1 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, MRS.1ENNEDY ' h NOW KNOWS THE: JOYS OF HEALTH Says Tanlac. Overcarae Her Ten Years , of i.Suf fering-- Gains. Eloyn-Pounds,; : ' "Ate ten yeara pC'sufferimSr -I flow know wfcat it -mean to -enjoy jrood health, and I give Tanlac. all the credit for my wonderful im provement," aid Mrs. C. P. Ken nedy of 523 East Colorado avenue, St. Joseph, Mo. "I had suffered so long from in digestion, disordered kidneys and nervousness I had about come, to the conclusion that' I would never be free from my troubles.'- Nearly everything I .ate lay heavy on my stomach and gas would form and give me a bloated,'- uncomfortable feeling that would last for, several hours. I had awful pains in the re gion of my heart and I would get so short of breath I couldn't walk any distance without having to stop and rtst Often 1 had -smothering, dizzy spells so bad I 'could hardly see and I was also subject to se vere headaches. My kidneys wor ried me constantly1 and I had 'sharp pains in my; back all the way up to mv shoulders. Nervous sDells some times came on me and at- night I was too restless to ever get much leep. I became sa weak., and list less I had to give up "my housework and I felt thn a nervous break down wasn't far off. "But 'i don't feel that way now, for Taojlac has made a different person ,6ut of me, and I am once more enjoying splendid health and am abIeto do my housework for the first time in years. .No one could want a better appetite than I have and everything I eat digests prop erly. My nerves are perfectly calm and steady and I am no longer troubles with dizzy spells or head aches. My kidneys don't bother me one bit ("and the pains have all dis appeared from my back. I sleep like a child, have been built up in every way and have gained eleven pounds in weight. A medicine like Tanlac deserves all the praise that can be given it." n Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all Sherman & McConnell Drug'Com pany's itores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meany Drug Company in South Omaha and the leading drug gist in each city and town through out the state of Nebraska.- ADVERTlSElitKNT Ladies! Use Buttermilk To Beautify Complexions This Delightful New Vanishing Cream Containing True Butter milk 1e Guaranteed to Make You Look Younger or Money Back. 5. uet - a imiit quantity at any pharmacy by aim ply asking for Howard's Butter milk Cream and massage it daily into the 1 a e c, neck, arms and handg. The direc tions are simple and it costs so lit tle that any girl or woman can af ford it. Your complexion must quickly show v decided improvement or your dealer is authorised to return your money without 'question should you be dissatisfied. No matter whether you are troubled with wrinkles, iiard little lines around the mouth and eyes, coarse, sallow, faded looking akin. tr simply roughness and redness jjcaused by wind and sun. you will find that all these trials quickly dis appear with the vse of this old-fashioned beauty recipe brenaht up to date. Howard's Butterit)ilk Cream Is only sold on a positive guarantee of sstisfaction or money back. Howard Bros. Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. can supply you. Cocoanut Oil Fine for Washing Hair It you want to keep your hair In good condition, be carefu what you waen i witn. , .t Most , soaps and prepared sham toos contain too much aikalK This dries the scalp, makes the hiir brit tie. and is very harmful. Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which 1 pure and entirely greaseless), is much bet ter than anything else you' can use for shampooing', as this can't possibly Injure .the hair. 4 Simply moisten your hair with w& ter and rub it In. One or two tea- spoonfuls will make an abundance of rich;- creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily And removes very particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessiv oil. The hair dries quickly .and evenly, and It leaves It fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easty to manage. You can get Mulslfied Cocoanut oil shampoo at most any drug store. It is very- cheap, and a few ounces Is snough to last everyone in the fami ly for months.. Rheumatism A Home Cure Given .By.One Who Had It In the spring of 189S I was at tacked by Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism. I suffered as only those who have it know, for over three years. I tried remedy after remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such relief as I re ceived swas only temporary. Finally, I found a remedy that cured me com pletely, and it has never returned. I have given it to te number who were terribly afflicted and even bedridden with fiLheumatism.i and it effected a cur in every casei I want every jpufferer from airy form af rheumatic-trouble to try this marvelous healing P power. Don't (end a cent; simply mail your name and address and I will send it free to try. After ,-you have sed it and it has proven itself to tie that long-looked-for means of curing your