Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1920, Page 14, Image 14
CHE BEE; OMAHA, .-WEDNESDAY. MAY 19. 1920, WANT AD RATES (Cash with order.) 2te per word on day bn per word ...two consecutive cleys so per word three ceneeauttve dsys To per word.. four consecutive daya 8o per word.. ...... .fir eoneecutlv daya 10c ptr word aeven eonaacutlva daya and on cent par word for each additional Insertion, BRINGING UP FATHER- See Jiggi and Maggie in Full Page of Colon in The Sunday Bee. Drawn for the Bee by McManus. Cony rich t Ifli-'O liiteriisti.m-t w...v V"" HELP WANTED." "Male and Female. EVUV I'LL TAKE A. r-Mf tAC,E, FOR MAIE.- JUVT A SECOND it A PENCIL TO WfTE MR. W. F. SHORT, Vice Tresi-'-..- IT DOWN - 0 AHE.M- No ada take for less than a total of 2c. CHAeUiK. ' 14 Ho per lino ' ona day J8n par Una two eonaacutlva daya Sle par Una ,.thraa consecutive daya 77c par line . .aeven eonaacutlva daya 1100 par Una.... ..thirty eonaacutlva daya Cards of thanka and funaral notlcaa lze ner tin aarh day. Theee ratea apply althar to tha Dally ar Sunday Boa. All advertleements appaar In both morning and evening dally papari for tha one chart. . .. Contract Rata en Application. For ronvenlanre of advertisers, want adda will ba accepted at tha following of fices: -MAIM OFFICE 17th and Farnara Amu Office 4410 North 20th St. Tark Offlca 2615 Leavenworth St. South Side S31 N. St. Walnut Office tit North 40th St. Co Bluffs Office la 8cott St. THE BEE will not be reaponalbla for mor than on Incorrect lnaertlon of an arivertlaement ordered for mora than ona '"" FHONK TYLER 1060. Evening Edltlone U:00 M. Morning Editions 10:3P P. M. Sunday Edition P. M. Saturday FUNERALDIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER; 'INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" FIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thlrty-ihlrd and Fanism. Harney 84, TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALM ERS. Telephone Iouglas714. 221 Cuming St. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Kmbalmers. Phnne 11. 265, Office, 3611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Director. South Hth St. DoualaalOM. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME, :ou wirt st. Away from noise of busy arrests. P H ONE WKBSTE R7 4 DUFFY & JOHNSTON, UNDERTAKERS. 717 8. 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. l. larmon vr.rr 1814 Douglas St. Douglaa 8244. I,. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Pouglaa 1248. JOHN HATH. lih and Farnam. p. .IDOO. MONUMENTS CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monument In lh I'nlted States. FRANK SVOBODA. 121 S 8. 13th. Phone Douglaa 1172-6216. DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. WEl.l'H William J., aged 22. Funeral Wcdneaday. 8:30 a. m. from family realdence. 11U N. 40th St., to St. Ceceltas church at a. m. Burial Holy Sepulchre. He Is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Welch; five sister. Oerlrude, (Irace, Florence, . Dorothy and Marie: four brothers, John A., Walter, Frank J. and Richard. Father was a former city meat In spector. Deceased waa a member of K. of C. PATERSON Margaret Jane. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. l'sicrson. Way 17, aged 1 year 4 monlna I daya, of pneumonia. Funeral services private from the realdene. 127 No. 40th St.. Wednesday at 2 p. m ., Bishop Shayier officiating. Bealdea her parents, deceased la sur vived by one brother, Charles, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Plcken. . MEMBERS of North Omaha lodge. No. 28. Degree of Honor, are requested to attend th funeral of Sister Lena Em hrce from Dodder s chapel, 2224 Cuming street, Wednesday at 2 p. m. T.ULA HEALD. Chief of Honor. H AXEL RYAN. Recorder. EMBREE Lena, aged II yeara. May 15, 120, at residence, 212 North Twenty- aixth! street Funeral from Fero' cha-pel, Twenty- I third and Cuming atraets. May 1. 1620. at 2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cem etery. Friends Invited. KARACB Adolph, aged 60 year, May 16. 1920. Funeral Wednesday afiernoon at 2 o'clock from residence of daughter, Mrs. fhas Vandeusen, 2232 South Sixth street. Internmept Holy Sepujcher. MURTAGH Mary R., age 74 yeara, be loved wlf of John Murtagh. Funeral from residence, 4610 webater alreet, Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. Friends welcome. CARD OP THANKS. WF, wish to think our many friends also tha Masonic ordera and Royal Neighbors of America for their kind thoughts and expression of sympathy in our late bereavement. MR. HARVEY L. RICE. MR. AND MRS. FRED W. P. PRICE. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES H. RICE. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Jacob and Katherlne Lahno, S953 South Thirty-ninth street, girl; Jerry and Anna Cectka, 6425 South Seventeenth alreet. girl; Samuel and Roae Bennett, 2603 South Fifteenth itreet. girl; James and Jennie Maasey. hospital, boy;. Henry and I.etha Baker, 1418 Poppleton avenue, girl; Walter and Alda Pearson, 3303 Corby etrv-pt, boy; Edmum! and Nora Brlsnahan, 2730 South Twenty-fourth afreet, boy; John and Luclnda Cook, 406 North Twenty third street, boy; George and Bertha Welnert. 