J .!...! :f 1,;-., V I J ,,,, 1 THE. OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY- 16, 1920. 11 C AERIAL TRAINS p . SUGGESTED FOR FUTURETRAVEL French Engineer Says Air planes Will Not Be Practic able Would Run Trans portation on Cabta Paris, May IS. Aerial navigation, not by, means of airplanes or' dirigibles, but by cars suspended from cables and capable of traveling t A high rate of speed, will- some day solve the world's transportation problem, according to Henri Ccan da. a noted French engineer. ' Coanda, who is well versed in aviation, 'does not believe that air plane travel can ever be made safe . rnough to appeal to the general pub lic. Travel by dirigibles will always present some elements of danger, he adds, and will be too costly to be come popular. In consequence, lie suggests the establishment of great cable lines, connecting the principal cities of the world, from which trains pf cars the size of ordinary railway. coaches, but much lighter will be swung,, with capacity for several hundred passengers each. . Cars to Propel Selves. ,Coaiida suggests thai these cars be equipped with wings similar in . form to those of airplanes, and 'that they be equipped with motors which will drive them through the air at more than 100 miles an houf, instead of having them drawn" by jnoving cablet as on some of the fAlpine aerial roads. The cables would remain stationary and insure the safety of the assengers in case the motors stalled. His scheme contemplates an elaborate sys-'i of sidings and block signals aim '.'it to those in use on American railw; i for his cable highways. The cables themselves would be suspended from tallmetal towers. - Wants Tests Made. Coanda proposes that his plan be given a trial over a distance of fifty or sixty miles, and he has written the prefect of the Department of the Alpes-Maritimes, soliciting his aid. If the experiment should prove suc- ' cessful he would ask the French government to erct an aerial cable line from Earis to Nice to transport visitors to the Riviera'. The Riviera officials, though doubting the" feasibility of ' the scheme in other portions of France, - helieve that it may be successful-in linking up Nice and Monte Carlo with some of the nearby mountain -resorts. They are now studying the plans drawn by Coanda to deter mine the cost of a trial FLYER WILL TRY TO MAKE FLIGHT ACROSS PACIFIC t . , Western Coast Aviator Making Plans for Longest Trans- Oceanic Flight. ' By International New Service. San Francis'co, May 15. Fired by ' .in arribition to be the first man to fly across the Pacific ocean, Lieu tenant Qharles Edward K. Smith, world war hero, is making prepara tions here to attempt the flight. Lieutenant Smith's home is in Oak land. x Entered inthe England-to-Aus-tralia race, Lieutenant Smith was forced ont of that event because of inability to obtain engine parts for the machine he intended flying. Hearing of the offer of Thomas Ince of a $50,000 prize iov the first flight across the Pacific. Smith im mediately left England for his Oak- 1 1 r 4 lir.Tr. With th hacking of the London Aero club, together with request of a number of well known ...'otrtrc inrlnHincr Caotain Donald son and Sir Arthur Brown, who flew across the Atlantic, for an ex t.nelnn r( time which would allow them to get their ships to this coast, .... . nni Smith called on ince. ine motion .,:-t,r mltrmi wniilrl not Grant a time extension, despite the fact that the Aero club ot America, me pa cific Aero club, the organization wiucn wouia uc inc uiuuisy"" . innr VtOfltf find fttllfr. UTSti it. C.,.ro1 nthrr interests have since a imKinatinti nffVr as a nrizG ' for the flight. With their assurances Smith is ' laying nis plans ior xne "i n inn of nf the orpan. . Althnuffh nothina: definite has hetl rlerirlerl. the local aviator prob kl.. .ill nt a h vH rnnlan e. similar to the NC-4, which made the trans V Atlantic flight. Smith has hopes of i. . joining Mr Artnur crown, naviga- ir,r (nr Tinlaln AlrnrW. who made ' the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic in a Vickers. In the world war the, local young ; .man has a unique record, having risrfn from the ranks to the pinnacle - ot Success in the Royal Flying corps. At the conclusion of two hard years of infantry service htf went into the air forces and then to France. Fighting "in the Ypres sector, he attacked two boche planes, brought one down and in turn was attacked by six. Outnumbered, he fought on, only to be shot down, with 181 bullets-in his ship and a number in his limbs. He was awarded the equivalent of the American D. S. C and was then made an instructor. