Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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- SlS
Pepsin is combination of
simple laxative herbs with
pepsin that quickly relitves the
congestion of undigested food and
poisonous waste matter, and re
stores the normal regularity of
natural action. It does not gripe
or cramp and is as safe and pleas
ant for children as it is effective on
even the strongest constitution.
Dr. Caldwell's Svrup Pepsin is
the indispensable family remedy
in thousands of homes and is sold
in drug stores everywhere.
In spite of the fact that Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling
liquid laxative in the world, there
being over 6 million bottles sold each
year, many who need Its benefits have
not yet used it. If ov have not, send
your name and address far a free trial
Wis to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 511
Washington St., Monticelb, Illinois.
Sick Baby Chicks?
(itrmocone operates juat aa these people
ur. It ii preventive is well curative, and
aatlifaction is absolutely guaranteed. Twenty
years on the market. Sold by drug and seed
stores tt mutt towns,. ,
Win. E. 8hepherdSeranton, Pa., wrote
"Two weeks attet wt started last serins: wt
were a mighty discouraged pair. Every day
from three to tlx chicks dead. A neighbor
put us next Oermoione and we are now
surs it ws had had it at the start we would
riot have lost a single chick." Ralph Wurst,
.rie. Pa. "Not a case ot white diarrhoea in
three years." 0. O. Petrain. Moline, 111.
"I never had a sick chick all last season."
Jlrs. Wm. Christiana. Olitre Kidge. N. Y.
"Have' 800 chiqks now 5 weeks old and not
a single case ot bowel trouble."
Capt. Robt. A. Tyson, Callstogl, Calif.,
said "Germoione saved my flock ot 800
clucks and turka." A. 0. Penniman, Fort
Scott, Km. '.'Prevents all the ills that
. chicks are heir to." Mrs. Maggie Perkins.
( allsot Mo. "My hens haven't quit lavinic
all summer and my chicks did better than
ver before, -thanks to Germotone." Ray A.
Irvin. Chase, Mich. "I lost but 7 chicks out
y f 2i." Mrs. J. A. Fleming, Casaville. W.
va. "I know Oermoione is a preventive.
Rave not lost a chick from bowel trouble."
A. r. Lemke. Faro. N. D. "I never would
have believed it. A healthier bunch, now,
you never saw." J. R. fiakula, N. Buenna
vista,. la. "I have never before seen such
hoalthy chicks. I would not try to raise
chicks without Oermoione."
CERMOZONF h a 'wonder worker for
UCIYniU&UHE. chleki( chlek)!nli pl(f.
oro. cats, dort. rabbits or other pet or do
mestic stock for roup, bowel trouble,
snuffles, gleet, canker, swelled head, sore
head, sores, wounds, loss of fur or feathers.
If no dealer, order by card. Poitman will
collect. No extra charge. Handy as phoning,
7f.e and $1.50 pkgs. Baby Chirk Book FREE.
GEO. H. LEE CO., ins HARNEY.Omahi, Neb.
Plumpness Makes Health
Thin People Heed This.
If you arc too thin: if you are pale
and sallow: if what you eat seems not
to strengthen you; if your lips and checks
are colorless, it is ' because your blood
is deficient in red corpuscles and disease
can easily overcome you, as you have
no reserve strength or nourishment to up
hold you. '
A pharmaceutical product, called -grain
hypo-nuclane tablets, is much prescribed
for these conditions, and if taken 'for
several months, rapidly increases weight
and improves the color. Buy in sealed
package of any Well stocked apothecary
This Leaves the Skin
Free from Hairy Growths
i . (Toilet Talks) ,
A,! simple method for completely
removing every trace of hair or
fuzi is h'ece given. This is painless
and usually a single treatment will
banish even stubborn growths. To
remove hairs, make a thick paste
with some powdered delatone and
water, spread on hairy surface and
after about 2 minutes rub off,
wash the skin and the hairs , are
gone. This method will not mar the
skin; but to avoid disappointment be
certain jrou get' delatone,
Ccrkcra Girb Are
Sweet and Dainty
kaaUsarr. ciawr com-
ptsnm. aon, sue naoos. ana
knuriaa fcaar as Caticun Saaax.
