Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Lancaster and Douglas Dele
gates Are Seated Over Insur
1 gents; Hitchcock and Bryan
On Resolutions Board.
(CeaMnocd From Pint Page.)
;::jR'held in Lincoln on last Monday
iii'iifternoon. When quizzed by the
ii! Committee Bryan admitted that some
;:6 fthe members of his delegation had
: not been regularly elected to the
;j. Lancaster county convention, but
I; tad been selected fro ma list of
james used to fill vancies in pre-
';:lincU where no fillings had been
in; This situation was analogous
;;!;V the one offered by the, Douglas
tounty contest
Women Are Represented.
"I see no good purpose that could
'" be served 'Ji seating the delegates of
H; the convention held yesterday," said
-: Mr. Harmon. the Bryan delega-;:-tion
named women because there is
a militant women's democratic or-
1, ganization in Lancaster county.
il-.r "Mr. Harmon made his speech
... because he had been told that Mr.
.ii Bryan would bolt the convention if
his delegation was not seated," was
H the retort of J. S. McCarty, one of
Jj;;the protestants.
.: Mr. Harmon further explained
: : that he sought to have obtained the
' jdaming of C. W. Tool on the Lan
iliiaster delegation because he wanted
Pool named as chairman of the new
State central committee. .
; In presenting the report of the
. , credentials committee, Chairman
Kavanaugh said: "We were unatii
: mous in our report, but personally I
!!.would like to rebuke some of the
" things that were done in the conven
tions that elected delegates. The leg
": islature that inflicted this infamous
: law on us should be ashemed."
Delegates Are Divided.
; Mat Miller of David City objected
' allowing Douglas and Lancaster
.l. icounties to have double sets of dele-
gates, each delegate having half of a
IX vote. The chair did not approve his
point of order,
'i.j ; When the smoke had cleared
" away, Douglas was allowed 166 and
I;.', Lancaster 46 delegates.
!; A bit of humor occurred when Q
Campbell, secretary of the state
:: central committee, roce from a seat
jji'yto a point of order and was de-
clared out of order because he was
Hi;, not a delegate.
Several Woman Spoke.
The convention was called to or
der by A. P. Soraeue .state chair-
iili'man, followed 'by Mayor Smith, who
ii;::effered a brief address of welcome.
tiiiiMr. Shallenberger, named as tempo
iiii'rary chairman, delivered the key
ji;; note address. During the mayor's
;j;:i talk Senator Hitchcock entered and
was greeted with hearty applause,
jji'i: Amongf the afternoon speakers
!!;;: were: Mrs. Antoinette Funk of Chi
ii cago, Mrs. T. J. Doyle of Lincoln,
J. H. Morehead, candidate for gov
ii;;;ernor; Harry S. Dugan, candidate
Ih: for congress from the Fifth dis-
trict; T. C. Grimes, candidate for
! congress from the Sixth district,
Hr rsJ S
Exclusive Styles
; of Spring
We also include
new mid-summer
Velvet Jackets,
Blouses and "
Sport Dresses .
in Stock
Next 30 Days
25 Off
Wear fir
and W. H. Thompson, the new na
tional committeeman.
Bryan's' Move Overruled.
hen the resolutions committee
was announced during the closing
moments of the afternoon session
Mr. Bryan moved that the state
candidates be declared honorary
members of the committee, his
thought being that the candidates
should have a voice in the prepara
tion of the platform inasmuch as
they will be expected to make a
campaign on it. After a roar from
the delegates, Mr. Bryan withdrew
his motion.
Mat Miller of David City asserted
that it would be wrong to hampei
the resolutions committee in its de
liberations on matters which tran
scend any interests the candidates
mav have.
"If the candidates do not like the
resolutions and platform, let them
stand aside," said Mr. Miller.
E. A. Gaufal of David City de
clared that Mr. Bryan's idea was in-
visable and out of order.
State G. 0. P. Fearless
In Writing Platform
For Campaign of 1920
(Continued From First Fag.)
insistence upon selecting its own
members of the platform committee
nut the convention in a turmoil tor
half an hour. James Walsh, against
whom the protest was directed, un
dertook to pour oil on the troubled
water by volunteering to withdraw.