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock Omaha Grain ..mo ..1174 . .2925 ..J832 . . J2 . ,l0 .1,(41 Omaha, May It. Ttacelpta were Cattle. Hoc. Sheap. Official Monday t,l! 13,103 6.711 Official Tuiday 7.J47 11,770 MM Official Viadnwii)... 4. it 10,615 li.iit Official Thursday .. 4,3f3 S.SKi 4,B Official Friday... 1.131 11,461 1,127 Eslimata Saturday.. 5 7,10 l.OOO Six day thli Nk..ll,ilt S.34 S4.H0 Ram days last wk..l.40 M.714 3S.J41 Rama day 1 win. ajo.JJ.663 74.04 64,41 Mama day S rka, aa.l7.17( 7l,ltti 42,!I5 Sam day year aco.ll.tI4 11,101 41.IU Receipt and dlapoiltlon of Ilv tock at tl Union Stock Tarda, Omaha, Nb., for 24 hour tndlnc at i -o'clock p. m.. May is, i:o. T RECEIPTS CARS. Ctl. Hit. Shp. H&M 1 Union Paclflo . t in -. N. w., eaat a 4 l C. s n. W.. wuat 40 ' 1 C, St. P., M. O. .... 11 C, B. A Q , at I ., C, B. aVJ., wt ... .. IT, . .. C. R. I. A P., a'(t . . , 1 . . C, R. 1. P.. wgt ..'.7 .. Illinois Central 1 7 Chicago Ot. W. I .. Total Receipts 21 lit t DISPOSITION MEAD. Morrla aV C. . . . . Swift a c.. ...vf..... .v. Cudahy Packing-.'fJo .. Armour & Co Swart A Co. J. W. Murphy Total .. ' wtual light Saturday's offering with an es timate of 660 head. The total for the six daya is 26.690 head, or 4.000 let than list week, but M00 In excess of arrivals a year ago. The steer trade has been a e-saw affair from day to day with Wednesday the most. active, sine then, however, declines ofTuHy a half dollar have been mad on heavy steer and 110 40o on Vood yearlings: 113.35 was the highest price for the week, psld on Mon- H U Tl..AhAH ....I. . 1. . I . JJ " awn, vu um wmer nana. has sold on a steadx market until vpster-'i day when sales war all the way from steady to a quarter lower. . Vtalert are stnady for the weok. while boloana bulls show advances of about half dollar, Blockers and fyders were generally steady early In theVeek. but with traders' pens fairly-cleared, advance of J560o on aters have been mad the last two or three days, while stock eow and heifers made a similar advance early la th week, which hasvbeen retained. V Quotations on Vattle: Good to cholc heaves. 112.25 IS. 25; fair to good beeves, "0fJ2-25i common to fair beers. !J? J2H-2?: J00' to' obolc yrlinga, li! F131: ,a,r t0 Rood yearllnvs, 60 r. "5J fomm to fair yearlings. It.OOc) t.00; choice to prime heifers, til, 00012.00: good to choice heifers, 19.0011.00: com mon to fair heifers, 17.6001.00; choice to M0J,!i7,?il"5 d w;,,' 09M Ws ,r to eow. I7.M- 8.00; common to fair cows. I4.57.00: choicey to prime feeders, 110.00 011.00- Soodo cholc feeders, tt.OO01O.tO; ma lum to good feeder. !i.OO0t.OO: com mon to fair feeders, $7.00 01.00; good to cholc tockers, tt.EO01O.fO; fair to good 'oeer. 17.T50t.OO; common to fair f". I 00O7.75; stock heifers, M.SO0 il'.k cow"- 6.8.25; stock ceWei, It. 00t.60; veal calves. $9.0001100: bulls. as. etc., 16.0010.EO. , Co.OOO head andjhile about the same as a year ago was Avar 41,000 less than last week. Th quality has been fairly good 'h? fcer'ipU h,vl been eonflned mort to the butcher welirht classes. Prices eased "om" fonaay and Tuesday, light- . . . . MWfc a33B i inucn or any ifhi5,tin ,"er,Ll rn lnce Tuesday, ..f r oeen variation, th market showlnr hnth .. spots practically each day. Saturday's th1'!,..W;Vl0" t0 Btad'r wl,! " lvils hV,!i 5?. ?Sn rchd Tuesday. With a iii ti ' ' n.iffiiu, and top of than a week aio lower HOGS. Sh. Pr. 70'IS 10 11 40 IS 60 IS 70 13 15 14 00 14 15 40 110 70 40 loads n, of Nil. Av. Sh. Pr K'n A,. 12. .131 . . 15 c Am ,' S0..,28t 40 11 It - i;;S25 70..143 ... 13 10 St. .137 61. .280 ... 11 IE tl m 14. .ItS 180 1.1 76 Sfi'Sfll 10. .108 40 13 00 11. .171 7..11 -40 14 10 71. .220 74.. 201 ... 14 25 RhMn mnA f.imlu f " .i iiitiuuru ill . 1 11 c day's receipts and a two-car shipment ar- ......b vw uiisu, wuiiiitf aim me remainner of the offerings being looked up for Mon- iiiuva rt;niainea, nominal. The run this week were featured by sev eral good sited shipments of Callfomi.1 spring Iambs and trend to values in all branohea of th trade- ha been a little lower. California Springers -that closed at llt.00. reflected a decline of about 11. 0t for the week and fat wooled lambs show practically the same low. te Good f horn lambs, around 117.00 are fcbout 50c 'r in ween ana a lew fat sheep coming have .been none too active at about the same decline. Choice wooled nwes are quotable up to $14.00 with good shorn grades selling around til nni 11. M. A few shearing lambs went out yes terday, at $11.25, but th country demand for both feeders and searars Is seasonably dull. i Oliot Atinn fin itiun. vfr ..Ala . f-5Pn: fat shorn lambs, tl,t0 lambs. tl4.OO01t.6O: wooled v.nrllr,., 115.60017.00. wnAlaiS warfhA. A 1A 15.60; wooled ewe. 111.OO0h!oO; shorn ewes, tlfl 6AAI11 Ka. .. m . a r.frs, 16. 