rheumatism, yon may send tde price of it, ene dollar but understand, I do not want yoor money unless you are perfectly satiafied to send it. Isn't that fair! Why suffer any longer when positive relief thua of faced you free I Don't delay. . Write today. Mark H. Jacksch, No. 5(1 F, Gur ney Bldg., SyracusW, N. Y. atr.Jasinca Is renouiele, Abota statement true "ir Bee .Want Ads; Are Business BOISE PENROSE PROMPTED SIMS, DANIELS SAYS Pennsylvania Senator First Charged Navy Department ...With Procrastination, Sec retary Tells Committee. Washington. May 18. Senator Penrose, republican, Pennsylvania, tid..not Rear Admiral Sims orig inated, the basic chafgrs against the navy department contained in the admiral's letter of January 7, Secre tary Daniels asserted today before Ihe senate committee investigating the naval conduct of the war. Mr.' Daniels recalled that the. senator in a' speech in the senate August 24, 1918, declared that procrastination on the. part of the secretary delayed the termination of the war at least three months, cost $15,000,000,000 and many lives. , The words used by Senator Pen rose were f almtist identical with these used by Admiral Sims more than a year later, Mr. Daniels said. "Either Admiral Sims is a plagar ist and appropriated his views and clfarges from Senator Penrose or by the new science of mental telepathy the views of the senator were con veyed to Admiral -Sims," continued Mr .Daniels. Penrose comes from Pennsylvania and Sims was appoint ed to the naval academy from that state." . "It-is. also' worthy of note," he said, '"that at the very time Penrose was making this speech, Sims was writing to Captain Pratt threatening an investigation of the conduct of the war." v Mr. Daniels said he would not answer the Penrose charges at length, because his answer to Ad miral Sims covered, the matter fully. He devoted the rest of the day to a resume of the Navy- department's war construction activities compris ing approximately 1,000 vessels, ncarly three times as many as there were in the entire navy when the war started. Armed Men Present Demand For Resignations in Court Jonesboro, Ark., May 18. Armed men arose from their seats and de manded immediate resignation of the commissioners and attorneys of the Black Oak-Hancock road improve ment district When Chancellor A. Wheatly convened court to hear the application for an-injunction brought by the taxpayers against the dis trict. The resignations', were- already written and were presented to the two commissioners present and to their attorneys with the demand that they be signed immediately. They signed the resignations and with drew from the court room. Judge Wheatley adjourned court and left the city. It is said this district was created in one of the special legislative sessions over protests of the prop erty owners. ; , Baccaaluree'Servjces" s For 28 Ashland Graduates Ashland,. .'Neb., May 18. (Spe cial.) The baccalaureate -.services for the class of , 1920 of Ashland High school were -held at the. Con gregational churchSunday evening. Kev. J. K. bhelienberger, pastor ot the Christian church, preached the sermon on the subject, "Images of God." The senior class play,' "At the End of the Rainbow," will be given Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The commencement ex ercises will be held at the auditori um next Friday evening. The class of 1920 enjoys the distinction of be ing the largest class ever graduated from Ashland High school, there be ing 25 girls and eight boys who will receive diplomas. Grand Island Makes, War 3 On "Yellow Peril" of Lawns Grand Island, Neb.; May 18 (Special) Under the auspices of the chamber of commerce ' Satur day, May 15, was observed as "dan delion day" and a special, war - was made on the lawn's yerjtyw peril. The Boy Scouts turned out In force, to gether with about 75 high school and parochial school boys. Most of these were employed by the city in cleaning up Pioneer park. Arrange Chautauqua Program. Beatrice, Neb., May 18. (Spe cial.) The Beatrice Chautauqua as sembly will be held at Athletic park the week of August 8. The manage-i ment yesterday, closed a contract with "Billy" Sunday for an address on Sunday, August 8.. Other speak ers on the program are being se cured. T7 0. Money back without T r1-- ii nwns ma treat Of ITCH, aXCZKMA. RJlf QWOKM, TBTTKR or other itching akia diseases. Try a 75 cent boa at our risk McConnell Drug Co. Cuticura Soap IS IDEAL- For the Hands 9oap,Otofn-ril.TslOT.e.eerywher.FoTsai5plss aMraw: OaMwaUkmtorlMsSXJtaMKassJ ADTEBTISEMKNT SURE WAV TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS There la one aimple. aafe and aure war that never fail to set rid of blackheads and that ia to dissolve them. To do this set two onneea of ealonite powder from anjr drus atore aprinkle a little on a hot, wet aponse rub over the blackheads briskly waah the parts and son will be surprised how the blackheada have disappeared. - Bis blackheads, little blackheada. no matter where ther are, simply dissolve and disappear, leavins the parte