly half a century he had never " ieen the river so wide as it was yes- terday afternoon nortli of Florence. Tramp Through Sand. The officials and senator went to . " a point along the river near where the break occurred in Florence lake. They tramped through stretches of sand where automcbiles could not be driven. The itinerary included a trip around Carter lake boulevard y as far as it was possible to go from the west, bringing up at a place where the road ahead was inundated. The bath houses at Municipal beach are several feet in, water and Sandy Point is marked only by the bathing house. The boat house of Carter Lake club rests in the water. Carter lake has been rising, but in other-parts of the lowland there , were evidences of recession of the ! water. The . river also has been showing a lower water stage. Three-tenths of a. foot drop was bserved in the river yesterday at v Sioux City and the bridge at Blair indicated that the river stage had lowered one foot within 24 hours. ' Joseph Hughes, custodian of Car- ter Lake club, said that the lake con tinued to show -a 'rise,-wfckh was glower than observed durmg Mon wtay. The lake water rose yesterday at the rate of pne-tourth of an inch an nour, as against an men an nour on Monday. Mr. Hughes believes that the crest of the flood has passed. The club's bowling alley ' and motion picture theater were flooded and the water reached the wall of the dance pavilion. Many of the residents of the club grounds were bailing out their cellars yester- . day. Men and boys are spearing fish in places where they may traverse in wading boots. It is feared that , many carp have entered Carter lake and that these cannibal fish will eat he bass and other desirable species. ' . The Stock Yards pumping station tthe South Side was accessible om the land yesterday, after hav- htg been isolated for 24 hours. Auto Trucks Are Used in Shipping Cattle and Hogs . Owing to the growth of the de mand for farm trucks the public market in cities has been a great suc cess and has provided an outlet for .. the farmers for his garden and other produce, according to L. J. Swanson of Noela, la:, who was a shipper to tfce local stock yards this week. , "The 'Shipby-Truck' campaign Is ' getting the full support of the far mers in my neighborhood, said Mr. Swanson. "We had our cattle in from a distance of 60 miles, my neighbor, Tames Arrick, and my aalf. He had eight head and I had nine. The total cost of trucking both bunches amounted to consid H arable less than if we had shipped Jirail. Practically everyone in mv part of the country has their prod uce trucked to market now and all are well satisfied." According to Harry Brown of Dumfries, la., sending hogs to market by auto beats the old way of .waiting two weeks for a car to snip them. He said he found it much cheaper to hire a truck to take the hogs to market than it is to send . by rail and that he believed the mod- ' em , truck is the greatest help the far mer has received from the outside for a great many years. . Would Seek Injunctions In labor Suits in Iowa Fort Dodge, la., May 18. Reso lutions asking the Iowa state feder ation of labor to go before the next session of the legislature and ask the use of injunctions in labor suits were presented at the first session , of the federations convention. 1 Divorce Court Harlan Marshall against Oscar Marshall. eniy. Besala AUn against Arthur Allen, non opport. Milton Ktshugh against Cora, Fltihnfh. . ntscondoct. Fare Williams acalnat Varnon Williams. Clara Washington acalnat Joseph Wash ington, nonaupport Herman v lavia against Lula Davis. cruelty. DlTorr Icrr. ' Leigh Jackson from Violet Jackson, cruelty. , Roy Cardwsll from Annla CardwelL tfe- aartlon. " Elisabeth Cooper from Fred P. Cooper. oSwnsupport Bsrnlc Pnrat from Ault Furst, cruelty. Confirm Ten Children at Temple Israel Next Sunday , Ten children will be confirmed by Rabbi Frederic Cohn in Temple Israel Sunday morning. They are: Norman Conn, 611 Park avenue; Abe Handler, 3163 Chicago street; Yale S. Kroloff, 828 Third avenue. Council Bluffs; Isadore Megeff, 3914 Arbor street; Gertrude Moskovite, 726- South Thirty-eighth street; Beatrice E. Reicheberg, 117 South Thirty-third street; Edward Rosen thal, 5008 Dodge; Lester Irvine Slosberg, 105 South Thirty-third; Barbara Truehaft, 4933 South Twenty-sixth; Sam Wertheimer, jr., 1320 South Thirty-fourth street. Heads Knights of Zion. L. Abramson was chosen presi dent of the Knights of Zion at their semi-annual meeting last Sunday at 303 Lyric building. Herbert Robin son was named vice president; S. Megeff, secretary;-" H, Kneeter, treasurer; M. Goldware, sergeant-at-armi, and Bert J. Moskovitz, re protcr. Election of council mem bers and appointment of commit tees will be held Sundny. May 30. ' Dallas Man Seeks Big -Site for Many New Homes The industrial bureau of the Chamber of Commerce received a letter yesterday from Texas asking information concerning the availa bility of a 30 or 40-acre site for a new residential district in Omaha. The writer, N. J. Dilday of Dallas, explained that if the. proper loca tion can be secured, he would erect houses which would be placed on the market. Mrs. T. F. Kelley has taken office as judge of the juvenile court in Memphis, the first woman in Ten nessee to hold a judicial position. Commerce High Cadets To Have No Encampmen Commercial High cadets will not have ai encampment tHls year, ac cording to Commandant Edward G, Perley, The Commerce embryo sol diers attempted to get Fort Crook as a camp site, but plans fell through, The Commerce; battalion has been drifting faithfully during the past season, hoping for. a five or 10-day camp, irte Commerce liigh cadet officers who graduate this June will receive military diplomas at th commenaement exercises to be held June 12 at th City Auditorium. Senate Passes Bond