00011 00. ,' Turpentine and Bosin, Savannah,' Ga., May 15. Turpentine Quiet; 41. S3: no sales; receipts, 246 bbls.; shipments, 682 bbls.; stock, 2,31$ bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 251 casks; receipts, 77t casks', shipments, 2,705 casks; stock, 11.961 cask. Quote: B. 14.35c; D. 17.15c: E. 17.45c; F. ft. H, 17.65e: I, 17,6c; K, lT.tOe: M, 17.75c; N. 18.25c; WG. 11.45c; WW, ll.t6c. w York Dry Goods. Xew York. May IS. Cotton goods wer very quiet and gray goods steady In to day's trading. Tarn showed little change. Knit goods were v-ry quiet and burlap's easy, following reports of large shipments. Omaha, Mayt15. . Grain arrivals today totaled 87 rars. against ltt cart ' hut 'Saturday and 83 oar a year ago. Arrival toy - car lots were: What. 33; om,.2tf oats. It; rye. 3. and. barley. 4. 'Wheat showed an ad vance of lo to la No. 1 hard brought $3.10, a new high tvel for this variety t'.ac th government took control. Th demand was rather slow. Esport blda wer 2o tilghery Corn was up 3c to 4c. yellow going Ufe extreme advance. No. 2 white, No. 1 and No. 3 yellow sold at ti.Ot. Tellow generally continued to sell at a premium over th white, and white over the mixed. Oats wer unchanged to He lower. Rye and barley were strong. Cash sales were 'WHEAT. Ko. 1 hard: 1 car. $3.10. , No. 2 hard: 5 car, $3.08; 4 cars.' $1.07; 1 cars. !.) r 1 car, $1.06 (smutty-). - JVo. 3 hard'l cars, IS. 06; .4 cars. $3.04, 4 cars, $3.03; 1 oar, $3,01 (smutty); t car,. $3.02 (smutty); 1-6 car, $1.0$, No. 4 hard: 1 cars, $3.00; 3 carsrll.tl. No. 5 hard: 1 car, $2.86. ' Sanjple hard: lvcar, $2.05. No. i sprlngr J-S car, $2.11 (dark north ern); 3-4 car, $2.tt. -i No. 3 miied: 1 car, 13.02; 4fcrs. $t.tt (durum). No. 4 mixed 1 car, $!.$$. (durum);' 2 cars. 12.S8-dor&ra). I . No. 4 durum: i car, $1.80. No, 5 durum: 1 car, $2.88. . - CORK. 'No. 2 whits: $ cart, $3.00. r No. $ white; $ card, $1.18; 1 car, Sl.tt (1 per cent musty).' ' ,; . No. $ yellow: 4 rars, $300. No. 2 yellow: IH cars.- $2.00;, 3 . car, $2.00 (shipper weight); 3-6 car, $1.00. No. 4 yllowi - 1 car. $1.8t (shipper wetghU; 1 rar $l.t5 (shipper weights). No. a mixed: 1 car, 11.97; 1 cab $1.17 (shipper weights). No, 4 mixed: 1 ear, $l.t5 (near yellow). No, jhlxed: . lr car, $1.13 (shippers weights). ' . ...'.,,. Sample mixca: i car. vncnn,.- - OATS. ' o. S whitest tar. $1.10 - Sample whit: 1 car. $1.09 BARLEY. . Not feed: 1 car. $1.61. V Sn'C . Samipie: 1-& car. $1.66. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts a Today. Week ago. Yr. ago. Wheat 11 4 t Corn . 40 4 Oat IS ' 20 28 Hye 1 Barley 4 1 4 8hlpments-- Wheat 44 . 4 4 Corn 84 41 23 Oats .i $8 . -11 . . 30 Rya 1 1 t Barley . . I I CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Ago Ago i - Week Year .Today Ago Ago Wheat ... 4 1 10 Corn ..A 30 58 ' ' 78 Oats I... 1 61 - 31 ltt IvANSAS CITY-RECEIPTS.' . ' Week Year Today Ago Ago Wheat .....143 18 14 Corn 17 33 8 Oata , &, - l i Week Year Today j. Ago Ago ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Wheat ... '. '. 45 . 6 71 Corn ..... 64 3S- 2 Oat v. 66 6t 57 NORTHWESTERN RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Week Year . Today Ago Ago Minn .,..126 154 221 Duluth -It ' t Winnipeg 118 lit 104 Less Cheerful Tone Mirks Stock Trading During Week v, Tnrlr llH 1 6. Sentiment In flnan-1 clal circles this week was frankly less cheerful, this feeling finding more direct expression In renewed. If moderate, liquida tion, further professional selling and negli gible public Interest. ' . The railroad trlke with tt serious re sults to almost all lines of-Industry, ad ditional credit restrictions and cumulative signs of a slowing down of general busi ness emboldened an already large short account to extend tt aggressions. stanrlnrrt rails-and Industrials suffered almost In equal measure with speculative Issues, strengthening the Impression prev alent in many quarter that a large prepv aratlon of th offering was oftan In voluntary character., ' This same condition dominated the bond market, where practically" all of the do- msUc war notations, in strixing contrast to British Issues of the earn elates re corded new level of discount. yEowest quotations wer made by Liberty bonds following the announcement that new treasury certificate of Indebtedness are to be on a 6H" PV cent