without any mark wbaUver. Black heada are simply a mixture of dust and dirt and seeretions from the body that form in the pores of the akin pinching and aqueeiins only cause irritation, make larse pores, and do not set them out after they become hard. The ealonite powder and the water simply dissolve the black heads so they wash risht out, leavins the pores free and( clean and In their natural condition. Anybody troubled with these nn siaatly blemishes, ahould certainly try this simple met ' - . - . Sherman Big Chickory Plant at O'Neill, First One Built In America, Being Razed O'Neill, Neb., May 18. (Special.) The p'Neill chickory factory, the first of its kind in the United States and later the largest chickory manu facturing plant in the world, is being torn down. The immense buildings, built of knotless lumber, a material now unknown, are being wrecked. The material will be used for build ings on the farm of F. J. Dishner, on which the old factory site is lo cated. . . When is is done the last landmark of an industry which at one time ex ceeded the beet sugar industry, will have disappeared entirely from America. The chickory industry was at its most thriving period in the middle nineties and the plant put in by G. C. Hazelct, backed by local and east ern capital, was located southwest of O'Neill, on the old homestead of General O'Neill, after whom the town was named. Around it on the fertile bottom lands of the Elk horn river chickory grown as intensively and extensively as beets are now around Scottsbluff and Gerin. One big concern put in an irrigation system. New State Bank Will Open Soon at Wood River Grand Island. Neb., May 18. The organization of a new bank for Wood River has been completed. It is the Farmers' State bank, the third in that city. Its capital is $50,000, all paid in. Until the regular meet ing of stockholders, the following will serve as a board of directors: Rudolph Durtschi, M. J. McDer mott, O. Oldfather, VV. A. Francis, Maro D. Lyhane, A. E. Hauke and W. T. .Schooley. Edward Person, recently cashier of the Citizens' State bank of Wood River, will serve as chashier. Drilling Contract Is Let 1 For Oil Weils at Beatrice Beatrice, Neb., May 18. (Special.) The Holdrege oil interests have let a contract to the Dempster Mill Manufacturing company of this city for drilling wells near here. It is said the work will be started in about 10 days. About 40,000 acres in this county have been leased by the Holdrege interests. Plymouth Has Electric Lights. Beatrice, Neb., May 18. (Spe cial.) The electric line between Be atrice and Plymouth has been com pleted and current turned on. The' town, is now lighted by electricity for the first, time in its history. A number of farmers , along the route will use the service. The juice is furnished by the Beatrice p1ant Oh! How the Housework Drags! f and painful derangements of women. It can be procured in liquid or tablets at' any drug store. Wapkosha, Wis. "I have used Dr. Pierce's medicine and receive.' frest benefit from its use. About eighteen years ago I was ill, doctor's medicine did not seem to give the relief I thought I should have so I began taking Doctor Pierce's Favorite- Prescription, and it cored me in a short space of time:, j have never had any return of my aOmect. I do certainly recommend it as being. good." Mrs. Mown SroigLOFT, No. 739 Pleasant Street. - Str. Paul Mwn "For several years, I suffered with woman's trouble., ' I read an advertisement in the newspapers about Dr. Pierce's Fmrorita Prescription, and decided to try a bottle. In all I took about x bottles, and it helped me right from the start ; it actually cured me of the pain and inflammation in a very short timeand I think it a very wonderful medicine for women." Mrs. Harey Frederickson, No. 594 Thomas Street. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Earlier Departure Train No. 25 Effective May 16, No. 25 leaves Omaha 8:00 A. M. instead of 8:15 A. M. Arrives North Platte same as formerly. Improved Sleeping Car Service Between Omaha and Cheyenne - Two standard sleeping cars are now operated between Omaha and 'Cheyenne, affording Pullman service to all important intermediate points west of North Platte. Leave Omaha ,. 4:25 P. M. Arrive Cheyenne 10:30 A. M. . &tyn This saves the business man's day. Vf gaave Omaha, 1:20 A. M. Vrive Cheyenne 4;05 P. M. TKfc car (ready for occupancy 9 :30 P. M.) -will be convenient for the traveler with evening engage ments in Omaha. Passengers for points on Haig Branch should use this car. Eastbound, , both cars 'leave Cheyenne, 3:30 P. M.; arrive Omaha, 7:05 A. M. A. L. CRAIG, Gnral Passenger Agent. HOUSE REVOLTS FROM LEADERS ON IMMIGRATION Passport Restrictions in Con . sular Bill Declared Un American and Un-Democratic. Chlraco Tribune-Omaha Be Leased M Ire. Washington, May 18. In spite of an appeal by Republican Leader Mondell the house rejected the con ference report on the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill because of its provisions making permanent wartime passport