3048 Evans atreet. girl; Vlncana and Anna Kuclrek, 6614 South Twenty second street, -girl; Abelino and Refujls Cortes, 5232 South Twenty-second street, boy; Lyman and Bird Nelaon, 1119 Georgia avenue, boy. ' Deaths Joseph Keeklinakl. Infant, 412. Sooth Thirty-fifth atreet; Vivian May Mc Therson, 1 year, 6617 South Twenty-third street; Minnie Durr, 52 years, hospital; Trma B. Young. 35 yeara. 3814 South Twenty-aeventh atreet; Minnie G. Brown, 49 year. 4244 Grant atreet: Charlea Pay ton, Infant, 3001 Burdette atreet; August Peru-st. S4 years, 3931 North Twentieth street: Lyman Elmer Nelson, Jr., infant, 1119 Georgia avenue: Edmund B. Abbolt, 74 year. 2173 Bauman atreet; John R. Toder. 60 years, 5344 North Twenty-fifth atreet: Otto Retnhardr, 69 yeara. hospital; Martha Thsrnberg, (7 year. 211 South -Thirty-sixth atreet. ' c MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following persona wer laaued Ucanaea to wed: Anton X Meaner, !2. Petersburg. Neb., and Joaephln Landauer, 18, Petersburg, Neb. Frederick R. Stevens.' 21, Omaha, and Edith Taylor, 20, Omaha. Charlea K. Waltera, 25. Sioux Falla, S. D and Helen V. Lain, 25, Dea Moines, Ja. Albert Pulley. 35. Lincoln. Neb., and Pearl Rager, 27, Lincoln, Neb. Trent McDonald. 21, Omaha, and Apharllla French, 17. Randall, Kan. , Jame Morrlaon. 39. Omaha, and XRtherlne Stach, 34. Mllllgan. Neb. fir Oiri. MeTntnnK: 98. Om.ha. and Josephine V. Shannon, 20, Council Bluffa, la. Hronlslav N. Jedynak, 21, Omaha, and Elcnor J. Wajda, 19, Omaha. Carl S. Tllden, 22, Greeley, Colo., and Lurila Shorthlll, 20, Omaha. Henry B. Suchy, 20, Omaha, and Anna Meier, 22, Omaha. Charlea R. Love. S4, Omaha, and Vir ginia Kelly, 28, Omaha. John J. Sullivan, Omaha, 24, and M. Isabel Freelln, 23, Omaha. Gerald L. Cress. 22. Rlveralde, la., and Berdlc Bryan, 21, North Loup, Neb. Morrla Fisher, 3, Omaha, and Kva Engler, 25, Omaha. Charlea B. Evans, 25, Gothenburg. Neb., and Edith V. Nelaon, 22, Polk, Neb. Edward P. McDonald, 30. Omaha, and France E. Malloy, 26, Omaha. Jamea Kugler, 29, Omaha, and Mary Swoboda, 23, Omaha. John McClendon. 32. Omaha, and Mae Whitley, 22, Omaha. Earl Thompaon, 23, Nebraska City, and Lillian Freeman. 18, Nebraska City, Neb. (iluseppe Sacca, 27, Omaha, and Car mela Carlentlna, 19, Omaha. . Kltxhugh Lea Daniel, 21, Betty. Tax., and Lillian Haralson, 22. Dallas, Tex. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cara tele phone Tyler 800. Wa ar anxloua to re 1 etore loat articles- to rightful owner. - OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. I CO. t LOST On Sunday evening, near Strand : Theater or Omaha club, bar pin let with pearl and diamonds, liberal reward. V WaL 2419. - LEFT In laboratory ofkifpatrlckVatora, black leather handbag. Monday after- , noon. Finder pleaaa call South 2107. Re ward. ' LOST Naar 4th and Leavenworth, two month old Airedale. Reward. Please - call D-7941 or H-3t. LOST Brown purse containing $90, bv working boy whr has to make It good.1 Seward. Webater lit! LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Strand of pearia betwn Henahaw hotel and Hamilton Apta. Beward. : LOST Reward. Two coat, one blue, ! on brown. Room 21, Harvard Hotel. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Induatrlal home aollclta your old clnthlna:. furniture, magaainea. rVa collect. Wa dlatrlbule. Phona Dour. 41J5 and our wagon will call. Call and Impact our naw home. llio-lliz-im Dodaa afreet. A MALE nuraa would take a patient for tumea for amateur theatrical and par the summer that would Ilk to roufh I tlf for rent at T. Llaben at Son, Omaha. It in tne woods in Northern Michigan or Wlaconiln for their health. Y-1126. Bee. PATIENTS to cara for In my home; elec tric, bath and manage. Webater 2tll. DR. HOLER AN Electro therapy maasage, 311 Neville Block. and ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all alaes and alylea; hemstitching, picot, edging, eve let cut work, button holes, pennants, Ideal Button and Pleating Co, 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 19H6. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. 6011. Room 33, Douglaa Blk.. Hth and Dodge. Contractors. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling Hone. u j, Erlckaon. Call Walnut lfi:7. . Chiropdists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Bid. D. 120 Dancing Academies. V ET,.PIMF,Jch00lf for rnt'na;. 2424 YJAJ "'-framara, D. 7850. Class at 8; dancing at 0 p. m. Monday. Thurs day, Saturday: private lessons any time. Dress Suits. FULL dress suites and tuxedo for rent, 109 X. 16th St. John Feldman. D, 3128. Dressmaking. DREHSMAK1NO Children' clothes, spe cial tyJDney7177! DRESSMAKING. TT 2TI. Dentists. opr. Bradbury. No pain, 21 W. O. W. Bid. Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated. Douglaa 1107. Arlington Blk., Omaha. Neb. PHIL WINCKLKR, discreet, atrlctly con fidential Investigator; all branches. Harney 5708. Tylfr 384. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Douglas 2066; Night, Col. 465. Electrical Utilities. VACUUM cleanera, delivered, called for, 60c day. Vacuum Cleaner Service Co. Call Web. 1657 from 10 a. m. to p. m. HOOVER and other sweeper for rent. De livered. Webster 42S3. ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaner, $1 day, de livered. Calfax 4116. ELECTRIC vacuum Douglaa 571. cleaners for rent. Garages. IU:DI-MADE GARAGES, wood or atecl. Send for circular. Redl-Mad Houalng Co., 2211 Howard. Red 3657. Gas Stoves Connected. GAS STOVES connected, $2. Fuel, llghta and connections. Rebuilt gaa (loves. Harney 1619. UNO ANDY The gas man: house piping; Itoves connected. Walnut 2008. Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned and blocked while you wait, at Paxton Hat Work, 1607H-Farnam St.; work guaranteed. D. 6939 HATS cleaned, ' reblocked, ladles' atraw hata specialty. Masto Bros.. 1520 Har'y. Hauling. WE HAUL, anything, anywhere, any time. Walnut 1154. HAULING All klnda. Walnut 3616. Jewelry. DIAMONDS t huv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY Co, 6049. 402 N. 16th St. Doug. V. C. FLATAU. Jewelry Eatabllahed 1892. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Kodak Developing and Finishing. ENLARGING, copying and coloring. Amateur finthlng. Write for price. Omaha Photo Shop, 201 Barker Blk., Omaha. Neb. FII.M8 developed; printing and enlarging. Write for price. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Lumber and Buildings. TRY H. M. KEVAN, 644 SOUTH 30TH 8T. Mattress and Springs. CITY MATTRESS CO. Mattresses mad over. Box springs repaired. 2814 Cum ing. Harney 7162 Painting and Paper Hanging.; PAPERH ANQING, painting. Eatimatei free, that coat nothing and may eava you moii' Tyler2766. PAINTING ar.d "paparhariglng," firat claa work and quick service. Phona Doug las 9369. PAINTING. naoerhanginc. decorating; quick service; lowest prlcea. 3814. Harney PAPERHANGING. $7 per tm and up In. , eluding paper and work. Walnut 4998. FIRST-CLASS paperhanging,, painting. H. A. Clapp. Douglaa 4009. PAINTING, paperhanging. flrat '" cla's work. Walnut 3604. . PAINTING, paperhanging and paperclean- lng. Douglaa 6322. PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering, j Phone Walnut 4567. PAINTING and" paperhanging. Phone Walnut 5452. WALL paper cleaning. Walnut 787. Phonographs. QUALITY PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. LOWEST PRICES. CASH OR TERMS. THE MUSIC SHOP, INC. 1611 Harney St. Douglaa (S3t. Printing. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglaa0tPrlntlng Co. Tel. Douglaa 844. Razor Blades Sharpened SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 15I2Vi Dodge. 108 N. M. Roofing. PROPERTY OWNERS. Get Our Figures. Our Roofa Are Our Proofs. All Work Guaranteed. NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO., 802 South Slst. Harney 2674. Rug Weaving. DEEN Bug Factory Extra high grads ruaa maue. ,iougiaa YB1Z. WEAVING, eld rugs remade. Tyler 14jf. Safes. SAFF.S BARGAINS. ISth Farnam, -rV-L LJU J. J. Deright Safe Co. Screens and Repairing. I SCREENS repaired, put up. Webster 623$. aewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repair, sill needles and parts. MIGKEL'S 16th and Warney. Douglas 1173. "Stationery. OMArjl'-BTAf IONERY CO.. 207-S 8. 17th Tailors. C-gj5(jjRri06 South 18th. Doug. 1187. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS Sand akatch or model for preliminary examination; booklet free; patents obtained. Sturitca A 8tur(ea P.eulatered United Statea Patent Law yera. 226 Boa Bide., Omaha. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. Patent procure, buy and aell pat nt. 1716 Dodite St., Omaha. Theatrical. J THEATRICAL, hlatorlcal and maaau coa- Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. I). 68. Varnishing. Decorating. INTERIOR varnlahing, enameling, floor reflnlahed. waxed, wallpaper cleaned. Walnut 4821. Wall Paper Cleaning. WALLPAPER cleaning; walls, woodwork cleaned: screens painted, repaired, Colfax 600. EXPERT wall paper cleaner. Call Tyler 1LL ; Watch Repairing. WATCH REPAIRING. Main aprlng, 11.50; cleaning, $1.50; jiewels, $1 to 31.50; watch cryatala, 26c. All work guaranteed. Phone Tyler 960. THE W. C. FLATAU STORE. Room 601 . Securities Bldg. Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 15th and Jackson. D. 4397. Miscellaneous. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sta., Omaha, Neb. Braas, bronze, aluminum and machine eray Iron castings EKLL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can bo rurchaaed at Rlalto Drug Store, 15th and Douglaa Sta.. Omaha, Neb. DR. P. T. d'ONLON has moved his office from 210 Brown Bldg., to 217 Karbach Hidg,, Fifteenth and Douglaa treets. DUMP aahea S. W. corner 35th and Fran cis. Douglaa 420. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTIW Extra high grade and itaple furni ture, ruga, pianos, talking machines, Ford truck, Overland touring car and furnishings of several extra good homes. IN MY AUCTION HOUSE. SOUTHEAST CORNER EIGHTEENTH AND WEBSTER STS. Wednesday, May 19. Starts at 1 p. m. Sharp. This la one of the biggest furniture aalea I have had for a long time. Con alsta of ona can Inserted mahogany parlor suite with latest style velour cushlona. This suite Is the very beat and Ilk new. One sectional book caaa . In mahegany, like new; 2 oak aectional bookcaaes, several large leather chaira and several good oak and mahogany rockers: 1 good mahogany parlor suite and 1 very expensive mahogany library table and several good oak library tables: 1 very expenatve fumed oak din ing room set, complete; 64-Inch table, massive buffet and slip leather chair to mctch; 3 good golden oak dining room leta, complete, and aeveral extra plecea dining room furniture. .... Ona white Ivory bedroom set. com plete, and 1 American walnut bedroom set that la the beat; several extra good bre&a and Simmon and Vefnia-Martin beeN, springs and mattresses: several good oak and mahogany dreasers, chlf forieres and dressing tablea: oak writ ing desk; 8 extra good Wilton velvet ruga size 9x12 and several smaller Wll tun rugs about 16; good Axmlnlater ruga, all aizes; hall runner, kitchen cabineta, gaa rangea, Ice boxes. 