basis. Local banking conditions, it was general ly agreed, are on a firm foundation but the tenor Ojf advices front 'western and southern reserv canters agaliu- reflected the rigid attitude it th federal reserve board concerning nonessential credits. Little If any relaxation of maney rates Is anticipated befor th ejniration of the fiscal year. By that ttme,vhowever, it Is believed that many underwritings, chiefly for account of railroad reconstruction, will have progressed to th poln of successful completion. - 1 a Liberty Bond Price. New York, May IB. Liberty bonds: Flnsl prices todsy were: 1H. t0.0; first 4s, 84,60; second 4s, 84.10; first 44, 85.74; Siecond 414s, 84.40c; .third 4s. 87.98; fourth 414s, 85.02; Victory ia, 85.60; Victory 4, 15.62. . Evaporated . Apples and Dried Fruit. New York, May 15. Evaporated Apples Quiet. Prunes Firm. . Apricots and Peaches In demand.' Raisins Scarce. Kansas City Produce. ansss City, Mo.. May. Butte'cr, Eggs and Poultry tlunchanged. , By TTpdJk Art' I Open Grain 1 High. Co.. Douglas 2627. I Low. Close. I Yes. Corn May July Sept. IRV. May July Osis May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Sept. , Ribs May a-4 July , 1.17 1.78t j 1.841, I 214H I .!; .76 1.17H 1.71V 1.85!. 1.8 1.77H 1.64 '16.00 l! 137.23 ; 120.37 11.32 !2.16 I S.J3 !.im I 21Hl M4Vi i I I 1.07HI 1.05 I .77;.,! .76U 16.00 17.21 l.ttH 1.78i 1.644 2.14H I l.tt 1.78 '1 1.64, i.ii 2.14H 1.0614! 1.06 .13 .13 .MSI .76 'St. 00 '37.00 136.00 117.00 I11.SS llt.lt 20.17 21.13 li:.:o 111.15 tuts (20.17 '21.10 122.01 120J7 121.07 !:i.8i. 118.S5 118,16 18.71 t-71 I I38.M ' 137.JO 1 10. 85 121.36 !!5.2 t 'II. SO til. 81 YOUR CHANCES t OF LOSING ON Your Texas Oil Investment Shown" ky Our, $10,000 Sutlstlcal Map Experts have been busy for weeks preparing the most complete Geological and Statistical Msp of Texas ever compiled. Thu Map U Now Ready for You. It Costs $10,000 to Prepare and Is Worth It On th face of the map, which measures 15x24 inches, are shown geological surface structures, with brief explanation of their character ih every -day language. All known oil and gas fields, accurately located, with average pro duction of eaoh'Jield. v ''' ' Location, ait and ownership of oil refineries, operating or ander construction. I Location of all principal pipe lines and ownership. , Railroads, county line and principal towns. On the reverse side appear the following tables and charts: Table showing increase in erode oil and gasoline consumed and num ber of sutomobile, in use from 110 to 1018, inclusive. Chart showing increase in production of crude oil from 1010 to 1817, inclusive, comparing production of United States,. Texas and the world. Table showing number of wells drilled and number -producing for each field, from 1012 to July 1, 191. Table showing approximate production for each of the principal Texas fields in 1918 and first five months of 1919. . ' Table showing dividends paid by principal North Texas companies from date of organisation to Inarch, 1919, inclusive, also dividends paid by large, old-established oil companies ever a long period of years. Free to the Readers of This Paper " This map retails for on dollar, but w have a limited supply which will be sent abuluuly fre to reader of this paper, upon request, stat ing that you are interested in Texas. Send for your copy today. Use coupon below. " ' ' , . ' S. E. J. Cox Company Dep't 1108 Cotton Future. New York. Msy 1 Cotton futures closed steady; May, 4.60c: July. 38.26c; .October, 16. lie; December. 16 lie; January. 3154c. Bar Mirer. I New York. Msy 15. .Baf Silver ll,c. Uixin dollar 7614. DETACH HERE j Houston, Txa ....jt....,..V S. E.J. COX COMPANY, " Dep't llOt Houston, Texas. s, - Picas snd m on of your FREE STATISTICAL MATS OT TEXAS Name Address ,, y. PLEASE WRITE PLAINLY. Financial rhlragw Trlbune-OaMha. Bee Leased Wire. , New Vprk, May 15. The resuif oi today s two. hours . of exceediflrly dull business in stocks--with a firm price fiont, reflectiva of short tov erimr. , In case 6',' motor and oil shares, bidders had to go rather high for them in late dealings, but the gains in all directions were not sufficiently 'Substantial to denote any change or speculative, conditions. The wee.k developed nothing ,11 the way of amelioration for -industry. .which has been brought into a de cidedly uncomfortable position by poot railroad service, and-as . there was little constructive news trom any quarter, bears on stocks' were left firmly lodged.. k. The railroads are the pivot of both the present business and speculative situ ation. The street