Law Cutwa Oiatsasat wfeca as
batmra iaacum as ntncaaav uamaui,
iHsHucul. k imparts to taw fjensw a
charm inceaiparabk aas) peetefasr to hawtt.
aaasastBaskrassWIaaa. Aaaar -eiaasia
SniisiiifcPoaaTMisf. aJiajiiw
itara. Somfttm. Oiaaaasataf seal Ma. taleeaaae.
A mild
' form. Ether or other general anesthetic used.
A eare jraaraBteed ia every ease aeeepted for treatment, and no money to be paid anta
eared. Write for book en Reetel Diseases, with names and, testimonals of more than
prominent people who have bees permanently cured.'
tarfca, PrJta.Jenasten,
. ' "
Schaffron-Kleeberger. .
if iss 'Myrtle Kleeberger, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kleeberger,
and Corporal Joseph Schafiron,
quartermaster corps, Fort Omaha,
were married Saturday in Lincoln
at the home of the bride's aunt. Mrs.
L. C. Gillette. Mr. and Mrs. Schaf
fron will make their home in Chi
cago after July 1.
Happy Hollow Club. ."
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pcgau
made reservations for 14 covers at
dinner Tuesday evening at the Hap
py Hollow club. Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. Spring . of Joplin, Mo., who are
spending several days here, were
the honor guests.-
J. M. Gilchrist had six guests.
Affairs for Visitor.
A popular visitor is Mrs. M. H.
Ritzwoller of Chicago, who is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Harry Schifferle.
Mrs. Walter Dawson entertained at
luncheon . Saturday in her honor.
Florence Lever srave a lunch
eon, Monday, for her and Mrs. Mor
ton Engleman entertained at luncn
eon at the Blackstone Tuesday for
Mrs. Ritzwoller. Mr. ,and Mrs.
Schifferle and their guest will motor
tc Lincoln Wednesdays Mr. Ritz
woller was In Omaha for the week
end. Mrs. Ritzwoller returns to
Chicago Thursday.- .
, Birthday Party.
Billv Marsh, jr., entertained at 'a
"movie" party Monday evening, the
occasion being his fifteenth birthday.
' Informal Affair.
Mrs. Chester Nieman entertained
informally at, her home Monday
afternoon. -
Joan of Ar: Club.
The Joan of Arc club will give
a dance Friday evening at the Ben
Hur academy, Twenty-eighth and
Farnam streets.
Card Party.
The women of St Michaels
church will give a benefit card party
W. W. Club -Wednesday, 1 o'clock
lui.cheon with Mrs. Charles Bruenig, 2406
Fowler avenue.
Music Department, Omaha Woman's
Club Wednesday, 'I p. m., social meeting
at the home ot Mrs. L.. M. Lord, 312
South Thirty-seventh street. Mrs. E. S.
Luce of Lincoln, stats' chairmen of music,
N. P. W. C: Mrs. Ray Abbott, district
chairman, and Mr. and Mrs., Henry Cox
will b honor guests.
Omaha Woman's Club. H. M, 8.
Wednesday, 2 p. m., with Mrs. Nora
Frltchoff, 3S22 Seward street, May day
Miller Pat Mothers' Club Wednesday,
3 p. m school auditorium. Miss Gladys
Shamp will speak on "Nebraska Laws
for .W omen."
Business Women's league Wednesday
evening. Hotel Loyal, dinner 6:15 o'clock,
followed by short program.
Correct Diction Clans Wednesday, 2:3ft
p. m.. Y. M. C. A., studio ot Prof. Edwin
Rockford Collegw Club Wednesday, all
day kensington, with Mrs. John Beaton,
6211 Cass street.
Community Service Wednesday, Wamm
club supper at Community house, 6 p. m.
Mrs. Levings, chaperon.
t American War Mothers Wednesday,
1:30 p. m., Alamito dairy. Twenty-sixth
and Leavenworth streets. Miss Lutle
Stearns wilt speak. .
Applied Psychology Class Wednesday. 8
p. m., o02 Patterson block. The program
will include the discussion of the four
elements of memory, the exposition of the
laws of recall and a practice system for
the cultivation of memory.
for the acid-distressed
stomach try two or three
after meals, dissolved
on the tongue keep
your stomach" sweet
try Ki-mbids the new
aid to digestion.