Bill. Washington, May 19. The house bill authorizing the secretary of the treasury to purchase $26,000,000 ad ditional of farm land bank bonds was passed by the senate. YES, MEN- We Continue for a Limited Time OUR DISCOUNT SALES In All Sections People are coming from hundreds of miles around to attend this sale and snap up the bona fide bargains. They know that when such a STORE AS THIS famous for over a quarter century for high quality at lowest prices makes such an offer as this THAT IT IS worth coming hundreds of miles to attend. k ' The best clothes in the world, the best furnish ing goods andrhats, the best shoes and travel ing goods the largest, most wonderfully di verse, all-new selections iii America sets this reduction sale apart Supremely in a Class by Itself . SEB ont WINDOWS TODAY. COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS. CORRECT APPAREL' FOR MEN AND WOMEN: Our entire Second Floor is devoted to the display of Rugs, Linoleums and Curtains. m at Ear Jinan's Our Rug Display is most complete and we list a few of Tomorrow's values: 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rus . . . $53.85 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs.. $30.95 8-3x10-6 Woolland Fiber Rags.. $16.95 6x9 Grass Rugs, Fancy ..... $12.50 Of feriog a Tremendous Variety of Furniture in Designs, while the prioe tickets, marked in plain figures, illus trate the truthfulness of our slogan, "You'll do better at Hartman's." A "Simmons" Bargain Come tomorrow and save during these times of cut pricesv A real bargain in verms Martin $1050 nnisn. umy. SW For Tomorrow Only Brown or Frosted Blue aaQl , Thursday's Bed Offer In order to assist you in econo- mizing, we merchants try to l encourage you to take full f benefit of our reduced prices. Tomorrow we offer this bed a in golden finish, y at The Popular Jacobean Finish Save Tomorrow If you are planning on a new Buffet, it will more than pay you to see this bargain. In face of the increased costs, we offer this neatly - aca k finished Buffet at only. . . 2 We have just a limited number to offer at this ridiculously low priee. You will profit by coming tomorrow. j. umy.... I 7 5 '4P m t I You Save at Hartman's on Your Outfit J' ISO Your Credit Is Good Here Rich Cretonne Upholstering! Choke of Chair or Rocker i You will be sure to like this value. In the Ivory finish, .with wide arms Tomorrow's price will more than $QC85 please you aJU fr Nothing but the v Truth in out Ada : -Jf The Latest Styles in Carriages You have never seen a more complete display of Go-Carts, Sulkies and Reed Carriages. A special lot for SQQ75 r... slO Try and Duplicate This At Our Special Price The illustration above pictures this Mahogany and Cane Suite just as you will see it on our floors. The William and Mary design. The upholstering may be tapestry or cretonne. Special $ tomorrow. Women's Wearing Apparel and Millinery Announcements ' See Other Page in This Paper , Union Outfitting Co. r.kkes a Fortunate Purchase of Floor and Table Lamps The Entire Stock Goes on Sale Nest Saturday at " Unusual Reductions. High Piano Lamps, Low Davenport Lamps and ' Table Lamps Included. If you desire to solve the prob lem of making the living room more attractive at a moderate price, your opportunity comes in the special purchase of floor and table lamps, which the Union Outfitting Company places on sale next Saturday. In the immense purchase are scores of artistically carved or graceful plain bases that harmo nize so pleasingly with the fa vored schemes of present day decoration. The shades are of Chenev silk in many tones, with neutral silk linings, fringe, tassels and beads. The bases are principally mahog any finished. The wonderful values result ing from this fortunate pur chase further emphasize the ever-growinjr buvinsr power of the Union ' Outfitting Company, located out 01 the hiEh rent d s . trict. As always, you make ydm own terms. that only expert and highly effi cient men work in the repair depart ment of , the Sprague Tire and Rubber Company? Call Tyler 3032 TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time, Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable disease a. Avoid painful consequences by taking COLD MEDAL LErjir i if II Th world's standard remedy for kidney, Bvm, bladder and uric add troubles the National Remedy of Holland aince 1696, Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists Leak fat aaaaa Gold Madal oai eratr a This wonderful bookwil be sent free to any man upon re quest ' . . . . . CUMROtUWCIftrtKALa). sos Pernj Btoct.Wasavflle,Tein. See Our Dining Room Displays This Buffet on Credit You 'do not need all cash money to take ad vantage of our special markings. Your credit is good at Hartman's. See this value in golden finish" tomorrow. Are You in Need of a Refrigerator If so, you will take advan tage of this price. The av erage family- sizej full white. enamel lined. $ Special price 171? 1 Attractive Uferarjr Table , -See the Value "Tis true that Library Ta-1 bles, like everything else, are ' higher in price, but here is your chance to save. Golden finish, at. '2SU saw w Use Your. Credit t A Thursday Bargain Act quickly. " Come tomorrow and select your Couch Hammock at this special price. We will hold it for later delivery if you wish. 11195 i Use Yout Credit Why Pay More Money? ' You'll like Hut We have made a decided cut in this price so why pay more for your new Rocker? Golden Oak with durable upholstering, Buy Your Thursday While They Lest Somewhat early, you may think, - for the Lawn Swing, but, you cannot af-, ford to let this offer pasi, Only. . .u sur . Has Porcelfiia Top Save Tomorrow 16th Between Harney and Howard Siiiuiiii Seldom an offer like this. White enamel, with porce lain top. Measures 26x42 inches. Just like $ 1 A 8 piciurc. uniy... xJ- nns avwa xnua useraa jcvioc, bob- Mm 3Kut A4a & Buimc