sets that so long a it is not possible to - move good freely to market there is slight hop of reduc ing ban: loan in commercial lines. Hap pily urging of bankers and railsoad men, with shipper, at Washington is apparently hastening notion In respeot to us of gov ernment funds . o meet th emergency, adds the- striving of private organisations to move freight at some f the ..traffic gateways could bring relief.' v' y It la not going; tod i&r to state -that should evidence come shortly Of .a 'wide spread easement of a transportation; with a consequent loosening of credit, the bearish element In the stook market would find the going rough.VThe short account Is believed to have reached, generous pro portions as the price; list has not displayed any Important Indication ot realising! urcnase in tn last iortmgni. The bank statements held forth slight hop of credit easement In the near fu ture, especially as the belief 1 general that the east will be called upon to as-l slat the agricultural.! centers for some weeks to come, There Is something like $166,000,000 ot Interest money .lust paid out by the government to return to the banka, but a this wll be distributed throughout the country the effect will be small at any one center. New York Quotations Number ot hre and rang of price of the leadiag stocks furnished by Logan A Bryan, Peter Trust building: , i- SAILS. ' Tester High. Low. Clo. day. A., T AS !..... ....'... 71 Baltimore ' 'bhl'o. 5i' liii II S3 Canadian Pacific. .116 4 115 116 116 N. Y. A H. R 687, .v.." 68 tihi Erie R. R. 1$ ,JIH 11 11 Gt. Northern, ptd 73 ,Chi. Gt.. Western.. .... 7H Mo., Kan. & Tex.. 7X .... 7 74 K C. Southern.... It ..18 16 Missouri Pacific... 25 'i 4 24 4 N. Y.. N. H. & H. 21 28 21 .21 No. Piclflc Ry... 74 73 74 73 Chi. & N. W .... , v 71 Pennsylvania R. R. 40' 39 40 40 Reading Co. .... 86 85 8B 85)4 C, R. I. ft P. .... $6 it 34 34 S. Pacific Co. 15 life 14 14 S. Railway., ..,.12. $2 22 22 C, M. & S. Paul .. 34 33 33VA 34 Union Pavifie ..116'i 116 116 115 Wabash . 8 .... $S 7 STEELS. Am. C. V P. 132 131 131 131 A. -Chalmers Mfg.. 33 33 Am. Loco Co 14 93 14 13 U. Alloy S. Corp.. 41 41 41 B. Loco Wks. ...118 lltfe 117 116 Beth. S. Corp. .. 12 11 12 11 Crucible S. Co. ..140 137 138 138 Am. S. Fdry 40 - 39 31 31 Lackawana S. Co.. 76 73 75 - 74 Midvale S. & O. .. 43 43 43 43 P. Steel C. Co. .. 99 98 19 17 R. 1. & S. Co.... ; ,4 92 93. 13 SUss-Shef. S. & I. 61 68 6t U. S. Steel t5 94 4 t4 COPPERS. An. Cop. Mln.... 66 66 , 66 66 Am. S. & R. Co.. 66 t 10 -60 Butte & S. M. Co. 22 22, 23 Chile Copper Co.. 15 15 15. 15 Chino "Gop. Co.... 31 ..... 81 11 Calumet & Arlx.. 60 60 fnsp. Cons. Cop., 62 12 62 62 Kernecott Copper. 26 26 27 Miamt Copper Co. ". 21 Ncv. Cons. Cop. Co. 13 13 13 Kay Con. Cop. Co 17 .... 17 17 Utah Copper Co.. tt 7 68 66 INDUSTRIALS. ' Am. Beet Sug. Co , 12 At. O. & W. I. 8. S.171 161 lit 166 Am. Internat. Corp. 81 88 81 88 Am. Sum. Tob. Co. 88 87 88 86 Am. Cotton Oil.'.'. 424 .... 42 40 Am. Tel.1 Tel... 94 93 93 13 Am. Z., Ld. & 8m. 14 . . 14 14 Brooklyn Rap. Tr, 12 Bethlehem Motors. 22 21 22 41 American Can...... 41 31 3t 8 Chandler Motor... 137 134 136, 131 Central Leather... 61 69 69 69 Cuba Can Sugar.. 62 62 62.-61 Cal. Pack. Corp... .... Jt Cal. Petrol. Corp.. 31 $0 50;.... By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha lire Leased Wire. Chicago, May IS. While all- de liveries of com sold at new high figures on the crop early, the best prices were not maintained, due to profit-taking. On the declines there wai good support from commission houses and the close .was '54Hc higher. Oats finished unchanged to He up, rye JSlc higher and bar ley unchanged. As compared with a week ago corn was ?t7c higher, July leading; oats JiCoHc higher on the near and J-jc lower on Sep tember, rye l6Jc higher and barley unchanged. Large receipts, arrivals being 65 cars, led to local jyessure at the opening, but commission house buy ing absorbed the offerings and short covering carried prices up into. tiew ground. On the .bulge profit-taking by a local professional started values downward and with reports that the railroad rail strike might be settled within the next few days. July dropped 2c, getting support at $1.78 and at $J.77 on the way down on restimtorders. 