Ii New Home Method That Anyone
. . Can Use Without, Discomfort
. Lose of Time. ' '
Ws have a new method that controls
Asthma, and we want you la try it at our
expense. No matter whether your ease ia
of long standing or recent development,
whether it ia present aa occasions) or
ehronic Asthma, you should send for
free trial of our, method. No natter in
what climate you live, no matter what your
age or occupation, it you are troubled with
asthma, our method should relieve you
We especially want to send it Co those
apparently hopeless cases, where all forms
of inhalers, douches, opium preparations,
fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed,
We want to show everyone at our expense,
that this new method ia designed to end
all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and
all those terrible paroxysms at once.
This free offer is too important to neg
lect a single day. Write now and begin
the method at once. Send no money. Simply
mail couppn below. Do it Today.
Niagara and Hudson Sts Buffalo, N.Y.
Send free trial of your method to:
v.... ....
Fistula Pay When Cured
system of treatment' that curee files
and other Rectal Diseases in a short time,
a severe surgical o Deration. No Chloro.
Medical Piretter, Bee !4, Omaha, Neb
Friday evening, 8 o'clock, at their
hall, Fourteenth and Ogden streets.
C. Y. M. A. .
The C. Y. M. A. will give its last
dance Wednesday evening r.t Kel
pine's. academy.
Mr. and Mrs.'E. A. Pegau leave
Jirne 1 with their children, Jose
phine and Ernest Schurman, to
spend a month in California.
Miss Marjorie Cavers left Sunday
evening for Chadron, Neb., for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Cavers on their ranch.
Rev. and Mrs. .James Innes
Cameron and little . daughter of
Swarthmore, Fa., are visiting in
Omaha for a few' days enroute to
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Marsh left
Monday for Excelsior Springs.
A son, John Joseph, was born
Monday to Mr. and Mrs, AJ M. Frei
mann at St. Josephs hospital. Mrs.
Freimann was formerly Miss Bea
trice Doyle, ' ' ' i -' " '
Mr. ', and Mrs. Joseph Peterson
announce the birth of a daughter,
Mary Margaret, at St. Josephs hos
pital, , Sunday. , Mrs. Peterson was
formerly Miss Anna Plopp.
Mr;'-and Mrs. Walter Shoemaker
announce the birth xt a daughter,
Theresa Frances, Monday. Mrs.
Shoemaker was formerly Miss
Theresa Leo.
A son was born May 13 to Mr,
and Mrs. Albert A. Held at Hast
ings, Neb. Mrs. Held was formerly
Miss Minnie Pratt, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson C Pratt of this
city. - "
Miss Helen Weeks suffered an ac
cident Monday and is now confined
to her home, 5106 Capitol avenue.
J. T. Stewart, II, is at his home
convalescing from an operation on
his tonsils.
Mrs. M. G. Colpetzer is at the
Wise: Memorial hospital, where she
protects andpresevves
all leathers. Always Qq
'A o . -. v; :
American' Electrical Heater Company. Detroit.
Makers of a
Clubdom .v
Big Sisters.
The Big Sisters association will
hold its annual business meeting and
election of officers at Camp Brew
ster, Saturday, May 22. Members
will meet at the end of the Albright
car line at 3 p. m. and hike to
camp. Dinner will be served at 6
o'clock. Those who are unable to
leave in time for the hike are asked
to come later.
May Day Tea.
The Omaha Woman's club of the
railway mail service will be. enter
tained at a May day tea Wednesday
afternoon at 2 p. m. at the home of
Miss Nora Fritchoff, 3323 Seward
The" club will make its annual
contribution to the high school
scholarship fund at this meeting.
Miss Jessie Towne of Central High
school will be a guest.
underwent an operation Tuesday for
the removal of her tonsils.
A son, William Louis, jr., was
born Monday to Mr. and Mrs, W.
hL. Anderson.
Mrs. John M. Datigherty left
Tuesday evening for New York to
attend the graduation of her daugh
ter, Claire, from Miss Spence's
school May 25.
Miss Angeline Crqnan of' Platte
Center, Neb., is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Gruenther.
Bpok lovers
vin Grove Kyle., Bibliotheca. Sacra Co.
Peculiarities of words, phrases
arid narratives in the Pctitaleuch, the
literary characteristics of. the books
of the law, the Israelitic worship,
and the Mosaic system of sacrifices
are amongUhe .subjects discussed jn
these lectures. ", i
Robert H.
