Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Directorate Votes Three to
Two Against Old President
: Of Corporation, Ending
Ung Controversy.
R. C Howe was ousted from of
fice as president and general man'
ager of the Skinner company at a
special meeting of the board of di
rectors held in the corporation's
Lions' Club Votes to
luncheon and meeting in the Hotel
Fontenelle today. Police Commis
sioner Ringer outlined the need of
and plans for the bridge.-
One hundred -charter members of
the newly organized club were pres
ent. Bert Clough, president, pre
sided. Dr. Max Emmert gave a
short talk on "Lionism."
Creighton Debaters Will
, Fight Out 18th Amendment
Jovial Bobbie Burns once mused:
"There were three kings in the
Three kings both great and high;
And they had sworn a solemn oath,
, John Barley Corn should die"
But very likely Bobbie had never
suspected that even a poet's dream
can come true,: and that the demise
pass. But John's chance of a "come
back" will be given the once over
this evening when members of the
Creighton Oratorical association will
hold their annual public debate at
the Creighton auditorium. William
Klemra, Ralph E. Svoboda and Fred
White will uphold the affirmative
side of the question: "Resolved,
that the eighteenth amendment
should be amended so as to permit
the manufacture and sale of beer
and light wines." Gerald Fitz Gib
bon, Vincent O'Flaherty and Ray
mond Oberle will defend the nega
tive. ance to the public that the low prices
would predominate for any length
of time. They refused, however, to
consider the move as a mammoth
sale to clear their shelves of un
moved stock.
Hold Woman In Connection
With Raid On "BOoze Pllnt'
Mrs. G.'E. Clark, who was feAnd
by detectives Saturday when Whey
raided the residence at 210 South
Thirtieth street, was arrested, Won.
day and booked for investigators
The woman was left at the Iftilise
Saturday as a "decoy" after tht
seizing of $10,000 worth of ceftra
Aid Mayor Smith In
Drive for Free Bridge
The Lions' club unanimously vot
Orgy of Piice Slashing
. May Be Only Flash in Pan
Heads of big department stores in
Omaha which began an orgy of price
slashing Monday, declared yester
The Boston Braves are ahead of
the other major league teams in
one respect. They have had more
postponed games than any other
team in the big show.
ed to aid Mayor Smith in his cam
paign for a free bridge across the
lighting Fixture,
den Co. Adv.
Burgess Gran
Missouri river at its first weekly
day that they could give no assur
nana liquor. .ti
headquarters, 14th floor of the First
, National bank building, yesterday
afternoon. A meeting will be held
this afternoon to elect a new presi
dent and general manager and new
directors of the company.
Voting Mr. Howe out of this
$31,50O-a-year position, which t he
took January 1, 1920, required just
13 minutes.
At 3:02 o'clock Mr. Howe arrived
at the office with G. W. Megeath,
one of the directors.
Meeting Is Called.
"Hello, Bob," said Lloyd Skinner,
vice president of the company, who
met him in the hall. v
flTT J J - 1 ?J XT -
xauw uu yuu uot saiu ,mr, none,
"Have you met Mr. Megeath r
They entered the office where Paul
Skinner and D. C. Robertson, 'the
other directors were with iW. A.
Schall, attorney for the Skinners. -At
3:15, just 13 minutes later. Mr,
Howe and Mr. Megeath came out of
the room and went to the office of
. F. A. Brogan, Mr. Howe's attorney,
on the seventh floor of the building.
When the motion was "put" in the
directors meeting, to remove Mr.
Howe, it was voted for my Paul and
Lfoyd Skinner and D. C. Robertson.
Mr. Megeath and Mr. Howe voted
against it
Vill TCeerin frtiirf Artinn
"Mr. T-Tnw now i tnprplv a stork.
no aer in tne comDanv. saia liova
The case. , as " founded .on Mr.
Howe's contract with the Skinner
Company to be vice president and
general manager for 20 years at an
annual salary of $31,500 .will now be
foueht out in the courts.