4 good standard planoa, 2 atandard talking machines and records. 1 good Overland touring car in excellent condition and 1 Ford , truck; linens, dishes, cooking utensils and hundred of articles too numerous to mention. JOE TUPPER. AUCTIONEER FOR JAMES. L. DOWD. Tf you heve anything to sell, call Douglas 32V5, Tyler 9ii6 or Douglas 18,8. SELECT YOUR SPRING HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom suite at $213; an Adam Period dining suite, at $16.1' l!:tge collection of fine furniture; room size ruga at a great reduction: cane mahogany living room suites, at 1185 each. r STATE FURNITURE COMPANY. Corner 14th and Dodge Street. Oppoalte U. P. Headquarters, Omaha, Neb W E aell new and near-new furniture, stovea and rugs at lowest prices; caah or payments. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 X. 16. SQUARE golden oak dining room table" with extension leavea. Call Harney 1048. FOR SALE Good aaa stnv. u..,, cleaner rheap. 6137 North 2th St. -ajio.AL vacuum washer, Webster 498. gaa Iron. Pianos and Musical Initruments. SPSJA,kVTJP,RICED VSn PIANOS AT SCHMOLLER ft MUELLER PIANO iJY' THESE ARE a''T' IN GOOD tSToTtVe Y0U can savb M $1,200 SMnway M .'u.wu oi i,B., wainuc. 155 Smith & Nixon, mahogany 215 Retd & Sons, mahogany 23'i n oons, wninut... Rchmollcr Mueller, mahogany. tillson. walnut Schmoller & Mueller, mahogany! Steger, walnut', like new ,. Steger, mahogany -i .. 175 J5S 145 235 "10 290 145 45 Ar,,ma Plaverl "fumVd ' oak! ! ! " " " CONVENIENT TERMS ni Sivuivi, WE RENT PIANOS WITH PRIVILEGE PRICEPLYI'NQ RENT S PURCHASE SCHMOLLER MUELLER PIANO CO 114-116-118 SO. 16TH trc. ' PHON E DOUGLAS 1623. DRUMS traps marimbas Instructions, repairing Phone Harney 2967. . Geo. A. aniwA veil port J5t. a hospeco. s5SG: Planoa for rent, $4.00 per month. EDISON cabinet talking machine and fine records cheap. A bargain. 2212 N St. South 1863. Store and Offic Fixtures. WE buy, aell and make deaka, safes, show cases, snciving, etc. umaha Fixture Supply Co., llth and Douglas. Doug. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS , ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug. 4129. iu Farnam. WE buy, aell and exchange all makea of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver typewriter three months for $8.00. Oliver Agency, 1911 Farnam St. Douglas 4120. Omaha, Neb. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., "all makes.' 205 S. 18th St. Tyler 2414. TYPEWRITER for sale. Webster 498, Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 3 Great Western Heatera: good condition; at a bargain If taken at once. a. B. O'Nell, Circulation Dept., Omaha Bee. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, aummer and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. TOMATO planla, good onea, $1.00 per 100. and plants of all kinds. We please. Colfax 3999. A. D. Ferguson. BARGAIN in used Hoover Sweeper and 190ft Electric Washer. Call Joe Myers, Tyler 111. BROWN reed twin baby buggy, good condition. t Reasonable price. Web ater 171 I'VE. OT T ALL WR.TTEN I ( WHM" Its TH& 1 DO TOO XE-WhQ'b OOVVN-MOW MOPE e-' VR.0 fa i CALL-MUM? 1 I Ch,NE-E r naie kin read it: tmii. i found p " ' Jhkt UKNDRy r........( I - J I .... ...... . """L ....l. " iiO ar Itl 'earuas gi.v.e,, iM. W 1 II" FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. KINDLING delivered at 13. GO per load, also some good lumber for aale. Web. 4ii. LARUE refrigerator, suitable for grocera uae Milton May, North Bend, Neb. FOR SALE Second-hand Dayton acale, first claaa ahape, 510 So. 10th St. DRY kindling wood. Acme Box Co. Har ney 1837. WANTED TO BUY. WE BUY baled waste paper, old rnaga aine and newspapers. State quantity you have on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 15th and Marcy. Douglaa lit. - DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaks; uaed deaka bought, (old and traded. .1. f. Reed. 1207 Farnam. U. 14 LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACKS BOND HOUSE, 1 4 2 1 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3544. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2698. A zavett, 7Q N. i WANTED To buy old tires. S. & A. Tire A Rubber Co., 2522 Farnam st. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THB BEE will publish free a altuatlon wantee) ad under thla classification for soldier end aal org and marine who will how their discharge paper at our offlca In thg lobby of The Be ounaing. Seventeenth and Farnam EXPERIENCED salesman dealreg position with reliable firm. Call Harney 1154. Address 616 So. 29th St., Mr. Bruce. CHEF ateward wlh engagement, club or aummer reaort; wife take care of room, box o-2., Omaha Bee. COMPOSITO R Straight matter; 14 per and board; want job. Box 4i, in man. Neb. CEMENT Work, painting. Call Webster 3580 before 8 a. m. and after 6:30 p. m WANTED Hauling refute and clndera; manure for aale. Walnut 693. HOUSE cleaning by experienced help. Harney 1722 LAWN-MOWING; nut 1516. mower furniahed. Wal- JANITOK wanta work, or day work. Web. 6063. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domrstlo column of Thg Bee. Lota of good places ar alwav advertise. Don t mi tnem. . POSITION aa housekeeper for widower or In bachelor's, home. Call Council Bluff. Red 1143. i EXPERIENCED LADY wants small bun dle wnahlng. Web. 2006. , Laundry and Day Work. WOMEN who want day work call Afro American Employment agency, 2522a Lake St. Webater 6976. EXPERIENCED colored laundres wishes bundle or an Kinaa. wenater ivio. FIRST-CLASS laundress (colored), Tues day and Wednesday. Harney 5461. LAUNDRY work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Webster 8086. IRONING and housecleanlng, 50c per hour. Webater 1379. EXPERIENCED laundres and day work. Tyler 2957. COLORED girl want day work, 40c per hour. Tyler 6047. BUNDLE washing., (oft water. 6949. EXPERIENCED woman; laundry and day work. Webster 6099. RELIABLE woman wanta daywork. Web- ster 1951. - DAY WORK, white woman, bought 8333. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut i !. LAUNDRY and day work." Webster 2219. DAY WORK WANTED. WEBSTER 4798. LACE curtain, bundle washing. Web.l7fT DY WORK of any kind. Webater 4571. DAY work wanted. Webater 4542. BUNDLE washing. Webster 1397. BUNDLE washing, aoft water. Web. 6949. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. VOUNG men wanted, between 21 and S year of sge, for special eutelde work. Splendid opportunity for those who ar ambitious and cnsrgstlo to secure per manent position with early advance ment. On hundred and five dollars per month to start. Bng'D-ll. Omaha Bee. SALESMAN, experienced. 36 to 40, good line, $40 week and expenses. SALESMAN,' out of town, $30 week and traveling expenses. CIGAR SALESMAN, city, $25 week. SHIPPING CLERK, $90. OFFICE CLERK, good penman, good personality, $100. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE operator, $75-$85. STOCK CLERK, good future, $S0-$85. STOCK BOY. uptown, nice office, 165. OFFICE CLERK, knowledge of archi tectural drafting, $90-$100. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First Nat. Bank Bldg. ACCOUNTANT. Large eaatern manufacturing concern desires to secure the aervlcea of an ac countant for their branch office In Omaha. Apply In handwriting, atating paat experience, salary desired and Sge. Furnish business referoncea aa to ability, Integrity, etc.; provide photograph If possible. Y-112 8. Bee. TRAVELING SALESMAN established firm, staple commodity, $140; stenog rapher, aome ledger work. $126; atenog rapher, railroad, $110: office clerk, $90. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 736 Flrat Nat. Bank Bldg. DON'T PAY FOR A JOB. Men and boya who want work and mean business, see us. Lots of Jobs, all free. 1907 Harney St. EMPLOYERS' FREE LABOR BUREAU. CREDITMAN and bkkpr., $176-$200; bookkeepers, $125-$150-$160: typists and clerk. $90-$100; office clerks, $0-$lO0. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WE WANT two first class storage bat tery men and auto electricians to take full chargs and opsrate a Wlllard aerv les station by Juns 1st at Wapato, Wash., and alao ona at Sunnyslde, Wash. We will pay a guaranteed salary of $160 per month and a per cent of all busi ness. This means all the way from $175 to 125(1 per month and a steady poaition to the right man. Married man preferred. We must have recommenda tions. This ts operated under a corpora tion of Yakima, Wash., which has four Wlllard service stations. Wlsemsn, 'Spencer ft Jacklett, Inc., Yakima, Wash. Wanted, Experienced Cabinet Makers aash and door men. Open abop, 8-hour day. Rates up to 80c per hour The Ilallack A Howard Lumber Co.. Denver, f 'olo. 11REMEN, brakemen, 8175-8250 monthly; experience unnecessary. Write Railway, T-1098. Bee HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. Watchmaker Assistant Wanted One who haa aome experience and desires to complete his trade under a high grade watchmaker and engravtr. Good salary for thla work. P. O. BOX 1645. Lincoln, Neb. HELP WANTED Diamond setter man to do cluster and platinum mlllgraln set ting; none but high grade man wanted; union shop. Nonken & Co., Mfg. Jewel ers. Buchanan Bldg.. Portland, Ore. WANTED Reliable man to manage Omaha aale office ' for Pacific coat manufacturer. Big opening for honest man with $700 capital. Apply to James laikson, Paaton Hotel. WANTED Four mo good bricklayers, $1.60 per hour; three months' work. Ad dress Brown & Schrepferman, Mitchell, Neh. ' BIG demand for barbers; call or write for free catalogue. Molcr Barber Col lege. 110 S. 14th St YOUNG man for work in shipping room. Apply Mr. Tally, Mid-West Electric Co., 1207 H. WANTED Two first-class tool makers for night work. Cushman Motor Works, Lincoln. Neh. Salesmen and C anvassers. SALESMEN WANTED On the best selling propo sition ever offered out of Omaha. This is not stock selling; however, experience in selling stock will enable you to make big money on this job. This corporation will back ypu up with a good advertising campaign and the best co-operation' possible to extend to a salesman. If you are an experienced salesman and can furnish good reference;, come in and talk it over. THE INTER-STATE COMPANY 207 South 18th St., Ground Floor. . SECURITIES SALESMEN We want experienced men with clean records to sell the best industrial propo sition on market In