Jjowie, pom Ik ltverlgnt,
The Social life- of primitive people!
is fully discussed in this volume.' li
will b especially useful as a tex
book for sociological and anthropo
logical classes and as a work of ref
ence in related subjects. .
I f X 111 II
Is Wax aoid Oils
it polishes?
The Best Iron Made
The first cost is unimportant. Results
count. Buy an electric iron for what it
will do for the service it will render and
the years it will last.
The sturdy construction of TbncricflnBeafr"
irons assure the same satisfactory serv
ice after years of use as upon the day
of purchase.
by Electrical, Hardwan, and Department
Storms, mnd Electrical Companime
, Memutaetufd by
Complete line of Electric Heating Devices.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Like All the Boys.'
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
We are two young girls, considered
good looking, and we are very pop
ular among the boys, as we are both
good dancers. We have various boy
admirers, and we like them nil. Each
one wants to go steady with us, but
we refuse, as we like them all. Do
you think there Is any harm In keep
ing company with all of them, or
shall we find a steady fellow? One
does not know of the other. Our
parents do not object. We are 17
and 19 years old. Or are we too
young? B. B. E.
On the contrary, I think It much
more sensible for you two young
women to be content with boy
friends rather than steady suitors.
Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen.
Certainly a girl should thank a
boy for any kind of a courteous In
vitation. When a boy declares his
love for a girl It is not a proposal of
marriage, though that is what It is
usually supposed to lead up to, A
girl should discourage such advances
as you speak of, no matter how long
she has gone with a boy. If she is
not engaged to the boy, the probabil
ity is that he Is amusing himself
for the moment at her exepnse. If
she is engaged. It would indicate that
he does not value her personality
very highly, and that it Is a bad be
ginning for a life together.
A Love Thief.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
am 20 and work in an office with a
young married man about 25. A
mutual feeling of love has sprung
up between us. By that I mean he
has vowed that he Cannot get along
without me, and I feel the same way
toward him. Incidentally I know
his wife and baby, and also call on
them at their home, but his wife Is
not aware of my feeling.
We Have
Whether you want an
American Beauty Iron or
a lighting fixture, we
have it.
You are assured of
prompt and courteous
treatment here. (
406 So., Douglas
15th St. 7649
Next to Orpheum Theater
v I aM . . I
. W I
I have threatened to leave this
concern on his account, but he says
he will do the same and wants' me
to go away with him.
It seems, from what I understand,
that he does not get along very well
with his family and therefore feels
that I will be a better mate than his
present wife. M. D.
Have you every stopped to con
sider yourself in the cold light of
truth? Aren't you a thief? Aren't
you stealing a man from his wife
and child? Propinquity has done
this. If you were to go through with
it to the point of getting him to di
vorce his wife and marry you, don't
you think there is a good chance
that while you were at home some
girl, whoBe work brought her In
close contact with this man, would
Sweeping Red
Are in vogue in every section of the ivo'men's
style store-it is your great good fortune to
buy at sweeping reductions from our
notably low
i' 'w Jaunty ; X. v .
'l Newest Y
; n5 wraps
Cath and Carry All Sale Final Cash and Carry A
steal him from you? You are doing
a wicked and. underhanded thing.
'You make it ail the worse by dar
ing to establish yourself on terms
of friendship with the woman you
are ready to wrong Just as much' as
you would also Wrong yourself. The
thing for you to do is to go some
where else and find work which will
make you forget. He'll forget, too
never doubt that. We can't find
words to express our opinion' of this
man,. , ,
A. O. F. Gas mantles may be pur
chased in the 5 and 10-cent stores.
In refusing an invitation either give
an honest statement of why you
may not go, or if you do not wish
to attend, simply say that you would
rather not go. There Is no way to
measure a young man's affection.
S. I.: We would like very much to
help this fine Creek boy you tell of,
but finding a wife for a young man
is too serious and too difficult a
tusk for us to undertake. His for
mer experience was unfortunate, but
he will find a good true woman
some day, who will appreciate him
for his real worth.
cash prices.'
T'.ajr ..... i w ,, uv in ircjuv'vviv-"s
" farnam st., 1812 tmmMxammmmm
Stops Hair Coming Out;
. Doubles vIts Beauty ;
A few cents buys "Dandcrine."
After an application of "Danderine"
you can not find a falkn hair or any
dandruff, besides every hair shows
new life, vigor, brightness, more
color and thickness.
Bee Want Ads .Produce Results.