Douglas county delegates, re
inforced by some outstate groups,
insisted on a motion for the selec
tion of the entire committee by dis
trict caucuses. On a roll call this
wa defeated, 292 to 473.
The platform committee was then
appointed by Chairman McDonald.
In appointing the committee, he
recounized the wish of the Omaha
delegates. The 15 members were: P.
James Cosgrave of Lincoln, James
A.- Rodman, of Kimball, C. ii. bloan
of Geneva, F. N. Prout of Falls
City, Mrs. H. M. Bushnell of Lin
coln. Anan Raymond and Mrs.
James Richardson of Omaha, B. J.
Ainlay of Belgrade, Mrs. T. L.
Mathews of iremont, td Hall ot
David City, Miss Carolyn Cook of
Wahoo, R. B. Austin and Mrs. Wal
ter Stokes of McCook, George C.
Snow of Chadron and Mrs. M. A.
Brown of Kearney.
Applaud Governor McKelvie.
Durine the interims while await
ing committee reports the conven
tion listened to speeches by Gov
ernor McKelvie and by Mrs. McCar
ter of Topeka, Kan., representing
the national committee.
"The republican party of Nebras
ka need apologize to no one,", said
the governor. "Every pledge it
made was redeemed by its legisla
ture and state officers. No act of
any cpnsiderable importance,-committed
by its representatives in of
fice in Nebraska, can be con
demned." The governor pointed oat that
increased state appropriations have
been due to necessary expenditures
for improved roads, schools, state
institutions and a new capitol. The
civil administrative code, he said,
was simply a return to fundamental
principles of government.
Mrs. McCarter won great applause
and laughter when she referred to
President Wilson as one who "kept
us out of war, out of peace and
out of everything else, including
sugar." She declared that -women
voters can achieve results only
through adherence to party organ
ization. Burlington Road Resumes
' 1 x Service Beyond Alliance
Train service over the Burlington
route between Alliance, Neb., and
Edgemont, S. D., interrupted for a
week by washouts, was restored last
night, according to word received at
headquarters of , the road in
Omaha. It was expected that the
first train over the line, which is
part of the main line to Billings and
the porthwest, would get through
last night.
?f feu i
. &:vf j
I '' . it? 1
100 Ladies' $15 to $25
Dunlap Sailors
Of fered now in the
Alteration Sale at Choice
The same liigh quality and snappy styles which
have met with such tremendous success this season.
Included are split straws, pineapple, milan and sen
nett braids in solid color or two-tone effects.
t the!
4 Pa,"r
Senator. Walsh Denounces
Profiteers and Recommends
Public Trading On Large
Washington, May 18. Profiteer
ing was denounced today in the
senate by Senator Walsh, . demo
crat, of Massachusetts, who assert
ed that extortions' of profiteers are
the principal cause of widespread
unrest and that congress has been
'culpably inactive" in moving to re
lieve the situation. -
Senator Walsh cited nianv larse
dividends, declaring the public out
cries against the high cost of liv
ing were an acute political problem.
Calls Republicans Lax.
Republican leadership and mz-
jorities in congress, the Massachu
setts senator said, are responsible
:or failure to enact anti-prohteennK
Among recommendations made
by Senator Walsh to check
profiteering were:
senatorial investigation of in
come tax returns to disclose indi
vidual profiteers.
rassase of several Pennine bill.
including the packer-regulation
measure, the McNary bill to stamp
cost prices on shoes, the cold stor
age regulation bill and others.
Advises Public Trading.
"I further recommend." safd Sena
tor Walsh, "that congress promptly
naugurate public trading on a large
scale unless exorbitant profits are
voluntarily and materially reduced
at once." A
Among instances of corporation
profits cited by Senator Walsh were
those of the "big five" packers as re
ported by the federal trade commis
sion, the American Woolen com
pany and several textile mills, steel
companies, coal operatQs and news
print manufacturers.
8-Year-0ld Chess Marvel
Defeats 20 Men ln,Tour!ney
Paris, May 18. Samuel Rzeszew-
ski, a little Polander. 8 vears old.
who has won fame as .a chess mar
vel, justified reports of hm ability
on Sunday by defeating 20 elderly
experts of the Palais Royal Chess
lub m a simultaneous tournament.