1 Oeaeral Temper Bullish. I Th general temper of the pit elenfent was bullish and In many cases traders laid they wanted to see cars delivered to west- I eon roads before they would believe claims Lfhat 20,000 box cars were to come from eastern line, oreana snipped t cars pf cash corn to Chicago In addition to 70 Cars earlier in the week. Sample values were unchanged to lo lower, closing easy. The east cancelled 20,000 bushels. Oats fluctuated rauidly within com paratively narrow limits. Commission houses' were on: Both sides or tne mar ket, with Nome disposition to buy July and sell the eSptember, the different- widening slightly. Premiums in the sam ple markets were unchanged to a shade seasier, the latter on No. S white, which brought 80to over May. Not white In store sold at 7o over May. Receipts. 88 cars, with (ample value unchanged to lc higher. i Short Hunt Cover. Strength in corn started short in rye to covering and mad a higher range. Export bid at th sea board were reported far out of line. No. t e track sold at May prloe for full car and lc under for bulkhead with a sals at 2.$2. Re ceipts. 7 cars. Barley unohanged with a fair demand. Spot sale were, at $1.8001.8$. Seaboard bid on cash wheat advanced 103o to a new high figure on the crop With sales of 160,000 bushels at $4.40 at the gulf for August-September shipment Bids c. I. f. Georgian bay, were $348. and track ew York around, $3.26, with Intima tions that $3.27 would bo paid. The Brit ish and French governments continue the best buvers. o. i northern on track sold at $3.20"$.25. . Receipts. 4 cars. . , Kansas City Grain. Kansas. City, .Mo.. May 15. Close corn prices: Msy, $1.82; July, $1.78; Sep tember, $1.66. New York Coffee. ' New York. May 15.-M:offee Bio No. 7, 16 9-16; futures. firm; July, lD.35c; September, 14.16c. Seed Corn Attention Farmers 1 If you have not tested your seed corn do so, as very little corn in Ne braska and Iowa is fit for teed pur poses. We have- for quick .delivery butted and tipped, milled and graded seed corn. Reid's Yellow Dent ' at $4.50 per bu.- Silver Mine at $$. peif.bu. Sacks' per 'bu., 12 V4 cents extra Both of these varieties show 98 per cent germination. Order by mail or phone. Samples can be seen at Droge Elev. Co.' Office, $2$ Pearl St., Coun cil Bluffs. Phones: 288$; 28C Council- Blufs Seed Company. .'- Council Bluffs. Ia. Toyah-Pecos This wdnder of shallow oil pools offers the greatest chance of all Texas Fields to make a quick fortune. Don't buy leases in a hit-or-miss fashion.. Play the. game like the bg oil operators play it. Buy oil leases in a newly proven field before develop ment becomes too active "and prices soar sky-high. Write for a map snowing the exact location of our holdings in the new Pecos , Toyah Oil Basin, which is get ting more publicity than any other field, in the Mid-Continent section today. Write or wire at once. Tracts of 2Vs acres and upwards for a lim ited time. The InterState Company 207 South 18th St. Omaha, Net. .y . OPEN EVENINGS Chicago Grain General Motors 28 H Goodrich Co 61 Mi Am. Hldefc Hthr, lttt Haskell A Brkr Car 4V U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 8S1. Interna t'al Nickel. 18 lnternat Paper... 73Vi Kelly-Spr'grd Tiro ...... Keysfne Tire, Rub 27 i Intrnt. Merc. Mar. 92 Maxwell Motor Co Mex. Petroleum.. .184 Middle Sts. Oil... 40 Vi Willys-Overland ...18 Pierce Oil corp.... iv Pierce-Arrow 65 U. S. Rubber Co... &A Am. Sugar Rfg. V0.izl. Sinclair Oil & Rf. 3iVt Stromberg Carb... 69, Studebaker Corp... 724 Tob. Products 61'A Trans-Cont. Otl...Slti Texas Co...... 49Mi U. S. Food Pr 62 U. S. S.. Rfg. & M. The White Motor. , 61 Wilson Co., Inc 66 Western Union Wtst'gh'se E. & M. 47 H Total sales, 292.200 share. Marks Close, .0208. ' Sterling Close, $3.81, 27V4 !8H 2flf .6114 61 lil 18- 1914 It', 63 63 63 H 864 87 84 17 18 1 ' 72 72 72 r-. . 107 26 26 26 314 31 21 ,. 25 181 182 181 .' 40 , 40 40 , 17 18H 18 18 17 16 .198 104 103 54 " 119 119 118 91 95 95 ..... 129'129 344 34 36 68 68 66 71 71 70i 63 62? 15 16 16 48 48 48 60 61 60 60 61 61 60 66 6t .... -84 .... 47 47 109 101 101 Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnksr & company. - . Bid. Asked. . STOCKS. Alfalfa "Butter Co. Pfd. 7t Beatrice Creamery Pfd 19 101 . Burgess-Nash fs Pfd, 1911-114 11 100 Cudahy Packing Com 81 10 Deer & Co. Com 70 8(1 Kldredge-Reynolds Co. 7a Pfd. 11 " 100 Oooch Food Prtd. Pfd ,87 10 Harding Gream 7s Pfd 99 Lincoln T. t T. Com. 7 .... .... St Neb. Power Co. 7s Pfd. .... 14 - Om. & Co. B. St. Ry. Pfd 46 66 Omaha Refining Co.ls Pfd. ,... 80 Orchard Wilheln'7s Pfd. 17 100 Paxton & Gallagher 7S Pfd. ..100 101 M. C. Peters Mill 7s Pfd. 1118 17 19 Sherwln Williams Paint Co. 7s . Pfd $9 N100 M. K. Smith Dry Goods Co. ' 7s Pfd. 1932 . ...V t 101 Thompaon-Belden & Co. 7s Pfd. , 18 160 Union Power & Light 7s Pfd 112T , Sfi Union Stock Yards, Omaka ..16 98 BONDS. Booth-St. louls 8s, 1931 ..... 