Holding of the directors' meeting
w maiip nnssihlp hv dissolution of
. ....... t" - " j -
an order by District Judge bears,
which prohibited the holding of a
Men Caught in Liquor Raid
' Are Held for Theft of Tire
L,en larie-ana nenry mcvraie,
alleged hijackers, were held for the
district court yesterday on a charge
of stealing an automobile tire trom
a car owned by Ben allagher of the
Paxton & Gallaeher Co.
r o - - - - j
for the allesred theft of liquor from
the D. B. Welpton home at 1310
south Thirty-fourth street, will be
Clark an McArdle were arrested
, when police raided a residence at
201 South Thirtieth street and found
$10,000 worth of booze, Which had
been stolen from Welpton and Louis
!?:Nash. . .
Mayor Quotes Figures to
Show $1 Gas Is Possible
Mayor Smith yesterday gave out
a statement to support his conten
tion that municipal ownership oithe
Omaha gas plant will result ity gas
at $1 or less per thousand cubic feet.
A net profit to the city of $100,000
would have -resulted, the mayor's
figures indicated, had the city oper
ated the plant during the first f out
months of the present yeari.
"There can be no question in my
mind but that Omaha consumers
. nm citing a uiuui, iuwl aa
i rate under municipal ownership;"
J the mayor declared. .. :
Garbaae Service Delaved.
Employes Caught in Flood
A -great many complaints which
have reached the .health, office about
.the poor service of the garbage col
. lection department caused Superin-
tendent Ringer 'to announce yester
' day that because of the flood condi
, tions the public will have to- be pa-
tient for a few days more.
Most, of. the employes in the
sanitary department live in the
flooded district and their horses and
; wagons, Ringer sayS, have been
: washed away. He said be expects
". the service to be normal again in a
' few davs.
rcmny mmciicti iuu niyn,
, v Shelf Yowl's Revolution
- Because of an expected drop in
the price of paving materials, the
city commissioners yesterday re
fused to pass a resolution offered
k. Pnvvimiee..'.. a- 1?a.. V T1 1
providing for the awarding of con
tracts in 34 new improvement dis
. tricts. The commissioners declared
'that city funds would be protected
by this, action even though numer-
ous property owners were willing to
pay high prices to obtain quick ac
tion oh improvements. , ' I
Fined for Reckless Driving;
; Then Held on Check Charge
After E. S. McCloskey, 818 North
Seventeenth street, had paid a fine
of $10 for reckless driving, he was
again arrested early yesterday
morning charged with cashing a
. check with insufficient funds. The
complaint against McClosky was
made by Samuel Meiches of the Ne
braska Service Garage, 218 South
" Nebraska street. ,
Miss Anna M. Campbell haslre
- signed as vice president of She Mis
souri Bar association and is taking
' a special course of college work in
-the University 'of Illinois. Miss
, Louise tsyers has been appointed to
rtjeceed her in the vice presidency.
Divorce Court
. Lean H. Andrews . against Fr ink An
drews, cruelty. - J
-Leona N. Wlnacot agalnit Shsrraa wlns
. tot. cruelty. .
; Birdfe Dreyer, against William fcreyer,
iruelty. j
, Alice Houck against Edward J. ifHouck,
nonsupport 1 JT
Mattie . Clay against ... Arthurs Clay,
desertion. j
Lucy Peurice, against John Peurtea,
. nnnsupport .
:, Paul E. Miller against Florence Miller,
THynre Decrees. " i
,Aelen K. Blrkeland from Kels Blrka.
Wi eiualtj.
Garment at
Vs Off!
Coats and Gapes
at 33i3 Off
Present Prices
All thru the High Price
Period we have given the
Public the Benefit of the
Orkin Bros. Organ iza tion
Buying Power marking
our Merchandise amazing
ly close to cost, and Omaha
women appreciated this
and bought in great num
bers. We can now replace
most of our merchandise
a t lower prices a nd are
content to take a loss on
our present stock to give
the public the benefit of
possible future purchases.
J. L. Orkin
Every Garment
is marked
in plain figures
and pay the
Net Balance
Not a
tigle Garment
in Our
Stocks will
Our Usual Prompt Service Will Be Given
We suggest early selection but advise against over buying and
considering the tremendous reductions offered-it will be impos
sible to make exchanges or accept returns. Deliveries, layaways, will
calls, C. O.D. 's, charges and every similar service will be given as usual