The tournament lasted three hours.
Samuel has been olavine chess for
three years.
Washington Democrats
Urge Adoption of Treaty
Spokane, Wash.. Mav 18. The
democratic state convention re-elect
ed A. R. Titlow of Tacoma, national
committeeman, over v William Pig
gott of Seattle, named instructed
delegates to the national convention
and adopted the report of the plat
form committee . which urged
prompt ratification ot the German
peace treaty with its league of na
tions covenant.
Turkish and Greek Troops
In Clash East of Smyrna
Constantinople. Mav 17. Greek
and Turkish troops have clashed
about, 25 miles east of Smvrna.
where the Turks are taking the
offensive, and are apparently mass
ing reintorcements preparatory to
further advances against the Greeks.
Call Off American Derby
Boston. Mav 18. Th lf fWl
'American derby, on the program of
tne grand circuit meeting at Read-
vine in August, has been called oft.
it was announced today. Entries,
which closed 10 days ago, were too
tew to warrant's renewal this year.
Cn .
14.50 ",
Flood Crest Recedes
In the Missouri River
' (Continued From First Tug.)
and Florence lakes. Dairymen were
driven from their homes and their
crops totally destroyed. High wa
ter damaged truck gardens and
homes in East Omaha, Winspear
TriangleNnd in the vicinity of Ninth
and Clark .streets.
The Omahaj Refining company
warehouses now under construction
adjoining the hog ranch on Avenue
H, East Omaha, is completely under
water. Building material is sub
merged. Huge gasoline storage
tanks are completely surfounded by
Workmen were busy all night and
day-distributing sand bags and old
lumber about the main road in an
effort to check the rising waters.
Freight Cars Submerged.
Long strings of freight and oil
cars show their tops through the
surging currents. The spectacle re
sembles conning towers of subma
rines protruding from the water.
The road leading through East
Omaha to the Illinois Central draw
bridge is submerged. Flood waters
about the hosr ranch and in the vi
cinity of Ninth and Clark streets are
slowly receding.
A fall in the river was reported
at points farther north along the
Missouri river yesterday.
Refuse to Leave.
The Norris Lumber . company.
Ninth and Seward streets, is still
submerged, the seething currents
having broken through that vicin
ity late Monday night when the riv
er broke through Eleventh street.
Families in their homes in that
neighborhood refuse to move out.
In several instances boats were used,
however, to rescue children from
their homes.
The truck garden at Camn Gil
ford, a Boy Scout outing place near
Child's Point, was completely
ruined by the overflow of water
from the river at that point. A group
of scouts under the direction of
ScOut Master Hoyt worked fever
ishly all yesterday in an effort to
check damage to buildings at the
Homes Under Water.
Some of the homes still under
water are: . '
Thomas Dreso, lenth and Clark
streets; Mrs. Annie Buckles, Ninth
and Clark streets; Lon Stone, Tenth
and Seward streets; Fritz Hansen,
1024 Grace street; AI Banks. Tenth
and Grace streets; Charles Amos,
100S Grace street; Michael Martin,
1024 Seward street; Henry Pollacks
hog ranch, Avenue H. East Omaha.
The Sinclair and National Re
fining company's warehouses at
Eleventh and beward streets are at
the edge of the flood in that dis
The high water gauge at the Thir
ty-seventh street pumping station in
Council Bluffs registered 21.3 at
noon yesterday.
Bluffs Damage Slight.
Damage done north of Council
Bluffs was chiefly to farms. All
club houses at Lake Manawa were
isolated by the high waters. The
Council Bluffs Rowing . association
and the Fish and Game club were
attainable only by boats. i
Many houses in the vicinity of the
east road to Manawa are complete'ly
inundated. Motor boats were used
Monday night and yesterday in
patroling the flood waters in search
of families probably in danger.
No drownings were reported
either in Omaha or Council Bluffs.
Kearney Seeks Bids on
30 Blocks of Street Pacing
Kearney, 'freb., May 18. (Spe
cial.) Kearney city commissioners
are advertising for bids on about
30 blocks of paving. This is the
limit of street paving that can be
undertaken for the year, as that
area represented in paving districts
will draw on all intersectioiial pav
ing money available. It is planned
to let contracts on May 24, and if
possible get the work under way
so itmay be completed this year.