Nebraska this sea Bon. Northeastern counties being al lotted now. Strong sales arguments; state permit. Write, wire or phone Standard Securities Corporation, 118 North 16th St., Lincoln. Neb. WANTED High grade solicitors to c- ass In Omaha for Tha Bee, Apply at Bee office; Inquire for Mr. Rook. 1-11)45. Bee. r- STOCK SALESMEN1 $2,000,000 corporation selling in Iowa and Nebraska: 8 per cent participation preferred stock; best proposition In Omaha, ftm. 4, Wead Bldg., 18th and Fat nam. i SALESMAN. FIRST CLASS. Experienced rug salesman, Familiar with draperies. Permanent position, Good salary to Competent man. H. R. BOWEN CO., HOWARD, BETWEEN 16TH AND 16TH. WANTED Piano salesman and Ford car, for country work. Excellent propoal tlon. A Hoape Co.. Council Bluffs. SALESMEN If you are a salesman and can finance the agency for nationally advertised line, phone Room 738, Hotel Fontenelle. for appointment. SALESMEN We want a few more young men to join our club in scientific sales manship; complete training; $30 posi tlons furnished free. Box K-6. Bee. SALESMEN If you are a salesman and can finance the agency for nationally advertised line. Phone Room 738 Hotel Fontenelle for appointment. SALESMEN For household apecialties; men with car can make good money. Call and see us and let ua explain. C. F. Adams Co.. 623 S. 16th St. SALESMEN City or traveling; experience unnecessary; big demand for men. $2,000 tip. Write for apeninga and particulars. Box K-7, Omaha Bee. ALL KINDS of positions open for young men, between 19 and 25; salary $100 to $150. No employment fees. Phone Tyler" 4240. WANTED Twenty salesmen for crew manager. Bankers Investment Trust, 905-6-7 Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A, good kitchen man for night work, nlso a good dishwasher for day work. We will pay the best of wages for a steady- man. rnone us at once. Brunswick Restaurant, Fremont, Neb. Boys. BOY WANTED To lenrn printers trade. Must have fair educntlon and be over 16 years old; prefer one with a little experience. Call at Bee composing room, 8 a. m. to 4:30 p. m , or after 6 by appointment. Ask .for Mr. Calvert. WANTED. SEVERAL BOYS. THE SKINNER COMPANY, MAflARONI BRANCH. 14TH AND JACKSON. BRIGHT bo, over 16. to run errands. Ap ply Morris & Co.. South Side. Miscellaneous. WANTED. 25 MEN FOR GENERAL YARD WORK. APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH SIDE. COLLECTOR to collc.jt monthly Install ment ' magazine accounts for large New York publishing house. Must know cltr thoroughly and be able tu furnish real estate bond. Guaranteed salary and commiaalnn. Steady work for man with ability. 301 Balrd Bldg. ' WANTED Kitchen and pantry help. Blackaton hotel, , HELP WANTEDMALE Miscellaneous. WANTED. WAOON HELPERS. I HOUR8 PER DAT. APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EXP. STA BLK, 15TH AND DAVENPORT. EXPERIENCED apartment house Janitor wanted; middle aged single white man preferred. Must understand heating I'lant. Apply to Mr. Heyn, 402 Bee Bldg. TRAIN and yard men. railroad experi ence, for service Chicago and Kansas City. Apply W. F. Thelhoff, Burlington Route. 1004 Farnam. STONE breakers, loaders and laborers for quarry and steam shovel grading, $4.60 to $10.00 per day. National Stone Co., Cedar Creek, Neb. LABORERS WANTED FOR WARE HOUSE WORK AT THE CONCRETE ENGINEERING CO., 11TH AND NICHOLAS. LAUNDRY HELP Washman. expe rienced; steady place: good working conditions. Bell Laundry, Leavenworth, Ken. WANTED Lineman and groundmen; eteady work. Hennlngson Engineering Co., lath and Harney. MEN to drive taxlcab. Apply In per son. Omaha Taxlcab and Transfer Co., Hth and Jackson. YOUNG man to learn book and stationery business. The Omaha News Co.. 15th nnd Davenport. WANTElr Two good live men for good paying proposition. Call Web. 1764. Ask for Mr. Anthony. EXPERIENCED truck drivers. Apply Omaha Taxlcab and Transfer Co., 14th arid .laokson. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED EXPERIENCED TTPIST ONE WHO HAS HAD SOME EXPERIENCE IN WRITING ORDERS. CUDAHT PACKING CO., SOUTH SIDE. STENOGRAPHERS, $125-110-$100-$0-!R5-$75; file clerk, must be experienced. 75-$80; stenographer and clerk. $100; stenographer and assistant bookkeeper. 175-880. assistant bookkeeper and cashier who operates typewriter, 890; file clerks, $65-$55: typists, $65-$70; typist and clerk. $100; typist and clerk, $80: dictaphone operator, 190. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT, 1138 First National Bk. Bldg. STENO and secretary, li'5 to 8150; ateno, $110 to $125; steno., beginner will do, 180-185; typist, $20 to $22.50 week; be ginner typist, $76-$80; bookkeeper and cashier, 1125 to $130; east, bookkeeper and cashier. $115; office clerks, $66-$70-$75 and 180. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER PERMANENT POSITION. STATE AOE. EXPERIENCE AND SALARY DESIRED. BOX Q-22, BEE. TWO girla, over 16 years, to do filing and general omce worlc in branch office of large subscription agency. Experience not necessary. Poaition pays $12 per i in .tr .hi, v,. -. .. i .j vancement. Steady work. 801 Balrd Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, secretary, $125; steno- grapner, insurance, S110; stenographer, small office, 886; clerk and tvpist, $80; office clerk. 175. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 736 first National Bank Bldg. ST ENOGRAPHERS, 2150 - $125 - $1 00-$90 ; blllers, $85-$90; typist, $75-$80j cashier. 8108; office clerks, $75-180.-THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O, W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER WANTED. . MUST BE EXPERIENCED. CARPENTER PAPER CO.. 9TH AND HARNEY. TYLER 266. YOUNG woman, good penman, good at figures, with knowledge of bookkeeping preferred. The Omaha News Co., 16th and Davenport. GIRL with aome experience as multlgraph operator. Permanent position. 80( World-Herald Bldg. GIRLS for office work. Opnorfjnlty to rearn mumgrapn. 806 wrorld-Herald Bldg. WANTED Neat, amart colored girl for work In atore, good salary. Tyler 2206. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Women to canvass anhacrln. tlona for The Omaha Bee In the city and Council Bluffs. Apply at Th Be office, between 8 and :30 . m. or ana " p. m. inquire for Mr. O'Nell, circulation department. nnmcu women to distribute coupons house to house; no selling; pleasant work; short hours, good pay. Apply jir. f,sn, owui at to., inirteenln and i.Mivenwortn. LADY canvassers for electric Irons and lamps; good proposition. C V. Adams .;o.. 833 s. itstn St. FIRST-CLASS lady spotter and presser. ieqqy near t;ieaners. lis North 18th. Professions and Trades. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD POSITIONS FOR CAPABLE YOUNG WOMEN TO HAN DLE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE MESSAGES. NO BUSINESS TRAINING IS NECESSARY AS WE GIVE YOU A THOROUGH COURSE OF INSTRUC TION BEFORE ASSIGNING YOU TO COMMERCIAL WORK AND PAY TOO WELL WHILE YOU ARB LEARNING. FREQUENT SALARY INCREASES AS'D-RAPID ADVANCEMENT ARE ASSURED THE GIRL WHO SHOWS INTEREST AND ABILITY. THE WORK IS PLEASANT AND THB HOURS REASONABLE WITH REST PERIODS BOTH MORNING AND AFT ERNOON. WHICH MAY BE SPENT IN OUR COMFORTABLE REST ROOM. MISS BELL WILL ANSWER ANT flicatFon and RECEIVE tour AP- $18 NEW TELEPHONE CO. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. EXPERIENCED. , DRAPERY SEWERS WANTED AT ONCE. H. R. BOWEN CO. HOWARD ST., BETWEEN 15TH AND HTH. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want permanent position? - No ?roflon today off erg tosttsr p cortunltleg for godd aalarleg and steady mployment than local or long dlgtenc telephone work. . Tiie work la fascinating, pleaaant, healthful -aurroundlnga, annual vaca tions with full psy. sick aal accusal belief, ts without cost to smploysa, , No experience necesiary. Substantial i weekly pas whllg la training. Bspld advancement Parent invited to lnvestlgats working conditions. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary. Room 41$ New Tsispban Building, Nineteenth and Douglas Streets, GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN OUR ICINd AND PACKING DEPARTMENT; GOOD WAGES; PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. LOOSE-WILIS BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT. Household and Domestic. COMPETENT maid for general house work: two in family: best wages; ref erences required. Mra. W. S. Weston. 303 So. 51st St. Walnut 278. WANTED AT ONCE Girl for general housework; no washing: small family; best of wages; room with private bath. 3311 Woolworth Ave. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for light housework; family of 4; no washing or cooking. Coifox .147. AN EXPERIENCED maid for general housework, three in famllv, no laundry. 6203 California. Walnut 501. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework, three in family, no laundry, good wages. Walnut 1827. l-'Oll LAUNDRESSES. DAT WOMEN, ETC. LOOK IN THB SITUATION COL UMN np THF BEE WANTED Competent girl for cooking mm iiouseworK. Harney zyj. i at-MOOij gin to assist with housework good home and wages. Harney 6736. WANTED Girl for general housework gooa wagea. Call Walnut 1954. w ANTED Competent housemaid. Apply jirs. vvarn burgess, izz wo. 22d. WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK. HARNEY 3S2. COMPETENT SECOND MAID HARNEY 1 Hotels and Restaurants. GIRLS WANTED TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES. SHORT HOURS, GOOD PAY. APPLY SUPT., BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH CO. COUNTER AND FLOOR GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. STEADY WORKGOOD WAGES. APPLY QUICKSEHVE CAFETERIA, CITY NATL BK. BLDG.. BASEMENT. TWO white women wanted to wash dishes and silver. Apply Omaha Club, 20th and Douglaa Sta.' KITCHEN and pantry help wanted. Ap ply Blaekstnne Hotel. WOMAN for special work to assist house keeper Hotel Keeti Miscellaneous. WANTED Girls to work lit store; to those well educated, good chance to advance to good position. Tyler 2206. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for th benefit of bustnesa girl. 623 Be Bldg. Douglas 6592. WANTED Four ladles to distribute cou pons. Good pay. Call WaL 4881, Mr. Watson. WANTED Experlena film Inspectors. Apply in person, zu soutn latn St. "HELP WArsTED. Male and Female. WANTED Salespeople. Apply Superln tendent, balcony, Brandels Stores. I WANTED Men, ladles and boys to lesrn barber trade; Mg demand: wagea while learning, atrtetly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. WANTEDTwo aood ladv baiheva or flrat-clasa male barbers. Address John 1 Boon, Columbus. Montana. E. K. ATKINSON & CO., M I N X E. I'O LIS. M 1 X X ESOTA, will he in Omaha Wednesday, May 19th, and wishes to get in touch with A Buyer for their new Infants' Department. A Buyer for the Silk and Mus lin Underwear Department.. A Manager for the Alteration Department. A Sales Manager and Advertis ing Manager. In answering this ad be sure you have had experience can give a successful record and are abje to deliver the goods. APPOINTMENTS CAN BE MADE WITH MR. SHORT AT THE FONTENELLE HOTEL OR THROUGH MR. E. M. REYNOLDS AT ELDREDGE REYNODS COMPANY. On of the leading furni ture stores of Omaha requires th service of experienced young man or woman to tak charg of Crafonola Dept. Mall re plies to Box G-77, Omaha Flee. EDUCATIONAL. DA V SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOTLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometer', abort bond and typewriting. railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all Kngllah and commercial branchea. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 to I large Illustrated catalogue. Addreas BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building, Omaha, Neh. LEARN tire repairing and retreadingi alpo tube repairing and all rubber vul canlilng IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIRING SCHOOL IN OMA HA. Three weeka learning. $15, Write or call NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th and Capitol Ave. THE CLUB FRANCAI8 D'OMAHA an nounces the opening of a clasa to study French. All those Interested should phone to Mr. A. O. Cattln. Douglaa 4624 or Harney 8881. Van Kant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6880 BUSINESS CHANCES. Executive Wanted in corporation with branch office la Omaha la desirous of obtaining aervlcea of a man between 80 and 40 yeara who can assume the duties of an officer. This position also carries a directorship with same. Must be able to invest 32.500 to $5,000 cash with aervlcea Good salary, quick action necessary. Ad dress Box G-78, Omaha Bee. GOOD opportunity for honest common la borer who la willing to work hard for two months to get into an established business In Omaha. Guarantee $200 flrat month. Can make $360. Must have $100 cash and $200 In paymanta. Thla will stand close investigation. Business growing rapidly. Box Q-86, Omaha Bee. MANUFACTURERS representative want ed; open office; manage salesmen. Won derful opportunity. Meritorious proposi tion. Sells to all wholesale and retail ers. Should net $10,000 annually. $600 to $2,000 capital required. Scott Corpo ratlon. 72 W. Washington. Chloago. WANTED Connection with Real Eatate agent or agency In touch with proa pectlve settlers -for Csnadlan Farm Lands. Write August Zlls, 811 McCal-lum-Hlll Building. Reglna, Saskatche wan, Canada. FOR 8ALE Confectionery, Ice cream bual- neas In western lows, town or anoui 1.600 population; has r. good trad. Pries stock snd fixtures $3,500. Y-112 Omaha Bee. ' FOR SALE Hotel, furniture and lease in Missouri town of 2,000 population, goon commercial and tourlat trade. Hav other business. Address T-1098. Bee. UP-TO-DATE clothing store in western Neb.; modern fixtures; will invoice anout $30,000; only store of kind In city; must sell at once. Y-1182. Bee. FOR SALE FIrst-claas cafe In good oil town of 3.500. Writ for particular, box 678, Olenrock. Wyo. OUR buatness Is to buy snd sell your business. Quick Service belling jcxparta, 814 Brown Bldg. GROCERY and meat market doing good business. Must b sold this month, wes- ster 1967. TO get la or out of business. See LEWIS & CO. 411 Mccague Bldg. FOR SALE The Hub rooming house. 107 Main St.. Fremont. Neb. Rooming Houses. g-ROOM rooming house for sale, all mod ern: well furnished. All full, wonting conditions. Call Harney 8206; ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY, NEAR 34TH AND HARNEY, FOR ONE OR TWO GEN TLEMEN. HARNEY 7221. PHONK THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT TYLEt 1000. AND ASK ABUUl ujjr BIG ROOM LIST PRlNTKlir-vr-rij WEEK FOR THB BENEFIT OF OUF READERS AND ADVERTISERS. NEWLY furniahed outside rooms, walkins distance from court house; alao suite ol rooms for four; gentlemen efclf. Dug laa 183. 410 SWEETWOOD AVE. Nicely furniahed room, suitable for one or two, with prlv liege of making own breakfast. COOL COMFY front room. In Hsnscoir. park neighborhood, near Field club. Gentlemen only. Harney 6146. TWO-ROOM aulte with bath. ' beautifully furnished; one Mock car; . laundry prlrllegea. Harney 3737. HAVE pleasant room, eaat exposure, mod ern home; gentlemen preferred; refer ence. Douglas 6410. 2026 MAPLE Nicely furnished rooms In private family; gentlemen preferred. Webater :,07. NICELY furnished room. In modern prl vate home, near car line. Hajiey 1913. 4151 CUMING Southeast rootn, no.Hrn home, on Farnam car line. Wa'nvt MODERN room aultahle for two re.'! men: reference required. Tyler l76. NICELY furniahed room, private faa.lly, walking distance. Call Peugla s:u. 1718 DODGE Light housekeeping and sleeping roome for rent. Tyler 4rs. NICE furnished room: mcder seme; p. . vie rn:i!l; Tyler 2312. ' Frn:I"HKl roan: fsr twe !:. em P'o,ed. Tylerjii7. - l7 t". MU!8 A'e. "l.n.nt -.noser rimni- I'rl'aie fm,; : ie'?uinb' v NICf. larg front roem: eu'-l'Sif l.l.k car. Dundee. Walnut 3I7H. f 1531. PARK A K., furniahed room for or two. Harney (19$ V. t ' ft s'l. 7 ' f f i 4 1- '"'J