restrictions. For mer Republican Leader Mann played an important part in the re volt against the house leaders who were lined up for the measure. Mr. Mann declared that wartime restric tions would be removed rather than extended and strengthened. "The vote on approval of the con ference report was 96 to 192. The bill was sent back to conference where the objectionable sections, which were not in the bill as passed by either house but were injected by the conferees, will be eliminated. The rejected measure made per manent the wartime requirement that no alien could enter the United States without a passport from his own country vised by an American consul. It also made it necessary for American citizens to obtain pass ports when leaving the United States for . other than adjacanet countries. . Australian Laborers Think Prince Is Wasting Money Melbourne, Australia, May 19. The Melbourne Trades Hall coun cil has decided that it will not be officially represented at any func tion connected witn ine prince oi Wales' visit here, because the money that would be spent on such functions could be used m the in terests of the wage earners, where as, the council asserted, the pro posed expenditure would bolster up the capitalistic system. The resolu tion also requested trades union ists to refuse to allow their children to participate in the welcome to the prince or any similar function. Columbus Camp Ground. Columbus, Neb., May 18. (Spe cial.) Diamond park here will be equipped aS a camping ground for auto tourists who stop over ' in Columbus this summer. Who does not know women and young girls who are continually in tears who always see the dark side who have frequent fits of melan cholia without apparent cause? Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription exerts a wonderful power over woman's delicate system. It is an invigorating tem perance tonic and is pre scribed for the peculiar weaknesses, irregularities Dodge County Rural Schools Organize for Club1 Work Fremont, Neb., May 18 (Spe cial.) Club work for boys and girls in Dodge county has been organized in 18 rural schools, with a total membership of more than 250 de voted to raising pigs and calves, gardening, cooking and sewing. County fairs and farm organizations have hung up cash prizes for the boys and girls producing the best results. Large Graduating Class. Sidney, Neb.. May 18. (Special.) The local high school will grad uate 27, the biggest class in the school history, Thursday. Robert I. Elliot president of Chadron state normal will deliver the address to the class. Will Celebrate Fourth. Loup City, Neb., May 18. (Spe cial.) At a special meeting of the Commercial club it was decided to co-operate with the American legion of Sherman county in a celebration to be held at Loup City on July 4. Special Luncheon, 75o Paxton hotel. Main cafe. Adv. A Do Ltmo Book lot you will vanttohnva I "This moat wonderful cob trlbution avar mada to mu sic." This is how a famous critic tarmtd Thomas A. Edi son'a amazing- achievement. Edison and Music The story of the $3,000,000 Phono fraph is as romantic aa any bit of fiction. It is told in a beautifully illustrated brochure which you will be f lad to keep. Send ihe Coupon Today Name Addr Hdi6wShPp SHULTZ BROS.. Owners , 313 South 15th Street BitsiBMai:ii!eiia;)Siif:aiiaiiSii.iiBiiataMai!S'B)aiaiiaManai!aiiiiaiiS'!BiisiaiiS!iBisiiaiia!iaHs:'aMi:anHa:is Remember the Hot Days of : Last 5 ,sillli:illillllHSiitiliuiii,ti.iiii!ii'tiiiiisiill)isillllSlllllllii'S'illiSl'IMliili'liH;,lu'.tmt liilnlnlrli'lHliiliiliiSiillillilitlullilliiiiSMiltj li.n llnlnl ln,iMl!li;l Jiiliiil.;llllllllll!i I Al i i I I kT; Per Cent Recliiicfcioini Sale EFFECTIVE NOW, AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE 1 ' ' ' i " - f I Every garment in our stock marked in plain figures. You figure the discount. Choose from Suits. Coats. Presses Blouses. Negligees, Corsets, Hosiery, EQitionos v. Millinery '.at9ai llliiililiiiilliiliii iiililiititfil ir""1"" " 1 1 i, 1 i.', 1 ', i n lljii, V'l TK X ( By the exercise of a little forethought now, you can settle your household refrigeration problem for good and all by installing. Isko, The Electric Cold .Maker. Think of the convenience refrigeration without ice ! It is possible and practical. Isko" operates automatically and needs no atten tion. Isko insures a clean, dry refrigerator at all' times. It protects foods, keeping them abso lutely fresh, and pure. It makes its own ice for table use from pure drinking water. There will be a tremendous demand for Isko when warm weather comes. Take advan tage of your opportunity now to have Isko installed before the spring rush. You can see Isko at work any day in our showroom. Let us show you how covonient and practical it really is. . OMAHA DES 404 S. Fl FTEENTH ST.-OMAHA audi 4L it;.B!aiia.ia'is:!aMara'ia:ai!aT:Bi.ai:aiSi'aiianaiia iaiiB:ia!ia:ia:ii:i!!aiiaiauaaiia.Bns:isiiajiSiiaiiai!aiiair MOINES SIOUX Furs iiisiiiiiiiiiiuitaiwj s m 8 ; a m Summe r! -a i! 9 . a ii : 1 CITY aa it i.,i:!s.ia;!t'llll?' 7 r K i 1 '.