Carnival to Raise Funds
For State Conventions
Hastings, Neb., May 18. (Spe
cial.) Hastings post No. 11, Amer
ican Legion, and the Central Labor
Union have contracted for a week's
carnival here beginning either June
16 or June 21. Carnivals have been
barred here for several years, but
this one has the endorsement of the
city council. 'The joint undertaking
is part of a program for the rais
ing of funds' for' the coming state
conventions herejf the American
Legion and the Federation of Labor.
You Have Not Heard "All
In One" Until You Hear
Th Boner pl7 PERrECTLT ! naythlaa; nor be desired t
-Vletilr.' Emerson, Columbia. Vocallon and Paths Records (which
probabry conatitut S7 per cent of all phonograph records bought)
but, should you have occitlon to play an Edison record, the Sonora
will play that jriajte alio without extra attachment and WITHOUT
THB OBJECTIONABLE SCRATCH. The convincing proof of this fact
is to bear n Edison Record played on the Sonora Phonograph.
Hear the SONORA Then Decide.
- See Oar Special Window Display
Crab Orchard Bank
Is Looted of Small
Amount by Yeggmen
Beatrice, Neb., May 18.-r(Special.;
Yeggmen entered the Farmers
State bank of Crab Orchard, John
son county, Tuesday morning and
rifled the deposit vault, which they
pried ouen with an iron bar. It is
thought the bank's loss is smalC
H. C. Platte, cashier," stated that
$100 in revenue stamps and some
change were taken fro mthe vault,
Owing to the crude way in which
the job was done officials believe it
to be the work of amateurs.
Bluffs Student Wins First
In State Speaking Contest
Kearney, Neb., May 18. (Spe
cial.) First place in the mter-
coleeiate extempore speaking con
test held here last night was won
by Thomas Q. Harrison of Council
Bluhs. Ia.. who was a freshman at
Creighton university last year, but
now is a student at the Kearney
Normal - school, and second place
was won by Joseph Mcuovern,
senior at Creighton college and win
ner of last years state oratorical
contest. First place carries a .prize
of $100 and second place a prize of
?60. The general subject was: "The
Present Emergency in Education,"
but 15 minutes before the contest
was held it was limited to: "Higher
wages tor .teachers.
Beatrice Boy Confesses
He Set Series of Fires
Beatrict, Neb., May 18. (Special.)
Russell Robinson, a boy who po
lice believe to be mentally unbal
anced, yesterday confessed to Chief
ot Police DiIIow that he started the
fire in the Burlington station here
Thursday evening.
Kobmson. according to the chief.
admitted that he had started a num
ber of other small fires in Beatrice
the past few months. He will be
held pending an investigation as. to
his mental condition.
Ex-Governors at Convention.
Anftmg the hosts of delegates and
alternates to the democratic state
(.onvention in Omaha yesterday who
thronged the headquarters in the
Paxton hotel yesterday morning
were three former governors of Ne
braska. They were A. C. Shallenberger,
John H. Morehead and Keith Ne
ville. Mr. Morehead is the nominee
of the party for governor at the
coming November election.
Have Root
Press. Adv.
Print It Beacon
i - , ', v :
Gurney Refrigerator Dem
onstration Will Show
How to Save Ice.
Special Monthly Terms to
Be Made During
If you are interested in cut
ting down ice bills while prevent
ing wastage of foods and milk
during the summer months, a
"Gurney" Demonstration, start
ing Saturday at the Union Out
fitting Company, will be of par
ticular interest.
Many walls of insulation and
air-tight doors make it possible
for a "Gurney" to maintain a
frigid temperature in its food
chambers during hot weather on
a minimum of ice.
As a special treat the Union
Outfitting Company is serving
Delicia Ice Cream and dainty
Sunshine Wafers, made by the
Loose-Wiles Bakery, to every
woman visiting the demonstra
tion. ,
At the Union Outfitting Com
pany, located Out of the High
Rent District, no Refrigerator
sale is ever considered complete
until the customer is satisfied
1 Sonera 1 designed to play ALL MARES
of disc record! perfectly wtttout xtra
attachments. ,
1 Sonora hat a magnificent ton which
won higrheat acore at th Panama Pacific
I Sonora baa graceful dea!gn lines, char
acteristic of th finest furniture.