86 90 Cuba Cane Sugar 7s, 1930-.. 16 99 French Cities 6s, 1934 81 90 R F. Goodrich Co. 7s. 1125 .. 95i i 96 Hill Hots.1 Bldg. 6s. 1111-10 "6.40 Omaha Athletic 6s. 1922 16 , 99 Om. & Co. B. St. Ry. 6s, 1928 74 R0 Sinclair Consol. Oil 7s, 1128 17 96 Per cent. NTicaga Live Stock. Chicago, May 16. (U. S. Bureau ot Markets). Cattle Receipts. $.600 head; market, slow; compared with a week ago: Prime heavyweight beef steers, 26&40O lower; .others' steady to 25c lower; fat cows and heifers mostly t&c lower; can ners steady to lower; little change In fat heavy bulls; bolognas, 60O78o lower; bulk veal calves steady to 25o lower; lights, 60c 11.00 lower; Blockers and feeder mostly 26c lower. Hogs Receipts, 16.0C0 head; mostly Z6o lower than yesterday's average; top, $14.80: bulk.' light. 14.50i H.6.: . bulk, 250 pounds and over. tlf.loei4.tS: i.l 26050a lower: bulk dcFirfble kinds, $13.00 Sheep and Lambs Receipt CM head; direct to packers, compared7 with week ago, best lambs mostly $1.00 lower, others i. ov0i.nu loner witn seots off more; sheep, scarce around 60c higher than last week and about 80c lower than this week's opening, Kansas City Live Stock. ' Kansas City, Mo., May 15.-att!e Re ceipts, 1,310 head; market for Weak: Beef and butcher cattle, 2560o higher; can ners and bulls, steady; calves, mostly 11 1.60 higher; feeders, mostly 1515c higher; stock .cows and stock calves, steady. , 1 v , Hogs Receipts, '300! head; market dull; steady to 10a lower! top, $14.40; bulk lights and mediums $13.6514.40; bulk heavies, $11.6014.10. Sheep nnd Lambs Receipts, $,300 head; for week: Clipped lambs, strong to 15c higher; -spring lambs! $1111.60 .lower; yearling wethers, 2650o higher; wethers. tl1.60 higher; ewes, 50 75c higher; goats, C6c -lower. - , Slpux City Live Mock. Sioux City, la.. May 16.-r;attle Re ceipts. 1.200; market steady: beef steers, choice fed, $11. 00 13.25; short fed. $1.60 011.06; fed yearlings, 89.00 & 13. 50; beef cows, $6.507.60; fat cows and heifers. 17.00.(911.76; canners. $4.00 6.00; veal calves ,$6.612.60; feeders, $8.00010.00; common calves, $5.S09.60; stockers, $7.00 W12.00; reeding cows, a.gojr7.00; atocK heifers, JS.iOii 8.00. Hogs -Receipts, 8,500 head; market 1(1 315c lower: light, $1.1.?514.60: mixed. $I3.0013.50; heavy, $12.261325; bulk. $1 3.0014.00. Sheep and 'Lambs Receipts, 100 head; market steady. St. ' Joseph Live Mock. ' St. Joseph, Mo.. May 15. Cattle Receipt. 100 head: market nominal: steers. $15.00 15.50 ; cows and heifers. $5.ooi3.5o: calves. 6.onin.oo. Hoes Receipts. 4.000 head: market. 10c lower; top, $16.00: bulk, $14.0014.60. Sheep None; market nominal; shorn lambs, $17.00 17.76; . shorn ewes, $10.60 '..i .r Chicago Stocks. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members of all princi pal exchanges. Room 100, Peters Trust building (formerly , Bee building). Seven teenth and Farnam streets, Omaha, Neb.: Armour Leather Co., common 16 Commonwealth Edison Co 108 Cudhay Packing Co., common. c 88 Continental Motors 9 I.bby, McNeil & Llbby 24 National Leather 12 Reo MotortCar Co ... 23 Swift International 37 Union Carbide & Carbon Co 63 Spot Cotton. New York, May 16. Snot cotton, steady: middling, 41.60c Write or Phone Us for Our t New Loan List First Farm Mortgages Interest . Payable Semi-Annually Tax Free to Nebraska Holders Have served investors 38 years without a loss of a Dollar-. ' Kloke Investment Co. Phono DoufUt 11 SO 845 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska . r a UPDIKE SERVICE We Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders for Grain and Provisions 1 . . FOR t FUTURE DELIVERY IN v All Important Markets V WE ARE MEMBERS OF .. , . Chicago Board of Trad ' St. Loui -Merchant Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Kansas City Board of Trad Mlnneapojla Chatsber of Commerce Sioux City Board of Trad ' Omaha Grain Exchange WE OPERATE OFFICES AT , OMAHA, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. GENEVA NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. ' SIOUX CITY, IA. DES MOINES. 1A. HASTINGS. NEB. HOLDREGE, NEB. MILWAUKEE. WIS ATLANTIC, IA. HAMBURG, IA. , All of taoto officeo are conn c tee) with each other by private wire. We are operating: large up-to-date terminal elevators in the Omaha and Milwaukee markets and are in position to handle your shipments in the best possible manner i. e., Cleaning, Transfering, Storing, etc. . ( 1 - i It will pay you to set in touch with ono of our office when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind of grain. 