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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1920)
m I: 4 J JEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1920. lou .Save pugar "Whether it be scarce or expensive or boip.when you choose for your cereal This food needs no sweetening for it con tains its own sudar self developedfiomtRerains. , While other cereals require more or less make them attractive GrapeNuts own rich flavor is cbundant ly satisfying. At Grocers Mle by Pbstum Gereal Cb., Battle (reek,Mich RESOLUTION ON SOLDIERS' BONUS BILL IS REVOKED Bitter Protest Piled by Mem bers of Legion Results in Chamber of Commerce Rescinding Action. A resolution pasted by the execu tive committee of the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce on May 11, held by member of the American Legion to be antagonistic to a federal bonus for all service men, was revoked by the executive committee of the chamber at it meeting yesterday. The question of the stand of the Chamber of Commerce on a bonus for former service men was referred to the public affairs and legislative committee for further consideration. Recommendations of that body will be submitted to the executive com mittee'for approval. Conference It Planned. . Representatives of the Douglas County post of the legion vAll be asked to meet with the legislative committee, F. A. Brogan, chairman, said yesterday. The meeting prob ably will be held next week and will seek to find a plan on which repre sentatives of the chamber and of the legion can agree. The rescinding of the resolution, which "warned against general cash bonus distributed indiscrimi nately," followed a storm of protest lodged by members of the legion against the chamber. Many legion men announced their determination to resign from the Chamber of Com merce unless the resolution was im mediately withdrawn. Lagioit Men Indignant Unofficial meMingi of legion mem bers for the purpose of crystallizing sentiment protesting the resolution were held, and, according to legion men were responsible for the an nouncement that , the resolution would be reconsidered at yesterday's meeting of the executive committee. Representatives of both sides of the controversy are of the opinion that a satisfactory agreement on the chamber's attitude toward bonus legislation can be reached Funeral Tomorrow for ' Ex-Omaha Newspaper Man The funeral services f the late Grant G. Caughey will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 at the home of his mother, Mrs. G. H. Mc- ADVEBTISEMKNT Cormick, 4301 South Twenty-third street Interment will be made in Laurel Hill cemetery. Mr. Caughey, who was a former newspaper man of Omaha and for a number of years connected with the South Omaha Journal-Stockman, died some time ago in Cordova, Alaska, where he was in business. He died of pneumonia and the body is being acfOmpnied back td Omaha by his wife. Jewish Boy Scout Troop To Be Organized In City A Jewiih, troop of toy Scouts is to be organized under the auspices of the Young Men's Hebrew asso ciation, in SOi Lyric building, to night. S. H. Schaefer, director, foat issued ca.ll to all Jewish boys over 12 years old who are interested in joining the troop, which will be under a Jewish scoutmaster. Nurses in the United States army will hereafter wear uniforms of khaki instead of the regulation navy blue. AOTEHTItKMENT Decora Reecnuncnd Ccn-Opto fcr tha Eyci Phpkiani and eye apedaliat pra crib Bon-Opto u t tai bona TtMd) in tha,twatmantf troablMawdt strengthen eyesight. Boldundarmooe) refund guaranty droggist. APPLY POSLAM STOP ALL WORRY OVER SICK SKIN Discount at one th prer.l tt any kin disorder by spreading Poslam gently u T Ati r riiatrMied by eczema or other itching trouble remember that Poslam supplies at one a soetarag. coonns influence to aesravated skin, taat it siope that it xrts conctn . trated healing power, workinf quickly and energetically to rw your sum m condition. Moreover, Peslam will not, can not, injur nd it take only little W nrove its benefits. Sold verher. Tot tree sample writ to Emergency Laboratories, 24S West 47th St.. New York City. Poslam Soap is a daily treat to tender kin. Contains Poslam. Greatest Money Savin Ever Known Here Or Elsewhere EVERY PIANO AND PLAYER PIANO IN OUR STOCK MUST BE DISPOSED OF QUICKLY Worth of Pianos and Player '9-fww Pianos to Be Disposed ot at Unce Never before in the history of the piano business have you had such an opportunity to make your money go so far. PRICES CUT TO THE QUICK !i5 Extra 20c Given for Each $1.00 Paid Within 30 Days EXAMPLE cm HERE IS A PLAYER PIANO - An $800 Value Our SALE PRICE WHILE THEY LAST ONLY $585 ONLY If you pay down $50 we will give you a receipt for $60. If you pay down $100 we will give you a receipt for $120. i Here is how we do it: For each $1.00 paid in cash we will give you a re ceipt for $1.20. For $100 cash paid we give you receipt f6r $120. IT WORKS JUST THE SAME ON USED PIANOS and PLAYERS as on NEW ONES. In fact, on any instrument in our stock ex- cept Steinway and Artemis, on which the price is fixed by the makers. Here is an example of a special sale priced used piano. If you pay cash you pay us 50 Only $487 Figure This Saving ' $800 Value Sale Price $585 A saving of - $215.00 Extra discount 97.50 Just here let us sug gest that you watch the classified col umns of this paper for special bargains on used pianos. Yes, . we give the discount on them, too. Amount saved .$312.50 SCHMOLLER ft MUELLER PIANO CO. Pleat give m, complete information about your special saving pln on PitAos, Player Pianos. Cheek one wanted. Name Address .. . , This Beautiful Martin Piano Adver- Used at Special Sale, Only $155 r Pay us $25 cash, we will give you receipt for $30. .'. Pay us $50 cash, we will give you receipt for $60. Pay us only $129.18 cash and we, will give yeu receipt in full for the piano, ' $300 value Sal price, $158 ' Saving of ....$145.00 s Extra Discount .,......$25.82 Amount saved $170.82 Don't Delay Act NowToday , Every instrument must be disposed of at once. New Pianos jpid Player Pianos, Emerson, Steger, yJndeman, SchmOller & Mueller. Used Pianos, Steger, Schmoller & MueUer, Hazelfcti, Gibson, Davis & Sons, Estey, Martin, etc.' See partial list in classified columns of this paper. eller Piaeo Co. The Oldest and Largest Music House in the West. Est. 1859. 114-16-18 South 15th St. Phone Doug. 1623. Omaha, Neb. Schmoier k Mm ten CfMI P- eople What IBar gess-Kfash M ave Dome For nialhia The great movement which we started was the subject of much favorable comment yesterday throughout the United States. Telephone calls, let ters and telegrams began coming in complimenting lis on the action we took to start a campaign on Lowering the Cost of Merchandise " Reports from the Federal Reserve banking authorities and com mercial and manufacturing bodies stated still higher prices on necessities and explained that there did not seem to be any way to to prevent it. There Was One Thing Which Could Be Done In This Community Fr6m a conscience sense of duty to the public, we felt we should live up to our.niotto to be of '.- ( "The Greatest Service to the Greatest Number" We therefore made an announcement that we should make a ox on the Actual Prices of Our Entire Stock of Merchafidise with the exception of a few trade marked brands which no mer chant should cut in price. It is very gratifying to see thjat others have followed in dur foot steps and we only hope that it may be the neahs of forcing pro ducers to a leveling down of prices and releasing th6ir stocks for better interests of the public. To mention all that is c6mpried in these vast and varied stocks of of Burgess-Nash would make ah unreadable list. Burgss-Nash merchandise rs noted for its high qudlity and splen did values and even without this radidal reduction-of 20 would prove extremely interesting. Our original price tas are on every piece of merchandise and a 20?& reduction is taken from thes6 prices at the time of the sale. Watch our windbws for daily features in essential mer chandise. ' ' 9 rrr f ' Ml