4 Sonera has a ton modifier which, at
th sound source, regulates volume, but
leavs Quality unaltered.
I Sonora has an air-wooden ton nassag,
a feature which ia exclusively Sonora'a.
t 86nora (Invincible and Bupreme) has
a motor meter which tells how many
more records can he played before re
winding ,ia necessary.
T Sonera's motor Is Internationally famous
for Its power, sturdineaa, reliability and
for It extra-long-running Qualities.
8 Sonera has an effective automatic atop,
a - convenient envelope filing system,
smart and appropriate -trimmings, a
perfected sound box, etc
Agents Threatened
U:S. Senator With
Death and Disgrace
Washington, May 18. Charles E.
Jones, former Department of Jus
tice agent, today charged Mexican
agents in the United States with
having threatened disgrace and
death to Senator Fall of New Mex
ico, chairman of the senate commit
tee investigating Mexican affairs,
and to VV. M. Hanson one of
Chairman Fall's assistants. '
Mr. Jones, who made his charges
before the Mexican committee, said
Raymond P. DeNegri, former Mex
ican consul general in New York,
had told htm last fall that "they
(Fall and Hanson) will be shot very
soon.". DeNegri added, Jones said,
that he had "a man in New York
now to fix them." .
The former Mexican consul gen-
in the
s sajrtreji
eral, according to Jones, also assert
ed that "Americans having tremen
dous political influence with the
United States administration are as
sisting" in efforts to disgrace the
Fall committee.
Jones said he also was told to
watch "Washington tor something
to drop" in the matter. Most of
the conversations reported were al
hired to have taken nlace in New
York during November, 1919.
Farmers to Compute Bushel
Costs of Growing Wheat
Hutchinson, Kan., May 18. Or
ganization of an association and
howto arrive at the average cost of
producing a bushel of wheat were
among the important matters which
faced wheat growers of Missouri,
Kansas, Oklahoma. Texas. Nebras
ka. New Mexico. Iowa' and South
Dakota, who were here today.
About 600 delegates attended.
The Value of Sane Merchandising
(Selling good$ of known quality at fair and sensible prices)-
To the People of this Community
Resorting to the sensational never I im
proves the quality or desirability of the
merchandise offered.
- Your first consideration when contemplat
ing a purchase should be "Do I need this
article and does it satisfy me in every
particular?" "
If you buy on the basis o price alone
too often you are doomed to dis
appointment. Good judgment dictates ie advisability
; of knowing that the good: in question are
of the best possible qualty for the price
asked. Common sense shows clearly that
price is only relatively important.
RigKt principles are right for all times
and it has been our experience dur-
ing mrw-jour years of
in Omaha,
that quality counts first, above all other
considerations and that the consequent
pleasure in ownership and lasting satis
faction one gains through choosing quality
will offset in a happy manner any slight
and seeminjrlv advantageous difference
first cost.
Thompson -Belden
. Established 1886
dress distinctively without having
to spend a lung's ransom?
It's an art, this knack of dressing well on a limited
income. To avoid the biaarreand.not becone
commonplace is one of the most difficult things
in the world . . . Yet it is being done every day.
Thb next time you start out shopping for some
thing to wear, come in. We can help you.
Russia Orders Arrest
Of Zionist Delegates
As National Enemies
' Moscow, May 18. Seventy-five
delegates and alternates to the A11
Russian Zionist congress which met
here last April have been arrested,
according to a statement issued by
the extraordinary commission to
day. It is asserted that the extra- '
ordinary secrecy observed regard
ing the meeting and the fact that,!
large proportion of those present
were not connected with the Zion
ist movement, led to the arrests.
Investigation, it is alleged, has re
suited in the discovery of compro
mising documents revealing clost
contact with entente countries.
Charges are made that many bolnbfc
have been found in the. office of the"
central Zionist committee.
Zd - fto.
1 iirjijji
I 3
Southeast Corner
16th and Harney SU.
Omaha, Neb.
floor SwriUfBI
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