1 WE SOLICIT YOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE and SIOUX CTtY ' Every ' Car Receives Careful Personal Attention Tbe Updike Brain Company THE RELIABLE CONSIGNMENT HOUSE "e ' Bonds and Notes ' Furnished by Fetera Trust Co. Bid. Asksd. Amer. T. T. f. It24...... tl IJ do 1925.... tlH iA Amar. Tobacco Co. 7s, 1!1... H ltt do )l!..t tt ,tt Anaconda Copper ta, ltit... 'to Arglo French Kit. (i, list... 18 tl4 Ar A Co Con Deb Is. 1110-14 tt tt4 Peth. 8teel Co. 7a. Hit ttt H Ao lttt I7H tt nTl Tel. of Can. 7s. It35.. t7i . t British iVtt. mi... 4V, 4H C. B. A Q. 4S. 1121 t t4 l4V Continental Motor 7. lttt... tt 100 Cudahy Pack. Co. 7s. !2J... tlH tt Liggett & Mysrs ts. It21... tV Froctor Gamble 7s, 122... 100 d(F iMJ.u. : tH 100 Swift Co. 6s., Ittl t7Va tt Vr.ton. Pacific . It28 9TU ttU Wllsorf Conv. ts. 1928 17 tt Western Electrla Js, 1125... 11 8't BelKlan ts, 1I21...1 ? t7Vs do 1915 tt to Liberty 1st SVjS .tt .it Llbeaty 1st 4s IJ.OO Liberty 1st 4s, 84. SO Liberty id 4s . 86.10 Liberty id 4Hs. ...14. 14 Liberty 3d 44s.. , ...88.14 Liberty 4th'4V,s..' , 85. 0 Liberty Mh 4 s 95.66 Liberty 6th 344s tS.tO Kw Vork Cofft. Kew YorM Way If. Th market lor c ooffe futures showed eontlnued atttdia ness todty. After openltir rVirharisit to two points hlghsr there were reactions of a few points under realism for- over the week-end, with September selling at 14.7to and lcemlr at 14.to. or about It point nt lower. These ofterln wer ron absorbed, however, and the market . rallied, later n trade buying aocompanled by rumors ot an advance In Alee Septem ber sold up to 14,tio and Dscembnr to 14.11c, with the market closing- at a net advance of IS to 18 paints. Closing bids: nay. IS.OOc; July. lt.88ej September.. 14.t6c; October. 14.9Jo: Dei Cbinber, January and Marrh,. 14.85c. Spot Coffoe Btesdy; Klq Is, 16lt)' HSc; Santo 4s. 33 V 24 c. New York tienernl. 7w A'ork, May 15. Wheat Spot, ttady: No. S red and No. t hard, tl.JS and N. t mixed durum, 13.23 v, 1, f. traelc, New York, export. y Corn Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, t!.81i Slid No. 1 mixed, 12.30 c. I. f. New York. Oats Spot, strong; No. 1 white, tl.47(r 1.48, nominal. Lard Kajy; . iniddls-wcsl, ' J20 0ff 1100. Other articles unchanged. Cotton Future". New York, MaV 15. Cot I on futors , opened steady: May 40. 26c; July, 28. 14c; December, S6.10c: January. 84.80c. . ' Ij We Offer $500,0)0.00 American Bank Building 8 Pvtidpaling; Preferred Stock Tax Free in Nebraska Exempt Front Normal Income Tar Non-Assessable ' ' C Keal Estate a "the basis of all, material1 uevurliy -vveaUii. No investment can,offer better se curity thau well located business property. - The American Bank building site- is located in the heart bf Omaha's business actiyities; therefore the safety, of the investment is unsurpassed. " , . , " v Vi.rn.ntr Vtirmv6 income of the American Lituning rvWCr'Bank building has been very conserv atively estimated as more than three times the dividend requirements. Thefce securities : yield i as a minimum, and participate in the earnings of the company. , AnnAi4iin.tv Thls 'Viewed fron every angle, SAFETY vppuiTUuUy 0f principal,' its earning capacity, and certainty of 8 OR BETTER returns, we feel that no investment offered the general public can compare with these AMERICAN BANK BUILDING securities. " Ottered in Amounts of $500.00 or more. Term It- dftired. v 'v For Full Information address: . . ; . 1 American Bank'Building Go. Eoora .f, Wead Building Omaba, 'Nebraska, V ,s'. 51 1 Lit " vf" i." v...;f ; V- u 'V- Investment Knowledge . - , In assisting investors in the se- lection of safe securities, the United States Trust Company brings to every transaction a fund of knowledge that would be impossible for an individual to acquire. ' ' This investment' service is at your disposal. United'. States Trust Co. , Affiliated With , j United States National Bank 1612 farnam St. Omaha, Nab. J I : : TT " Always , Dependable FOR savings arid trust funds and for those , who do not feel safe7 with : the , ordinary business , investment; we call attention to the complete depend ability of Peters Trust farm niortgages. "6 Nebraska Farm Mortgage Tax Fre in' Nebraska Every mortgage surround ed by Peters Trust safe guards and with complete Peters Trust service. Here are a few of those available J . Amount ?l,f500 ' 1,900 3,600 4.000 4,500 6,000 Rate 6 O'fl 6 6c . 6S, First Mortgage Land Bonds in Denominations of $100, $500 and $1,000 Property Value 7,200 5,600 15.000 20,000 21,500,. -20.11S' 7 Plra Tru Bufldiag Detailed Statement -on Request ' PiIters Trust Goi "Farnam atfavnieenth 1 TT i